Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 11 May 1860, p. 4

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lentil]. W TAKE YOUR CHANCES, Sitting by the road-side, “latching all the faces Of the earnest travellers Toil-ing into placesâ€"- Wondering what tells them Just the very hour \Vhen the way is open Unto wealth andpower. Are the poor unlucky ones \Vrapt in dreamytrances. “lasting a 1 their summer sun, Losing all their chances. Climbing up the hill-topâ€" Senses sharply goaded. While the m'orningdew is wet, Rifle coped and loaded ; Ready if the game springs, Hopeful heart fast beating, Onward up the hill oflife Not a step retreating, Ever go the lucky ones Counting Fortune’s glances, Jumping over lazy dogs, Taking all their chances. Reader, note the moral Clinging to my rhymingâ€"- Those who gain the mountain-tOp Do their share of climbing. Work you with a heart and will, Smiling at reVerses, Upward .’ our up-the hill ’Spito of hate or curses. Meeting foes with cold contempt, Friends with warm advances, A'nd'whatever happens, mind, Be sure and take your chances. .â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"c; illitttrllnurnur, A cat having lost her kitten, followed a. mutton-pie man. ‘What were the first words Adamsaid to Eve ?-â€"'Nobody knows. \Vhy is a pig‘s tail like a new-born baby? Because-you never saw it; before. A. year of pleasure passes like a floating breeze, but a moment of misfortune seem an age of pain. thy is Berlin like Bury St. Edmund’s? Because one is on the Spree and the other on the Larke. A milkman somcwat resembles the whale that swallowed Jonah, for he takes a great prophet (profit) out of the water. Home comprises all the space thata woman should desire to shine In. ‘Papa, have guns got legs ’l’-‘No.’ "How do they kick then ?’â€"‘ VVltb their breeches, my dear.‘ A pleasant and cheerful mind sometimes grows upon an old and worn out body, like misletoe upon a dead tree. What is the difference between a bare head and a hair bed.â€"â€"-One flees for shel- TH tor, and the other is a shelter for fleas. miniatures int-rectory. V WALTER B. GEIKIE, M.D. Licentiate (ft/u: llchiad Board of lyipcr Corm- clafand recently one if the Medical qflicers of the Toronto General llosptiul, and Professor of/Iltatorlty and Surgery in. Dr. Ralph’s Medical S's/tool, ' AS returned to AURORA, and restaken his former residence- on Yonge Street, where he may be consulted at all times, on the various branches of his profession. Aurora, Feb. 24, 1860. devy». 65-)‘1 ' NEW TAILOR SHOP. WHE undersigned begs respectfully to inform the inhabitants of Richmond Hill & Vicinity That he has commenced business in the Tailor ing Line In the house adjoining MR. SIVERS’ SHOE SHOP, Where, by close application to business and studying to please, he hopes to merit a share of public patronage. ALL ORDERS PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED T0. Garments cut to order on the shortest notice, it any style. JAMES B. BURNES, 63-1y Richmond Hill, Feb. 10, 1860. T. J. WHEELER, WATCH 8: CLOCK MAKER, JEWELLER, &c- RICH MOND HI LL. 53-1y Dec. 3, 1859, Auction Notice. THOM-ASEOWMAN, License-fl Auctioneer, ron "ma COUNTIES OF YORK dz. PEEL. All letters addressed to "Almira." P.O. wil receive prompt attention. Orders received a the “ York IIerald"Ofiice, Richmond Hilll Mr. Henry Lemon, Thornhill, and‘lllr. James Cavaunah. Mansion llquse, Sharon, where Terms. 6w. may be obtaieed. Almira, Nov. 25. 1859. Gil-ff masonic arms mflttl, RICHMOND HILL, GEORGE SIMSON, PROPRIETOR. GOOD Accommodations and every attention shown to Travellers. Good Yards for Drove Cattle and Loose Boxes for Race Horses and Studs. The Monthly Fair held on the Premises first Wednesday in each month. The Subscriber in calling the attention of the public and his Old Friends to his establishment, feels satisfiedhe can administer comfortably to their wants and wilh mutual satisfaction. Richmond Hill, April 20. 1860. 73-tf GO TO B. BOWMAN’S MILLS! w I T n v o u n CARDING & GRISTING, where parties from a distance can have it done to take with them on their-returnh‘omo. Almira, May 13, 1859. 24-tf. Cheap Clothing. E Subscriber begs to inform the inhabi- tantsofButtonville and the surrounding country, that he continues to make first-class Youngladyzâ€"“ Isn’t that a pretty baby, COJITS, VESTS, PJJJV‘TS, (Src. Dir. Brown lâ€"Brown :â€"“ Yes, my dear ; boy or girl 'l’â€"-â€"Young lady :â€"-“ l-Ieâ€"a belongs to the female persuasion, Sir.’ A Sensible girlâ€"A youth, smitten with the charms of a beatiful maid, hinted Buttonvme. Dec. 23’ 1859_ his passion by sly looks, and new and then touching the fair ono’s foot with his toe. ANGLQ_A under the table. The girl bore his ad- vances a little while to silence, when she cried out, ‘O..loscphl if you love me, tell me so; but don’t dirty my stockings.’ Negro Luxuries.~â€"‘ You. don-3t live as Markham,.luno 1859. well now as when you worked for me. do you? You then had roast beef, and nice pic, and leaf cake every day.’â€"â€"Sambo rolled up the white of his eyes, and re- plied, ‘ Yes, 3113553 Coons, we did have the Elgin Mills at 7.'a.m., and returning at 7, roast beef, nice pic, nnd‘loaf cake ebery day; dat is, Massa Coons, if you call cod- fIsh all them.’ A proverb of some Solemn-’un.â€"-â€"‘ It is Riellmml‘flllllv 080- 18: 1858‘- better that a woman should scold them do worse. Better for us to endure the pre- sent ills than fly to others that we know not of. \Ve do not relish the noise of scolding. to be a poor use to make of a-woman. But, then, scolding may have its advant- ages. \Vc do notlike the noise ofa boil~ or blowing off steam ; but if it saves the boiler from bursting, we should be content to endure it.’ At Boulogne, during the reception of Queen Victoria, a number of English la- dies, in their anxiety to see everything, pressed. with so much force against; the soldiers who were keeping the line, that “79 never did_ scolding seems removed from the White Swan Hotel to the In the newest Styles and superior I’Vorkman- ship. All orders promptly attended to and work warranted. JOHN HARDY. Tailor and Clothier. 55~1y MERICAN HOUSE l MARKHAM VLLAGE. OOD’Accommodations. VViues. Liquors and Cigars ofthe choicest brands. R. MA RR, Proprietor. QG-tf RICHMOND HILL HOTEL. ,X STAGE runs from the above Hotel to I I‘oronto, every morning, starting from p.m. Fare, 23. 6d. each way. coon acconnoonron FOR 'rruvurmuns. RICHARD NICHOLLS, Proprietor. 1-55 E Subscriber begs to inform his numer- ous Patrons and the public, that he has T H above Premises. where there will be found excellent accommodation for Travellers, and Good Stabling. 0:?" Horses and Buggies for Hire. JOSEPH GABY, Proprietor. Richmond Hill, Oct. 22, 1858. 72-7 W. HODGE 8!. C0. \N" HOLESALE and Retail Copper. Tin and Iron Plate Workers, and Furnishing Ironmongers, Parties givmg this house a call '11,”: i . 0,0,41er "' V: r at) " I'm. 'ul I. II' I' I,“ Hillel," “Hay/fl I l 'i. [I l I.) AI NT: iii 3;. R. VAILES, Painter. GRAINER, Glazier, Glider, & Pauper Hanger, RICHMOND HILL. OUSE. Sign and Ornamental Painting on the sale of Came, done on the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Richmond Hill. April, 90, 180:). 73-11‘ New Boot and Shoe Store IN BUTTONVILLE. 111113 Subscriber returns his thanks to the public for past support and begs to state that he has removed into the Village of Buttonvillv, whe;e he nopes for a continuance of the pa- tronage heretofore given him. All orders executed with dispatch and work warranted. DAVID GALLOWAY. Buttonville, Nov. II. 1859. 50;ly Photographs ! Ambrotypes ! MELANEOTYPES l LFTTERGRAPHS, &C. All styles of Pictures taken at t“ e Medical Hall, Markharm On reasonable terms, and in all weathers. Pictures taken from the smallest to life size. I. C. DUNH A M. Markham Village, Oct. 14, 1859. 40-t W. C. ADAMS. D. D. S. Surgeon Dentist, 99 KING s'r. ms'r, son'rIr suns. 'r‘nxun noon wusr rqu cuuncu sr. TORONTO, IS the Proprietor 0f Oliver’s Patent for ap- plying Electricity, to prevent pain in ex- tracting teeth; and also of an Aparatus for manufacturing Vulcanite Rubber l’lates for sets and Partial sets of teeth. 'l'eeth mounted on Gold or otherwise to suit the necessity of the case. {IF st, 185:). _____.__-..__._ -...../ v‘ MATHESUN 81. FITZGERALD, Barristers, Attorneys~at-Law, SOLICITORS 1N CHANCERY, &c. OFFIEE 3"- Toronto, August 48-1)’ CORNER OF KING AND TORONTO STREETS Over W'hitmore do Co's. Bonking Oflico, TORONTO- A gooey Particularly attended to. THOMAS C. MATHESON. JAMES YITIGI‘JLALD Toronto, July I, 1.3.39, 31-tf JOHN N. REID, MD. CORNER or router: AND connonu sruunrs, 'l‘llORNllll-Il“ [113” ’ll Prescriptions get at the Office must. be paid for on delivery. 31-1)’ Dr. DUNHAM, URGEON and Mechanical Dentist.l‘vledical Hall, Markham Village. June 30, 18.39. 3tâ€"ly JAMES 1. causes, IMPORTER and Dealer in Drv Goods, Groceries, Paints, Oils, and Die Stuffs, Patent Medicines, Glass, Putty. Nails wLow .' very low for Cash-Maikham Village. June 30. 1859, 31-6111 P. C R O S B Y, IMPORTER of Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Hardware. «be. Richmond Hill. June 1859. 31-6111 To the Sick and Dying. R. SNIDER, of the 7th concession of Vaughan, near Klineburgh, guarrantees to cure Cancers, Enlarged A’ecks And many other Diseases. Persons labouring under either of the above mentioned Diseases, will do well to call in time. All letters to be paid, and addressed to PETER SNIDER, Klin eburgh the latter were, in some instances obliged Will find their “"18” l’uucfuallyallended ‘0 [13" NO CURE NO PAY. to give way. The otiicer in command, noticeing the state of affairs, shouted out, One roll of the drum; then, if they don’t keep back, kiss them all.’ At the first sound of the parchment the English ladies hook to Iligbt.â€"“Iftbey had been French, says a Parisian journals, ‘t’hey would have remained to a woman. Con-tentrnent..â€"---Some people have a happy knack for putting in a pleasant way everything that concerns themselves. Mr. A.’s son gets a poor place as a bank clerk; his father goes about saying the lad has found a fine opening in business. The young man is ordained, and gets a curacy on Salisbury Plain: his father rejoices that there, never seeing a human face, he has abundant leisure for study, and for the improving of the mind. Or, the curacy is in the most, crowded part of Manchester or Bethunl Green: the father now rejoices that his son has opportunities of acquiring clerical experience, and of visiting the homes of the poor. Such a man’s house is in a well wooded country; the situation is delightfully sheltered. He removes to a bare district without a tree;-â€"ah! there he has beautiful pure air and extensive, views. It is well for human beings when they have the pleasant art of thus putting ll] and the lowest prices charged. Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. J. VERNEY, Boot and Shoe Maker, YONGE STREET, RICHMOND IIILL. 54-1 Ladies’ and Gontlomens’ Boots and Shoes. made after thelatest styles. December l858. 1â€" m . . *2. Richmond Victoria, O‘YAL ORANGE LODGE, No. 7‘78. 1 meets'at Brother Robert \Visemans, Masonic Hall, the first Friday evening after e Full Moon in each month- OFFICERS Euccr â€" William Duncan, fillings: for many, We knowr have we Master; E. Chamberlain, Deputy Master; J. art of putting things in just the opposite ml,“ 1 Nunhollaua, Secretary ; W. I‘ogue, Treasurer. cleaned on the shortest notice and lowestterms January ‘21; 1858- 384i August 6, 1858 61-1 W. T. ATKINSON, & Co. IMPORTERS OF ENGLISH DRUGS, Manufacturers of Chemicals Patent Medicines :3: Perfumery. . APOTHECARIICS HALL, OPPOSITE THE CnTIIIllll-iAI., King St. Toronto. Proprietors of Atkinson’s Parisian Tooth Paste. [1? Every description of Horre and Cattle Medicines prepared with the bes’.English drugs Toronto, August 97, 1859. 4 t 1? ATENT Eave Troughs and Water Spouts superior to tin, put up at 5 and 6 cents per foot ; also, Drain l’ipcs, Seasoned Siding, Ladders, Shingles, Picket Gates, \Vaggen Fel- lows and llubs, Barrel Heading, and Turning in general h’lnuufactnred and for sale by JOHN LANGSTAFF, S‘rmru MILLS, ’l‘rronNmLL. , Juno 3, 1859. HUGH CAMPBELL, W'atch and Clock Maker, JEWELER, &c, Yonge Street, Aurora- 1 Jewelry, Watches and Clocks repaired and Aurora. February 17. 1860. GU-tf By the use of Electricity, BY Dr. E. C. EDMONDS, SURGEON DENTISI‘, AURORA. Teeth inserted on Silver, Gold or Valcanized Rubber. All Operations in his Profession,; performed in the most approved manner and \Varranted' Aurora, March 9, 1860. 67~Iy . . -l--- w._.._-.~._____4 YONGE STREET HOTEL, AURORA. l GOOD supply of \Vines and Liquors always on hand. Excellent Accommo- dation for Travellers, Farmers, and others. Cigars of all brands. D. McLEOI), Proprietor. Aurora, June 6. 1859. 25 1y JAMES HALL, _ AS always on hand a large assortment of 7 BOOTS and SHOES, which will be sold of prices to meet the times Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. l PATRICK LYNOTT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, Stock, doc. is pre- pared to attend Sales in all parts of Up- per Canada. Richmond Hill May 25, 1859. 19-9. FOR. SALE; 200,000 feet of Lumber INCLUDING l‘looring. Siding, Inch Boards, and two-inch Plank, Scantling. (Vic ,&c., at the subscriber’s Mill. near Stouti'villo, cheap for Cash or Approved Credit. JAMES BUGG. Stonfl'ville. April 12. 1859. 23-tf. ROBERT SI'Vlilt’, Boot and Shoe Maker, ADJOINING the \Vcsleyan Methodist Chapel, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. A choice selection of (lentlemens’, Ladies, and Cbildrcns’ Boots and Shoes constantly on hand, and made to order on the Shortest No- lice. It? All kinds of Shoeinakers Findings for sale Richmond Hill, Dec. 18:38, 1-th TORONTO CITY MARBLE WORKS 185 YONGE STALE’I‘. MONUMENTS: TOMBTABLES 'ronns'roxns, &c. Twenty Per Cent Cheaper THAN IIS'I‘ABLISHMIZNT. AN Y OTHER HE UNDERSIGNED Assignees of the estate of D. C. «S: W’. YALE. willconr tinuo the business under the superintendence of our duly authorized agents, AUe‘TlN Acsrzv and D, (Janus VALE, whose receipt will be duly ackrnwledgod. l’.S.-â€"All notes and nccrnnts remaining un- paid on the 1st day of .lune..1858, will be put into Court for collection, .. YAL l. G. (SUMMER. Toronto, April ‘29, lt‘35ll. dS-tf. FOR SA LE. On Easy Torinâ€"s: of Payment. 30,000 Acres, tITUATI‘lD in the counties of Lamr'ros and Kan. All necessary information will be given on application, pest paid, to ‘ MILES LANGS'I‘AFF, \Vallaceburgh Also, some improved FARMS to RENT. \Vallaceburgh, Nov. 94. 1859. 52-tf YORK MlLLS HOTEL, YONGE STREET. GOOD supply of WINES and Liqnons always on hand. Cigars of all brands. Excellent accommodation for 'l'ravellers, Far- mers and others. . ALEX. HILL, Proprietor. York Mills, Doc. 17, 1859. 55-011) DR. R. W. HILLARY, PHYSICAN, SURGEON do ACCOUCHEUR, AURORA, C.W. February 17, 1860. 64 1y Auction NOtioe. ’I‘HOMASâ€" TVILSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, YORK, PEEL 8t ONTARIO. All letters addressed, Manxusu VILLAGE. wil receive prompt attention. [13’ Orders re- ceived at the “ HERALD” Oflico. Richmond ill, where terms, 3.20., may be ascertained. Markham Village, Nov. 18,1859. 5141‘ HARNESS AND SHOE BLACKING. V. ELL’S Superior VVatorproof Harness o and Shoo Blackng is warranted to soften leather. and rem or it imperious to wet. Manu- factured at Richmond Hill, and sold by Store- keepers and Harness Makers throughout the Province. February 10, 1860. ~â€"â€"-â€"~_._~_‘..â€"A~._._._~.___ G3-tf RICHMOND HILL IRON FOUNDRY. r HIE undersigned begs to inform the public that he has opened a FOUNDRY for the manufacture of O, S. Richmond’s improved IRON BEAM PLOUGHS, Wood Beam Gauge Ploughs. Fanning Mills, Horse Hoes, & Horse Rakes- [13’ All Work manufactured by me is W ar- ranted. IRA B. RICH MOND. Richmond Ilill, Jan. 12, 1859. DR. L. LANGSTAFF, ‘PRINGHILL, near King Station. House formerly occupied by Dr. Hillary. King. May 13. 1859. city D. E. SEYMOUR, HOMI’EOPATIIIC PHYSICIAN, MAIN ST” NEWMARKET, U.C. DR. 55-1 v 5“ 'r-"-'r-;V"‘.J.‘I.4m»~° .2. .u .. . . . 1'. w. . . TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN! .I xv: """ E. . ar. STOCK BROK ER, Land & Municipal Agent, &c. No. 29 Anne Street, or Box 54. P.O, ‘Q’uelrcc. REFERENCES: Sheriff Jarvis, Hon. George J. »‘ Sherwood, Hon. P. M. Vankoughnot, C, Campbell, Esq; T. \Vocdside, Esq. Messrs. Gilmour, Conlson Sr. Co, Angus Morrison, M,P,l’. Toronto; Messrs. Mills, Mattice 6L Co. Montreal; Hon, James Patton, Barrie; James Webster, Esq, Guelph. 67-tf Quebec Government Agency. ‘USINESS contracted with the CROWN LAN!) and other Public Departments attended to ; also, Patents for I n vcn tion 3, Secured by the Subscriber. Address-prepaid. E. J. CHESLEY, No, 29 Anne Street, Quebec. Quebec, March 6, 1860, 67-tf ASTHMA. I ‘OR‘the INSTANT RELIEF and PER- MANENT CURE of this distressing complaint use FEJVI) T7S .BRONCHIAL CIGARETTES I Made by C. B. SEYMOUR dz. (70., 107 Nassau Street. N.Y. Price $1 per box; sent free by post. For Sale at all Druggists. NE'W TAILOR, AT 'I‘llOltNllllL. \Vl LLIAI‘I SUDDA BY. ‘ OULD respectfully inform the inhabi- tants of 'l‘bornhill and the surrounding country, that he has commenced business in the sho_\ lately occupied by Mr. \V. ll. Hollis, where he hopes, by strict attention to business. to merit a share of public patronage. 'l'hornhill, April 1'0, IEGO. 72'4 G. H. Husband, SURGEON Dentist, will be at Nicholl’s Hotel. Richmond Hill. the FIRST and 'I‘mnu Mouruv of everv month, and, the re- mainder of the morith at his residence Thornhill. All \VokaN'arranted. Teeth filled with Osteoplartic or Artificial Bor.e.â€"â€"-'l‘his filling is put into the Teeth while soft. causing no pain, as it requires no pressure, it soon becomes as hard as the tooth to which tt firmly adheres, rendering it almost impossible for the filling ever to come out. July 8, 18.39. 3‘2-ly. "W. U. SKEW E MILLWRIGH'I‘, J I. T 0 it" .Q 9 EGS to intimate that he is now prepared to erect MILLS of every description, by contract or otherwise, on reasonable terms‘ He is also agent for the best Foundries in Caâ€" nada. and from his lengthened experience he hopes to give general satisfaction. Altona, Dec 23, 1859 4 NE W TEE/I TMEA’T. Buffalo Medical Dispensary. CURE 01" DYSI’EPSI 1' ESTABLISHED FOR THE GENERAL DEBILI'IY, FEVER AND AGUE, SCROFUI.A, OLD ULCERS. GREAT IMI‘U' RI'I'Y OF THE BLOOD, SALT RIIlaUM, PIMPIJIS, Ins'tcra, FILES, KIDNl'.l'S, DIZBIIJTY, IN- }‘lRMI'l'UCS OF YOUTH AND on) AGE, 51c. No Mercury Used use .53 I Quay Streets, Buffalo, New York, are the only Physicians in the State who are mem- bers of the Royal College of Surgeons, Lon- don May be consulted from 8 o’clock in the morning until 9 o’clock at night, on every state and symptom of disease. The treatment they adopt is the result of upwards of 30 years’ extensive and successful practice in London. The mesh inveterate symptoms of Disease eradicated In eight or nine days, and cusesvof a slight nature in two or three days at a very moderate expense;â€" Tho cure effected without confinement or hinâ€" drance from business. Young Menâ€"~â€" Talcc Particular Notice. There is an evil habit sometimes indulged in by boys. in solitude, often growing up with them to .Inanhood, and which, if not reformed by them in due time, not. only begets serious obstacles to matrimonial happiness, but gives rise to a series of protracted. lilSldIOlIS, and de- vastating affections. Few of those who givo way to this pernicious practice are aware or the consequences, until they find the nervous system shattered, feel strange and unacountaâ€" blc feelings. and vague fears in the mind. A .Most Scientific Invent-ion. .â€" R AMOS é‘e SON,Corner of Mnin and, ~:= “fit: » ~~ » AND FOR-SALE 11F. Subscriber is instructed to offer for Sale the following Lands :-â€"â€" The south half of Lot t\‘o. 6, in the 7th Con. of North Gwillimbury, Containing 100 acres, about 40 Clearedâ€"with comforable Log Home, turn and Well 01 good wate.. 'lbe remainder is covered with Valuable Pine and Hardwood Timber, and will be sold a good bargain on liberal terms.â€" Application may be made to thi- owner, Thomas Brodie, Lot 25, 2nd Con. King, or to the Subscriber. Also, The west tutor”... north halfof LotNo, so In the 3rd Gen. of Missouri, Containing 50 Acres of valuable Land, with an Excellent Mill Site Thereon. Will be sold f'henp, for Cash. ALSO, The north half of Lot No. 13, in the 131'. CON. OF SYDENHAM, Containing 100 Acres of choice I..and,â€"well watered and in a good locality, and will be sold on liberal terms. ALSO, A. Village Lot: On Temperance Street, in the VILLAGE OF AURORA, Containing one fifth of an Acre of Land. with a Commodious House thereon. “’0” adapted for the residence of a genteel family ALSO, The following 4 Village 3 ots in Aurora Belonging to R Mar-ball. liq, on the Hun of survey drawn M It. Lynn, 1) t’ 8., viz: Lot No. 1, west of Railroad, 2nd range, one qn artcr acre. Lot of lllt‘ltt‘tltl offload, helm-on l.ot:: fl and 7, one quarter acre. Lot No. ll. ‘3 ml rang“,_01ioquarter acre. Lot No. 17, Is: range, (we (ltl‘tt'lf'l‘ acre. All of which will be sold chmp 81.(l on liborn terms. Alfin, A, plunder of ill/loge llols.’ 0n the principal l‘lrovls of Anion. belonging to John Mosley, Esq ,â€"~\\'ill he so II cheap and on liberal terms. Apply to [if by letter, pr»! pnitll l \v. nosimi‘. Aurora. March I, ISILU. tieâ€"Ill ' infill tilt l MAYOR’S CONDITION PHYSIC ARI) W 0 It hi D E S ' ‘ It 0 Y It. rllllIS Splendid Medicine can be. givun in one Ball at any time of the year. without injury to the Horse, and has been used by tin- meors of Markham fer the lost two yrars with a success unprrccdonted. By the use of this remedy it, Will convince Illu owners of that noble animal the inconsisnurcy of an unnecos-‘ sat‘y outlay by using Artificial food or Condition Powders, which are too well known to contain minerals highly injurious to the membrane or coating of the Stomach. The Bull is a compound of lore Vegetabv, and \\'nrrnnf<‘(l not to contain either Mercury. Arsenic, Anti» mony or any other Mineral. Its immediate action is surprising; and the ultimate otllct has ' astonished thousands. If the Animal is out of sorts, there is a cause remove flint nn-zl he is all right. ()no dose at the cost of 2-3 cents is sufficient to cure ll.(lt.’ Bound, Loss of Appo- tite, Coughs. Colds and Fever, Distemper, Stoppage of \Vator, Swolled Logs, Grease-mud is a complete Destroyer of Worms. :1 grcutpnri- fyer oftbe Blood, and a good Phrsic, always recommended to be given in the Spring and prove the general condition. Makes him com- pletely up to the mark for his work, thorccbv An instrument for the cure of General De- bility, or more properly known as Seminal Weakness, Nervous Debility. firm, which are permanently cured in from 15 to 20 days by the use oftbis instrument. when usrd conjointly with medicines. New Rcmedzes and Quick Cures, Dr AMOS & SON take pleasure in announâ€" cing that they have invented a most important instrument for the cure of the above diseases. It has been subjected to a test by the most ‘ eminent physicians in London, Paris, Philadel- phia and New York. It has been declared the only useful instrument over yet inventh for tie cure of Seminal Weakness, or any disease of the genital organs, caused by the secret habits of youth. Dr. Amos 6; Son, in order to satisfy the most skeptical as to the merits of these instru. ments, pledge themselves. that in any Instance , where they may prove unsatisfactory after a fair trial, the money will be refund8d bv reâ€" turning tho instrument in good order. Persons wishing the above useful instrument will observe. that the price. with the accom- partying dIrections, securely packed and sent by mail or express, is ten dollars. Beware of Disposition. Beware of empirics and itinerant self-styled professors, who ATTEMPT CURES, but never succeed. Dr Amos 6:. Son have for a long series of years been engaged in an extensive practice in the treatment of these delicate complaints, and are the only legally qualified Physicians who now advertise to cure certain complaints, or from whom genuine European remedies can be obtained. Pnnsons IN ANY Paar or run Womb may be successfully treated by forwarding a correct detail of their cases, with a remittance for Medicines, &c., which, will be returned with , the utmost dispatch and secure from obserâ€" vation. ‘ Address Dr. Amos 3:. Sex. corner Main and Quay streets, Buffalo. N, Y. Ilely giving every satisfaction the owner can require. 'l‘estimonials of the highest character will be forwarded to testify to the above if required. Cash 'l‘erms-â€"One Dollar per packet containing ’ four Balls. Letters prepaid enclosing a remittence, will be promptly attended to. Printed Directions wrapped round Oltt'l] Hall with my signature in full, without which none other are genuine. ' Officeâ€"Victoria Square, Mnnufactoryâ€"«ith concession Markham, THOMAS MAYOR The only maker of the original Yorkshire: Driffield Oils in America. tit) A-FFLlCTED READ 3 EUROPEAN ZIYEDICAL HOUSE AND Botanic Bispcnsar’y, No. 51, KING STREET Wasr, Tonesro, C.W. ESTABLISHED BY Dr. GOODING, (formerly of England- NEW. SPEEDY, AND MOST SUC- f - crassrm. mode of treating Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia. ZYcroous Disability. lllmacmus or l'Vclez'ng Corr smnpliozz, Scmmal l/Vcalmess. D23- llirutl lgwit :Intl (Jolivcyrtm-rt'. t blames lioatv. Esq. ditchlrond ‘ ill August 13. 1857» ’ The .-.. " r ‘- Good Health MAYOR’S LONG LIFE PILLS I Are warranted not to contain any Mercury. and Long Life. These Pills are composed of the most select Drugs, anu neing purely vegetable, can be taken at any season of the year if necesfiry, with safety and without fear of taking "cold by exposure, which renders them of great value and superior to any other medicine ever yet offered to the public. The satisfactory and flat» tcring testimonials received by. the Proprietor, has induced’him to advertise these, invaluable: Pills that the public may be convinced Of a simple and effic -cious remedy. is alone;sutflici- out to subdue alldeuxre the ordinary sickness of. this country, such an, Pains in the Head. Back and Loins, all Nervous Disorders, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Sorcncss of the Threat. Cramps, Collcs, Worms in Children, and other disor- ders, which will be found: o-r-r to wrapper with. instructions for taking them. Price, 25 C'cm‘s'eaeh Box. Sold by Druggists and general Storekeepers. who are requested not to purchase of travelling Agents. THOMAS MAYOR... Officeâ€"Victoria Square. Manufactoryâ€"‘Itht Con. Markham. H I A Splendid Property For Sale, in the . ' VILLAGE OF SPARTA, ' Ninth Concession of Markham, suitable for as V 'l‘annor or Bren er, consisting of One Acre Lot, With Two Dwelling ‘l-louses and a "largex. ’l‘anncr'y. Seventy foot long by ’l'birty-six 'Wl(ll‘., with 3 Spring (Zroek running-through the lot. 'I‘Illt’ indisputable, and a clear Deed for $5 )0. :31‘ further particulars inquire of THOMAS SI’EIGIIT. Markham Village, Feb. 10, 1860. 60 (f ‘8 ur usionl Ii‘ricml. 33g; UR MUSICAL FRIEND," a Rare 1' . Companion for the Winter Months. l'lvoryl’ism'st, Should procure this luvcry Singcr, uoekly Publication: of livery 'l'cachcr, f Vocel and Piano Forte livery l’upil, Music, costing but lfl livery Alllttlt‘lll‘, I cents a number, and: Pronounch by the entire Press o‘fthe country, to be “THE BEST AND (,‘HEAPESI WORK ()l“'1'llltl KINDIN THE WURLD'“ 'I‘welve full-sized Pages of ,Vocaland Piano I‘m-to Music for 10 Cents. llzllfâ€"yoarivrgiz? 5t) ', Quarterlyfipl 0’3: '43? ’ Yearlyfifr ; Subscriber to “()ur Mtisical Friend," or ilrl‘flt'l' II from tho mar-st vasrlonlcr, and v Lt will have Music for your f‘ltlltf‘ mu.in {ll-(131' insignificant cost; and if \ou unlit Music for lthe Flute, Violin. ('ornot. (limit-net. Accordion t k\(‘. d": hill):(‘.l‘.ll(‘ Iotbc t v at: w - " ascent?» Meimfllst, jtTonatmlng lt.’ pngn. I'd-ting onl_\ ltl Cents a. illlrzllllut‘; Yearly. 5U; Haltâ€"yearly, $1 ‘25. It) ('13.. and Bound Volumes, containinLr ll numbers, at $2 50 each, constantly on hand. - ('. ll. Sl‘ll'hifil'lt A: (in. 107 Nassau 5L. Now York Fire E Fire I I I All back numbers at Fire! I I W l2 8 'l‘ 19 It N insurance t‘oxnpany of Toronto. .’ Fl 11: lbf‘tlltl'OllA'll’Jl ll} .\t'l' OI" PARLIAMENT. M l 1.21:)1’11/11. 5’1'0 CK, £100,000. : l. (I. Grmrou, Pros. I (£110 h'llcnn..\'ice I’rce hiltlli'l OHS : Rico Lewis, Esq. 'I‘lios lirru'orth, Esq. . \V. Henderson, l’mq. '1'. l’. Roberts, l‘mq. IV. Mriclnrlunc. I‘qu. M. Rossini, lusq. I Bernard llnldan. Esq. Secretary 6* Treasurer. Airgus Morrison, I'lsq. Solicitor. I flank of Upper Canada. Bunk/11's. I lit njrarnin‘ Switzrr, lax-q. Inspector. 3;?" Hood (fflirc, C/mrc/r. Street, Taro/I10. Lg THIS COMPANY lnsnros all descriptionsl of Butlrbngs,Manufactorrcs, Mills, &c.. and Goods and 1‘ urnrture. III the sonic, against lessor dam- age by tire, on liberal terms. Losses promptly A. LA“: Generrl _.gcnt- glool ,sottled. [‘all, which Will not as a preVentrvo and unâ€" ' Residence, rs PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, .lnd (lespatched to Subscribers by the earliest lllillls,01' other conveyance, when so desired. YORK HERALD will always be be found to contain the lntestand mostirnpor- taut Foreign and Provincial News and Mar- kets. and the greatest care will be taken to render ll acceptable totbe man of busivi‘iess, and a valuable l“uriiil\ Nen'spaper. 'l‘lCRMS.â€"â€"Sewn and SixpenceperAnnnm, rs ADVANCE ; and if not paid within Three Montlh two dollars will be charged. Six lines and under, first insertion. . . . .$OU 50 Each subsequent insertion... . . . . . . . . 00 12} Ten lines and under, first insertion . . . . . . 0f) 75 Above ten lines, first in., per line.... 00 07 Each subsequentinscrtion, per line. . . . U“ 02 I13” Advertisements without written direc- tion> inserted till forbid. and charged accord- irigly. All transitory advertisements, from strangers or irregular customers, must be paid forwhen cases of the Ifizlyznys (mcl Bladder Rheumatism. Scrofula, Salt Ill/Lawn Mercurial, Chronic Complaints, (f-c ID: No charge for Advice. Du. Goonruo is now engaged in treating this class of maladies with the most astonishing suc- cess. The treatment adopted by him is new, it is based upon scientific principles, with new discovered remedies, without minerals or poisw one The facilities of cure are such, that pati’ ients can be cured at their own houses without expense, in any part of the country, from an, accurate description of their case by letter, and have the medicine sent thorn by mail or express. NERVOUS DEBILI'I‘Y. Young men who are troubled with weakness generally caused by a bad habit in youth, the effects of which are dizziness, pains, forgetful- ness, sometimes ‘a ringing in the ears, weak', eves, Weakness of the back and lower extreme- ’ libs. confusion of ideas, loss of memory, with melancholy, may be cured by the New Botanic Remedies. COUNTRY PATIENTS. Medictnes with full directions sent to any part of the United States or Canada, by patients communicating their symptoms by letter.-â€"â€" Business correspondence strictly confidential, Address, DR. GOODING, , No. 51 King Street \Vest, Toronto, C, IV. Toronto. February 3, It‘fifl. 63 handed in for insertion. A liberal discount will be made to parties ad- vertising by the year. ,All advertisements published for aless pa- rioo than one month, must he paid for in ad" vance. All letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid. No paperdiscontinucd until allarrearages ni- pald : and parties refusing papers without pay. ing up, will be held accountable forthe sub. scripuon. “WMA. .. “MAAAM TIIE YORK HERALD Book and J 01) Printing ESTABLISMENT. (‘ RDERS for any of the undermentioned 7 description of PLAIN and FANCY JOB \VORK will be promptly attended to :â€" BOOKS, FANCY BILLS, BUSINESS CARDS, LARGI AND SMALL POSTERS, CIRCULA RS, LAW FORMS, BILL HEAI)S,BANK CHECKS,DR:AFTS, AND PAM? LILE TS. And every other kind of JTTER-PRESS . PRINTING done in the best style. at moderate rates. Our assortment of JOB TYPE is entirely new and of the latest patterns. A large varietv of new Fancy Type and Borders. for Card! Circulars, «\"c. kept always on hand I. ,hâ€" RATES OF ADVERTISING: ‘d

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