Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 11 May 1860, p. 2

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,ir‘uuigu Edema. ARRIVAL OF TILE BOHEI‘IIAN . ..__.â€"- FATHER Poxxr, May 6. M. The Bohemian has just arrived and brings 386 paSsengers. The Canadian arrived at Quecnstown at 6 n.m. on the 26th April. hike passed, May. 511), the Henry, ofl‘ Bird Rock;, bitty 6th, the Pride of Canada and the Queen of lakes in Lat. 49 deg. ‘20 min., Long. 66 deg. 40 min. The Bohemian arrived at Quebec at 6 mm. of 7th. The Mails and papers left by the regular train at 7am. The pas- sengers leavo at 11am... She. did not see. much ice but experienced, strong and variable winds, with the exception Of the night of the 28m and the morning of the 29th, when it blew a strong gale from the South. l .» .w’.,â€".-.,- - .r . ~ Fanciguy has taken place entirely under There was no ballot, not even permission to print cards expressing their vote against the 1‘ annexation. abstained from voting is verylarge. Latest majority for annexation everywhere. SPAIN... The report of the arrest of Count De Monteinolin, his brother Ferdinand and l-Icrr Valet was arrested... The. majority of the Spanish press was in favor- of the trial by ordinary court martial. Moorish plenipotentiaries, arrived at Tetuan, and negotiations for the carrying out of the conditions of peace bad com... menced. . ITALY. The King continued his triiimphal pro- gress through his new dominions. He was at Leghorn on the 23rd of April. The c.irninal proceedings which had been taken at Bologna against Father Felletti, an Inquisitor of the Holy Office, was 1:3,... < 3:3,: “,3, ,5. ,.._.....,,,,.,.,,,...-..;.7. , - . Wm; - .. . .,.. “my, 5..» W v'rv"._> . >_.., I‘ The existence of a plot is deniedf‘iin the same strain by J. Bell, Esq, the influence of the authorities and clergy. France. A tench possessions in Alrlcu, but it The number of, voters who was happily suppressed The angina and French Ernbassadors (lespatshcs show. an immense to China leti .‘tlurwillcs on the 28th. The mails from Calcutta, .‘vlarcli 281i), and llniig Kong March 15th, lizitl reach- etl l‘iuglnir-l. The Chinese were making gig-avert de- fensive preparations. It was i‘umOred, but not confirmed. that two English vessels had seen Sunk by [he forts Oil the Peiho river. The l‘hineserebclsliud threatened the trade of Shanghai. Affairs, bathe Indigo districts oti; India were for a. time quiet. serious, but the Government had adoptcdrineasures in the district. Another Cashier of the Union Bank of Loudon hatl been arrested on a small de- ficiency of£1200. There were no ad- ditional, devlopments. The Boursc was firm and higher; rents who said that the action of the slight insurrection had (H'Cllrred in meeting \Vaspreposterous,for neith._ er Vaughan,Etobicoke, South On-l tario, nor-Pickering, were anything like representpd. Mr. Orr of Osh. awa, said, that as only half of the meeting, had voted at. ‘alslgit. was apparent that even Mr. Reesor’s own friends knew that the amend- ment was unjust. Never would South Ontario consent to be so fraudzently cheated. There were only 5ipersons present from South O.ntai;io.2,f_rom. Whitby ; indeed only Markham was represented. At this stage of, the. proceedin%s. the. greatest confusion prevaile crimin- ation, and recrimination of a bitter hind being freely indulged in, the only one keeping cool, being J; Bell, Esq, of Toronto, who certainly tween his two rivals. At last find- ing nothing could be done, the seemed rather to enjoy the fight bc- "ow. ii? GROSS “'MiiéivDA-cirr. In reply to Mr. Ashton's remarks in the Era, we would amortize give the most unqualified denial, to his charges. In tlie"tirst place at King; Fair he requested us to publish a' reply. which he did. .11 the next place we never tobk tea'with Mr; -,Leppei in our life, and showed no one the communication, nor even told any one its contents, so much for the truthfulness of this intelligent "Constable, We gave him fair play, but in future we will not pollute our columns by the effusions of a "man who can wilfullyp’en such gross ’falseboods, he, knowing that, there was not the shadow oftruth in what he wrote against us, such a man we Would not believe on his oath. “Wâ€" Eana'ra,â€"..=.-ln our report of the, Yongc St. Agricultural Society meeting occurs a mistake, the reso- r- (Enrrwiiniibinri. Wewisli it to be distinctly understood,‘ that Ito dunner bold ourselves responsible for, opinionsoxpressed by correspondents through our columns. Foxfire Herald. To the Cl'rixpayersof Ochoa: Section, N0. 3, Vaughan : (Ecumenism, The extravagant member in which the public funds are squandered in the ‘vastern Province has becone proverbial, and call loudly for strict investigation. Do we put in Term and County, Councillors, bchool Trustees, &c., fer the sheer pur- pose of giving them the. Lilitt’lllcgfi pick- ing Ourpockets with impunity 'l Enough has been said in tunes past of family corn- pacts. I think the following case l> a remnant of the old system. A Schoolâ€" house is ads'ectrsed, to'be built by tender ; tenders to be delivered by thy first day of nor any other persons. to watch. whether pooplo enter those houses by the back or front door». nor limit them to any porticular place. so lon‘. as they are law abiding’oitizéus. You also expressed an opinion of, vitaliipportq ance to a large and respectable class of, society, known as Tavernkeepers aud'Storkoeporsmwho. sell spiritous liquors. To them you promise, no. hope. of. heavenâ€"nothing buttho t‘biocknou of darkness forevnr :3’ they should twospecinlly obligedto. you, for their very flattering j’utun prospects; for "tie quite «tapas you'ivbMd It once consign all dissontonstrom your-pdculiu viewoto that hell ,wliithyousoununh, fur.â€" Aftor denouncing all n11b9lle01Ԥ,')'011 attack on Qld ; Established, Church in this plugsâ€"o quite as devout in their worship.:msd2 probably having triersclpims .to: respectabp'litylthnu 11m. same number of believers of anyothgrnp Why are, you envious of théi- premium... Surely if their. mugio,fixo1u‘ontyour pious cars, you need not hear them. Perhaps their liar-mom of “concord sounds,”~rcwwiifio too, strongly with your own sledge-hommgtmol, ody; and you uncork all your vials'of wrath, out“ of envy at their apparent ‘liappinoss. 1,1: this be so, you are fully entitled to the Month. gated contempt of. an, onligbtouod.-svprld,-â€". 1f, air. in tho terrisiglss._i:ou.uipdo. you man‘- fested a truly christian spirit. 'ond. like the " master” you proteiid'tdsorato, you‘drfsxnully anxious to “sock and save tliemwhjoli are lost,“ Iâ€". chfl'p FOR THE CHAMPION, for the abduction of the child Mortara had 70% to- 50c. . _ _ _ . , , . May; accordineg renders in abundancr the man“... in which you hope toting i. bk 1 SHIP. L l‘CSUlted'l‘l l‘ls'acqullmlo , Baron Br“le arrearsto llal'e commlt' meeting adlourned U“ ’h9 l9lh IDSt- lung}; “mime thanks Of the Yon’ge were produced; all tendercrs able and. voud our limited comprehension“ but“, it is There was nothing decided relative to thocontest between Sayers and I‘Icenan. The referee’s decision was still withheld. Areport that Heenan had died of cry- sipclas proved to be utterly unfounded. Two hundred pounds are said to have been subscribed. in. Liverpool, by Ameri- can Captains, for the benefit of IIeenan. Count Montemolin and brother Were arrested. GREA T BRITAIN. In the House of Lords on the 23rd ult., the Marquis of Normanby brought forward a resolution,complaining of secret correspondence having been carried on between Lord Cowley, the British Ain- bassador at Paris, and the Home Governâ€" ment, having reference to important mat- ters connected with the Savoy question, anddeclaring itinjurious to the public ser- vice to have questions of moment referred to in private correspondence unless there is-alse a public record .of the same. Lord Cowley stated be regarded the motion as a censure upon himself, and had come from Paris expressly to defend his course. He asserted that his first infer- motion relative to the intention of Franci- was received privately and as a matter of opinion from Count \‘Valewski, and, beâ€" sides, the communication was of such a, nature that be was unable to include it in the public despatcli. The first official intimation he had was in February last, and be then forthwith laid it before Gov ernment. He denied that any- communi- cation Of importance had been withheld. The Marquis of Normanby finally with "file regarded. by. the Hungarians as of no drew the resolution. In the [louse of Commons the debate on the Reform bill was resumed, but with- out action. The discussion being ad- journed till the 26th, Mr. Massey an- nounced that he would not persist in the motion for referring the bill to a select committee. The proceedings in both Houses on the 24th were unimportant. The frauds committed by \V. G. Pul- linger, bicf Cashier of the Union Bank, London, amounted to the enormous sum of £263,000, about one and a guarter million d.llars, which places him at the says that crime is fearfupy increasing in head of this class Of delaulters in. London. Paris, and that a frightful number of mur- The entire loss will be met from the ders have beencommitted during the past Bank’s profits. The Earl of St. Cerruaincs, Lord ‘... ..n.,,i. ._J bl‘A‘Vuld; ul ll“? vent/0“ 5 llOllbbllOlU, gOtS lurrn hasbeencondemned to two months’ to Canada as part of the retinuc of the Prince of “files. 1 l NAPLES. Accounts from various sources represent the insurrection in Sicily as completely suppressed. The Independence Beige states that the Count of Syracuse had written to Prince de Curignan, stating that he will offer his sword to the King, of b‘ardinia to combat for the: cause of liberty, and Italian nationality, if his nephew the King of Naples, persists in his dangerous policy of refusing to restore the Neapolitan consti- tution of 1848. - The assassination of Gen. Viglia. is Confirmed. INDIA AND CHINA. Calcutta telegrams report disturbances having broken out at Cabal. Canton despatclies are dated March 14th. ' The rebel disturbances were increasing throughout China. It was rumoredat‘ Shanghai that the tour war. vessels, which recently. proceeded to Pechelu River, carried. the ultimatum to the Chinese government. Stock of Teas very light; supplies ex- hausted; sales made at full prices. Ex- change unaltered. Affair; in Japan had become worse. The foreign community is in great ape preliension of danger because two Dutch Captains were murdered in lokuhama without having given offence... HUNGARY. A letter. from. Pestb says that the new Letters Patent of the Emperor Austria value whatever. They contain nothing more than a vague promise, audit is felt that Austrian promises to. do. good are never realized. This is the unanimous opinion of the national'party. FRANCE. The Emperor has decided on two military expeditious, which are to set out, one from Algeria and the other from Senegal, to proceed to Timbuctoo, where they are to unite. A. large sum has been placed to the credit of the Minister of War to defray the expenses. The Paris correspondent of the Times few months. The editor of a satirical journal at imprisonment and a fine for publishing dis- graceful articles against the Emperor of Licut. Col. Crealock is to be military the French, secretary to Lord Elgin in his mission to A commission formed. amongst the China. Lord hlgin was to leave London clergy of Turin have drawn up an mph-es on the ‘26th of April for China. It is stated that £170.000 has paid from Lloyds on the steamer Hungarian. The London Times. in an editorial tip- to the Pope, which after receiving the . be?" ,i signatures of the clergy of t'liclkingdom is llll‘! Slllll and cargo 01 to be sent to the Vatican. This docu- ment places before the eyes of his Holi- ness the dangers Of the present policy of 0“ Judge Halll’llll‘l‘lll‘s Silel‘Cll l“ llle Home, and points out that the surest House of CommmlS, 0“ billlilll 0f llle means of warding them off will be to ac- ' ., ‘. . . u . t . _,. l . . . , lumber “Me Pf Lil‘mlddaftlm‘llml “"3 03‘“ cept the propossitions contained in the trier manner '11 w ncr N. r. Clat stone re~ .~ " I". a A letter of king Victor lainmanuel. plied, and asserts that the English public is no party to such treatment, which it thinks must prove Very offensive to pro- long. LIVERPOOL MARKETS. LIVERPOOL, April 25.. Ban.tDS'i‘L’rrfs.~â€"'l‘lie imports and ex- Thc weather throughout England con- ports during the week are unimportant. tinned coldand wintry; Spring wry back- Flourâ€"consumptive demand at former ted suicide by cutting his throat and both his wrists. It is asserted that be. had been dismissed from the ministery for C9;ng plicity in late gigantic frauds. Marshal O’Donnley was about to return to Spain. The result of pea-cc negoti- ations was unknown. The Spanish minis- try had not agreed on a course to be pursued on the trial of Monttniolen. New Advertisements. Cardâ€"Dr. L. Langstafi', Springhilb Municipality of Vaughanâ€"Court of Revision. Stray Cowâ€"Jesse Bennett. Jas. .l. Barker. Noticeâ€"W. L King. Dissolution of Partnership. Willi)? that "â€"._":,'"“_â€":_.â€"‘".._fl; _ ‘fl‘f'fiâ€"M_‘â€"Ht_‘ RICHMOND; HILL. MAY 11.51860. GRIT UNION, OR A SCENE. The past few months has reveal- ed to the public the interior of a Grit camp, they have been as Lord Chesterfield would say, “ behind the curtains and smelt the tallow can. dies,” that are used to get up a tolerable farce. The public have now seen that the Grits are merely “ Wliited sepulchre’s.” The great reform meeting on Wednesday last at Milliken‘s Corner‘s, was only another episode of the old game of everreaching, and pious ed: by D. Recsor, Esq, cl. tlic'Econo. mist, W. Orr, Esq., of the Oshawa Vindicator, (both Grith and ourâ€" selvesâ€"G. P. Dickson, Esq, of Richmond Hill presiding. The three aspirants for Legislative hon-.. or’s were also present, (Messrs. Balk. Farewel- and Benson.) The Ist Resolution was. moved by Mr. H. Miller, Juan, seconded by Mr. G. Flint, as follows :â€"~ That Delegates be appointed to meet in Convention to determine and agree upon a Candidate repre- senting. the Reform party, as Legis‘ lative Councillor for King’s Divis- ionâ€"Carried unanimously. The next resolution was moved by Mr. H. P. Crosby, seconded by Mr. W. Eakin, that the basis of the election of Delegates fortlre respecâ€" tive Municipalitiesin. this division, be one Delegate to each hundred elector-s, and if the odd numbers were over fifty, to have one addi- tional Delegate, to be guided by the registered voters list for 1859. This l'air‘ resolution was support- frauds, there were about 80 persons. present. The press being reprc sent- . ed ably by J. Bell, Esq,, of Tor-Onto, Farewel, Esq,, 0! Whitbyâ€"- Mr. Miller, however, (at the suggestion of Mr. Reesor) proposed an amendment, seconded by Mr. The only thing in‘ which they were unanimous, being the vote of thanks to the chair which we cordially con- curred in, for certainly be (G. P. Dickson,_Esq.,) had a mostditficult duty to perform, which he discharg- ed ably: Next week we willvgive a length- ened report of the proceedings, for it was disoraceful to one of the parties at least; and as we intendio give a fair report, we will leave the public to judge of the matter. >04 We think that the thanks of the community are dire to Amos Wright, Esq., M.P.P. for the energy which he is showing to gain the separation of the Counties from Toronto for judicial purposes, the bill being in committee, and we. hope shortly will be law. It is pre- posterous to say. that the interests of Torontoand the country are identi- cal in all pomts, that such is not the case, for the Warden. of, the counties, David Recsor, Esq, has proved to a demon stration, that we have been robbed of at least. $93,000 during the past 10 year.’s., Next week we intend publishing on curetttside page, this admirable letter in full, as. address- ed to the Globe, and marvellous to relate, this corruption-hating. paper hasnot a, word to say to this wholeâ€" sale robbery. by the city, of. the coun-. tips, but let that, pass. The broad fact remains that we lbavc been swindlcd, and although er. Recsor has. some faint idea of {continuing the relationship, hoping l to.get justice done us in. the future, we candidly admit that we cannot lsliare in. his anticipatious. “To think. there is only one way, toget our rights, and that is to cut the connexion and let us have a County Town. Mr. Wright is taking. the only wise course, a separation must be had, and then for the tug of war the County Town toour mind. We in Richmond Hill, have only one. it serious rival, and that is Aurora. That village is nearly central, and has the advantage of a Railway, moreover, its inhabitants are ago- ahead people, new stores and dwell- ing houses are rising with great rapidity, and therefore we "would say to. Richmond Hill look alive. If you wish to become the County Town, let your merchants and all others forget their local and petty jealousies, likes and dislikes, and put. their shoulders to the wheel for the common good. Let us show that we can be energetic for a good cause when occasion requires. Who will be the first to‘set the ball a rolling. - TORONTO YORK AND PEEL.- St. Agricultural Society, should be tendered to M,essrs,.vaa,rsb,, Sander- son, Dicksou, and Patterson, was. not moved by Mr. Marsh, as stated by us, but by? Mr._ G. A. Barnard. H4 MARKIIAM COUNCIL. The above Council met, at Size’s Howl, Unionville, on Saturdav the 5th inst. Mornv ‘iMinutes of last approved. _ The Rama: read a communication ,ot' lot No. 11,, in the Hub Concession, Trudgeon, Esq, and others, praying tion No. 12 of this 'l‘ownsliipu, Mr. Trudgeon wasllioaidLbel'oro the Council on behalf or such petition. Moved by Mr. Bowman, seconded by Mr. ing presented to this Council. signed by the School Section No. 1?, against the Council passing No. 7, no such By-law should be passed.â€" Carried. ’ Moved by Mr, Burton, seconded by Mr. PINGLE, that the acccount of $4 be paid to Mr. case of the-Queen vs. Slicrdon. YELsâ€"Button and I’ingle. NANâ€"Bowman and Marsh. Carried by vote of the Reeve. Moved by Mr. MARSH, seconded by Mr. Bowman, that the Clerk do notify the several parties occupying the road allowance inherit of lot No, 12, in the 7111 Con., to remove their fences or other obstructions therefrom by the first day of dune nextâ€"Carried. ‘ Moved by Mr. Marisa, seconded by Mr. 'PiloLE. that Mr. W. Eakin be, and is hereby allowed to, commute the whole of his statute labor for the space of Iivn year’s from the first day of January 1861). and, to eXpond the same upon the thi Con. of this lowzuliiput the rats of .30 -ts. ' per diam. The number 0,: days slial be counted according to his asacxstiisiit, {man your to your during that period â€"-_.Carric<l. blovcc‘ by Mr. MARSH, seconded by AL. llowtuix, that the 'l'roasurer pay to the Auditâ€" ors tor auditing the accounts of the Township tor 15:9. the sum of $5 ouchâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. MARSH, seconded by Mr, ,f’lh’GLE, that the Treasurer pay to Mr. llchrr =l.ur.o the sum of $1, for attending: as a wu- v Carried. Moved by Mr. hints". seconded by Mr Bowman,that the Reeve be auzliorisod to pro- curea new seal for this l'ownstiip, agreeable to the provisions of the present Municipal laws of Upper Canadaâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. MARSH, seconded by Mr. BOWHAN, that the Treasurer is hereby iii- stz'ucted to pay the A ssossors of this Township .lor the present your, the sum of $60 each as )or lSy-law.â€"Carried_. Moved by Mr. MARSH, seconded by Mr. '9 l’inoLx, that the Treasurer be authorised to pay the orders necessary for the inuintuinance of the orphaircliildren, or that portion ot the said parties not otherwise provided for, until the next meeting of this Council.-â€"-Carricd. Moved by Mr. BUTTON, seconded by Mr. PINGLE, thattho Treasurer be authorised and required to prosecute on behalfof this corpor- ation for the recovery of all monies, papers, or other documents due to, or the property of this corporation irotrpaidr or delivered to him after reasonable request made tlieiol‘oro.-.~. Carried. . Moved by Mr. Burrow, seconded by Mr. PINGLE. that no more Tavern licenses be granted by this Township for the presentlicenso year, and that the Inspectors be notified, ac- cordingly -.-Carriod. The Council then adjourned until the call of the Reeve. *wmw VAUGHAN CHUNG“... â€"-â€" This Council; met at the Town. Hall on. hers all present. The. Reeve iii the chair. meeting were read, and from Lyman Biceprelativo to road allowanCo in rear Mr. MARSH presented a petition flour W. the Council to make no alteration, in School See- Bo'r'rox, that in consequence of a petition be-. Trustees undo number of, the inhabitants of a By-law annexing tho oasi-ltalt' of lot No, 13, in the 4th Con. to School Section, ness in the case of the Queen vs. b'licrdon." ’ lstroyad. To keep the corporal body of an Willing to find good security,so that no ob jectron could be raised, on that lieail,â€"â€"- Tln: work was given to a contractor $40 higher than others, and he a man who knows but little of building,â€"-â€"wtrile there were others, old established practical men with far lower estimatesrâ€"so that. we run the rsik of having the job bungled and pay extra for merely because Certain parties wish to keep the money in their Own family. taxes and then put them in their own pockylnl there no pow-~-r to make a man act honestly by the people he repre- Seirts ? or can public olliccrs lrad us laurel) like lambs to the. slaughter "l ln elecéin;3 ,rncn to Office must \vc submit, to all they choose- to ltllpOMl? Can they battle the monies of the public in any manner to suit tlrrir own purpose? I think not. .\lcn who areplaci-d in public offices. and vii» trusted with the (‘Xpt‘tltllltll'rt of public monies, are, or oung to be, responsible for tln’jnst outlay of the saggy). The trans- m..uy_ Olllv'tb. stupor to it. We have :‘clioollaxes enough to pray, in all conscr- ence, without-trustees squandering it on a for n is evident E Smith, for attending courtesawitnoss in the few particular friends 01' favorites. liam,Gunilt-rnen, Yours truly, .1 US NC 13. Vaughan. May S, 18.5.03. KING. DJVEISLQN. Touthe Editor. oftbn York [lei-aid, Stir :\~=-.Elot:tio.nee.:-irig), strife will soon be in our: midst, as amepresenfalivo for our locality will soon be requrcd. Awritor in tho Whitby Chronicle kindly says “ we are a spendbl con- .stituancy, and are deserving of a sylendid, reâ€" preventative.” for us. lii.riis'-l:",.-;iito the bargain. 'l'ne Writer, “ 31;. Vaughan,“ gives alist of [18.11108 of gun- ‘tlemcn alpirants to the distinguishing honor of being our rnmnlier- However “ Mr. Vaughan”- very dolicntelv avoids namng any one of them lax coming under his especial favour as a suit- l r l ,tlirown out that. be has a fine taste for Perry land Ham ! As to the preference being given in n esii‘iont Candidate. the. benefits that would rarisa from surli a i'epre‘entalivo are more ima- ginniy than rual. This we know from l‘ai. trial. The llosaid and She said about Mr. Brown, few cares forâ€"â€"lris own party use him as their clown. “ Vaughan.” in his letter. allows more than a little prcdjudice wlrilu scrawling around the names and pretensions of some of the expectant candidates. In tho whole legislative l'lJlti‘ytll‘s, the. only one tleierving of notice is Mr. Gamble, who has qualities and abilities which none of the other gentlemen have any pi etensions to. “ Vaughan‘s’l latter says, Mr Gamble has been at times "-T‘ory, Conservative and Radical by turns to suit the temper and convenience of rho moment." and terms such conduct “drawback.” Alas! I think they are qualities Ofa high stamp. “ Mr Vaughan” wants a stupid, tliickhoaded. stub. born-minded goiitleriion, with a head stuffed with foolish nousence that would defy the strong arm Of our heroic Sayers to beat it out, and to give place to better thought. We want unsucli narrow-minded men to represent us. We want a wise man, who will clrarigo his opiniori when and as often as the good of the- whole province demands him to do so, To keep the country politically lien thy, the laws must be occasionlillv repaired, but not do- cditor healthy, he requires a change of diet now and again. The urider~tlio-c10iid portion of “- Vaughans” letter, alluding sideways to UP: Regisrarsliip, can be easily and fully cleared up by referring to the editor‘s remarks under the title of ” King’s Division.” In good faith. labia pariv in all things; nevertheless, ii hint is. list of “ Vanghan’s” catalogue of atriuigg’iyijg‘ too, : l i l l Surely tli,i,:~_5, is a, good; character I l l. }sect of people'unnssiunjug..‘iu their arm...“ lrrrn ' NEW the policy of your church and creed to hello in- tolerant as to excomm .nicate everything dif-. faring from your faith and practieg, we congratulate thém for baiting-so, faithfdla ro-. preaoiitativo in you. ' “ Finaily, Reverend Sir, we would sugggt for, your especial benefit. as well as our own, a {on words of adviceâ€"a commodity you deal in, largely: .lst. You will do well to. pay lug. attention to the hints and insinuatiotul: of, you: brethren against those outside the pale of You: influence, and never again use your holy '2nd. 15y confuijng your labors to. the (lock, you fleece. you, iv; , soon find, that ingin of thorn “ have stolen the livery of hoaan to serve the devil in,” but Wear it so, awkwardiy that their liypocrasy is apparent. 3rd. Kort). away from the back-doors Of all turcrns. fly so doing, and minding your own business as a, man, with more devoted service to your God on a Illltllza’tr :39 Wu will counmnudz magnet, ovpry-, . I :positiori as preacher to gratily tb’oir” maliceX . Have our Punlit: men the power to impose where. Stri\;e to watch loss, and pray morq. K for a wogld. lying in wickedness. or also it .would be better to. flee unto the sandy desert“ of Uxbridge, where the ignorance, foolinliiresg and consummate meanpess of tho people will; allow you to do anything ofibrod iii“tlio1 harm of religion. With best wishes for your speedy and thorough rutormation, we remain. your you go, ' SHARON. Sharon May 8, 1860. For tho Tor); Herald. AURORA MAGIS'I‘RATES, To the Editor 0/ (lie .Nrw Era. Sin: In reply to the 1‘Ulll_ttt'l§¢‘ll11_\'0u;l_' link paper headed " A Quint \\,’o‘r;d,wit,li anhAugorg‘ .l l’..” 1_ can only say that you inth evidently; have beenrn a, fit of delirium . trans": when, y ll scribbled out such an nboiri iambic apical... ot' abuseâ€"attacking my private character in on, unjustifiable arid i‘i‘rrlrirrri‘illy way, instead ofi bringing. ou.tt,b,o '." Revelations" threatened by you upon the .LP’s. of Aurora. But, sir_ I wilE compare it to nothing else than a real iic'stitul, tion of principle in you; in the first place to, make, suclr a. throat. When it way evident that& you land, no “revelations” to bring out; oil} when challenged, so to do. you lMVOl‘\V0,!lll'u have resorted 17y". the leletKSl-‘Ul'o's ot' iittnckirigulid; private character of one ind vidual Magi-trite; '1 mean to he plain with you, and must toll \‘ouk that in the article above alluded to, you have drawn your owri portmlt at tull length, and that 5-,,“ have weight-d your own charm:qu iii the balance 0" public Opinion and found it vuu-t- ing. In _\‘o-'r bLautiful epistlo you say, “ I‘m“. speak louder than words.” But, Follow 1» What comes out hex-7 “ Report says, thoi gentleman purporting to be the writer of the article alluded to, to use a complicit, phrano. in,~ not more than ' ball'â€"buked.’ ”- This is ona grout ‘~ revolution,“ 1,! In,“ ho a, true one for it has revealed to me that l- brute been fool. enough. b. taking the Em nuarlv ever since itq commencement and by advertising therein. 19. contribute towards the support of: minding, has been my enemy under the dinguigq of f iondsliip. 1n the nest place, you gay, t- than ' is little use in ausWO-I‘litg 11 fuel according to his folly. and there is equally as Huh, “I,” in trying to make lasting impressions upon a mucous out». stance or instructing Certain Aurora 13".” ln answer to this beautiful specimou of logic, I Will say that, demo”: is little use in aiiswqrin‘ a foul according to his folly, ii is also eq div absurd to answar a Jackass upcoming w hf. ; bruylng ; and as 1 do not understand wt!!! you mean to infer from the above paragraph, to: gardirg the “mucous substance,” 1will lot that go for what it will fete. , but, with, regard to the “ instructing 0t cor-lain it”s." tho quu“. once to, be drawn in. that Mr Jackson suppose; they require instruction, and that it inno'uoo for him to waste his tune upon, them. This, indeed. is a ticklor ! If the Aurora Magistratcn' required instruction in the art of Shin lo Mob. ing, Mr. Jackson no doubt is oblatogiyo thorn, a. lesson or two in that capacity that might, be of service to them. But Mr. mightjuotu ‘ well put on his iiiglitcap.. as to‘ondoavor to into. siruci them, either in Low or Liudlcr/ Hurrah ‘ - - . ‘ . t“ r I ‘ ~ ‘ .,__ ‘ l'bc to recommend to the voters interested in in Illa 110“ Plat-'0, 3011.8“ z“ rlintJ has. foiled, ward and gave some lithe anxrety regardâ€" quotations; \Vestern Canal 25 to 265; A" Almsuwgr that the number (ff KING’S VIS ON AND. THE filliegiiijjlllleisfis'fi,“it: £33: the {forthcoming election of this division, the to-provo that you bad'ovor published “Whine mg agricultural prospects. Philadelphia and Baltimore ‘27 to 305. Delegates to represent cad] “Ium' GLOBE. ’ ford, and Brown. ’ flee, worthy and mdviwndvnt M" Gall’l’l“ “5 "5‘d° “9min” "'mh' "‘ Wham” ‘° ‘h' 5"" The steamship Connaugbt, for the Gal- Wheat in moderate demand; white 125 to way line, was successfully launched at 12»; 6d per 100'Ibs, red 95 3d to 113 ditto. Newcastle, Slat inst. , bir G. Clerk is gazetted Governor of Bombay. Courâ€"transactions limited with an ad- vance of 9d to Is on the Week ;. white 38 to 4.05 per 480 lbs; yellow 37s to 37s 6d; cipality for the Division in the ap- proaching Convention, be according to each 1,000 inhabitants, accord- ing to the last official census of 1850’. So the Globe is angry with the Moderates because they have begun to work, and as a matter of course, the only weapons of warfare, are The Clerk read the minutes of the last meeting, which were approved, Moved by Mr. ARNOLD, seconded by Mr. BRIDGFORD, that the Pathmnster’s beat, No. 2, shall, from and after this date, consist of the whole of lots 3,0 and 31. and the east halves of the most fit and proper person to represent our cares and interests, when and where required, in a worthy and forcible manner, and to our satisfaction, Mr. Edito'. yetirs truly, MARK HAM. and, which you cannot dour. ora Magistrates. ” but Of this I-did not accuoo. stated that “tho grossed. of, you, calumny and abuse liadboon honpod uponlthq, Aurora .l.P’,s by your editorial remarks. and tho different anonymous letters which have ap- peared iiiyour,pap9r.”* 'Ijhis is true to the letters. You nut, ~ - v v . . :woll wish” r l ‘ ' , v i a action wants looking: rnto, him. a great L’ ‘l‘ out!) “‘1' vale ol lettrsmhorovou Ann run The volunteer force now reaches 124,- y do mixed 36s (id to 37s ditto. Ashesâ€" This amendment was warmly abuse and misrepresentation. He Vakilgfzflghij"guillgogtfigngefifihomist OflRichmond Hill, May 9th, 1860. say, H the - bold’ assertion of Mr. Mosleyio o 000 men' 1' pots new 2,959 9ld'285 Gd‘ sugar ‘V‘lthOUt opposed by Dir, Farewel) who de. Slates that the meeting was in faVOl‘ the west-halve; oflots.32, 33 and 34, in the m“ "’.‘â€""~."_ $33!!“"glimmgggxhg"x index: 0:13;,” change. Lea-m better demand. Consols nounccd it unjust in the exueme, of French Catholic Domination, Ist Con ,and the east-halves oflots 5, 6, 7, 8 To the Rw’d. Itchtlroy l t! - .. .. r . o . J: FRANCE. 94.; to 94;. and charged Mr. Recsor with now it is patent to all present. that and 9, in the 2nd Con ; and that the name of .Edward Sanger be substitutedt'or Mason Cogs- caso of a pool had been prosecuted against the Sin.â€"â€"â€"You are invited to candidly recon. l Aurora N agistratea.” But you fail to provq, to W Chin .. ”“ abandoning wpresemauon by Popu- quite the the He as ram. 21121.;disc“*;:°..".i:i.:°:;r.ir naturals tr;- .‘l';:. .:;::::‘°"...‘:..:"triad" ‘ v 'V .I T» “ I ‘ , f. o I . . ‘ . ' | . , i' ' ' '- on the 23th April. ARLH AL 0L 111E. BLIZIL. 13mm. Mr. IL M11131. sald that area says that Mr. John Ham Perry 431311113 tibial].36:33;sihéiglucggzfiiéotvNo.42, in this Mace recently, when ,0“ wok occnswn The”, in the um Place" you, a, ,9 It is stated th :1 Austria, Bl153l8, and 1’: nssia, had agreed t0 the proposition that the contemplated European Conference on the France- at Paris. l l l l 5mg; (Walton Should lllCCl Sunday, the 29th ult., arrived at this port :to-da . principle had already been abandon-- ed by Geo. Brown and. the Reform party... Mr. Reesor said he wa-aopposed ‘ to the resolution, because South ST..IOIIN Nfid., May 8. The steamer Brazil from Galway, on She has 5‘26 passengers from is undoubtedly the Ministerial Can- didate, this we utterly deny. The Candidate is not yet chosen but will appear shortly, and Mr. Perry, if a Candidate, will have to submit Moved by Mr. BRIDGEORD, seconded by Mr Briown, that Samuel Thompson be appointed Pathmastor in the place of David Gorrnon, for beat No. 14. Also, that James. Ewart be appointed in place of James McFarlane, for beat No. 55. I to make remarks of such stringth and personal character as to scarcely dignity them with the name, of s'ormqn‘, or entitle,pr to the re- s not gentlemen ql‘ your profession Usually cfaim and receive fromthose around them .So- cicty will always make due allowance for the make a Burl, where it would, be easier for you, tomake Shingle. lay-saying. that. ‘Mi corni- adago was made use of, to, preview, him from making his ‘ revelations,’ ” and was thou chili; lenged by me to make them,~â€"wliich shows how. easy a thing. it is for you to make is Bu;- bcar out of nothing. You thongo on tony, lexaggerations of the religious zeal, and the fervcrr of' excitement that so. frequently leads ministers of your pe‘nuasion into so many varied and ludicrous oxcentricities. and if not »wil|ing to respect them as men, will still ro- ‘ l‘ . , '1' . . ,' v r o 'lhecorncrence, it is presumed, will bcl New york, for whlch port she was to coinposcdof the lollowing powers: Ans- leave at midnight. Lila, France, dinglund, Spain, Portugal, l’russrn, .l’tussra, burdrnra, Sweden, and A180, Nicholas Cober in place of Archibald Campbell, for beat No, lll.-â€"-Carried. Moved by Mr. Bridgford, seconded by Mr , Brown, that the west-halves of lots 2'4“, ‘28 and Ontario had more thes than East 10 1519 dCClSIOD Of the Convention. and West York, and could therefore lllde‘Ed M317» Perry himsélf distinctly disclaimed at the meeting in quesâ€" " that the ' revelations’ in «Ir. Ashton’o tutor; it' true, are enough to astonish any one" .1 and, therefore Mr- I. is quite nutrient mt- to little: out any further. °r6velsti us ' This is very Political news unimportant. Switzerland, who will be represented by , from l‘leenun for the Belt, under the as- date at the Convention, and argued. llOll, all-V WlSll l0 “111 eounlm‘ 10 ll") their ambassadors to France. The l'aris flour market was firmer at an advance 13c per sack. Of wheat there was a short supply, which had advanced 7.00 per sack. The Paris Bourse on the 2441b was flat and drooping. Picnics clost at 70f. 5c. The voting on the question of annexav tion took. place on. Sunday the 22nd, The Paris journals say the enthusiasm. was this mouse. All efforts to induce people to abstain from voting completely failed. The whole number it voters in the dis- ' trict of St. Joan Maureeuve have voted Bell‘s Life contains a formal demand COmml llle nominallon 01 a candi‘ sertion that be won it. Bell‘s Life treats that wealth and extent of territory the claim as preposterous, and. asserts that should have some weight. Now the chances were in favour of Sayers, and. occurred a scene that nearly baffles that had be witnessed the 37th round he description. The amendment was would have awarded him the victory. put,- aud was carried by 25 against vibe proceedings )of Parliawent were 20, only 45 out of 80 voting. ML a ‘ against the action at the meeting, U‘IOI] it. . . l in the name of the people of South The Prince of W'ales will not visit . Canada before the first week in July. ont'ano‘ He dfino‘uuch binRe'esor A “mp”; cemficaye declares that in the strongest terms for endeavor- Sayers will. not be able to use his arm for mg 10 cheat South Ontario 0f hEI At last the debate has been con- cluded, and the result isthat Lower Canada voted against it nearly to. a money to-be expended in the several wards, mamaudtlie Upper Canadians were nearly equally divided, 26 voting for dissolution, of whom- two were wishes of the delegates. so that the 010128 had. better: defer his small thundertill'the man who will receive the united support of the Moderate Party, is brought out. .._~aâ€"-‘-Hâ€"4 DISUNION, JOINT. AUTHORITY, 8w. the 8th Concession, and the South-half of 28 'tion No. 3, for the loan of $500 to enable thorn l consideratlon of some future meeting of this Council.â€"-â€"Carried. on the roads was read a first time. cil went into committee thereon, Mr. Bridgford.. iu the Chair. second timeâ€"4,110 committee rose and reported 39,. in the 7th Concession. and tho east-half of ‘26, in the 81b Concession, the whole of ‘37 in. in the 8th, be set apart from beat No. 58, as a separate beat, and that James Livingston be appointed I’atlimaster for the same.â€"â€"~Carried. A. Petition from the Trustees of School Sec- to build a School House, was presented; Moved by Mr. Britlgford, seconded by Mr. Brown, that the petition be laid over for the By-law No. 115,“ making an appropriation of. The Coun- Thc [Ky-law was then read a, priests of (rum/tar church, not far removed gard them, by reason oftlieir high and belt of- fice, as ministers of God ; but when, they step aside from the beaten track of duty, and raise modest indeed, but it looks rather humiliating, not to be able to bring out " the rovolntiouo‘ that; would astonile oven, the perpetrators thcm- ' malicious personalities oftlie kind and character selves H delivered by you on the occasion mentioned,riot But. lo wind up imp Mryl Jacks"). 1 mu“ tlio“odor ot‘sniicitity,”‘northe sacred cause you 8,“ mm ihp fit bf delirium trcmcni,’ before so poorly advocate,can entitle you to commonest all'udmpm, must ham affected 50m. unaccoqm. regard. l’O-Ssll’ll' you. arrogfile l0 you-’50” the able change in your mental calioro; whom}!!- responsihie position ofcouservitor of the morals stead 0,011“, personal “use in. tho form" p I and great embodiment of all the virtue, and “your episueflnanifostod town-d; made“ win intelligence of this community, to whom you up bycamug mg it our esteemed friend.” Mr. WW3le dlSll'lbule ll“? bread) or llf" i and 3'0“ Moslev,” and by giving me kind reproof to, 98-. may feel that your superior position should on a g'ood influence over my brother Mo ii-~ rouder your dictum law among. those over an”; &c‘ Buy everybody knows “my ;. Whom 3'0“ Clalm Sl’llll‘lal‘ ‘lll‘ec‘lq‘l- alld "‘5 charactéiistic of a mud in. lltfl deliriumi ‘fllfi‘fl. to give a stab and than" clqp up 9, In)!” to haul, the wound. But. onough.'Mr ackson, I do, from yours. really exercise continually such control. you may have fallClOdv)'0W56lt a per- not crave to be considpred! " Your esteemed, two months or probably more. just rights. £300 had been. collected in the House Mr. Flint also warmly denounced of Commons for the benefit of Sayers. the farce Of .Mr. Reesor and his The voting in Savoy will exceed 100,- {dads saying mat South Ontario 000 in faVOur Of annexation with Only l,â€" would ’ncver join the Convention ‘200 hays, and 300 who abstain from . when the very first act in chasing voting. son endnwed with, similar powers. 1f the chosen few to whom you minister are disposed to follow your load implicitly. we, the objects of your kind considerations and pungent remarks, will not assent; but as we do not believe your creed, nor acknowledge your Amom‘ May " 1360' assumed spiritual authority. we trust you Will " ’ friend.” and, must conclude by advising You, if, you write again on the subject. to write truth,I and common sense Yours trulv. ' W- MOBLEY: ‘tho By-law as amended, which was then read; ta. third time, and passed. The Council then adjourned to the first Mona day in Juno. ‘ W for annexation to France. At It‘ancigny voting “as almost unanimously fur annexa- 1,105. » .At Bonnerville there were registered 2,701 ayes and 1. no; at Chambery, 3,- 300 ayes out of 3,800 who were entitle l to vote. Lower Canadians, and 66 against it. The second resolution namely, the “ Joint Authority” one was no» gallved by 74 1,0 32' - A brakosman on the Northern Railway was rhe Seat or government (111951101), killed on Friday last by a train running over . take the him and diseouunue your secret Delegates was to overreach and has received its quietness, Ottawa him. It is supposed he lay down on the track ,1 flamingo upon our mommms. ~â€"â€"-â€"-â€"~~â€"â€" 1‘ was reported that several all-€515 had » t ' ' ' ~ ' ' ‘ i While in 3 5““ 0f inmmalion' A'lthou h the statutes re Mire thti closing Of The two hundred acres of woodland I“? ' At Aurecy, llle voting lll film? Ofalmcx‘ been made in Paris in consequence 0f the Cheat them' He dis? pldmly d-ccubiid ls he'lngvéhlecmde bty 881T? 24. Dr. A fellow named Coon has invested $5000 in Public bogus 0.11 llfe Sabbaflt, it (10.85 not com' 03°“! M383" h'id bu" dwmy'dib! an “if, ation was nearly unanimous. ldisgovepy ofthe plot by Italians against Mr.- ReeSOT 0f S’mSleT mOllvcs ln Ryel'son b New vellool ’1 “‘39 Pas'r What'iw can” 19m angum in Now Jersey. to ‘ pol any one to atttmd church: nor authorise Friday night, and the com-gratin was at, ,3 Geneva telegram says the young in l the; Euummpc ’ " - ' thus actiiw. He was followed in sod its second reading. by 43 to 3.2. ‘ ' >--,». â€"-v . xaiso frogs for New ork restaurants, Mining-p 6f the gospel, Sons of Temperance, raging.

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