Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 3 Feb 1860, p. 3

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f BESULTS OE CATHOLIC i EMANCIPATION. .___. From the Times. > It is only due "to the memory of men who underwent much obliquy for the time, and were even treated with a peculiar and galling kind of contempt not. usual in Eng- lish political warfare, to ask ourselves, af- ter an eiiperience of just thirty years, which side. was in the right? Have the results been in accordance with the san- guine anticipations of Canning, of Mack- intosh, of Grey, and of Brougham, or has the measure turned out as was predicted by Lord Eldon, “that hater of all that was liberal and pleasant,” and by Lord VVinchilsea, at whose tiradcs we have all laughed so heartily? There is, unhappily, no doubt about it; the genius, the liberal- ‘ity, and the eloquence were wrong; the narrowness, the bigotry, and the predju- thee were right. Ever since the day of deliverance, the conduct of the Roman Catholics has more and more confirmed the predictions of their enemies, and more and more disappointed the anticipations of their friends. ' On abstract grounds it was ,3rightto give them political power; but it 'w‘ould be Childish to deny that we have raised up among ourselves a party which is neither Liberal nor Conservative, neith- erEnglish nor Irisb,.â€"-which holds its al- legiance to a foreign‘power paramount to its allegiance to its domestic sovereign,â€" Mbich is the decided, if not the declared, enemy of knowledge and enlightenment.»â€" ,Jvhich seeks to widen and render more in tense its isolation from the rest of the comâ€" munity, and to make the ' divisions of so- ciety and the common intercourse of life strictly co-extensive with its religious be- lief, The- Roman Catholic hierarchy and gtbeir followers have no sympathy with either political party, because these par- ties, having advanced ivith advancing spirit. of civilization, being chained to no immu- table standard, and cramped by no claims to infallibility, have reached a point of liberality with which the Roman Catholic Church cannot sympathize. Let any one _,read the speech of Dr. Moriarty at Kil- lnrney, or the disgraceful scene. which oc. curred at the meeting in Cork, and then ' ,ask himself whether such things are the result of British institutions, and whether he can recognise in them any one of those characteristics which, in spite ofall their political dillerenccs, distinguish English. men from the rest of mankind. Where 7 but in a Roman Catholic meeting, presid- .ed over by a Biserp, and liar-angued by Deans and Canons, could the name of the Queen be received with a burst of disap. probation which rendeiel the speaker in- audible from the very voices which yelled Out a determination to fight for the l’ope ? From whom but a Roman Catholic BishOp .could one hear it laid down that it was the duty of a constituency in these islands to aliercise their influence on their repreScnta~ ,tives', in order to induce the Government ‘ of‘tlris country to put down a rebellion in .a foreign State, not on any ground ofpub~ ‘lic policy in which the interests of Eng.â€" land are concerned, but only because that tyrannicalSovereign was the. head of their Church, and they had tlrcreiorc a vested ,iutcrest in perpetuating his tyranny and _ ed by a forfeiture. corruption? There is no divided’allc- glance, as was apprehended. 'l‘he alle- giance is wholly given to one person, and sloshing,r is left for tho. (Queen but yell: ot disapprohation, and the accusation of havâ€" star'vcd two millions of her subjects! but the Roman Catholics be under no fear that the abuse of the rights to which tlwy have been admitted will ever be visit-‘ For our own sake, for the sake of principles of which they seem to have no conception, We ,cmtid never stool) to teach them the value .of the liberties they have inisusied by ,thursting tlrr-rn back into the house of bondage. from which they are released. 'VVere we to attempt such a ttiin~r, we :3 oohouldwbe stunned by clamorous demands for/equal rights, from the Very same lips that how‘speak of the rights of the pimple .of‘ih: Romagna as things too trivial to m-irit a moment’s consideration, as claims to Obliiei‘utevwliicli the .Il‘lsll are ready .0 shed their own blood and the blood of their Roman Catholic brethren in Italy. ‘soiitisia OF THIS SCARBORO’ a ,MARKHAM BURNS CLUB. “ " from the Correspondence of the Leader. Sin; The Scarboro’ and Markham Burns’ Club held their Annual Celebra- tion in Secor’s IIall, Markham, on the 251h instant, which Was tastefully decor- ated for the OCcasiou with evergreens,&.c. The hour of meeting was one o‘clock, and soon aftert‘lhe doors ivcre opened, the Hall was filled ‘to’ oyer-flowing,r with young, middle-aged, and these more advanced in years, whose silvery locks, and tottering inept,- did-not prevent them from comEng;r to pay tribute to the memory of And Scotia’s favorite Poet- There Were pre sent as guests, Rev. Rain of Scarboro, the Rev. Mr. Gordon of. Markham, and Messrs. J. Laidlaw and D. Cowan of Toronto. The Chair was ably filled by A. Barker, Esq. the President of the Club. who, after tea and coffee had been fully discussed, proposed the Queen, which was, heartily responded to. The Army and Navy followed, and the next was the Memory of Burns. The Rev. Mr. Bain was',_tlieii called upon, who delivered a most eloquent address, enforcing npon the young pit-sent .the duty of self-reliance, and manly, independence, and touching ppo’n‘ the fruits in the Poet’s character worthy of our esteem. Mr. Laidlaw was next called upon, who, in a short speech, cypresscd the pleasure Ire had in being present at such a gathering, and highly commended the presence and the Address of the Rev. Mr. Bani, as giving meetings like. this a right direction, and of incul- eating. that patriotic feeling so desirable amongst the rising youth of Canada, which characterize the sons of Caledonia and the British Isles wlierecvcy they are. Canada our Home was given by T, A. Milne, after which the Canadian Boat song was sung by the MisSes IIogg. The Rev. Mr. Gor- do‘B proposed in suitable terms the British Poets. All} Coo-go, of 'l'or0:ito,lrcing called for. replied in a feeling manner, and concluded by singing “Gloomy Winter’s now awa.” The Vice-President (Mr. Muir) proposed Lord Clyde and the In- dian Army, depicting in glowing terms the scenes the old veteran and his army had gone through. Mr. Gibson proposed Dr. Livingston in a mOSt graphic speech, point.- ing out the dangers he had braved in be- half of civilizatzon and Christianity, and doing what he could to bring about the days spoken of by Burns, “ W'hen man to man the world o’er, would brothers he and a’ that.” Mr. McNair proposed “ The Ladies,” and being a bachelor, and so many of the “ fair” being present, lie took advantage of the opportunity to speak feelingly of their virtues. During the day the Markham Brass Band contributedto the enjoyment of the meeting. A num- ber of amateurs also gave their services by singing some of Burns’ best songs. The health of the Chairman baring been pro- posed the company broke up well pleased, and determined to’meet at the next anni- versary of the Club, who deserve much credit for the innocent SOcial treat they af- fordcd. I um, die. A SUBSCRIBER. In the review of the year 18.59. the Time: sums up a long and table article as follows z? “ The old year has ended with a general ad- 'vauco oflpms-perity, and with cheerfulhopos for the future. Exports and imports, employment and profits, and the produce of the public ro- venue. have steadily increased,notwithstanding political uneasiness and the continental war. The shipping interest seems likely soon to re- cover from the exceptional depression which followed on the special demand for vessels dur- ing the Crimean campaign. Every other The Grand Vizior of Turkey approves of Cheap .0101:th- the Suez Canal Scheme. Orr. GA5.â€"â€"Mr. William Watson, watch THE Subscriber begs to inform the inhabi- tants oflluttonvillo and the surrounding maker of Thomhm' is the inventor of the ma, country, that hc‘poritiiiues to make first-clan :ahinery by which gas is made from oil ADVERTISE , o._ AS we have made arrangements which will ' materially increasing our circulation. thus rendering the “ YORK HERALD” the BEST Advertising medium north of Toronto, and as we have now a circulation along Yonge Street and adjoining Townships larger than that of any other Journal. Now then is the time, and the " YORK HERALD " is the Paper in which to Ad- vertise l ’ M JOB worm. , I ' 35. would respectfully call the attention of Merchants, Auctioneers, F armors. and WE ' others. to the fact that We are prepared to ex- ecute JOB 'VVORK on the shortest possible notice, and on the most reasonable terms-â€" F0r Cash. Only. “CUR AGENTS. ' HE Inhabitants of Aurora and Vicinity are informed the. Mr- James “OLLADAY and Mr. JAMES Too are authorized to receive Sub- scripllon and orders for Advertising and Job Work. A'r OAK Emotesâ€"Mr. Cliristison is our Agent. \Vliere our Subscribers in that part will in future get their papers. Mr. C. will branch of industry is flourishing as abundantly also grant receipts for Subscriptions. as at any former period. and the England of 1860 is richer, stronger, and better contracted than the wealthy and prosperous England which in 1850 commanded the respect and envy of the world." It will be remembered that, some time ago. a new coin for the realm was hinted atâ€"the present copper coin to be withdrawn. and a bronze one substituted. The Queen has now given Mr. Wynn three sittings for the purpose of obtaining a correct profile for the bronze coins. It is stated on authority by the Morning Advertiser. that the author of the pamphlet ‘ The Pope and the Congress.’ is none other than Louis Napoleon. rejoices that the pamphlet is so popular in The (.‘onstitutinmiel England, and thinks it will go to strengthen the friendly relations of this country and State Fire Insurance, CHIEF OFFICESâ€"3 PALL MALL AND 3'2 LUDGATE HILL. L O N D O N a Established in 1856, itnrlcr Clutrlcr of Impprla Parliament. c.1111 TJIL; ‘ $2,5oo,000 WITH orwanps pp 1000 sinusiiormims. The Right Honorable Lord KLANE, Chairman. PETER NIORHISON, Esq , Managing Director. Wii.LiAiu C4swui., Esq., Secretary: A copy of Stock Book can be seen on the coun~ ' tor at the ' France. The Pope has written a letter to his Head che' Ganglia: Branch Toronto clergy in Ireland, returning thanks for the sympathy expressed in their late address to His Holiness. It is now very unlikely that the expected Congress at Paris will take place. ~ AuthOrities at Toulon have received notice to provide crows for 20 guiiboats, the first instalment Ofaii order for 100 giiuboats. each to be armed with a 60- pound .iiflo cannon. and manned by a crew of 20 men ; five steam stable-transports, and fourdcspntoli boats, are also said to have been ordered at Bordeaux. The Spaniards are making slow Work with the Moors, and have mad -. as yet, no impres- s'ori on that wild and unconqtici'ed people. Six thousand Spaniards are hors dc combat. and there are syrirptoms that the nation is tiring of lb 5 ill advised contest with their semi-bur- barous neighbor. BIRTH. At Richmond Hill, on Saturday the 28111 ult. the Wife of Mr. Rlcliard Valies. painter, of a son. MARRIED. On the 313i ult., by the Rev. James Dick. Mr. Phillip (lower. to Miss Eliza Bond. both of the township of VVliitchurcli. DIED. At his residanco in Vaughan, on the 30th Trustees and Board of Directors in Canada. Honorable Jous‘ Ross, VV.P. Howr.ANii,MPP. JOHN CiMwi‘oni).Esq. VVILLiAM Ross, Esq. Wu. Mail/Isn'rizn, Esq. WM. HENDERSON, Esq Bankersâ€"Tina BANK or RIONMOEAL. Solicitorsâ€"Ross. Cuswroao arm Cnoimiic. This Branch was only opened last January, and ’ now has an income of $75,000: Which is retained in this country. The increase of business in England is un- precedented, as shown by the Parliamentary re turns, and the following taken from the last September report : “ It will thus be soon that the total amount of business done during the last nine months of tho Company’s operations has been 'I‘WENTY-TWO'I‘IIOUSANDNINE HUN- DRED AND ONE NEW POLICIES, pro- ducing an additional annual income of $150,000 Representing property insured to the extentof THIRTY MILLION DOLLARS The Report furtbcr says. that “ the Directors confirm late. the Shareholders on this satisfac- tory increase in the business of the Company, and they havo every reason to believe that from the connection now formed it will continue to increase in the same ratio. The Capital of the Company is devoted en- tirer to Finn LIABILITIES, having no reserve for a Life Branch. All losses in Canada are submitted to the gentlemen composing the Board who examine Januarv, Mr. Divzo Susi.i.iir.,seiiior. aged 64 “"3 l’al‘liCl‘lm'S. and if found satisfactory. at years. ancn order the payment of the claim. 'This system has called forth numerous cards of Mr. Sinellie has been for many years a reii- thanks. dent of Vaughan; a man of consistent and upright character. He has been several years Councillor for the first \Vard iii the Township, and was esteemed by at numerous circle of friends and acquaintances. W TORONTO M A R R E'I‘S. THURSDAY, Feb. 2. Full Wheat. prime, per bush. . . . $1 15 a l 25 Spring Wheat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (19511103 FamilyFlour.................. 5508575 Superfine do ...... .. . . . . . . . . 425a430 Fancy do 475:485 Extra do ..............-.- 525I545 Barley........................ 1160:0158 Rve,iiominal “ 0 701075 Oats, “ 0351038 Peus...,..., . . . . . . . . . . 05831061 Pork., ....,,.......,,.,.... 575a67§ Hay,per_ton.,.,,..... ,.,‘.._. 1400.20 Straw, ‘5 .,_.,,,..,.._..._._.... 9000 Potatoes, ff ,,,,,,...,.. 0352:1336 Apples, per barrel . . . . . . . . . , ,“L .i 2 ()0 a 2 7;} Beef, ......... 4511:1500 Sheep, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 50 a 5 00 I.ambs........ . - . - - . . ....-..... 3017:1100 Calves,each........... . . . . . . . . 400.508 Chickens............. ....... 0200.030 VVooLpor lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 025.020 Sheep skins, each. . . . . . . . . 1 (IO a l 12 Beef hides, per 1011 lbs.. . . . . . . . . 5 75 ll 6 00 Calfskrirs,per 01031010 Butter,lresli,pcr lb..., ,...,.. 0181020 and abocrtteoirnm. i . bxraaonoiuaav ENTElfi'l‘AlNRIEN'I‘! THO Elvin L L. On the 8151‘]. FEBRUARY, 1§60. .â€" LEC'I‘URE Tizr. DRAMATlC ART. my V4... A SACRED DRAMA, In live acts, from Cardinal VVisemaii’s Novel FABIQLA 3 Performed by a number of young Dilattanti, GRAND (FENCER T! During the evening and between the Acts. 1 The Catholic Church will be fitted up for the ‘ Doors open at 6' 30 p.m, Admission 38 cents, or three york shillings. The proceeds are to liquidate debts. occasion. If differences should arise between claimants and the Company. the Manager is fully em- powered to accept of any process of law. ALEX. STEWART, A. LAW, Manager, B. N, America Agent. Riclitiioiid Hill. December 93. 1859. 55-6m To the Editor of the Herald. REQUISITION TO THE ‘ Municipality of Vaughan. WE, the undersigned Freeholder: (oftho 'I‘owrrsliip of Vaughan, respectfully ro- qusst you to call, at your earliest convenience. a Public Meeting. at the Township Hall, to take into consideration the advisability of Establishing the Side Roads throu It the Township, on the original Survey as 1 0y are at present. (Signed) Jacob Ilui'kholdcr, Brigham Wilkinson, zWilliam Farr. Thomas Ellis, David Mchchcou. 'I‘. A. Agar, Nathaniel Wallace, Henry Brii'klioldor, Nicholas Shaver, John Strider, Jacob Smith, Jacob Snider, Samuel Line. Daniel Raeiiiau, Joseph Snider. lVilliain Lino, Elisha Farr. \Villiam Elliott, Jonathan Ellerhy, \Vulter Fletcher, Joel Racinan, Jolm Jof‘froy. Francis J. Bunt. John Laurie, Robert Krngt Thomas Smith. Richard Jeffrey, Andrew McClure, 'l hos. Richardsonmou. In accordance with the arbon Requisition. I lierecy call a Moeoting of the Electors of the Township of Vaughan, to be held at the Town HALL. On Wednesday, Feb. 22, 1860, At TEN o’clock, in the foronoon. H. S. HOWLAND, R‘Pv‘r January 91. 1860 TESIaMENTs Fon SA LE, CHEAP. M. TEEFY, Agent. Richmond Hill. RQ, January 6. 1860. ss-rr con TS, VESTS, PANTS. so. In the newest Styles and superior Workman- ship. All orders promptly attended. to and work warranted. . JonN HARDY, ‘ Tailor and Clothier. Buttonville. Dec. 23. 1859. 55-1y YORK MILLS HOTEL. YONGE STREET. GOOD supply of VVINEI and LXQUORI always on hand. -Cignrs of all brands. Excellent accommodation for 'I'ravollorl, Fat- rners and others. ALEX. HILL, Proprietor. York Mills, Dec. 17, 1859. 55-01:: MUSICAL TUITION. R. GEORGE F. GRAHAM, Professor 1 v of .Music and;0rganilt-. of Toronto passes through Richmond Hill, Thor-hill, &c., every Tuesday and Saturday. Communica- tions; left at Mr. _.R. Nicholl’s’l‘Richmor-id Hill Hotel, will recievo prompt attention. 32‘Trinity Square. I Toronto, January. 1860; ._...______ __._.__._ L_..__.___. __..__._.-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"___- To inake Chopping Easy ! UY Dir: MOTT’S warranted Cast Stool AXES. for Sale at the Stan Factory by , ‘ H . 6L J. HARRISON, Richmond Hill. Oct. 26. 1859. can Health and Long Life LONG- LIFE PILLS .r Are wurraiitcd not to contain any Mercury. The-g Pills are composed of the most select ' -Drugs, Ind being purely Vegetable, can be taken at any season of the year if necessary. with safety and without fear of taking cold bv exposure. which renders them of great Value and superior to any other medicine over yet offered to the public. The anti-factor and flat- tering testimonials received by the ropriotor, has induced him to advertise those invaluable Pills that the public may be convinced of a simple and efficacious romedy.,il alone suffici- ent to subduoand cure the ordinary sickness of this country, such as Pains in the Hood. Back and Loins, all Nervous Disorders, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Sorcnoss of the Throat, Cramps. Colics, Worms in Children. and other disor- dorl, will be found on the wrapper with instruc- tions for taking thorn. Sold by Druggists and general Storekooneu. who are requested not to purchase of travolling Agents. THOMAS MAYOR. Officeâ€"Victoria Square. Msnufsctoryâ€"4th Con. Markham. RICHMOND HILL IRON FOUNDRY. '4 H‘E undersigned begs to inform the public that he has opened a FOUNDRY for the manufacture of 0, S. Richmond’s improved IRON BEAM PLOUGHS, Wood Beam Gauge Ploughs. Fanning Mills, Horse Hoes, 8; Horse Rakes- 113” All. Work manufactured by me in War- ranted. IRA B. RICHMOND. Richmond Hill. Jan. 12,1859. 59 Letters Remaining in nioiiMoivniiim. PostOfiico JANUARY 1st, :80: » -â€"â€"â€"-__.. McMui-chv. D. McKinnoii, Misl M. McPhillips. George Sivors, Robert Thoakston. Juno- '1‘uriior. Henry Trench. Wm. Thain. Charles » Trench. Robert Trickor, Mark \Villoughby, Rev. W. lVatorhouse, John lVatson. Mrs D. W. Wilmot. Jackson. Nalon, James Phillips. Henry _ Pearce, G. J. F. Metcalf, Robert Routledgo. J. Mattliewsori, Jomph Simpson, Levi Munsliaw, Mrs. Goo. Sisco, Mr. Sulln Murdv. Joseph M. TEEFY. P. M. Brown, ,1. W. Constable. John Craig, Robert Drawerv. John‘ Dellenbacli Chillen DeGeir, J. B. Grant, Jossio Gilmore. James Hayhurst, Rev. W. Harrison. W. Hisson, Robert Howit. Robert. Hamilton, John Keller. Joseph K‘inck. John Kirk, Allan King, W. L. ~â€" lflllK T llllllll. MAYOR’ 'CONDlTlON PHYSICS ‘ V Hun WORM DESTROYER. HIS Splendid Medicine can be given in one Ball at any time of the year, without injury to the Horse. and has been used by the Farmers of Markham for the last two years with a success nnprr cedented. By the use of this remedy it Will convince the owners of that noble animal the inconsistency of an unneces- sary outlay by using Artificial food or Condition Powders, which are too wolllknuwu to contaln minerals highly injurious to the [membrane or coating of the Stomach. The Ball is a compound of hire Vegetabc, and warranted not to contain either Mercury, Arson ic. Anti- mony or any other Mineral. Its immediate action is surprising and the ultimate effect has astonished thousands. If the Animal is out of sorts, there is a cause remove that and he is all right. ()no dose at the cost of 9-5 cents is sufficient to cure Hide Bound, Loss of Appo~ tite. Coughs. Colds and Fever, Distemper. StOppagc of Water, Swelled Legs. Gunmand is a complete Destroyer of Worms,a great puri- fyer of the Blood, and a. good Physic, always recommended to be given in the Spring and Fall, which will act as a preventive andim- prove the general condition. Makes him com- pletely up to the mark for his work, thereby giving every satisfaction the owner can require. 'I‘estiinonials oftlie highest character will be forwarded to testify to the above if required. Cash Termsâ€"One Dollar per packet containing {our Balls, Letters prepaid enclosing a romittonco. will be promptly attended to. ‘ Printed Directions wrapped round ouch Ball with my signature in full. Without which none other are genuine. Office-Victorla Square. Manufactoryâ€"dth concession Markham, ' " ' THOMAS MAYQR’ The only maker of the original Yorkshire Driflield Oils in America. 50 _DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS of everydescription, All orders will be thankfully received and promptly attended to. . having reduced the long credit system shorter-~lroping it will he an advantage both TORONTO crrv MARBLE W033 185 YONGE smear. MONUMENTsTEouBunm. TOMBSTONES, &c. Twenty Per Cent Cheaper rain as! omen asuniaufin. HE UNDERSIGNED Assign.“ of the. estate of D. C. 65 W. YALE. willcon- hung the business under tho'uupniiitondenco of our duly authorized agontp, Ann-iii Ann! and D. CARLOS VALE. who-o receipt will b. duly acknowledged. -' . RICHMOND HILL" Pllllllllllllli Illllllllll ESTABLISHMENT l ‘ ~WWVVW- -c cwvm‘wvwvvwvw W. H. MYERS." EGS to return his sincere thanks to his numerous Friends; and the Public B generally for past favors, and would most respectfully solicit a continuance of tho Patronage he has so long received; he has now on hand a large stock of GOODS ‘ consisting in part of Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s SADDLES, P S A” not“ a] d t . . BRIDLES and; SPURS, ‘ _do.---l, l ,_d_ r. accounsromlitmll tin..- MANE;a.ridi CURRY COMES, ' 3;,g:;,;°,,;;oggcgggy"°-1358: rill” out. HORSE BRUSHES and‘ CARDS, ‘ TRUNKS, VALISES, 8'. Travelling BAGS G. CUMMER, With an endless variety of VVHIPS, Toronto, April 29. 1859». *- 43.“; "and \VHIP LASHES, . . _. .. All of which will be sold at prices that will defy Competition. The Goods Manu- I r r factored at this Establishment have now been tried for the, last fiveyears, and, the. PATRICK. LYNQTT: best proof that they have given entire satisfaction is,that all who have once purchased t ' l i a ' . i i a his p ace Inv Halli)? come again FOR the sale of Cattle. Stocki‘aci is pro- C I: A w A R i F E l ' pared to attend=Salos in bl puttqofUp. per Canada. Every description of Horse Clothing, Rollers and Bridles made t,o,order. Richmond Hill May26.1859.m: A11 ' Work Warrant-.001. . C. YALE. git-a... 200mm...» feet 91? hut-fiber INC LU DING Flooring. Siding. lnc’h'BosrdI. andjtlwo-inch Plank. Scantlin . &c-., @c... at the subscriber’s Mill, near Stou ville, cheap. for Cash or ApprovedCredit. i, ' - JAMES ‘BUGG. Stouffville. April 12. 1859. ‘- ‘ 93:15:; Cash will, be given for RIDES and SKINS. Richmond Hill, February's, 1860. 6.2.1,- P.‘ CROSBY, RICHMOND. HILL. HAS RECEIVED HIS FAtflIâ€"l AND WINTER STOCK. OF - ' DRY GOODS! AND AL MOST EVERY lll‘llllll lllillllllilllli Til THE Elllllll‘l‘lll Tlllllll Those favoring him With a call will find his GOODS to SUIT BOTH THE $5955.05! AND THE TIMES!; Having reducd the prices of his whole Stock considerably. and , at the same time, i ROBERT Sivan," . ' Boot and Shore. Maker, DJOINIrNG the Wesleyan. Methodist. Chapel, Yonge Street. Richmond- Hill. A choice selection of Geiitlomons'. Ladies, and Cliildrens’ Boots and Shoes constdntly on. hand. and made to order on the Shem“ Ne. tine. * ll? All kinds of Shoemakera Findings for “1..., Richmond Hill, Dec. 1858. L“ NE W TRE4 TMEN Buffalo Medfimspemry. ISIABLISH'RD iron mic can: or Durant”. ennui. DEBILI’I'Y. rirvxn alto, Alpl, sanctum, cu) access. can: SHIV}, ' am or: was moon, um nuns, mimics. rjrsroLA, mus. » KIDNEYS, nsnua'rr, ur- ' . FIRMXTIES or your; ' Aim ow Mix, die. "' use No Mercury Usedi "4:0 It AMOS r51. SON, Corner of Main and Quay Streets, Bufl‘alo, New. York, are the only Physicians in the State who arc-memo bars of the Royal College of Surgeobfilmnn don. May be consulted from 8 Io'clock'ih‘flho morning until 90’clock at night, on every state and symptom of disease. ‘ The treatment they adopt is the result 0.9 upwards of 30. years’ extensive and succogpfulg practice in London. The moot inveterpto. symptoms of Disease eradicated in 013111.30» The Sucbscribers beg to call attention to the fact that they gr. making him, days, and. cases on ’snght naturoin'i‘fivo 'or three days, at a, very moderate upon”.â€" 8 U P E It. I O R iw A G!- G- 0 N s I The cure effected,withoutconfiiiomontprbiu- And when the Quality is taken into account it willbe found dmuceifmm busi'uess' them at prices that wlll defy competion. It is also a fact beyond dispute that our Tomi flienâ€" Take '- i WAG-CONS stand better, and are of lighter draft, than, any other. i g 'Nan'cei i .. {a . , _ , . ‘ . The following are our list of Prices and Terms :~â€"r for the buyer and seller. Richmond Hill, October 13, 1859. 4.6-“ W NOVELTY WAGGON WORK?! MARKHAM VILLAGE. that they are selling There is an evil habit sometimes indulg‘dd Two inch iron angle, with box. . .z . . . . .3100 00, Three and three quarter incl-a do . in b ' be '3. in solit d . ' ' ' Two and a quarter inch qx‘ls, with bait 1,05 00 with cap-hut. do . . 85 0° theiii to‘inunhoodfaiid‘ idliizhzrffvdztgrtfo'imiid Three and three quarter inch thimblo Seat with steal. syin . ... 4. . . . 10 09 by them in due time my only beg“. uric.“ irkoin, with box. . . . . ,6. . . . . . . . . . 8f) 00 Double-trees and neck yokos. . 7 00 obstacles to matrimonial happiness. but Four lqgh :19 do do. .i 83 00 git-abhor sailing. . . . . . . , . . . . . . .. r 7 0“ rise to a series of preti‘ac‘tefiiiisidjoiui, and: a v reors............ I i ii 4 00 Terms: Six Mouths, if longer, Interest from Date. Five per cent discount for Cash cost-'0. vastating afli’eotions. Few of those who ‘g‘ivo way to this pernicious practice are aware in the consequences. until, they find the nervous. system shattered. fool strange and unacoutia- ble feelings. an vague fears in the mind. A Ilfost scientific Invention. An instrument for the cure of General Do- bili'ty, or more properly known I! Semi-Ill Weakness, Nervous chility. &e., which no permanently cured in from 15 to 20. days by the use ofthis instrument. when and conjointlx with medicines. * New Remedies and Quick, Cures, . Dr AMOS &z SON take pleasure in nnn'omh cing that they have invented a moot impb'rtaut instrument for the cure of the above disoubl. It has been subjected, to. a test by. the, moat eminent hysicians in London. 1’4) is. Phil-dol-.. phia and i ew York. It has been declaredtho - only useful instrument ever yet invented for" the cure of Seminal Weakness. orlny' dint" of the‘geniial organs caused by the «not -' habits of youth. ’ - Dr. _ Amos 61. Son, in order to satisfy {they most skeptical as to the merits of the» ill-tn:- rnents. pledge themselves. that in any iii-lune”, where they may prove unsatisfactory Iftori '1 fair trial. the money will be rofuldOd by re- taruing the instrument in good order. ' " Persons wishing the above useful instrument . wrll observe. that the price. with the accom-~ r- panyiiig directions. securely packed and gun. by mail qr express, is ten dollars. ' ‘ a .i .- Beware of' Iinposz‘tz‘on. Beware of empirics and itinerant self-styled? " professors. who armour-r CUIKI, but n91.015- siiccoed, I Dr Amos & Son have for I lqn‘ notion of“ years been engaged in an extensivelprnc'tiu in the treatment of these delicayp complaint-,.und. are the only legally qualified Physicians who- ‘ now advertise to cure certain complaints, or from whom genuine European remediation be r obtained. ' All orders attended to with promtitude, and Work warranted; T. SPEIGHT 8p SON. Markham Village, June 30, 1859. THE GREAT Our Musical Friend. ENGLISH REMEDIES y “Ova nosrcar. roman," . a... Companion for the Winter Months. Should procure tlii wookly Publication 0 ‘ _ Vocel and Piano Forte Every Pupil, Music. costing but 11) Liter-y Amateur, cents a number, and Pronounced by the entire Press of the country, to be ' “ THE BEST“ AND CHEAPEST WORK OF THE KIND IN THE WORLD‘" Twelve full-sized Pages of Vocal and Piano Forte Music for 10 Cents. Yearly,$5 : pH alf-yearly.$2 50; Quarterly$1.25 SubsCriber to‘ " Our Musical Friend." or order it from the nearest Newsdealer. and you will have Music for your entire family at an rusrgrirficant cost ; and if vou want Music for the Flute. Violin, Cornet, Clarionet. Accordion 659. &c subscribe to the 8010 melodist, Containing. 12 pages, costiii only 10 Cents a number; Yearly, $2 50; I alfsyoar'ly. $1 ‘25. All back numbers at 10 cts.. and Bound Volumes. containing- 17 numbers, at $2 50 10R DISEASE. 01‘ THE EYE AND EAR. Great discovery in the science of medi- A cinos. being a certain and speedy cure for restoring the sight and removing all dis. ones peculiar the Eye. This is universally acknowledged the only safe and sure ijomedy now known. it has been used with great aucceu by the most suitor physicians in Europe and America. ' Patients in any part of the country can treat themselves successfully at a moderate expense. thereby avoiding the danger and expense of falling into the hands of nnskillful physicians. This medicines [sufficient to care] will be sent by mail or thress, with all directions, on the receipt of 310, small coco $5. Every Singer. Every Pianist, Every 'l‘cachor, I Tim EAn.-â€":Certetn and infallible cure for Deafness and Singirfi Noises in tho Ears, the Nervous Head and ind Complaints. affordin instant roliof to sufferers who have troubles with deafness for many years. After using. this remedy a few daya'the patient is suddenly and almost marapulously enabled to hear ordis nary toned converfation i in the course of a few- weeks the most obstinate ones of deafness :1 effectually cured. . Patterns too numerous to mention have been restored to perfect hearing and forever rescued from the snares ot' the numerous dangerous and unqualified pretenders of the present day. Hospital and private testimonials and certific- ates from the most eminentphysiclans and stir.- geons in England, in whose presence deaf por- Ions have been cured, and many hundreds of private patients cured can be soon or referred to. A case of this medicine [enough to effect a cure] will be forwarded to and part of the eduntry for Fifteen Dollars. Address R. GOODING, Drawer No. 3. Buffalo. N.Y. N. B R. Gooding is only agent for the States and Canadas. 113‘ Office in Kremlind Block. December 29, {59, each, constantly on liand. C. B. SEYMOUR & Co. 107 Nassau St.. New York. M~.._ .._.___._..__._ EXAMINATION or COMMON SCHOOL TEACHERS, COU V TY OF YORK. Notice is Hereby Given, ll IHAT an examination of Common School Poachers. and others, will take place on Tuesday, the 7th February 1860 At the Court House, in the City of Toronto, at Richmond Hill, and at Nowmarkot at 9, a.m. Candidates will be required to produce corti- ficates of moral character from their respective Ministers, and if Teachers before, also from their respective School Trustees. JOHN JENNINGS. D. D. Chairman County Board. Toronto, January 4. 186‘). 59â€"2 M LOST. N or about the 15th December last. be» tween Victoria Square and Mr. Abraham Horner’s Lot 23, 4th concession Markham, a BUI‘FALO ROBE. lined with green B320. and a HORSE BLANKET. Whooovcr will return the same to the Subscriber will be ro~ AURORA. worded. JOHN SI‘ECKI.Y. GIOOD srnapl-y‘l of Wines and Liquors I , a ways on ban . Excellent Acct). i. y. i - .. Lot 31, 4111 Con. Markham. datioii for Travellers, In" 9 January 6, 1860. 58-3 Cigars of all brands. Farmers, and others. 0. McLEOD. Proprietor. Aurora. June 6, 1859. 95-1! Fictitious 1N asv I’ucr or ms WORLD. mm} - be successfully treated by forwarding scorroc't, - detail of their cases. with aromitt'aneo 10p, Medicines, dam, which, will be returned withi the utmost dispatch and secure from. cheer-.9. vation. Address Dr. Quay streets, Amos & Sex corner . sin and. Burma. N. Y'. Video,- ‘ .....__.... *4. 1 DR. s. N. Panic, ' URGI‘ION Dentist. will at ILAJI'I‘HOEI’ l Markham Village, on flips 94th, 2511: In: - 26th of each month. Teeth, extractor! fr". Teeth Filled, oacli 25cm. ‘Da‘ntistry done cheaper than by any other Dentist in the Pros. viiiccs. Approved credit will be gin» if ro- quirod. All Work War-rained. June 30, 1859. 56~1v Aue 1:10:3- Notice. THOMASâ€"WILSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEERr ton THE commute oy ‘ YORK, PEEL & ONTARIO. All letters addressed, Manning Vipmos. wil receive prompt attention. II? Orders re- ceived at the “ HERALD” Ofljce, Richmond ill, whore terms, &c.. may be ascertained. Markham Village. Nov. 18, 1859. 31-1y ‘ YONG-E. STREET HOTEL. â€".____ _ STRAYED: 51'“ FROM Lot No. 32. 5th concassion Vaug- , hair, about the beginning of October last. ' A SJIALL RED STEER, 9 Rising 2 years old. Whoever will return the same to the subscriber will be rewarded. BOOTS and 8110138, "well "in b” THOMAS CHAPMAN sold at prices to moot the limos ! Vaughan, Jaiiuas'} 6,1860. i 5:91 Bl‘d‘mo’m "ng Dar. i858- JAMES HALL; *' }IAS always on, hand a large pugrtmqnt of DR. JAMES. LANGSTAFF Richmond Hill. December. 1858. l-tf 1-1!

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