Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 10 Jun 1859, p. 4

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. _,\., . . . «_ l . l . 1" ‘ v‘u'r . - ...â€"..â€" ituetoclammircrtorn. To FARMERS s'bTHERs. ANDRE‘V DIACBETH EGS to inform the Farmers and others. that he is prepared to manufacture any | H thing in the VEHICLE LINE frorri a ~â€"â€"-â€"-~â€"-,â€" BARUUCHE 10 A WHEEL-BAHROWI New Volume, New Dress ENS? Term... moonvs nuanurw-vonirtn . The leading and largest circulated AcuicUL'rUnAL. LITERARY AND r‘ItMiuqoellAk VOLUME X. FOR 1859. THE RURAL NEW-YORKER is so wider and. favorava known in‘the East and West. 'North. Miss Souruwou'rit. Colonel G. W. Cuocxn'r'r. CHARLES BURDETT. ’1‘. Doss EncLisii, u.D. HENRY CLAPP. Jun. Gaoacu AunoLn, SAuoni. Yonsc, " ’Mrs. ANN WHEIJ’EEV. Mrs. Dr Venison. Miss Vluoiau VAUGHA FINLEY Johnson. Miss IIA-i-uu CLARKE. s. Write only for the GOLDEN PRIZE. 0. S. LLOYD D R . “ ‘ iN’AUROitA. Doctor Lloyd begs one and all, Not to neglect immediate call ; For having made the tirinest stand-â€" With every choice at his command ;‘ The Dr. feels the greatest pride, That eVery want can be suplied. As far as "' Medicine” can do. JAMES LANGS'I‘AFF, Richmond Hill. December. 1858. [LET us HELP our; ANOTHER. Lotus help one anorher And a heart of kindness show. '-«. A-down JOSEPH KELLER. 0-““°;‘:r.:::ti:.°.;.stunts“ wo- . _ Tun lli’u’lill‘sl”Atllt’kéit’WJZ.it’l‘tfz‘“.Ԥ"l' In the boat of Life We row; AILIFF Second and Third IHVISlON ‘ T . find fears; not when tilts ikl‘lelld'snshall call G o L D E N P R I Z an“ we- omit a” exi’lefives lgupavgnouncinfi a“; For “laugh rough "lay ho the weather, ‘ Court. Office, Riclnnond & ‘xlllgellstifle’l: (C8811: '0njoved y ' 'l‘etllh VOIUIIIO. Suffice ll 10 “it” 110 pf'opeh And the sky however-cast; December. 1858. 1." 2 - ‘ ‘l ‘ - ' ILLUSTRATED. effort or expense will be spared to fully main- The benefits. Irom Dr. Lloyd; llis ” I‘inctures ” are the most refined- In fact his Store has every kind. lOf any kind. Parties about to purchase will I please call and examine the work and material, and compare prices before purchasing else- taiii and increase itszreputation. as! the ‘lfeet Journal of its Classâ€"rendering it. 'emghatin cally. the Standard If we only pull together We can brave the storm afloat. Dani 6r. SALTER, Editors and Proprietors. T. .1. WHEELER. Let us help one another. In misfortune’s wintry day, And be kinder still as ever, Earth’s best gifts are snatched away: When bright fortune gilds the morrow. Hollow hearts will fawn and cling. But when comes the night of sorrow, Only true hearts comfort bring. Let us help one'another, And do gobd where'er we can. “’ho withholds llie heait'of kindnese. Scarce desei‘Ves the name of man ; For the one great low of nature. Which was meant mankind to bless, Bids us help a fellow creature, 4When we find him in cistress. filirlllluurnu {The boy who lost his balance on the roof found it on the ground shortly afterward. H. ,t j ‘ : Legal Con.-â€"â€"Wli'en does a cow become real estate? When turned into a field. Recipe for happinessâ€"Go without your dinner, and see if you don’t feel hap- py when it is supper time. The young lady who had an accent fall upon her car has recovered from the blow. The more tea you put into the pot, the stronger the water Will be. Families we visit will please to try it. Dr. Young says that man and wife are ' like soul and bodyâ€"often at variance, ‘, and yet lotb to part. Profound silence in a public assemblage has been thus neatly described : ' One might have heard the stealing of a pocket- handkcrcbief I’ It is said to be dangerous to be working with a revving machine near a window ‘when there is a thunderstorm. It is also 'very dangerous to sit near some sewing- machines when their is no thunder storm. SERVING THE Dayleâ€"An apprentice ‘boy who had not pleased his employer one day came in for a chastisemcnt, during the .adiiiinistration of Wll!(:ll his master exclaim- ed, ‘ How long will you serve the Devil 'I’ The boy replied, whispering, ‘ You know best, sir; I believe my indenture will be . out in three months.’ LSPUKE 1 SPOKE lâ€"The late Alderman Andrews. tliecoachbuildcr of Southamp- ton, was desirous at one time of getting into Parliament, and mentioned his wish to a wit, remarking that perhaps the fact of his being in trade might militate against him. ‘ Ali,’ said the latter, * you’re afraid that when you rise in the house they’ll ehdut out ‘ Spoke ! spoke l’ ‘ ‘ What object do you see now ?’ asked the doctor. The young man hesitated for a few moments. and then replied, ‘ It appears like a jackass, doctor, but I rather think it is yours/rarlow.’ PEOPLE WHO STOP OUT ALL NIGHT.- r‘People who step out all night may he di- vided into three classes: First, editors, bakers, market-gardeners, and all those who are kept at of their beds by business. Shecondly, gentlemen and ‘ gcnts,’ anxious to cultivate a knowledge of the ‘ lark’ species, or intent on the navigation of the ‘spree.’ Thirdly, and lastly, those who do not go to bed, for the very simple reason that they have no beds to go to.â€"â€"Ga8- ., light and Daylight. ,1 A Remembrancerzâ€"A western editor frequesls those of his subscribers who our .him more than six year’s subscriptions to send him a lock of their hair, that he may know they are still living“; to which" the Law/‘enccburg (1nd.) Register adds, ' If all our subscribers of that kind would do that. we could make money by carrying on the wig business.’ f PAIsLEY ‘FOLKrâ€"In the life of James 5 \Vilson, the naturalist (brother of the pro- fessor), we have the following testimony to the greatness of the Paisley folk : ‘ Some thirty years ago. an English tourist was standing on the Castle Rock, with a look. keen visaged Scotchman for interpreter and guide. ‘ Now,’ my good friend, ‘ said the Southi‘en, ‘you have talked quite enough about your native town. I’ray, forget Paisley for a moment, and let us look at Edinburgh.’ ‘ It’s no that easy to . forget Paisley when ye look at Ernbro’,‘ I replied the olfciidi-d creerorie. ‘ Secst’ou? and he pointed towards the University buildings ; ‘ that’s Eii’ibi'o’ College, where they come from England and a’ pair-ts to learn to be doctors, and chancellors, and members 0’ Parliament ; and it has the , clevcresl man in the three kingdoms for it. . professors : but far the clevei'est of them a’ is am: John Wilson,and he’s a Paisley man. And seest ’Oil 1 ’ pointing to a distant spire ; ‘yon’s the steeple of North Leitli. It’s the best stipend in Scotland, anti at this present it’s itllOthl to have the best prea- - char in Scotland for its minister. Ye must have heard tell oftlie Rev. James .Buchanan ; but ye may have forgotten that he’s a Paisley man. And secst ’ou that kirk wi’ the doom no’tl That’s St. .chorge‘s, where a‘ the gentry attend for the sakeof the singing; and 1’se warrant ye’ll no hear the like 0’ the precenlor in a’ "England. They ca’ liiiu R. A. Smith, and lic’sa Paisley man. And seest’ou where a’ there coaches are waiting to start? That’s the Register Office. You may say it’s the keystone o’ the kingdom ; for lairds and lands a’ hang by it. But though it’s the place where dukes and Earls keep their titles,,and the King himself keeps his papers, cuery day, when the clerks gae frame, and the door is steekit. the entire place is left in charge of on gold wife, arid she’s a Paisley wornan.’ WATCH 8: CLOCK JEWELLER, Geo. RICHMOND HILL, 69-1y MAKER, Oct. 1. 1858. THOMAS SEDMAN, RAL RN CARRIAGE. Waggon 5; Sleigh Maker, Opposite the White Swan Inn. Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. l-tf JOHN HARRINGTON, Ja., ’ EALER in Dry Goods. Groceries, Wines. Liquors, Hardware,Glass, Earthenware, \MC. Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. l-tf RICHMOND [TILL HOTEL. STAGE runs from the above Hotel to Toronto every morning, starting from ‘.I\O Elgiu Mills at 7. sun. and returning at 7, p.m. Fare 2s. 6d. each wa 7. GOOD ACCOMMODATION FOR TRAVELLERS. RICHARD NICHOLLS, Proprietor. Richmond Hill.1)ec. 18, 1858. 1-55 'l‘llE PLOUGH INN, RICHMOND HILL- GOOD ACCOMMODATION FOR TRAVELLERS. ROB ERT RAY MON D. Proprietor. Richmond Hill. Feb. 1859. 8-1y JOHN COULTER, Tailor and Clothier' Yonge St., Richmond Hill, December. 1858. 1-it J. VERNEY, Boot and Shoe Maker. PPOSITE A. LA W’S, Yorige street. Rich- iriond llill. Ladies’ and Gentlemens’ Boots and Shoes. made after the latest styles. December 1858. l-m YONGE STREET HOTEL, AURORA. Good supply of VVINEI and LIQUORS _ _ always on hand. Excellent Accommo- dation for Travellers, Farmers, and others Cigars of all brands. ' D. MCLEOD. Proprietor. Aurora. Julv 6. 1858. 57-6ni ROBERT SIVE'R, Boot. and Shoe Maker, DJOINING the Wesleyan Methodist Chapel. Yonge Street. Richmond Hill. A choice selection of Genrleriiens’. Ladies’ and Childrens’ Boots and Shoes constantly on hand. and made to order on the Shortest No- tice. ' [13' Allkiuds Shoem‘akers Findingfor sale. Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. l-tf diocese-ran HOTEL, THREE MILES NORTH. 01" TORONTO. 0N YONGE-ST. V HE above Hotel is fitted up in neat and com 'ortable style. Transient visitors and others will find the accommodations to be that of the first class. while the charges will be ex- trernelv Iow_ 113’ 'Good Stubliiig and an attentive Hostler. THOMAS COATES. Proprietor. Yongo Street, Dec. 1858. 62-15; DR. a. w. GRIFFITH. _ MARKHAM'VILLAGE. C.W. Dec. 2. 1858. 52-iy JAMES HALL, HAS always on hand a large assortment of BOOTS and SHOES. which will be sold at prices to meet the times. Richmond Hill. Dec. .1858. 54-1-13’ VI". HODGE 8L C0. \/ wHOLESALE and Retail Copper.'1‘in I lronmongers. Parties giving this house a call will find their orders piuictually attended to. and the lowest piices charged. Richmond Hill, Dec. 1858. 54-1-1y , EDMUND GRAINGER, U "r C H E R. TirouNiiiLL. and, Pickled Meats. I’oultry, &c., always on build. Families supplied on the shortest notice. 'l'lioriilii11,'Dec. 1858. WILLIAM HARRISON, Saddle and Harness Maker RICHMOND IIILL. Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. JAMES JENKINS’, Grocery & Provision Store RICHMOND HILL. 0 CREDIT GIVEN. Produce taken in 1 exchange. - The above is the oldest established Grocery and Provision Store on the Hill. Dec. ‘2. 1858. ANGLOâ€"AMERICAN HOUSE l MARKHAM VLLAGE. OOD Accommodations. Wines. Liquors and Cigars of the choicest brands. p R. RR. Proprietor. Markbodt.’DeeS‘-}8§0 ' = * where. Pain tin g Done in the most approved style. and tron I’Iate \Volke/s. and Furnishing st -1 55 3’ March 30, 1859 57-1} Richmond ,I‘lill. March 18; 11853 and Trimming, VrzuiCLEs of all kinds constantly on hand. N.B. Saris/action given. Richmond Hill. March 95. 1859. 17-“ BLACK HORSE HOTEL [roausau n2r'r av wni. comm] ORNER of Palace and George streets. east of the Maiket Square. Toronto. Board $1 per day. Good Stabliug and attentive Ilostlei‘s always in attendance. An omnibus to and front the Railroad Station. THOMAS PALMER. Proprietor. Toronto. Feb 96. 1858. t38-1y THORNHILL HOTEL. {IKE Subscriber begs to inform the ‘ Public that he has leased the above premises. and fitted them up in aneat and comfortable style. Boarders and transient visitors. will find the accomodations in every way agreeable. The best of Liquors and Cigars carefully selected. Good stabling and attentive hostlers HENRY LEMON, § Proprietor. v.33 HALF-WAY HOUSE, RICHMOND lllLt. Thor-uhill. Jan 20. 1858. 7 ‘HE Subscriber begs to inform his 1 numerous I’at‘rons and the public, that he has reinOVcd from the White Swan Ilolel to the above Promises, where there will be found excellent ac- commodation for Travellers, and good Stabling. of)" Horses and Buggies for Hire. JOSEPH GARY, Proprietor. Richmond Hill, Oct. 22, 1858. 72-7m can... as...“ user, 10 MILES NORTH 0)‘ TORONTO ON 1H3 YONGE STREET ROAD. 7 HE Proprietor bi-gs to inform the public that he has purchased the above Ilotel. and has recently refitted and furnished it throughout in a comfortable style. The Bar will be continually supplied with good Liquors and Cigars. Goon S'rAaLizs attached to the premises, with careful Ilostlers to at- tend to travellers wants. THOMAS STEELE, Proprietor. (firmerly of the Bond Lake Hotel.) Sept. 29. 1858. 69-ly WAN HOTEL. THORNHILL. Good Accommodation for Travellers. JOHN SH IELS. Proprietor - 7.1y Thoriihill Jan. 10. 1859. SST-{LAWRENCE HOTEL 142 KING STREET, TORONTO. Vl‘HE Subscriber begs to inform his friends and the public generally , that he has opened the above Ilotel. opposite the St. Lawrence Hall. Toronto. His bar will alWays be found replete with all kinds of Liquors of first-rate quality. His Table will also be found recherche. Good Stables are attached to the premises. W. M. SHORT. Vl-L'ririAuv SURGEON. Proprietor. Toronto Sept. 17. 1858. 67â€"1y THE GRUMBLER SUED FOR $2,000 At the Suit of R. M: Allen. TRIAL TO COMEOFF AT THE SPRING ASSIZES. The dâ€"r-umbler ASjust commenced upon its second year, and it is the intention of its conductors to make it Still More Amusing and Useful, The following are a few of the many favor- able notices of the press:â€" “ Evinces real nbility.”â€"â€"Bcrliu Telegraph. “It is eagerly welcomed,‘“â€"-St. Mary’ Argus. “ It aims at something big. "â€"Dundas War- der. “ A smartly written little serial."â€"-Streets- ville Review. " The whole contents are original.”â€"â€"King- on News. “ Laughable allusions and hard liits.”â€"Bar- rie Advance. ,‘ Devoted to wit and humor in a dry way.’ â€"St. Catheriiies l’ost. “ It cannot fail to be a great blessing to the I’rovince.”â€"St. Mary’s Journal. “ Capital thrusts at. the prevailing follies of Fresh the dav.”â€"Markhaiir Economist. “ A facctious sheet, and will he a common benefit.”â€"-Ricliinond Hill Tribune. “A very clever production, evidently ofa 41_nf scholar and a gentlemaii.”â€"Kingstoii Whig. “ I think its piquaiit satires will exercise a wholesome iiiflueiice,”â€"l.etter frorri Charles Dickens. “ Spares no classes ; winks at no corruptions. " * A talented, vigorous fiedging.”-â€"â€"Lon- 3 don Free Press. “Enclose $1 to Tim Grumman. and you 14f will get ten times the value of your money.”â€" Sandwich Maple Leaf. “ I’Iumourous talentsparkles in its pages. * It has acquired a position and reputation never before reached by any sheet of wt in Canada ”-â€"â€"Toronto Globe. , 'I'he GRUMBIJLR is published every Saturday, and regularly mailed to subscribers at One Dollar per anuntri, in advance. Letters ad,- di'essed to the undersigned will be at the risk of the publishers. WYMAN & CO. - Agents 34 King Slreet,Toronto. 'X If MAGISTRATES BLANKS. POST OFFICE! AT'TOR'ONTO PRICES. ‘ Half ' their native country. Richmond Hill, August 13. 1857. Antonia. Ale-is, Myrrh, Blood Root. With Soups. and Indian “amp to suit. C hlorof’orm, Galls. Ginger too. Egot. (loves. and Hope quite new; Cassia. Camplior. and Cayenneâ€"‘- I soon shall have to slay my pen ; For It would give too long atieiirion, The whole of this large stock to mention. A few words more on the suppliesâ€"â€" Saffron, Fox-glove. Spanish Flies, Ileiiilock. Rhubarb. Lemon l’eel. Arid choicest Salves. the wounds to heal Infusions of the richest store, Then need I mention anv more. The Dr. once again must say, To hose that wish to give lair-plav. To try his “ Oilltiiiciits,“ and, make sure That they have found a certain cure I Antiiiionial, and Compound, Sulphur, l’itcli. can here he found ; Tar. I‘obacco, best of spice. Essence and Stveets to suit the nice; Acids ot‘ a full supply For these who wiin the same to try. "I‘is needless here to iiientionall, When eyes can view them if they call I Give trial ! and prove you have enjoyed True benefit front Dr. Lloyd. Aurora. Feb. 18. 1859 NOTICE. M f ‘IIE SUBSCRIBER desires to inform his friends that he has purchased the STORE GOODS belonging to Mr. 'I'irrmiAs Coo’rnit. and will. be ready at all times to supply them with DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Liquors, Hardware, .&c. &c. &c. 0f first quality, and at Reasonable Terms. JOHN D RUNSKILL. Thoriihill. Jan. 24. 1859. 12-3-m. 9-tf The Scottish American .lourunl' DEVO I‘EI) TO. THE Interests of Scotchmen in America, AND TO THE DISSLMINA'I'ION 0F SCOTTISH LI'I‘ERA'I‘URE AND ART I ‘lONSIDI‘IRING the Illulllpl‘lclly of news- papers in America. it has to many been a matterol'surprise that the numerous body of Scottish residents should have been so long uii- represented To supply this desideratulii. No. I. of the SCOTTISH AMERICAN JOURNAL was published on Saturday, August 8, 1857. and is now continued weekly. The primary object of'the JOURNAL is to fur- iiisli its readers regularly with the news of It presents a weekly re- cord 01' all events of interest occurring in Scot- land. and its subscribers are in this way as fully lutouned of what is traiispiring at home as it they wore in regular receipt of air oid~couiitry iicwspaper. Scottish questions will be discussed with intelligence and impartiality iii the editor- ial Columns, and the seiitiiiielils ofthe leading parties Oil these subjects will be fairly reprev seated and commented upon. In the literary and riliscellaneous department of the paper. while merit and talent will be ap- preciated front whatever country they emanate. the Scottish element will preponderate. 'I'ales. sketches. and poetry, illustrative of the Scottish character, and ofa nature lifted to call forth the sympathies of Scolchriien both at home and abroad. will occupy a conspicuous place. In this department. the cwoperation of various distinguished authors. possessing unrivalled facilities for the task. has been secured' In politics, the JOURNAL will occupy a thoroughly independent position, alike free front party bias and national prejudice. In or- der to it tel-est its readers wherever situated, it will take a broad view of topics of this class. avoiding those ofa merely local nature, except in so for as they may present points of iiiiport- once to the general public Questions involvâ€" ing the interests of British residents in the United States and in the British l‘rovinces. will be spccrally consideled, and it is believed that the iilforiiiation and news of the Jonas/ti. on this important class .rfsubjects will be such as shell command attention. The SCOTTISH AMERICAN JOURNAL. will in every respectbe conducted in an efficient and busii ass like marrer. with every requisite guaranteeforitspermanence. 'I‘Iiepi'oprietors. who are responsible parties. residentiu New York and elsewhere, therefore look with con- fidence for the support of their numerous coun- trymen in all parts of America, and they will be glad to communicate with respectable par- ties at a distance who may be disposed to co- operate with tlieiii for the establishment of the paper in their respective localities. A. publication estab'islied With these objects must of course look for support mainly from those connected by birth or descent with the country whose current history it chronicles: but as the broad basis of this journal necessi rates, in addition. the treatment of all import ant questions affecting American interests. and as its literature will he cosmopolitan, it is hoped that even to the general reader its columns will not appear unentortainiiig or profitlos. . TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. PAYABLE 1N ADVA NCE. One Copy for one year . ... .. 50 Five Copies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 ll“ TwelveCopies................. .. 'Otlu Twenty-five Copies. ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 (It) To patties getting up a club ,of twenty-five a Copy will be sent gratis. Copies forwarded to Europe per mail, United States postage paid, for $3. or 135. sterling, per aiiiiur:.-.. [1? Office, No. 99, Beekman Street. N.Y, l V Fire 2 Fire ! W E S T E R N Fire Insurance Company of Toronto. Fire I INCORPORATED BY ACT 01" PARLIAMENT. OflPITflL S’I‘O CK, £100,000. â€"s~â€"â€"â€"â€" I. C. GiLmon, Pros. | Gun. Micmr:,Vice Pres _ Diane'rous : Rice Lewis. Esq. ‘I‘Ii0s_ Ilaworth. Esq, James ISeaty..E.~q. W. Henderson. Esq. 'I‘. 1’. Roberts, Esq. W. Mucfailaue, Esq. M. Rossin, Esq. Bernard Ilnldaii. Esq. Secretary at. Treasurer. Angus Morrison, Esq. Solicitor. Bank'of Upper Canada. Bunkers. Btnjanliii Switzer, Esq. Inspector. [ISTHcIul Oflicc, Clint-ell Street. Toronto. THis COMPANY Insures all descriptions of Buildings,b’lauufactories. Mills, &c..,aiid Goods and Furniture, in thesaine. against less or darn- age by fire, on liberal terms. Losses promptly settled. A e ’ General Agent. 910-1 Residence, V ‘IIE New York Weekly Golden Prize 1 is one of the lirgest and llt'Sl literary papers of the dayâ€"an Imperial Qltarto, containing Eieui‘ PAGES or rowrv COLUMNS. of entertaining and original matter. and elegantly illustratedeverv week. #1 PIIESEJVT .' WORTH FROM 50 CENTS 'ro $50 00 IN com. Will be presented to each subscriber immedi- ately on receipt of the subscription money. This is presented as a'Memeiito othiendship, and not as an iiid‘uceinentto obtain subscribers. T E R M S = One Copy for oneyean. . , . “$2 and 1 gift Onto Copy for two years . . . . . . . 3 50 and ‘2 gifts One Copy for three years . . . . . 5 and 3 gifts One Copy for five years ... . . ..8 and 5 gifts AM) To CLtilis Three Copies, one year . . . .$5 Five Copies, one year. . . . . . .8 Ten Copies, one year. . . ...15 and Ill gifts Twenty -one Copies, I ycui',.30 and ‘21 gifts The Articles to be given away are comprised in the following list : and 3gifrs and 5gifts 2 Packages of Gold, coiitaiiiing . . . . . $500 each 5 do do do . . . . . . ‘40” each 10 do do do . . . . . . 100 each 10 Parent Lever Hunting Cased VVaiclies................... 100 UOeacli ‘30 Gold Watclies.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 ()1) each 51) do .. . . . . . . ... . . . 61) (10 each 100 do .. . .... .. 5t) 00 each 300 Ladies’ Gold VVatcbes .... . 35 00 each Ziltl Hunting Cased Watches. . . . 311 011 each 50:) Silver Watches . . . .3310 110 to 25 00 each 11100 Gold Guard. Vest and Fob Chains. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10 01) to 25 00 each Gold Lockets. Bracelets. Brooches. Breast Pins, Cuff l'iiis. Sleeve Buttons. Rings, Shirt Studs, \Vatcli Keys, Gold and Silver Thilnbles, and a variety of other articles. worth from 5U cents to $15 each. We will present to every person sending us 50 nubscrilwrs. at 2 dols. each. a Gold Watch. worth 40 dols. ; to any one sending us fill) sub- scribers, at L’ dols. each. a Gold Watch, worth 9" dols. Every subscriber will also receive a present, Iiiiiiiediatelyon receipt of the money. the subscriber’s name Wlll be entered upon our book, and the gift will be forwarded within one week, by mail or express, l')t)~‘l.l)lt1tl. Allcommunications should be addressed to DEAN ck SAL'I‘ER. 835 Broadway. New York. I. 5.) on. Measure Indian Boot Pills. I R. MORSE.tlio inventor of Morse’s Indian Root I‘ills, has spent the greater portion of his life in travelling. having visited Europe. Asia and Africa, as well ast'th Americaâ€"â€" has spent three years among th 5 Indians of our Western countrymit'was in this way that the Indian Root I’ills were first discovered. Dr. Morse was the first man to establish the fact that all diseases arise from IMI’URITY OF THE BLOODâ€"that our strength. health and life depended iipon this vital fluid. \Vben the Various passages become clogged. , and do not act in perfect harmony with the dif- action, becomes thick. corrupted and diseased ; thus causing all pains, sickness and distress of health we are deprived of. and if nature is not assisted in throwing of? the stagnant burners, and thus our light of life will be forever blown out. How important then that we should keep And how plegsant to us that we have it in our power to put a inedicinein your reach. namely, Morse’s Indian Root I’ills, manufactured frOin plants and roots which grow around the mou'i atnious cliffs in Nature’s Garden, for the health roots front which these l’ills are made is a Sudorific. which opens the pores of the skin, parts of the corruption within. The second is a plant which is an Expectorant. that opens and spilling. The thiid is a Diuretic. which gives ease and double strength to the kidneys; thus purity from the blood, which is then thrown out bountifully bv the urinary or water paSsage, any other way. The fourth is a Oathartic. and accompanies the other properties of the l’ills coarser particles of irripurity'which cannot pass by the other outlets, are thus taken up alld Mo'se’s Indian Root l’ills not only enter the stomach. but become united with the blood, for ly rout and release the system from all impuii‘v. arid the life of the body, which is the blooo, sickness and pain is driven from the system, for they cannot I'Olllalll when the body becomes The reason why people are so distressed when sick, and why so many (lie, is because the. afflicted parts. and which will open the natural passage for the disease to be cast out; is lodged. arid the stomach and intestines are literally overflowing with the corrupted mass; constantly mixing with the blood. which thiqu the corrupted matter through everv vein and disease. Dr. Morse’s I’ILLS have added tb themselves victory upon victory. by restoring piiiess. Yes, thousands who have been racked or tormented with sickness, pain and anguish. by the burning elements of fever. and who have been brought, as it were. within a step or they would have been numbered with the dead. had it 1|0l. been for this great and wonderful or two deses had been taken, they Were as tonislied. and absolutely surprised, iii witnessing ' iiniiicdiate ease and strength, and. take away all ickiiess, pain and anguish. but they at once which is the blood. 'I Ilercfore, it will be shown. especially by those who use there Pills, that that deadly eiieinyâ€"wrll take its flight. and the flush of youth and beauty Will again return, and and brighten your days. , CAU'rios.’-Beware of a counterfeit signed A. J. VVHI'I‘E & Co.. on each box. Also the signature q)" A. J. IV/rltc ‘8‘ Co. All others are A_ J. WHITE & CO., Sole Proprietors. 50 Leonard Street. New York. dealers in Medicines. Agents wanted in every town, village and and address as above for'ternis.‘ Price 25 cents 'per boxs, five boxes will be ferent functions of the body, tl16.11100d loses its everv name; our strength is exhausted, our the blood will become choked and cease to act. the various passages of the body free and open. and recovery of diseased man One of the and asSists Nature in throwing out the finer unrlogs the passage to the lungs by copious encouraged, they draw large amounts of im- and which could not have been discharged in while engaged in purifying the blood ; the. From the above. it is shown that Dr. they rind their way to every part. and complete- ‘ieconies perfectly healthy ; consequently all so pure and clear. they do not get a medicine \\ hicli will pas to hence, a large quantity of food and other matter thus undergoing disagreeable fermentation, artery. until life is taken from the bodv by millions oftlie sick to blooming health and hop- aud wirese feeble frames have been scorched be silent grave. now stand ready to testify that medicine, Morse’sliidian Root I’ills. Afteroiie their charming effects. Not onIv do they Elva go to work at the foundation of the disease. they will so clause and purify, that diseaseâ€"â€" the prospect of a long and happy life will cherish A. B. Moore. All genuine have the name of spurious. Dr. Morse’s Indian root I’ills are sold by all hamlet in the land. I’uriies desiring the agency sentpn repeipttif $1. postage paid. ' {*3 Richmond Hill. Maych it. rain. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN PROSâ€"ITECTUS. ‘VOLUM E FOUR’I‘EEN BEGINS SEPTEMBER 11, 1858. irariillivicsjnvsnreits DIANUFACTUP. ERS AND FARMERS, .TIIE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN llltSIIOWK reached its Fourteenth Year. and will enter upon a New Volume on the 11th of Septemâ€" ber. It is the only weekly publication of the kind now issued in this country, and it has a evry extensive circulation in all the Stales of the Union. It is not. as some riiiglit suppose from its title. a dry. zibsliuz-e work on technical science; on the contrary. it so deals with the great events going on in the scientific, nie- clialiicalaud industrial worlds, as to please and instruct every one. If the Mechanic or Artizan Wis-1165 to knnv the host machine in use, or how to make any substance employed ill his businesswif the Housewife wishes to get a recipe for making a good color, &c.-â€"â€"if the Inventor tvlshcs tokiiow what is going on iii the way of inipi'oveureiits-â€"-if the Manufac- turer wishes to kiep posted with the times- niid to employ 'lie best facilities in his busi- nessâ€"if the Man of Leisure and Study wislie. to keep himself familiar with the progress made iii the clicliiicnl laboratory, or iii the construction of telegraphs. sterlinships, rail- iiiacliines and appliances, both of peace and warâ€"all these (lttsllltl‘lllll. can be found in the Sciicu'rii‘ic AMERICAN, and no: clselrllcrc. They are here presented in a reliable and interesting form, adapted to the oniiiprelieiision of minds unleariied in the higher branches of science and art. .0 . “'7 Terms : One copy. one your, . one copy six months. $1 : five copies, six months, 554; ton copies, six months, $8; ten copies, twelve months, $15 ; fifteen copies, twelve months. $213: twenty copies. twelve months $38, in advance. Specimen copies sent gratuitously for inâ€" spi-ctioii. Southern and \Vesterii money, or l’ostage Stumps. taken for subscriptions. 11:? Letters should be directcdto MUNN 3k. Co.. 1‘28 Fulton-street, New York Massus Moss 31 Co. are extensively en- gaged in procuring patents forbew inventions. and will advise inventors, without charge, iii regard to the novelty of their iiiiiu'ovenielits. NE W' TR Tull EJVT. Bud‘s-ale Medical Ilisprnsary, nsrABiJsunn FOR 'riir: CizsrzuAi. in:iiii.i'rr. ricvmi AV!) AGUE. SCROFULA, 01.1) ci.ci:ns, one“ IMPU- ui'iv or 'I'HI-l ri.ooo. s.ii.'r ltHEUM, Piiiiri.i:s. FlS'lUl.A. I’IIJZS, KIIINIZYS. ni-;iiii.i'i‘v, 1N- FlltMI’l‘IICS or room AND 01.1) Ann, &C. (If? No Mercury Used. ‘59 I R. AMOS db SON. Corner of Main and A Quay Stseets. Buffalo. New York, are the only Physicians in the State who are mem- bers of the Royal College of Surgeons. London May be con:-iiltcd from 8 o’clock in the morn- ing until 9 o'clock at night, on every state and CURE 0F IIYSI’I‘ZI’SIA , syrup our of disease. The trezitiiieiit they adopt is the result of up- V\'3I‘d> of 31) years’ extensive and successful practice in London. The most invoieratr symptoms of Diseaso eradicated in eight or nine do). S. and cases of a slight nature in two or three days at a may moderate OXIlOIISO.-* The cure effected without confinement or hin- drance from business. Young Menâ€"â€" Tar/re Particular Notice. There is all evil habit sometimes indulged in ‘by boys, in solitude. often growing up with them to manhood. and which. if not reformed by them in due time, not only begets serious obstacles to tiiatiiiiioniul happiness, but gives rise to a series of protracted, insidious. and devastating affections. Few of those who give way to this pernicious practice are aware of the consequences, until they find the nervous system shattered. feel strange and unaccounta- ble feelings, and vague fears in the mind. A Most Sammie/w Immortal. Ail instrument for the cure of Genital De- bility. or more properly known as sellllllai Weakness. Nervous Debilily. &c., which are permanently cured in front 15 to ‘Jll days by the use of'lliis instrument. when used conjointly with medicines. New lie-medics and Quick , Cures. DR AMOS Sc SON tukc pleasureiu announ. cing that they have invented a most important inst ruiitent for the cure of the above diseases. It has been subjected to a test by the most eminent plivsicizinsili London, liaris. I’liiladele pl’iia and New York. It has becll declared the only Useful instrument over yet invented for the cure of Seminal Weakness. or any disease of the genital organs, caused by the secret habits of'voiilli. ' Dr. Amos & Son, in order to satisfy the most skeptical as to the merits of these instru‘ i‘iicnts, pledge theimelves. that in any instance whee lite)" may prove unsatisfactory after a fair trial. the money will be refunded by re» turning the insii'uiiieni in good order. l’ersons wishing the above useful instrument will observe, that the price, with the accom- panying directions. securely packed and sent by mail or express. is ten dollars. Beware of Imposu‘ton. Iletvare of eiiipiries and i iilerliiit self-styled professors, who A'I‘I'EMP'I' cures. but never succeed Dr Amos do Son have for a long series of years been engaged in an extcli ive practice in the treatment of these delicate cuiiiplaints. and are the only legally qualified I‘llysicians who now advertise to cute certain complaints. or from whom genuine European remedies can be obtained. I’nusoss IN ANY PART OF 'l‘nE,VVOR1 I) may be successfully treated by forwarding a correct detail of their cases, with a reiriirtaiice for Medicines. 61c , which will be returned with the utmost dispatch. and secure front observation. Address Dr. Amos 6:. Son. corner Main and Quay streels. Buffalo. N. Y. t46-1Y IMPORTANT NOTICE. 1)ERSONS indebted to the undersigned, whose Accounts hecaiiie due on the first i ofJaiiuary last, are respectlully requested to settle them. ' J: K. FALCONBRIDGE. roads. reapers, iiinwers. arid a thousand other : 154!" v February 18. RURAL .AND FAMILY wiaEkLu “ Excelsior ” its glorious Mot-to. and " Pre-. gross and Ill]p1‘0V9tilUltl7’ its laudable ,_Obj'ecta., the Rural continuously czcclls iii Menith re-. ports decided raooaass iii Circulation and Use- f'nliiess. As an Agricultural. flex-riciiltural. Li- terary. and Fami|y Nears Eaper, combined. itt has long been unrivalled. Not a monthly of‘ only twelve issues yearly, but a Large and; Beautiiul Weekly-«which embraces in out: a greater number of Useful and Tim'er Topics. bail SEVERAL ordinary journals,â€"â€"'I‘he Ruralt is, PAIt EXCELLENCE, THE PAPER FOR THE PEOPLE AND. THE TIMES! The Tenth Volu me will be Printed and Illum- trated in Superior Style, while its Contents will vie with its improved Appearances All who. desire a paper which ignores trash, humbug anddeceplion, and earnestly set-ks to promote the Best Interests and Home Happiness of its. rnyriadofre ders in both Town and Countr . are invited to try the Model Farm and I’II'ODI a. Journal. FORM, STYLE AND TERMS“; The ‘Rdral New-Yorker ispublished Weekly- each number coriiprising Eight Double Quartz Pages. An Index. Title t'age, &xc.. given at, the close of each Volume. '1‘r:it.us-â€"â€"IN onascnu'l‘wo Dollars a Year ; I Three (Topics for Six, and one fi'ee to club agent. for $10; Ten, and one fl is, for $15; Sixteen. and one free fur .22 ; 'l twenty. and,- one free. for 9e"in : Tliiiti- we, and two free, for $40, [or 30 for $37.50] and any greater» number at same raleâ€"â€"only $1.525 per copy l--â€". with an extra copy for every Teri Subscribers”, over Thirty I (‘Iub papers sent to different. pest-offices, if desired. As we pro-pay Ame- rican postage. $1.37 is the lowest club rate for" Canada. Now is thetime to Subscribe and form‘CIube for the New Year and Volume. Spr-cirnel Numbers. Sliow-llills, Prospectuses. die. cheerfully furnished [by marl or Otherwise. at our expense] to all disposed to lend a portion of‘ influence in behalf of the Rural and it» Objects. Address I). D. TFMOORE. Rochester, N. Y B E A V E R Fire Insurance Association OI“ TORON l 0, C, W. OFFICE, [removed from 54 King StreetEaat. Touos'ro S'i‘iinrxr next. lllllitllllg north of the. Masonic llall. Half the Profits to be. returned tothe Inaured,_ the balance invested to form a Reserve Fund. BOARD OF IJIRIIC'I‘ORS ; Titusrrznsâ€"llenry Rowsel, W. C. Chevron“ Joseph Jackes. Dlurzc’rorisâ€"I'IenryRowsell, Toronto. Chair. Intro : J. \V. Brent, Dlputy Clioirmmr : W. C. Chewett. Toronto; Joseph Jar-hes, Toronto , W. 11. Smith, Toronto, [III/Huger; Wm. llelliwell, lligblaiid Creek: John Mowat. Kingston; Win. Agliii, Kingston; Asa A._ Illtrnhain. Cobourg; Will. Green, Hamilton ;, Robert Smith. Cbiiiguacousy; George Blail.» Toronto Township. Solicitorâ€"John Ilelliwell. Bankers-The. Baird of Toronto. 11:? The Provident Life Assurance Co--. parry is removed to the same office. Having guarded against loss from fire by II-. suring your property, consider if it would not be as wall to make a little additional previeiea for your family in case ofyour own premature death zâ€"wliether it would not be as well. through the assistance of a Life Assurance Company. to provide a legacy fur your wife or daughter. or, ifyoti have not. the happiness to be blns~=cd with them. think if the p0 session of“ a few hundred pounds additional might not be of advainage to yourselfa few years hence. If you decide that it would, write to the Maria in; Director of the PROVIDISN'I' Llle ASS R- ANCE AND INVIJS'I'M'EN'I‘ COMI’ANY 20 Toronto Street. 'I elonto. for a " Proposal " form. and acopy of the Rates. Or. possibly, the Agent of the H Beaver” may possessa copy of both documents. which he can accommodate you with, and givo you little iiiforiiialion on the subject besides. Agent at Richmond I‘IiIlâ€"J. R. ARNOLD. March 2'12. 1859. " 17-tf iihrdbfiiiins’ iiiLi. 7‘1NG STREET, Toronto. 2nd door err-t of . Church Street, opposite the ("atliedral. W. T. ATKINSON. 6:. Co.. Late of King street West, now offer at their new establishment. Genuine English IDrugs, Patch JIIedici'nes, French and English ijlr.mcry, Oils, Paints, Colours, Dye I V nods, Combs Bras/res &c., At such moderate prices as cannot fail to u- cure custom. . , W. 'l‘. A. & Co. having cinsit‘ernble ex- perience in the Drug business in wartime part: of England. have no hesitation in saying. that a great many of their Manufactured Articles will be found Very superior. B'chicjriee mused: in coriipoundiiig Prescriptions, Fainin Re- ceipts, Nurse and Catile Medeciiies, &c.,. are, of the very best quality, direct from the prin- cipal English Drug Houses. W. 'l' A_& Co. beg to call atlt-ntiou to their Ci-lebrnteo Prep», ration for the Tooth. Atkinson’s Parisian Tooth” Paste. Also their iiiucb admired I‘erfuiiie ‘, THE ENGLISH N‘OSEGAY. Soda Water bottled and from the fountain: 9t, Catlieriiies Mineral Water. and the l’lantugoneg Water. celebrated for their healthy properties ] April 252.1858. t46 lState Fire Insurance Company OF LONDON. "M cuAaricmm av ACT or imriziuAi. unfamiliar. CAPITAL. £500,000 STERLING.“ Canada Branch, Head Office: Toronto- l TRUS'I‘EES :sâ€" Hon. Jon‘s Ross. | JOHN Cruwroau, Esq. BOARE or Diancroas.-â€"Willlam McMaster, 'th. Chairman; W. I’. llowland. Esq. LM.I’.1’., VicesChairnian: William’Ross, Esq. ; 1 William Henderson, Esq. ; F. W Jarvis. Esq. ; Sheriff U. C. of York and Peel. BANKERS -.â€"'I'lie Bank of Montreal. Suucrr. itsâ€"Ross, Crawford and Crombia The engagements of the State Fire In- surance Companyare guaraiiteed‘by aresponeip, ble l’roprietaly. ' All Iosses_will be settled promptly. reference to the Board in England; _ ALEX. STEWART. A. LAW. , ' ’Manager. B. N. America Agent. ‘ i " Richmond Hid “its I without

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