Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 20 May 1859, p. 4

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t ,, not'ce. 7 'l'hernhili. Dec. 1858. m... .x at ” Richmond Hill, 000.1858; v, . ' - s. », 'M’J “Silt-5" 42‘ ii nag. '7‘; some: 1 ~41, . .» .tttm Busters DR. JAMES LANGSTAEE; Richmond ,Hfill. , December. 1858. ’ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ' I-‘tl‘il ' ....-.\~ . . JOSEPH KELLER. ' AILIFF Second and Third DIVISION Court. Qfiice, Richmond Hill. December. 1858.. y l-tf l .. wusstss.ii' wit-trons a; “@L’OOK MAKER, RICHMOND: H ILD. 69-15: Oct. 1‘. 1858;. "(r . FUNERA‘ Nil-SHEET... CARRb’AGE.._ Waggon & Sleigh. Makers. Opposite the White Swan Inn. Richmond Hill. Dec.” 1858. t 1 l-tff Joan .HABRINGTON.:‘. JR.» EALER. in Dry Goods. Groceries. Wines. Liquors, Hardware.Glass. Earthenware, Riclfmqnd Hm. Dec. 1858. pICHMOND ~i-iiLL HOTEL. ALSTAGE runs at... the'above H'Otel to Toronto every morning; starting‘t‘ropi 1r'â€"tf aha Elgin Mills at-7. -a.m.-and returningat p.m"i. Fare 28. 6d. each way... . . oeeu AOOONMODA'riON FOR TRAVELLERS. ' RICHARD NICHOLLS, Proprietor. Richmond Hill,Dec. 18, 1858. 1-55 THE PLOUGEE INN, RICHMOND HILL. GOOD ACCOMMODATION FOR TRAVELLERS. ROBERT RAYMOND. Proprietor. Richmond Hill. Feb. 1859. 8-ly JOHN COULTER, Tailor! and» Clothier ' 1 .Yonge St, Richmond“ Hill. December. 1858. I .l. VERNEY, Boot and Shoe Maker. , PPOSITE A. LAW'S. Yenge street, Rich- ,“mond IIill. . Ladies’ andqentlemenst Boots and Shoes. made after the lateststyles... ' A ' ‘ ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ' ' ' .Decernber, 1858. h ‘ l -it I 1 -3m I . YQNGE -* ' 'AURORA. Good supplyo‘f WINES” and Lioness. always on hand. Excellem’Accommo-' darts for Travellers. Farmers, and other Cigars of all brands. D. MCLEOD,,Pt‘Opri§3101f._ V Aurora, July 6. 1858. 57-6m fl _ ROBERTZCSIVEE, Ebb} and Shoe Maker, gAM-Ddtg‘INkING the Wesleyan Methodist pel, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. A choice selection of Geiitlemens’, Ladies’ and Childrens’ Boots and Shoes constantly on hand. and made to order on the Shortest No- tice. lU’ All kinds Shoemakers Findipgfqr sale. ‘ Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. l-tf GLOUCESTER’H‘GT-EL; THREE MILES NORTH OF TORONTO. 0N VONGE'ST. ‘HE above flotelmis fitted up in neat and comforlable style. ‘ Transient visitors and Others will find the accommodations to be that of the first class. while the charges will be ex- tremely low,, , , ' ' llfi’ Goo‘d’Stabling' and 1m attentive Hostler. ‘*' ‘ rnOMAs COATES. Proprietor. Yonge Strdbt.Dec. 1858. i ' 62.13? OR.‘ J. w. GRIFFITH. MARKHAM VILLAGE. QW.» - _ » Dec.;‘2. 1858. 52-137 BOOTS and SHOES. which-’will'be soldraf prices to meet the, times. _ wanting-E a C ' ~ ; BOLESALE and neon . Copper, rm, and iron Plate Workers.,aiideurnishirig Ironmon rs, Partie's'giv‘r'ng this house a call ei‘i“ (riders ‘punctudlly attended to.’ w'll find "’ Elldfilhe lowest prices charged. Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. 54-1-1y EDMUND GRAINGER,‘ - ' U T C II E R. TllOllNIIILL. Fresh and'i’icklell Meats, . Poultry. &c..‘ialways on hand... Families supplied on the shortest 41-1tf WILLIAM HARRISON, Saddle and Harness Maker, « RICHMOND. .IIILL... Richmond Hill} Dec-.1858. . . . . i-tf ,, JAMES J-ENKiNS’g .Ga'occry 8. Proviso» Store RICHMOND HILL. iiiiéJCNEDIr GiVEN. Produce taken in exchange. The above is the oldest established Grocery and Provision Store on the Hill. Dec.. 2. 1858. uK' .. 55-ly "kW-e. :(I " J; ANdLOAMraacaa-r HOUSE 1 MARKHAM V LLAGE. OOD Accommodations. Wines. Liquors and Cigars of the choicest brands. R. MA RR, Proprietor. Markham. Dec. 1858. 57-1y ’ " I of the Market Square, Toronto. STREET-HOTEL, . I I ASjust commenced upon its second year, r . . . . . . . I I AS always on hands. , large assortment of ' 9! i it 4" .« -' .'. - ’ I." . $1 t. TO EARMENS a OTHERS; l a WRITING “av SOUND... ANDREWâ€"MAO BETH EGS to inform the Farmers and others,j .x that he is pro ared to manufacture any ’ p 'fth'ing iii-the VEHICLELBIOE from a stallions: T0 A;,WHliEl-Emlitlw t On the shortest notice. of the best materials and workmanship ; also. ' General Smith Work &?‘Forgings Of any kind. I Parties. about to purchase will please ‘call and examine the Wait: and material. and compare prices before purchasing else-y where. . t a ‘ v Painting and Trimming; Done in the most’ approved style. VEHICLES: of all kinds coutantly on hand. N.B. Satisfaction given. : Richmond Hill, March 25. 1859. 174875 BLACK HORSE: ,. HOTEL 3; ._‘ .5‘6-3 [FORMERLY KEPT BY WM. ROLPHJ _ OR-N ER of Palace and George streets, eadt Board $1 penday. Good Stabling and attentive Hostlers always in ' attendance. An omnibus to and frem'the Railroad Station. THOMAS, PALMER. ‘ ‘ Proprietor. Toronto. Feb 26. 1858. t38-ly; THORNHILL HOTEL. ' HE =Subscrib;'â€"ngs to inform the ' Public that he has leased the above premises, and fitted them up in street and comfortable style. I Boarders, and transient visitors will find the accomodations in every way agreeable. The best of Liquors and Cigars carefully selected. Good stabling and attentive hostlers HENRY LEMON. } Proprietor. . I «1 t38 HALF-WAY HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL HE SubSOriber‘begs to inform his numerous Patrons and the public, that he has removed from the White Swan Hotel to the above Premises, where there will be found excellent ac- commodation for Travellers, and good Stabling. (1:? Horses and Buggies forLI-Iirc. JOSEPH GABY, ’ Proprietor. Richmond Hill, Obct; 1858.. 72-7m Thornliill. * Jan ,20. 1858. GREEN» BUSH HOTEL, 10 MiLEs NORTH OF TORONTO ON ins] YONGE STREET ROAD. ' _ THE Proprietor begs to inform. the public that he has purchased.“ the above Hotel. and has recently refitted? and furnished it throughout in a comfortable htyle. The, ,Barwill .becontinu‘glly supplied with‘tgood Liquors and Cigars. Q01)STABLES attiched "to the premises, with careful Hostlers to at- tend to travellers wants. ‘ THOMAS stri‘E'ELE, Proprietor. (fir-merlyhof the Bond Lake I'Iotel.) Sept. 29. teas. Gil-1y Thornliill J81]: 11859;. l? f t VAN HOTEL. THORNHILL. Good Accommodation. for Travellers. JOHN SHIELS. Proprietor- . 7-1y s‘r'.‘ LAWRENCE HOTEL 142 KING STREET, TORONTO. THE Subscriber-Tags to inform his friends and the public generally that he has opened the above Hotel. ‘ posite the St. Lawrence Hall, Toronto. I is bar wrll always be found replete with all lfinds of Liquors of first-rate quality. His Table will also be found recherche. Good Stables are attached to the premises. W. M. SHORT. VETINARY SUR’hEON. Prgprietor. I; 67‘1" Toronto sept. 17, 1858. E dean.in LER SUE n $2,000 . At the Suit of R. M: Allen. \TRIAL‘TO COME {fix AT THE . ~ v ASSlZES. SPRING , Tire G-iTt-tmblor and it is the intention of its conductors to make it ' ,‘ a, I musing and Useful, The tollOwlng are a row of the maijy favor- able notices of the, press: â€"â€" E “ Evinces real ability.”â€"Berlin Telegraph. “ It ,is (eagerly welcom ed,”â€"-St. Mary’ 5 “ It aims at something big. ”--Dunl1as VVar- der.‘ ' 1' r “ A‘smai'rly written little serial.”-iâ€"Streets- ville Review. “,The whole contents are origiiial.l’â€"â€"King- News; “ ‘steu, . “ La‘tigl‘rable allusions and hard hité.”â€"Bar- rie Advance. “ Devoted to wit and humor in aldry way.’ -St. Catheriiies Past. 1 “ It cannot fail tO be a great blessing to the I’rovince.”â€"St, Mary’s Journal. “ Capital thrusts at the prevailing follies of therday,,”-â€"Markham Economist. / "‘ A'faéetious sheet, and will be a, common benefitJU-Richmond Hill Tribune. “A very clever production, evidently ofa scholar and a geiitlemaii.”â€"Kingstdii Whig. “ I think its piquaut satires will "exercise a wholesome infinence.”â€"â€"Letter from Charles Dickens. .f Spares no classes ; winks at no cbrruptions. ‘i * * Atalented. vigorous fledgiiig.”â€"-Lon- don Ere Press. . , ‘f icese $1 to THE GNUMBLEil, and you will get; ten times the value of your money.”â€" Sanduich Maple Leaf. i ' “ Plumpurpus'talei tgparkles in it? pages, * j "‘ lt'has, aqqu'ii‘m ‘a position and} reputation netterlbcfdre": ' ached by any Canada "aeTomutof (Hebe. 1’ The GRUMBLER is published every Saturday, and regularly mailed to subscribctrs at Oiie Dollar per annurn, in advance. hotter-s ad- dressed to the undersigned will be althe risk of theflpublisliers. , 3 ‘ 5’s 4“ lTQWX‘MAN do CO. Agents 34 King Strd’e’t,Toronto. March 30. 1859. sheet of wit in i MAGISTRATES BEANKS FOR. SALE AT THE POST OFFICE! AT TO RONTO PRICES. Richmond Hill. March 18. 1858. 16-tf 1837. It is the a rapid. and most easily-lea ed System of Writ- ing which has ever been,,or ever can be in- Vented. thousands of person. in” England and-Ame- rica, in both public and privatelife. have learned to write Phonography, and terusands of social. and business the at. The present system ‘Of Writing is exceed- ingly cumbersome, and totally unworthy these days of progress and invention. Phonography is equally as legible. can be learned in~one- twentieth the time, and ciln be written six times. . asfast! In other words. the labor of‘six days can be performed in oneâ€"one man can do the for a few weeks will enable any person ‘40 write Phonography with certaiiityrwand With some degree of freedom. tthem with’ accuracy. .. .1,- .,.i‘_:) , ..Skidnlmififlmé.mmmzwj pmffl wry,” I U... PHONOORAPHY, HONOGRAPHY was invented by ISAAC, , _ PITMAN ochatg. England. in the year &most si pye. most natural most M‘ During the past fifteen years, hundreds 0 letters annually pass" through post office ‘ ‘ " ~ » Nor is its great popularity to be wonders work of six! So simplb‘ is the system. too, that a person may learn, towdte it slowly. in a coupie of hours. An hour’s daily practice The same amount of practice "continued, for siX‘ menthsvwill en- able a period to take reports of speeches, leca tires, sermons.-.or conversation. and t) read Dr. J. W. Stone, Of Boston. says : ‘ l deem Phonograpliy an invaluable: adjunct to educa- ion. and one which. whenacquired in yo nth, would not be parted with in manhood for thou- sands of dollars ” 4 g , ' i The late Hon. THOS'. 1-1.:BEN'roN. ‘upon be- ng presented with a verbatim report Of one of his masterly speeches.ritakeii;by a" little boy only twelve years of age‘. said :I “ Had this art been known 40 years ago it would hate Saved mo 20 years hard la‘or.” The leai'ii'ed senator spoke but. portion of the truth. "What longs hand requires six years. to accompliSh', Phono- graphy wdl portionrn inhone. I ' ‘ To Clergymeii, Editors, Physicians. Law- yers, Secretaries,,Conveyaiicers, Law and Me- dical Students, Lecturers, Printers, School Teachers, merchants. School Boys and Girls. 3. knowledge ofPhono raphy is ofvast utility.â€" In fact there is no pro ession «calling in which it is not awful. and no young man’s education can be considered complete without it. During the past nine months hundreds of persons in Canada. of every pursuit in life, have acquired the Art, from many of whom the subscriber has received neatly-written phonegrapliic letters, i-expres‘sive. of their: .des light with the attainment. and the extraordinary ease with which they have acquiredit. . . For the purpose of aiding in the disSemination of so important a reform in his own.couutry, the subscriber is new“ prepared to supply all who apply, with thO“lVIANUAL or PrioNOGRA- PHY. arid,the_Pr ONOGRAPnic Corr BOOK. sent by mail to ally éflrt of the Province. postage pie-paid. for the small sum of ti? ONE DOLLARQ « --r Anybody and everybody, who can learn any- , thing, can learn PHONOGRAPHY from the MA- NUAL. without other assistance. ' ' ‘ _ Those who wish to be ,able'to put their thoughts to paper at the rate of fi‘om'IOO to 250 words “ per minutem’ should send for the above-mentioned works at Once.‘ ' ‘ ‘ ' _' ' The instruction given by the Manual is as plain astiAJBACq and ten times ‘as‘ easy to understand. I The "CANADIAN PHONETIC PION~ EER. ” is a Monthly Journal. devoted to the advocacy of the Reform. Price 25'ceiits per aunnm. " ' " * - Address. (post-paid)“ A, j ‘ W1LL1AM_H. ORR. ' ; Oshawa. C. W. l? .l'. FOR SALE, m A Desirable Family Residence, ITUATED in the Village of Thornhill, and adjoining St. John Street, (commonly called e Plank Road). being part at" Lot 'No. 30. wit in a short distance of Yonge Street,â€" contaiuing four bed-reams, sitting-room and kitchen ; with a good stable for 2 horses, wood shed and other useful out-buildings. with ‘yard. garden ‘and a good well Of water, and containing about half an acre of land. For further particulars apply tor on the premises. it ' ~ I SAMUEL LEMON. V Thornhill, April 15, 1859. 20stf to the .Proprie- LOXALuQR NGE LODGE, N0. 644, EETS at WM. DUROSE’S HOTEL Victoria Square. the last Friday even- ing in eaglgmonthh .. , . , eiu‘iqsas ELECT} . THOMAS SNOWDEN. "Master. JAMES NEAL, Depittyi’ ' JOHN G'AULEY‘. (Treasurer. _ JOHN BUTTON. Secretary. , Victoria Square. May-7. 1858. 48-1 Richmond Victoria, OYAL ORANGE LODGE, No. 778. 1 meets at Brother Robert Wiseman’s. Masonic Hall, the first Friday evening after the Full Moon in each month. OFFICERS ELECi‘â€"â€"Colonel D. Bridgford. Master; R. Wisemaii, Deputy Master; John Mnnholland, Secretary; W. I’ogue. Treasurer January 21. 1858. t33 IS RECEIVING DIS SPRING & SUMMER STOCK A LARGE ASSORTMENT '. Richmond Hill, April 7, 1859. 19.. To the Sick and Dyino'u N Vaughan. near Klineburgh; guarrantees to cure ' -- . ~» Cancers, Enlargetlkl‘l’ockm And many other Diseases. Persons laboring under either Of the above mentioned Diseases. will do Well to call in time. All letters to be paid, and addressed to PETER SNIDER. Klineburgh. N. B. NO CURE NO PAY. Miguel 5, recs El-‘tl’ - their native country. J. K. FALCONBRIDGE, I ; ,T,;P. Roberts. Esqw I W. Macfarlane. Esq. ,, 1 M..Rosain.;Esq-, .. r. l I. , . ' u R. SNIDER. Of the 7th concession bf- ' .. :Aii: C . S .' L L“ O Y IN AURORA. ' ‘ Doctor Lloyd begs one and all. Not to neglect immediate call 3 For having made the firmest stand-â€" .With every choice at his command ; The Dr. feels the greatest pride.» ' ‘ ’Thst eyery want can be suplied. I _ As far as‘ " Medicine” can- do. ' ' ‘With art and skill, attending too- And fears not when 'his friends she‘ll call ' ‘But that he can supply them all. . When they can speak how! they enjoyed The benefits. from Dr. Lloyd; His “ ’I‘incttrres ” are the .most refinedâ€" ‘ ‘ in fact his Store has every kind. ' Amonia.‘Aloes. Myrrh. Blood Root. . With Soaps, and Indian Hemp to sort, Chlorol’orm. Galls. Ginger too, Egot. Cloves. and Hops quite new ; Cassia, Carnphor, an‘d Cayenne-â€" ’ ‘I soon shall have to stay my pen ; For it would give too‘ long attention. The whole of this large stock to mention. A few Words more on the supplies-â€" Saffron, Fox-glove. Spanish Flies, . Heriilock. Rhubarb. Lemon Peel. Arid-cliOicestSalves. the Wounds to heal ' Infusions of the richest store. Then need I mention any more. The Dr. once again must say, To those that wish to give fairplay, To try his “ Ointments.” and make sure ‘ That tlieythave found a-certain cure ! AntimonialI and Compound. Sulphur. Pitch, can here be found‘; Tar, Tobacco, bestof spice. Essence and Sweetsto suit the nice; Acids of am” supply For those who wish the same to try. ’Tis needless here to mention all. When eyes can view them if they call 1 Give trial 1 and prove you have enjoyed True benefit from Dr. Lloyd. Aurora. Feb. 18. 1859. N CT I C E. HE SUBSCRIBER desires to inform his friends that he has «purchased the STORE GOODS belonging to Mr. THOMAS COOPER. and will be ready at all times tO‘ supply them with DRY GOODS, ., GROCERIES, Liquors, Hardware, I .&c. &c. dtc. . , Of first quality, and at Reasonable Terms. . JOHN BRUNSKILL. 'I‘horiibill. Jan. .24. 1859. OR. 12-3-m. 9-tf The” Scottish American Journal DEVOTED TO THE Interests Of Scotchmen in America, AND TO THE DISSEMINATION OI" SCOTTISH LITERATURE AND ART ! ..â€"â€"_ ONSIDERING the multiplicity of news- papers iii America. it has to many been a matter of surprise that the numerous body of Scottish residents should have been so long uri- represented. ' To supply this desideratuni. No. l. of the SCOTTISH AMERICAN JOURNAL was published on Saturday. August 8, 1857. and is now continued weekly. The primary Object of the JOURNAL is to fur- nish its readers regularly with the news of it presents a weekly re- cord of all events of interest Occurring in Scot- iaud. and its subscribers are in this way as fully liilormed of what is transpiring at home as if they were in regular receipt of an Old-country newspaper. Scottish questions Will be discussed with intelligence and impartiality iii the editor- ial Colnmiis,'aud the sentiments of the leading parties on these subjects will be fairly repres sented and commented upon. "In the literary and miscellaneous department of the paper. while merit and talent will be ap- preciated from whatever country they emanate, the Scottish element will prepondeiiate. Tales. sketches. and poetry. illustrative of the Scottish character, and ofa nature fitted ts'o call forth the sympathies of Scotchmcn both at home and abroad. will occupy a conspicuous? place. In this departiiient. the, co-operation of various distinguished authors, possessing. unrivalled facilities for the task. has been secured‘ lii pelitics, the JOURNAL will' occupy a thoroughly independent. position. alike free from party bias and national prejudice. In or- der to interest its readers wherever situated, it will takeabi‘oad view of topics Of this class. avoiding those Of a merely local nature. except in‘sO far as they may present points of import- ance to the, general public Questions involv- ing the interests of British residents in the \United States and in the British Provinces, will be specially considered. and it is believed that ‘ the information and news of ilieLJOURNAL on thisimportant class of subjects will be such as shall command attention. .., , . TlioScorri'sri AMERICAN JOURNAL, will in every respect he conducted in an efficient and business like manner, with every requisite guarantee for its permanence. The proprietors. ‘who are responsible par-ties. resident in New York and elsewhere. therefore lOOk with con- be glad to communicate with respectable par- Opcrate with them for the establishment of the paper in their respective localities. A publication estab‘ished with these objects must of course look for support mainly from those connected by birth: or descent-with the but as the broad basis. of iris journal necessi- tates, in addition. the treatment Of iall-‘im’pertu 'an‘t question's affecting American itrtgrestagahd as its lit’eyature will be cosmopolitan, itiish‘oped that even to the gerieralreader it's columns will not appear.uiieiiteytaininger profitlesr . ' TERMS Or‘suESCarrTI/ON, “mum is ADVANEE.‘ “ One Copy for one year .... .... .... .. Five Copies ........ ................ 9 00 Twelve Copies ..................... :0 00 Twenty-five Copies.................. 40 00 To parties getting up a club of twenty-five a copy will be sent gratis. Copies forwarded to Europe per mail. United States postage paid. for $3. or 13s. sterling, per annum. [IF Office, No. 29,. Beekman Street. N.Y, $2 50 V V v Firepl-Fire 1 Fire! . "’WESF'PER‘N”W Fire Insurance Company of Toronto. rNcORrORA'rEo'r! , ACT or jrrklfiligAhIENT- . CflPITflLf STOCK, I. C. GiLMo’it.»Pres.r | GEO. Micmrfiice Pres:- ', ,. Dinncyok's ti, I' :RiceLewingsq. ; I 'Thos.‘HawOith,Esq, I. <Jg~ames Beaty. Esq. W. Henderson, Esq. £100,000. ~ ii.” ' Bernard. Haldan'. .Es'q. Secretory/dz [Treasurers Angus Morrison..Esq-. Solicitor. . Bank Offlpperv'Ca‘nadai, .Bankers. Benjamin Switzer, Esq. Inspector. £11 THIS COMPANY Insnres all descriptions of Buildings.ManufactOries, Mills, &c.. and Goods and Furniture. in the same. against loss ordain- age by fire,on liberal terms. Losses promptly settled. A e , Residence. . General Agent. Richmond Hill, August 13. 1857. glO-t 11:? Head Oflicc. Church Street, Toronto. ‘ ' - warmer swga; =,-. ...'. .. .. ..,« t. ,I'.' r, *L'H‘v .f'l 1y Mommas..- CHARLES BURDETT. T. DUNN ENGLISH. iii.D. HENRYCLAPP, Jun. GEORGE ARNOLD, FiNLEY JOHNSON. wourn FROM 50 CENTS 'ro $50 00 us com. ately on receipt of the Subscription "money. fideiice for the support of ibe‘ir numerous coun» tryineii in all parts of Aii‘ierica, and; they will' ties at a distance who may be disposedltb cop? country whose curreut lii‘story itchronicles ;‘ - Isii‘o‘knc‘ss and - pain is drivenifroin the ,system,‘ a -' sari-aw newer: r» em ~: .:- « v f" a ~ _ -. - ,. .. ‘. - v v ,. - - "1' .s/~’.*.v-:'~r.--.. ' “7â€".” . Oblonéll Cftiéiid’fil. i SAMUEL YOUNG. Mrs. ANN WHELPEEV. Mrs. Dr VENNONQ‘.~Miss,.ViReiNiA VAUeiyA .li . ' Write only for the GOLDEN ~ G 0,. l,- D E N [P8123 11.1.1) STRATED. DEAN Obi-(SALTER. 5 Editors (arid. ProprietOrs. HE New York WOekly Golden Prize is one of the largest and best literary papers of the dayâ€"an Imperial Quarto, . containing Eieri'r PAGES or roars COLUMNS. Of ‘ entertaining and Original matter. and elegantly I illustrated every week. ‘ .ir “PRESENT : ' r Will be presented to each subscriber iniinediu This is presented. as alMemeuto of Friendship, and riot as an inducement to obtain subscribers. r'E'R‘MS , One Copy for one year . . . . , . . $2.» and 1- gift One Copy for two years. . . . 50 and ‘2 gifts One Copy for five years . . . . . .8 V I AND To cwn’s' Three Copies, oueiyear'. I _ Five.Copies,0ne_year..,.,..‘8 V and . 5. gifts Ten Copies, one yeah.- . . .. .15 and it) gifts Twentyeone Copies,1 year,.30 “and 21 gifts The Articles to be given away are comprised in “ the following list : 2 Packages ofGOld, centaining. . .8500 each 5 do ‘ do ' ' do " . . . .‘200 each 10 , do do do . . . . . . 100 each 10 Patent Lever 'HnntiugCased Watches 100 00 each 20 Gold Watches.... .. .. .. .. 75 00 each 50 i; do 60 00 egncli 100 do .............. 50 UOeaclii 300Ladies’ Gold Watches .. .. . 35 00 each' 200 Hunting Cased Watches. . . . 3t) 00 each 500, Silver ‘Watches . . . .513“) 00 to 25 00 each 1000 Gold Guard. Vest and‘Fob and 5 gifts and 3 gifts eeeeeaeeleoeo- Chains. . . . . . . . . . . .$10 .00 to. 25 00 cach ‘ Gold Lockets. Bracelets, Brooches. Breast Pins, Cufi‘ Fins. Sleeve Buttons, ltiiios. Shirt Studs, Watch Keyeroldhud Silver‘TDhimbles, and a variety of other articles. worth from 50 cents to $15 each. - We will present'lO'every'pei-sen sending us 50 subscribers, at. 2 dOls. each, a Gold Watch, worth '40 dOls. ; to anyone sending us 100 sub- scriber's. at? dols. each. a Gold Watch. worth 900018. "Every subscriber will also receive a present. 7, ' ’ ‘ '- Immediately'on receipt of the money. the subscriber’s name will be entered tipou our book, and the gift will be forwarded within one week, by mail or express. post paid. '* Allcommunications should be addressed to DEAN .c SALTER. , 55 835 Broadway. New Yer-k. DR. MORSE’S Ind i'iair Root Pills. R. MORSE,‘tlie inVOntor of Morse’s Indian Root l’ills, has spent the greater portion of his life in travelling. 'haviiig visited Europe. Asia and Africa, as ‘Well as North Americaâ€"- has spent three years among the Indians of our VVeste‘m countryâ€"it'was in this Way that the Indian Root Pills were first discovered. Dr. Morse was the first 'inau to establish the fact that all diseases arise from IMI’URITY OF THE BLOODâ€"that our strength, health and life depended upon this vital fluid. I When the various passages become clogged, ‘ ahd do not act iri'perfect harmony with the dif- ferent functions of the body. the blood loses its action, becomes -thick. corruptedand diseased ; thus causing all pains, sickness and adistress‘of every name; our Strength is exhausted, our health we are deprived Of, and if nature is not assisted in throwing ofi' the stagnant liumors, the blood will become choked arid cease to act, and thus our light-of life will be‘foreve'r blown out. Howimportant their that we should'keep “the various passages ofthe body free and Open. And how pleasant to us that we have it in Our1 ‘ ower to put a medicine in your reach, namely, Iorse’s Indian Root Pills. manufactured from plants and roots which grow around the mouth atuious cliffs in Nature’s Garden. for the health and recovery -of diseased man ~ One of the roots from which these - Pills are a made is a Sudorific. which opens the pores of the skin, and assists Nature in throwing out the finer 'pai‘ts of the corruption within. The second is a plant which 'is’ an? Expectoraut. that opens and unclogs the passage to the lllllgS'liy icopious Spitting. The‘third is a Diuretic, which gives lease and double strength to the kidneys; thus encouraged, they drawlarge‘ amounts of im-1 'pu‘rity from the- blood. which is their thrown out bouiitifully by the urinary or water passage, ‘alld which uouldnotliave-been discharged in airy other way; Tlie'fourth is a Cathartic, and accompanies the other properties of the Pills while engaged in purifying the blood ; tlie coarser particles of impurity which cannot pass by the other outlets, are thus taken up and From the above, it is shown that Dr. Merse’s Indian Root Pills not only enter the stomach, but become united with the blood, for ly rent and. release the system from all impurity. and the life Of the body. 'which 'is the blood, afoythqy cannot remain when the, body becomes so pu're and clear. ' ' ' The reason why people are so distressed when sick, and why so many die, is because they do not get a medicine which will pass to the afflicted parts. and which will open the natural passage for the disease to be cast out; hence. a large quantity Offeod and other matter is lodged. and the stomach and intestines are literally overflowing with the corrupted mass; thus undergoing disagreeable fermentation. constantly mixing with the blood, which throws the corrupted matter through every vein and artery, until life is taken from the body by disease. Dr. Morse’s PILLS have added to themselves victory upon victory. by restoring millions ofthe sick to blooming health and hap- piness. Yes, thousands who have been racked or tormented with sickness, pain and anguish, and whose feeble frames have been scorched by the burning elements of fever, and, who suave beenibi'orig'ht, a’syit were; within‘ a step of be silent grave. now stand ready tO testify that they would have been numbered with the dead. had it not been for this great and wonderful medicine. Morse’s Indian Root Pills. Afterone or two doses had been taken, they were as touislied. and absolutely surprised, in witnessing their charming efi'ects. Not’Onlydu‘they‘give immediate ease and strength, and take awayall . ickness, pain and anguish, but they at once go to 'work at the foundation of the disease, which is the blood. Therefore, it will be shown, especially by those .who use those Pills. that they will so clense and purify, that diseaseâ€"- that deadly enemyâ€"will take its flight. and the flush pfiyouth and beauty will again return, and the prospect Of a long and happy life will cherish and brighten your days. CAUTION.â€"â€"-BOW&I'6 of a counterfeit signed » A. Br~§Moorc. Allgenuine have the name of A. J. WHITE & Co., on each box. Also the (signature of A. J. White «5100. All othersarg i spurious. . A. J. walrus: 0-0.. s... raisin... Dr. Morse’s Indian root Pills are sold by all dealers in Medicines. Agents wanted in every town. village and and addres as above for terms. Price 25 cents per boxs. five boxes will be sent on receipt of $1. postage: paid. ‘ Miss Iii-run CLkRK'i-fi it? r: l . .i. _ i. '. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN ZME C'IIA NIC'S, lN-V E N T QR S. One Copyfor three years . . . ‘. .5 and 3 gifts -- ‘ ""THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN hard-rs» kind iiow issued in this country. and itiras a , and “15111101 OVGTV 0110. they filid their way to every part, andcornpletew .: Address DIALAMQS do SON. corner Maiuand 50 Leonard Sltreethein Yoi‘k’l’ 31" hamlet in theland. Partiesdesiringtheagency of January last, are respectfully requested to settle them. 33 Richmond niii. March ii, i829. "Hi H. O) :11, . - iouvaiiatu NI SAmtv 0. O O C! or -¢ >. 5'! r. 2 h > .4 .4 ’ h x M U P 2 0 .q 1! C (I) ’2‘ x. cm .1 q I. a: Z 3 H t'_‘ t“ 5/1. ’1. w 0, rd ,. 7! H‘.,.’ if: 3‘5. ‘ . r l u w ;; .PROsjPECTUS. :- VOLUME. FOURTEEN j , BiceiNs SEPTEMBER 11. 1858. MANUFACTURERSAND FARMERS, reached its Fourteenth Year. and .wil’lienter upon a New V‘olumeon the llth of, septem- bar. It is the only weekly publication, of the evry extensive circulation in all the States of. the Union. 101s not. some might suppose. from its title. ,0. dry. abstruse work on technical science ; on the contrary. it so deals wirli'tho great events going on in the scientific. me- chanical and industrial worlds, as to please ‘ 1f the Mechanic or Artizan wishes to know the best machine in use, or how to make any substance ‘ employed in“ his business-if tlio Housewife wishes to get a recipe for making a good color. diam-if the Inventor whites to know what is going on 111‘ the way of improvementsâ€"if the Manufncu turer ’wislies to keep posted witlrthe times: and to employ 'lie best facilities in his busi- ness-4f the Maii'of Leisure and Study wishe. to keep himself familiar with the progress made in the chemical laboratory. or iii the construction Of telegraplis, sieamsliips, rail: roads. reaper-s, i'iiowers, and a thousand other machines and appliances, both of peace and warâ€"all these dcsidcrum can be found in 1er ScrizN'i'iric AMERICAN, and not cfscwlmro. They are here presented in a reliable and interesting form, adapted to‘tlie com elrerision of minds unlearned in the higher ranches ot' Science and art. Terms : One copy. one year, 3&2 ; one copy six months. $1 : five copies. six mouths. $4 ; ' ‘ ten copies, six months, $8; ten copies, twelve months. $15; fifteen copies. twelve months. $29.; twenty copies. twelve months $318,111 - advance. Specimen, copies sent gratuitously for 111-, spectiou. Southern and \Vesterii iiiouoy, or [Postage Stamps, taken for subscriptions. [13” Letters should-be directed to MUNN 81. Co., 1‘28 Fulton-street. New York MEssns. MUNN& CO. are cxreirsively. en- gaged in procuring patents for new inventions. and will advise inventors. without charge, in regard to the novelty of their improvements.- W * TREJEI TJIIEJVT. N E Buffalo Medical Dispensary, ESTABLISHED FOR 'i'iiu; cqu' or DYSPEI’SIA. GENERAL mummy, rnvnu AV1)‘AGUE. s'cnorzrim 0L1) menus, eunA'igiMiiu- any on THE BLOOD. SALT RHEUM, PlMl’IJ‘ZS, riS'iULA, i~ii.r;§, KIDNEYS. m:nri.i'rv, iNr FlltMl'i‘MIS or YOUTH AM) can AGE,- 01‘? NO Mercury Used. I. a. AMOS & SON. Corner of Main and Quay Streets. Buffalo. New York, are the only Physicians in the State who are iiiem- . bers of the Royal College of Surgeons. London. May be consulted l‘reiii 8 o’clock in the mom- iiig until 9 O‘clock at night, on every state and symptom of disease. The treatment they adopt is the result of up- wards of 30 years’ extensive and successl‘ul' practice in London. The most inveterate syrriptoms of Disease eradicated in eight or nine days. apd cases of a slight nature in two or three days at a very moderate expense.â€" The cure effected without confinement or him dranco from business. Young Menâ€"- T also Particular : NOZ'ICC’. There is an evil habit-sometimes indulged in by boys, in solitude, often growing up with them to manhood. and which. if not reformed by rliem'in due time, not only begets serious obstacles to matrimonial happiness. but gives rise to a series of protracted, .iiisjdious,_arid devasta'ting affections. Few of those who give way to this pernicious practice are aware oi the consequences, until they find the nervous system shattered, feel strange and unaccounta- ble feelings, and vague fears in the mind. 11"‘Jllostri8‘cr'ciitt’fic Inception. ' lAn ‘iusli'ur’rieiitifor the/cure Of: Genital De- , .i‘ m ' v , r,_ . t l-bili-t-y, .orhmore,properly,known,asHSemiuaj “I . iecbiries perfectly healthy. consequently all Weakfie'ss' Narvonslucmm’ &cl’.w’hichlflm, per-inanehfly‘cured illljldl‘tfllirflf; enzdaysr by 9the use Of this'iiiétriumetit,’when‘need coriyoiiitly with medicines. New Reriiodr'os and Quin/c Cures. DR AMOS 81'. SON trike pleasureiu announ- cing that they have invented a most important instrument for the cure of the above diseases. It has been subjected to a test by the most eminent physicians in London, Paris. Philadel- phia and New York. It has been declared the only useful instrument over yet invented for the cure of Seminal Weakness, or airy disease of the genital organs, caused by the secret habits ofyouth. Dr. Amos 82) Son. in order to satisfy the most skeptical as to the merits of these instru- ments, pledge themselves, that in any instance where they may prove unsatisfactory after a fair trial, the moneywwill be refunded by re: turning tliprj serpent-jib good Order. X =1 “ Pers iis’Wis ihg‘ theabotieifieful inbt’rument will observe, that the price. with the accom- panying directions, securely packed and sent by mail or express, is ten dollars. Beware of Imposetton. Beware of” empiries and itinerant self-styled profes‘s'ors,‘ w‘ho’h‘iiimiiiiir " cares. bii't’ never succeed a. Dr. Amos & Son have for a long series of years. been engaged in an extensive practice in the treatment of these delicate complaints, and are the onlyklegally qualified Physicians who now advertise tb‘cure certain complaints, or from whom genuine European remedies can be obtained. v _ PERSONs IN ANY PART or THE WORLD may be successfully treated by forwardhrgsa correct detail of their cases. with a remittan‘ce for Medicines. &c.. which will bereturned with the utmost dispatch. and secure from Observation. Quay streets. Buffalo. N. Y. t46-1v iMPOR’ridrN’r‘NoTrc E.’ ERSONS indebted to the undersigned. whose Accounts became due on the first J. K: FA LCONBRIDGE. res ' .t.ls.ri'lr§°‘f%?1““,m§§ I " _M00 HE’S RURAL NEW-YDHKEI favorably knowndp the E “and SOUth. as the most ‘~ Literary and Family Newspaper Of the Agfii L that we omit all expletives in announcing the; . yTenth Volume. ,7“ we ,. .; New Dress & New INT 1“: ‘3“f’tiwa‘“‘}3tfi my '4 Jain,“ " ' The leading and largest circulatlitfmmli'“ d i‘r-lrtnrtabarl‘s so widely and , land. West. North. ‘p‘filrdlar‘ 1 Agricultural; Suffice it to say that no proper, effort or expense will be spared to fully maitia‘ ' tain and increase its"reputation 11's the Betti 1 Journal of its Classt-rendering it, emphatic- cally. the Standard -RURAL AND FAMILY ~WEEKLI’ “ Excelsior ” its glOrions Motto.’ and " Pri- gress and Improvement” its laudable Objects. the Rural continuously crccclls in Merit and re- ports decided PnoeREss in Circulation and Use- fulness : Asjau Agricidyurnl. Horticultural, Li- terary. and Family News Paper, combined. it has "long been “unrivalled. Not a .‘mer'iithly at only .twelve issues yearly, but a Large pad Beautiful .Weeklyr-whioli embracesin ON]; a greater number of Useful and Timely 'l'o‘piCO ' han‘ 'SEv‘E‘nAL‘ Oijdiiiary,"‘jOOrrielsp-The Rural is, rAitExcsnnuNcE, “ ~ - 1 THE‘ PAPER FOR THE“PEOPLE AND. a» . THE TilMES! .- r i ‘ u The Tenth Volume will be Printed and min trated in Superior Style, while its Contents wil ‘viedwith its improved Appearance. All who désn'ea paper Which iignores trash. humbug and deception,jaug epriiestly seeks to ,prompte the Rest Interests and ' Horne Happiness of its ' 'm‘yrlad'ef readers iri'b'Oth Town and Countr '. Journal. . . ~ h FORMp STYLE- ‘lAND TERMS; - - -The-RurnliNewLYoi-kbr is published Weekly- - each number coriiprising Eight Double Quarte Pages. Au Index. Title Page. doc" given at. the close 'of'eacli VOlurr'ie. TERMSâ€"AN ADVANCEâ€"Two Dollars a Year; ’l‘liree'tlepies fOr $5: Six, and one' free to club .agent,for $10; Ten. and one free, for $15; >Sixteeii, and one free. for r22 ; 'l'wcnty. and One nee; for $26 : Thirty- W0, and two free. . number at 18111116 ra’te-.+bnly $1.25 per copy !â€"â€" «with an extra co ,y fopevery Teri Subscribers over Thirty ! Club papers sent to different post-offices. if desired. As we pre-pay Ame- ricuri postage. $1.37 is‘tlie' lowest‘club rate for Canada. . - i a Now is the time toSuhscribe and form Clubs for the New Year and Volume. Specimen Numbers. Showâ€"Bills, Prospectuses. die. cheerfully furnished [by mail or otherwise. at our expense.] to all disposed to lend a portion of influence in behalf of the Rural and it» Objects. Address D. D. 'I‘. 'MOORE. 4f - Recliester.N. Y ' B E A V E R. Fire Insurance Association OF 'i‘OitON'i O, c, w. ' OFFICE, [removed from 54 King Street. est. 'I'ONONTO Srmcn'r next building north 0 the Masonic Hall. ' ‘ Ilall‘ the Profits to be returned totlie Insured, ' the balaiiccirivested to fot‘iii :a lteserve Fund. . BoArm or Dqucrous ; TRUSTEESâ€"Henry ROWSel. W. C. Chewett. Joseph Jackes. A I ‘ .5. ,lfv Diane'rousâ€"J-lcnry Rowsell. Toronto. CIrat'r-. 1mm .- J. W. Brent. ~Drputy Chairman: W. Cl. Cbewett. Toronto; Joseph Ja‘ckes. Toronto. W. [-1. Smith. Toronto, Manager :1 Wm. llelliwell. Highland Creek; John Mowat. ’Kiugston; Win. Agliri, Kingston; As. A. Burnhiiiii. Cobourg; Wm. Green. Harnilteu‘n ; Robert Smith. Chiiiguaconsy; George Blain. ; 'l‘orouro Township, Solicitorâ€"Jolin I-lelliwell. Band of Toronto. [[3 The Provident Life Assurance ; parry is removed to the same. office. ' Bankersâ€"The- COin -' llaving guarded against loss from fire by In- suriiig your property. consider if it would net. he as well to make a. little additional provision. - for your family in case ofyour own premature death :-wliether it would not be as well. through the assistance of a Life Assurance Company. to provide a legacy for your wife or daughter. or. ifyou have not the happiness to. ‘ be blessed with them. tliiirk if the possession of y a few hundred pounds additional might not be of advantage to yourselt‘a few years hence. If you decide that it would. write to the Managing Director of the l’ROVl DENT LIFE ASSUR~ ANCE AND . lNVES'l‘MENT COMPANY 20 Toronto Street. Toronto. for a “ Proposal ”‘ form, and acopy of the Rains. Or. possibly, the Agent of the “Beaver” may possess a copy of both documents. which he can see cmmodate yeti with. and give you a. little information on the su bjeetbesides. Agent at Richmond Hillâ€"J. R. ARNOLD. March 22. 1859. 1748' t irornnoaniss’ HALL I7 ING STREET, Toronto. 2nd door east ofl' _ Church Street. opposite the Cathedral. W. T. ATKINSON. 81. Co., Late of King streeti West, new offer at their new establishment. Genuine English Drugs, Patent: JlICdiciiics,, rumba rigid English .lrPcofr¢rrrrry,j gQIA‘, Paints, (fir/ours» ll’oods, : j. V, ‘ Candis. Brasilicsltgrc", At such moderate prices as'catiriot fail to so. ClITO 01.18101". W. 'l‘. A. dz. CO. having considerable exs perience iii the Drug business in various parts of England, have no hesitation in saying..thatr a great many of their Manufactured Article: will be found very superior. Medicines used in compounding Prescriptions, Family Re- ceipts, Horse and Cattle Medecines. &c.. are- of the very best quality, direct from the prim. cipal English Drug Houses. W. 'I‘. A. 51. Co. beg to call attention to their Celebrated Preps... ration fer the Teeth. Atkinson’s Parisian Tooth Paste. Also their much admired Perfume THE ENGLISH .NOSEGAY. Soda \Vater bottled and from the fountain; St. Cathpr'uies Mineral Water. and the Plantagenet Watery!“ celebrated for their healthy properties. Amii 2%.1858. r46 State Fire Insurance Company or LONDON. émmsm) sir ACT or warrant. PARLIAMIIIa CAPITAL. £500,000 STERLING. Canada. Branch, 1331.11 Ofliee: Toronto. TRUSTEES :â€" Hon. JOHN Ross, | JOHN meroan. Essa BOAR]; or marinaraâ€"William McMaeter. Esq. Chairman; W. P. Howland. Esq, M.l’.t‘., Vice~Cbairman; William Ross. Esq. : William Henderson. Esq. ; F. W. Jarvis. Esq. Sherifl" U. C. onerk and Peel. ‘ BANKERS â€"-The Bank of Montreal. Summonsâ€"Ross. Crawatd and Crombie- The engagements. Of the State Fire In- aria ‘ Op Company are guaranteed by are-pensi- ble‘Pi‘Oprietaiy. ' All losses willbe settled promptly withoutr reference to the Boardin England. ' ’ ‘ ALEX. STEWART, A. LAW. Manager. B. N . American Agent. Richmond Hill February 18. 1850. 1911.3; for‘$40,»[orr30 for'$~'$7.50] and any greater- - are invited to try the Model Farm and 1‘ iresi e r AorticumURAL. LirEnAur AND FAMILY routing - ~~~~---vonUME“’x; FOR 1859.. 0.1.57; .i ...'2 a; A. :u. .: K...

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