Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 24 Feb 1860, p. 4

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w .c __ â€".â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"- HE’S NONE THE WORSE FORTHAT. What though the homespun suit he wears.. Best‘suited to the sons of toilâ€"â€" What though the coarsest food he fares, And tends the looms or tills the soil-â€" What though no gold leaf gilds the tongue, DeVOted to congenial chatâ€" If right prevaiIS, and not the wrong, The. man is none the worsefor that. What though within his humble cot No costly ornament is seenâ€"- What though his wife posseses not‘ Her satin gowns of black and green-- What though the merry household band, , Half naked fly to ball and bat-â€" 11' Conscience guides the heart and hand, The man is none the worse for that. True worth is not a thing of dress-m 0f splendor, worth, or classic lore ; ~ Would that these trappings we. loved .less, And clung to honest worth the more 1 Though pride may Spurn the toiling crowd The faded garb, the hapless hat, Yet God and Nature cry aloudâ€"â€" The man is none the worse for that THE YOUNG LADIES’ OPPORTUNITY. Sure all the young ladies are hopeful this year, Embracing each sweet opportunity-- The question may pop,and no danger need fear. But challenge the men with impunity; And'they must sumbit to " love. honor. oboy”â€"- For the ladies,this 3 ear,have it all their own way 1 think ’tis but fair that for one one yearin four I; A hoice they should have in society; So girls, now propose to the men you adore. . . But do it with grace and propriety ! For they must submitto " love, honor, obey’mâ€" 0h ! leap year’s the time for the ladies, Isay ! But ladies. beware what attention you show. For men are so puff’d up with vanity ; So awkward ’twonld be to pay dearlv,you know. . ' ‘Grocer ,& Provision St . Photo ra h 3’ c 01 c g P 3 For jilting some type of humanity. Yet‘leap-year’s the time for the ladies. I say, lfthey mind whom they ask to"love, honor, obeyf’ filtrrrlluurnur, writing. A draper’s advice to his son in selecting a wife is, ‘ Get a piece of calico that will wash .’ ‘Ptaising the \Vind’ is now denominated. more classically, ‘exciting the financial Eolus.’ ‘Done it on tny own hook,’ is now rendered ‘executed the responsibility on my owntpersonal curVe. Chinese Proverb.â€"-The Chinese have a saying that an unlucky word dropped from a tongue cannot be brought back by a coach and six horses. A boy was asked what meekness was. He thought a moment, and said, ‘ Meek- ness gives smooth answers to rough ques- tions.’ It is one among the pious and valuable maxims which are ascribed toFrancis de Sales, ‘A judicious silence is- always better than truth spoken without charity.’ What line in Shakespeare is most ap- plicable to a young lady of much beauty but little conversational power?â€"‘ She speaks, but says nothing.’ A boy was asked one day what made him so dirty, and his reply was, ‘they tell me I am made ofdust, and I s’pose it’sjust working out.’ There is a man out west so forgetful of faces, that his wife is compelled to keep a wafer stuck on the end of her nose, that he may distinguish her from other ladies. _A young lady in Sidney was told that a party was to be given in that place, and thatlots ofyoung men from Adelaide would be present.â€".â€"~‘ Yes,’ said slie,’ vacant lots. A Lady named Fortune, at one birth, presented her husband with three fine daughters, thereby verifying the old say- ing, that ‘ Miss-14 ortune never come alone. ‘chcr put off till to-inorrow what you can do to-day,’ said an advising mother to her cliild.â€"~â€"‘ \Vcll, then, mama, let us eat the mince pic that’s in the cupboard,’ was the precocious child’s reply. Napoleon sent for Fouche one day, in A teacher of peninanship, in. twelve lessons, taught a lawyer to read his own T. .1. WHEELER, WATCH & CLOCK MAKER, JEWELLER, &c- RICHMOND HILL. Dec. 3, 1859, 53-1,- Dr. S. N. PECK, URGEON Dentist, will be at Hall‘s Hotel. Markham Village, on the 24th, 25th and 26hr of each Month. Teeth extracted free. Teeth Flled, each 25cts. Dentistry done cheaper than by any other Dentist in the Pro- Vince. Approved Credit will be given if re- quired. All work W arrantcd. June 30,1859. 3l-ly Auction Notice. _ THOMAS-TB-OWMAN, Licensed Auctioneer FOR THE COUNTIES-OE YORK &. PEEL. All letters addressed to..“-Almira,” P.O. wil receive prompt attention. Orders received a the ” York, Hera,ld”Oft-i'c¢>, Richmond Hilll Mr. Henry Lemon. Thornhill. and, Mr, James Cavannab. Mansion House, Sharon, where Terms, &c. may be obtaieed. Almira, Nov. 25. 1859.: 9 6241'. GO TO BOWMAN’S MILLS! W-JT Er v.0 U a CARDING & GRISTING, where done to take with them on their return home. Almira, May 13, 1859.2 24-h“. B. Saddle an d“Harncss Maker, RICHMOND HILL. Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. JAMES JENKINS’, RICHMOND HILL. ,NO exchange. The above is the olde and Provision Store on t he Hill.. Dec. 2. 1858. 55~1y M ANGLO-AMERICAN HOUSE ! MARKHA’M VLLAGE. 00D Accommodations. Wines, and Cigars of the choicest brands. R. MARR, Proprietor. .Markham, June 1859. RICHMOND HELL HOTEL. A Toronto, every morning, starting from the Elgin Mills at 7. a.m,, and returning at 7, p.m. Fare, 25. 6d each way. 000" ACCOMMODATION FOR TRAVEL'lrERB. RICHARD NICHOLLS, Proprietor. Richmond Hill. Dec. 18, 1858. 1-55 G. H. URGEON Dentist, will' be at Nicholl’s Hotel. Richmond Hill, the FIRST Morten! of every month, and, the remainder of the month at his residence Thornhill. All Work Warraiited. July 8, 1859. 32-ly. M HALF-WAY HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL. THE Subscriber begs to inform his numer- ous Patrons and the public. that he has removed from the White Swan Hotel to the above Premises. where there will be found excellent accommodation for Travellers. and Good Stabling. (If? Horses and Buggies for Hire. JOSEPH GABY, . Proprietor. Richmond Hill, Oct. 22, 1858. 72-7 W. HODGE & Co. HOLESALE and Retail Copper, Tin and tron Plate Workers, and Furnishing Ironmongers, Parties givrng this house a call . will‘ find their orders punctually attended to and the lowest prices charged. Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. 5-1-1 EDMUND GRAINGER, U T C H E R. THORNHILL. Fresh and Pickled Meats, Poultry. &c.. always on hand. Families supplied on the shortest notice. 'I'liornbill. Dec. 1858 J. VERNEY, Boot and Shoc- Maker, 41-1tf parties from a distance can have it I ytf CREDIT GIVEN. Produce takenin st establishederocery Liquors Qfiytf STAGE runs from the above Hotel to 4 / "gm-9. {ciao-no.1. V” ix. 3 O O a In 4 > on v.5 r‘z 5" <5 V,” "» Zn 7: 4n .qu M> 22 :0 z: "c n at” .q (. x O in ,1 q xi M 6.4 O 1:: z E: H t-t t": 51’ re :d. .o '13 :U -|-| [if I-I a w PATENT Drain Pipes, Eve Troughs ' AND Water Spouts, Manufactured and for sale by JOHN LANGSTAFF, STnAM Mints, 't‘nonnnum. June 3. 1859. 27-tf DR. L. LANG-STAFF, PRINGHILL. near King Station. House formerly occu,-ied by Dr. Hillary. King. May 13. 1859- 24‘ly New Boot and Shoe Store 1N BUTTONVILLE. HE Subscriber returns his thanks to the Tpublic for past support and begs to state that he has removed into the Village of Buttonville, where he hopes for a continuance of the pa- tronage heretofoi 0 given him. All orders executed with despatch and work warranted. _ DAVID GALLOWAY. Buttonville, Nov. 11, 1859. 5011y l . Ambrotypes ! NELANEOTYPES I LFTTEBGRAPHS, 84¢. I All styles of Pictures taken at tl’ 0 Medical Hall, Markham, On reasonable terms, and in all weathers.. Pictures taken from the smallest to life size. I. C. DUNHAM. Markham Village, Oct. 14, 1859. 46-! ’w. c. ADAMS. o. o. s. Surgeon Dentist, '99 use 81‘. EAST, soUTH SIDE. THIRD noon wasr mom cnvacn s'r. 'ronos'ro. IS the Proprietor of Oliver’s Patent for ap- plying Electricity, to prevent pain in ex- tracting teeth; and also of an Aparatus for manufacturing Vulcanite Rubber Plates for sets and Partial sets of teeth. Teeth mounted on Gold or otherwise to suit the necessity of the case. Toronto, August 27, 1859. MAIHESON 86 FITZGERALD, Barristers, Attorneys-at-Law, SOLICITORS 1N CHANCERY. &c. ormca.:â€"- CORNER OF KING AND TORONTO STREETS Over Whitmore £ Co’s. Bonking Office), TORONTO- Agency Particularly attended to. â€"_ 48-1y THOMAS a. marnason. Toronto, July 1, 1559, .1 LIES FITZGERALD JOHN N. REID, M.D. CORNER or xoxon AND commas 'I‘HORNHILJ... [12'3" lll Prescriptions got at the- Office must be paid for on delivery. 31-1)‘ seamen, Dr. DUNHAM, U S Hall, Markham Village. June 30, 1859. _â€"..â€"â€"â€"_â€"_.~_-â€"â€"__M_ .__._.. JAMES I BARKER, IMPORTER and Dealer in Dry Goods. Groceries, Paints, Oils. and Dye Stuffs. Patent Medicines, Glass, Putty. Nails â€"-Low ! very low for Ca ribâ€"Markham Village. June 30, 1859, 31-6m P. CROSBY, ‘ MPORTER of Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines, Liquors. Hardware. &c. Richmond Hill. June 1859. 31-6n‘i THORNH] LL HOTEL. w 31 -t! RG-EON and MechanicalDentist. Medical ' “Y ‘HE Subscriber begs to call the attention oftlie Public to the fact that be is * . , :‘ virTERSONS’iI/MPLEMENT" We would inform the public that we are manufacturingalarge'number‘of STUMP EXTRAGTORS l The) have been thoroughly tested, both in heavy and light soils, and proved themselves capable of raising the largest Stumps and can be successfully worked by three men unaided by horse or other team. Price, completeâ€"$68 00. \Ve also have in hands the patterns of a very I r - SUPERIOR STR AW CUTTER ! With feed gear so constructed as to out different lengths, from 1 to 11 inches. Farmers and others are requested to call and examine their MACHINES before purchasing elsewhere. Price,from $1000 to $20 00 REAPERS AND I MOWERS! In their season, Also, Wooden, Crooked do Straight Beam"-Plows CIRCULAR WOOD SAWS, ROOT SLICERS, GANG FLOWS, HORSE HOES, SCUFFLERS, ac». Constantly on hand. , I , 3%: All IMPLEMENTS manufactured by us are Warranted. ‘93} PATTERSON & BROTHER. . Richmond Hill, Sept. 9, 1859. 41-11 NEW STORE 1N NEWMARKET. JOHN BOND V BEGS to inform the inhabitants of Newmarket, Holland Tsanding, Aurora, Rich- mond Hill, &c., that he intends opening, on the 15th inst.,with a splendid assortment of DRUGS, GROCE'RIES,~ DRY GOODS, AND MILLINERY. HARDWARE, CROCKERY, 630. fine. And a great many Articles too numerous to mention. His SHOW ROOM will be open shortly after with a greatvariety of CAPS, BONNETS, MANTLES l OPERA CLOAKS, 81.0. no. Newmarket, September 2, 1859. NEW STORE IN BUTTONV WM NNWW [LLE r ‘IIE Undersighed begs to call the attention of his Friendsand the Public gen- erally to the fact that he has Opened a NEW STORE in the above place, which will be found replete with a large and splendid assortment of IlllllY-llllllll IllTllllll, llltY lllllll, Elllllllllll, PURE LIQUORS, WINES, BRANDIES, HARDWARE, CROCKEBY, the. Which he is prepared to Sell on most rcas‘. file terms. Parties, before purchasing elsewhere, will find it an advantage to Call a a con, :re Prices. Clothing made to Order On the shortest Notice. FRANCIS PLEBS. Buttonville, December 23, 1859. 55-1m PAILS & site BUCKETâ€"S. GOOD PAIL is a domestic necessity and superior BUCKETS are much in demand. The Subscriber begs to inform the public that he is prepared to manufacture any quantity of first class PAILS' and SAP BUCKE'I‘S, having g‘recently made several Additions and IMPROVEMENTS TO HIS ESTABLISHMENT, By which he is enabled to make better PAILS, of every size, andSAP BUCKETS and sell them. CHEAPER than any other House in Canada. He would eSpecrally call the attention of Farmers and others to his SAP BUCKET-s.” As they are allowed to be the best ever made, and, as he has a large sleek on hand, he will sell them at unprecedented low Prices. All orders by letter, prepaid. sent to jButtonville, 1.3.0. will receive prompt attention. JOHN AMOSS, Lot No. 11, 2nd concession, Markham, December 23, 1.859. 55-3m __..DD._--_'_.-V.,_ -_-L _ . -. _..__~...._,___./. . 7m.__.-~.____ “MPLErtE'NTS, WAGGONS, 8.0. M AN U I? ACTUR ED AT 'I‘HO‘RNIILL. prepared to make first-clas WAGGONS, BUGGIES SLEIGHS. Particular attention devoted to the Millinery Department. 40-6m strait-mute. OF- THE- JESUIT FATHERS! AST year the French reading part of the Canadian people were edified one do- lighted by “republication of the original N ar- ratives of the Jesuit Fathers. who were the pioneers of religion and its attendant civiliza- tion in Canada: This work, important as it is to the French Canadian, is not less so to the English-speaking part .of the population of North America. All Inhabitants of this great continent, especially all Canadians, will assign it an honored place on the shelves which bear the stirring narratives of the first English and. Dutch adventurers. . it is fit. therefore, to make its reverend au- thors speak with an English tongue. The early history of Canada is: at2 this moé- ' ment attracting much attention. The French Government has made large and precrous con- tributions of historical matter to our Provincial Library, both manuscript and printed, relating chiefly to Canaan, its settlement and wars : the Government of the United States has been ever zealous in collecting documents relating to the acts and sufferings of their hardy and adven- turous founders ; and the encouragementwhich our own Government could afford in aid of en- terpriZes of the same character, has alwars been promptly and effectually granted. The publication of authentic and interesting , historical records has been favored and prompt- ed bv all enlightened governments and literary bodies; because they supply the best evidence of the truth of history. or the best materials for its compmition. It has even been asserted, that the chronicles and private memoirs of co- temporarics are of higher value than the po- lished periods of Hume and Mezeray, The Narratives now sought to be presented to the public are of great value to all classes. To the religionist. whether Protestant or Ro- man Catholic, they afford precious evidence of the zeal of those servants of his Holy Rel gion who devoted themselves to its propagation among the heathen. and‘ went forward through many a fiery trial, to find too often at last the crown of martydom. 'l'he ethnologist will find in them faithful descriptions of a race now much degenerated and rapidly approaclnng to extinction, written amongst thorn as they lived and moved. hunted and fought, married and died, received baptism or ferociously murdered the men who sought to bestow it on them. Or- dinary readers, from the intelligent scholar to the untaught peasant. will peruse with interest an. . account of men who trod the soil on which they now move,â€"who were the lords of the forest and the river, now smiling with the rich liarâ€" vost or glittering with the Vessels ofcmnmerce, â€"and will learn with some emotion that they live and sleep iii security on the self-same spot which has been often drenched with the blood shed in warfare or massacre. The publication of so voluminous a work wlll depend entirely upon the support received from the pa blic, The first volume has been translated by one of the best translators in the Province ; and it will be put to press as soon . as a sufficient number of subscribers is obtain- ed to defray thecost oftranslation and publish- iii . . gI‘he work will make 3 Volumes. Royal 8vo.. of about 750 pages each, in Long Primer type.. Subscription lists will be found at the Book- stores in Montreal. Toronio, Quebec Kingâ€" ston. Ottawa. Hamilton. London, &c., and at the Offices of the Publisher, in St. Nicholas Street, Montreal ; also at Ste.. Anne Street Quebec. Price in paper covers per volume, $2 '14, of for the set $8. 25. Price in half calf per volume. $3.50 or for the set $10.50. JOHN LOVELL. Canada Directory Office, Publisher. , Montreal, Sept. 1859. PHONOGRAPHY, WRITING B'Y SOUND. “ I'IONOGRAPHY was invented by ISAAC 1837. rap' l’lTMAN. of Bath. England, in the year LC, G”. It is the most simple, most natural most. id, and most easily~learned system of Writ- ing which has ever been, or ever can be iii- vented Dnring the past fifteen years, hundreds o T- P- R‘}""’";"’ Iii-‘0' thousands of persons, in England and Ame- M' Rossmv l'4-“1- l rica. in both public and private life. have learned Bernard Ilaldan. Esq. S' to write Pliohography. and thousands of social, and business letters annually pass through the post office Nor is its great popularity to be wondered at. The present system of writing is exceed- ingly cumbersome. and totally unworthy these days of progress and invention. Phonographv is equally as legible, can be learned in one- twentieth the time, and can be written six times cufastl In other words. the labor of six days can be performed in oneâ€"one man can do the work of six! So simple is the system. too, that a person may learn to write it slowly, in a coupie of hours. An hour’s daily practice for a few weeks will enable (my person to write Plionograpliy with certainty, and with some degree of freedom. The same amount of practice continued for six months will ec- able 8 person to take reports of speeches, lon- iires, sermons, or conversation. and 1) read born with accuracy Dr. J. W. Stone, of Boston, says : ‘I deem Phonography an invaluable adjunct to educa- iion. and one which, when acquired in youth would not be parted with in manhood for thou- sands of dollars ” The late Hon. THOS. ll. BENTON, npoii be- iig presented with a verbatim report of one of his masterly speeches. taken by a little boy only twelve years of age. said : “ Had this or! been known 40 years ago it would have surerl me 2031a”: luu'd lu‘or.” The learned senator spoke but a portion of the truth. What long- liaiid requires six years to accomplish, Phono- grophy will perform in one. To Clergyinen, Editors, Physicians. Law- yers, Secretaries, Conveyancers, Law and Mc- dical Students, Lecturers, Printers, School 'I‘E HMSâ€"Sewn and Sixpence LXNDS F satin? On Easy Terrâ€"n; of Payment.- 80,006-2101‘95, ITUATED in the counties of LAMPTON~nnd‘I Knn'r. All necessary information will. be. given omapplication, post paid, to MILES LANGSTA FF. Wallaoeburgh. Also. some improved FARMS to RENT. Wallabeburgh,Nov. 94. 1859. 524‘ “a, 1 . . .._._._. Fulling. 8.; Cloth Dressing AT LAWRENCE’S morons. HE undersigned having leased that Ex.- tensive Esiablishment of Mr. C. 15.. Lawrence. feels confident in saying that he is prepared to give general satisfaction to all who may favor him with their orders, having. had long experience insthe business of Dyeing! and Dressing Cloth. Blankets. Full’d and Napp’d. On the shortest notice. ' W. L. KING. Richmond. Hill, Nov, 18,1859. sitar B E A V E R Fire Insurance Association or TORONTO, C, w- jOFFlCE, [removed from 54 King StreetEast. Touosro S'ritnn'r next building north of the Masonic llall. Half the Profits to be returned tothe Insured", the balance invested to form a Reserve Fund. BOARD or Dinncroas ; 'I‘nus'ricnsâ€"Henry Rowsel, W. C. Chewott' Joseph Jackes. Diane'ronsâ€"HonryRowsell, Toronto, Chairv 1mm : .l, W. Brent, Deputy Chairman; W. C» .Chewett. Toronto; Joseph Jackes, Toronto , W. H. Smith. Toronto, Manager; W m. llclli‘well, Highland Creek: John 1V10wat.. Kingston; Wm. Aglln. Kingston; Asa A- Burnhain. Cobourg; Win. (ii-con, Hamilton; RobertSniith. Chingnacousy; George Blain,. Toronto Township. Solicitorâ€"John Ilelliwcll. Band of Toronto. (I? The Provident Life Assurance Com.- pany is removed to the same office. ' U‘ Ilziiakersw'l'he Having guarded against loss from fire byla- suring your property, consider if it would notfi he as well to make a little additional provision for your fairiin in case ol‘your own prematuic death :â€"-wlicther it would not be as well, through the assistance of a Life Assurance Company. to provide a legacy for your wife or daughter, or, ifyou have not the happiness to be‘waECdibVldIl them, think if the po~session oil a few hundred pounds additional might not be of advantage to yotirscll'n few years hence. If yeti decide that it would. write to the Maria rin Director oftlic PROVIDEN'I‘ LIFE ASS llv ANT-3E AND lNVl‘lS'l‘hiEN'l‘ COMPANY 20 Toronto Street, Toronto, fora “Proposal.” form. and acopy of the Hates. Or. possibly. the Agent- of the “Beaver” may pOSSessa copyot'. both documents, which: he can ucCNlllllOtltttO you with. and give you at little information on the subject llesid-(fiq, Agent at Richmond. llillâ€"J. R. A KNOLL). Ma-rcli- ‘22. 1559. 17-11: Fire! Fire! 1 Fire! ' ' W E Sirâ€"Ia It N ‘Firc [insurance Ctriiipaiiy of Toronto. INCORPORATED [‘1' ACT 01' BAKLIAMNT. E 'flPl’lL/JL STU 0-1;, £100,000. I U120 DI](‘11‘H'.,VICBIII'UD~ DIRIJJ'I'OHS : Rice Lewis. Esq. James Booty. Esq. non, Pres. lilies, Ilnworth, Esq. W. Henderson. Esq. W. [\lucfarlanc. Esq, ccrclm'y &- 'I‘rcrrsuroyx Ahgns Mlorrisei-i, Esq, Solicitor. Bank ofUpper Canada. Brut/tiers” Btnjaniiti Switzei, LSIILINSIICCIWIL. [13° Head (II/lice, C/utrc/i Street, Toronto. m THIS COMPANY .liisu res all descriptions of Buildings,Manufactories, Mills. 61‘ 0.. and Gouda and Furniture, in the same. against loss ordain- age by fire, on liberal terms. Lenses promptly settled. A. LAW’, Residence. Greiieri.l..-xgen1.. Riclin‘ond llill August I3. 185?. 210-7 ~:w tilt fluidiâ€" IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, And despatched to Subscribers by the earliest ma ils, or other conveyance. when so desireda 'I‘he YORK HERALD will always be be found to contain the latestand mostimpor- taut Foreign and Provincial News and Mar- kets, and the greatest care will betakon to render it acceptable to themanof businouq. and evaluable Family Newspaper. V - per Aiinum. in ADVANCE ; and if not paid within Threo‘ Mouths two dollars will be charged. RATES OF ADVERTISING” : YONGE STREET, ESubscriber begs to inform the Public RICHMOND HILL. ’ Teachers, Merchants. School Boys and Girls, a knowledge of Phonography is ofvast utility.â€" Iii fact there is no profession or calling in which it is not useful. and no young man’s education can be considered complete without it. Six lines and under, first insertion...“ .$00 50 Each subsequent insertion... . . . . . . . . . 00 12% Ten lines and under, first insertion . . . . . 00 75 Above ten lines, first in., per line.... 00 07' Each subsequentinsertion.penline... . 0" 03 H T that he has leased the above Premises. and fitted them up in a neat. and comfortable style. ’ Boarders and transient visitors will find the accommodations in every way agreeable. a great rage, told him he was not fit to be atlhe head of the police, and that he was . quite ignorant of what was passing.â€" ‘ Pardon me, sire,’ said Fouchc ; ‘ I know Also, a new and IMPROVED CLOD CRUSHER. Ladies’ and Gentlemcns’ Boots and Shoes. ' made after the latest styles. that your Majesty has my dismissal ready signed in your pocket.’â€"Napoleon chang- ed his mind, and kept his minister. ‘ Ali,’ said an l‘lnglishman, the other day, I. belong to a country upon which the sun : never sets.â€"â€"‘ And I,’ said the Yankee, belong to a country of which there can be no correct map-â€"it grows so fast that Surveyors can’t keep up with it.’ The other day a lady fell into the river, and a poor boy rescued her. W'hen she was safe, her husband handed the brave fellow a shilling. Upon some ofthe by- December 1858. selected. Good stabling and attentive hostlers. Thornhill, Jan. 1859. S Thornhill. Dec. 1859. To the Sick and Dying. IV to cure The best of Liquors and Cigars carefully HENRY LEMON, Proprietor. p-53 Accommodation for Travellers. JOHN SHIELS. Proprietor l-tf. “’l R. SNIDER, of the 7th concession of Vaughan, near Klineburgh. guarranteos. Ill. Klllll lll' lllllllll'l‘llllll IMPLEMENTS, WAN HOTEL, THORNHiLL, Gm, At the Shortest notice, and at the lowest rcrnunerating prices. These requiring real substantial and good Waggons, Buggies, Sleighs, Agricultural Implements, &.c. will find it to their advantage to call. Thornhill, October 21, 1859. N 0 VB Which every Farmer ought to possess, and J. HOLMES. 47-6ra , ..-- -m; “ *fi“ 'â€"“â€"‘“ -“_.__..' " "‘;:.w_....__w::.3."“ ‘â€"‘“â€"‘"â€"“".. _.____.__.._.______ WM 0 LTY WAGGON‘" ORKS persons in Canada, of every pursuit in life, have acquired the Art, from many of whom the phonogi'ap-hic letters, expressive of their de- ease with which they have acquired it. of so important a reform in his own country, the subscriber is now prepared to supply all who apply, with the Mann“. or Pnonoeiu- _ . PHY. and the PHONOGRAPHIC Corr Been, sent "0“ than one month- mu“ b0 Paid {01‘ ill ad.- by mail to any part of the Province. postage Vance' pie-paid. for the small DOLLAR. ‘ thing, can learn PHONOGRAPHY from the Ma- NUAL, without other assistance. During the past nine months hundreds of subscriber has received neatly-written ight with the attainment, and the extraordinary 0 h For the purpose of aiding iii the dissemination 'v sum of [13‘ ONE Anybody an everybody. who can learn any- paid : and parties refusing papers w [13’ Advertisements without written direc- tions inserted till for-bid, and charged. accord- iiigly. All transitory advertisements, r irregular customers, ended in for insertion. A liberal discount will. be made to parties ads ertising by the year. All advertisements published for close pc- from stranger. must be paid for when All letter”. addressed to the Editor must be post paid‘. No paper discontinue-d until all arrearages are ithout pay o ing up. will. be held accountable for the sub- stands-rs expressing indignation, the latter scriptiun. said, as he pocketed the coin, ‘ Nell, don’t blame the gentleman, he knows best; mayhap if I hadn‘t saved: her he’d have 1 given me a SOl'Cl‘Clgh.’ : EETS at VVNL DUROSE;S HOTEL paid, and addressed to . 1‘ Victoria Square, the last Fri-day even- PETER SNIDER. Klln Oburg’h ing in each month. qr? N0 CURE no hay, oi‘rionns ELECT : August 6, 1858‘. THOMAS SNOlVDEN. Matter. JAMES NEAL, Deputy. JOHN GAUIIEY. Treasurer. Those who wish to be able to put their thonghts to paper at the rate of from 100 to 250 words “ per minute.” should send.- fox the above-mentioned works at once. The instruction given by the Manual is as iplain as A. B. C.. and ten times as easy to understand. MARKHAM VILLAGE. w Cancers, Enlarged Week: ’ .And runny other Diseases. Persons labouring :under either of the above mentioned Diseases, 1will do well to call in time. All letters to be THE YORK HERALD Book and J 01) Printing ESTABLISMENT. u...â€" RI)ERS for any of the undermentioned ' description of PLAIN and FANCY JOB WORK will be promptly attended to :â€" The Sucbscribers beg to call attention to the fact that they are making ‘SUP‘ERIOR lWAGâ€"G-ONS! And when the Quality is taken into account it will be found that they are selling in” “.CANADIIAN PHONETIC PION‘ - r - I - ,l t- t b d d- t that ~ELR ” is a Monthly Journal. devoted to the them at priccsthat wlll dey competion. t is use a ac . eyon ispn e our advocacy 0,. the Rut-mm. price 25 cents per VVAGGONS stand better, and are of lighter draft, than any other. autumn. The following are our list of Prices and Terms :â€" Thosc Printersâ€"A popular periodical, describing one of our most eminent public men, comes at last to his nose, and is made by the printer to speak of it as ‘ A nose that can snuff the bottle afar 0117, 61-1 W. T. ATKINSON, & Co.‘ Address, (post-paid) WILLIAM H. ORR. . ‘ xcv BILLS nvsmnss cums Lana; ' ' ' ' "' - ~ Two inch iron male. with box. . .. . . . . $100 00 Three and three quarter inch do Oshawa. C. W. Booxs' ” ' ’ and With (dilated ilosnllb [imam forth a . .JOHN BU} VON, 8:601 “My. IMPORTERB or nsousu DRUGS, Two and a quarter inch axle, with box 105 00 with cap-nut . do . . . . 85 00 ___ AND SMALL POSTERS, cruceuas. LAW roams. glory that 1's Somellmes tembled Vlcmna Squaw Ma" 7' 1808' 48'1 o , Three and three quarter inch thimble - f Seat with steel Sp?“th . . . . 10 00 K E N E mu. BEADS,BANK ouncxsmmrrs. AND A m , . t Manufacturers of Chemicals 51...“, with box. . . m... . . .. . go I Bogblevtreles and neck yokol. .. 7 00 W. “U. s , r A M P H L E T S. n o neoro was cut eavorincr 0 ex- . . _ . . Fourinch do do do.. ‘ 0 'ri or rat mg. . . . . . . . .. 7 OP MILLWRIGHT . plain. his unforfunate condition:.â€"‘ fi’ou seq} Richmond Victoria, Patent Medicines & Perfumery. . Sideborde. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4_ 00 ’ And every other lurid of remarked Sambo, ‘it was in dis way, as far as I ’nicmber. Fust, my fader died, and den my muddcr married again, and den my mudder dictl, and my fader mar- ried again, and somehow I dosn’t seem to bob no parents at all, nor no home, our nufliu.’ d1: Towel, EGS to intimate that he is now prepared to - - 1L S f v ' d -' t' b- All orders attended to With promtitude, and Work warrantedJ commmm M L ° “"3 “mp ‘°"’ 1 ct or otherwise, on reasonable terms- ,, T. SPEIGHT &. SON. He is also agent for the best Foundries in Ca- nada. and from his lengthened experience he hopes to give general sniirfnCticn, Altena, Dec. 93. 1859 APOTHECARI‘ES HALL, OPPOSITE THE C-TKEDRAL, LETTER-PRESS PRINTING I done in the best style, at moderate rates. Our assortment of JOB TYPE is entirely new and of the latest patterns. A large variety of new Fancy Two and Borders, for Cardv. Circulars, tfiz-c. kept always on hand. OYAL ORANGE LODGE, Ne. 7"8. :[1 meets at Brother Robert Wiseman‘s, Masonic Hall, the first Friday evening after “166;.111cilazw Ewiigiifinam Duncan, Proprietors of Atkinson’s Parisian Tooth Paste. Master; R. Wiseman, Deputy Master; John [13’ Every description of Horse and Cattle Mnnholland, Secretary ‘ \ .Pogue,’l'reasnro:- Medicinuprepared Wlll’l the ber‘.Eng‘hsh drugs. January 21. 1858 391 Toronto,Augnst 27,1959. 4 ’ Terms: Six Mouths, if longer, Interest from Date. Five per cent discount for Cash King St. Toronto. 1 Markham Village, Jane 30, 1859. 55-1y

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