Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 2 Dec 1859, p. 3

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a“ ‘. 1347' « I“ new. i Min-4" , f '. , Iâ€"Ifli' SWORTH" Immerse or , ' STAPLE AND FANCY # ' ' MARRIED. ' PICHMO‘IDMHILL ‘ ‘ ' ' “f - ' i, , Bribe; .Rev. James Dick, Richmond ' F A L C N R I ’» Hm. on the 29th Nov" Mr' Jam" Kem- ' ° Respectfuliy begs to announce that be has received his " ‘ eghen to Isabella. Ferris, both of Mark- ham. VI‘HE undersigned begs to inform the public A A’ V r l‘ l . S I I ‘ m“ ..__d_ that he has opened a FOUNDRY for the , j _ , l ‘ e T , manufacture of O. S. Richmond’s imiroved Special Notices. vl FURTHERABOUT THE INDIAN. Purricuuas or 'rtrii: \Vnecx. We have intelligence to day from a rm" °‘ “"1 IRON BEAM PLOUGHS’ b’ ' D R Y I} 0 0 D g er asscn crs. .e egrapi mm in - . 0c ,v .311, Ad .1 h ' , I . g, I sor pto theg New York associated press, T beii’fi‘ii..ii. genie iavzrfjiir WEE; Wood Beam Gauge Ploughs, Fanning LAEGEST 013- RICHMONQI lo V y ' ' ' , ‘ a b very simply reme y,a ter aving so are ~ _ ' (N » . , . Elffil‘ \lllllifrflallrf::eollel:le shitllnzflssenggr” SJVZ'B' 3°“ Wi‘h ‘ 58”” “mg Afectiotli Mlua’ Horse Hoes’ &H°rse Rakes And equal to any NORTH of FORON FO- OULD respectfully intimate to his, Customers and the Public generally , that , and that dread disease, Consumptionâ€"is anxi- CASTINGS done to ORDER, we to make known to his fellow-sufferers the on short notice. . means of ppm. '19 all who desire it he wrll [If A“ Work manufactured by me is War. Win be send a copy of the prescription (free qf'chargc) “med. ,dvto. the business, and all GOODS sold at the lowest'retnunerat'ing prices. With directions for preparing and using the he theref re co - . . l I . same. which they win and a sun, on“, ,0, H. W. PECX. t5... ,{ifidently solicits a continuance of the patronage he has s9. lppg receired Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis. the. The Richmond Hmo 00‘. 26,1859. 48-3m only object of the advertiser in sending the pre- he has now received the greater portion of his . FALL. iMPOiiTArioNs 1; His STOCK will be found well assorted and marked at prices that will compete,f with! the bestHouse in the trade. Hon. Mr. Bottsford, Mr. Mcldrum, Mrs. 'Meldrum, Mr. Patterson, Mrs. *Piittci'son, 'Mr. Street, Mrs. Street, Mrs. Elliott. The followin is the list of steei‘age passengers, ten o whom, we grieve to say, were lost ;â€" SAVED.-â€"A. G. Howland, Francis, Kalster, wife, and four'childrcn; Mr. ,Eickman, Richard Brown, G. V. Roman, ‘William Cross, J. Mann, A. Borgesson. W. Mason, and Mr. Pierson. Dnowsn.-â€"-\Vm. J. Moses, wife, and mimic“ is m banefit mg “Womb. and he He, $131565. this opportunity of returning Sincere thanks to his eldfitgstoipers and Mp” every “from, Wm “.3. his rowed)“ as it . ‘50er ICED .' Friends, or the very liberal support they have hithertogi'ifen him; will cost them nothin and may prove a bless- . , October 1 9, - .5 ing. Parties wishig’g the Pr9Scription will' AME 0“ “1° Premises 0‘ “'0 subscriber. ’ . Lot No. 22, 7th concession of Markham. "mm ' ' please addrfisév- EDWARD A. WILSON. A Red and White Spotted HEIFER. The I No_ 360 Fm“ STREET. owdner can have the same by proving property ‘ - V I . ~ IMP EMENTS WAGG s C 44 8 Williamsburg ings o r G. HAACKE. K J. . ’ ’ k I ’ . g . An Inspection is Respectfully o . No Second Price Wm... ........_7 n...- two children, . Mrs. Eickman, anCd child, \__;_«___._'______w W ...... Markham. Nov. [8. 1859. 51.3 VIANUFAC PURED inORNHLL ‘ N A o , J - DI (Pl 0 ll ‘, ‘ -â€"â€"~â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" 1' ' ‘.. ‘ i O l i - '1' ’ r .. . . .5 its; ‘33:“ wrath; new environments. . ‘W V , n - r ’ u‘ ' ‘ ‘ & Clotll Dl'eSSlng ‘ , q . «~ .. g I _ _ I J. K film 13):; Jo'p:t R332; angrsMipraip- Letters AT LAWRENcnts FACTORY. t His bubscdriper bigsfito clall the attentipg of the Public to the fact. that be. ' No. 31 King Street, East of Yonge Street, w§,.“‘;,,, 9:8 pmenfirgqfid' {be m: Remaining in RICHMOND HILL PostOflice _ WP” ° m e ’5"? a“ Toronto, October 21, 1899. 9-1y D ‘, . . . numbered 85. We are not informed whether any of the latter have been lost. Annu Hem, Law. Miss Harri“ Lawrence, feels confident in saying that he 1;; ~HE..‘;l;‘i°”i%;i§§i§l.‘tÂ¥.21fi WAGGQNS, SLEIGHS. BUGGIES, ' ' ' 1 ' . . is repared to give eiieral satisfaction t all ~ Also, a new and > v' I ‘ l ' 1‘ he foliowmg giyes somhe particulars of 33'3in (Kalli. . kanfgsttatg. {lo‘hn [4] whfi may (“whim wgmi their 0mm. hazing " I M . L S H A N, the accident, which oug t to tare been Beg. '35:!!! Lingo} d9 F had gong experience in the “gin”, of Dye-mg i . furnished before. The telegraphic gr- 32:53:! M‘i’s'gaé J 1123332; king}, and Dressing Clam v . , -~ - mm ‘ 'w . IMPORTER or , range‘mentes in Nova Scotia are a dis Bu". ,_ ' ' LVN“, 3,5,, Blankets Fuuid aJud Nappid. \Vhich every Farmer ought to passess, and s T A P L E A N D F A N C Y grace to that province 1“ Copeland, Thos. lsawrence, James ' " bu the‘ mahogagti‘og' 'i , - ' ~~ I a . Q . Churchill. Sarah Moodie, Alexander W“ - I , . , I I g " HAUFAX! 1"“ “aCk'lnei N°" 26‘ Charlton, Henry Mulholland, John R. h d H." N 18 1859 ' K NG' . , i , g f “The war steamer has return. Copeland, William Metcalf, Robert ‘0 .v‘ -’ .4\'°Y.. l ’ ' ‘51-". i ‘ . ,, y, .p. .» . a. . , l . , 0 j ed to Halifax with the remainder of the survivors of the Indian. The ship has totally broken to pieces, and only a small portion of her stem is visible. Very little of her cargo has drifted ashore, and it is so damaged as to be worthless. Complaints are made of the robbery and plunder of the passengers by the natives Colman, Roberst Mel’hillips. George m Campbell. Miss 13. O’Grady.Miss Leonora -"~ Chamberlin. Erial Phillips. Bithena Duncnmb. Doctor Philips, 61. Son Edmends, Joel Patterson, Bro Elliott. Miss Frances Reid, Alexander Foggin, John Read, A. F. Foggin, Miss Jane Shepherd, Aaron Fraser. George Shepherd, Charles Freak, James Scarlett. Miss E. German, John Smith. John Gorinan, Davtd Siver, Robert ‘- i ; 3» Granger. Alfred Steel, R. 'l‘. . . ' i 5s HughsonI Mrs. Sanderson, Miss E. A. ‘s At the shortest ‘notice, and at the lowest remunerating prices. These. reqpiring real substantial and good Waggons, Buggies, Sleighs, Agricultural Implements, 8w will find it to their advantage to call. HQL'MES. HAS received, his FALL, consisting in‘paiit of FANCY DRESS Goons, . COLOR’D AND BLACK. Genomes, PLAIN AND. CHECKED Lintnsuvs. mums, GINGHAMS, DELAINES, SijEETINGS, SHIRTIN TICKING, ' "'DENNINE‘S, naiLLs, FLANNEL‘S, “ BLANKETS, GLOVES, Hostinnr, paces... RIBBONS arid MUsLiNs. Tliornhill, October 21, 1859. 47-6,“. FM...”- casu cit. ' Together with a general assortment of and legal inquires Will be made. Hart, John. 'S‘eager. Willlliam fl « A; [05 King street East,‘ 001'!!th Toronto, V ‘ t r ., q ,H I N u! I m; w qtjnizilivhpgcmb:::ap:v:tdth:n[:llr:::- kg?“ M's: Hal‘m‘h W" OR LODGE Are now offering large quantities, ill Y‘il'liliis QBSQy-intiOIig, 017 "ugh “11%,,” a ‘ i 5 ' ' ' ‘ll ‘,.lose isoii,"ieip,as ., ,1 i ‘ ‘ . g i r so. had eight cabin: and thirty steerage girlhood, we"... a...” 2 , 1. k m, “I I“ I N v, I,” I, m m ,, V AND DRAPEnx Goons. passengers. The latter are mostly °VllOl’-"l'h°l“ms WTlEth‘m“ ‘ N00 l lit um " lw .m ; “W firmer hm, limit ‘limmr . m . Gem”... and Hungarian. magnum Doctor » M TEEN P M Ems ,, WM DuROSE,S HOTEL w ‘ - Doing business iorOnsh only & no Second Price. ._..â€"â€". Victoria Square. the last Friday eveno ing in each month. ' iron, and the balance coal. Pltfissa THOM‘XgiCSF‘gsozwL‘gEé M The ship ran on aledge while on a JAMES NEAL, Damn]: “if” speed of eight knots an hour. The ANDSHORTLYWILL BE PUBLISHED: JOHN GAULEY. ’li-casurcr. weather at the time was hazy but not JOHN BUTTON, Sacra”!!- thick. Victoria Square. May 7. 1858. {18-1 The Captain was deceived by the sound- , ' fl , M , ings, and sunposed he was ol’fCape Sable. BY SLASHER' I Riel‘mofld Victgl‘iaa MANTLES. MlkL'NEBY; QQNNEW. sic. BLANKETS, FLANNELS, conouncs, Rama‘s, Phillis, spurring srnr ass, spEErING ,' ‘ Factory at White corrons, CLO-'l‘HS, CLOAKINGS, sic. Retailing 9t; “W .gqleggle Prices. are swimmer. ram , His Stock Will be found as attractive as any house in the trade. Buyers will well to call and examine the Stop}; and Prices Before. buying elsewhere. I Remember the. well; known name The cargo consisted of two hundred tons of bale goods, one hundred tons of M. LEhSHMrAN, . - No. 81 King Street. East, 'Eononto, October 21:, 18:99. _ RO-Sia, PATTERSONS’IMPLEMENT WORKS. When the vessel struck she tore at? her OYAL ORANQE LODGE, No. we. bottom and filled almost instantiy. The - ‘ 1 ".‘eets “‘ Bid-1H9? “Ohm Wisemn‘ii’s. engineers opened the valves of-the boilers, Mammc Hal" .‘h" fl“? “may evening lifter the Full Moon In each month. “‘“,;§";V“‘.‘,tj:‘,g:;“tiff”; a... mow Hitter 2,1859- ..Fa::.i::°i'§r:.Darrin; ,. CASH 8‘ 0°» - -' ' r - b weft:l got (iut ipitl lowejedti whenalsudderj Mgzgilnlxglfigggpri‘; 'Wl’liEus. Treasgrgr r°r°m°i Ocmbe' 21; 1859.- , 417-9, “’0 Vouldrm-{orm lhe publicithat We “9111161119.??ng a large num era, :13; My; v "3 P” ” INOTTGE. â€"â€" .-.;_‘-râ€"~ ‘ ~ . ? nitratesi::°s.:::::r;tiier r9 SHOEMAEFRS- P. CROSBY. RIQHMOND HILL. ii.."i......;.aims... an... mango rush for the boa“. and sunk nilvbe" 0"”, holders of the Viacom Aim Kine PLANK “ ANTED iMMEDIATEl.Y. A MAN and two, dl'm'lllllg the engineers, some 0l [to/to Conner, will take place at John capable of making a first-rate Calf prayed theinsclyes, capable of raising the largest Stumps, and can be. the crew and passengers, and two women Wood’s ’l'avern. at 19 O'clock. Precisely. on Boot. l‘ione need apply but of‘steady habits. ‘ ' HAS RECELV‘ED HIS . . . . i H Successfully wgrkcd by three men .unaideydlby horse or other team. - :rzeiereitair:airirzireszzi some .. FALL Ame ism-oqu . .. . "Price. comp.1ete::$§&00.fi Boat No‘ 4" under the command 0f Mri and appoint Direptors'and :Ofi‘icers for the on. . . Righmpnd ' 1". OF ' W. @180 haYD in hands the. patterns, 0133 very. Smith. the second officer, was blown oil suingyeur. ' Richmond Hill, Oct. 27. 1859. 484 - 4 = * " "1 , ‘ " ’ " v ' thirty min. 6 d 7 k Tfiggggrfggifwm D R . G O O .- r t ' SU PERIO R bTRAW CU 1‘ PE R l' liners 1 es. 5 an were sun or v _ u. ' ._;' ’ ‘ , ‘ dmnaged- , , “ugh”. lejjffiic- '5': g P ‘H O N 0 G R A P H Y ’ , i. " . , I With feed gear so constructed as to, out different lengths, from i to it inches. Farmers and others are requested to call andcxamine their; MACHINES before purchasing elsewhere. Price, from $1000 to 820 00.‘ In their. season, Also, ~ ; Wooden, Crooked dc Straight: Beam Plow: :7 CIRCULAR WOOD SAWS, ROOT SLICERS, GANG PL.OW3, HORSE HOE-3. SCUFFLERS, 8st). Constantly on hand. AND ALMOST EVERY lll‘l'lillil Billlllllilllli Tfl Till lillllllTllY Tllllllll. Those favoring him With a call will find his GOODS to SUIT BOTH THE SEASON AND THE'TiMES, .Having reducd the prices of his whole Stock considerably. and, at the same time, Mr. 'l‘ibbet‘s, the fourth officpr’s boat, B.Y reached the shore. Mr. Biggan’s, the third officer’s boat, 0 . HONOGRAPHY w in t db' lSAAC .. . n Eas Ter as 1’ Pa .ment. , , _ as ‘19“ ,3 broke adrilt, leaky, and it was supposed ‘y 1 “ g“ y 1’11 MAIN. of Bath. England. In the rear “as lost on the shore. cres’ 1837. it is the most simple. most natural most . rapid, and most easilyvleariied system of Writ- ITUATEDin the counties of LAMPTON and ing which has ever been, or ever can be in- KENT. All necessaryiiiforination will be vented given pp application, post paid, to During the past fifteen years, hundreds of MILES LANGSTAFF, thousands of persons, in England and Ame- 2' Wallaceburgh. rice, in both public and private life. have learned The Purser, with the mails and passen- gers saved. lelt Halilax on the 26th, to ,come to Portland by way of St. John’s; lthey were expected there tlies (Tuesday) "morning. The Hungarian vVlll call at . F RMS RENT to write i’honography. and thousands of social, . ,I-Ialil'ax and take home the oti‘ieeri and 11:59. to 52-.tf gagging: letters annually pass through having reduced the tong credit system shorter-_hop;ng it will be an adunuge both 33- All IMPLEMENTS manufactured by us are Warranted‘. «$9 . , I , y ' v t _ PATTERSON 8r BROTHER. Richmond Hill, Sept. 9, 1859. , , 41-tf for the buyer and seller. Richmond Hill, October 13, 1859. ' 3 4.6.11 .crew. Nor is its great popularity to be wondered at. The present system of writing is exceed- ineg cumbersome. and totally unworthy these ’ Augtion Ngtgoe. A young lady passed through “ â€"- days of progress and invention. Phonograpliy ‘Cj‘ncinnati last week on hel- way to _ THOMAS BOWMAN, is equally as legible,dcan b: learned in one- . " ‘ ‘ - o ‘ o ' tweiitietithe-time,an can ewritten six times .. ‘ u' ' ' §St. 18031:, “Quilter sheshhad beer; for- Licensed? Auctioneer, 431.45,, 11‘}, other words. the labor of six day, “ ' IN ,war e y xpress. ,E was grom ron rpm . ' can be perlormod inciteâ€"one man can do the I ' 4 ‘ Paris. and baing ignorant of our COUNTIES or YORK er PEEL. work ofsirl So Simple is the system. too. i v 0 ., i 2 .« .. .. n 1 that a person may learn to write it slowly. iii a coupie of hoprs. An hour's daily practice for a few weeks will enable any person to writp Phonpgraphy with certainty, and with some degree'of freedom. The same amount of practicp continued for six months will ec- able‘, a perspn to take reports of speeches, len- nres. sermons, or conversation, and to read hen) with accuracy Dr. J. Stone. of Boston. says: 'I deem Blimmgrap 'y an invaluable adjunct to educa- iion, and one which. when acquired in youth would not be parted with in manhood for thou- »language, her friends had. placed MARKHAM VILLAGE? :“her iii_.c_harge of an Express mes “Sanger. "I‘he “way bill” was .made,,9,ut in due form, and the ,charges paid as her tariff, The messenger declared that he never took such good care of 9‘ height” before, considering it extra, we presume. Who wouldn‘t be an All letters addreSSed to "' Almira,” P.O.'will recieve promptatteiitieii. Orders received at the “ York Herald ” Office, Richmond Hill ; Mr. Henry Lemon. Thoriihill, and Mr. James Cavaniiah,’ Mansion House. Sharon, where Terms, &c.‘ may be obtained, ‘ Almira, Nov. 25,1859. , 52-tf at 9 139 N $0.3. 1.? BEQS to inform the inhabitants of Newmarket, Holland Landing, Aurora, grind Hill, bye, up: he intpnds owning, on the 153th: inst.,with a splendid assortment of; oaucs, Q‘RQQERIES. DRY GOODS. AND CMILLINERY T he Sucbscribers beg to call attention to thefa‘ct that they arg igniting BUPEfiIOfi, leAG-Ggflgl And when .the Qualit is taken into account it will be found that they are selling them at prices that w ll defy competion. It is also a fact beyond dispirte that our VVAGGONS stand better, and are of lighter draft, than any other. i The following are our list of Pricps and Terms :â€" . ‘MEN’S AND BOY ’S 'Panta do Vests 1 V Sat'iiette. Full’d Cloth, and Doesltin. new- .' . 0' a , . ~ . . W R 4‘ C CKERY £66 Goo {Express messenger . an M“ and best Materials ; we“ made. sal:ga:flla?§llfiirz‘:’ Tuos H BENTON upon be g". incdh irpa a‘xlo. nah bola. ... $102 08 Three and three quarter inch 4. D Egg 3 i i ; 9 o »_ e ' ‘ durable and warm for winter,â€"-as CHEAP as . ' ' 1 ' ' ' V" "l . ‘. .93" 0" "'0 ‘X 0 Wii ' 0X 10 0, ' ' with ca -iiut do .. 8 00 . ‘ , » . ' 1],, “me quality” éan be had in Toronto. I “,3 New".in W'l" ‘1 Verbatim “99°” 9f one Of Three and rec gnartor inch ‘thimble " ” Seat !with steel s rings. . .u . . . . lg 00 Ania a great man-l A‘Fnde’ too “Umglogg to Tgn't‘l'on' Dr. Hays, ,pcompanlon of, Dr Kane in ~ ' gt G A BARNARD,S Lighrrtifgfypg33:32:23; by Edyttgzislzori‘ F strain. with 80 00 Double-trees an hooky-lies... too i- « i k a o . V _ .. . 4 . 'v ' v . I. ‘ o -- .hl‘ll 4. ‘;. ,lv‘ ‘-. » " '. I, .E‘ ‘ . ‘ hlsdArhI: explomnons 1353’ Pmppscs ‘0 Richmond Hill. Nov. 17. 1859. 5I-tf been known 40 years ago it, in; havuavcd in m me" Flo do ‘0' ' 83- do (Sffigbgréglhng? ? ' ' T ? ° ' l! ' ' .’ . dev°ted to t q ngartme at; u“ 9”“ 8 Brother “Pa “‘0” "l the film ” ' - - 20 our: hard later.” '1‘ ie earned enator ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' direction to the Bolar Sea, discoyered in spo-‘p but a portion of the with." What long- 1855. lien , requires six years to apc'oinplish, Phono- gra‘phy will perform in one. ’ To Clergymeii. Editoipf Physicians, Law- yers, Secretaries. Conyeyancers. Law and Me- dical ' Studea ts, Lectn era, Prin‘tlers. School Toachers, Merchants, ,_ chool Boys and Girls. a knowledge of Phonography is pfvast utility.â€" In fapt there is no profession or calling in which it is'not useful. and no young man’s education can be considered complete without i}. During the past nine months hundreds of persoiis in Canada, pf eyery parsnip in life, 1_ & 13011). t have acquired the Art, from many of whom Ammové, Toronto. the subscriber has received neatl gwritten Richmond Hill. va.18,1859.' " 51.2 Pthngl‘fiPlHP letters, expresswe 0.“ 91?. ‘1‘" * " ’ ' light with the attayiirpeiit, and the extraordiupry , ease with which they have acquired it. ~ u s a" in 'n l di ' 'o For the p rpo eof 1(1‘ gt tie sseminati ,n ofso important a reforpi in his own country, ‘ thp subscriber is now prepared to' supply all who apply, with the MANUAL or Puoaoaiué Terms: Six Months, if longer, Interest from Date. Five per cent discountiflqp pkg}. His SHOW will open shortly after great variety of A11 orders atppnded to with prgmttpude,rax;t11,kÂ¥91:: M LA'NGsrAi-“EIS ESTATE Biminian HILL. . ALL PARTIES indebted to the above Estate, either by unpaid Rent or lnsltal- ments for hand. must pay by the let day of December next to l) . Duscpna. who’alpne is entitled to receive t a same and grantre- ceipts. After the aboin date legal proceedings will be taken to repover {he sump. as the ,a'fi‘air is undergoing a final sgtpement. ‘ By order of w“: TORONTO MARKETS. orrRA cLQAKs. oc- oc. smirk-i.screenwriting ' " team, Markham Village, June 30, 1859. tr. ATKIysqn, egg... inron'rlna or pupae! patios. at e. A. BARNARD'S. lliapiifacturers of Chenipals } ‘ATS and CAPS. great variety Newest I ,3 Median.” & Seminary, ' ‘_Styles, a! the lowest Toronto Prices qutflxyénpig its“, oprosi'ra rail carcinoma!“ at G. A. BARNARD’S. ‘ I" ‘ l ULL CLOTHS “‘“TLANNELS, co- ' . . " BOURGS’ DE’LA-‘INES, fl“d GALA Proprigtgrs of Atkinson’sParisian Tooth Paste. 'TiwnsnAY,Dee. 1. Fall Wheat, prime,per basin... $190'n l 27 ,SpriiigWheat.....1........... 100all2 FamilyFlour....,............. 600a450 {Superfine do ..'.'..'. ......'.... 46011470 Fancy do ................. 59011510 Extra do ..'..'...........‘.. 540a560 Buriey..........:;;..;....;... ossaotio Rve,nomiual “, ‘ 07§a080 JOats, . “ ..,,;...‘....,0368038 Peas-Had...”.....;:;i;é..... Pork.. «~u..e..oooeo.-....eco-o. Hay, per ton. . . . .. . . JIM,"- .'.'. .‘ 1700 a N excellent assortmentof Women and Chil- ye is BOOTS and SHOES, of all thesa 'n' Styes. cheaper than any House in the Trade, " ll‘ wow so. lu. u if“)! r cuties.”“Chains, CHAIRS. a firepower; 11$, BEDSTEADS, are. .1. ,. King St. Toronto. "“ v RICHMOND HILL .Calves,eaoh........,.......... 50ll_a600 Chickens.............. 020'a025 , .. .. PLAIDS,tho CHEAPEST in the Villa 9 if? Ever' descri tion of Ho 5 nd C tl ' “ 0° LICENSED ‘AUCTmNEâ€"Eo .. .2 Maire... a: CHEAP FURNITURE WAREROOM s. . '§.°”i§.°”’..i...ih 3333323 » mm mm" piefii'id“rif’uié‘r’shii ‘9.u.i.°ii'i°ii'3=p°8§gr'3 Richmwd Billion 151859!“ 45-“ T'm‘0153flllfi37. IM- ' on H -- " ° "first, 4" I. 4002550 YORK, PEEL 8L ONTARIO. ‘DOLLA‘R- - h ' i I l r I ' ’ p The Subscriber has now on hand a most Sheep, eacli. . . . . . . . . . . . $1.1 . 3 5b “a. 4 50 A“ I ' .' Anybody an' eyerybody, who can loam any. "M. . I . . I . otters addressed, MARKHAM ViLLma. wil ,I- I n 1),, MGR, f the M , - y HE Subscri e he s leave t infer his . . Lambs . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......-ou- 15.0.9950 receive prompt attention.’ [1? Orders ro- wiifhofllrothproassistag: mm A' To Inake Qhopplng Ens), ' T Friends affdrthe lgublip g'eg‘olig‘usvfiiat, in & F ' r" . g; ., A. 5 n, _ J: . “in “'- ‘hi’ “ Hxl‘nl’" 0m“. Riellmond Those who wish to b5 able to put their .1" r t , & b» t . - d UY DE MOE’I‘S warranted Cast Stce addition w his form”. "0le 9f Wool or lb. , . .' , . _ , . , ‘ o . . H.” 0 26 2’ 1., w tore errns, 9.. may e ascervaine - thoughts to paper at the rate of from 190 to B AXES. for ale t it e St} ‘ "it ' b . , . . . . - . . . stieep’ Skins, each, . . u 0 9'5 2 (1) 0-: Markham Village. Nov. 18, 1859. 51-tt 250 Words ‘f’per minute.!’ should send for the H a: J ‘HAREISi-‘ggry "y Which he is determined to Sell at Prrees that null defy competition. Beef hides, per 100 lbs... , , , , , , , 5 75 a 6 00 ‘ ~â€"â€"â€"â€"‘ -_‘~._.L.-_.._.;_.__,.___fi___ Above-mentioned works at once. Richmond Hi“. Oct: 2g. 1’859. M i is“. Ha has now purcbfisg (lumpy), {9; file VCR" Skins, per lbs. . . .. .. . . .. .. . 0 10 a f) 12' ‘ » '~ I . m The instruction given by Eh? Manual I!“ ‘3 'Butter,-frosh, per lb... .. .. . .‘...* 0 18 a (l 20‘ BUTTER l Butter?! BUTTER! Play.l ‘15 A‘ Czi .9” time” as “.5! ~ ‘9 i . x l y n . I M - erstand. l v D. per lb, will be given for any quantity " Th " .szANAmAN pHQNETyC HON, Public NOticeo I BIRTH. 1 , . of ,Good EER‘en, is ~anth Journal, devoted té the perusing indebted to me will please call 50X AND STOKE-S " ' On the morning of the 25th inst, the. » advocacy 9f“ the Reform, ,PtlcP gents per“ and settle their Schwinn on or before the A“ of which he ofi-Prg a, very reduced. Prion; .wife of Mr.’ Jeiemiah Motson, of, oak . ‘ -. ~ - 4 I v , : ,Ridgés, of tin daughter's. __ THE GOODS! manufactured at this Establishment have now been tried for‘the last fourteen yeayg and, the best proof that he has given entire satisfaction is, that all who have once pint: chased at his place invariably come» agent, . _ . .. w owner: .. mined mi » : ~ " Fae F5111 or. Winter Trace. He also keeps on hand a variety of I , r. . minim. . 1m. of January next, andt ef'eby save expenses. H . A's AMOBS pt G. A. BARNARD’S Address, (postvpald) ‘ JOHN N. itEiD, Mg). ' 3mm! Com: :a. n, «ECG-“f, . ' ' 'A.‘ 1 answers Hiiirngyuisngss,‘ di-tf a, Wlbblogwlzgggw aberrant, rim. is, 1899; nonwhites. 4, i959, " tie-‘5 y i

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