Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 12 Aug 1859, p. 4

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IAN PIFII. .«rrâ€"vâ€"â€"â€"â€"- s. MY NANNIE, O BY THE AUTHOR OF ‘IIAVt'lCK AULI) BRIGâ€"A RAILWAY CAltoL.’ ‘i’t’ithin this glen where Lugar flows, Scarce seen or heard by any, 0, Full forty simmer’s wun’s hae blawn Out o’er me and my Nannie, O. \Vhat tlio’ we canua boast 0’ gear, “‘e’ve lads and lasses many, 0; And too my heart they’re always door. And bind me Inair to Nannie, 0. My Nannie still dear to me, She’s aye sae guid and canny, O ; And tho’ many a bonny facet see, There’s none to me like Nannie, 0. And 1110’ her lecks are silverod o’er, She’s blytbe and gay as ony, Oâ€" The laverock In the dewy morn, Bantams minnow. , l _--Wc.-..., l ..,x» c..\\-\ ‘7‘ 'I.‘1IOh_IAS SEDMAN, CARRIAGE, 'Waggon 8; Sleigh Maker, Opposite the White Swan Inn. Richmond Ilill. Dec. 1858. 1-tf own E E L as. ’WATCII & CLOCK MAKER, J EWELLER, 8m. RICHMOND IIII.i., Oct. 1.1858. (ill-1y Nae blithcr is than Nannie, 0, \Vi’ eident care I trudge alang, ’Mang cares and crosses many, 0 ; And when my daily toil is done, I’m welcome aye to Nannie, 0. My frugal meal 1 out \\'i’ thanks; I’m ne’er envied by ony, O; And had l a’ the Indies’ \valth, I’d part wi’t a.’ for Nannie, 0. Our Iaird Iiiay strut amang his flocks, Dr. N. PECK, UROEON Dentist, will be at IIall’s IIotel, Markham Village, on the 24th, 95th and Qtith of each Month. Teeth extracted free. Teeth It‘illed, cac‘I 25cts. Dentistrv done cheaper than by any other Dentist in the Pro- viuce. Approved Credit will be given if re- quired. All Work Warranted. June 30, 18.35). 3i-iy JOHN HARRINGTON, JR., And brairded riggs sac bonnie, O, But I’ve a heart as blythe and gay, Wi’ nought to cheer’t but Nannie, O. Tho’ down life’s vale we trudge alang, And hand in hand right canny, O, III hopes it better warltl than this, “’ill shelter mo and Nannie, O. Eiliiti‘ilfiiiiunfit .__.._'__..., . . lcputation is often get without merit, and lost without crime. THE most popular bcllc, always and every where, is the dinner bcll. An Irish paper annuiinces, that a Mr. Kenny, returning to town, ‘fvll down and broke his neck, but happily received no further damagc.’ THE fashionable dressed young lady who fell dowu the other day broke no bones but a walc’s. \Viiv should physicians have a greater horror of the sin than anybody else? Because they are more likely to see sick- ness. NEVER look to an exclusively political paper for good reading for your family. You might as well try to get wool by shearing a hydraulic rain. ‘MOTIIER, have I got any children ’1’ asked an urchin of eight summers. ‘ \Vhy, no; what put that into your head "IL-Ile- cause 1, read in the llible to-day about children’s children.’ Take all sorrow out of life, and you take all richness, and depth, and tenderness. Sorrow is the furnace that melts selfish hearts together into love. If a man be gracious to a stranger it shows that lie is a citizen of this World, and that his ln-art is no island cut off from other lands, but a part of the continent that joins thcrn. I‘lXI’IC.’SlVIZ.-â€"-llICC straw or Leghorn hats without any trinii‘ning save their ‘ own pear lovclincss,’ arc the style with Parisian 13.1165 this sunnner, writes a :Ifl‘CIlCll ‘fcller’ who ought to know. They cost. a great dealâ€"~like some Ilanamasâ€"as high as $200 a piece-"the hats, ofcoursc, not the ladies. A GENUINE IRISH BULLâ€"Immediat- rely after the trial for murder at the last circuit court, as one of the constabulary was coming down the stairs leading from the Court House, he was accosted by an Iiishinnn, who anxiously enquired of him what: scntcncc had been pronounced against the prisoner Ross? ‘ Banishincnt for life,’ replied the constable. ‘Wcll, ‘LI‘OIII, by my soul,’ ejaculated Pat, ‘Iie’ll never live to see the end of it.’ AsSISTING A PAIISON.â€"A traveler pas- sing a country church which was under rc- pair, observed to one ofthe workmen, that be thought it would be an expensive job. ‘It will sir,’ replied the workman’ ‘but in carrying it out we shall accomplish what the parish clergyman has endéavoured to do for this last thirty years in vain.’~â€" -‘ \Vhat is that?’ ‘ asked the travlir. ‘Why, bringr all the rateâ€"payers to repentance. ‘Pray, tell me, my dear, what is the cause of those tears ?’ ‘ Oh I such dis-r grach I have opened one of your letters, supposing it to be addressed to myself. Certainly it looked more like Mrs. than M r. ' Is that all '1 \Vhat harm can their be in a wife opening her husband’s letters?5 ‘ But the contents! Such a disgrace 1’ ‘ \Yliatl has any one dared to write me a letter. unfit for my wife to rcad?’ ‘01], no. It is couched in the most. cliastc language. But the disgrace I” The husband eagerly caught up the Ictte‘ and ceinenced reading the epistlc that had been the means of nearly breaking his Wife‘s heart. .I'lc'idci‘, you could'nt guess the cause in an age. It was no other than a bill from the printer ’for a three year subscription 1’ \VAIININO T0 Si:ItiINAI)i:Its.~-A young gentleman ofa musical turn of mind, one evening serenaded his Dulciuca, aided and abetted therein by a party of deluded friends. Next day he visited the serenaded fair one. ‘ llcr cycs,’ he says, ‘ betrayed the fact that she passed a sleepless night, we tcndcrcd our hypocritical sympathy/wâ€" 50b, Mr.~-â€"~~,’ yawncd the lady, ‘ there was such a noise. in tlic strcct last night 1’ Some policemen were taking an intoxicated colored man to the station-house, and he screamed and swore so dreadfully, just as they came in front. of our door, the whole neighborhood was aroused. The police- inen seemed to cxpostulate with him in vain and it must have been an hour before they could get hiril’ .lust Him! the gent rc- meinbercd that he had a sick friend near by, and went to see him at once. He says let be has not sang a note $11120. i )EALE R in Dry Goods, Groceries. VVinos, ' r Liquors, 1.1ardwarc,(}lass, Earthenware, 510. Richmond Hill, Dec. 1858. 1-tf RICI'INIOND IIILL HOTEL. STAGE runs from the above Ilotel to f, 7 Toronto every morning, starting from the Elgin Mills at 7, run. and returning at 7. p.m. It‘aregs. (id. each way. GOOD ACCOMMODATION FOR TRAVIIIJJms. RICHARD NICIlOLLS, Proprietor. Richmond Ilill,Dec. 18, 1858. 1-55 . JOIIN CO ULTER, Tailor and. Clethier ' “31., Richmond Hill, L Y onge December. 185‘". I-it J. VERNEY, Boot and Shoe NIaker, vONcI: STREET, RICHMOND HILL. Ladies’ and Gentlemcns’ Boots and Shoes. made after thelatest styles. December 1858. 1- In YONGE STREET HOTEL, A URURA. L Good supply of WINES and LIQUORS it, 7 always on hand. Excellent Accommo- dation for 'I‘ravollers, Farmers, and others Cigars of all brands. I). MCLEOD, Proprietor. Aurora, July 6, 1858. 57-6m ROBERT SIVER, Boot. and Slime. Maker, I)J(’)INI;\'G the \Vosloyan Methodist _ Chapel, Yongo Street, Richmond Ilill. A choice selection of Gentlemens’, Ladies’ and Childrens’ fleets and Shoes constantly on hand. and made to order on the Shortest No- lice. i. 1 All kinds Shoemakers Finding for sale. tichmond Hill. Dec. 1858, 1-tf JA MES HALL, IAIAS always on hand a large assortment of IIOO'I‘S and SHOES, which will be sold at prices to meet the times. Richmond Ilill, 1)oc.1858. 54.-1-]y w. IIODGE a. C0. \‘THOLESALE and Retail Copper, Tin / f and iron Plate \Vorkozs, and Furnishing Iron mongers, Parties giving this house a call will find their orders punctually attended to, and the lowest prices charged. Richmond 11111, Dec. 1858. EDMUND G-RAINGER, U 'I‘ C II 13 I. TIIORNIIILL. Fresh and Pickled Meats, Poultry, the, always Families supplied on the shortest 54F11-1y I on hand. notice. 'l'hornhill, Dec. 1858. 41-ltf WILLIAM HARRISON, Saddch an cl 1 harness Maker, RICHMOND HILL. Richmond Hill. Dec. 18.58. l-tf JAMES JENKINS’, Grocery & Provision Store RICHMOND HILL. 1 O CREDIT GIVEN. I exchange. The above is the oldest established Grocery and Provision Store on the Hill. Dec. :2, 1858. Product, taken in 55-1y 'ANGLO-AMERICAN HOUSE 1 MARKHAM VLLAGE. OOI) Accommodations. Wines, Liquors and Cigars of the choicest brands. R. MARR, Proprietor. Markham, Dec. 1858. 57-1y iDR. L. LANGSTAFF, FIRST DOOR SOUTH OF THE 1» ultka i N net: MARRIIAM VILLAGE. Markham, May 13,1859. 24-Iy I \‘~~v~ v. .4 r .. A ‘._.. ,___,__. I’A’I‘EN'I‘ l).'2illl Pipes; five 'l‘l'miighs AND W carter @pouts, MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE BY JOHN LANGSTAFF S'I‘IIA n1 Mums, '_1‘IIOIINIIILL. June 3, 1859. 27-tf PATRIOK LYNOTT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, 1’» the sale of Cattle, Stock, &c. is pre-. ‘0 t . I pared to attend Sales in all parts of Up-. pcr Canada. Richmond Hill May ‘26, 1858, 113-13. Husband, G. 1â€"1. . I VURGEON be at Nicholl’s will Hotel, Richmond Hill, the FIRST MONDAY ofevory Inonth,and the remainder of the month Dentist, All \Vork War- at his residence Thornliill. ranted. July 8. 1859. 32-1)’ MATHESDN &. FITZGERALD, l Barristers & Attornies-at-Law, SOLICITORS 1N CIIANCERY, «Ste. orTICI-t : CORNER OF KING AND TORONTO STREETS, Over Whiteniore A: Co’s. Ranking Office. TORONTO. Agency Petition/arty attended to. THOMAS G. MA'I'IIESON. Toronto, .luly 1, 1850. JAMES I‘I'i‘zoiznAip 31-tf' To Good Tomplars and. Sons of Temperance. The Subscriber is prepared to furnish PIC-NIB PARTIES AND TEA MEETINGS, On the most reasonable terms and shortos possible notice. CHARLES TOD, Ilaker, June, 1859. Markham Village. JOHN N. REID, MD, CORNER OF YONGE AND COLBOURN STS. THORNIIILI., (1.1V. 31-1y Dr. DUNHAM, SURGEON and Mechanical Dentist, Medical IIaIl, Markham Village. June 30, 1859’ 31â€"1v JAMES I. BARKER, HNII’ORTER and Dealer in Dry Goods, ' the St. _ Groceries, I’aints, Oils, and Dye Stuffs, Patent Medicines, Glass, Ilutty, Nailsâ€"Low 1 very Low for Cash.-â€"â€"1\1arkham Village. June 30, 1859. P. CROSBY, MPORTER of Dry Goods. Wines, Liquors, Hardware. N'c. Richmond Hill, June, 18.39. q n \i '0111 Groceries, SIâ€"tf . . , , ‘ . BLACK HORSE HOTEL [FORMERLY KEPT BY wm. n01.PII,] ‘ TURNER of Palace and George streets,,east of the Market Square, 'I‘oronto. Board >341 per day. Good Stabling and attentive lIostlcrs I always in attendance. An omnibus to and from the Railroad Station. THOMAS PALMER, Proprietor. Toronto, Feb 26. 18.58. t38â€"1y THORNIIILL HOTEL. r ‘HE Subscriber cgs to inform the Public that he has leased the above premises, and fitted them up in aneat and comfortable style. Boarders and transient visitors will find the i accomodations in every way agreeable. The best of Liquors and Cigars carefully I. I} selected. Good stabling and attentive hustlers HENRY LEMON, Thornhill, ‘ ' 1 Proprietor. Jan ‘20, 18.38. 138 f HALF-WAY HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL. fl‘HE Subscriber hch to inform his: . numerous Patrons and the public, that he has removed from the White Swan 1.10th to the above Premises, where there will be found excellent ac- commodation for Travellers, and good Stabling. 033' Horses and; Buggies for Hire. JOSEPH GARY, . ' Proprietor. R‘CI’mOmI 111“: Ofit- 22. 18:38. 72-7m GREEN Basal Horst, 10 MILES NORTH OF TORONTO 0N 'IIIE YONGE, STRICE'I' ROAD. This Proprietor bugs to inform the _ public that he has purchased the above Hotel, and has recently refitted and furnished it throughout in a comfortable style. The Bar will be continually supplied with gbed Liquors and Cigars. Goon S'rAiim-zs attached to the premises, with careful Hustlers to atâ€" tend to travellers wants. THOMAS STEELE, Proprietor. (firinerly of the Bond Lake I'Iotel.) Sept. 99, 1858. 69â€"137 WAN HOTEL, TiiouNiiiimi iiiii Guild Accommodation for 'I‘ravellers. JOIIN S111 IELS. Proprietor - 7-1 Thornhill Jan. 10, 1859. :41 ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL 142 KING STREET, TORONTO. ,â€" f THE Subscriber begs to inform his friends and the public generally that he has opened the above IIotol, opposite Lawrence Hall, Toronto. His bar will always be found replete with all kinds of Liquors 0f firstâ€"rate quality. IIis Table will also be found i'cclim‘c/ic. Good Stables are attached to the premises. W. M. SHORT. VL’I'INARY Seances, Proprietor. Toronto Sept. 17, 1858. G'I-Iy DR. (“JAB/11118 Limestriiiir; Iiirrhmmut If’éll. December, 1858. I-tf JOSEPH KELLER, AILIEE Second and Third DIVISIOI' Court. Office, Richmond Hill. December, 1858. 1-tf GLOUCESTER HOTEL, THREE MILES NORTH OF ’I‘OIION'IO, ON VONGI‘l-ST.~ r 1H E above Hotel Is filled up in neat and comfortable style. Transient visitors and Others will find the accommodations to be that of the first class. while the charges will be exâ€" tremelv 10w, _ Yongo Street, Dec, 1858. [13‘ 'Good Stabling and an attentive Hostler. 'B. ; so, where parties from a distance can have it done to take with them on their return home. I. TO ‘ WIMAN’S MILLS I, I.I aveUn, 1' CAR-DING & GRISTING, CO Almira, May 13, 1859. 24â€"tf‘. FOR SALEE; . 200,000 feet of." Lumber. NCLUDING Flooring, Siding, Inch Boards, 1 and two-inch Plank, Scantbng. &c., 67ch i at the subscriber’s Mill. near Stonfl'villo, cheap for Cash or Approved Credit. . ' ' JAMES HUGO. Stoufl'villo, April 1‘2, 1859. ‘ ’I‘tlltth’I‘tl-CI’I‘Y MARBLE ‘ii’thltS 185 vONotc s'i‘itiziz'r. MONUMENTS. TOMB-'1‘ "BLES 'r o M as ’1‘ O N i: s a c. Twenty Per Con t (111cm per THAN ANY OTHER I-ZS’I‘AIIIJSIIAIIIT. 1' 1.111“. llndcrsigucd Assignees of the estate of D. C. 3; \V. YA 111‘), will conâ€" tinue the business under the supcrinicndt-nce of our duly authorized agents, Ausrix Annrv and D. CAItIcs YaI.E, whose receipt will be duly acknowledged. I’.S All notes and accounts remaining unâ€" paidon the 1st day of June, 1558, will be put in toft'ourt for collection. C. G. YA LE, CIINIMER. Toronto, 29, April 1858 drl-tf To the Sick stand, I, to cure Cancers; .E’fiiiifdr And nianv other Diseases. under either of the above meniiont d Disestses, will do well to call in time, All letters to be. paid, and addressed to PETER SNIDEII, lilincburgb. N. 13. NO CURE NO PAY. August (5, 1558. l ‘ff'ujt r ‘7 E a: u R. SNIDER, of the Tth concession of‘ Vaughan, near Kliueburgli, guarrantecs 2m”. JV {(3157178) I.- c, Persons laboring, (Si-If t a...., 7 7,,“ ,. , Th 0 Scottish Aiiiicrican .le té‘tiéil 1)I".‘.’OI'1“.I) 'I‘t) TH E l a c , _ . , ,. interests of Scotcnnien in function, AND TO THIS Iiissimis x'i'ioN or‘ SCOTTISH LI'I‘ERA'I'URI‘. AND ART 3 W(,)NSII.)ERIN(} the multiplicity of news- papers in America. it has to Inuin been a matter of surprise that the numerous body of Scottish residents should have been so long unâ€" represented. To supply this dcsidcratuni, New 1, of the Si'or'risii Aniizitims JennvAi. was published on Saturday, August 8, 18.37. and is now continued weekly. The primary object of the .1015 IINAI. is to fur~ nish its readers regularly with the news of their native country. It presents a weekly ro- cord of all events of interest occuriing in Scotâ€" iand. and its subscribers are in this way as fully formed of Wll'ft is tizinspii‘ing at borne as if they were in regular receipt of an oid~co‘.‘.ntry newspaper. Scottish questions Will lit discusscti with intelligence and impartiality in the editorâ€" ial columns, and the sentiments of the leading parties on these subjects will be fairly reproâ€" seiitcd and commented upon. .Iii the literary and miscellaneous department ‘ of the paper, while merit and talent will be ap- preciazed from whatever country they emanate, the Scottish element will prcponderaie. 'I'alcs, sketches, and poetry, illustrative of the Scottish character, and ate nature fitted to call forth, the sympathies~ of Scotclimcn both at home aud‘ 1n abroad, will occupy a conspicuous place. int this department, the Covoperatien of various distinguished authors, pesscssiug unrivalled . facilities for the task, has been secizrcd‘ in politics, the JOIIIINAI. .will occupy a thoroughly independent. position, alike free from party bias and national prejudice, In or- der to it tcrest. its readers wherever situated, it will take a broad view of topics of this Class, avoiding these ofa merely local nature, c_\'ccpt in so far as they may present points of import.- aiice to the general public Questions iiivolvâ€" ing the interests of British residents in the United States and in the ,ilritish Provinces, will be specially considered, and it is believed that the information and news of tlic..louii.\AI. on this important class of subjects will be such as shall command attention. The Sco’r'risii AMI-zitIcAN .lotiiIVAI., will in, every respect he couductcd in an eflicioul. and business like manner, with every l‘titluisilt- guaranteeforits permanence. Theprtqirietors. 1 who are responsible parties, resident in New York and elsewhere, tlicrcl'ore look with con- fidence for the support of ibcir numerous counâ€" trymen in all parts of America, and they will be glad to communicate with respectable parâ€" ties at a distance who may be disposed to co- operate with tlicin for the establishment of the paper in their respective localities. A, publication established with these objects must of course look for support mainly from those connected by birth or descent with the country whose currcnt history it chronicles; but. as the broad basis of this journal titicessi~ tales, in addition, the treatment of all import 1 ant questions affecting American inform-ts. and ‘ as its literature will be cosmopolitan, it is hnpcd' that even to the gciiri'al reader its columns will not appear unentortaining or profitltss. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. One Copy for one year . . .. . . . . .. . . . . $2 50‘ Five Copies ...,.... 91m, Twelve Copies .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 711 (It), r.l‘wentyâ€"fivo Copies.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ~11) (It) To parties getting up a club of twenty-five a copy will be sent gratis. , Copies forwarded to Europe per mail, United States postage paid, for $3. or ills. sterling, per annum. Office, No. ‘29, Iloekman Street, NY, Fire! Fire! 2 Fire! I .' W E S ’1‘ E It N Fire Insurance Continuiin of" Toronto. INCORPORATED FY ACT OF PARLIADIEN'I‘. C.th1T.flL S"()(11{, Mormon. « I. C. GImIon, Pros. I U 110. IliTIClIIIC,VICC Pros, Iiiiticc'rons : 'I'bos' Ilaworth, Esq, \V. Ilendt-rson, Esq. W. Maclarlane, Esq. {ice Lewis. Esq. James Iietity, Esq. T, 1’. Roberts, Esq. M. Rossin, Esq. I Bernard Ilaldan, Esq. Secretory & ff'rcrtsurcr. Angus Morrison, Esq. Solicitor. Ilank ofUpper Canada. flan/mils. ~ Dcnjamin S‘witzer, Esq. Inspector. 113’ Head Qflicc, Clio/role. Street, fi'oron/o. ‘EU TIIis COMPANY Insures all descriptions of Buildings,Mannfactories, Mills, Arc” and floods and It‘urnituro, in the same, against loss or dam- age by fire, on liberal terms. Losses promptly settled. » A. LAW, ‘liibiting the ‘ projN'lctl i ‘ x 7' I " ' ,‘ 7' 'triis I‘ost-ofl‘cis ' i - t -- 1”“ (“5’ l"“”" 1111‘“ t 1"" ’ ll” 1 great evt-nts going on in the scientific, meâ€" i and the location of their residences shown. .. health we are deprivod of, and if nature is not. ’WIIIIC engaged in purifying the blood; the A iiiiiiiiiii l Vl‘illl‘} SUIISCRIIIER. begs to inform the Public that he is prepared to manufac- ture and sell ST] LES A N 1) M A It IT'I"S CELEBRATEI) ROTATING HARROWS \Vith the iinpro vod Draft and Coupling Irons The above llarrows are far superior to any new in use, beingr made OII an entirely new principle. They will be found to do the work much quicker and better than any other liarâ€" rows. Specimens of the above, with particuâ€" lars as to the price, may be seen on applying to the subscribe‘ who will punctually attend to all orders. Address JOSEPH COXVVOR'I‘II. lluttonvdle Post Office. Specimen Ilarrows can be seen nearly ou- pesite Mr, Sbiclds’ Iletel, Iii'own’s Corners, “1111001). Markham, Markham, June 24, 1859. 311â€"2111 I’ ROSI’EC‘VI‘US ()F A llllllll lllll fill AIN’T) DIRECTORY. lrr‘illlil Subsr-riber purposes to publish, on a I large scale, a Descriptive Map of the wealthy and populous County of York,â€"e.\’â€" Iiarbors, Rivers, Railways, the (loorgian Ilay Ship Canal, Mill Streams. .“ulills, .‘rlaiinfactories, Queen’s flighâ€" wavs, NIacadt-mised. Hulk and tlravcl Roads, location of tho 'I‘ownsliip Ilal's, Country Churches and Schools; 'l‘owiiships’ Iiundaries, Concessions, Sidediues, I'ltll‘llv'v and \Vild Lots, with generally Owners Naiiit‘n. The Noun-s of all subscribers, Resident Pro- prietors of Forum, will be neatly engraved in lowercase Roman letters on their properties. The names of subscribers in the City Town, and Villages will he published also, if furnished thi- criiivassei‘, the title profession, trade, rive. of each. thus constituting. not only a most use- ful and beautiful Map. but a very complch Rural, Professional and Business Directory . Combined. Should this important an." expensive untlcrâ€" 1 taking meet. with goof. encourageincut the Map, drawn to a scale of slxty chains to an inch, ‘w itb a plan of"1‘oronto on a much larger" scale, will be published in the best style of local map making. As soon as convenient, aftcran improvement in the times shall warrant bringing it out. It will be furnished to subscribers oi: canvass, handsomely colored, varnished and iiu‘iuntt-d. GEO. 'I‘RI‘IMAI NE. r Toronto. 1859. DP. MORE E’C . , a , _ . tuition ltteet; Pills. I yll. h‘ltlllSE, the inventor of Morse’s Indian , /' Root I’ills, has spent the greater pertieii of his: life in iravclliug, haiiiig visited Europe, Asia and Africa, as well as North Ainericnâ€"â€" i has qwnt three years among the Indians of our l 1‘. cstmn countryâ€"mu was in this way that the , Indian Itcot Pills were first discovered. Dr. Morse v1 as the first man to establish the fact I that all discascs arise from lh’II’URI'I‘Y OIf1 TIIE III.t;UDâ€"â€"-that our strength, health and life depended upon this vital fluid. When the various passages become clogged, and do not act in perfect harmony with the dif- fcrent functions of the body, the blood loses its action, becomes thick, corrupted and diseased; thus causingr all pains, sickness and distress of ovcrv name; our :-~trcn;_rth is exhausted, our :i::.~isn-tl in t irt‘wiu;_r oil' the stagnant, hunters, f the blood will become choked and cease to act, and thus our light of life will be forever blown out. How important then that we should keep the various passages of the body free and open. ‘ And how pleasant to us that we have it. in our power to put. a medicine in your reach, namely, Morse’s Indian Itoct Pills, manufactured from plants and roots which grow around the mounâ€" atnious cliffs in Nature’s (larden, for the health and recovery of" diseased man One of the roots from which these. I’ills are made is a Sudorific. which opens the pores of the skin, and assists Nature in throwing out the finer parts of the corruption within. The second is a plant which is an l'lxpectorant, that opens and uni-logs the passage to the lungs by copious spitting. The third is a Diuretic, which gives case and double strength to the kidneys; thus cncourugcd, they draw large amounts of imâ€" purity from the blood, which is then thrown out beuutifully by the urinary or water passage, and which could not have been discharged in any other way. The fourth is a Czitliaitic, and accompanies the other properties of the I’ills t:()ttl‘.~t‘1‘Irzil‘lltili‘S of impurity which cannot pass by the tilllt‘l‘ outlets, arc thus taken up and Fruit; flu- abovc, it is shown that Dr. Muisc’s Indian Root l’ills not. only enter the stomach, but become united with the blood, for they find their way to every part, and couplete- 1y rent and release the system from all impurity, and the life of the body, which is the bloon, 'iecomes perfectly healthy; consequently all sickness and pain is driven from the system, for they cannot l".lllllt111 \\‘Itl‘.1‘.t110I)Utlyllti,ftilllt‘s so pure and clear. The I‘t‘.l:\'OII why people are so distressed when sick, and why so many die, is because they do not get It medicine which will pass to the afllictcd parts, and which will open the natural passage for the disease to be cast out; Il(‘1]t‘(‘,lt large quantity of food and other matter is Iodgrd, and the stomach and intestines are literally overflowing with the corrupted mass; thus undergoing disagrccable fermentation. constantly mixing with the blood, which throws the corruptcd matter through every vein and artery, until life is taken from the body by disease. Dr. Morse’s PILLS have added to themselves Victory upon victory, by restoring millions ofthc sick to blooming health and hap- piness. Yes, thousands who liaVe been racked or tormented with sickness, pain and anguish, and whose feeble frames have been scorched bv the burning elements of fever, and who lihve been brought, as it were, within a stepof be silent. grave, now stand ready to testify that they would have been numbered with the dead, had it not. boon for this great and wonderful medicine, Morse’slndian Root Pills, After-one or two doses had been taken, they were as touislied, and absolutely surprised, in witnessing [flair charming effects. Not only do they Lrivo immediate ease and strength, and take away all tickness, pain and anguish, but they at. once go to work at the foundation of the disease, which is the blood. 'l'hercforc, it will be shown, especially by horse who use these Pills, that they will so clense and purify, that diseaseâ€"â€" that. deadly cneiIIyâ€"â€"\vill take its flight, and the fiusli of youth and beauty will again return, and the prospect of a long and happy life will cherish and brighten your days. CAo‘i'IoN./â€"llcware of a counterfeit signed A. j}. Jlfourc. All genuine have the name of A. J. Wiii'ri: 6k Co., on each box. Also the , and instruct cvr-iv sigmtlni‘r qf A. .1. White ‘8, Ca. All others are spurious. A. .1. \VIII'I'E & CO., Solo Proprietors. 50 Leonard Street, New York: Dr. Morse’s Indian root Pills are sold by all dealers in Medicines. Agents wanted in every town, village and hamlet in Ilie land. Parties desiring the agency and address as above for terms. THOMAS COA'I‘ES, Proprietor. ti“) ’v Residence, General ..-gcnt.I Richn‘ond 11111 August 13,1857. gIO-l. Price 25 cents per boxs, five boxes will be sent on rcceiptofrgl. postage paid. 33 SCIEN T1131 C AM _’ CR1 CAN. I’ItOSl’lilC'l‘IlS. VO LE1 M 11‘} 1.36) RT Eillldfli Irv/ans Stil’l'lublltlllt I',, 18.38. llIllt‘lllliltiil, TNTT‘lNI‘DRS Int: laxll EVIANU VAC PUR 1N,” II‘AIUWERSq TIIE SCI'EN'i'III‘IC A MlllllCAN liasnow reached its lt'uurtecidh Year, and will enter upon 3. New Volume on the 11th of Septem- ber. It is the only \vct‘itly publication of the kind new issued in this country, and it has a. wry t“.‘Jtcnsive circulation in all the States of the llnion. It is not, as some might. suppose from its title. a dry, abstruse work on technical science; on .hc contrary, it so rivals with the olianicalanti industrial worlds, as to please one. If the hicr'lianic or Ai‘tizan \vi: lies to know the bcst use, or bow to make any substance cizipluyed in his littsiilt’ssâ€"â€"-ll' the llonse‘.\'ifo wishes to got a recipe for makingr a good color, Kiraâ€"if the luvcntor wls res to know what is going on in the way of IlllIll‘-'l\'t‘tll“Ills-HIf the .‘ilaiitifac~ furor wishes to Itiep posit-d with the times- aiid to employ the best furililli‘S in his busiâ€" nessâ€"if the Alan of Leisure and Study wishe, to keep himself t'aiiiilinr \\'1111 the progress made in iheclu-mii-al laboratory, or in the construction of Iclcgraphs. Vstcamsbips. railâ€" roads, reapcrs, mowers, and a thousand other llltltflllllt':~ and appliunres, both of pcace and warâ€"1:11 lllt“-‘U I.’r.~'ir:’r./‘/I.’./. can be found in the fairs: uric. \illttit' 1N. and not claws/3'1: 1c. Thcv are Iii-re pro/s stoil in a 'cliublc and interesting forni,:rdaptm1 .o tlm 1 iinlcariicd in tiieliiifIIt-r l/l'ltllthlt‘b‘ of science and art. Terms: ()ne copv, one year, $3; one copy six months. :,-,‘~i, :, ten copies, six months, 555’ months, $1.3,- Ilflt‘t‘tl copies, twelve months, $213; twcntv copies, twclve months advance. sly. .d, in Specimen copies srnt gratuitously for inâ€" spection. t‘noutlicrii and \l'cstcru money, or I’esiago fritauips, taltcii for subscriptions. 111‘ Letters should br- diivrtcd to MUNN do. (30., 111" Fultonâ€"street, New York Micssns. Aims t‘v, Co. are extensively en- . jjugcd in procuring;~ patents for Ilt‘W inventions, i and will :dvisc inventors, without cliiil‘ijt‘. lll i't‘ttiu‘d to the novi'llv ol'tlieiz‘ iiuiii‘ovcmcnts. M: W five, i). if iii/I 1 av '. lliifliilo liveliest llis‘ ioi' " ' ' l A Jr ) .Ei. fulfill}, .rZS'I'HHJIs'HZII Iron 'I‘iii: cizxicnn. m:I:II.Ir., l<‘1'."IuR AN!) Miitiz, sci:or'.;I.,\, our Inht‘l Its, (;I:i;,\'r {airti- RI'IY or 'i'lll) moon, ssi’r I:Iii;I'.\I, Iii:iii'i.i.s, i‘is'iisi,.\, Itiiisizvs, Iu:i:Ii.i'rv, IN- Ivinni'riis or‘ voui'II ANDOI.I).\(1E, Sic. g‘ilcrcui'y Else: (‘llIlE or IIYSI‘EI’SIA _ Prints, ,4.) 1 Us t« -370 3,11. A 311).“? (in SUV, Corner of 1\I.".Ill and I . 1-, i' 1 I _ ,/ (Qii'iv If t‘t'i-fs, I; '. lulu, Now ‘5 . i :ii . .‘ .‘ .i‘ L‘. the tillr\ . ii\:.vi:iii.~~ .n J!“ .m: I I bers of illtt lief-3:11 (lulu-551' o lizii‘oenns, London. in. lock III the morti- I 4 in, on our, state and May be t'tillr-Iiilt‘tl from if III I ingr lllllll fl o"t-1o:l. :n, syrnp‘uin ofdisuam. The treatment they adopt l.‘~ the result of up- \vards of .‘ltl yrars’ mmusivc and successful practice 111 London. The most inveterate symptoms of Disease eradicated in eight or; nine days. and cases of a slight nature in two or tlii'co (1 :it a vc.\ expenseâ€"w iii‘i.“ lzlt‘tltll’tllti The cure t‘tli‘tflt‘tl without confinement or 1111)." i drance from business. .170 a riff 4% r i - ~ ' 3 For! ire/(tr 'l'hrrn isun evil Il‘lllfl somrtiincs indulged in by boys, in twlll'iltlt‘, on. n growing: up with them to manhood. and which. if not reformed by lllt'Ill in due illlll‘, not only bvgt-ts serious obstacles. to inz'liiinouiul liappiiictr, but. givcs‘ rise to a serif-s of protrm'tcd, insidious. and? devastating (lllt't‘lit‘lls. Ifcw of those who give way to this Ilt'l'lllt’ltllln‘ practice are awuie ()I‘ the conscqunntmz, until they find the nervous systtun sliattctcil, fool strange and unaccountaâ€" ble feelings‘, and vague fears in the mind. JIfos/ Nrim/ 1/11; .i’iiiwu’zo.‘@. An instrument for the cure of Genital Des bility, or more properly known :is Seminal VVcaini-ss, j‘v'ervous chility, A c., which are permancntly cured in from 1.3 to “311 days by the llsti ol'tliis instrument, when used conjointly I with medicines. Now Aliment/ms (nut (glint/c , CH was. 1 Dn AMOS1 K’ Sth tnlIe plensurcin anneun- 1 ciiig that they have invented a most important instrument for the cure of the above diseases. It has been stilijr‘t'tctl to a test by the mostl ‘ eminent pliysiriiaitsiu London, Paris. l’liiladel» pliia and New York. It has been declared the only useful iiisirunnnt (-vci‘yct. invented for the cure of Srniinal \Veakucss, or any disease of the genital organs, caused by the secret habits of youth. I Dr. Amos arson. in order to satisfy the Inost skeptical as to the Illtll'll.‘l of these instru- l Im-nts, plvdge themselves, that in any instance whcie they may prove Iinszitisfnctoi‘y after a fair trial, the money will be refunded by row i turning the instrument in good order. Persons wishing the above useful instrument will Observe, that the prict', with the accent- panying directions, securely packed and sent by mail or express, is ten dollars. .Bc’t/YH‘C? o/ .I'iiipo.'rn’u)n. ’ Ilewnre of empiric»; and itinerant selfâ€"styled professors, who A'ritinuii'r cures, but never , succeed Dr. Amos Ah Son have fora long series of I l l I r l l yeais been raga-god in an extensive practice in the treatment of these delicate complaints, and I are the only legally quahlird Physicians who now adv ei'tisc to cure certain complaints, or from whom genuine l'luropenn remedies can be obtained. I’icitsovs IN ANY I’AII'i‘ or ’1')”: “learn may be successfully trcau-d by forwarding a correct I detail of Illt"ll‘ with a remittance fort lVIediciucs, & c , \‘\ Iiich will be returned with the l utmost dispatch, and secure from observation. Address Dr. AMOS do SON, corner Main and .’ Quay streets. Iluflirlo. Y. tatti-lv IMPORTANT NOTICE. L )ERSONS indebted to the undersigned. 1 whose Accounts lia('lllll(\ due on the first, ofllanuary last, are ti‘:~‘pt‘.t:tit‘:ll_\’ requested to; settle them. cases, J. K. 1“;lAI;ki()NBP\.IDGE- Richmond Hill. Mttltill ll, 15 t. lib-If machine in i (‘tlIllI'I'i'lit union cf iriiiids. lire copies, >I.\‘ months, ,ij-l; . ; It‘ll copies, twelve , nrl‘v, are 3 .r‘ who are iiicin-‘ t I I ltcts. and the greatest care will be taken to l 1 l l 1 fl ‘ WORK wrll be promptly attended to :â€" II E A V E R .1 n s it ran cc A sso ,ziation I ()1“ TORONTO, C, W. Itlli‘ii‘lCE, [removed from 54 King Street East. I'l'onoN'ro Sruizic'r next buildiugnorth of the I ’lasonic IIaII. Half the Profits to be returned to the Insured, Itlie balance invested to form a Reserve Fund. I DOAIIII or 1)IRICC'I‘ORS ;, l I .'I‘ItUSTIiEsâ€"«Ileiiry Rowsel, W. C. Chewett, ‘ Joseph Jackes. Dinrtc'ronsm-IlcnryRowsell. Toronto, Chair- 'muxn. .- J, W. Brent, ,I)rputy Chairman ; W. C. .(lhewctt. '1‘oronto ; Joseph .lackes, Toronto ,. \V. 11. Smith, Toronto, .Mmmgm' ; Wm, I Ilcliiwcll, Highland Creek; John Mount... ‘ ,lv'iugston ; Wm. Aglin. Kingston ; Asa A. _ Ilui'nliani. Cobourg; ‘iVnI. Green, Hamil ton.;, I Robert Smith, Clringuacousy; George Blain.., ’ Toronto 'l‘ownship. Solicitorâ€"John Ilelliwcl,l._ Bankersâ€"Tho, Band of 'l'oronto. 11:3?” The Provident Life A: urance Com; 1 puny is removed to the Same ,i.1»l*it'i.i . l l l 1 I l , Having guartlt’tl against. lost from fire by 11111 isuring your prunperfv, consider- if' it would, not , be as \\'L 11 to make a little additional provision, , for your family in case ofyoui; own premature. , death :»â€"â€"\\'ll:tll;‘}" it would not be as wells, 1 through :lie assistance of a Life Assurance I Companv, to provide a legacy for your wife on ldauglrtcr. or, if'you have not the happiness to, be blessed with them, think if the pessession of‘ I a few hundred pounds additional might not be ’ of advantage to yourself‘a few years hence. If‘ I you drcide that it would, write to the Managing» IDiicctor of the PROVIDENT LIFE ASSUR-i ANDV INY COMPANY 1,. , Oionte Street, Iorouto, fol a “Iroposal” 1 form, and a copy of the Rates. Or, possibly, the Agent. of the “ Beaver” may possess a copy of both documents, which, he can accommodate you with, and give you a, little information on the subject besides. Agent at Richmond IIillâ€"J. R. ARNOLD. , I\lai‘ch 13:3. 1859. 17-tf‘ i it c o T It is: c l It i it s i if IIWA‘ifL , Ivy/INC S'I‘Itizn'r, Toronto, 2nd door east of‘ 1X Church Street, opposite the Cathedral, W. T. A'rkINsON, 62. (10., Late of King street, \Vest, now offer at their new establishment. Genuine Eng/1731i Drugs, Patent; oilglcrliciucs, Franc/i. and lilnglish I‘cr/itilzci'y, Oils, Paints, (.‘o/om's, .])]/c- "foods, Corn/is Huts/res dye, I1\1. such moderate prices as cannot fail to no- cure custom. l \V. T. A. 6'; Co. having considerable ex- perience in the Drug business in various parts, of England, have no hesitation in saying. that. ‘a great trinity of their Manufactured Articles. will be found very superior. Medicines used; ‘in compounding I’rescriptiornz, Family Re- icoipts, Horse and Cattle Medccines, &c.. are iof the very best quality, direct from the prin- icipal English Drug lluuses. \V. 'I'. A. do Co. I beg to call attriitiun to their Celebrated Propaâ€" ration for the Tooth, I Atkinson‘s Parisian Tooth Paste. IAlso their Iiiucli admired Perfume 1 THE ENGLISH NOSEGAY. 1 Soda \Vater bottled and from the fountain; St 1(1tttllfll'lnt‘8 Mineral Vilatcr, and the Plantagenet". , Water, celebrated for their healthy proportion, i April ‘1” 1858. MG MM- 1 __.._._. H“... lStatc litre Eusurance Company OF LONDON, ,(IIIAR'I’I‘IRI‘ID BY ACT OF ll‘II’l‘LRIAL PARLIAMENT} CAP 1 TA I i, ;L' £00,000 STERLING. 1 launch Branch, Head Office: Toronto. 1 ' TRUSTEES :~â€" 1 lion. Jenn Ross, I Jenn CRAWFORD, Esq Dollar: or Dinicorous.~â€"â€"VVIIIlam Mch’lastor. ,l‘lsq. Chairman : \V. 1". Ilowland, Esq. IM.I’.I‘., Vice-Chairman: \Villiam Ross, Esq. ;_. 1\'\'illiain Henderson, Esq. ; 1“. W Jarvis. Esq; .- Sheriff If. C. of York and Pool. IIANItmis â€"»--~'1'he Rank of Montreal. Bulflt'l’l‘wtlifiâ€"~»--iit)SS, Crawford and Crombio I The engagements of the State Fire In- .siii‘ance Company are guaranteed by a responsi- ble Proprietary. , All losses will be settled promptly without, ,‘ reference to the lioni'tl in England. iAl..lC.Z\'. S'I‘ICWAR'I‘, A. LAW, , Manager, 13. N, America Agent. Richmond Hill 132-11 It‘cbruarv I8. 1850. ‘ t "I if t till / Tllrralt i PU BLISIIED IS IY ZII‘RI'DAY MORNING, t-spatclied to Subscribers by the earliest ) A (.111 \. ipvi‘ l 1 And (1 I l l l mails, or other conveyance. when so desired. YORK, HERALD be, be. found to contain the latest. and most import taut I‘lorcign and Provincial News and Max‘-~ will always render it acceptable totlie man of businesfi.L and a valuable l‘lainily Newspaper. . '1‘ I‘ll‘tl‘lIS.â€"SUV(‘II and Sixpence per Annuin, IN AllYANt‘l'l ; and if not. paid within Threat Mouths two dollars will be charged. RAII‘ES Off ADVE RTISING : .Sixlincsaud under, first. insertion.. . . .$0tl 50 ‘ I‘lach subsequent. insertion . . . . . . . . . . . 0012; Ten lines and under, first insertion. . . . . 00 75 ‘ jAbove teii lines, first in., per 11110.... 00 07 , Each subsequentinsertion, per line. . . . U“ 02 l 115“ Advertisements without written (IITOC‘: liens inserted till forbid, and charged accord: .‘ingly. l . . . I All transitory advertisements, from strangerq or irregular customers, must be paid for when, handed in for insertion. A liberal discount will be made to parties ad», vertising by the year. All advortisonients published for a less pe- riod than one month, must be paid for in ad". VHIICC. All letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid. No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid : and parties refusing papers without pay». ing up, will be held accountable for the sub: scription. “\AAAA ,1 ._ .An ..,.~A~,\-‘M THE YORK HERALD [Book and .501) Printing ES'I'AIILISMEN'I‘. RDERS for any of the undermentioned description of PLAIN and FANCY JOB FANCY BUSINESS canes, LARGE AND SMALL POSTERS, CIRCULARS, LAW FORMS. BOOKS, “11.1.5, niI.I. IIEAIJS,BAN]( CHECKS,DRAFTS, AND I‘A Ml' 111.19 T 5. And every other kind of LE’IVI‘ERâ€"PRESS PRINTING done in the best style, at moderate rates. Our assortment. of JOB TYPE is entirer new and of the latest patterns. A large variety , of new Fancy Type and Borders, for Cattle; Ci'culars, 6w. kept always on hand. “4

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