Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 21 Oct 1859, p. 3

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N» ,p\,--.: . . WIESLE I." YAN SA‘BBA’I‘H SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY. From the Markham Economist oftlie 13th. 1- According to announcement the Wes- "' leya'n 'Sabbath School Anniversary in this lace was duly celebrated, on Monday last, by recitations oftlie scholars and a Soiree. At 2 o’clock, p. m., the recitations com- ,menced, under the superinten dence of Mr. George Fluinerfelt and the Rev. Mr. ,-.I Messmore; the Rev. Mr. Campbell occuâ€" pying the chair. About 4« o’clock tea . was served on tables spread in the yard adjoming the church. The day was all that could be desired; a genuine October dayâ€"neither too hot nor too cold. The ‘ tables were well filled and the utmost en- , joymcnt prevailed. The ediblcs having "been satisfactorily disposed of, an inter- mission followed until 7 o’clock, when the following officers an (1 teachers were elected for the ensuing year, and the report of the Secretary read and adopted, an abstract of which we subjoin. '1‘ ABSTRACT OF REPORT. In tho'stafi' of Teachers there has been some “change.- from removals. &c., and some have , been added to the number. makiiiga total ofl5i toxclusive of Superintendent, Secretary, and Li- brarian, I The number of children added to the school during the past year is 26, which, added to our I last year’s figures, would make a total of 130. The average attendance of boys each week dur- jing the Your was 3‘2; that of girls 43. Toto.I ' average, 75, The average number of verses recited each 'weok the boys is 120 ; by the girls 180, or ’60 more than the boys, ’l‘otal Weekly average by the whole sliool. _ 300, The whole number of verses recited by the boys during the year was (3,940, The total numer realted by the girls during the same i'poriod was, 9,360, Total number recited by ~ the whole school. 15,000, The Treasurer reports as follows : I_Balanco from last year’s account . . . . . . $18 6 Received during the year. . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 32 Total receipts from Oct. Ist, 1858 . . . . . $53 33 By Cash paid forBooks, &c . . . . . . . . . . 6‘2 59 School in debt.................. .....$9 21 iTnoro has been an addition to the Library of out 5200 volumes, and also a large number 0 , , Prize llooks bought and given out. The Monthly 'I‘eacliers’ Meeting for prover and business have been continued, and ate usu- ally well attended. D'FICERS AND TEACHERS ELECTED FOR THE EN- SUINO YEAR. I George Flumerfelt. Superintendent; Thom- ,aa Speight, Assistant Superintendent; C, G! Barnes, Secretary ; Wm, Fluiiierlelt, Libra- Irian ; Joseph Byrom and Mr, Hewett, Absen- ‘tee Visitm's. , i , FEMALE TEACHERS, .Mrs. Byrom, Mrs, Ellis. Miss Campbell, Mr, And. Crosby. Miss Holt. Miss Jorman, Mrs, J, " Speight, Miss Ellen Crosby, Mrs, Kribs, J MALE TEACHERS. Mr, J, Speight, Mr, Holt, Mr, Wilkinson] ~Mr. Pearce, Mr, Dack, Mr, Pye, After some Well merited and highly coni- . ,pliiiientary remarks towards that gentleman " the Rev. Mr. Campbell called upon Amos \Vrigllt, Esq, l‘.ft.t’.1’., to occupy the chair, which the worthy gentleman lilled in the most. satisfactory manner, and after addressing the audience in an appropriate speach, called upon the following Revd. gentlemen, Messrs. lrilayhurst, Taggart, Gordon, and VVilloughby, to address the meeting. The speakers all seamed at 'IIlIiome. The Rev. Mr. Vv'illoughby es- pecially, while his remarks were by no «meand deficient, in appropriateness and good sense, they were replete with a steady raise of humor, which the whole , audience duly appreciated. At the close of the proceedings the anual votes of thanks to the Chair. the Choir, alid the Ladies who provided the good things, “were unanimously carried, when the meet- ing was duly dismissed by the Rev. Mr, Campbell. ' THE CRICKET MATCH AT HAMILTON, â€"â€"-Tiie Canadians did not come out of the “cricket niatchwuli the English as well as IIiniglit be expected from the first day’s play. The Eleven concluded their first innings , yesterday morning, but added nothing to 'the score of the previous (lay; the total number of runs made being 79. The ’IJchty-two in their second innings made I This left the English players 4] to make to win, which they did in quick time. scoring the entire number without losing a wicket. Another match is to he played to-il'ay live " All England” and six Cana- dians being ranged against five ~‘ United 'Englaiid,”iand six Canadians. The sides in- this match being more nearly equal in strength than in the game just concluded, better sport may be anticipatedâ€"Leader. Lord Howard, the Hon. Ernest cC‘oohrane, Royal Navy, and Captain ,Somerset, Royal Navy, are on a visit to _New York. Elder Knapp, the famous Baptist re- .vi-valist, has bi'en engaged to labour in Boston during the coming winter. I The Philadelphia census shows a popu- lation of 680,000; an increase 01971238 since 1850. ' BinTns‘ At Newton, Yongo Street,on Thursday, the 13th instant, the wife of Mr, Peter Weathorall, ,of a son, I 'At Richmond Hill, on the 13th instant, the quite of H, A, Bernard. Esq. ofa daughter, MARRIED, "fly'the Rev, Mr, VVilloughby, on Saturday. ,the ’15th instant, at the residence ofthe bride’s father, 3rd Con, Markham, Mr, thnann Dyan, Vaughan, to REBECCit, daughter of William Sanderson, Esq. By the saino, Oct, 18th. at Raymond’s Hotel IMr, James Watson, of Whitchurcli to Miss Esther Lemmon, of the same place, ' ‘ ' at s D. _ At Richmond Hill, of that fatal throat dis- pose, Diptheria, after a brief illness. fl.de about Signs! Harrieti°nly daughter ,OIf Mr, James freak, brickvmaker, r l at 4 o’clock, p,m, for important business, Richmond Hill, Oct. 21. 1859. BUTTER! Butter! BUTTER! Richmond Hill, Oct, 21, 1859. Makes and Sizes, cheaper than ally House in the Trade, HA PLAIDS, the CHEAPEST inlthe Village cheap 0 h van-3.». . ' . . .' . .v I, , .I, ..,, ..I‘..I‘I,I,,l ‘-F.\\.‘I. .....u. I . I ‘ oRTH NOWLTY...‘.tlrnl.Woirs ‘ ' ' ' W I The Sucbscribers begitp call attentioti,It,oI,t_lie fact that,theyarwnaking ’ fi'w‘UPERIQR 2: And when the Quality is takenIinto account it willI'b'e‘I found that they. are selling , them at prices that wllldefy c'omietion. It is "also a fact beyoud dispute that our' , ,XVAGG‘ONS stand better, and are‘ofIligllter‘draft, tllu'iljany other. 'L‘he,followitig,aro our list of Piices and Terms :;â€"â€"- ‘- u. .. .vr'u . ONOGRAPH. “a” i i if ii TI WRITING Ev SOUND. STAPLE AND F VG OULD respectfully intimate to his Customers. and thel’ubllc he has now received the greater portion of his On Saturday, the 15th inst., Pawns, young- est daughter of the late Rev, Geo. Mortimer, Rector of Thornhill, On Wednesday evening last, the 19th inst’ Dr. Asa Reid, of Richmond Hill, in his 89th year, HONOGRAPIIY was invented by ISAAC ' l’l'I‘MAN. ol'Baiii, England, in the year 1837. It is the most simple, most natural most rapid, and most easilyâ€"learned system of Writ- ing which has ever been, or ever can be in- Vented Durilig the past fifteen years, hundreds of thousands of persons, in England and Ame- rica, in both public and private life. have learned to write l’lionograpliy. and thousands of social, and business letters annually pass through the post office On the 11th instant, departed iii peace, in the 50 year of her age, at Ballantrn, Whitchurch, Many, the beloved wife of the Rev, James DeGeer. and daughter of Mayor John Button, She leaves a large circle of mourning friends who mourn not as those who have no hope. A large concourse was in attendance to witness Ila); generally, .tha - - v .- . . All" J ? Two inch iron axle, with, box. . . . . . . . .$100 00 Three and three quarter inch . do ,he solemnmes of he, runway rites. The OC_ ENGINE SEEIeIaEIIiI’S‘IJIlI‘IlIlImglIflIIIII?“El: Izl’gtgegafl F III, E ~ r 0 I Two and a quarter inch axle, with box 105 00 l ' with cap-InutI I I do .. . . 85 00. caSlo“ was lmllml’E-d by the Rev, Mr, Illfl'll'tv irieg cumlhe‘iisomd: and totallv untiiodhv‘ these i i . 4. . i . ' Tine: apd thffeblqnairter me“ Humble 80 00' fiatbvuh. $212,531.11]? ‘ ’ ' ‘ lg Wesleyan Methodist Minister, from Revelations days of progress and invontioii. l’hondgraphy I'IlS STOCI{ Will be found we” assorted and marked at prices that'wl” compele "1th Fourbiifégl wnzio .0“ . . i . .' 83 0:) i " ' ’C'i'i'll) dfh'aiellng'. . file.“ 30.4.68. i . 7 00. chat). 14. 13 verse. is Willa“! ‘15 legible" 0“" be 16131113" l.“ °“e- the best House in the trade. i t “ " Sidebords. Iii. .123: 4 00. twentieth the time, and can be written 81:1; times ' A true devoted wife has gone'ibofore, A husband kind who doth her loss deplore; A fond forebeuring mother, Death has torn From children who in anguish for her mourn . asfast.’ in other words. the labor of six days can be performed in oneâ€"one man can do the - ' work of six! So simple is the system. too, that a person may learn to write it slowly. in a coupie of hours. An hour’s daily practice for a few weeks will enable (my person to write l’hoiiography with Certainty, and with some degree of freedom. The sortie amount of practice continued for six months will ec~ ablo a person to take reports of speeches, lon- nres, sermons, or conversation. and to read hem with accuracy. Dr. J. W. Stone. of Boston, says : ‘I deem Phonography an invaluable adjunct to educa- Toronloa Camber 21: 1899' lion. and One which, when acquired in youth would not be parted with in manhood for thou- sands of dollars ” i The late lion. Titus. H. BENTON, upon be- iig presented with a verbatim report of one of his masterly speeches, taken by a little boy only twelve years of ago. said : “ Had this art been known 40 years ago it would have sal‘crl mo 203100.739 Itru'd ZIII‘UT.” The learned senator spoke but a portion of the truth. What long, hand requires six years to accomplish, Phonoâ€" TermsI: Six Mouths, if longedlnterest from Date. 'IIFive per. event‘discoiint for Cash An Inspection is Respectfully Solicitcd, All orders attended to with promtituIde, and IWork Warranted._ No Second Price. T. SPEIGLI'P'Sc SON. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. J. CHARLESWORTH, No. 31 King Street, East of Yonge Street, A generous neighbor, and a warm friend, Who would assistance to the needy lend ; An humble follower of her lowly Lord, Hath cross’d Death’s valley-gained the bless reward. Markham V'illagc,-Junc 30, 1859-. P. 1 2 one Her God has wiped her many tears away And she has heard her lov’d Redeemer sayâ€" Comc here, poor sufferer, I will give you rest, Heuceforth thou shalt be number’d with the blast. salt. 7. RICHMONle HILL, HAS RECEIVED HIS PAM AND. STQQK . ~ or . D R Y “G *o 7‘s AND ALMOST EVERY 9â€"1y ‘ . ........._........._ --tv"1w-~ w "r'y' warm-e The kindred home-bf thosevwho went before. With heavenly joy have opened. Zion’s door ; Tu'o daring cilildi'i'ii and a much lov’d mother, Three pious sisters and a long l0st brother, IMPORTER 0’ STAPLE AND FANCY DR Y VAG-O O D S l So, while the tours are streaming from each eye She’s gone where lovo and joy can novor die, Her spirit soars through realms of boundless M Il’lIétssyt f dt I I, graphy will perform in one. i i ' i A or a ‘ 3’ “"15 0mm 0 1° “‘053- To Clorgymon, Editors Physicians. Law- ~ - x ,J l- _ - n - w , ‘ - ‘ ' . ' MI E DI “,5, Seaman“, Co,,ve,.a,’,ce,sI Law and Me. i I AS itccit ed lns hALL GOODS consisting iii part of dical Students, Lecturers, Printers, School ' l , . -I I _..~_.-....- .__â€"_%____,___.._.;4_«... Teachers, Merchants. School Boys and Girls, a knowledge of l’hoiiography is ofvast utility.â€" In fact there is no profession or calling in which it is not useful, and no young man’s education can be considered complete without it. During the past nine months hundreds of TORONTO M A Rli ETS. FANCY DRESS GOODS, COLOR’D AND BLACK COB(.)URGS. PLAIN AND CHECKED LINDSEYS. PRINTS, GINGIIAMS, DE LAINES, SHEE'I‘INGS, SHIRTIN JS, TICKING. THURSDAY, Oct 20. .. $1 10 a 1 13 Those favoring him With a call will; in its GOODSito sUiT BOTH THE SEASON AND THE TIMES, Fall Wheat, prime, per bush. . SPFng Wheat - - - - . . - - - v - - - - - - - 0 85 30 90 lizeilvsifldiqldlirefdallliidjail‘ff, iiiiiiiiiflril'uivlibrfri DENTIN lillleSgIrF-fiLflANNEL‘Si Having reducd the prices of his whole Stock considerably. and ,' at the same time, Family mm" ' - - 4 a 4 7‘? the subscriber has received neatly-written BLANhfib‘lf’s (1L0 l' 155: HOD] {'1 I having reduced the long credit system sliortermhopmg it~w1ll be an advantage both griperfino ((lIo .... . .. . . . . . . . . 4 a 3 phonographic letters. expressive of their do- LIALLS, RIBBONS and ,MUbLINb, for the buyer and semen - , , , -ancy ° ' ' ' ' ‘ ' "'" ' - )l a 7 li rlit with the attainment, and the GXll‘aOl‘dliial‘ ‘ To 51 ‘ ' l , . I - I ' Extra do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 00 a 5 10 eiise with which they have acquired it. 3 g? her W,“ a genPra'i asémtment of . Richmond Hill, October 13, 1859;. Barley. . .I. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ll SI.) :1 0 90 For the purpose of aiding in the dissemination I f,- lwI l,“ I [III III I hI ,III. I I III I I I a g n m ~ I fi I I II“ RVO: nominal “ - - - - - - ~ - - -- 0 “I” a f) ’60 so impOitanl a reform iii his own country, "lluulllm in“ film“ luv Il l ‘ “tail” .“ hm ill l l' .1 ‘lm 'llmnlll- l’ I I I , 9315’ u - - e - i ' ' ' - - 0 3t! a ll 35 the subscriber is now prepared to supply all ' I_ I i)eas........ ..... ....... 04.33060 W}... .,,,,l,,wm, me MANUAL 0.. puma..- AND GOODfi. Iiork. . ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IgtIJIlIlIa £34140 our, and the PHONOGRAPHIC CoPY Boon. sent D . . , .. - I I i I . . 35‘: 1"” ton - - - - - - - . - - - - - - . - l a _ by mail to any part of the Province. postage Gin busgfileSS for (‘ash “Mi r £7 B0 806011“ Price Slmwi ” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 ()0 pie-paid, for 'the small sum of 11;? ONE ‘ g 1 . , ‘ 5 U . ' . - W” iifdlggsim barre] "' ' ' ' ' ‘ g) a g DKZLLIAI?‘ gig I d I I His Stock Will be found as attractive as any house in the tradb. ‘ ‘ I y ’ . . , . . . . . . . . . . a a any to y an every )0 y, wto can earn any- _ l ' - I . - , I - - . . . near, it a 4 (,0 a 5 m, thing’- ca” 10am PHONUGIII‘FHY from me MI“ Buyers w111 do well to can and examma the Stock and Pnces We wouldinform the public that we are manufacturing alargc number of blll‘f‘l’i 01ml) - - - - - o - . . - - - . - - - - . . 3 1’5 a 5 '00 NUAL. without other assistance. Before buying elsewhereI . ' , ,. Lambs- ' ‘ ' ' - - 2 " ' - - - -. o - - - - - l 75 a 9 0” Those who wish to be able to put their ' 7. , Qplvffi. each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6 St) a 7 00 thoughts to paper at the rate of from 100 to Remembf'fl the W8” known name .I, (“purist-HIS. .II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ills} 1:5 250 words ‘* per minute,” should send for the I II I I I ,I I I I > I . ‘00,..mr ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. - . = .1. .. O , _‘ _‘ m I _ I I I 5"“? iklns. Each” - . . . . - . . . . . . U 75 2 0 till dblilifeniiigfiliiiiigif(iifvixfitbinds.) Manual is as , NO- 81 ng 5m?“ East, lhey have been thoroughly tested, both in heavy and light soils, and 236‘,” lil‘lesl 9“" ‘0” “’5 ' - - - - ' - - - - 4 75 a 5 ll“ Plain as A- 15- (3-. and ion times as easv to 110mm: 0°“)be 21, 1809' lilo-3|“ proved themselves capable of raismg the largest Stumps and can be. 3 {Sinus} Per lbs. 0 s q . . - u a . . . . . a 0 uudel‘sLul‘d ’ . q ‘ r k d -d d h h ’ ' ' . or c three men unal e b orse or 01 or team. Butter.lresh.pcr lb ....... o 15 goes The u CANADIAN PHONE'I‘iC PION- “0°995fully V‘ -Y ‘ Y EER ” is 21 Monthly Journal, devoted to the advocacy of the Reform. Price 25 cents per 1111111111”. Address, (post-paid) WtLLlAM ll. ORR. Oshawa. C. ‘vV. I Price, completeâ€"$68 00. W9 also; have in hands the patterns of a. very surname ,‘ * STRAW 'With feed gear so, constructed as to cut difl'ere'tif lengths, from 1 to 1% inches. Farmers and others are requested to call and exatrline their MACHINES before purchasing elsewhere, Price, from $1000 to $20 00. \__ Special Notices. TO CousuurTivns â€"â€"'l'he Advertiser having been restored to health in a few weeks. bv a very simply remedy, after having suffered sovelal years with a severe Lung Afl'cction, and that dread disease. Consumptionâ€"is anxi- ous to make knowu to his follow-sutl'orers the means of cure. To all who desire it he will send a copy of the prescription (free qf charge) With directions for preparing and using the same. which they will flnd a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Brmicli'llis. ‘91:. The only object of the advertiser in sending the pre- scription is to benefit the afflicted. and he CASH do 30., 105 King Street East, Corner of Church St. Toronto, Are now offering large quantities of various descriptiOns of minim i NA RRATIVES OF , ’h, In their season, Also, I Wooden, Crooked &. Straight Beam Plows x .CIRCULAR WOOD SAWS, ROOT SLICERS, " AST year the French reading part of the ' Canadian peop‘e were edified out do- lighted by the publication of the original Nar- ratives of the Jesuit Fathers, who were the pioneers of religion and its attendant civiliza- BLANKETS, .FLANNELS, COBOURGS, PRINTS, hopes every sulfa or will try h is roiiicdy, as it No" l,“ Silliladlh Till-f “"ll'kr important as it ls PLAIDS, N G , HOES! RS! 850‘. will cost them nothing. and may prch a liless- to the l‘Tench ICanzidian, is not less SoIto the 5H] RTING STRIPES ' constant] on- hand . " ~ ‘ - - i ' ing. Parties wishing the prescription will l'ltlglish‘spefikmg Pu” 0f lhe llolllllallon 0f SHEETIVPS ’ - y. 'i ' i‘ v Please address North America. All Inhabitants of this great ' V‘ T ’ - r v 36" All IMPLEMENTS manufactured by 118 are Warranted. ‘98 REV, EDWARD A_ WildsoN. continent, especially all Canadians. will assign ' factory 8" ‘Vh‘lte EDITIONS; ' » I .- r v . " - i " - ‘ No, 36:) Fins-r STREET, it an honored place on tbeI shglvosfiwhich bear CLOTHS, _, i . i -. 44-8 W’ill'amsburr. Kill a '3 . . . . thoslirriu_ narratives oftie rst In lish and , , - I - I I , V I . I I . I I i. g to 'N’ Y DIIIIIh IIdeIIIIIIIIeIISI g I CLOAngs, 326, Richmond Hill, Sept 9, 1859. . . (I . . 41 if r. . . ' "- It is fit. therefor» to make its reverend au- Retailing at Wholeaale Pericles ‘ ' , . . I I " ‘" I"' ' " [liors speak with an English tongue. ______. V . ‘ ' " .' " ‘" ”‘ " “‘mm‘" "l mmrtrr . i The early history of Canada is at this mo- cf?- STICTLY ONE PRICE. moot attracting much attention. The French Government has made. large and precious con- tributions of historical matter to our Brovineial Library, both manuscript and printed, relating chiefly to Callaha, its settlement and wars : the Government of the United States has been ever z'ialous iii collecting documents relating to the acts and sufferings of their hardy and advon- turous founders; and the encouragement which our own Goveruliieiit could afford in aid of en- torprizes of the some character. has always been promptly and effectually granted. The publication ofautlientic and interesting 7 ‘IITTL‘ subscriber begs to call the attention 0 historical records has been favored and prompt- prepared to make first-clas ed by all enlightened governments and literary ’I VVAGGONS, SLEIGHS: BUGGIES, Also, a new and bodies; because they supply the best evidence EMPROV’ED 01.013 GRUSHER, of the truth of history, or the best materials for Which every Farmer ought to possess, and its compmition. It has even been asserted, that the chronicles and private memoirs of co- lomporaries are of higher Value than the po- lished periods of Hume and Mezerav, The Narratives now sought to be presented , r to the public are of great value to all classes. ' To the religionist, whether Protestant or R0- 4 g; . mun Catholic, they afford precious evidence of 5.3 I . the zeal of those servants of his lloly Rel gion ' 1 , amongthe heathen. and went forward through A . ,l _. d t t, l t I I‘m“ )ri es inany‘a fiery trial, to find too often at last the it me flortmt “9“”! an a he owes “mung” " l c ' crown of martyrlom. The ethnologlst will find Substantial and good VVaggons, Bug in them faithful descriptions of a race now find it ti) their advantage to call. much degenerated and rapidly approaching to ” extinction. written mitongst them as they lived and moved; hunted and fought, married and died, received baptism or ferociotisly murdered the men who sought to bestow iton them. Or- WW 310301 a]. Notice. YONGE s'rnitn'r Agricultural Society. HE Members and friends of the Yonge Street Agricultural Society are particularly requested to attend a meeting lobe held at Nchoi.’s HOTEL, on Friday, the tho instant, CASH are... i ' 2 Toronto, October 21, 1859. ' 4.7.9 ‘ ' NEW STORE ' ' ' - arqu t m ' ,- BEGS to inform the inhabitants of Newmarket, Holland Tsanding, Aurora,:fiich- S9 8L0. mood Hill, 8cm, that he intends opening, on the lbth iast.,with a splendid assortment ot‘ - , . - ' - ’ . i : MANUFACTURED AT 'raoaNtiLL. R U Q 3 i G R 0 C E R l E 5. l RY. DRY GOODS, AND MILLINE HARDWARE, CRIQCKIERY, one. am. .» And a great many Articles too numerous to mention. ftl ’ ‘ ' ' GI [III BARN/KR“ ie Iubllc to the fact that be 13 Secretary A}; Treasury, 47:2 IS, per lb Good FRESH ROLL BUTTER at G, A, BARNARI.)’S 47-tf ,will be given for any quantity of Particular attention devoted to the Millinery Department, His SHOW ROOM'will be open shortlyafter with a great variety of PS, BONNETS, lllAl‘lTLES l ' OPERA CLOAKs, etc. etc. Nermarket,September2,1859. , I I I I I, who devoted themselves to its propagation N excellent assortmentof Women and Chil- . Those re uirinn' real dren’s BOOTS and SHOES, of all q n gies, Sleighs, Agricultural Implements, 8w. will 40.6“, at GEO, BARNARD’S. callus, CHAIRS, CHAIRS, ,I. HOLMES. Thornhill, October 21, 1859. 437-6m TE and CAPS, in great variety Newest Styles, at the lowest Toronto Prices at GEO. BARNARD’S, w.“ _ ___-.-. _-_-._. ..._-__I...__.._.._ M.â€" _...-__‘_. -. .-__.-..___..,_______ . dinary readers, front the intelligent scholar to the Letters ' w 1 ‘« untatight peasant, will peruse with interest an , , _ I, w - G I A M S! D- D- S - 4 "‘ Iq‘ , “ . ' l ULL CLOTH‘S’ P LANNLLS’ 00' account of men who trod the soil on which they Rema‘nmg m RICHMOND; [TILL P05; QT?” E‘d*kfi.)33 BOURGS, DELAINES, and GALA Bniis'risa BS, B ocronna lst, Surgeon Dentist, l l i 99 tying; 81‘. easy, acorn sins, Titian boon I wnsr more CHURCH sr. 'r'onos'ro, 1 the Proprietor of O'ivor’s Patent for up- Il ‘ilying Electricity to prevent pain in ox- I trac. \ g‘ tooth: and also of an Aparatus for manbt't cturing Vulcanite Rubber Plates for O’Connor, Michael 1 ,0 liver, Jessie castle FURNITURE WAREROOMS. The Subscriber has now on hand Ia most on Gol‘ or otherwise, to suit the necessity o i ' ' ' A garet J I tillilil i liiliilil illiii liiilliil Tomato, August 2?, 1859. Which he is determined to Sell at Prices that .will defy competition. Routlcdge, J: Spriiighill, for the years 1857 and 1858, Ross, Rev. Donald i ( O 0 S i 2 with interest. remaining unpaid after3lst Oc- l. ' Ritchie. William ’ _ _‘ . . . ' when 1859 w,“ [,8 placed in Court for c0]- manufactured at this Establishment have now been tried'for the last fourteen years , . now move,-â€",*.vho were the lords of the forest “939’ and the river, now smiling with the rich har- vest or glittering with the Vessels ofcommerce, Arnup, William â€"and will learn with some emotion that they Artress, William live and sleep in security on the self-same spot Anderson, John which has been often drenched with the blood Burr, J. C. Shed in warfare or massacre. Brillin or, Geor o g g The publication of so voluminous a work 00b“, Pele? will depend entirely upon the support received C‘amem“, Malcolm from the public. The first volume has been Clafl'l’o John translated by one oftlie host translators in the Cleere, Miss P, Province : and it w ll be put to press as soon as PaVldSQH. JIBJDBS a sufficient number of subscr'bers is obtained to Deny“: Wllllam defray the cost of translation and publzsliing. D9019"; J- B- The work will make 3 Volumes, Royal 8vo., igilzgl’tgfsgg; of about 750 pages each, in Long Primer type. I F30 rariv T Subscription lists will be found at the Book- Fré’ser"bee'r 6 stores in Montreal, Toronto, Quebec, King- GI.eve’ Johng ston. Ottawa. Hamilton, London, &c. and at u ' . , ,. . ,.I Gamble, W. J. the Offices of the lubilsher. in St. Nicholas HmI Silas .. -fl- .1 at GEO. BARNARD’S. ' Mitchell, Charles Mapes. John MIurdy, Joseph ‘ " Monkiiian, George Macartney, R. McGravey. John McKiunon. Margret McCagpo, Duncan Ne wtori. James * v RICHMOND HILL - ADIES’ MANTLES, in the most fashionâ€" ‘ able Shapes and newest Materials, vary at GEO. BAIRNARD’S. 45-tf Richmond Hill. Oct. 7, 1859. . LL Accounts due to Dr. HILLARY, of Rumble, John Riley, John [‘2] ~ ' " ' '- ' ' ' - ho have once ur- Street. Montreal ; also at Ste, Anne Street - . . . leclwu- and the best proof that he has git en entire satisfaction is, that all w , p , Quebec ‘ glss‘t’mvélfil’ert [2]. lgglt‘fifas Muser 'l homson (St. Garden, SprIinghill, will chaged at his place invariably come again. Price in patter covers per volume, $2.74. or Hggéen’lclf‘m Iscéjley”G,.ove,. 1:11“ Fl” monies and 31"" "e‘m’PLs for ‘he i I BONE.'I “rules? $825 , “al'nasi lam” Steel? 1‘. T.- ' sp'i'ingiiiii, King, Oct, 13, 1859, 454 Richmond Hill, July 39, 1859‘- 39’6‘“ Price in half calf per volume. $3.50 or f0;~ Jones, l’eter Stong Daniel l - I the Set $10.50. Lively, John White, Henry ---â€" “a; __ «game- ..___. ......-...__._‘_~ __;;:x:_..a._.._._.---....L.__._.._._._. JOHN LOVELL‘ Lilligi-‘ciidjvigii Wfsiiamlffalfggiiimm Photographs ! Ambrotypes ! W. T. AT K INS 0 N, & Co, Superior Leicester Ram ! O calmda Direcwryomce’ Publis’lwr' L laifi‘ J h [2 Willifims Jacob G ['2] v - H i i i n r I I-IESubscriberbegs to inform Farmers and Montre li'Se)l.. 1859. angs ’ o n J ’ ' - MELANEOTYPES l IMPORTERS oi" EuoLisn Dunes, , T - -,I. - -. . I ’ : N0 a 2 l Laurance, Mr. ‘Woods. John 2 ' > " all who vush to improve their Stock, that ii a i ’ M. TEEFY, I’. M, Illa unfuctug ers of Chemlgals he is now prepared to take in Ewes at the low LETTERGRAPHS,&9, All styles of Pictures taken at tho AME-l into my promises Lot No. 41. 1st - . concession Vaughan, o’n or about the 26th filedlcal Hall, Rial km“??? September, A DARK RED COW. The On reasonable, terms. and in all weathers . .I v . ' n - Owner can have the same by proving property I Pictures taken {pm We smallest to me SIZOI = I. Proprietors of Atkinson’s Parisian Tooth Paste, JOl‘“ and paying expenses. [13" Every description- of Horse and Cattle I Treasurer , JOHN ATKINSON. ,l ‘ ‘I a ' J3 PUNHAM’ Medicines prepared with the best English drugs. I Vaughan, October 6’ j Villflg}. 06f; T4: "Form-[1‘0" Aum 22']. Richmond Victoria, OYAL ORANGE LODGE No. 778, I J meets at Brother Robert Wiseman’s, Masonic Hall, the first Friday evening after the Full Moon in each month. OFFICERS El.i~‘.cl‘â€"-,Coloiiel D. Bridgford, Master; R. Wiseman, Deputy Master; Munholland, Secretary ; W. Poguo. January 21. 1858. EE'I‘S at WM. DUROSE’S HOTEL Victoria Square. the last Friday oven- ing iii each month. OFFICE-RS ELECT : THOMAS SNOVVDEN, Manor. JAMES NEAL. Deputy. JOHN GAULEY. Treasurer. t JOHN BUT'I‘ON,'SecrctIory.‘ Victoria Square, May 7, 1858. rate of $3160, to be paid down. The above Rain is two shears, and took the 1st prize in 1-857 atthe fairs held at the following places :- Mimico. Weston, and Boulton Villa 0, and. iii .1858, at the county fair held at Inionville, about the fair hold at Richmond Hill, in 1859, EDWARD SANDERSON, ‘ ‘ “Proprietor. . Lot 17, 4th Con. lldtlrlsllgarrit September 15. Patent Medicines Gr Perfumery. APOTHECARIES HALL, OPPOSITE THE CgTHEDRAL. King St. Toronto. Stray Gow- 48-1

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