Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 25 Nov 1859, p. 4

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‘WAIWK A consocA'rioN. Tell me, y gentle winds, :That round my pathway play, Is there no place on earth Where printers get their pay 7 Th_e'.whispering breeze Went by With accents filled with woe ' Afuoice borne on the sorrowing air, in sadness answered “ No." Tell me, ye flowing streams. That smoothly glide along. Is there no cherished place Where printers meet no wrong I The gentle brook replied, In murmurs soft and low 3 And winding on its verdant way. It merely answered " No." Tell me. ye murky clouds New rising in the west. Is there upon the globe One spot by printers blast ‘I The flashing clouds outspoke I With an indignant glowâ€" A voice that filled the earth with awe In thunder answered -‘ N 0." Tell me. hard-hearted man. Withholding day by day, Is there no honor in thy breast, The printer’s bill to pay 1 Unansweringtnrns he roundâ€"- How plsieliis'aetions show ; An utter Oetii-oopped sound is heard. His actions answers “ No.” 'Tell me ye gentle nymphs, Who bless life’s pathway through. Is there no sacred shrine Where printer’s get their due ? A mantling flush her cheek diffused. A sweeter grace to impart. And with responsiVe sigh replied. ' 1‘ ’Tis found in woman’s love." '.Tell me ye angelic hosts, ’ Ye messengers of love, {Shall suffering printer’s here below Have no redrees above ‘I The angel bands replied- “To usis knowledge givenâ€"â€" Delinquents on the printer's books, Can never enter heaven,’ ’ .. muslluuruur. _.â€"-- "'1’ lLabour in an infant Hercules, around whose cradle the unstrangled serpents are still coiled. vSuperduous words are the sounding use, and tinkling cymbals of literary «composition. ' .By book we looks through the eyes of withers; by personal experience we see ti‘fltrougb our own. ifiiln all ages the great mass of mankind “are 'but too happy to get their tth'iakisg done by proxy. _ ‘Killing time? 'is not only a most un- rprofitable, but also a very onerous task, as those who make the attempt soon find out do their cost. '!Tlie worst form of ingratitude is to recluse to accept a favor from the hand of aa person to Whom you have had the pleas- o‘f- rundering one. 2. It is said to be a bad sign to see a man 'with‘hil‘bat of at midnight explaining the principlespnd theory of true democracy to if lampsp‘ost‘." ‘ . , Spriggings says he always trends with a sulkey’-â€"â€"that is he always goes with his wife who contrives to be obstinate and out of humour from the time they leave home till they get where they are going to. The only time she ever smiled, he says, wasgtvhen he went to jail on her account. Love or READING.â€"-Hon. Rufus Cheats, in an address, once said: ‘Happy is he who has laid up in youth, and held steadfast in all fortune, a genuine and passionate love of reading; true balm of hurt minds, of surer and more healthful charm than poppy or mandragora, or all the drowsy syrups of the world; by that single taste. by that single capacity, he may bound in a moment. into the still re- gions of delightful study, and be at rest. '1. ' f " Well may he prize that endeared charm, so affected and safe, without which brain (placing his hand on his forehead) had long ago been chilled by paralysis, or set on fire by insanity.’ Nianr SUBDUED.â€"â€"A Wealthy indi- vidual in Onandago county once had two female relatives from the city to make a visit. They were somewhat tainted with aristocracy. The gentleman’s carriage, driVen‘ by a sensible young man named \Villiam, had brought the ladies from the depot shortly before noon. Dinner was soon get ready, when the gentleman of the 11 use inquired of his daughter where V illiam was. She replied she thought he was in the harmâ€"He requested her to step to the door and call him to dinner. The young woman from the city instantly spoke up, as if moved by one and the same impulse: ‘ You are not going to have the driver eat with us, are you i’ j‘ Not if it is unpleasant to you,’ replied the gentleman; ‘ he is good-enough to eat With me, and if he is not good enoua’li to eat with you. he can wait.’ a . The city birdi. thus nonplusscd, thouorbt discretion the better part of valor, End concluded to eat at the same table with the driver. RICiiEs.~â€"If thou art rich, then show the greatness of thy fortune, or what is better,_the greatness of thy soul, in the meeltness of thy conversatiOn; condescend trillion "of low estate, support the distressed, and patronise the neglected. Be great; but let II he in considering riches as they are, as talents committed to an earthen vessel; that thou art but the‘ receiver. and; that to be obliged and to be vain, too.. is but the old solecism of pride and leggary, which though they often meet its £22532. make an absurd society. ; nurtures mismatch" WATCH 8: CLOCK MAKER, Oct. 1. 1858. 26th of each Month. Teeth Filled. cheaper than by any other Dentist in the Pro- vince. Approved Credit will be given if re- quired. All Work Warranted. THOMAS SEDMAN; FUR CARRIAGE. Waggon & Sleigh Maker, Opposite the White Swan Inn. Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. FUNERA l-tf T. J. WHEELER, J EWELLER. &c. RICHMOND H ILL, Dr. s. N; PECK, URGEON Dentist. will be at Hall’s Hotel.‘ Markham Village. on the 24th, 95th and Teeth extracted free} each 2501’s. Dentistry done June 30, 1859. JOHN HARRINGTON, Jn., EALER in Dry Goods. Groceries. Wines. Liquors. Hardware,GlasS. Earthenware. &c. H Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. letf RICHMOND HILL HOTEL. STAGE runs from the above Hotel to Toronto every morning, starting from CORNER ()1: KING AND TORONTO STREETS, the Elgin Mills at 7.. a.m. and returning at 7. p.m. Fare 2s. 6d. each way. coon ACCOMMODATION FOR TRAVELLERS. RICHARD NICHOLLS, Proprietor. Richmond Hill.Dec. 18, 1858. l-55 JOHN COULTER, " _ Tailor and Clothiers To GOod Templars and Sons of2 Yonge St.. Richmond .Hill. December. 1858. ' J. VERNEY, ’ Boot and Shoe Maker, YONGE STREET“, RICHMOND, HILL. l-it Ladies’ and Gentlemens’ Boots and Shoes. made after tlielatest styles. ' December 1858. 1. m YONGEISTREET HOTEL, AURORA. , , , Good supply of WINES and Liquoits always on hand. Excellent Accommo- dation for Travellers. Farmers, and others Cigars of all brands. . D. MCLEOD. Proprietor. Aurora, July 6. 1858. ~ 57~6m ROBERT suture, ‘ Boot and Shoe Maker, DJ OIN IN G the Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. A choice selection of Gentle’mens’. Ladies’ and Childrens’ Boots and Shoes constantly on hand. and made to order on the Shortest No- tice. ' ID” All kinds Shoemakers Findingfer sale. Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. 1-tf' JAMES HALL, ‘ HAS always on hand a large assortment of B E BOOTS and SHOES. which will be sold at prices to meet the time. Richmond Hill, Dec. 1858. 54vl-ly - w. HODIGE a. Co. lN’IIOLESALE and Retail Clipper 'l‘in‘v ‘ . r and iron Plate Workers, and Furnidhing if _ i ‘ , 'Toronto. Feb 26. 1358- will find their orders" ‘p’uncttiafillyattOiided'to. 1 ‘ Ironmongers, Parties ginng this house a call and the lowest prices charged. Richmond Hill, Dec. 1858. 54-1-ly EDMUND GRAINGER, U T C H E R. THORNHILL. Fresh and Pickled Meats, Poultry, &c., always on hand. Families supplied on the shortest notice. 'l'liornhill. Dec. 1858. 41-ltf WILLIAM HARRISON, ’ Saddle and Harness Maker, - ‘~ itichONp HILL, Richmond Hill, Dec. 1858. 1-tf JAMES JENKINS’, Grocery 8; Provision Store RICHMOND HILL. 0 CREDIT GIVEN. P od e t k N “Change. i he 7 a on m The above is the oldest established Grocery and Provision Store on the Hill. Dec. 2, 1858. . 55-ly ANGLD-AMERICAN fHOUSlE ! MARKHAM VLL-AGE. ' GOOD Accommodations. Wines. Liquors and Cigars of the choicest brands. R. MA R'R. Proprietor. Markham. Dec. 1858. 57-13' DR. L. LANGsthF, FIRST boon SOUTH or T1111; 2 F RANKLIN HOU SE, hummus VILLAGE, Markham, May 13,1859. 24-Iy PATENT ‘ ' Drain Pipes, Eve Troughs AND Water Spcutg, MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALQIBM OHN LANGSTAFVF S'rmn RT1L1.S, 'l‘nonNmLL. June 3. 1859 PATRICK LYNOT'E, “ LICENSED AUCTIONEER, OR the sale of Cattle, Stock, die. is He: pared to attend Sales in all parts bf Up.- por Canada. . ' min-mi PM use as. may » '1 ~ees. Photohraphs ! 18 tract lg teeth ; and' also of an Aparatus for manufacturing Vulcanite Rubber Plates for sets and Partial sets oftoeth. on Gol l or otherwise '69-1y the case. ‘ Teronto, August 27, 18%. U GEON 31-1v S % Ambrotypes l MELANEOTYPES ! LETTE'RGlRâ€"APHS. &c. :All styles of Pictures taken at the w. o. VADAMS, _Mcdica1 Hall, Markham, On 'Ieasonable terms. and .in all Weathers, Pictures‘taken from the smallest to life size. ' s l J. C. DUNiiAM, [s H E R, :Markham Village. Oct, 14, 1859, Surgeon Dentist, 48-tf D.D.S. 99 KING s‘r. EAST, soU'rH S1DE, THIRD noon WEST FROM CHURCH ST, TORONTO, the Proprietor of Oliver’s Patent for ap- olyiiig Electricity to prevent pain in ex- Teeth mounted Dentist, ranted. Julv 8. 1859. All Work War- , to suit the necessity of 40-1y G. H. Husband, will be at Nicholl’s otel. Richmond Hill, the FIRST MONDAY ' of'every month,and the remainder of the month atjliis residence Thornliill. 32-13‘ MATHESUN a riizciaiin, Barristers & Attornies-at-Law, SOLICITORS 1N CHANCERY, &c. OFFICE :â€" Ovei‘ Whitomore & Co’s. Banking Office. TORONTO. Agency ParticrEfly attended to. THOMAS G. MATHESON. Toronto, July 1, 1859. Temperance. _ ___,_ JAMES r‘i'i'zcnuALD 31-tf The Subscriber is prepared to furnish Pic-Mic. PARTIES. AND TEA MEETINGS, reasonable terms and shortes On the inost possible notice. CHARLES TOD, June, 1859. Baker. Markham Village. JOHN N. REID, MD, CORNER OF YONGE AND COLBOURN S'I‘S. 'i‘iionNiiinL. C.W. ' Dr. DUNHAM, . SURGEON and Mechanical Dentist, Medical “hair “all” Bouillon. “Prawns a weekly re- Hall, Markham Village. " June 30. 1859’ Sl-ly 31-1y JAMES I. BARKER, ‘ MPORTER and Dealer in Groceries, I'aints. Oils, and Dye Stuffs, Patent Medicines. Glass, Putty. Nailsâ€"Low ! Dry Goods, very Low for Cash.â€"Markham Village. June 30. 1859. ~P.0ROSBY, MPOR'I‘ER of Dry Wines, Liquors, Hardware. die. Richmond Hill. June. 1859. BI GO TO . BOWMAN’IS MILLS! WITH YOUR CARDING & GRISTING, where parties from a distance can have it done to take with them on their return home. Almira, May 13, 1859. 24-tf. FOR SALE; NCLUDING Flooring. Siding. Inch Boards. and two-inch Plank, Scaiitliiig. &.c,, &c.. at the subscriber’s Mill, near Stouf’fvillo, cheap for Cash or Approved Ci'edil. JAMES BUGG. Stoufi‘ville, April 12. 1859. 23-tf. TORONTO CITY MARBLE WORKS 185 YONGE STREET. MONUMENTS. TOMB-T $1. ES TOM B-S'I‘ONES &c. Twenty Per Cent Cheaper THAN ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMET. 111E UnderSigned Assignees Of the estate 0“). C. 8'. W. YALE, will con- tinue the business under the superintendence of'our duly authorized agents, AUSTIN ABBEY and D. CARLOS Yam), whose receipt will be duly acknowledged. P.S All notes and accounts remaining un- paid-iii the lst day of June. 1858, will be put in 2 9 Court for collection. C. YALE, G. CUMMER. Toronto, 29, April 1858 48-tf' To the Sick and Dying. 3 R. SNIDER, of the 7th concession of Vaughan. near Kliiieburgb, guarrantees to cure Cancers, Enlarged. JVcclrs, And many other Diseases. Persons laboring under either Oftlio above mentiontd Diseases. will do well to call in time, All letters to be paid, and addressed to PETER, SNIDER, Kliiieburgh. N. B. NO CURE NO PAY. I August 0. 1858. The Scottish American Journal " DEVOI‘ED TO THE interests of Scotchmen in America, AND TO THE DISSlt1MlNA‘I‘10N 01" SCOTTISH LITERATURE AND ART ! ONSIDIleING the multiplicity of news- papers iii America. it has to many been a i Scottish residents should have been so long un- represented. 'l‘o supply this desideratum, No. l, of the Scor'risu AmniiicAN JOURNAL was published our Saturday, August 8, 1851. and is now continued weekly. The primary object of the JOURNAL is to fur- .iiish ' ;cord of all events of, interest occurring in Scol- iaiid. and its, subscribers are in, this way as fully they were in regular receipt of an old-country iicwspaper. Scottish questions Will be discussed with intelligence and impartiality in the, editor- ial columns, and the sentiments Ofthell.endin11r parties on these subjects will be fairly repre- sented and commented upon. In the literary and miscellaneous depnrtment 31.6,n of the paper, while merit and talent will be ap- Goods . Groceries, preciated from wl‘ialever country they emanate, the Scottish element will preponderate. Tales, sketches. and [ioetryj,illiisti‘alive Ofthe. Scottish character. and ofa nature fitted local] forth the sympathies of Scotcbuicn both at home and abroad, will occupy a conspicuous place. In 31-tf this department, the (30,-0llel‘aliqn of various ' Ironunau asrr av WM. aoLrn.] . ORNER or Palace and George streets, east ‘” of the Market Square, Toronto. per day. always in attendance. .7 Subscriber begs to inform the “HE Public that he has leased the above premises. and fitted them up in aiieat and comfortable style. Boarders and transient visitors will find the accomodatioiis in every way agreeable. “The best “Of” Liquors and Cigars carefullv selected. Good stabling and attentive hustler-s Board $1 Good Stabling and attentive Hostlers An omnibus to and from the Railroad Station. THOMAS PALMER. Proprietor. t38-1y THORNHILL HOTEL. HENRY LEMON, Proprietor. Thornhill. 2 Jan 20, 1858. HALF-WAY HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL. HE Subscriber begs to inform his numerous Patrons and the public, White that he has remOved from the Swan Hotel to Stablingg the where there will be found cominodation for 'I‘i‘avollers, and good 138 above Premises, exoclleiit ar- 63’ Horsesand Buggies for Hire. Josupii GABY, Proprietor. Richmond Hill, Oct. 22, 1858. in mm null .‘i'i" ‘ Illlili i l hi ,0 Z < O _z. Isl .â€" p. 1 Z M >'. 1 3 ..I 4‘ Mai t; i-t it 'E .00. «D: 004 9.; J 8»: fig (-1-: 52 a: .o 1'? 4 m K I', m 0 x r P W D 8 F i: 2 K n u x U 4 i- y. 4 U z â€"I a: .‘, p. m, a, 0 O u. Vim z Accommodation for Travellers. JOHN SHIELS. Proprietor- ’l‘lioriihill Jan. 10, 1859. 72-7m S, Q7-tf WAN iiOTEL.'*i‘HonNiiiLL. Good 7.1y DR. JAMES LANG STAFF, Richmond December, 1858. Hill. is distinguished authors, possessing unrivalled facilities for the task. has been secnured‘ in politics, the JouauAL will occupy a thoroughly independent position, alike ' free from party bias and national prejudice. In or- der to interest its readers wherever situated, it will take .a broad view of topics of this class. avoiding those ofa merely local nature, excert in so far as they may present points of imporl- ance to the general public Questions involv; ing the interests Of British residents in the United States and in the British Provinces, vyill be specially considered, and it is believed that the information and news of the JOURNAL on this important class of subjects will be such as shell command attention. The Scorrisu AMERICAN JOURNAL, will in every respect he conducted in an efficient and business like manner, with every requisite guaranteeforits permanence. 'I‘lieproprietors. who are responsible parties. resident in New York and elsewhere, therefore look with con- fidence for the support of their numerous coun- trymen in all parts of America, and they will be glad to communicate with respectable par- ties at a distance who may be disposed to co- operate with them for the establishment of the paper in their respective localities. A. publication established with these objects must of course look for support mainly from those connected by birth or descent with the country whose current history it chronicles; but as the broad basis of this journal necessiw tales. in addition. the treatment of all import ant questions afl’ccting American interests. and as its literature will be cosmopolitan, it is hoped that even to the general i-oaderits columns will not appear unentertaining or profitlcsr. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, ' PAYABLE iN ADVANCE. One Copy for one year .............. $2 50 Fivqupies........................ 900 Twelve Copies “.0 00 Twenty-five Copies.................. 40 00 Tu parties getting up a club of twenty-five a copy will be sent gratis. Copies forwarded to Europe per mail, United ates postage maid. for $3. or 13s. sterling, per annum. 0:? Office. NO. 29. Beekman Street, N.Y. Fire! Fire! ! Fire! 3 .' W ESTâ€"TEEN Fire Insurance Company of Toronto. 1NCORI‘0RA'I‘ED B-Y ACT 01" PARLIAMENT. CflPITflL STODK, £100,000. 1,9. G1LMOR.P1ԤS. | Grin. MicniE.Vice Pres. pinnc'rons : Rice Lewis. Esq. 'I‘lios. Haworth, Esq. James Beaty. ESq, W. Henderson, Esq. T, P. Roberts. Esq. W. Macfarlane, Esq. M. Rossin, Esq. | Bernard Haldan. Esq. Secretary d~ Treasurer. Angus Morrison. Es . Solicitor.’ Bank of Upper Canada. Bankers. Benjamin Switzei. Esq. Inspector. [13’ Head Qflicc. Cadre/i Street, Torontg. a This Conii‘ANv liisures all descriptions of Buildings,Manufactories, Mills, (Saga. and Goods and Furniture, in the same. against lOSs or dam- ugri1 Ib)’ fil‘0,0fl llbel‘allfil‘llls- 140.8893 promptly Power. for the small sum of $220. Terms of settled. . As IJAW, Residence. General Agent. Richn‘ond Bill August l8. matter of surprise that the. numerous‘body of .Asia and Africa, as well as North Americaâ€" liil'orinod of what is transpiring atliome as if 310.1 a.» 9.4.14 v . NEW _ _ HISTORY CANADA THE members Of the Bookselling trade. and the Public of Canada in general. are re- . spectfully informed , that it is intended to pub- lish, by Subscription, ‘a an HlsTORY or CAN- ADA, (founded on that of Mr. F. X. GARNEAU), as soon as an encouraging number of Subscri- bers can be obtained. _ , The recent appearance of a third and much improved edition of L’Hi‘s’i‘onv DU CANADA by Mr. GARNEAU, has given rise to a wish. ex- 2003000 feet 0f Lumber, pressed to Mr. LoanL by several of his friends and commercial connections, that he would undertake to publish a counterpart. ill English. of the above workâ€"the best Canadian ‘Historv ' extantâ€"with such modifications as would make I it acceptable to the entirety of our people, ‘ whether of British or French origin. Accord-o iiigly, responding to the desire thus expressed. Mr. Lovell has engaged the services of: Mr. Andrew Bell, Member Of the Glasgow Archae- ological Society. also of the Canadian Institute. Montreal : author of“ Men and Things in Am- erica” : Historical Sketches of Vandalism, British and Continental ” : lustrious ” ; “ New Annals of Old Scotland,” and other works-era gentlenan of great literary experienceâ€"as translator, compiler, and editor of what he purposes to entitle “ This New AND COMPREHENSINE Hisronv or CANADA.” from the foundation ofthe Colony till the year 1840, â€"to be based on the third and latest, edition of L’His'romn DU CANADA of Mr. Gar-need.â€" Furthermore, Mr. Lovellhaving made applica~ tit n to the latter for his sanction to the pro- posed work, is happy to say that his special ap- version of the work. HisTonY OF CANADA ” shall form three hand- some volumes, iii dpmy octnvo, and be printed ‘in a. superior style, on paper of the best quality. lEach volume will comprise from 400 to 500 :pages Price $1.50, or $4.50 for the whole. ' arties taking an, interns1 in the early history 30f the Colony, are now respectfully called on to furnish, for the Editor‘s use, airy unpublished or little-known historical, antiquarian, 0. other rare materials as they may have lying by them. The donors of all such may be assured that special acknowledgement will be made in the work of every favor thus obtained. It is hoped that the Publisher may be enabled to bring out the work, complete, early in the Fall of 1860. Subscription Lists will be found at the book- stores in Montreal, Toronto, Quebec. Kingston. Ottawa. Hamilton. London; &c. and. at the Offices of the Publisher. in St. Nicholas Street. Montreal ; also at Ste. Amie Street, Quebec. JOHN LOVELL. ('anadia Directory Office, Montreal, September [859. l DR. MORSE’S Indian Root Pills. R. MORSE, the inventor of Morse’s Indian Root l’ills, has spent the greater portion of ’his life in travelling, having visited Europe, has spent three years among the Indians of our Western countryâ€"it was 111 this way that the Indian Root Pills were first discovered. Dr. Morse was the first man to establish the fact that all diseases arise from IMPURITY OF THE BLOODâ€"that our strength, health and its readers regularly with the news of life depended upon this vital fluid. When the various passages become clogged, .and do not act in perfect harmony with tho dif- ferent functions of the body. the blood loses its action, becomes thick, corrupted and diseased ; thus causing all pains. sickness and distress of every name ; our strength is exhausted, our health we are deprived of, and if nature is not assisted in throwing off' the stagnant humors, the blood will become choked and cease to act. and thus our light of life will be forever blown out. How important then that we should keep the various passages of the body free and open. And how pleasant to us that we have it in our ‘power to put a medicine in your reach. namely, . Morse’s Indian Root Pills, manufactured from , plants and roots which grow around the mounâ€" atiiious cliffs in Nature’s Garden. for the health ‘ and recovery of diseased man One of the roots from which these Pills are made is a Sudorific, which opens the pores of the skin, and assists Nature in throwing outthe finer parts of the corruption within. plant which is an Expcctorant, that opens and unclogs the passage to, the lungs by copious spitting. The third is Diuretic, which gives ‘ ease and double strength to the kidneys; thus encouraged, they draw large amounts of im- piii'ity from the blood, which is then thrown out bountifully by the urinary or water passage. and which could not have been discharged in any other way. The fourth is a Catliartic, and accompanies the other properties of the Pills while engaged in purifying the blood ; the coarser particles of impurity which cannot pass by the other outlets, are thus taken up and From the above, it is shown that Dr. Morse’s Indian Root Pills not only enter the stomach, but become united with the blood, for they find their way to, every part, and complete- ly rout and release the system from all impurity, and the life of the body, which is the blooa. becomes porfectly healthy; consequently all sickness and pain is driven from the system, for they cannot remain when the body’becomos so pure and clear. The reason why people are so distressed when sick, and why so many die, is because they do not get a medicine which will pass to the afflicted parts, and which will open the natural passage for the disease to be cast out ; hence, a large quantity of food and other matter is lodged, and the stomach and intestines are literally overflowing with the corrupted mass ; thus undergoing disagreeable fermentation. constantly mixing with the blood, which throws thc corrupted matter through every vein and artery, until life is taken from the body by disease. Dr. Morse’s PILLS have added to themselves victory upon victory, by restoring millions of'the sick to, blooming health and hap- piness. Yes, thousands who have been racked or tormented with sickness, pain and anguish, and whose feeble frames have been scorched by the burning elements of fever. and who have beep brought, as it were, within a step of he silent grave,"iiow stand ready to testify that they would have been numbered with the dead, had it ngt been for this great and wonderful medicine, Morse’s Indian Root Pills. _ Afterone or two doses had been taken, they were as tonished, and absolutely surprised, iii witnessing their charming effects. Not only do they give immediate ease and strength. and take away all sickness, pain and anguish, but they at once go to work at the foundation of the disease, which is the blood. 'i‘lieref'orcfit will be shown, especially by those who use these Pills. that they will 50 clause and purify, that diseaseâ€"- that deadly priemyTwill take its flight. and the flush of youth and beauty will again return, and the prospect 01's. long and happylif'e will cherish and brighten your days, ‘ , ' CAUTiON.»Beware of, a counterfeit sigped 4. B. Moore. All genuine have the name of A. J. Wriirn & Co.. on each box, Also the sigiiutm-c of A. J. thttc ()0. All others are spurious. A. J. WHITE & CO.. Sole Proprietors. 50 Leonard Street. New York, Dr. Mprae’s Indian root Pills are sold by all dealers in Medicines. Agents wanted in every town, village and hamlet in the land. Parties desiring the agency and address as above for terms. Price 25 cents per boxs. five boxes will be sent on receiptof $1. postage paid. 33 Steam Engine for‘SaIc l. ‘0 be sold by Private Contract. 8. 00d Steam " Engine and Boiler of about ive Horse' payment to be agreed upon at the time of pur‘ chase. For particulars apply to, ' , ‘ ’ JOHN GRIST. ‘ Thonhill l “Lives of the 11- . probatiop has been Obtained ; so that the ti'aiis- ' Elation of his labors now proposed (with modi- ' fications and additions, as aforesaidfi, becomes . the only authorised. reproduction of the French 3 lie-â€" NARRATIvEs OF- BE A V E R THE: JESUIT FATHERS‘l Eircvlnsurancc Association, or TORONTO. c. W. â€"_ LAST year the French reading part of the Canadian people were pdified anode-m , , lighted by the publicationsof the original Nare.’ OFFICE, [removedfrom 54 King Street East. ratives 01"illto Jesuit Ful‘i‘lel‘b‘, who were the. Tonoprm STREET neg“. bu'ijding north of {he'- piqneers of religion and its attendant civiliza- MasonicJ-la“, tion in Canada This work, iiiipni'tniit as it is Half the Profits to be rammed tothe Insured l . . ' ‘ r to the French Canadian, is not less so to the - Englislbspenking part of the population of the bglansce mveswd to form a 'Res‘erve Fund. BOARD or Dingcrons; North America. All Inhabitants of this great _ continent, especially all Canadians; will assign Tavernsâ€"Henry Rowsel. W. C. CheWett. Joseph Jackes. / ' it an honored place on the shelves which bear the stirring narratives of the first English and DIRECTORS_H°nry Rowse". Toronto. Chair- fictwfffdiidiiife to make its reverend au- 7mm :1 J' w‘ Bmm’ Deputy Chairman ; W' 0'. thorerpe’uk Wm} m: Enahsh tongue. CheWOtt. Toronto; Joseph Jackets. Toronto..,, . l“ . . b ' _ i l W. H. Smith, Toronto, VMIHLngT} .Wm, The early history of Canada is at this mo- Helliwen’ Higfiland ' Creek; John I’Mo'wat" mcnt attracting much attention. The French Kingston; Wm. Agliii, Kingston ; A, Governiiiciil lips made large- and precious con- Bur-“ham, Cobourg; Green, flamilmn; tribution:: of historical mailer to our Provincial Robert Smith. Chin’guagousg.‘,' George Blaim‘ Toronto Township' ‘ ' ' ' ‘ Library, both manuscript and priinied, relating chiefly to Cannes, its seiiloiiicnt and wars : the sambaâ€"John He‘mw'en: ‘ 'BankéJ-“S'..Tha‘ Band of Toronto. ” ’ Governiiiont of the United States has been ever ‘a min colli-ct'n docuiiionts t'elatili r O l . ‘ . u I0 5 l g - g l u e I}? .The PrOVideiit Life Assurance. Cour; 'paiiyis. removed to thesamebflice. acts alld:Sllll.Ul'lllgS of their hardy and adveii- l turous founders ; and the encodi‘agemeiitwhich .. . _ our own Government could afford in aid of eii- Havmg guarded agedllst loss'fmm fire by In’ ‘ suring your property, consider if- 'it would not, , be asWell to make a little additional provision, terprich of the same character, has always been promptly and effectually granted. ‘ , H _ _ . , for your family in unsouof your own premature, , death :éwliether it would not be as well. The publication of authentic and interesting '. -': --rd‘h ‘bcen V‘- d' - . . . hmoumhew 5 ab fa med an pwmpt through the asSistance of a Life Assurance. Com anv; to provide a legacy for your wife or ed by nll enlightened governments. and literary dau ter. or, ifyou have-not the happiness to bodies; because ihev supply the best evidence I)" the truth. 9f “Flor-l" or the best materials {Or be h ossed with them. think-if the possession of “S cqml’omlollf .h has .eve" Pee" .asserted’ a few hundred pounds additional might not be that the, chronicles and private .niveinous of cof of advantage to vourselfafew Years hence. , “3, .temporaries are of higher value than the p01 you decide that i‘, would, write'to theMamgmgt Director of the PROVIDENT LIFE ASSUR-l ANCE AND INVESTMENT COMPANY r lislicd periods of Hume and Mezorav, The Narratives now sought to be resented It is proposed that the “COMPREHENSIVE , The second is a . to the public are of, great value to a 1 classes. To the religionist, \yhether Protestant or R0- - the zeal of those servants Of his Holy Relgion 'vvlio ' devoted thei'iiselves to its propagation among the heathen. and went forward through many a fiery trial, to find too Often at last the crown of i‘nar'ydom. The ethnologist will find : in them faithful descriptions of a race now much degenerated and rapidly approachmg to extinction, written amongst them as they lived and moved. hunted and fought, married and died, received baptism or ferocioust murdered the mph who sought to i;£t:~lOWli011 them. Urâ€" dinary readers, from the intelligent scholar to the untaught peasant. will peruse with interest an account of men who trod the soil on which they now inove,-â€"w.ho were the lords of the forest and the rivet', iiow smiling with the rich har- vest or glittering with the Vessels ofcm’nmerce, which has been often drenched with the blood shed lll warfare or ii’iassncre. The publication of so voluminous a work will depend entirely upon the support received inin the public. The first voliiiiio lips been translated by one of the host translators iii the Province : and it w ll be put to press as soon as a sufficient number of subscr'bers is obtained to defray the cost of translation and, publsliiiig. The work will make 3 Volumes. Royal 8vo., Subscription lists will be found at the Book- stores in Montreal. Toronto, Quebec, King- ston, Ottawa, Hamilton, London, See. and at Quebec Price in paper covers per volume, for the set $8.25. “2.74, or the set $10.50. JOHN LOVELL. Canada Director)" Office, Publisher. Montreal, Sept, 1059. N E IV TR Efl 'I'Jlf Buffalo Medical Dispensary, ESTABLISHED FOR THE CURE 0F DYSI’I‘ZPSIA, GENERAL DEBILI'I'Y, FEVER AND AGUE. SCROFULA, OLD ULCFJIS, GIU‘IA'I IMPU' RI'IY OF THE BLOOD, SALT IIH'ICUMI PIMPLES. FISTULA, I’llJ‘lS. KIDNEYS. DEBIIJ'I'Y, IN‘ FIRMITIES 0F YOUTH AND OLD Ann, 610. NO Mercury Used. (4;) R. AMOS SON. Corneer Main and Quay Streets. Buffalo, New York, are the only Physicians in the State whoi are mem- . bers of the RoyaI'College of Surgeons, London. May be consulted from 8 O’clock in the morn- ' ing until 9 o'clock at night, on every state and sympom of disease. The treatment they adopt is the. result of up- wards of 30 years’ extensive and, successful practice in London. The most inveterate- symptoms of Disease eradicated in eight. or nine days. and cases of a slight nature in two or three days at avery moderate oxponso.~ Tlie cure effected without confinement or liiii- drance from business. Young Mopâ€" T also Particular Nance, There is an evil habit sometimes indulged in by boys, in solitude, Often growing up with them to manhood. and which. if not reformed by them in due time, not only begets serious obstacles to matrimonial happiness, but gives rise to a series of protracted, insidious. and devastating affections. Few of those who give way to this pernicious practice are aware of the consequences, until they find the nervous system shattered, feel strange and unaccountav blo feelings, and vague fears in the mind. A Most Sczmttfic Jncenttori. An instrument for the cure of Genital De- bility, 01' more properly known as Seminal Weakness, Nervous Debility, &c., which are permanently cured in from 15 to 20 days by the use Oftliis instrument, when used conjointly with medicines. New Rcmcdzes and chk Cures. DR AMOS OLSON take pleasurein announ- cing that they have invented a most important instrument for the cure of the above diseases. It has beeii subjected to a test by the most eminent pll)‘Siclall,Slll London, Paris. Philadel- phia, and New York. It has been declared the only useful instrument over yet invented for the cure of Seminal Weakness, or any disease of the genital organs, caused by the secret habits quouth. Dr. Amos &. Spn. in order to satisfy the most skeptical as to the merits of these instru- where they may prove unsatisfactory after a fair trial, the money will be refunded by re- turning the instrument in good order. Persons wishin the above useful instrument will Observe, the. the price, with the accom- panying directions, securely packed and sent by mail or express, is ten dollars. Beware of Imposttwn. Beware of empiries and itinerant self-styled professors, who ATTEMPT cures, succeed ' Dr. Amos Son have for a long series of years been engaged in an extensive practice in the treatment of these delicate complaints. and are the only legally qualified Physicians who now advertise to cure certain complaints, or obtained. PERSONS IN ANY PART or use WonLD may be successfully treated by forwarding a correct detail of their cases, with a remittance for Medicines. &c., which will be returned with the utmost dispatch, and secure from Observation. Address Dr. AMOS dc Sou, corner Main and Quay streets. Buffalo. N. Y. t4G-1Y JOSEPH KELLER, man Catholic, they afford precious evidence of , â€"and will learn with some emotion that they V ' live and sleep in security on the selfâ€"same spot ’ of about 75:1 pages each, in Long Primer type. ' the Offices of the Publisher. in St. Nicholas Street. Montreal; also at Ste, Amie Street Price in half calf per volume, $3.50 or for 20 Toronto Street. Toronto, for a “Proposal "- form, and acopy of the Rates. 1'. pOSSibly. the Agent of the “Beaver’f- may, possess a copy of both documents; whip], he can accommodate yOu With, and give yoq q little information on the subject besides. ‘ A Agent at Richmond Hillâ€"J. R. ARNOLD. M arch 22. 1859 . 1741.8 irornnciiiins’ iiiLi. "ING, STREET, Toronto, 2nd door east of Church Sireet, opposite the Cathedral. W. T. ATKINSON. 61. Co.. Late of King street West, now offer at their new establishment Genuine English Drugs, Patchy, Jlledz'cines, French and English Perfumery, Oils, Paints, Colours, Dye-I’Voods, Combs Brushes &c., :At such moderate prices as cannot fail to se- cure custom. W. 'l‘. A. A's Co. having considerable ex- perience in the Drug-business in various parts of England, have no hesitation in saying. that a great many of their, Manufactured Articles will be found very superior. Medicines used in. compounding Prescriptions, Faniin Re- ceipts, Horse and Cecile Modcciiies, 610.. are of the very best quality, direct from the prin- cipal English, Drug Houses. W. 'l'. A. & Co.. beg to call attciitiOn to their Celebrated l’repa-i; ration for the "teeth. Atkinson’s Parisian Tooth Paste. Also their much admired Perfuiiio THE ENGLISH NOSEG-AY. Soda Vi’ater bottled anclsl'rom the fountain; St Catherines Mineral l'l'ngpr. agid the Plaiitageiiofi, Water. celebrated f'ostix ‘lioaltliy properties l\prll 22. R558. 146 State Fire Insurance Company OF: LONDON. CHAR'I‘ICIHCI) BY AC'I‘ 0!,lln‘l'ik'blklAl. PARLIAMENT CAl’l'l‘Al... £5.1ll'l00ilSTERLING. Canada. Branch, Head Office: Toronto 'i'nus'riiiis :â€"~ Hon. JOHN Ross. felons Cnuvronii, Esq...‘ BOA iii; 01“ DIltEC’l‘OltS.-â€"Wliilfllil itchnsior. Esq. Chairman; \V. l'. llowliind. Esq. M.l’.l’., Vice-Cliairiiiaii;\Villirzm toss, Esq. I V‘Villiam Henderson, Esq). ; I". W Slit-riff U. C. Of York and Per-i. llAinziis â€"'l'lio Bank of Montreal. SoniUi'ruRs.â€"â€"Ross. Crawford and (Tremble, The engagements of the State Fire Iii- surance Company are guaranteed by irresponsi- ble Proprietary. ' All losses will be settled promptly without reference to the Board in England. ALEX. STEWART, A. LAW, s v Jarvis. Esq..." Manager. B. N, America Agent. Richmond Hill‘] February 18. 1850 12-1? Gilli: {lath firmll IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, And despatclied tq Subscribers by the earliest: mails, or other conveyance. when so desired- The YORK HERALD will always be, be found to contain/the latest and most impOr- tam Foreign and-,Proviiicial- News and Mar- kets. and the greatest care will be taken to ' render it neceptaible to the man of business. and a valuable Famili Newspaper. I TERMSâ€"Seven and Sixpence perAiiiiiim, In ADVANCE ; and not paid within Three, Months two dollarsf will be charged. RATES OF ADVERTISING : Sixliiiesand under,,first insertion . . . . . $00 50‘ Each subsequent insertion .. . . .. . .. . . 00 12%,, Ten lines and under,’first insertion . . . . . 00 75 ‘ Above ten lines, first; iii., per line.. .. 00 07 Each subsequeiitiiisei‘tiOii. per line . . . . 0” 02 III? Advertisements without written direc-‘ tions inserted till forbid, and; charged accord- ineg. 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