Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 2 Mar 1860, p. 3

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PROVINCIAL PARLIAMENT. WW I LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. QUEBEC, Feb. 28, 1860. THE GOVERNOR’S SPEECH. This day at three o’clock p.m., His Excellency the Governor General pro- ceeded in State to the Chamber of the Legislative Council, in the Parliament building. The members of the Legisla- tive Council being assembled, His Excelv lency was pleased to command the attend- ance of the Legislative Assembly, and that House being present, His Excellency was pleased to open the third session of the sixth Parliament of the Province of Canada, with the following Speech from the Throne :â€" Honourable Gentlemen of the Legisla- tive Council : Gentlemen of the Legislative Assembly]: I have much pleasure in announcing to you that your joint address of last session, inviting the Queen to visit Canada, has been laidat the foot of the Throne, and that Her Majesty’s most gracious answer will forthwith be placed in your hands. You will see with satisfaction that we may hope for the honour of receiving His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, in such a manner as will prove the hearty loyalty of all ranks among us. . Negotiations have been carried on by the Postmaster General for securing the transmission through Canada of a large ortion of the corresiiondence between V‘urope and America. The result of these negotiations has been such as to show that the advantages of the route by the St. Lawrence are fully appreciated. At the same time care has been taken to represent properly to Her Majesty’s Government the position and claims 01 (‘anada with reference to the postal sub- sidies granted to ocean steamers. The Commissioners appointed to report On the boundary line between Upper and Lower Canada have completed their la- bours, so as to enable you to pass a Bill for the settlement of this long pending question. The Gorernment has received suggest- ions from many sources with reference to the measures introduced last session for the consolidation of the Mincipal Law of Lower Canada, and a Bill will be subâ€" mitted to you, which may enable you to effect the important object. I congratulate you on the issue of the consolidated statutes of Canada and of Upper Canada. I trust soon'to see the pumc work completed for Lower Canada, and when this is done we may hope it will be followed by the further assimilation of the laws in force in both sections of the I’rovurcc. I desire to cal. your attention to the expediency of considering the law of debtor and creditor in commercial matters, as it exists bolh in Upper and Lower tJannda, wilh a view to future legislation pn this difficult subbjeet; and I think, too, that the present system of currency and banking deserves your early and serious consideration. A measure will be laid before you for the purpose of facilitating the administrat- ion of the Crown lands. Gentlemen oft/re Legislative Assembly: If I may not congratulate you on having completely surmounted our financial diffi- culties, I think that you will find that the income and expenditure fer the past year have been such as to cause us no fear for the future. Papers will he laid before you having reference to the consolidation of the public debt, and the successfull exertions made by the Minister of Finance during the recess, with a view of securing this import- ant subject, You will see that the depression under which we have laboured has not diminished our credit, but it has forcibly impressed on myself and my advisers the necesstiy of a strict and rigid economy. It is this con- viction that I ask you again to consider the prOpriety of making the requisite pro- vision for the Queen’s service. The accounts for the several depart- ments shall be placed in your hands with as little delay as possible. ,Honourable Gentlemen and Gentle-men: It pleased Almighty God in the last autumn to bless our land with a plentiful harvest, and we see around us at the pre- sent moment the srgns of a revival of com- ;nerce. ,, I earnestly pray that these marks of returning prosperity may continue to in crease, and that our people may have abundant cause to be thankful for the wel- fare of their country and the maintainapce of law and order. It is at your hands that they expect such amendments and changes as may from time to time be needed, but rejoice to think that few subjects of a broad and important character remain to be dealt with by imineidate legislation. I now- leave you to the discharge of your legis- lative duties. Some little discussion followed on the. subject ofa bankruptcy law which Col. Prince advocated in strong language, which the Council adjourned. KING TOWN SHIP COUNCIL. Theabove Council met at Kettleby Temperance Hall, on Wednesday the 15th inst. Preseiitâ€"«ll’lessrs. Webb, (Deputy Reeve,) Moore, Armstrong and Davis,â€" the Deputy in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read ; after which a lenghty and rather warm discus- sion followed, in regard to the same, be- tween Capt. Armstrong and Mr. Moore â€"â€"the former contending that the docu- ments he handed over to the present Reeve should hare been entered upon the minutes, â€"â€",the latter arguing that in order to have that done Capt} Armstrong should make out an inventory of the various books and documents: and at any rate, he thought, to say that all these books and papers were handed over, in the absence of the party receiving, would be quite improper,â€" jority. Finally, Mr. Moore moved the passing of the minutes as correct. Capt. Armstrong agreeing to leave the matter over. until the Reeve was present, and the resolution was adopted. A communication was read from the Mayor of Coll-ingwood, stating that hitherva to they had, found it impossible to meet the interests due on Debentures, but he hoped. they would be able to do so im- mediately after the new Council got or- ganized Also,_froni the Auditor General’s office, requiring some statistics. Mr. Davis presented, a petition, from School Section No. 23, praying for the passing Of a By-law to authorize said sec- tion to borrow money for the erection of a School House. Also, from Section No. 1'7, praying to the same purport, A Bill was presented from Maclear Co., for stationary 81.0., amounting to $20: 4:4«cts. A Bill was also presented from consta: ble Tracy, for taking a Lunatic toAsylum 5 ' and from Mrs. Bosanko, for use of build- ing in which the late Municipal election was held. Capt. Armstrong presented the Audiâ€" tor’s report up to Jan’y 1st 1860, The Council resolved itself into Com;- mittee of the whole,3n petitions. accounts and communications.â€"Mr. Davis in! the chair. On Motion of Mr. Moore, the ac counts presented were ordered to be. paid. In reference to the petitions presented,‘= t was decided to defer them until next meeting. On motion of Mr. Moore, it was. re.- solved, in reference to the Communication l from Collmgwood. that this Council can- not alter the decision arrived at on a for- mer occasionâ€"t0 the effect, that unless mm accommodate. DR. D. E. SEYMOUR, HOMOEPATHIC PHYSICIAN, MAIN ST., NEWMARKET, U.C. @5-1 Letters Remaining in RICHMOND HILL Post Office MARCH 1, 1:60. ' ' Lund. Joseph Lundy, Miss Sharlet LaugstafibJ. jnr. [5] Munshaw, John Maugher, Miss C._ Miller, James (2) Mindy, Joseph Muushaw. Lambert McMahon, Miss Mary McDonald, John McKinzie, Jas. junr. Nalen. James Neill, James Newton, Andrew Nolan, James ‘ O’Brien, Apn Bhillips, Miss B. [‘2] Russell, Wm. [2] Ross, Mark Stewart, Samuel or Ar- thur Stanley, John Smith, Mary Ann [2] Simpson, Wm. ' Snyder, Jacob Simpson, James Taley. I’atrick Temple. Campton, I.O.G.T. Trench, 'I‘illy Trench, Robert Trench. Matilda Vaughan. Ann \Valkor, Elizabeth M. White. Moses Woods, James H. Wood. S. S. Walker. Katherine Wilson, Richard Allan. Robert Arnold, John R. Anderson, Miller Allen, Susan Bond. John Bleak, Margret Beyiion, Edmond. Booth, James Broadherry. George Cisco, Mrs. Susaii Campbell. Alon. Craig, I’etm‘ Dewefoot, Thomas ‘_ iDunca‘n, William il)cvericks, Jolitt i Dancy, John ' Eigio, Mr. 1 Elliott, Miss Mary Ann Eoggin, Miss Jaue Graham, Miss Sarah Harrington, William Heslop. Gideon ‘ Hall, R‘, 1.1 ' ' Hcaslop, Miss Jane Hysoy, John (junior) Hissdn, Robert [2] Homer, Elias llltttt. lVilliniri Hardv, Samuel Johnson, J. Jenkins, James M. ' Kieswoll, Charles Lively, John Lawrence, James jun, Langstalt‘, John senr. Lund, Richard Leggc, Mrs James Lnnd, W in. Lawrence. Ciiai‘ips Loqmis, A. M. TEEFY, P. M, paid forthwith, legal proceedings will be, instituted. The committee then rose and the chairman reported the. various rosolutions adopted. The Council received and adopted the report, On Motion of Mr. Davis. seconded by Mr. Moore, John Mitchell was re funded being overcharge on taxes. The Deputy Reeve then left'the chair for one hour. AFTERNOON SESSION. On the Deputy Reeve taking the chair, the Council resolved itself into a Corn- mitlee of the \Nhole on the Auditor‘s 11e- port. State Fire Insurance, CHIEF OFFICESâ€"3 PALL MALL AND aspUDGATE HlLL. ' LONDON. Established in 1856. under Charter of Imperia Parliament. (Lam Tam, $2,500,000 wi‘rir Ul’WARDS or‘ 1000 SHAREHOLDERS. The Right Honorable Lord KLANE, Chairman. PETER Mountsbn, Esq , Managing Director. VVHJJAM Casmzc, Esq., Secretary: Capt. Armstrong in the chair. After making a slight alteration in the wording of one item, the report was adop ted, The committee rose, and the report was passed as correct, Mr. Davis asked if there had been any- thing done with regard to the matter in ques tion betWeen this Corporation and Messrs. Ryan 89 I‘Iallen. ' The Clerk said he had a correspoadence with them, and they thought the work was done according to instruction ; but he had been OVL‘I‘ the place, and could not dis- cover they had done anything, and no map had been sent. to the Clerk’s office. On motion of Mr. Moore, seconded by Capt. Armstrong, the Clerk was instruct- ed to get 100 copies of the Auditor‘s Report printed, in the usual form, and an abstract of the same inserted in the New Era. After passing some instructions to the Inspector, the Council adjourned till the lst of March next, then to meet at Ker, tleby as a Board of License.â€"â€"-New Em- PARLIAMEN'I‘ARY PROCEEDINGSâ€"â€" In the Upper House, yesterday, the address in reply to the Speech froin the Throne, was passed without much discussion. In the lower House, the address was moved by M. DESSAULNIERS, who acted gone,- rally last session with the Opposiâ€" tion. He spoke in commendatory terms of the several paragraphs of the speech, Mr. SIMPsON seconded the address. M. Tmpapnmu, late a member of the TWO‘DaX s’ Minis- try, while approving to aigreat ex- tent of the speech, and declaring that he would Otter no factions op- position to the policy of the GOâ€" vernment, expressed a little sur: prise at seeing M. DussAULNIERs move the address. He also took occasion to rebuke his old col- leagues from U per Canada, threatening that if tfi'ey persisted in their denunciation of Lower Ca. nada, he and the other members! of the Lower Canada minority would find it neceseary to take. sides with the Lower Canada ma- . M. TURCOTTE, Mr. BROWN and Mr. MCGEE followed, and the. despatch closedâ€"Leader. MARRIED. At Maple, on the 16th inst, . Donald Ross, Mr. John Wilkie to Miss Jane McDonald, both of the Township of King. By the Rev. Mr. Brown, on Saturday the llth ult.. at the residence of. the Bride’s father, Yonge Street, Mr. John T. ('lark, of “lost Gwilliamburrv, to Miss Ellen third daughter, pf Andrew Dickson, Esq.,of East Gwilliam- ury. On the 13th 1th., by the Rev. W. W'illouglibv, Mr. John Harrington, Jun. to Miss EliZaboth. only daughter of Amos Wright Earp, M. I’ 1’. flamenco Maritime: " Tuunsnav, March, t. Fall Wlieat,7-â€"§00 bushels sold at from $1 15 to $1 32%. ' ' Spring; Wheat.â€".â€"600 bshs sold at from $1 00 to $1 0 . Dataâ€"20. bshls sold at from 35§c to 37,1,c. Peas.â€"50 bshls sold at 59c. ' Barley.-â€"50 bshls sold at from 115;: with down- ward tendency. Dressed HogswAbout 90 moderate weights but good sold at $6 87% per 100 lbs. FlouanVithout' change. Superfine No. 2. $4 10 to $415; superfine No 1, $4 40 to $4 50; fancy. $4 65 to $4 85; extra, $5 36 to $5 40; double extra, $5 50 to $5 75. i ' Hay and Straw.-â€"-P1cntifully supplied at from FARMERS} INTEREST. :now in use, being made on an entire new i principle. bv the Royal A copy of Stock Book can be seen on the coun~ tor at the Head Office. flanada Branch. Toronto Trustees and Board of Directors in Canada. Honorable JOHN Ross, “LP. I‘IOWLAND,I\IPP. JOHN Cimwroan,Esq. WILLIAM Ross, Esq . WM. McMas'ruu, Esq. WM. HENDERSON, Esq Bankersâ€"THE BANK or“ MONMOEAL. Solicitorsâ€"Ross. Caswroun AND Caoman. This Branch was only opened last January, and now has an income of $ '7 5 , o o o 2 Which is retained in this country. The increase of business in' England is un- precodontcd, as shown by the Parliamentary re turns, and the following taken from the last September report : “ It will thus be seen that the total amount. of business done during the last nine months of tho Company’s operations has been TWENTY-TWO THOUSANDNINE HUN- DRED AND ONE NEW POLICIES, pro- ducing an additional annual income of $130,000 Representing property insured to the cxtoutof THIRTY MZILLION DOLLARS The Report furthcrsays. that “ the Di ectors congratulate the Shareholders on this satisfac‘ tory increase in the business of the Company, and they have every reason to believe that from the connection now formed it will continue A'o .increasc in the same ratio. The Capital of the Company devoted en- tirely to Finn LiABirntus', having no reserve for a Life Branch. All losses in Canada are submitted to the gentlemen composing the Board who examine the particulars. and if found satisfactory. at once order the payment of the claim, This system has called forth numerous ca OS of thanks. If differences should arise between claimants and tho Company, the Manager is full.’ eni- powered to accent of any process of law. AL 3X. STEWART. A. LAW, Manager, B. N, America Agept, Richmond Hill. 55-Gm December 23. 1859. ‘HE Subsci‘iber bears to intimate to the Farmers of the County of York, that he prepared to Manufacture and Sell ll'll'l'lllll 'HIIIIWSI With the improved Draft and Coupling Irons, The ahoye Hat-rows are far superior to any They will he found to do the work much quicker and better than any other Har- rows Specimens Of the above may be seen and particulars as to price ascertained, by ap- plying tO the Subscriber, at his shop, Richmond Hill, who will punctually attend to all orders. SAMUEL SAN DERSON, Richmond Hill, F911. 24, 1860. 5-tf WALTER 13, GEIKIE, M.D. I icentiate oflhr: Medical Board of Upper Cana- da, and recently (me if the Medical qflicer: of the Toronto General Hosptial, and Professm- of Anatomy and Surgch in. Rulp/i’sll’lcdical 80/406], ’ AS returned to AURORA, and rcrtakoti his former residence. on Yongp Street, i where he may be consulted at all times, 911 the 1 various branch es Of his profession. I ‘ Aurora, Feb. 24, 1860. 55-)", NEW TAILOR SHOP. ' l V 111E undersigned begs respectfully to inform ‘ the inhabitants of Richmond Hill & Vicinity T hat he has commenced business in the Tailor ing Line in the house adjoining MRS IVERS’ SHOE 811013, VVhero, by close application to business and studying to please, he hopes to merit a share of ' public patronage. ALL ORDERS PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED 1‘0. in any style. JAMES B. BURNES, $12 to $20 for Ray, $7 to $10 for Straw per ton. ‘ Richmond Hill, Feb. 10, 1860, 63-13; .,-. 3,, 'aft‘} . .. » . , "a, -,..I ‘5»; ~11..- 1M .. .5. RICHMOND HILL urriiu ruins ElTlllllSlllllllll VWMV'VMWVVVVVV vv v COOS .vvvv~~wvvvvvvvwwn W. H. MYERS EGS to return his sincere thanks generally for past favors, consisting in‘part of DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS of every description, Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s‘ SADDLES, ‘ ‘ BRIDLES and SPURS, IVIANE and CURRY COMES, HORSE BRUSHES and CARDS, TRUNKS, VALISE'S, a Travelling BAGS, With an-cn-dless variety of WHIPS, ' .' and WHIP LASHES, = All of which will be sold at prices that will defy Competition. The Goods Manu- factured at this Establishment have now been tried for the last five years, and, the best proof that they have given entire satisfaction is, that all who have once purchased at his place invariably come again. ‘ COLLARS WARRANTED SAFE; Every description of Horse Clothing, Rollers and Bridles made to ordeg. All Work Warranted. All orders will he thankfully received and promptly attended to. Cash will be given tor HIDES and SKINS. Richmond mu, February ’3, 186Q. 62.” ADVERTISE. 'Cheap Clothing. THE Subscriber begs to inform the inhabi- tants of Buttonvillo and the surrounding country, that h "continues to make first-class tn his Iliumerousill‘riends and. the Ilublic would most respectfully solicit a continuance of tho’ Patronage be has so long received ; he has now on hand a large steel; of > was» . . was. ~ .N-tr. ,.. ' ,, - -"'u}t~.«.‘,,:¢,\‘+.‘4‘- : .-~ " ‘ "th v. '3 :mu - ‘ " room on liiliiuiniiu’omis 185 YONGE STALET. MONUMENTsTTrOMBTABLEs. TOMBS'I‘ONES, 8L0. Twenty Per Cent Cheaper, THAN ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT. "o... “Musical: Friend. “OUR MUSICAL FRIEND,” a Rare ‘ " Companion for the Winter Months. Every Pianist, 'Should procure this Every Singer, weekly l’ubiication of very Teacher, - Vocel and Piano" Forte Every Pupil, I r Music. costing but 10 Every Amateur, [cents a number, and Pronounced by the entire Press ofthe country, ‘ to be " ‘ ' “ THE BEST AND CHEAPES 1‘ WORK OF THE KIND IN THE WORLD'“ Twelve full-sized Pages of Vocal and Piano ' ’Forte‘lMusic for 10. Cents. ‘ Yearly,$5 ; H elf-yearly,$2 50 ; Quarterlyifilfib Subscriber to “ Our Musical Friend,” or order it from the nearest Nowsdcaler, and you will have Music for your entire family at an insignificant‘bost; and if‘vou' want Music for the Flute, Violin, Corriet, Clarionet, Accordion 61.0. &c- subscribe to the $010 Melodigt, Cgrrtaiiiiiig 12pagcs, costing only 10 Cents a number; Yearly, $250 ; Half-yearly. $1 :25. All back numbers at 1.0 clan and Bound Volumes.‘ containing 17 numbers, at $2 50 each, constantly on band. C. B. SEYMOUR & Co. ’10? Nassau St,. NewTork IIE UNDERSIGNED Assignees of the, estate Of D. C. & W. YALE, will con. tinue the business under the superintendence ‘Of our duly authorized agents, AUSTIN ABBEY and I), CARLOS VALE, whose receipt will be duly acknowledged: ' ' l’.S.-â€"All notes and. accounts remaining un- paid on the 1st day of Juno,'1858, will be put into Corp“, for 'cOllcction,‘ ' ' i C. YALE, G. CUMMER. Toronto, April 29, 1853. 48-tt'. PATRICK LYNO'I‘T, LICENSED AUCTIONEEn, OR the sale of Cattle, Stock. &c. is pre- pared to attend Sales in all partoof Up- per Canada. Richmond Hill May 25, 1859. 19.2. Auqtion NOtic e . THOMAS WILSON, " LICENSED AUCTIONEER, FOR THE countries or YORK. PEEL. & ONTARIO: All letters addressed, MARKrrAM VILLAGE. \vil K receive prompt attention.‘ III? Orders re- ceived at the “ HERALD” Office, Richmond ill, whore terms, &e., may be ascertained. Markham Village, Nov. 18, 1859. 51-tf FOR. fiALE; 200,000 feet. of Lumber INCLUDING Flooring, Siding, Iiicthoards. and two-inch Plank, Scantling. &c ,&c., at the subscriber’s Mill, near Stouil'villo, cheap for Cash or" Approved Credit. JAMES BUGG. Stoufl'ville. April 12, 1859. - 23,-tf. ROBERT SIVER, Boot. and $1100 Maker, Garments cut to order on the shortest notice, B E If) S T E A D 3 con TS, ESTS, PflJV‘TS, &c. In the newest Styles and superior Workman- IDJOINING the VVeslevan Methrdil: 8 “7° ha” made arrangt’r’lems Which W“ Chapel, Yougo Street, Richmond Hill. materially increasing- our circulation, thus renderhw the u YORK HERALD” the BEST ship_ All orders promptly attended to and A choice selection of Gentlemens’, 1 adio .' d U ‘5, d. q, of Toronto and as W6 work warrant“. and Lliildreiis Boots and Shoes constantly on A vernsing m'e rumniOin . , V . , hand. and made to order on the Shortest No- havo now a Circulation along Yonge Street and JOHN HARDX, tine adjoining Townships larger than that of any Tailor and Clothier. ' t ‘ ' other Journal, Now then is the time, and tho Buttonville. Dec. 23. 1859. 55-1y it? A“ kmds or Shoomakers Fmdméa for gab " YORK HERALD ” is the Paper in which to Ad- " Richmond “lllr 0.6.9 I'll vertise ! _ , ,-_ __ t ‘ r _ THE ‘ MONTREAL Wll‘NESS ” m NEW TREA TMENT. IS PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK MAEOR’S - - J W ' » - ~ ,1, ~' ~' - v Buffalo Medical Dispensary. 0 v p . I TWO DOIIRI'S Per Annm in Advance C O N D I I N P H Y S l C ESTABLISHED FOR THE com: or. Dvsrisrsug __ -. _. . s - AND GENERAL Dnnim'rv, FKVER AND ' AGUE, . r . senorom, OLD uccrcus. GREAT men: " ‘ l‘ 7 E would respectfully call the attention 0! W E L K L Y E Di} T10 N ' O R D E T R O Y E RITY 0F Tl”; BLOOD» SALT “"3"”; Merchants, Auctionee s, Farmers, and 2 dollars per single copy per annum,in advance IS 8 . . . ,. _ , l’lMPLES, visiona, hum, others. to the fact that we are Prepared to ex- 6 " for Clubs Qt 4, addressed separately. H plendm Me.d‘°‘“° can 1"? gill?“ m “13””: DEBIL‘TY' m‘ i ecuto JOB WORK on the shortest possible 12 u "e 19. ’ u “ . . 0"“ Ba“ ‘1‘ “‘1' “me 0f “‘6 58‘", W“ m“ *‘IRW‘IES 01." YOUTH ‘ notice, and on the IDOSI. reasonable termsâ€" 20 f‘ for 20 Slobies to one address. “HWY lo the HOP-90. and has been used by the AND ow acre, &c.' 1 i When a. club has beer} fOrmed additions may Fartmers Of Markham deli tlie IR“ fwo years No RIC U 8d For Cash On. Q " v ’ wlti asuccess unprcce onto . y tie use of If? ‘ I l'Oill'y S r 4;“ y 199 made at “16 54"” rate' this remedy it Will convince the owners of that ‘ _â€".â€". ' ' .._.._â€"â€"- _ The terms for both editions are strictly cash noble animal the inconsistency of an'unneccs - R AMOS & SON, Corner of M tin and g in advance. and the paperlnvariably stops when sary outlay by using Artificial food pr Condition Quay Streets, Buffalo, New York, are; S the pme subscribed for expires. Powders, which are toonvell known to contaln the only Physicians in the State who are mem- 4 A v} a 3 a A“ “tiers. orders and remittances, to be ad_ minerals highly injurious to the membrane bers of the Royal College of Surgeons, Lonâ€" dressed' post_paid’ to . or coating pfptlie SVtomacp. Th: Ball is 3 don. May be consulted from 8 o’clock in the -â€"-: compoun o are egetu )0, an warmnte morning until 9 o’clock at night on ever” E I h b, t fA d V, ). .t ' 8r ‘ JOHN DOUGALL’ not to contain either Mercury, Arsenic, Anti- state and symptom of disease. ‘ ’ H. f". a (it? 8 12m glgrgsaamlfgryl ans Proprietor "MONTREAL WITNESS,” Montreal. many or any other .Minoral, Its immediate The treatment they adopt is the result of M .m 0m}; if}, ,pféd to receive Sub_ , _ _ action is surprising and the ultimate effect'has upwards of 30 years’ extensive and successful ri. tmulls 0D tide llf 0 Ad t. i d J b .ADYERTt‘SINGp-Ihe f‘ Montreal Witness” astonished thousands. If the Animal is out of practice in London. The most inveterate scrip curl 01 61‘s 01' Vel‘ Ismg all. 9 ibeing extenswely patronized by town and mum sorts, there is a cause remove that and he is symptoms of Disease eradicated in eight or WOIk- all right. Ono dose at the cost of 25 cents is py merchants, presents an excellent medium or advertisements. The terms for advertising Agent. Where our Subscribers in that part are, when over eight lines, 7 cents per line for will in future get their papers Mr..C. will first insertion, arida cents per line for track also grant receipts for Subscriptions. subsoquent insertion. Under eight lines 50 and 25 cents. Advertisements not exceeding three lines, twenty-five cents each insertion, in advance. HARNESS ANB SHOE BLACKING. _ t No advertisements can be inserted of a cha- v‘ ELUS supefmr.wat°rpm°f Harm” lacter inconsistent with that of the paper. o and Shoo Blackmg is warranted to soften leather. and router it imperious to wet. Manu- factured at Richmond Hill, and sold by Store- | keepers and Harness Makers throughout the Province. February 10, 1860. nine days, and cases ofa slight nature in two or three days at a very moderate expense.â€"-.â€" The cure effected without Confinement or hin- drance from business. Young Menâ€" Talre Particular. Notice. AT OAK Emacsâ€"Mr. Christison is our‘ sntficient to cure Ilide Bound, Loss of Appe- tite, Coughs, Colds and Fever, Distemper, Stoppage of Water, chlled Legs, Grease.and is a complete Destroyer of Worms, :1 greatpuri- fyer Oftlio Blood, and a good Physic, always recommended to be given in the Spring and Fall, which will act as a preventive and im- prove tlte general condition. Makes him corn- pletely upto the mark for his work, thereeby giving every satisfaction the owner can require. 'I'estimonials of the highest character will be forwarded to testify to the above if reguired. Cash Termsâ€"rOne Dollar per packet containing four Balls. ' ' " i » Letters prepaid enclosing a remittance. will be promptly attended to. Printpgi Directions wrapped round each Ball with my signature in full. without which none other are genuine. OmdflrrVICIOI‘Ia Square, concession Markham, There is an evil habit sometimes indulged in by boys. in solitude, often growing up witlf them to manhood. and which, if not reformed by them in due time. not only begets serious obstacles to matrimonial happiness, but gives rise to a series of protracted, insidious, and,deA vastatiug affections. Few of those who givg way to this pernicious practice are aware ol the consequences, until they find the nervous system shattered, feel strange and unacounta- ble feelings. and vague fears in the mind. ‘ A M'ost Scientific Invention, An instrument for the cure of General De- bility, or more properly known as ' Seminal Weakness, Nervous Dobility. &c., which are permanently cured in from 15 to 20 days bV the use ofthis instrument, when used conjointly with medicines. ‘ ' i ' ‘ New Remedies and Qurck Cures, Dr AMOS & SON take pleasure in announ- cing that they have invented a most important instrument for the cure of the above diseases. It has been subjected to a test by the most eminent physicians in London, Paris, Philadelé phia and New York. It has been declared the nly useful instrument ever yet invented for, he cure of Seminal Weakness, or any disease f the genital organs, Caused by the secret rabits of youth. NOVELTY weeks, 537“ MA RI‘XIIAM. EVE RY DESCRIPTION 0]" NOTICE. LL Persons indebted to the undersigned, & either by Note or Book Account. will ‘ Manufactured by the Subscribers, Having an please attend to the same by the lst of March. ' immense stock of Lumber, of the best quality by coming forward and paying part and making and well seasoned, and Wail] the great facilities arrangements for thebalance they will be liber- iwliich they have in Machinery, combined with ally dealt with. Those neglecting to attend to ‘ first-class vvoikmeu.-â€"-Lhef7 can, and do make, this notice may expect to be attended to- 1 Better Finished, More parable, and Comma ' CROSBY, , \Vaoeons than any other establishment in Richmond Hill. Feb. 10. 1860. 63-tfi canadm Manufactoryâ€"lltb THOMAS MAYOR The only maker of the original Yorkshire Driflield Oils in America. 60 RICH MON D HILL IRON FOUNDRY. r HE undersigned begs to inform the public that lip has opened a FOUNDRY for the manufacture of O, S. Richmond’siimproved IRON. BEAM PLOUGHS, Wood Beam Gauge Ploughs, Fanning Mills, Horse Hoes, & Horse Rakes- [EE’ All Work manufactured by me is War- ranted. T. SPEIGHT & SON. ' Markham Village, Feb. 6, 1860. 63-t TAVERN F011 SALE. HE Agricultural and Commercial Hotel, ‘1‘- Victoria S uare. is for sale on Libpral I IS . h Terms. For par icqlars appiy .9 F01 8.16, m t e 11. & J. HARRISON. VILLAGE ,OF. SPARTA, Richmond Hill. Feb 10, 1860, 63-tf Ninth Concession of Markham, suitable for d Tanner or Brewer, consisting of .A. One Acre; not, With Two Dwelling Houses and a largex ALSO, Splendid Property AFFLICTED READ! ‘ v _ _ Dr. Amos & Son, in ordsr to, satisfy ttho â€"â€" (lf‘nuerli‘ Eavenly feet long by. rh‘rly's'x IRA B- RICHMOND~ nost skeptical as to the merits of these instru- EUROPEAN .Il/IEDICAL HOUSE “do” with u .Sprlng Cm°k rumlmg thmugh Richmond Hill, Jan, 12, 1859, 5 nents, pledge themselves. that in any instance, . . . _ the lot. TI; indisputable, and a. clear Deed ' where they mm, Prove unsatisfactory 1. flat.“ “’9 for $500. clr further particulars inquire of ____ ‘ lair trial, the money will be refunded by re- tarhing the instrument in good order. m Botanic Dispensary, THOMAS SPEIGH'I‘. No. 51, KING STREET WEST, Tononro, C.W. Markham Village, Feb. 10, 1860. 60' tf ESTABLISHED BY Dr. GOODING, (formerly of England- l A NEW, SPEEDY; AND MOST suc- CESSFUL mode of treating Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Nervous Debility, Illaracnins or Wasting Conâ€" l sumption, Seminal Weakness, Dis- eases of the Kidneys and Bladder Rheumatism, Serofnla, Salt Rheum Jller'eurial, Chronic Complaints, (3%: 113’ NO charge for Advice. Du. Goomuo is now engaged in treating this class of maladies with the most astonishing suc- cess. The treatment adopted by him is now, it is based upon scientific principles, with new discovered remedies, without minerals or pois- ons. The facilities of cure are such, that pati- ients can be cured at their own houses without expense, in any part of the country, from an accurate description of their case by letter, . and have the medicine sent them by mail or Good Health and Long Life MAYORs LONG LIFE PILLS! Are warranted not to contain any Mercury. Persons Wishing the above useful instrument will observe. that the price, with the accom- partying directions, securely packed and sent by mail or express, is ten dollars. ’ ’ Beware of Imposition. Beware of empirics and itinerant self-styled professors, who A'r'rmzrr corms, but never succeed. ‘ ’ Dr. Amos «Se Son have for a long series of yeai's bggn engaged in an extensive practice in the treatment of these delicate complaints, and are the only legally qualified Physicians whiz now advertise tocuro certain coiriplaints, Or from whom genuine European remedies can be obtained. ' ’ These Pills are composed of the. most select Drugs, and being purely vegetable, can be taken at any season Of the year if necessary, with safety and without fear of taking cold by exposure, which renders them of great value and superior to any other medicine over yet Offered to the public. The satisfactory and {dat- teriug testimonials received by the Proprietor, has induced him to advertise these invaluable Pills that the public may be carryinch Of a simple and eflicrucious remedy, is alone suffici- ont to subdue and cure the ordinary sickness of this country, such as Pains in the Head, Back and Loins, all Nervous Disorders, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Soreness of the Throat, Cramps, Colics, Worms in Children, and other disor- ders, which will be found on t‘to wrapper with instructions for taking them. Penman in ANY PART on THE WORLD may be successfully treated by forwarding 'a correct detail of their cases, with a remittance for Medicines, &c., which, will be returned with the. utmost dispatch and secure from obscu- valion. ' ' ’ I Address Dr. Amos. &. Son, cbrnor Main and Quay streets, Buffalo. N, Y. ’ t46-ly *0981 ‘01 Amillcli’rl ‘lllH iPUOWlli’ltI ‘aoitou appssod isaiious up u) ‘Klaiaea £19.19 to SSHNHVH {IVH 118 NVO WfllHlOdIllEl SSHNIIVH Ilflllllffldd 13 “pop; are,“ 01 potueuen suction .433 SIGN-ELTON K'IJKIWOIIJ SHEICI‘A‘O 'I'IV SNOSIEHVH .LV express g I’r‘ice,25 Cents earl). Boas. DR. IST. PECK, ' NERVOUS- : s:inhalers “It?” r at H A, ,'_ .ca reii . r"' Yong. '* s “t ' ~ ‘ g 2.... also take first: 3.1123533“ at 53523331 .3??in Silll‘fleli‘b”.l§lsll’$l‘ all? E ‘1 THOMAS MAYOR- Tea" “‘6‘” “CW-50‘s” ' “6““5‘” dm ness ' 5 triangles a rim iin dripthe year-sgweak g E- 2 Qfilcpâ€"leorla S‘ll‘am- ll‘lall‘lfacwlY"4lh Chem)?" mil“ b-y any 0”qu Dgnlls‘ l" the Pl“- , ’ ‘Q , - l” g . '1' v E :‘35‘ n, Con. Markham. viuccs. Approved credit will be given if rc- ey es, weakness of the back and lower extreme- . U. I “in-3d A“ We _k .W , , t d . - ties. confusion of ideas, loss of memory, with H d m f: q x - I. - amt“. O .’. melancholy, may b.) cured by the New Botanic a 5 g X . â€"---â€"*â€"â€" June 30: 1809- _31-1y_ Remedies. ' [:1 *3 of...“ M i __._.._~c-_.__.._. COUNTRY PATIENTS. :3 t; E USICAL fl UITIQN. “mâ€"“M‘” lrlediemeswithl'ulldirectionssentto anypart FE c 2’. u. GEORGE E. GRAHAM Professor YONGE STREET 0 E of the United States or Canada, by patientS F? g 1\/ of Musk, and Owing“. of Toronto, ‘ .AUROjH M L’, commmllcalmg “‘91” sl'mlfloms by leaf“... (a .5 passes through Richmond Hill, Thornliill, 61.0. = Busrness correspondence strictly confidential, m :3: 1 every Tuesday and Saturday. Communicn, G001) supply of “fines and Lmlun,s Address, =1 8 tions left at Mr. R. Nicholl’s Richmond Hill always on hand. Excellent Accummo'f DR. GOODING’ F58 - in Hotel, will remove prompt attention. dation for Travellers. Farmers, and Others. Cigars c,t' all brands, 'D. McLEOD. Proprietor. Aurora, June 6, 1859. 25-1y 32 Trinitv Square, N . f. " W ‘ ‘ V. . . 0 1 I‘ll“: Sm” “ll qorgpl-o’ 0’ I - Toronto, January 1860. Torontq, February 3, 1860, 63 £20 I r l l l l sun HUGH CAMPBELL), 'Watch and Clock Maker, JEWELEIt, 62c, Yonge Street, Aurora- Jewelry. Watches and Clocks repaired and l cleaned on the shortest notice and lowest terms 54-5.? i Aurora, February-17, 1860. EO-tf TO LEND, on good security. Also, an immense stock of . ‘ To make Chopping Easy ! UY Dr; MOTT’S warranted Cast Stoe AXES. for Sale at the Steve Factory by . 11.6; J. HARRISON. Richmond Hill. on. 26, 18.59. ' JAMES HALL, AS always on hand a large assortment of? _ BOOTS and SHOES, which will b0. sold ot prices to meet thetimes '* fS-tf Richmond Hill, Dee. 1868. On hand and for Sale at $2. Apply to GEORGE BONE. Richmond Hill, Fob. 1850. V 1 a.

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