Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 9 Mar 1860, p. 3

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rI‘rince of Wales. h I '- ‘5;- .r MR. GGEE’S Pt LLIPIC ON THE GOVERNOR GENERAL. TORON TO MARKETS. .â€" THURSDAY, March, 8. The Speaker Put me quenion on me Fall Wlioat,--1.000 bushels sold at from $l 20 A to $1 45. “fit clause the address. . Spring Whoat.-â€"-500 bshs sold-at from $1 00 to Mr. McGee said he did not intend to $1 05,. . speak and should not have spoken had it Peas.‘-â€"-7 50 bshls sold iit 55c to 63. not been the impression of many minds Oats-"55"bshls 801an from35c b.3150. Barlo 2â€"950 halils sold at from (ice to 68¢. t ara ra h of the addres.‘ l , "at lhe firs P g P ‘ Pork. â€"â€"quite at $6§ por IOO. ' "" "i should not go thepubhc Without an ex- Flour._Whhou, change_ Superfine am, 2. pression of opinion lrom honorable gentle- s4 15 to $4 25; superfine No, 1, $445 to :34 men generally. Vimre all aware, had reference to the visit 90 $5: elm“- 35 951° $5 503 D°“bl° Ext”. to Canada of his 'Royal - Highness the $5 75” $6' It would he in the re- Hay and Strumâ€"The supply to-do‘v'was poor; collection of» Mr. Sunkenâ€"for no one $12 to tilt) foi-llny, $7 to $9 for Snow par ion. had been more concerned in bringing about _____ this desirable result than hiinsclfâ€"â€"that the _ address of both Houses was agreed to MARRIED.‘ with great unanimi'! “n all sides T 1‘9"” On the ego. Fob.â€"By the Rev. James Dick, fore, what he would desire to express‘mw Christr ‘ioi-Arms‘rou to lsabol‘ \ i . . i .. , 48.110110 1 h. ..he ilidnot know whether honourable P g - J 3 Mg gentlemen on his side Of the House would agree with himâ€"was that, if his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales should, by the command of Her Majesty, and under the advice of lierific‘onstitutional advisers, visit Canada, it was highly desirable‘that he should be received by all classes of Her Majestys subjects with invariable “Pad-“Infinm’lle would sny’wnh perm“ first dav of September. 1858, will hlonso to kindness, but “'llh hearty gOOd'w‘H’ 1“ chine fin-ward and settle on or'bot'Oi'o' the ‘l the imperial point of View, his I’toyal High- din- of April next. and therebyaavo-oosts. Tho nega’ visit was, no doubt, to increase the firm having been changed sinoo'tho hrst men- '. "o' wet‘iS'o ' . . .. 100d feelings emsun" bet e n h b Ion} or renewed by that time Wlll be left in his At.- 39‘1 we mower co‘untry 5 9nd also! to If" toriiev’s hands for collectiou.asliutend leaving press the peOpIe oi the United States with for England. (From the Mirror of Parliament.) ,_ . ..- ___ -M-_________-Lâ€"___~ «<- â€" both of Vnngnan . NOTICE. i r LL Persons indebted to the undersian as ’ Book debts contracted on or before the R'. ‘MA'CH ELL. Wflm That paragraph, as they .55: fancy. $4 75 to $4 85;? Fancy (Fall) $4 5th will cut equally well on Rough or Smooth ground, from tionod period â€"also, all notes. duo and not paid \K’ould )‘(iii‘liave your Haying done Cheaply, PATTERSQNS’ , NWM IF you are wishing a GOOD, DURABLE and EASY WORKED REAPERI flew Purchase from the long Established and VVell-known firm of PATTERSON 8t BRO. serum. with FLEXIBLE Ii‘II‘lGrER~ BAR, which Or if prejudiced iii favor of a 'l % lli v l“ l i 'z‘ ‘ l Get one made wholly from IRON, PATTERSON as; BRO. Easilyâ€"with .Neatness, and in Good Time l 'Ihcn secure one of the ' " ' GOLM.lN "Xs'regarded the Grand Trunk Railway an unpopular Goveriior-General--it were lency’s speech that was, the order of the Hay, and he, {Mn McGee)- il'hyougli‘lhe deCOi'um and gravity of the hint to order, he thought it better that the -atances so sure as Mr. Speaker sat there, yITICY could desire it to be. .-.a.tc after-the crises of 1858, after the i u Chain”) , actual nameâ€"his reception would not be the value Of ‘monarehial institutions. As regarded ourselves, the Object of the visit was, no doubt, to matte an advertisement. C0,, their’ohject Was. no doubt, to make “martyrâ€"(Cries of “‘Olil”) There was no question about the matter, although honorable gentlemen might cry “Oh I” But, whatever might be their object, the object of 'inperinl st:.tesn'ienâ€"â€"â€"tiie men who looked before and afterâ€"â€"was to iii- crcase the attachment between Canada and the mothei country. VVeIl,that being so, he wislied'to say. as one of the repre- aentatives of the 'city where his Royal Highness wbuld probably be first andsnost prominently introduced to the people, that if his Royal Highness was to be chaper- .onied by a person standing between the people and his Royal Highness; and whom the people thoroughly detestâ€"if his Royal Highness’ visit was merely made the in- I:atrumentof rebuilding the popularity of 'really better that. his Royal Highness laliould not visit the Province. (Cries of " Shame Mr. Speaker-Tliere was no allusion .to his Exr'elleiicy the Governor General. Mr. Mctli-eâ€"W'liy, it was his Excrl- I was speaking to it. (.t‘laiiigli.) But he would repeat, air might compel Mr. Speaker to call .membensiofatlie house should plainly un- derstand that“ if the future king of Eng- land, and‘futiire ruler of all her Majesty’s doininions', came here to make political capital capital for an individual, it ware much better that his Royal Highness sl:0uld not come here. He did not raise this question-g, but he wished to say that if an unpopular Governor General were to stand .hetwee'iii‘the Prince and the peopleâ€"if they Were to see his Royal Highness made the instrument for white-washing the double shuttle and the two sets of oaths taken by honorable gentlemen Oppositeâ€"if, in short, they ivere‘t‘o see the visit converted into 1 political object and a disp‘ay of flunkey- iim, instead of an expression of loyalty to the throne and to the person of the Queen â€"if they/mere to see an unpopular Gov- ernor General standing between the Prince and the peopleâ€"44h... a great deal more mischief thaufgood would be the result. Mr. Speakerâ€"--1 must again call ll‘lt' hon. gentleman to order, and I do so be- ¢ use he is infringing the 15th rule of this I'Iousc. ,.I will read the rule to the lion. gentleman. It is, “That no member should s‘yi'éak'disrespectfnlly of the Queen Or any 'of‘t'lii": royal family. or person ad- ministering t-he ‘ government of this Prov- inéo. (Cries of Chair") Mr. McGee said he bowed to the de- cision of. Mr. Speaker. He (Mr. Mc- Gee). was sorry to be obliged sometimes to say disrespectful things, but it could not be helped. But he would repeat againhlhwgh not in the same language, that if they desired to make the reception of ' his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. all that could he wished, it iiiu~t be borneiin mind that there was one thing which theijpeOpIe of this countrv had not fdrgbtien and it was very much to be reg'rettéd‘i‘i‘that an accidental state of the colony Should involve so important an affair as the visit of the heir apparent. Everybody» knew it to be important and. everybody felt it to be important. But if it tookuplace under the present circum- aud so sure as honorable gentlemen sat in their, seats. the reception would not be all _ But be de- aired toléive timely notice of his own feel- ing thatnotln'ng could be more unfortun- dcuhle Shuttle, after the double stvearing, 5.3a after all the pcijury and all the crimes which they saw perpetrated. . ,r (Cries of ‘ Mr. MeGeeâ€"-â€"Well-â€"-it should be un- derstood that if His Royal Highness came . , here under the present circumstances, un- ‘ ~ der thezadvice’and protection of the gen- ‘ tlemiin opposite, and without n Governor- Genera‘l“\vho had an historic name or an Ouch as every loyal subject and. every atâ€" ‘tached subject would desire it to be. :: ~.~;Mr. Tommieâ€"Perhaps you would de-. ,,.v,-_J,siye he should come under your protec- tion ‘I " Mr. ,Gowa’n had intended to reply to : Mr. MEGe‘c’s speecb.but be had been ' supernatural. best, way 7 to treat it would‘b’i’tlw pas-ring it over in silence. (Hear hear.) ’ FIRST PRIZE DIOWERS ! Macbeth: Corners. Aurora 981chli- 186t'lw With IRON FRAME. STEEL CUTTER-BAR, and SELF-CLEARING " ~ .._. GUARDS that never were known; to clog, manulactured by TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAN i PATTERSON s. BRO. BY “‘0 “’5 °f Eltcmclll“ Are there Stumps on your Farm 1 If so, do not fail so procure immediatedly one By Dr. E. C. EDMONDS, ofthose sum:on DENTlIT. Annona. s T U M P E x T n A. o T o 2 Teeth inserted onLSilvor. Gold_or Vulcanized Of which S BROWN, Esq., of the New England Farmer. says :â€"“ They will Rubber. All Operations in his Profession. , . -, . , . I . _ . , ’ . . . move any thing on the t’nlth, or out the earth, that any reasonable man can desire to performed in the most approved manner and 7, , , a move ; and 179 good, respectaule Farmers in Canada stand ready to endorse the ,Wnrraiited‘ 67-ty statement. To be had at the'lron Works of PATTERSON a BRO. Aurora. March 9, [860. Is your Ground infested with foul weeds? Remember the . FANN MILL, CthSTItUCTED 0N SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES 1 Which will “ seperate Wheat from 'I‘ares,” and render your Seed pure and clean, Manufactured at PATTERSON d: BRO’S. __.: Vaughan Lodge, No. 54 r. a A._M.._G. ii. 0. m The next Regular Coin- miiiiicatiop _ will, be held on TUESDAY. the 13th inch, when a deturo will he do- i ‘ livored by tho \Vorsliipfnl ‘ Master. Subject: If you wish PLO WS, with Cast Beams, I’LO\VS, with \Vooden Beams, 1 FLOWS, with Wrought Beams, FLOWS, with Steel Beams, FLOWS, with Straight Beams, . Masonry, Its Moral Tendency. Visiting Bretborn will receive a Masonic wolconio. By order _of the W. M. ‘Ciimpbell...hlsq. '1'. VVoodsido. Esq. it’lossrs. mums DICK. Sec, Maple, March 6. 1860. ‘ J'- ~CJIEICEISIJIE'J'Y, ‘ STOCK BROKER. Land is Municipal Agent, &c. No. ‘29 Amie Street. Or Box 54. I’.O. Quolioc. Rzrnnnscns : Slierifi' Jarvis. Hon. George Sherwood, “on. P. M, Vankouglinct. C. J. E. Gilniour, Coulsoii &.V':CO. Angus? Morrison. M.P,l’. 'l'0ronto;_ Messrs. Mills, Mattico 61. Co. Montreal; Hon, James Patton, Bariio: James Webster, Esq, Guelph. 67 if Qâ€"uehec Government Agency. USINESS connected with the CROWN LAND and other Public Departments attended to ; also. ' Patents for Inventions, Secured by tho Subscriber. Address, prepaid. E. J. CHESLEY. : No.29 Anne Street, Quebec. Quebec. March 6, 1860. ' 67-tf o. E. SEYMOUR. HOMOEPATHIC PHYSICIAN, MAIN ST.. NEWMARKET, U.C. 65-1 DR. cheap ’volothing. E Subscriber begs to inform the inhabi~ II T tantsol‘ Buttonvillo and the surrounding country. that he continues to malio first-class 00a TS. VEST-8', PfiN’I‘S. &c. In the newest Styles and superior VVorkman- ship, All Orders; promptly. attended to and work warranted. JOHN HARDY, . Tailor and Clothior, Buttonville. Decfi23. 1859. 55-ly l l l a 2 a a: :3 as c-i i 05.7%... F... '3 Sgg- .. E O: “193?. , '0 f 5” a) g ‘5‘ ‘ 25d D 38 a" m oz t1 :3 i. . M U fl m fig "‘ U) 3 he» . . .22“'s?'§m - Ed 7. 5.70.“; 9â€"4» CD 3:5. o "r? pâ€"i 'v .1'.:r.n as; 9 ‘5 ,fi .â€"â€"â€"â€" . @HUGH‘ CAMPBELL, Watch,_ and Clock Maker, . ,JEWEI.ER,&c. ‘ , page Street, Aurora- Jowelry; ,WatchOs and Clocks repaired and cloa't'ied'on the shortest notice and lowostterms anion. February l7, 185’). '. 69‘“ Markham Village, Jan. 4!, 1859. FLOWS, with Crooked Beams, Lap Furrow PLO “’8. Green Sward PLO “"8, Centre Draft PLOVVS, Sub Soil PLOVVS, Crossing FLOWS, Gang PLOVVS, PLO\VS, for $10.00 PLO VVS, for 3312,00, I PLO WS, for $14300, PLOWS, for $16,00, PLO'WS, for $18,00, . PLO WS, for $22,00, Go to ' ' ’ " '- -- PATTERSON 8; BRO. 'I‘t‘t 7ZAD HORSF-PO‘WERS,with Threshers, ' ' TupJAD HORSE-PO WIS RS, with 'l‘hresher's'and Separators, . 'I‘I’i ISAD HORSE-PO WEI-IS, with 'I'hrcshers, Separators and Cleaners, Circular Wont! Saws, Horse Rakes. Root Slicers, Seuiflers, Horse Hoes, Road Scrapers, ' Cultivators, Straw Cutters, V Grain Crushers, Seed Drills, Ste. A doc. IMPLEMENT FACTORY l or PA'F'I‘SRSUN & BRO. 67-4m fie. To be had at the AGRICULTURAL Richmond Hill, Canada \Vest, March, 1860. RICHMOND HILL Plilllllllllll W. H. MYERS ' , EGS to return his sincere thanks to his numerous Friends and the Public generally lor past favors, and would inostrespectfully ‘solicit a continuance of tho Patronage he has so long received ; he has now on hand a large stock of GOODS QOiisistiug in part Of DOUBLE AND SING-LE HARNESS of every description, Ladies’ and Gentleman’s SADDLES, BRIDLES and SPURS, MANE :iiid CURRY COMES, , HORSE BRUSHES and CARDS. TRUNKS, VALISES, Si. Travelling BAGS XVith an endless variety of VVHIPS, and WHIP LASHL‘S, All of which will be sold at prices that will defy Competition. The Goods Mann- factored at this Establishment have now been tried forthe last five years, and, the best proof that they have given entire satisfaction is, that all who have once purchased at his place invariably come again. . . .‘ H __ COLLARS WARR'ANTED SAFE! livery description of Horse Clothing, Rollers andBridles madeito order. A1; Work "warranted. - i All orders will be thankful! received and pfonzjttly‘attmded to. Cash will be given for HIDES and SKINS. Richmond Hill, February 3, 1860. 62-1)‘ " WORKS i MARKHAM VILLAGE. Every Description Of LIGHT AND HEAVY ~- ‘WAGGONSI- Manufactured by the Subscribers. Having an immense stock of Lumber, of the best quality and well seasoned, and with the great facilities 'which they have in Ma: cliinery. comblm’d with firstâ€"class Workmen,â€"â€"tliey can. and :do make better Finished, More Durable. and ‘ ~ MW mmnna II"trill: in'liiiiiui ulllllllll ill llltt'llll l‘liiiiili “ti ll ll't‘ii'illii » i tort hilt/i Than any other Establishment in Canada.. I, V an orders attended to With promptitude,_aud Work warranted , governor is SON. A . .. ' 566m ’5" ' A. Splendid u. .-. MM Undersighedi‘begs to ,call the attention of his Friends and the Public gou- crally to the fact that he has opined a= NEW STORE in. the aboveplaee, which will be found replete with a large and splendid assortment ‘of uni-mu intuit-ill tfllll “Willis?- _ PURE LIQUORS, WINES, BRANDIES. .. HARDWARm. QEGOKER'g; Which lie is prepared to “Sell on most rcas*-...i')le terms. Parties, before purchasing elsewhere, will find it an advantage to Call a :u COIL; are Prices. ‘ ‘ Clothing made to Order On the shortojfst Notice. ‘ S; FRANCIS rum - . {if-1m Buttonville, December 23, 1859. GOOD PAIL is a domestic necessity and superlor BU CKETS are .much in demand. The Subscriber begs to inform the public that he is prepared to manufacture any quantity of first class PAILS and SAP BUCKETS,bavin_g ' ‘ _ recently made several Additions and . p ; .~ , _. IMPROVEMENTS TO HIS ESTABLISHMENT, By which he is enabled to make better PAILS, of every size, and SAP BU Cums and sell them CHEAPER than any other House in Canada." He would especially call the attention of Farmers and others to his . SAP BUCKETS; As they are allowed to be the best ever made, he will sell them at unprecedented low Prices. Buttonville, P.0. will receive prompt attention. and, as he has a large stack on hand, All orders by letter, prepaid. sent to JOHN AMOSS, . Lot No. 11, 2nd concession, - 2 55-3m SEC. Markham, December 23, 1859. MANUFACTURED AT THORNHLL. prepared to make first-clas WAGGONS, SLEIGHS. Also. a new and BUGGIES. rupnovmp canon antralâ€""nan, Which every Farmer ought to possess, and Ill. Kllllll lll' Ilillllilll'l'lllilll. lllll’llllllllll'll. At the Shortest notice, and at the lowest reinunerating prices. Those requiring real substantial and good Waggons, Buggies, Sleighs, Agricultural Implements, Ste. will nd it to theiradvantage to call. J. HOLMES... . 4-7-6ivi -..â€" “W...” - .__ , -m- “LLâ€"4......» ...._ ._._. Mm Thornhill, October 21, 1859. .,..â€"â€" Prepcrty V - For Sale. in tho FARMERS' INTEREST. VILLAGE OF. SPARTA, Ninth Concession of Markham. suitable TH for a Tanner or Brewer, consisting of A. One Acre 1.01;, With Two Dwelling Houses and a largox 'l‘annery. Seventy feet long by Thirty-six wide. with 9 Spring Creek running through the lot. Tl“. indisputable, and a clear Deed for $500. :Jr further particulars inquire of v THOMAS SPEIGH'I‘. Markham Village. Feb. 10, 1860.‘ 60 tf E Subscriber boas to intimate to“ the Farmors of'ho County of Yorkhthatho is prepared to Manufacture and Sell' llllTl'l‘llll} lllllllllll l With the improved Draft] and Coupliug‘lronn The above Harrows art) for superior to any now in use. boiiig' made on on entire new principle. They will he found to do the work much quickerand better than any other Har-' rows Specimens of the above may‘bo seen and particulars as to price nsCertniued. by ap- plying to tho SlibisCrilier, at his shop,.Richmond Hill, who will punctually attend to all Orders. SAMUEL SANDERSON. Richmond Ilill. Feb. 24, 1860. 5-tf Tivo Dollars Per Room in Advance .1 f" . ‘ â€"â€" WEEKLY EDITION. ‘2 dollars per single copy por annum.iii advance TIIE “MONTREAL WITNESS ”‘ ‘ IS PUBLISHED TWICE A “IBEX ' av- - 6 " for clubs of It, addressed separately. 12 u N in. -- u '20 " for :20 copies to one address. When a club has been formed. additions may be made at tho same rate. The terms for both editions are strictly cash in advance. and tho paperinvuriably stops when the time subaigibod for oXpires. All letters. orders and remittances. to be ad- dressed. post-paid, to JOHN DOUGALL, Proprietor "Mos-rite“ WITNESS.” Montreal. CHI EF OFFICESâ€"3 PALL MALL AND 3‘) LUDGATE HILL. ‘ I.- o N D 0' N .. Established in 1856. under Charter of Imperial Parliament. 0.41131 QUILTâ€"$2,500,000 wnii nrwzmns or 1000 snAniznowens. The Right Honorable Lord Kmna. Chairman. Purim Mountson. Esq . Managing Director. WILLiAu Canvvszn, Esq., Secretary: Anvnm‘isino.â€"'l‘ho “ Montroal Witness" being extensivon patronized by town and coun- try merchants. presents an excellent medium for advertisements. The terms for advertising are. when over eight lines, 7 cents per line for first insertion. and3 cents perlmo for each subsequent insertion. Under eight lines 50 and '25 cents. Advertisement; not Qififififlirlg‘ (lire: tutu. twenty-jive cents each insertion, in advance. No advertisements can be inserted ofa chap iactor inconsistent with that of the paper. Letters Remaining in RICHMOND HILL PoatOflico MARCH 1. tt‘O. A copy of Stock Book can bo spoil on'th’c coun~ ter'at the ' i " Head Oflice. Canada Branch. Iiflnroutso Trusts.“ and Board'of Directors in Canada. Honorable Jon in... We: HowusndllPl’.‘ Jana Ciuwronn.Esq, VViLLIAM Ross, Esq. Was. Mcblasrnn, Esq. WM. ilrznnitnsox, Esq Bankersâ€"Tm: BANK or MO‘NMOEAL. Solicitorsâ€"Ross. CRAWFORD Jinn Cnomnuc. _._-:_. I .. J . . This Branch was only opened last January. and now has an income of $751,000 t Which is retained in this country. The i‘ucroaso ofbusinoss in, Ehgbmd is uni- precé'dentcd, as shown by'ihp Parliamentary re- turns, and the following- «alien ‘fi‘om’tho- last September report :' C“. j i, V, . I , “ lt will'tlius be seemtlmtvtho total amount of business douo duringtho last niiio’mO‘iitho ' of tho" Company's "operations. has _ been 'I‘WENTYsTWOTHOUSANQNINEHUN. Allan. Robert Arnold, John R. Anderson. Miller Allen. Susan Bond. John Bleak, Margret Beynon. Edmond ' Booth-James , Broudborry. George Clsco, Mrs. Susan Campbell. Alex. [2] Cmig, Peter Dowéfoot. Thomas Duncan. William ' Devoricks, John Dancy, John O’Brlou. Ann ' Elgio, Mr. Phillips, Misc 8. Elliott, Miss Mary Ann Russell. Wm. [52] Foggin. Miss Jano , Ross, Marla Graham, Miss Sarah Stewart. Samuel or Ar- Harriiigton, ‘Willinm thur Heslop. Gideon Stanley, John ‘ Hall, It. Smith. Marv Ann [2] chslop. Misc Juno Simpson, Wm. ’ Ilyeoy. John (junior) Snyder. Jacob Hisson, Robert [2] Simpson. James llornor. Elias Taloy. l’atrick ' Hunt. William Temple. Campton, Hardv, Samuel I.O.G.T. Johnson. J. Trench. Tilly )onkinsLJames M. Trench. Robert v .Kiosiveil, Charles Trench. Matilda Lively. John Vaughan. Ann‘ Lawreiico,'James jun. Walker, Elizabeth M. Langstatl'. John sour. White. Moses Lund. Joseph Lundy, Miss Sharlet Lahgstafi'. J. jur. [5] :Munshaw, John Maughcr, Miss C. Miller, James ('4) Muidy, Joseph ~ Mnusliaw. Lambert ‘ McMahon. Miss Mary ' McDonald. John McKinzio. Jae. juur. Nalon, James Neill. James Newton, Andrew Nolan. James ducing an additional'annual income of $150,9Qo Representing property insured to the extent of THIRTY MILLION DOLLARS Tho Report furtlior‘Says. that“ the Directors congrat‘duto tho Share‘lrblders on this satisfac- tory increase in the business of the ' Company. and they have every reason to believe that from the connection now formed it will continue to increase in the some ratio. . ' The Capital of the Coii‘ipany is devoted on- tiroly to Fins: Luaiurrus, haying. no reserve for a Life Branch. ., All losses in Canadajaro submitted to the gentlemen composing the Board who examine the particulars. and if found satisfactory. at oncqordOr the payment of the claim. This system has called‘ forth. numerous cards of thanks. ’“ ’4 '- ~‘5 -~ ' A If differences should arise ,botiveeuclaimants Lnnd, Richard W‘oods, James 11. and thoCompany. the ‘Maiiagorlis- fully omr Loggo. Mrs. James Wood. 8. S. ' powered to accept of any process of law; Lund, Wm. Walker. Katherine 'ALEX‘ STEWART ‘ 'A. LAW. Lawrenco.VCharloa Wilson, Richard Manager; 3_ N..A,;,°,.im . Age'm. “mm”! A‘ ' Richmond Hill; . . - . "~TEEFY. P-M. December23.‘1859ri» ,55l6m EVV STORE IN BUTTONVILLE VIHE Subscriber begs to call the attention of the Public to the fact that is i 1min) AND (Jan‘wa rOi;ioiics,'pro- 1 Falling dc Cloth Dressing arr LAwiuztvce‘s moron. ' HE undersigupd having loosed that Exa tonaivo Laiablishmeut of Mr. C. E. Lawrence. {cola confident in saying that he" is prepared to give general satisfaction to, all. who may favor him with their orders, having had long experience in the businoas of Dyeing and Dressing Cloth. ‘ Blankets .If'ull’d and Napp'd. 0n the shortest notice. W. L. KING. Richmond uni, Nov. 18, 1859. si-u- t » . PATENT , Drain Pipes, Eve Trough). I All) I . Water Spouts, Manufactured and for solo by . JOHN LANGSTAFF’, Stun MILLS, 'I‘uonnaiu. in... 3. i359. 27. n:- snr. a. N. PECK, URGEON Dentist, will he at Hall's Hotel. Markham Yillago', on. the 24th, 25th and 2,611; of each, Month. Teeth extracted from Tooth Fllad. "each 25cm. Dentistry ~dono ,‘cllv'apor than by any other Dentist in the Pro: vinco.. Approved Credit will be given if rc- quirod. [All work Warrdntad. ‘ 31-h Juno 30. 1859. - banana .TESTAMENTS FOR SALE. CHEAP. in. TEEFY, Richmond Hill. LO, January S. 1860. mm“ nut in l_l_l_l_ll ‘ ltltlll. maven-s CONDITION PHYSIQ AID WORM DESTROYER. THIS Splendid Medici-o can be given its _ one Ball at any time of the year. without injury to the Horse. and has been used by the Farmers of Markham for the last two years with a success unprecedented. Bv the use of this remedy it thl convince the owners of that noble animal the inconsistency of an unneces- sary outlay byusing'Ar-tifioial food or Condition Powders. which are too v‘vollknown to contain minerals highly injurious to the membrane or coating of the Stomach. The Ball is It compound of Two Vegetaba, and warranted not to contain either Mercury. Arsenic. Auti- inoiiy or any other Mineral. Ita immediate action is surprising and the ultimate cfl‘oci has astonished thousands. lftho Animal is out of sorts, there is a cause remove that and he is all right. , Que dove It the cost of 25 cents ia sufficient to cure Hide Bound. Loss of Appo~ tits. . Coughs. Colds and Fever. Distemper. Stoppage of Water. Swollod Logs. Greassmnd. i is a com plota Destroyer of W'ornis, a grcatpuri- -fyerpf the Blood. and a good Physic, alwaya recommended to be givonin the Spring and Fall, which will act as c preventive and im- prove the generalponditlon. Makes'him com; _- . ~ '. .pletely upto the mark for his work, therooby giving every satisfaction the owner can require. I‘Ostiino’nials of the highest character will be forwarded to testify to the above if required. ‘ Cash Termsâ€"One Dollar per packet containing ' four Balls. ’ Lottors prepaid enclosing a remittance. will be promptly attended to. Printed Directions wrapped round each Ball with my. signature in full. without which none other are genuine. I Officeâ€"Victoria Square, Manufactoryâ€"p-Itth concession Markham, THOMAS MAYOR The only maker of the original Yorkshire Dritficld Oils in America. SQ NOTICE. LL_ Persons indebted to the undersigned. Z” either by Nota or Book Account. will please attend to the am. by the let of March. by coming forward and paying part and making arrangements for the balance they will be libero. ally dealt with. Those neglecting to attend to this notice may expect to be attended to. P. CROSBY. Richmond Hill. Feb. 10. 1860. TAVERN FOR SALE. ‘HE Agricultural and Commercial Hotel, Victoria Square. is for sale on Liberal Terms. I" or particulars apply to H. J. HARRISON. Richmond Hill, Feb 10. 1860. GJ-t “ADVERTISE. ‘ S We have made Irrsnzomonta which wtl materially increasing our circulation. thus l'elltlfil'lllg’ tho " You: Hanson” the BEST Advertising medium firth of Toronto, and as we lmv'o now_ a circulation "along YongO'Stroct and adjoining Townships larger than that of am! other Journal. Now then is the time, and tho “ Your: Hung.» f" is tha Paper in which to Ad. vortiso : v , 1 ' - ' 634! JOB“ WORK. WE would respectfully call the attention 0! Murchunts. Auctioneers, Farmers. and others, to the fact that we am prepared to ex. ocutc JOB WORK on tho shore-t poanililo notice, and on the most reasonable terms... For 0a,. an only. OUR AGENTS. HE Inhabitants of Aurora and Vicinity or. informed tho. Mr. Jens “pumps! and Mr. iutils Ton are authorized to rocéiv'o Suh- swcripl: and orders for Adrertising and Job or . Ar OAK Bloomsâ€"Mr. CltYIIIIIOII is our Agent. Whore our Subscribers in that part will. in future got their papora Mr.. C. will at» grain: receipts for Subscriptions.

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