Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 25 Nov 1859, p. 3

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d‘vw .mâ€"m t BIRTH. On the evening of the 19th inst, the wife‘s, Mr. Jenn ‘WtLEs, of Markham. of a daughter. MARRIED. On the 23rd instant, at the residence of- the bride’s father, by the Rev. Mr. McFadden, Mr. ROBENT SMITH, third son of Mr. Chris- topher Smith, to Miss JANE, eldest daughter of Mr. John Richardson, all of Whitchurch. c1122:â€" 'I‘OR ritr MArtrtn'r‘s. THLRSDAY, Nov 24:. Fall Wheat, prime, per bush. . . . $1 07 a l 27 Spring Wheat......... . . . . . 0943.100 FamilyFlour.................. 4008.475 superfine too-4a- .. . u n . c n o. Fancy do 490.1510 Extra do... . . . - . . ........ 54035611 Barley........ . . . . . . . . . . 0 553.060 Rvo,nominal “ 0603 065 Oats, “ . . 034 a o 40 Peas......... . . . . , . . . . .. . . . . . . 0130:1055 I’ork.. . . . . . . . 45011 550 Hay,pcrton.......... 19008.30 Straw, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 00 Potatoes, “ . . . ... . . . . . 0 37 a 0 40 Apples,perbarrel.............. 1758.225 Beef. “ “ . ........ 4002.550 Sheep, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 50 a 4 50 Lambs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ - - - . l 5021 250 Calves,eaoh....... . . . . . . . . . . . . 5001:1600 Chickens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 20 a 0 Q5 VVOOl,per lb . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . ... 0263028 Sheep skins, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 95 a l 00 Beefhitles, per 100 lbs..... . . . . . 575a 600 Calfskrrrs,perlbs.............. 0103.012 Butter, tresh,pcr lb . . . . . . 015 3.020 buildâ€"111111.151. 1N soliciting the increased support of the Canadian public for the seventeenth vo- lume of THE GLOBE, the publisher has to state that nothing shall be left undone to render the journal worthy of the high reputation it has earrth tn past years. A new and beautiful font of copper-faced type, cast specially for the' GLOBE, at the celebrated foundry of Messrs. James Courier and Sorts, New York, will sus- tain the typographical credit of the establish meritâ€"and the aid of an enlarged corps Of Editors, Reporters, and Correspondents will assure to the readers of '11”; GLOBE all that is interesting itr News, I’ohtics, Literature, and Commerce. During the coming year, the Globe will continue to pay all that attention to the public affairs of the I’rovrnce which has secured {or it its present condition. The Province is ac- knowledged by all parties to be on the eve of great changes; and these the Globe will seek tointluenee for the benefit of the people at large. It will advocate such a change in the constitution as Will give to Upper and Lower Canada the control of their own local afl'airsmnd will give general matters to a joint authuriw Of simple and inexpensive form. ' ‘ ’ city of impOSing such checks upon I’mfiamem and the Executive as will prevent the b0,.,ow_ ing of money ivithout the consent of the peo, ple, will be earnestly insisted upon, The Globe trill arse advocate the VOLUNTARY pk”. (.1!‘l.r.â€"â€"-ILUUCAT‘IUN, elementary and collegp ate, nan: FROM st.crAtuANIsMnlncorporauon of the Hudson’s Bay 'l‘erritory with C,,,,_ adoâ€"a “ANKHUI'TCV lJAW for the relief of the honest dcl)l’rl‘â€"â€"â€"1Ml‘t‘.0VEl) MANAGEMEM. of the PUBLIC LANrrsâ€"â€"rtr.t.rrrtoc.\r. with the United Statesâ€"tho improvement of Canadian trig:icultureâ€"â€"eco,,omv in even. branch 011:10 p-tbin: expendimre:and gene: rally eve.y -..w.::.-nroHul'rrch lands to the ,‘m_ provenrent ol humanity in religion. mom‘s, nrtrtoriul prosperity. ‘ During ll": "9“ 51“ '“Wth, in tho constitu- cnctes and IUJEL'ITHQS or [he peopye‘ an we“ as 1“ P2.“I‘3””‘r'.” “L Quel’oc. mam of ther sub- 10013 “’1” 9" 11150955“! the more vital and im 11011111” 01' 1“out with an earnestness and vivonr l'm‘l‘rli' I’M-0W Wl'lle-‘ised in this l’rovirtce. bAs ‘1 l”"”11014”'fl$ W0“ ’13 recorde' of the moveâ€" mems “l. “‘0 “1‘11; “"1 Gin/Io will possess extra-v ("WW") interest for all classes. of readers, and the friends of progress are requested to aid in oxtt-Udlllg its ci culatiou among the masses of the people. l in.» t‘tillO‘ial conduct of THE ($1.01“: can be ‘ best estimated by the uninterrupted sncccas ,t‘int has attended its Dtt‘nli- :r inn. Beta consjitu- tionnl cri-is demands further exertion in that! dircmion. and It will be supplied. In l'fl'rnl‘tl to news, l'rcth ellitrts witl be u~t:.’. to supply to the readers of the Gin/m th‘e north-rt and most ('epioui intelligence from all parts of the world. Correspondence is waived from (is-oat Britain, British Columbia, the 'North West 'l‘crntory, and all that transpires at home and in the United States is diligently recorded â€"~ Special attention is devoted to commercial in- telligence: the rrraritet‘s are reperted fob; than in any other-journal. A limited space is dcvo'ed to agriculture” SllllJt‘CLS, and everything whic' tends to the (leveloprnent of the llifitw‘l important branch 011 Canadian industry receives spot-iii attention. THE DA lLY GLO 111G is $6 per annum. pay able strictly in trtl‘,’nllst‘, It is published at four o’clock, nvr-ry morning but Sunday. and is tlcspatched by the early trains to all parts of the country. it is a very ' large sheet, containing a vast amount of news. mercantile intelligence, and general informa- tion, of the latest and most interesting chu- racier. Any person sending the Cash for FIVE DAILY Subscribers. will be entitled to an ad- ditional copy FREE. THE 'l‘RI-WEEKLY GLOBE. ,is issued every MONDAY, WEDNEerY, and Pitt- DAY, at per annum,in advance. It is printed on large sheet, and in its columnsrs given all that appears in the Daily Edition. with the :'t'r-.egr,aphic and other news to the l..test mo- ment. Any person sending the Cash for li‘rvr: Tru- VVrzsty Subscribers, will be entitled to a ram; copy. ‘0 neces- 1 Fur. n TRADE and IIIOI‘O T 11 E WEEKLY GLOBE is issued every Friday morning, at $2 per an- .num, payable strictly in advance. It is printed on an immense double sheet of paper, of first- rate quality; it is made up in a handsome ,quartp form. comprising eight pages of seven columns each ; and contains more reading mat- ;ter than any other political rieWspaper on the continent, Great care is taken in the compila- tion of the paper: the news is carefully col- lected from the Daily Edition, and articles spe- cially prepared for its columns. The Market Reports, at honre and abroad, receive constant attention. To induce exertion on the part of the friends of the Globe throughout the country, it has been resolved, that any person making up a club may haveâ€" Ten Copies fin' . . . . . . . . Fifteen Dollm-sl Twenty-fine Coptcsfor. . Thirty-fire Dollars! Eighty Copies for. . . . .07l6 Hundred Doctors/ Any person sending $10 for Five WEEKLY Sub<cribers. will be entitled to a Free copy. The ll’zrclrly Globe yrill be sent to all Clergy- men for One Dbllar a'year. ' Money Letters addressed, “ Tris PUBLISHER ,OF THE GLOBE, TORONTO,” can be Registered by payment of one penny. and their safe ar- rival will then be at the risk of the Publisher. 03’ Subscriptions may commence at any period or“ the year, and be 'rnade for any term ; and persons desirous of receiving the Paper need not wait for an Agent to call on them. but have only to enclose their money, .with their name and Post Office, to GEO. BROWN, Globe Oflice, Toronto. Toronto. Nov, 15, 1859. '“tVanted, N NE or TWO good FARMING MEN ‘None need apply but those Of steady rammiv habits. * Apply at the Office of this paper. Richmond Hill. Nov. 18. 1859. I “(51.2 , Richmond Hill. Oct. 26, 1859. NOTICE. OTICE is hereby given that the ANNUA L MEETING of the Directors and Stock- holders of the VAUGHAN AND KING I’LANK ROAD COMPANY, will talte plan: at John Wood’s Tavern. at 12 O'clock, pr't‘tilfiely, on the SECOND MUN DAY in [Jamming being the 12th of said month, to make up all accounts and appoint Directors and Officers for the en- suing year. THOMAS COOK, Secretary &. Treasurer. Vaughan. Nov. 23,1869. 52-3 LANDS Lion sALE. 0n Easy Terms of Payment. 30,006110res, ITUATED in the counties of LAMPTON and KENT. All necessaryinformation will be given on application, post paid, to MILES LANGSTAFF, ' Wallaceburgh. Also, some improved FARMS to RENT. Wallaceburgh, Nov. 94, 1859. 59-tf Auction Notice; THOMASâ€"EOWMAN, Licensed Auctioneer, FOR ran COUNTIES OF YORK 65 PEEL, All letters addressed to “ Almira,” I’.O. will recieve promptattention. Orders received at the " York Herald ” Office, Richmond Hill ; Mr. Henrv Lemon, 'I‘hornhill, and Mr. James Cavannah, Mansion House. Sharon, where Terms. &c. may be obtained, Almira, Nov. 25, 5? 71f RICHMOND HILL Mechanics” Institute and Debating; Society. HE Committee COlllleciC'l with the Me- chanics’ lnstitute and Debating Society are requested to moot on FRIDAY, the 25th November, atti o’clock, p.1n., in tho BRICK SCHOOL-HOUSE, to make arra, tgement for Lec- tures and Meetings, and for Debates during the ensuing winter. AMOS WRIGHT, President, JAMES DICK. secretary. The committee consists of the following gentlemen : i I R. Marsh. Esq. M. 'l‘eol‘y, Esq. Abraham Law, Dr Langstn'ff, H. Edwards, J. K. li‘nlconbridge. Richmond Hill, Nov. 18. 1859. Geo. Mcl’hillips, Rev. L. Griffith. MEN’S AND nerds Parmesan etc V enrath 2 IN butinvtte. 'r‘ull’d Cloth, and Doeskin, new- est t' tyies and best Materials ; well made, durable and warm for whitenâ€"21s CHEA l’ as the same qualities can be had in Toronto. at G. A. BARN: R! ’S, Richmot (1 Hill, Nov. 17, 1859. 51-1f LANGSTAFF’S ESTA FE ' RICHMOND lIlLL. LL PARTIES indebted to the above Estate, either by unpaid Rent or Instalâ€" rncnts for Land, must pay 'by the let (lay of Decenter next to Dr, DUNOUMB, who alone is entitled to receive the some and grant re- ceipts. After the above date legal proceedings will be taken to recover the same. as the affair is undergOing a final settlement. ' By order of J. do \V. BOYD. ' Attorneys, Toronto. Richmond Hill. Nay. 18, 1859. 51-2 EM. -Qtimn Notice. 'rnOMAs ersON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, FOR THE COUNTIES (‘tli‘ YORK, Pill/Ii..- ONTARIO. All lottms .dt’lre-mnl. Rhianna»; ViLIJGE, wil receive prompt attention. li " Orders re- ceived at tho “ luau/.11)" “iii-to. Iiiit'lilllOllfl ill, \vlrp'e 1(‘1'111f~,r‘:.('.., may IIL‘ EIrL‘L‘t'i‘tlrért’d. ’ Markham Village, Kiev. 18,1859. 51-tf‘ BUTTER l Butter! BUTTER! 1 i) I), per lb. will be given for any quantity U of Good FRESH ft 3.1.. BUTTER at (.‘r, A, BARNARD’S I Busby, James Richmond 11111. Nov. 18, 1859. (Ti-t1 S Ties/21' hflEB .’ CAME on the Premises of the Subscriber. Lot No. 22, 7th Concession of Markham. A Red and White Spotted llElF‘ER. The owner can have the same by proviug pro, city and paying enltetrtses. G IrAACKn. Markham. Nov, 18, 1859. '51-3 Falling 8; Cloth Dressing AT LAanNcu’s FACTOrty. .HE pndcrsigncd having leased that EX- tensive Esinblishrnent of Mr C. E. Lawrence, feels confident in saying that he is prepared to giro general satisfaction to all who may favor him with their orders, having had long experience in the business of Dyeing and Dressing Cloth. Blankets Full’d and Napp’d. C On the shortest notice. W. 1.. KING. Richmond H1511, Nov, 18, 1859. 5l-tf Public Notice. LL persons indebted tO me will please call and settle their accounts on [or before the 1st of January next, and thereby save expenses. JOIIN N. R1111), M.D, Thornhill, Nov. 18, 1859 51-4 Wanted. ‘ ANTED a good Hand-loom WEAVER, at the Custom Carding Mills, Rich- mond Hill. W. L. KING. November 18. 1859. 51-4 RICH. C’thN D HILL thON FOUNDRY. ' HE 'undersigned begs to inform the public _ that he has opened a FOUNDRY for the manufacture of O, S. Richmond’s improved 250 words _“ per minute,” should send for the - ; above-mentioned works at Once. Wood Beam Gauge Ploughs, Fanning Mills, Horse Hoes, & Horse Rakes- CAST‘INGS done to ORDER, on short notice. 113' All Work manufactured by me is Wan. advocagyfif the Reform: Pride 25 cents per a. w. 'APECK. 48-3m \|>. l °” . :1 Respectfully begs to announce that be has recvived his‘ AUTUMN AND WIN’i‘ER Gns‘t LAsiaGrEST on RICHMOND HILJKLH And equal to any NORTH of TORONTO. New Boot and Shoe Store AT BUTTONVILLE. v > ‘ “._;.x....--‘."' ,1“. v 13 HE Subscriber returns his thanks to the public for past support, begs to state that he has removed into the Village of Buttonville, where he hopes for a continuance of the pa- tr'onage heretofore given him. ‘ All orders executed with despatch nnd work warranted. DAVID GALLOVVAY, Buttonville, Nov. 11, 1859. 50-1y Letters Remaining in RICHMOND HILL Post Office NOVEMBER lst, ,1859. W Hill, Silas l'lunt, William Jenkins, J. M. Jackson. John Jenkins, Miss Hannah Lawrence. Mr. Lowe, Rev. Mr, Black, Edward Langstatf, John senior Black, Daniel Moflit, Andrew Bridgman. Miss Norah Mitchell, Charles L. Macttrtney, R. Booth, James McNair-, Robert Benard, G. N. McDonald, J. Coombs John McMorran. George Curry, J. K. McNear, Matthew Duvison, John McKinnen, Marv Davisson. James Newton, James ' Donor. E. O’Briau. Ltike Freer, .1. Rutledge. .1.’ Gamble, Mrs. Julia Riley. Johrt Gordon, Thomas Scolley, Grover Hisson, Robert 13] Seager, Edmund Hamilton, John Steel, R. 'I‘. l’leslop, Thomas Todd, James Thompson, David Ilewit', Robert Harrington, John Jr, VVitworth, Ekward VViIlowby‘, Rev. Hastings, Thomas M. TEEFY, P. M, ... 7 'rl' n is '” . i fr». pit tr'” ' . - {Ni PORTER OF Lt: (Ann Fahd o‘ "1," it ~ .lt Y1 (3&1 V101.) if. .t 1‘ g. ,t‘ _,syAP I '7' ’7. . '1 ’.'. ii; "I wrm 1550.1.” . I OULDrcspectfully intimate to his- Customers and the P . ubh'c‘; generallytfi'that ‘ ,heh‘as nongreceiredtlre greater portion 01' his - ‘ - . t' g. . -n $1.. mil " tons? 1 His STOCK will be found well assorted and marked atpri-ces the best House in the trade. ' ' Strict Personal Attention Will be paid to the business. and all GOODS sold at the lowest remunerating prrces~ he therefore confidently solicits a continuance efthe patronage he has so long received. Arnold, Joseph Armstrong, Thomas Arnold, J. Atkinson, David Badger, Thomas tltatgwill compete with He takes this opportunity of returning sincere thariks to his Old Customers and i ' ' ‘ ' Friends, for the very liberal support they have hitherto given him. October, 1859. BOmen, Eliza 8. IMPLEMENrs, Widoon MANUFACTURED AT 'I‘HORNIILL. 9.. 48-5 A11, Inspectitm ‘i’s it:cspectfiuuy'.’Splicitegfi VNo ‘fiecond P513199. ransom ant. NO. 31",Ktng Street, East of YongegS-treetw % " ' .f'»t.~i 1'59‘1,’ if ‘HE Subscriber begs. to call the attention of the Public to the fact that he is prepared to make first-clas I WAGGONS, SLEIGHS. Also, a new and IMPROVED CLOD CRUSHEJEE Which every Farmer ought to possess, and in not tilltllil‘liilltilll’lliltll‘l‘t,‘ At the shortest notice. and at the lowest remuneratmg prices. These requiring real ‘ substantial and good \Vaggens, Buggies, Sleighs, Agricultural Implements, &c. will FANCY DRESS GOODS, . ' lind it to their advantage to cull. ' COLOR’D AND BLACK COBOURGS. I PLAIN AND CHECKED LINDSEYS. , ,V ‘ PRINTS,GINGI~1AMS.'DE LAINES," A ’ Toronto, October 21, .1899. BU GGiEs . .- ,, "" M. Larson ' s T A P L E ,A n, o F Aggy DRY.OOOrst HAS received his FALL GOODS coirsisting in part of t.-.':.-‘..». A N. . .:/. J. HOLMES. Thornhill, October 21, 1859. 4:7-6m . , ' I : ' SHEE'IIEINGS, SHIRTTNGS, 'I‘ICKING, ' _‘ ‘1 “1L- -_ - :1 u..- - -_.-- _ _- __ m t DNIN DRILLS,1?LANNE‘LS." BLANKE'I‘S', GLOVES,‘HOS1ERY, & 00. J I i , ' LACES,RIB’BONS and"MUSLINS, “e --.:‘- V. 9 ‘ » , . Together with a general assortment of , » fl .. I l l ‘ g, ll‘ ht.“ t _ by,” ,‘l' l‘j"‘- 11., "_ 1;. ii ‘i. l *' ii fi 1 all tint “lint “burnt in v "it in lurrrtrtr l 1| l 1.1m ' m '- Doing business for Cash. only 6% .1110 339001111 Pfice' His Stock Will be found as attractive asany-housc in the trade. Buyers will do well to call and examine the Stock and Prices . Before buying elsewhere. ’ ' ‘ i " ] tint mber the well known name E" I i rb'q . 1613 King Street East, Corner of Church St. Toronto, LOYAL ORANGE LODG E, .NY(’9 i in“ ii iii nbtmnftd"‘ EETS at WM. DoROSE’S HOTEL ing in Are now nfl'ering large quantities of various descriptions of !p “on; I. lit. 1 lip ' “1‘ h Lillllllillllll lint tritium Victoria Square, the last Friday even- ‘trtiiirrt iii-’iriliiir ' eachmomh. MANTLES, MILLINERY, BONNETS, 8LC. BLA OFFTCI‘I‘RS ELECT : THOMAS SNOVVDEN, Master. JAMES NEAL. Deputy. JOHN GAUI.EY. Treasurer. JOHN BUTTON. Secretary. \217' .uxli'l‘S, FLANNELS, COBOUBGS, PRIN' 5., I’LAIDS, M. LEISH MAN, . . _ .. SHIR'l’ING STRIPES T No. 81 Kimr Street East, ‘ V . " ' - o t - r I r x u 1 , ~ A i ' ~ 'flmlzv‘fjl“mfl°’ M“) ‘ fl 49 l SllLLl INGS, V - Toronto, October 91, 1,859. ' ' ' a M J ‘ Qo‘alh . , . 'i. "“ Factory 8; While COTTONS, ' ' ' ' ‘ ' Richmond Victor-1:3, ' CLOTHS, ,_ r r "“‘“"“““ ()YAL ORANGE LODGE No. 778, CLOAKINGS, 8w. ‘ pro . .‘i‘y T . - : 11 me t.‘ at 8‘ ti R l ‘t \V's ’s, _ I I /E 4 W S Manpnicellall. info-ii Fi-fdirii evaltfgl'iter Beaaihng at Wholesale Prices- PATTERSOR’EI P LE1 E > x " the ‘ull Moon in each month. "" r ‘ Awwwo, ' l I Oyr‘rcrzrts Eercr‘â€"â€"Colonel D. Bridgford. Master . R. VViseman, Deputy Master; John M unholland, Secretary ; W. Pogue, T'easurer January 21. 1858. 133 0:? srmOpLyONn pRICE. . ‘ , . M“ r v I V a y I We would inform the public that we are manufacturing a larg’e‘number q CASH 8:. Co. 47-9 MAN P, . "l‘lrcyvlm‘tiave been thoroughly tested, both in heavy and lightiisOils, 1 proved themselves capable of raising the, largest Stumps. :«.,ind7_cahjE be, HAS RECEIVED HIS ’ successfully worked by three men unaided by herseorOther team. ‘Pricc, complctcÂ¥4$$68 00. ’ OF Toronto, October 21, 1859. To SHOEMAKERS. NTED IMr‘vIEI)1ATEl.Y, A A capable of making a first-rate Calf Boot. None need apply but of steady habits. ' TOBIAS DOLMAGE. Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill, Oct. 27, 1859. 48-t PHONOGRAPHY, WRITING av souno. llONOGRAI’Il Y was invented by ISAAC . l’l'l'MAN. of Bath, England, in the year 1837 It i: the riir‘stsimplo, most natural most rapid, and most Oddly-learned system of Writ- ing which ll‘viS ever been, or ever can be in- vented During the past fifteen years, hundreds of ac. ' PATTERSON & BROTHER. . MACHINES belor’e purchasing, e‘lsetv,lierfti., Price, from $10. 00 women... the post 01300 having reduced the long credit system shortcr-â€"â€"hoping it will be an advantage both _ ‘ I '_ I , I Richmond Hill, Sept. 9, 1859. t i, Ill-til Hf lilllllll'll Tlllllll i ’APERE ’ AND ' MOW “ ‘ ' W‘ -.. Nor is its great popularlti’ l0 9,0 wondered for the bqu‘ and seller. in. tltei‘r‘s‘eason,‘ Also, , 1 fi , coden, Graceland dc Straight Beam. mower. :13. Tire present system of‘writing is exceed- 'iichmond Hill, October 13, 1853.9. {1,6411 We also have in hands the patterns efa, very N, y. t} O O D S an I ‘J’ " CIRCULAR WOOD SAWS,.ROOT SLICERS, thousands of persens. in England and Ame- rngly cumbersome, and totally unworthy these is equally as legible. can be learned iri one- i I ' SUPERIOR STlR AW i CUTTER AND ALMOST EVERY .rlrose favoring lrirn wrth a call will find his GOODS to HORSE ‘HOES’ . rrca, in both public and private life. have learned 8 ‘ ‘ ‘ ' A ' ‘ days of progress and invention. l’honography twentieth the time, and can be written six times ' . ~ . ‘ I i g I ‘I J ' ’ STORE TN ETVMARKET. .__._:. _.__...~__..._._.:'__._L.M...,...._~..~_.._._..... . . NOVELTY Megan Worth ‘! Wfi,\/ . inches. Farmers and others are requested, to. call andexaruinet their- imd bllfiimss letters ammulll' "pass ‘ht‘ough Having reducd the prices of his whole Stock considerably, and , attire same time, All IMPLEMENTS manufactured- by us am can be performed in oneâ€"one man can do the work ef‘six! So simple is the system. too, that a person may learn to write it slowly, in a coupie of hours. An hour’s daily practice for a few'weeks will enable (my person to write I’hou'ography with certainty, and with some degree 'of freedom. The same amount of practice continued for six montns will ec- able a persoitto‘ take reports of speeches, len~ nres, sermons, or conversation, and tr read hem with accuracy Dr. J. W. Stone, of Boston, says : ' I deem Phonography an invaluable adjunct to educa- iion, and one which, when acquired in youth would not be parted with in manhood for thou- sands of dollars ” " The late Hon. Tues. II. BENI‘ON, upon be- I With feed gear so constructed as to out different lengths,“ from-ti“ to H ' .GA‘NG FLOWS ‘ _ MT BOTH THE SEASON AND THE TIMES, t - t 1 ’ constantly 01-, hand. to write Photography. and thousands of social, "w‘ , r» . A . v , .. usjirst! In other words. the labor of six days ,- Joszâ€"IN B'OJM'D _ . B\EGS tp inform the inhabitants efiNewmarkct, Ilolland .Landing. Anterai, ’t‘icb- tnond Hill, &c., that he intends opening, on the lbth inst.,withla splendid assortmentof, DRUGS. enocanrss, DRY GOODS, AND MILLINERY ’HAgthAuts, carbonates, dice. sine. . The Sucbscribcrs beg to call attention to the fact that they are making SUPERIOR tWAGâ€"Gâ€"ONS! And when the Quality is taken into account it will be found that they are selling. them at. prices that wlll defy comnction. It is also a fact beyond dispute that our WAGGONS stand better, and are of lighter draft, than any other. The following are our list of Prices and Terms :â€" Two inch iron axle. with box. . . . . . . . . $1011 00 . ..; = . - ., . - Three and three quarter inch do t ma Amules too numemus to mention. gig 13:12:33va ggfigcfigmtgzltggz, 13502 £3,216ng Two and a quarter inch axle, with" box 105 00 with cap-nut do . t . . 85 00 And a grea “y _w___ ' ' . ~ ' . i, .- . It I .- . Three and three quarter inch thimble 1 Seat with steel springs . . . . . , , , 10 00 . _ r . ,_ . . ._ - '. ' ZN} ‘WY" 3"“ ‘ff age-FM ' HM ""3 ""’ skein with box. . . . . .G. . . .. 80 00 Double-trees and neck yokes. .. 7 00 Particular at entlon devoted to the Mrllmery Department. can known 40 years ago 11 would have saved me F . h’ d . d . d , 83 00 C ..b _ ,,. ‘ _ g , , 20 years qu‘d 'lrtf'or. " The learned senator our me 0 ° ‘ 0- - ‘ Siléebfgrgzl mg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Z ' ‘ â€"- fâ€"fl , v I - ' fl’Ol‘d" but .3 polllm‘ezfslraggfl; )lilzhaégggg‘ ' I ' I . . . i . I i i ' . ' . I I . i “ His SHOW ROOM will be open shortly after with a greatvariety of ' ‘ i r urres srx ' ~ , - , . _ , i i . . . , . éféghfgvm papers“ in mg l I‘erms : Six Mouths, if longer, Interest from Date. Five per cent discountfor Cash _ iii All orders attended to with promtitude, and Work warranted. 'r. sPEIGHT & SON. I To Clergymen. Editors,‘ Physicians, Law- yers, Secretaries, Cori'veyartcer's, Law and Me- dical Students, Lecturers, Printers, School Teachers,’ Merchants, School Boys and Girls, :1 ktrovvledge of Phonography is ofvast utility.â€" In fact there is no profession or calling in which it is not useful. and no young man’s education can be considered complete without it. During the past nine months hundreds of persons in Canada, of every pursuit in life, have acquired the Art, from many of whom the subscriber has received neatly-written phonogrnphic letters, le‘xpressiye of their de- light witli‘ the attainment, and the extraordinary so with which they halve acquired it. For the purpose of aiding in the dissemination ofso importanta reform in his own country, the subscriber is new prepared to supply all who apply,with the MANUAL or? PHONOGRA- I‘HY, and the PHONOGRAPHIC Cori? BOOK, sent by mail to any part of the Province. postage pie-paid. for the small sum ‘ of 11:?" ONE DOLLAR. c£1] Anybody and everybody, who can learn any- thing, cart learn I’HONOGRAPHY from the MA- NUAL. without other assistance. Those who wish to be able to put their thoughts to paper at the rate of from 100 to CAPS, Runners, returns-st . OPERA CLOAKs ~ ~ ’g ‘1 'w. - « Newmarket, September“), 1859. . 2 11.0.5“, Markham Village, June 30, 1859. N excellentaSSortmentof Women and Chil- . T_ ‘ ' ' ' " ’ ' ' " ' ., A ren,s BOOTS and SHOES, of all A T K INSO N’ & 00' Makesa nd Styes, cheaper than any House in the Trade, at G, A. BARNARD’S. ‘7‘. CHAIRS, I outta CHAIR anner saturates IMPORTERS OF ENGLISH DRUGS, lllanu'firetnrers of Chemicals Patent Medicines & Perfumpry. APOTHECARIES HALL, OPPOSITE TH! CnTHEDRAL. '1, V, . ATS and CAPS. in great variety Newpst Styles, at the lowest Toronto Prices ' . . . unis, . atG AthNA King St. Toronto. . ULL CLOTHS, FLANNELS, CO- â€"- ' BOURGS, DELAINES. and GALA PLAIDS, the CHEAPEST in the Village at G. A. BARNARD’S. Richmond Hill. Oct. 7, 1859. “ 45-‘tf RICHMOND InLL , CHEAP Wmmnnn WAR/13110011118. ' The Subscriber has new on hand a most titrrrtrr tit trttr rtrrrrtrr Which he is determined to Sell at Prices that will defy competition. THE GOODS-l manufactured at this Establishment have now been tried for thelast fourteen Years‘ ‘ and, the best proof that he has given entire satisfaction is, that all who here once put: chased at his place invariably come again. ‘ ‘ * . ., , , 'GE‘OR® x - as.» awn-tr mtg-9r; 23,1559. .- no Proprietors of Atkinson’s Parisian Tooth Paste. it? Every description of Horse and Cattle Medicines prepared with 5120 best Englifl't drugs Toronto, August 2‘1, 1859. I i h. 4,0-1y "HE Subscriber begs leave to inform his Friends and the Public generally, 'tli'at, in addition to his former stock 'of ‘ ' STORE GOODS, He has now purchased largely for the Fall 65 Winter Trade, ’"”’“"' “’“““""â€""”“â€""""_‘" He also keeps on hand a variety or To make Chopping Easy 1 BOX AND COOKING STOVES UY Dr. MOT'I"S warranted (East State All of which he offers at very reduced Prices anxifdibsm (post-paid) AXES, ‘9” Sale at “’6 Stare Fac'tfr‘rbi' ‘ THOMAS AMOSS‘, ' ._ WILLIAM H. ORR. H. & J. HARRISON. Brown’s Corners. Lot 111,3“? Certs, gimme. w. . Richmond Hill,0ct. 25,1853. 'ftS-tf ‘ ’ Markham,Nwi. A also» no. An Apprentice Wanted ' T this oflice, to learn the Printing busi~ j ness; a boy about 14 years of age.â€"he Apply must possess a fair English education. The instruction given by the Manual is as immediately. plain as A. B. C., and ten times as easy to understand. The “CANADIAN PHONETIC PION- EER ” is a Monthly Journal, devoted to the

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