Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 11 Nov 1859, p. 3

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' , Rawhide» J CARLESW, ()Rfr . IMPORTER'OF- r. _ .3. §TAPLE AND FANQY Dr G o n s I OULD respectfully intimate to his Customers andytheI Public generally, thst “ he hasInow received the greater portion of his. ‘ "‘ ' ‘ LARGE AND IMPORTANT SALE T0 SHOEMAKups. I J I K I ‘ F AIL C 0 N B R I D G E I ANTED IMMEDIATELY. A MAN I or . . . FA O capable of making a firshate Calf Respectfully begs to announce that he has received his R Boot. None need apply but of steady habits. r . -I, .‘ 1 1 \I I TOBIAS D0 M GE, . ' . r . And Implements. schema... AUTUMN AN D W 1le ER GOODS . Subscriber. having leased his Farm, RiChmond Hm: 00L 27: 1859‘ 48" His STOCK is by fax. 'Will‘sell by Auction, Without Reserve, the following LARGEST on RICHMONJDII $31.91., And equal to any NORTH of TORON TO. FOUR HUNDRED LIVES LOST. Under the telegraph intelligence of the 'New York Tribune, we find the following, forwarded from Montreal, which purports to be taken from the Liverpool Post of the 27th of October-a day later than we have received :-- ‘ The public will learn this morning with overwhelming grief, that the splendid ‘vessel, the Royal Charter, was totallylost yesterday, in Muffa Red Bay, near Bangor. . I The melancholy intelligencepvhich reached its late last night, was brief, but we fear it is only too true. that of upwards of 400 LIVE STOCK 2 NARRATIVES OF AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, &c. et his Residence near Richmond Hill, Yonge-St. THE JESUIT l AST year the French reading part of the - "N Canadian peopye were edified am, de_ Will be paid to the busmess, and all GOODS sold at the lowest remuneratiog prices. . _ i . ' v 7 lighted by the publication of the original Nair- he therefore confidently solicits a continuance oftbe patronage he has so IIoiig'i'cceii'etl. FALL IMPORTATIO‘N ratives of the Jesuit Fathers, who were the Pefs‘ms Wh° were 0“ b°ard~ only Fen are LIST or LIVE mox- pioneers of religion and its attendant civiliza- , * HisSTOCKI will be found well assorted and marked at prices that WIlIIIIICOIItIlpieto "1th said to have been saved: There is some 1 Bay Home I tion in Canada. This Work, important as it is I He takes this opportunity of returning sincere thanks to his old Customers and I the best House in the traIde, . ’ -bope, hprever that this is an eprggIeratior; I gIrIpIiI'IIIHfirsze i9IgguggnnggsupptppIIéoI tbfi Friends, for the veiy liberal support they have hitherto given him. I i .- â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" I ut un er an circumstances t e oss o 0’ J ' . _ . I I = . I - life, it is to big teared, has been immense. ; glitter Mm ~ . If‘fITIrIthefignggpgc-Iafillalgngggggfiofymsagge: OCtObeb1859- . _ 43-5 ~ All. Inspection is, Respectfully» Solicitor]. snu are i , , , _ , . , . I The Royal Charter had about half a mil- 1 Dark Chasm“ Mare it an honored place on the shelves Which} bear “fitmerâ€"W I? ' ’ ' ‘ ‘. 'l ' ’ lion of cold 0n heard when the disaster 1 Brood Marc and Foal, Mosscn er the stirring narratives of the first Ehglish and ' ' ; . r - ' ' A 1 NO . I k D [‘h ’ 1 Three yeai Id ‘G v ’ Cglt Dutch adventurers 7’ ‘ ~ - -â€"â€"â€"_. v - - '~o " o ernor ’ o " .’ iMPLEMENrs Vl- AGG NS 8.0. I ~ . . nor"). as he “3 93”? 3“ cease *0 l Two-year-old Bay Filly. by Imported thors speak with an English tongue. , 3 v 9 i ‘ . I I t c IIwork: and 30 deStrucuve had been the "Bay Wallace” I . I The earlthistory of Canada is at this mo- MANUFACTURED AT 'THORNHLL. - i i " " ’ " ' i I ‘ . " - ' storm along the coast yesterday, that the 1 Durham, BuIl. very superior mentattracting much attention. The French I ;' . Chester and Birkenhead Raslway had been 1.2 Excellent M'ICh‘CIQWS I Government has made large and preCious com I ' v i J. CHA destroyed in two places. At Penmanawe, 5 gwo'year' (’1'; 39.2“3' ‘“ calf tributions of historical matter to our Provincial i ‘HE Subscriber begs to call the attention of the Public to the fact that be is, 7' ~f ' No' 31 ng Street. Eaflnof. Y°“S°.'S.““‘r twe'nt of th d d h d b h d W‘Yearto eior Library, both manuscript and printed, relating prepared to make first-clas I h Toronto, October-21,1899, " I I ’ I ' ‘. 9.1 ' y 8 ea 3 een was e 1- One'year'dd Durham Bu“ chiefly to Canada, its settlement and wars : the . ' ' " ~ I r I ‘ ashore. The Bay in which the catastro- 7 Heifer CalVes pIie occurred is two or three miles to the 1 Leicester Ram ' acts and sufferings of their hardy and adven- .. ~ steers.resistant:strains WAGGONS, SLEIGHS. BUGGIES. ” :negtgzrgr Iii-veggie 12133:: Lnor$n§leesstezé 1%) I IDot [gum IlJiamIlIi turous founders; and the encouragement which I I Also, a‘ new and oI L E S I ‘ a i ,I ’ 18w“ .01‘ W6 8m .5 our own Government could afford in aid of en- a ' . i ' I ’ . t ' r i I I ‘Beaumaris. It has a shallow beach for 30 Pigs terprizes of the same character, has always 5 ED IMIPORTER 0’. ' ‘ VA ' several miles, With Promontories at each 1“" 0‘? ’“PLEMWT' i been Pmmptly and effectually granted- > . “ ‘ ' ‘ I 7 I' ' ’ 1 end of the Bay. The country is Wild and 2 Farm Waggons~one nearly new. I Thefpublication of authentic and interesting Which every Farmer ought to possess? and A E A D F I 1 Waggon with iron axle historical records has been favored and prompt- 1 Spring Cart - t ed by all enlightened governments and literary _ ' . , 4 SleighsI two with box each bodies; because they supply the best evidence ~ ~ 3 sets of Bob slgighs of the truth of history, or the best materials for . v 7 1 Se; ofBob'SI ‘ r 'thb I ‘f . its composition. It has even been asserted I I ’ - , , , 3 Light cuttergmgw’ w. 0x sh‘n‘ ‘ J’p‘ple that the chronicles and private memoirs of co.’ At the shortest notice, and at the lowest remunerating prices. Those requiring real few houses are about. “HIE” IS THE BAIIIY I_IMIII DIIbOIIdI HAS received his FALL GOODS consisting in part 9f M.P.P. for Quebec, in aletter to the I I I 1 Patent Boner...“ gang“. tomporaries are of higher value than the Po- substantial and'good Wagvons, Boogies, Sleiohs, Agricultural Implements, 8Lc. will FANCY DRESS GOODS ‘ ‘ Commisswner of Public Works, asserts 1 Vvoodon plou h Iished periods of Hume and Mezerav. fl d 't to their dv t . ’ t“ . U a "' D ) I f i that there are from seventy-five to one ; gungIIIFOEK g ' The Narratives now sought to be presented a l a an age 0 Cd I J I~IOLMES ' A t'- lie or s to the ublic are of root value to all cla‘es. rs . l n I d ' I ,hungredngeztflzbgletaguedcgsxxen WI:II; I Set of Waggon Hams“ Totttheiipehgionisn ahether Protestant OISSRJ Iliornhill,IIiIDctober 21, 1859. 447-6m PRINTS, GINGHAMS, DEI LAIINES, .I . I COSI l d _ I c y y l. h’ 1 Set of Single Harness man Catholic, they afford precious evidence of SHEETINGSa SHIRTINGSi TICKING‘, Wh'le Nil" Baby 5 lug Steamersâ€"9 for W "c 2 Wheel Burrows the Zeal of those servants of his Holy Rel gion Sâ€"tL‘H â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-~~â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"- DIENNIN E‘S, DniLLs, FLANNELS, I . . BLANKE'ES, GLOVES, HOSIERY; - LACES, sinuous and MUSLiNs, AND DRAPERY GOODS. “h.- ‘tt .'i:: I , "â€"‘â€"" I I. .i I m "I in Domg busmess for Cash only Id]; 110 Second Price. he receives £11,300 a year, are not to be found. The late arrival of the fall fleet, and the severity of the weather, will pro- bath cause many vessels to winter at Quebec, instead of making the voyage home TORONTO MARKETS. 2 Sets of Doubletree 1 Neck Yoke' ' And a number of other articles not mentioned Sale at ELEVEN o’clock, a.m. TERMS :-â€"$90, and under; Cash ; over that amount Twelve Months’ Credit, on film ishing Joint Notes satisfactory to the Auctioneer and Owner. who devoted themselves to its propagation v J amongtlio heathen, and went forward through many a fiery trial, to find too often at last the 0., crown of mm'tydom. The ethnologist will find Together With a general assortment of in them faithful descriptions of a race now ' ' ’ much degenerated and rapidly appi~oacn...gm 10-5 King Street East, Corner of Church St. Toronto, limb. 4', extinction, written amongst them as thev lived II II l‘lllllll l lllll “Ill llllllll llIlllllll I I II . II II . . I. . and movedI hunted and IIIIIIIhII IIIIIIII‘IIId and Are now Offefll’l,’ IIange quantities of various desciiptions of died, received baptism or ferociously murdered I I I II I I I II I .nI - [III III Film 1:qu ‘I'iiil Ilia ’llllllll ‘lliiu Inuit in I m “hilt Inuit l "on the men who sought to bestowiton them. Or- dinary readers, from the intelligent scholar to the GEO. P. DICKSON. T U SDAY Nov 10 Richmond H-n O t 94 18r9 {imprie‘fii 2 2:11:33Till]:fplffhsl’inxlldvllhgfiilléssoyl’gli itilliiiilistthgi] His Stock Will be found as attractive as any house in the trade H R . . l , c. , a , . ,0 ‘ 5 l . It . . ,I ' . _ ’ H , now move,-â€"-â€"‘7vho were the lords of the forest &'C' B . 1 d 11 all d 4 - k d P 1 Fall Wheat. prime, PM bUSh- . - - $1 10 a 1 20 M- .__ and the river, now smiling with the rich har- ‘ ' uyers Wu 0 we to G i an examlno e 00 an. It 095 Spring \Vheat. . . . . .I.I . . . . . . . . . . l 00 al 03_ I I I vest or glittering with the vessels ofcommerce, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, Refers buying elsewhere. Family Flour. . . . . . . . . ... 4 00 a 4 70 T E ISUI't’CI'le‘ be?“ IBRVO l0 mfm'm hIS â€"and will learn with some emotion that they COBOURGS PRINTS ‘ ‘ ’ Su erfiiie do ...‘. .. . . . . . . .... 4 50 a 4 60 FHeWIS and the Public emerall ’ that in I've and slee 'n sec r'tv on th self-8am s d ’ i ’x Remember the we“ known‘ name ' i p I I g 3: l i p l u l I e e p t .. . Fancy do . . . . . . . . .... . . 4 80 a 4 87 addition to his former stock of which has been often drenched with the blood PLAID‘IS’ I I M. LEISHMAN, . fixtIra do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. :I g GOODs, aired in warfare or massacre. SHIREI?§E§EIÂ¥E(EEES’ I No. 81 King Street East, rev... . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . i - - . - .' i 71.. . , RTE Tlomlnal “ a - o o a u o 0. on 0 a O HF hang now purchased largelv for the 3?], Se pughcat-XOI} IOf so a. lull! T 3’, I r r y no 21’ m. 0315’: “ . . . . . . - . . . . 0 34 a 9 40 F ‘Nr 0 t I [it a fldm fliJeenpulillttfre'il‘llgmfiiislesdllhiifighrifscplizgn Factor, P 1 ONE, Peas- - - ~ - ~ - - - - - ~ ' v - - ° - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 0 50 a 0 55 a «a In er I ra 6’ translated b ' one of the best trai slators in the ’ ' H " Pork. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 50 a 5 50 He also keeps on hand a variet f t ' - y ' l i ' CLOAKIN GS 830- I . . . r y o Piovnice . and It wll be put to press as soon as v - ’ ’ Hay, Pei ion- - - - - t - - - - - ° - i - 1' 19 00 u 24 . VD 0 A’I’VG I , r a sufficieiitnumber of subscribers is obtained to Straw, ” . . .II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 00 BOX C 0 J" S [0 V136 defray the cost of translation and publgs'hyn'gI ‘VIIV Prices. ., v . ,_ . .I I, I _ ' .- Potatoes, " . . . .... . . .. 0 2§ a 0 33 All of which he offers at very reduced Pric esI The work will IIIng 3 Volumeq Royai 8W I ' v . ' . . $353,168, R" banal. . . . - n . I . I i i . i z 2 20 B n. ConTrilgfiftAlil; 236%85’ of about 750 pages each, in Long ’Primpr type: 0&- PRICE' CASH 8‘ C I i I . . , .oc...n~n ro‘v 5 ]e I o. . A. . . ‘ ' \ ' ‘ . , o' Sheep, each .................. . 3 22 a g 38 MnklmmI NW 4I £359. ’ 49.3 OII‘ISI‘I,5631”.Ii’;ofl°t§“%:;b2f T onto October 21 18,59 ' - - £7 9 We would inform the public that we are manufacturing. a large number of o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ .' ’ t ' 0" ' ‘ i' I I ' I ~ . “ hgfdrn'éééii' - i . .... i: 7 ()0 -;___w__,w__, “M ston. Ottawa, Hamilton, London, doc.’ and at ’ , , ' . ' i ' .I . I’ I ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' I 00 30 35 the Officos of the Publisher. in St. Nicholas I Im._,,__ I __ ‘ - t giggibg‘:; IIIIIIIIIIII o 98,, 9 28 Letters atreebt. Montreal ; also at Ste, Anne Street ”‘ " ‘ ‘ ‘ ', " I ~ I I Sheep skins. each . . . . . , . . , , . . . _ (l 75 a 0 80 I I I “9 90 I I I I I I I ,I , I III», I. I II I I II II I Beef hides, oer loo lbs . . . . . . . . . . 4 75 a 5 00 lietnannptz HIIRICHMDND HllnL‘qut Office Price in paper covers per volume, $2.74. or P. . . The-I have been thoroughly tested, bothqn heavy and light soils, and Calfskins, per lbs ....... 010a 01:2 IVOVLMBM’» lst. unfit). for the set $58.25. - ' - ‘ z , _ ' . M f ' ' 0‘ h "1‘ a" t St 7 ‘nd can be Bum..- imh put in 015 11020 P‘ ' h if if 1 $3 50 f HAq PECEIVED HIS t proved themselves capa e OI raisin,D t eII arges umps a I II - i t - .~ ------------ IIIIIII AIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIII SIIII III 3;; 31;; OIgOIOa W W “me. i or or ~ ~ ~ . A successfully worked by three mep unaIlIcéedOOby horse or Other tea?!)- 7' "H I ‘ “WT-WW"â€" Xrnistion , Tliomas' Hunt William JOHN LOV LL . - Pnce comp etc-T t" i I mam. gm“ ,g , .v , . , .E o FALL AND WINTER STOCK t . I a. 4 , . . ciikins, J. M. . , - I ts... ;. . In ' _ ‘ On the evening of the 8th instant, at Ricli- gigllmml; Uiivld Jack-ml. John galslfifirlgfiqggfi Ciggcg’ Pnblwhm' OF ‘ve have In hands the patterns 0f I ' ' . _ . It. I I a gar. ' ‘liomas Jenkins, Miss Hannah ’ ’ ' ' I ‘ ' . I 4 .' Fond “III‘ the “"8 0f Mf’ Folveil’ Ofa will: Bunny, James Lawrenco. Mr. â€"-- i "‘1 . i ! MARRIEDI liomcn, Eliza Lowe, liev. Mr, . ’ ‘ ' I - I , I " . BIIIIIII RIIIII JIIIIIIIII DICII IIII SIIIIIIIIIIII IIII gimp, BanIarId iIIInngstnir, John senior P H O N O G R A P H Y . , . I . With feed gear so constructed as to out different lengths, from i to it I ' ' , - , ‘fc ' “WI .03“: Andrew on. ' ' w“ inches. Farmers and others are requested to call and examine their, 29th ult., Mr. James Newton. senior. to Miss Bridgman. Duos Norah Mitchell, Charles AND ALMOST EVERY ‘ . ~ . H " = iEIlZflllt’ltll Liiikletter. both of Vaughan. B L'h J rqmfi‘m‘efi R- I ND. before purcharung elsewhefe‘ Pile-g, “.1620 oot , allies (3 air, Robert I I I I I - By the sums, on the 8th instant, Mr. Andrew Beiiard. G. N. McDonald, J. HQNOGRAPHY was invented bv ISAAC - ' a ' Brillinger to Miss Ann Condor, both of Whit- (:o‘mibs J°lm Mf’Mormn-I George I l’l'l‘lIVIAN. of Bath. England, in the year i I i In their season, A150, I chuth (50”). J- K- McNfaal‘i Matthew 1837 It is the inostsmiple, most natural most a " g ‘ - I» Dawson: JOIm MCKIINIO”. Mary Ii rapid, and mast easily-learned system of Writ- , -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"~â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" W00§en CI'OOked & ! :â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~ "-r-r- 7-" DHV'BSO”: James NIGWlIoni James ‘ ing which has ever been, or ever can be in- ‘ I I ’ ‘ ' ' I ‘ Special Notices, gél'er‘ 1'" O Bnan' Luke Vented Those favpring him With a call Wlll find his GOODS to CIRCULAR WOOD SAWSI, ROOT SLICERS, ieer,.l. Rutledge, J. During the past fifteen years, hundreds of GANG rcows, HORSE HOES, SCIJIFFLERIS. tinc- Constantly on hand. 8g: All IMPLEMENTS manufactured by us are warranted. Gamble, Julia Riley. JOIIH thousands of persons, in England and Ame- an‘doll. lhomas SCOIIBV, Grover mm, in both public and private life, have learned “1839”. ROI)?“ l3] 8933“; Edmund to write l’lionography, and thousands of social, Hamilton. John [‘2] Steel. R- T- and business letters annually pass through 0 Cousoiir'rivus â€"â€"T=lie Advertiser having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simply remedy, after having suffered seveial years with a severe Lung Afiection, SUIT BOTH THE SEASON AND THE TIMES, Having reducd the prices of his whole Stock considerably, and, at the same time, i \ , x , . t I . . . I “d Ihflfdrefld (“swam Consumpnon_is an“ fIleslIop. liioinas IIIOtld, James I the postIofIfice I havmg reduced the long credit system sliorttr~lioping it will be an advantage both PATTERSON & BROTHERI Gus to make known to his fenUW_suffowrs the can, Robert I llIiompson, IDaVid Nor is its great popularity to be wondered for the buver and seller. . h d S t 9 1859 '- ‘ . _ 41_th ’means of cumI To a" who desire it he will Hai'rIiiigtOiIiI Jolin or. WIiItvvortli, Ekward at” The Present Sysmm of writing is excued. I I ' d HI," 0 t b 13 1859 46-“. R10 men 1 , 6p . , . I send a copy of the prescription (free qf‘chui-ge) Hafi‘lllg“: fh""‘i’:s “‘IIOWbY’ Reva ineg cumbersome, and totally unworthy these» R“: “no” I v 90‘ er ’ ' ~ - . With directions for preparing and Using the M. TEEFY. P. M. days Of progress {1nd aneflthlL Phonographv ' same, which they will find a sure cure for is equally as legible, can be learned in, one- . Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis. 6w. The ' -~ ._.... twentieth the time, and can be written six times v ' ' ' . ‘ . as tst! In other word". the labor of six days :dlilfpllldhwlSOftgwbzhlzlil‘uilib lldtqflelldlield‘g taiiiedprffe N excellenjgassonment0f Women and Chll‘ calflbe performed in onesâ€"one man can do the - r , '. i , - . Penis DOTS and SHOES, of all , . f .- .i S 'l. I i the . m ‘0 mm” every Bug-me? w'" t) h'6 “med-l' as It Makesa iid Styes. cheaper than anv House in “ 01k 0 w‘ ' O S [up 8 S 538” ' 0' Will cost them nothing, and may prove a. bless~ - NOVELTY WAGGQN- WORKS anW STORE IN NEWMARKET, that a person mav learn to write it slowlv, in . . . . I. . . the Trade ' f h A l .a d '1 . 't' - ~ - 4- I is... fat: “W t" ' .. G, A. BARN...” 2.3:: gas: "12 :r o. ,. rear N RD N D . REV' EDWARD A‘ WILSON' ATS and CAPS in great variety Newest write Phonogl'aghydwllh floatainty, and with I _ I I , BEGS to inform the inhabitants of Newmarket, Holland Landing, Aurora, Rich- 44I8 wilflgligelfrénsE-iggg’lq Y Irstyles, at the ldwest Toronto Prices 3mgfffg2",Ԥ,§,,if,‘if’e§‘§{;, six £30ng The SIUCb'CNbe" beg t° 03” attentlon to the fat“ that the" 3“ maklllg mend Hill, the, that he intends opening, on the 10th inIs-t.,with a splendid assortment of ' I " ' i at C. A. BARNARD’S, able a person to take reports of speeches, len- I I I xâ€"â€" ~ A . tires, sermons, or conversation. and t... read 9 U P E I o R iVVII Ifi CEII' N 3 D s , Q R O 9 E R | E S I ‘ ULL “LOTUS, . FLANNELS, 00- hem With accuracy And when the Quality is taken into account it wi e can t at trey are se mg '” .' . flew , lggljkbgfifimgfisggsi “$91” GALA PhD“ J'I Ston‘?‘ OfIBDEItO“'d.S“yst‘I'I geem them at prices that wlll defy competion. It is also a fact beyond dispute that our - n N ' ILA law A G A lgzlquggfils lloiimafftfldnia aiihlgdadlrhoif :ciillffrced ‘ineygsll; WAG-GONS stand better, and are of lighter draft, then any other. I I I III I ; .. ,3 I . . I, _ . , . I New B001: and Shop S‘t‘q'r'e -m i u ' “Wild “0‘ be. P3934 Willi in mallhOOd for thou- The following are our list of Prices and Terms :â€"- &c. &,c. AT in the mogt fash10n_ sands of dollars ” T h I . h b d t I h do , I II I I;I ;"g I, ,I I _, __ ! I , I. . . â€"â€" ‘ ’ ‘L: . ‘ The late Hon. Tums. H. Brannon. upon be- wo inc iron ax 0. mt ox. . .I . . . . . I I I rIceIan rec quar or inc . . nemus to mentionI . THE Subscriber returns his thfii‘ks to the h 9b“ Shams “ml MWBS“ Mama“: Yer) 11g presented with a verbatim report of one of Two and a quarter inch stlo, WitIh box 105 00 I With cap-Inut I do . . . . 85 00 u great many Articles too nm II I I I I public for past support. begs to state that 0 up at G A BARNARD,S his masterly speeches, taken by a little boy Three and three quarter inch thimble I beat With steal springs .. .. . . . . 10 00 I I * I I I I I I he has removed into the Village of Buttonville, I I ' ' ' A v i only twelve years of ago. said : “ Had this art skein, with box. . . . . .G. . . . . . . . . . 80 00 ~‘ Double-trees and neck yokes. . . 1 0? Particular aIIttantion devoted to the Mlumery _ Departme Where he hopes for a continuance Iof the pat- Richlfl‘md Hm' Opf' fBSQ' 4§'l.f been known 40 years ago it would have saved me Four inch do. , I do do. . 83 00 .(IJIrib or railing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 0t .. . -. .. 3. = . ,.. '..,.-l. . , . I . . a . “(wage h°r°t°f°r° glV°n him-l . I I r > ~- 2031mm hard la‘or.” The learndd senator ‘ " bldebords . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400 All orders executed with dospatch nnd work SP0“ but a Portion 0f lhe “nth' What long' His SHOW RIOOIM will be open shortly after with agreat'rariety 9‘“? “: .Warranted. hand requires six years to accomplisbi'Phono- Terms : Six Mouths, if longer, Interest from Date. Five per Cent discount to; Cash III I I. I I I v. ,, ra by will crform in one. ' ' ‘ ' I . ' 1 I I I I B III N DAVID (‘ALLOWAYIII g r1130"ClergI;ine'li,Editors, Physicians, an- All orders attended to with promtitude, and Work warranted. S , Iuttonv‘ 8' ov‘ 11’ 1859' 0'” ysrs, Secretaries, Conveyancers, Law and Me- ' ' ' .I 1 . , . v - - , v * I .1 ‘ * -' T. 8i. SON. dical Students, Lecturers, Printers, ’School Teachers/Merchants. School Boys and Girls, a knowledge Iof'Phonography is ofvast utility.â€" In fact there is no profession or calling in which it is not useful. and no young man’s education can be considered complete without it. 1 During the past nine months hundreds of persons in Canada, of every pIurIsuit' in life, have acquired the Art, from many of whom the subscriber has received neatly-written Markham Village, June 30, 1859. been cLOAKs, 8bC. etc, I Newmarkct, Septemberz, 1859. ' 4Q-5mI CHAIRS, CHAIRS, ‘ CHAIRS, An Apprentice Wanted XI'I‘ this office. to learn the Printing busi- l nose; a boy about 14 years of age.-â€"he must possess a fair English education. Apply immediately. BUTTER! Butter! BUTTERll Superior Leicester Ram! ls. Por lb, Will be Elven for any quantity 0f THEQSubscriber begs to inform Farmers, and figmi all who wish to improve their Stock, that I h h ' ' dt 'k' E ,tthelw FRESH ROLL BUTTER .ftésff‘iip‘s‘t‘i”& n°.Ԥ..ii'".i.w”lf”rln..n§.. To snake ChoPping Easy ! . _ w i‘ n l' ltt ,e rtnv , t . . . . . vgxrgsigogrs {ravaged gas; St§° e -- ~â€"-â€"~â€"~ attains..s..:::...f::iiii:swung. G, A. show meow .1611“. nun-sTEADs, BEDSrEADs. ow- v 0r “‘3 a "3 “e “c “y 5' 1 ease with which therliave ac uired it. ' ' R- h dH'll.Oct 21 1859. “ ‘ '47-tf 1857 who fairs 61 at t o o owmg paces: .- ' * ' ‘ HI & JI HARRISONI 3 q 191 m0“ I i i ‘_____._I_I____________I_d For the purpose of aiding in the dissemination Miiiiico. Weston, and Boulton Village, and. in ' H'll.0 t. 26,1859. ' 48-tf ‘ "‘ “ ~v 1858, at the county fair held at lonv'illc {if}:de 1 g " - tli: lsriiggdiifliiair; rfibovi/H'lpliidpdlfjd (icylugpfyinhbll COW also at the fair held at Richmond HilIFln I RICHMOND HILL EETS at WM DUROSEis HDTEL who apply,‘with the Maison. or PHOMGRA- I _ ' EDWARD SANDERSON, ' ' " ' " - - ' ; ' _ PHY, and the PHONOGRAPHIC Cory Boon, sent - . . Proprietor. ' I I __ . ' ,. In . “cl?” §§“a’°' “w “‘5‘ Fr day M“ by mail to any part of the Province. postage AME m“! m)", P’°,’Ims°”’ L°th2hߤg§f Lot17,4th Con. Markham. 0 gm one man ' Pie-paid for the small sum of III? ONE 09110-055!“ 1mg an’oimra 0“ n ‘ i t ~ , . . OPENERS ELECT, , DOLLA-RI, . . September, A DARK RED COW. llieII Sepmmbfl 15I 1859I 42.“ The Subscriber has now on haw] ‘ moat I I ' " THOMAS SNOWDEN Master An body and evervbodv who can learn an H owner (Pan have the same by provmg props“) MW ‘ I i I HE Tundersigned begs to inform the public JAMES EFAL Delputy’ ‘ . IIIIIIII) caII- IBIIIII PROâ€"NOGIIIIvPHY from me M1 and paying expenses. 3 v - .. . . A . a , I. h, ‘ . ' ‘ ’. ilhat he ha: gensedRa.iopN£R.Y for ma JOHN GAULEY, Treasurer. NUAL, without other assistance. JOHN A1 KINSOP‘II i W‘ T' 'A' T K INS O N’ & EGO! & IE manuacwm ° ' ' m mo” 5 Improve JOHN BUTTON, Secretary. IThthse IVvho wishItIiI) beIablIt; go pultOBheIiIiI‘ Vaughan, OfiObm'Gi lm- IMPORTERS 0,. “Gus” DRUGS, I I I u , - - ~.., _ tiou is o aera ieraeo rom . ‘ 'I ’ ',‘ , . ~- Victoria Square. Mat 7. 1858. 48 1 250 aords‘t,ppel: mIIIumIn should send for the » TIC Manufacturers 0f 011811110819 Which lie is determined to Sellat Prices that Wlli defy competition. _ MWWW‘ cloveâ€"mentioned works at once. o » iE' - - I WOOd Beam Gauge Ploughs.’ Fanmng Rich Inond Victoria JTho instruction given‘ by the Manualis as I Patent Medicines Perfumery. ‘ ' Mills Horse Hoes &Horse Rakes , Iain as A. B. C auditen times as easy to ALL Accounts due to Dr. HILLARY; 0f p "up “I ' - ’ - S a ’ » v- a - ’ OYAL ORANGE LODGE. No. 778. Ende'mmd, ‘ " ' ’ ' Springhill. for the years 1857 ond18058, “"35”le “Fe, 9?:05i.“ T!” “r E i - I0 CASTING done to ORDER ' meets at Brother Robert Wislemaiiisl The t! CANADIAN PHONETIC PION- Wilhlnmrést remaining unpaid “term” ‘3‘ ' 1; ‘Toronto, i '. ' - - the last {om-teen 35‘“ on short notice; I , Masm‘lc Hall? the first Friday “Gilligan” EER ” is 11 Monthly Journal. devoted to the ‘93)“, 185.3, WI“ 1” Placed 09‘?” {0" 9°“ “ manufa‘tured “ thls Estabmhment have now been tried for y“ | ‘ loclion.’ th Full M ' h in th. I . 6 Don m we on Messrs Thomson 6:. Garden, Springhill. will Plopr‘eton advocacy of the Reform. Price 25 cents per “3’ A“ work manufwmmd by m’ i' War' OFFICERS Enterâ€"Colonel D. Bridgford, “mum of Atkinsoh’s Parisian Tooth Pasta. and, The best proof that be it“ given entire satisfactiQfl i” that a" who hgfe ongeppl' "'md‘ Master; R. Wisemau, Deputy Master; John Adam”, (pubpaid) I recelVO Ill moulds and give receipts for the [13’ Every descnptiou of Horse and Catt]. chased at his Fla“ “V‘na y Q9 53.59"“, BC}; I ~ ' H‘ w‘ PECK‘ ’ Munholland, Secretary; W.Pogue, Treasurer WILLIAM H..0RR. . i , ,. x '. II. M°dlcme.‘ Prep”??? f. . . r" " a. ' ' a ' trum- ._ W" j“ I ' .3547“ Richmond Hill, Oct. 9mm 43.3w mum. 9,,I1858I I I ,39‘ caught; w; » atrium. IN.Oet‘,1tl,ffll. 4“. Toronto, sugar-tor, (My --eimc‘nd N Juli! 1.. , 18. I , an; ~

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