Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 28 Oct 1859, p. 4

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A i” i I ‘5‘ I' ' a -‘ , .. E A .1 l ‘ i I. .r u , i. ., M f 4 w i H i I ' i 1:" if “N? ‘H i I ' rm upfmtrtttuhg. ,vghotographs ! Ambrotypes 1' i , lob, '10I I. I v I , ,NEWI: , .I I I I IB L AV E R I i h "1” “l‘ v I, MELANEOTYPES ! I B. BOW MAN’S MlLLS l I, .. Fire In sulfa-11160 ASfiSOCiatiQJl ivi'i‘u YOUR CARDING- & GRISTING, where parties from a disinnbo can have it F HE meiiiborsIof the ,llOOkselling trade, and , toe Public of Canada in general, are re- spectfully inlormed that it is intended to pub- lish, by Subscription. a NEW ilisToiiv or CAN‘- l l or 'l‘Ul-tt‘iN'l‘O, C, W. lLETTERGRAPHS,&c. All styles Ofll’ictures taken at the 1 OFFICE, [removed from 54 King Street East. MY STARS AND GAR’i‘Ea'si ’ I l'lI‘OiiON'i‘o bi'i‘nurrl' next building north ofthe I sometimes wishl wereva Kinir ’ I . _ . . . .W , I I I _ ‘ v ‘ I I , I I. I I I_I II T}, [h J .f - ll - ribs . l L DIOdlcal .1) hiarkha m, done to take th .lhel” 0" the” ‘el‘m‘ home" ADA, flouniled on that of Mr. I‘ . (zAuNimUI), Museum hall. a ONO! 5 oumam mlg‘ '. l i l‘ I ‘ » A , , Almira, May 13, l859. $24-tf. as soon as an encouraging number ol bubscri- l “31ple profits ,U be returned tome Insured, And oh, how fresh you’d find the spring . (IrIlInI remisIoiIiablef teiziIiIis, .aniIlI inI tailIIIIvveiIiyhers, I” I ,, . .I II I I.“ II IberISIcm, 1),. 9b{,,,,,,,,i.I I III III I I II lthe balance ,,,\.esmd ,0 mm, a Reserve Fmde i ic urcs aien roni ie sina es 0 re sr e. -~ .I “mu”, ,Cumnce 0'3 1m- am mm, 1 . =Ifhonor bubbled forth from me! i ., _ I u I . I I pl . , jI H I I, i ‘ I I ' ‘ 3 fl J, C, DUNllAM, iii’iprovcd edition Ol,l.’i._l-IS’l‘0l{Y DU ' (_ AINADAIby, ,, I ("RD 0‘ 1)” “‘ORS v For rank and “no I d besmw' ' ' Mr GARNEAU, has trit'en rise to a wish. ex- i'1“UsT‘CESWHN‘l'Y RUWSle VV- C- CheWEit- Br an old rule, on subjects new ; Since 1 should by the maxim go, lloriui to whom the same is due. My coronets the heads‘should grace That held within the highest brain ; Science 1 give at least a place As good as eminent chicane; I For I’d think useful knowledge ought TO hold its head as bighIas law, And to suppose that men of thought Deserve no less than men ofjaw. Brave soldiers I would still promote, ind sailorsâ€"for they keep the peace ; And for that cause, with equal note Would [ distinguish the police. The knife encountered in tie slums Should meiit valor’s cross to show ; Death from a home-born savage comes As like as from a foreign foe. What are domestic cut-throats less Than sepoys, or than sepoys more 7 What else are slaves, with fell excess Who burn to ravage England’s shore? From equal blackguaids, guards alike, Policemen act with soldier’s hearted, And soldiers for Brittania strike.’ As constables for foreign parts. Inspectors 1 would captains make, Superintendents all should be Colonels; commissioners should take A general officer’s degree, I Our heroes, toe and red, should share An equal glory and renown, For braving danger here and there, In putting thieves and rufliaus down-â€" Punch. m~ I I Siltiitrlluurnuh'. ,_..._.-..â€" s Ignorance and conceit are two ofthe worst qualities to combat. It is easirr to dispute with a statesman than a blockheatl. Mrs. l’arlinglon says thatLouis F NER r ' CARRiAGE, , e. Waggon 8: Sleigh Maker-yo- Opposite the White‘ Swan Inn.' - ' Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. l-tf _._. T. J. : WHEELER, WATCH 3; “c, LOCK MAKER, JEWELLER, a... RichOND no.1, ' " .- ~f, 69,-1y Oct. 1. 1858. j t .._._:.. Dr. N. PECK, UfItGEON Dentist, will be at Hall’s Hotel, l ilarkbain Villa c, outbe 24th 95th and l G. , 26th of each Momii’r. ’ ' ' " 'I‘cetii‘ extracted free Teeth F'lled. each QSCts. Dentistry done cheaper than by any other Dentist in the Pro-’ Vince. Approved Creditwill be given if re- ' quired, .All Work Walraiited. June 30,1859. 3l-ly JOHN. HARRINGTON, JR.,, EALER in Dry Goods, Groceries, “lines; Liquors, ilardwaiié,Glass, 'IEiIirtheuy‘vareQ: Richmond Hill, Dec..18I58. RICIh/lOND iiiLL 11.051‘EL.:'I STAGE runs from t'he'labove Hotel to Toronto every morning, starting from the Elgiii Mills at 7, 11.111. and returning at 7. p.11)". Fare ‘28. (id. each wag. . GOOD ACCOMMODATION Ton TRAVELLERS. RICHARD NICIIOLIS, Proprietor. 1-55 Richmond ilill,Dec. 18, 1858. JOHN COULTER, . Tl‘ailor and. Clotlrier, I Yonge St; Richmond Hill, December. 1859. J. l-it, _...... .ERNEY,I Boot and Shoe Maker; YONGE STREET, RICH MON D MILL. I). ' U ' 1M kl VII. ,0 ‘,.l4,1859, AL FURN.Iâ€"SHER,_I_. ’" ‘am c” - . l-tf I _ Barristers & Attornies-at-Law, 46-tf .o A ADAMS, D.D.S. Surgeon Dentist, 99 KING 5T, ICI‘AIST, scorn SIDE, 'riiiRD DOOR wss'r FROM CHURCH ST, TORONTO, lsptbe- Proprietor of O ivor’s 1"atcntfor ap- ')lying ltllecti'icity to prevent pain in ex- tract \g teeth ; and also of an Aparntus for input \cturing Vulcanitc Rubber Plates for sets a'rd. l’pilial set~' oftceifh. Teeth mounted ‘ INCLUDING Flooring;Sidiiig.I1iichBoai'ds, 200,000 feet. of Lumber, and two-inch Plank, Si-anlling, doc, &c., at the subscriocr’s Mill, near S'l'oul’fvillc, cheap for Cash or Approved Credit. 2 JAMES BUGG. Stoufl'viile, April 12. 1859. QClâ€"tf. Teaohre cri‘i' rhinitis stunts 185 YONGE (51‘1th J' ‘. on OOH-l 'it‘btherwisd, to' suit thenecessity of the case. ‘ Toronto, August 527, 1859. 40,-ly | WV xAufibal‘ad, URGEON Dentist, will be at Nicholl’s libtél._Ric_lIiniond Hill, the FIRST Mommy ofevery nionih,and the remainder oftbe month at his residence Thoriibill. All Work War- raiiteId.II I JuleS, 1859. I 32-18‘ r“â€"‘â€"""' MATliIESON in Flushing, *f ,. ,l. SOLlClTOIRS 1N CHANCERY, &.c. I OFFICE : CORNER OF KING AND TORONTO STREETS, Over Whitemore dc Co’s. Banking Ofllce. TORONTO. Agency Prziticu/arlg/ attendch to. THOMASIG. MATHESO‘Z . JAMES r‘iraommi D ‘l‘oro’nio,‘.luly l, 1859. To Gogol Templars and Sons of . r Temperance. The Subscriber is prepared to furnish PlC-NlCii'PllilflES' AND TEA lVlEETlilGS, 0n the most reasonable terms and shortes possible notice. CHARLES TOD, Baker, June, 1859. 3l-tf ' MONUME may Irons-Timur, *‘1‘OMll‘-S'1‘®NES‘&C. ; cl 'K‘chrty Per Cent, Cheaper THAN ANY OTHER ESTA BLISHMET. V THE Unilers'igucd Assignees yof the [estate 0“). C. S: W. Y .«li lil'l, will con- ti-uuetbebuSiiiess under the‘ supei‘inte‘iideiice ol‘our'dulyauthorized agents, 'AUSI‘EIN ABBl-‘Y and D. CARios Your), whose receipt will be duly acknowledged. RS. All dates and accounts reiIn'i'iiiIii'ng t1 u-I: paic on the lst day of June, 1855, will be put in to Court for collection. C. YALE. G. CUMMER. I'rol‘cjmio, 29, Asia 1858 48-il‘I Torttie Sick and Dying. R. SNTDER, of the 7th concession of l i I Vaughan, near Klilieburgh, guarrantoes to cure Cancers, Enlarger? .l‘il°cci.‘sri And manv other Diseases. Persons laboring under either of the above mentioned Diseases, \vill’do well to call in time, All letters to be paid, and addressed to PE'l‘Eltt SNIDER, Klint-buigh. ‘ N. B. NO CURE PAY. ' and commercial connections. _thzit ho Would undertake to publish a counterpart, in IEiiglish, ofthe above tvorkâ€"-,tbe_ bcst Canadian History extantâ€"uhh such modifications as would make it acceptable to the ciitirctx of our people, whether of British or French origin. ' AccordJ' ' ingly. responding to the desire thus expressed, Mr. .i .Io'vcll has engaged the services of Mr: Andrew llell, illeiiibcr‘oftwe Glasgow Archaat ological ISt')i'lt‘l_\'. also of the Canadian Institute; Montreal: riiitlior of “ Men and"l’bings in Am- i-rica”; Historical~ Sketches of Vandalism, British and Continental ” :‘ " Lives of the li- liisirions ”; “ New Annals of Oid Scotland,” and otlier “‘OfiiS-“lt gentleman of great literary experienceâ€"us translator, compiler, and editor of what he purposes to entitle -‘ lHl-f. NEW AND Cohiiiuiciiinsist; ‘llis'ronv ’OF CANAnA;” from the foundation ol'tlie Co ony till the your 184“, â€"-io be based on' the third and latest ed.tion ,Of with-Tomi; DU CANADA of Mr. ‘U‘Ill'llt‘dll.â€"-â€" lt‘urtlie'riiiorc, :Vii‘. Lovell ltzrvingiiiado applica- tii n to the latter for his sani'tiou to the pro- Jposed work, is happy to say that his special apâ€" probation has been obtained: so that the trans- lation of his-*laboi‘s now proposed (With modi- fications and additions, as aforesaid,) becomes theonly iiiitliorisod reproduction of the lfreiich version ofilio work. I ,_ I I, ‘ it is propo<0d that ,tbc I“. Conii'uminiysivic Illis'ronv or (LAN \DA ” shall form three hand? some volumes, in demy octave, and be printed in a. superior style, on papprof the best quality. Each volume will comprise, from 400 to {n70 pages. 'Pi'ico $1I,5ll, or $4.5jllIlOr the whole Parties taking an interns in the early history of the Colony, are now i'nspecilullycalled on to furnish, for the Editor‘s use, any niipiiblishiul or little-known lllSlO“'t5£ll, antiquarian, or other rareiiiateriuls as they may have lyiiIiIgIby them. The donors of all such .iiioyII be assured that special acknonlcdgoment will be made iii the wink of every favor thus obtained. , it is hoi ed that tlieIl'nblisbor may be enabled to bring out the work, complete, early in the Fall of 1664‘. , I I V I Subscription Lists will be found at the book- stores in Montreal,Toronto, Qiteiflzc. Kingston, vOtinwa. Hamilton. l.o1id.o~.;'&c. and at the Olliccs of the Publisher. in St. Nicholas Street. August 6, 1858. 61-li The Scottish American .lourual DEVO [‘FD TO THE interests of Scotchmen in America, AND TO THE lilSSEMlNATlON 0F SCOT" Sll Ll'i‘EliA'l‘UltE AND ART ! ‘lONSlDl'lRlNG the multiplicity of news- Montical ; also at Ste. Anne Street, Quebec. JOHN LOVELL. =3 anada Directory Office, Montreal, September [859. DR. MORSE’S Martian Root Pills. ' All. MORSE, the inventor of Morse’s liidian pressed to 311'. l.oVrI;i.i. by several of his friends " SCIENTIFIC AM or." . Jill CAN. PROSPECTUS. ‘ ‘ VD Miro i5 .s‘oe’ l‘r'l‘EEN Bhoiss siir'ritmmcn ll, 18.38. In 9 iii-iir-tiihies ii'i’hiy'i‘iriis MANUFACTUi-in‘is AND FARMERS, THE SCiEN'l‘ll‘lC A :Vlldltll‘Ai‘.‘ hasnow reached its Fourteenth Year. and 'willenter 'upon a New Volume on lilt‘ lltli of Septem- ber» r it is the only weekly publication ol'tlio llllffl new issued in this country. and it hits a evry'extciisivo circulation in the Union. lt is not. as sumo might suppose fromle title. a dry, abstruso work on technical science: on the contrary. it so deals with” the great events going on in the. scientific. ine- cbanical and industrial worlds, as to please and instruct every one. if the Mechanic or Ai'tizaii wishes to know the lit-st, iiirii'iiiiie in use, or how to iliflkti any substance emplode in his businessâ€"4f the llonscwifc wishes to got a recipe for making a good dolor, d.‘r-,.-â€"if the inventor \vlslies to know what is going on in the way of ill]pl'OVGlll(tlltF-wll' the Manufac- turer wishes to ktOl) posted with tho lilllt‘S' and to i'iiiptoy ‘bc best facilitios in his busi- ness‘if the Elan ol little-urn and study Wis-lie. to keep himself fiiiiiiliar \tliil the progress llihflt’ in ibcclicinichl lZiltiliJIit'fl‘IV, or in tho construction of irlcgraplis, t-lt‘:1lil:-7llitlf~§. rziil- reads, roupci's. llltl'it‘t‘lis‘, and a thousand other n‘iacliincsand zippliriiicr. both of peace and Warâ€"oil illt‘:~fl droiniirrrtro son he" l'~niii(l in tho ScirINTuwic A.llllultlt'i\i‘i. and not rut-w ' ore. 'i‘bOF' are here prescnti ii in a ruiiuiiln 72:2.1 iiizixi'ostiiig form. adaptcd to illt,‘ coinpre llt‘ll>“!=l‘. of minds. H'lL-llct' , uiilcurned in tliebiglivr brtinchcs of and .. Torms: One copy, one your, “31': : six months, :i‘ll : livo copies. sii. tllJH'lllS, :54: ten copies, six months, :54; tt‘li copies. months, .3415; fifmcn copii-s. twelve months, .7392: twenty copies, l,\\‘t‘iVU months. l : ,,'Ha All the litltules of one i'miy twelve ‘38. in, lJose plluiltllflit‘b‘. DiiiEp'i'onsâ€"llvnry Rowsell, Toronto. Chair- .7nrrn; J, \V, liiont, Deputy Chairman ; W. C. ,Chowctt. 'l’oronlo; Joseph .larkcs. Toronto , ,W. ‘ll. Smith. Toronto, illrnmgcr; Wm. llcluwell, Highland Creek: John Mowat. IITXIllgr-ltln'; \l’ni. Aglin, Kingston : Asa A. ltiiiiiliam. (,‘obonrg: ‘r‘l/lll. Green, Hamilton: :Robert Smith; (llllllgllafit)lls:y; George Blain, ’ Toronto Township. " .I Solicitorâ€"John rid of 'l‘orotilo. , . The PrOvideut LifebAssnrance Com-I parry is‘ removed to the same ohm. ‘ lleIlliwell. Bankersâ€"The Having guarded against loss from fire byln- suring your property, consider if it would not be well to make a little additional provision l for your family in case ofyonr own premature death :'â€"wbcther it would not be as Well, thiough the assistance Of a Life Assurance .Compranv. loprovide a legacy for your wife or ,(‘lttllglllel‘,I0l’, ifyon have not the happiness to ‘bo liliissed’wIith thciii, think if the po~scssion of a" few hundred pounds additional might not be .of advuntpge to yourselfa few years hence. if you, decide. that ii would, write to the Managing Diieoior of the Pit! >\’ll)i£NT LIFE ASSUR- AN’Cl‘; AND lNV’l’lS'T‘l‘rllle'l‘ COMPANY 20 'i“.0i=iiiIito Street, Toronto, for a “ Proposal” ! fOI‘lIll, and a copy of the llntes. , , Or, possibly. the Agent of the “ Beaver” i may possess a cop‘yof bath documents, which be pan accurmrrod‘ate:you with, and-give you a ‘litile information on yha’subject besides. Agent at Richmond ARNOLD. ' ‘ March 29. 1859'. ,, l7-tf .l Pli’l’lllllliillllle’ ierLL NG S'l‘ltliE’l‘, Toronto, 2nd door east of .Y I [L (.bnrch Street. opposite the (. athedral, W T. A'i‘kiNs‘ON. Ar. (70., Late of King street \Vcst, now offer at their new establishment, ‘ Genuine English Drugs, Paton -lfcdlcincx, French. and English ' Perfumery, 0213, Paints, Colours, Dye-“Quirk, Com/is [Brits/1.88 tyre, .Ai. Sllt'll moderate prices as cannot fail to se- cui'o (:tistoiii. 'VV.I 'l‘. A. 8k. Co. having (:4 nsidel'able ex- perience in the Drug business in various parts lof l‘illglillld, have no hesitation in saying. that {In great many of their Manufactured Articles iwill ire loiind very superior. Medicines used in compounding Prescriptions, Family Re- ceipts, llorse r and Cattle blodccines, 51c, are Of the very best quality, direct from the prin- dpul lfiiiglls'li Ding llotiscs. W 'l' A 6'“ C0. Napoleon is succeeding beyond his most saiigiiinary expectations. Markham Village. ' J Ladies and Gentlemens’ Boots and Shoes. advance- made after thelatost styles. December 1858. bug to call attvntion to their Ci-lebrhied Prepa- I Root this, has spent ItluI greater portion of ration for the Teeth, his life in travelling. having visiieii Europe, l Asia and Africri, as well as North Aiiicrica-â€" papers in America. it has to many beer a matter ofsurprise that the numerous body ol Specimen copies sent grrntiiilously for in- 1: w ' ' m or The Oldest inhabitant is the link be- tween the dead and the living. lie re- mains licrc to check the vanity of the YONGE STREET HOT present by his testimony to the past.’ Denying a fault doubles it. Envy shootctb at others and wonndctb herself Foolish Ifcar doubles danger. He has hard work who has nothing to do. Small faults indulged; are little thieves that let in greater. Upright walking is the surest going. virtue and happiness are mother and daughter.’ Somebody says that ‘snoring is the spontanecus escape of thoserlmoliguant feelings which the sleeper has not time to Vcnt when awake. ‘ The tradesmen who does not advertise liberally has been very appropriatelyIcom- pared toa man who has a lantern, but is RlChmm‘d “in. Dec- 1858: too stingy to buy 'a‘candie. We once heard a man give his ostler ordrrs as follows: ‘Enry,‘take the ’arness huff the ’Orsc, slip the ’alter hover ’is ’ead, band give ’im some ’ay band lioats.’ Only bachelors should belongto clubs, Hercules gave up the club when he married Dejanira. and all good husbands should follow his example.’ ‘ ‘I didnt dare to tell‘you, wife, before we were marrid, that my teeth are false.’ ‘ I could get along well enough, husband, if your teeth were the only false tbiqg you carry in your mouth.’ The very last curiosiy spoken of in the papers, is a wheel that came Offs dog’s tail when it was a waggin.’ The man who discovered it has retired from public life to live on what he owes. E L, AURORA. L Good supply of WiNiis and LIQUORB i plways on hand. Excellent Accommo- dation for Travellers. Farmers, and others Cigars of all brands. ." ' - D. MCIlIOEIODI, Proprietor. Aurora, July 6, 185,8. ’ 57-66:. m I.1i()BEii'if”STVEii. . ' Boot and Shoe Milken DJOlNlNG the \Vesleyan Methodist Chapel, EIYonge Street, Richmond Hill. ‘ A choice selection of Geiitlenieus’. Ladies’ ' and Childrens’ Boots and Shoes constantly on hand. and made to order on the Shortest No- tices ,' I .. I t, ' I I I. it? All kinds Shoemakors Findiiingr sale. Y 14f~ JAMES HALL, 'AS always on handle large adEOiilmeut .Of , BOOTS and SHOES, which will be sold at prices to meet the times. Richmond Hill, Dec. .1858. I -. 3 ‘ n'. HC. 8: co. Â¥ HOLESALE and Retail Copper: up. ,4 in): 131 V" Tin Ironmongers, Parties givri‘igthis house av call will find their orders punctually attended to, and the lowest prices charged. Richmond iiiii. Dec.L1858. ,_ 7 54"1I-1y EDMUND GR‘AINGER, U T CHE R, TiiORNiiii,L. on hand. Families supplied on “the ‘shortes notice. 'l'lioriihill. Dec. 1858. 41-1tf A spirited woman caught liethusband ---_AH.__,.---...--.-.-..-.---Mm”.--â€" in the act of breaking up .her hoops. The exertion, or something else. had a WILLIAM HARRISON,- singnlai- effect upon him, for his hair flew “saddle and flarness NIakcr’ out by handfuls. if the bills before Parliament are not counterfeit, why should there be such IaI diliiculty in passing them? ‘I new give alms to strangers,’ said Grocery «tul’rovision Stare I_,Hunx, to a 'poor Irisliwoman. I‘Sure, then, your honor will never relieve no angel,’ was her quick reply. One Of the “"59 men Said: Years ago, and Provision StOre on the if you want to learn human nature get 'inuiricd to a spunky girl, move intoa house with another family, and slap onelol IANG the young ’uns, and it will not'ta‘ke many minutcs to learn it to perfection. H A well known miser died recently in New Jersey, leaving a large sum of money which will go to his two nephews. Markham. Dec. 1858. He was eighty years olil,and died with the firm belief that alter some years of slumcer, he should return to earth a young man, when he is to receive the money with in- tei'cst. liis heirs seem quite willing to take the money on those terms.~ An acquaintance showed me a most portentousâ€"lookiug bill that had been sent X“- into him. ‘ Gad, sud If, ‘it's a precious long ,one.’ ‘It is,’ said my acquaintance, ‘ but he’ll Mrs. Partingtoo asks, very indignantly, Richmond Hill, Dec51I85I8d‘ .- RlCHMOND HILL. 1 JAMES JENKT‘N-S’, . , a Mormon we . i 0 CREDIT GWEN] Fri-irich thigh in exchange. The above 'is the oldest. (fitsbhslied Grocery bill. Dec. 1858. I . I , ,v .55-13' 1' ""~â€"' '- OtAIMERlCAN HOUSE l 'MARKHAM VLLAGE. OOD Accommodations. ' Wines; Liqu’ors and Cigars of the choicest brands. R. MA RR, Proprietor. 57~1v ......_ . ___.~ ~_. ...._.._.;_..._.....q-_._H_JL__, DR. L. LANOSTAWF, Flush DOOR souTii or Tm: FRANKLIN HOU SE, M “(KHAM VILLAGE. Markham, May 13,183.59. 24-Iy PATENTf “ii.' Drain Pipes, Eve Troughs AND and iron Plate Workers, and Furnishing Fresh and Pickled Meats, l’oultry,&’c., zilwa'vs , . _ t accomouatious in every way agreeable. ' 5 Lil JOHN N.IREID, M.D., CORNER OF YORGTJ AND COLBOURN STS. ,. I I'I‘,110RI1I‘_Jllll.L.,(IJ.W. I Dr. DUNHAM, , URGEON and Mechanical Dentist, Medical ' iIIlalIt, Markham Village. June 30. 1859’ 31â€"1y write I. BARKER, MPORTER and Dealer in Dry (zrvcerics, Paints, Oils, and Dyc Stuffs 1 Patent Medicines, Glass, l‘utty, Nailsâ€"Low very bow for .Casli.â€"MarIkliam Village. June 35), 1859. 31-6m i 5P.9RCSBY, . EMPOR‘TER of, Dry Goods. Greceries, Wines, Liquors, Hardware. &c. Richmond Hill, June, 1859. i..:[roRiiiERLv;xEP'ii av WM. ROLPH,_] WORKER of Palace and George streets. east 1 of the Market Square, Toronto. per day. alwaysin Iaitciidanco. An ffétflufilflj 'Bpilroad? ,Station. . THOMAS PALMER. Proprietor. t38â€"1y Board omnibus to and Toronto. Feb ‘26. 1858. THORNHILL HOTEL. I THE Subscriber begs to inform the Public that be has leased the above premises,'aiid fitted them up in aneat and cornforlablqlelstyle. ' r. i t . 5 ' . . ., loarders and transient VlSllOl‘S wnl find the The best of Liquors and Cigars carefully selected. Good stabliug and attentive hostlers I l lIENRY LEMON, Theinhill, } Propiietor. 1- IIIJI,au;,d-,§J;0, II . w. , t38 HALFrWAVAHGUSE, lllClliliUllB Hlll, f ‘HE‘Sub‘scribcr begs to inform his numerous Patrons and the public, that he has removed from the I White Swan Hotel to the above Premises, where there will be found excellent ac- cOIinnioda'lionI for "Travellers, and good Stabling., I , , Wl‘lorses and Buggies for Hire. JOSEPH GARY, ' ' ‘ Proprietor. Ptichmond Hill, Oct. 532, 1858. 7‘2-7in GREEN anal-i HOTEL, 1 flflriiltLi-zayivou'rii,Oir ri‘OiiON'ifO 0N ’IHE YONGE STREET ROAD. f lHE .Pi'oprictor bl gs to iiiiorm tlic -' ’ public that be has purchasml the above Hotel, and has recently refitted and furnished it throughout in a comfortable style. The Bar will he centinually supplied with good Liqu’o’rs'anil Cigars. (loot) STABLEs attached 1 to the premises, with careful Hostlors to at- tend to travellers wants. ,, - ’IjIllOIIleS STEELE, Proprietor. (firnierly of the Bond Lake Hotel.) Sept. 29, 1858. 69-1)7 ii/VAN HOTEL. TllORNlllLL. all loods, 31-tf Good Stabling and attentive llostlers ScottiSli I‘OSHiClllS Should lmVe bf‘t‘” 501011;? “,“' has spout three years among tbs ludiz.us of our represented To supply this desideratum, Do. I, of the See'r'risii AMERiCAN JOURNAL was now coiitinucd weekly... , The primary object of the .looiiNAi. is to fur-' nish its readers regularly With the news of their native country. It presents a weekly rc- cord of all'eveiits of interest occnriing in Scol- iand, and its subscribers are in this way as fully llllO:ll)(‘tl of what is transpiring at home as if they were in regular l‘ect‘iiii. of an old-country ncr. spaper. Scottish questions Will be discussed with intelligence and impartiality in the editorâ€" ial columns. and the sentiments of the leading parties on these subjects will be fairly rcpt-'3- sciited and commented upon. In the bit rary and miscellaneous department of the paper, while merit {Hid-talent will berrip- precia;cd from whatevercountry they Oiiianate, the Scottish element will prcpondorntc. Tales, sketches, and poetry, illustrative ofllie Scottish character. and of humid fitted to call Iforth the sympathies Of Scotclimcn bothint home and abroad; will occupy a-,»(-.oiispicn;ous‘I place. Lap this department, the (loâ€"Operation of varioi'is distinguished authors, possessing unrivalled facilities for the task, has been secured‘ in politics, the .‘lOU-Rl‘IlAL will .,occupy a lthoroughly independent position, .alike free lfrom piuty bias tllIldIllEIiiOll’Li puojudic . inor- will take a. broad view of topics of this class. avoiding those ofa merely local nature, except in so far as they may present points Of import- ance to the general .public Questions involv- ing the interests Of British residents in the United States and in the British Provinces, will be specially consideiod. and it is heliovcd that the information and news of the JopiiNAi. on this important class « fsubjects will be such as shall command attention. ‘ The Sco’r’risli AMERICAN JOURNAL, will, in every respect he conducted in on efficient and busii.css like manner, with every requisite guarantee for its permanence. The proprietors. who are responsible parties, residcntin New York and elsewhere," lift-refers leok with con- fiiicnce for the support 03' their numerous counâ€" trymen in all parts of America, and they will be glad to comniunicaw with respectable parâ€" liesrat a distance who may be disposed to Co- operate with tlicm lor the establishment of the paper in their respective localities. A publication estab‘islicd With these objects must of course look for support mainly from those COHIl‘QClE'd.illydllllill or ilosce‘ntwvithgtlie country whose current history it chronicles; but as the broad basis of this journal necessi tales, in addition, the treatment of all'iiupOit ant questions (directing American interests. on». that even to‘ the general reader its colt-suns will not appear uncntortaining or nrotitlesr. TERMS OP‘SUBSCl‘tiP'I‘lON, PAYABLE is ADVANCE. Ono Copy for one, year .... $2 5}) Five Copies 9 till 'l‘wclve Copies 0 lit) 'Twcnty‘five Copies... . . . . . . . . . . . 4U (30 To parties gettingup a club of twenty-five a copy will be ‘sent gratis. ‘ v " ' . Copies forwarded to Europe per mail. United States postage paid, for $3. or 135. sterling, per rinnu'" ' iii? Office, No. 29, Beckman Street, N.Y. _‘i' ' . '7”. Ma .. .'-'.*“L.1:.T‘-. 6 Fire! Fuel l Errol l 3' .W E T, . ,. Fire insurance Coii‘ipany of Tor-on to, - “ INCORPORATED av ACT or: PARLIAMENT. CflPILl‘flL STOCK, £100,000, LC. GILtVlOR, Pres. I | GED....lV'IlCHlE,IVIlCt3IPl‘fis. niREcrons : lticeiLewis, Esq. 'l‘IliIos, ilawortli, osq, James Beaty. Esq. ‘ W". Henderson: Esq. T, P. llobarts, Esq. IW. Macfaigaue. IIEsq. M. Rossin, Esq. | . - - »'A i. e. r i - : der to ii terost its rcadeiis wherever situated,» it as its literature will be cosmopolitan, it is r. pedI \Veslcrir countryâ€"it was in this way that, tho lndinn llootl’ills were first discovered. that all diseases arise from lMPUltl'l‘Y..OF 'l‘lll’i lil..tll2-l)â€"that our strength, health and life dellclldtd upon this vital fluid. ’ Vt'lxcii the various passages become clogged. and do not act in perfect harmony Will] the dif- ferent functions of the body, the blood‘ loses its action, DOCOIIH‘S thick, corrupted and diseased ; thus causing all pains, sickness and (listi'GSs of every noii’ie; our strength, is exliihusted, our health we are deprived of, and if nature is not assisted in turowlog Oll' the stagnant iiuiiiors, the blood will iiecOiiieIclioki-d and ceaseto act, and thus our light, of ’lii‘euu‘illél-ie forever ililUWJr out. How important thcn that we should keep the various paskagos of the body frceIand open. And how pleasant to us that we have it in our power tO plit a medicine in your reach, namely, i'iiorsc’s liidiaii Root Pills, manufactured from plants and roots which grow around the moun- atiiious cliffs in Nature’s Garden, for the health and recovery of diseased man 'One of the roots from which those Pills are made is a Sud‘orlfic. which opens the/pores of- the skin, and assists Nature in throwing out the finer parts of the corruption within. 'l‘he'snmnd is a plant. which is an l,‘lxilt‘(5t0l'itlli, that opens and unrlogs thc pz-ssrigc to the lungs by copious spitting. The third is a Diuretic, which gives case d double strength to the kidneys; thus oncontagcd.’ they draw large amounts of imâ€" purity i'i‘til'il ll.(,‘ blood, which is then thrown out bountifnlly by 7he urinary or wotor passage, and which could not have been discharged in any other way. The foiirlli is a Cnthartic, and accompanies the other properties 0: the Pills while engaged in purifying the blood ; the coarm: particli's of impurity which cannot pass by ilioothor outlets, are thus tnkr-n tip and FPO”) the above, it is shown that Dr. .Mwsc‘s ludiiin lioot Pills" not, only enter 'tlle stomach, but bccoiiio united with the blood, for they iind their way to cvt‘t'y part. and complete- ly rent and roloaso the system from all iii'ipuil‘v, and the life of the body, which is the blond, 'ii-comcs perfectly lieu thy: consequently all sickness and pain is drivmi from the system, for they cannotlreniain when the body becomes so pure and clear. ’ I The reason i.-. by people are so distressed wht‘ii sick, and why so many die, is il2ccausc they db not got a medicine v. hicb will pass to the alliictcd parts. and which will open the natural passitgo for tho discuss to be cast out : lienire,a large quantity of food and other matter is lodgcd,atid tlIOISlUllllttfill and intestines arc litci'a'iiy ovcrtl wing" with the corrupted lll'dSe; thus undergoing disagreeable fermentation. constantly mixing with the blood, which thiows the corrupted mattcr'tlirougb ever-v yeiii‘aud or u. "artery, until lilc is‘taken from the bOdv by disease. ‘Dr., Morse’s Pll,.LS have added to themselves victory upon victory,‘by restoriiig millions oftlrelsick to blooming health and Ibup- piness. Yes, thousands who have been racko’d Or toi'iiieiited tvith'; ickne’ss, pain and anguish, and wliOse feeble frames have beeil’ scorched by the burning Hel‘OllielliS of’ fever. and ivho have been brought, as it were, within a step of be silent grave. it'on stand ready'to'testify that they Would have been numbered with ’the'dead, had it not been for this great and wonderful 'iiicdicine, Morsc’sludiau ltoot‘l’ills. iAfterone or two doses had [won taken, they were as tonisiicd, and absolutely surprised, ‘iii witnessing their cliai-nIiing effects. I‘iot'Oiily'do they}:in iinn'icdiatc case and strength, and take away all ISickncss, pain and anguish, but they at once go to work at the foundation of the “disease, which i» the blood. '1 liercl'oie, it'will oe shown. especially by those who use there Pills, that they Will so cloned and purify, that diseaseâ€"- that (loudlyIellellly-4Wlll iale its‘iliglit, and the flush of youth and beauty v. iil agz in return", and the prospect of a lzI‘iiIg and happy life will cherish { and brighten your days. CAU'l‘l()N._’-l)'ewal‘d Of'a counterfeit signed A. B. Moore. All genuine have the name of A. J. WHiTE & Co., On each box. ' Also the signature? (if/'1. J. W/utc d4 All’otbersare spurious. ‘ ' " ' ‘A. J. WHITE &, CQ.,- Sole, Proprietors. ' - 50 l..eouardStreet. New York; Dr. Moi‘so’s Indian rootiPills are soldby all Dr.‘. 31-1y [’UbllSlle‘d 0“ Silllll‘dayi August 5‘ 1507' and ‘5 Morse nus the first man to establish the fact slicction. Southern and \".’i\~toz‘ii itinnm‘. l’ostagc Stumps, token i’or siihsiririnionri. lx-ttcm should ho d tt'tllt‘ti to MUNN $1. C0., 118 ifizliOii-sti'ecl. New York Miqssns. MUNN a: Cu. or? r-xioiri-ivclv en- 1 gang in procuring pail-ills [or new inventions, and Wlll advise inventors, without charge, in Atkinson’s Pai‘isisn Tooth Paste. Also their much admired Perfume Tlii‘i l‘ii‘yfiildfill NOSJCGAY. b‘Oda Water bottled and from the fountain: St (liiilioriiivs Miner-iii vimm, and the Plantagenet Wumr, celebrated for their healthy properties . . . .' 0:) rr . regard to the novelty of their iiiini‘ovenients. A‘l’m “'le8' “1b ‘A*h‘ r I W "V i '7 :7 r k Ariv‘ I é ‘i! r.“ H AHMW ‘fiâ€"fl ‘ I , 7‘ ...II , ‘-; _i v», i m. -.T An NEW' T1214“;I',"‘v.;;E‘,VT omit Illlt A i.,r-lllt.lt.t.l‘ flour tally (rr‘ i.(,.‘rl\ll.lt.>.‘rf, ‘ B. ‘.. rigour...“ . . ., . a, p, 9 L, up”, wk; ,9... ,53,(,r31‘ E,H.\llll'.ltl‘.]> icy ACT or liill’t-llltAl. i’Ani.i.i.uEN1I‘ , . l ' )"l n; ._ .n-v \ I rIS'l‘ABlJSl-IF‘J) i‘on 'i‘iir; (711lth or Dvrricrsm, "Al ’ l 4”“ i'-'llll-lrl'll 3“ l 1*“ Ll“ U- Gizxiani. lllflllllJ'l‘Y, riawi: AVll Acoic. , b" r l .. m. ' -' s. r2. _ SCROFULA, OLD Ui.ci‘.iis, Girici'i mm." vandal} 13“ a-ilchi «l- binge: Toronto ni'iv or Tiir. BLOOD. SALT IlHl-llllll, i-iMi>i.izs, i‘is'iUi..i. FILMS, KiDNi-zvs. i)i:iui.i'rv. lN- Fillllll'l‘llls 0F YOUTH AND ULI) Aciz, do. 01'? No Elicirciiry lined. 4:0 ])R. AMOS & SON. Corner of Main and I Quay Streets. Bulliilo, New York, are the only Physicians in lllt‘ “State who are mem- bers of the Royal Collogo of llilll‘t‘eflllri, London. May be ftlill~lillt'tl from 8 o’clock It] the morn- ing until 9 o‘clock at night, on (,‘VL‘l'y state and symp om of disease. The tz'catiiicnt they adopt is the IT? all of llp‘ wards of 30 your») (xii-usivc and flil'tft’ssflll practice in liondon. The. most inveterate symptoms of Disease erudiitotrd inIoiglitor nino dax S. and cos-10s of a slight nature in two or three days at, (1 ve y iiiodornto expense-â€" The cure (tili‘CliNl without (EOllllllUllll’lll. or hin- draiicc' from liusitics". Young iljcnâ€" Tar/re Particular" Afritirfc. There is an evil habit. sometimes indulged in by boys, in solitude. ()ftr‘li growing up with them to manhood. and which. if no‘ reformed by them in due iinic, not only bogvts serious obstacles to iiiuliiiiiOiiiul happiness, but gives rise to a series of protracted, insidious, and devastating infections. Few of those who give way to this pernicious practice are aware of the consequences until they find the nervous system shuttezod. feel strange and niiaccounta~ ble feelings, and vague fears in the mind. 1A jlfost durum/w 1/006'1'2Z'ZO.=3. An instrument for the cure of Genital Dew bility, or more properly known as Seriiiiiaj Weakness, Nervous Dcliilily. 62c, which are [)0"l]ll‘.llt‘llil_\' cured in from 1.") to 2” days by the ,useoftbis instrument, when used conjointly with iiibilicines. " ' New Remedies and Quick Cures. , DR' AMOS Sr. SON trko pli'lasurci n announ- ' that they have invented a most important inst ruinent for the cure of the above diseases. any: "If- has been subjected to a test by the most cminent‘physirinnsin London. Paris, Philadel- phia and New York. it has l..-on declared the only useful instrument evoryct invented for the cure of Seminal VVeakuess, or any disease , of the genital organs, caused by the secret habits Ofyoutb. ‘ most skeptical 21s to the merits of [lioso instru- nii-nts, pledge themselves, that in: any instance, where they may prove unsatisfactory after a fair trial, the money will be refunded by re- turning thc instrutiient in good order. l’GI‘SOltr"Wlslllllg the above uscfnl instrument will Oilrtiltt. that the price, with the accom- . panying unrcnons. securely phck.d and sent 1 by mail or express, is ten dollars. - r) . A . ' I (HV' /Vi‘ beware of [gifllhlvfftono leware of cmpirics and i1iiicrunt self-styled profc’smvs, who A’l"l‘EMP'l‘ cures, but never succeed ; Dr Autos & years been engaged in an extensive practice inI‘ the treatment of those delicate complaints, and' Son have for a long series of are the only legally quulilicd Pliysiciaiistbo ' now advertise to cure certain complaints, or from whom genuine European reiiicdii's'can be , obtained. in. Amos do Son. in order to satisfy the‘ ' ; 'I‘llUS’l'lllZn : lion. JOHN lloss. l .loiiv Cititi'i‘oizii. Esq. BoAnr; 0F DIiiicC'i‘Ohs.â€"â€"â€"\NilllHiii ilchlnstcr, Esq. (Thiiii'iiiizn; W. l‘. llowlciiid. liirq. M.l’.l’., Vit'o-‘LTliiiiriiiriii: V» lllltllll Row, l‘..~q.; William Henderson. Esq. ; l“. W Jarvis, Esq. .S‘neritl' U. C. of "York and Peel. BANKERS â€"â€"-'l'lio Bank of Montreal. SULSCI'l‘i'RS.»~iiUSS, Crawford and Crombio The cugngdiiients of the State File in- surance Coinpzinyare guaranteed by aresponsi- ble l‘ropi'ieta.y. All losses will be settled promptly without reference to tho lloard in England. ALEX. s'i‘i‘gthR'l‘. A. LAW, l Manager, BfN, Aiiiorica Agent, I , Richmond 'February 18.1850 19-” a tints, linen 1S PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, And dcspatclied to Subscribers by the earliest I mails. or other conveyance. when so desired. - The YORK HERALD will“ always be be fonnn to contain the latest and most impor- tant Foreign and Provincial News and Marâ€" kets. and the greatest care will be taken to' render it acceptain- to the man of business. and avuliiablc Famil‘ Newspaper. i ‘ 'I‘ERMSrIéSevon and Sixpenbe perAnnum. IN ADVANCE ; and if not paid within Three Mouth: two dollars will be charged. “ RATES OF ADVERTISING: Six lines and under, first inscrtion.. . . .$0ll 50 Eacl: subsequent insertion. . . . . . . . . . . till 12* Ten hues and under, first insertion. . . . . 0f) 75 : Above ten lines, first in., per line.. .. DU ()7 Each subsequentinsertion, per line. . . . ll” 09 [1:3 Advertisements without written direc- lion: inserted till forbid, and charged accord- ingly. ' - All transitory advertisements. from strangers or irregular customers; must be paid for when~ l handed in for insertion. A liberal disconntyiill be made to parties ud- veitiS’ing by the year." i All advertisements published for a less pe- riod than one month, must be paid for in adâ€" 5' vance. : All letters addressed to the Editor‘must be post paid. -I , ~ , .I HIoIpaperI discontinued until all arrearagcs are paid : and parties refusing papers without pay; ing up, will be held accountable for the subs ‘ scription. MW e H Tina your: HERALD Book and Job, ,EtriiitingI ' ' ESTIABI‘EiSiu-ENT. 'I RDERS for any" of‘ the ‘ undermentioued description of PL;th 'aJld’F'ANCY JORI me “me 3' Premous dell] longer be' " Accpniuiodotiengfou Travellers. dealers in Medicines. Pniisons, IN ANY PART 01" '1le I‘VORI I) may l‘VVORK Wm b5 prompt” attendéd to :â€" ' _ _ - ‘ '~ " " ' forwiiiiiiig acorrect i' ‘ ~ ‘ ' Bernard lluldan. Esq. Secretary Treasurer. .. fore he gets It, I reckon,” . I MANUFACTURED AND55,.OR.$AiEIBY - ,I I JOHN SithLs_ I II I I _I II I Agents wanted Im every town, Village and be successfully treated by I I I I I IBOOKSI FM“ BILLS BUSINESS CARDS, LARGE He went abroad :1 day Or two after- i ‘ ' A» -l It ‘ -> ' f I i i r l’j-opl-ieior, Angus MUI‘WOX‘II- h-‘Q- éf’lwlwl- , hamlet in thy land. l’artiesdcsu‘ingthe agency (retail IOl, their cases, witii a remittance .or I , I l I ’ » .I . Wards- ‘ J G TE N C S T A F 'H‘horiiliillflaii. Id), 1859..., . , 7-1,, Bank olIUpIper» Canada. Bankers. and address, as above for tel-“I15, Nle(l|ClllB:\‘,lt\U , which wrll beIl'Cllll'llt‘tl WitIhIIthe I Ann SMALL Primates, ClRCIUl.ARS, LAW FORMS, ' - SW“, MILLQ ’1‘uoiiNHiLi. f TWTLâ€"‘DAL: , i i ' I, V V ‘ j ‘ Benjamin SWME‘I’I" J1‘5‘1' MSIJL’CtOT- I I, I Price ‘25 cents per boxs, two boxes will be utmost dispatch. and E‘It‘tiIl‘ll'O trom observation. I Bu, HEADS-IRAN}, CHECKSIBRAFTS, AND Vile \veré amused, not long. since a, 'sJune 3 18-9. ,Ik’“: I,. I AI: ' 27-” I. .I F, I -â€"â€"â€"â€": I I : sent on l'yI‘i‘Blpbuf $1,» postage paid. 0.5 AdIdi‘eIss l)Ii'.BAI;lIiI,> A; by. corner IntlZpIiIi-iland I~ .H .T .S; i p i ’ ' J ‘ :1 5 ' " 33° Heart Oflicc, Church Street, lorunto. £1]! _ WW; __ -.., 4. Qua”) $16015. u a 0. i . . 1 IV And (New OIheII kInd of I .Iiichmorid ,. Decmubeg 1858., .‘4 it 044‘? 2.3â€"...â€" . I. a, .I . a Io ‘ . ‘1” THis COMPANY lil‘surés all descriptions of 1‘ Dulaflil. 'E‘Ailgnie' {Oi fruit? l Buildings,1Vliiiiufactories, Mills. &cf.. and Goods ( i0 be sold bv private Cbn’iificifia good Steam and It‘uriiiIturIe’, in. the same. agalllstloss 01 dam? VEllglllO iiiid, Holler aliqii‘tllg‘ive‘ Horse age by meta“ liberallmhl‘s' 'LOSSOS Pl'oml‘”.V Power, for the small sum 'OfS‘Z'le. ‘ Terms of bearing the following qiiestionraddnessed r to a landlady by an eccentric genius. Stepping into the door, lieIobseryzcdf ’ Ema . l-tf , LETTERâ€"PRESS PRINTING I :done' in thebest‘ style, ‘at‘ moderate rates: , Qur, aissortrigeiit oIf IJIOB I’TIYPE is entirely IMPORTANT home, I 1)ERSONS . indebted to the undersigned, WhOselAccounts become due on the lirstIgI .PATRIIICIE LYNbep, I ‘ Will you, ina’aiu', give me. adrink of ’AUCTIO-INEER; .‘ ijosEPH KELLER, Water, for I am so liunrrr" li’on’t k ' ‘ ' :.: i » ,s ,l-. ., . . . . . - - . . . r . .. n . . . , r v - , I . is J, .4 .. “0w , r ' m i_ settled. ' r - avmentto be, a reed u )0!) at the timeof pm ofJanuary last, are lespc‘t,olllll_\ requested to. ., H. . V a ,I . I where to stay to night} 01: trig faleIIof Sagdlee, IStocIlIi, gall)? Y9. , . AA‘}Lj1FE....SeCOIIdI and ThirdI DIVISION I ., AI LAW, gh-asoII For pargcruiarsagpplv “I. .. semo themI_ I I InewIIandpl thelatest poems. A large variety \Ve doubt whether more meaning could I," (3531,, o a B" a Ema- ; lb Court. Uflico,gl’yiqhiii<iiid‘ Hill. , Residence. General mgem. ‘ ' JOHN Gl‘tlST,‘ L ‘ ’ J. K. FALCONBRlDGE . of new l‘a'llcy Type and Borders, for Cards: be embodied in so few words. 1 ‘ Richmond Hm Mm. :26, lm “a, I December, 1858. ' I lâ€"tf' Richmond Hill August 13. 1857. I .glO-l Sept. 9,411.43 ~ . ' ThIgrlIilflll Bichmend IIHill, March ll, 1819. 15~t£ ‘ ‘ Creators, doc. Ikeptalways on hand.

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