Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 10 Oct 2001, C7

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The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday October 10, 2001 - C7 Career Training LO C K W O O D CHRYSLER Fresh Opportunities! We're still looking for "fresh obsessed" individuals for these areas of our new Dominion store, o p e n in g in O a k v ille a t N e y a g a w a (4 th L in e ) a n d D u n d a s S tre e t > > ft A > R e q u ire s Im m e d ia te ly AUDIO HILL/AUDIO VIDEO SPECIALISTS SINCE 1948 LICENSED TECHNICIAN fo r busy, e xp a n d in g de a le rsh ip . (Chrysler experience preferred) Join a 5-star certified team. Please call Al Banks/ Service Manager, HOME ELECTRONIC SALES PROFESSIONAL Hill's TV & Audio, est. over 50 years, has a great op portunity for a sales professional in our high volume, high quality Burlington location. Experience in home electronics and a passion for the latest high technolo gy necessary. Fax or e-m ail resume Attn: Don Hill: (9 0 5 ) 8 4 5 -6 6 5 3 office-clerical office-clerical 905-632-8229 · hillstvandaudio@cgocable.net MEAT WRAPPERS; PRODUCE, SEAFOOD & GROCERY CLERKS CASHIERS & COURTESY CLERKS All positions are part tim e with flexible schedules including At S od exho it's about people. Collaborating. Innovating. Applying skills, experience and knowledge to the job at hand. A Company fueled by a workforce di-verse in skills, culture and personality. We are currently recruiting for the following positions: days or evenings or night crew and weekends PAYROLL ADMINISTRATOR Support for all operations on CAP and ADP. Recon ciliation of all payroll related accounts. Data entry into both CAP & ADP. Assist in year-end reconciliations.Qualifications: CPA Level 1; 3-5 years payroll experience; ADP experience preferred; Financial understanding; Must be able to multi-task; High energy; Ability to work in a fast paced/ deadline oriented environment; Bilingual an asset. SH AW N'S T ree Service, book now and save. 15% over regular seasonal rates of prunings, la rge rem ov als, stump removal. Bobcat services available. Over 16 years experience. Fully in sured. Free estimates. 905SI 2-2889. E T iT il Accounting · Office Administration HALTON · Medical/ BUSINESS Legal Assistant INSTITUTE · Dental Reception 460 Brant St. ·POLICE FOUNDATIONS Burlington 1982 W W · % JOB TRAINING dating services MEET B urlington Singles! Try us absolutely free! Ent er code 4094. H am ilton (905)-319-3111. 637* 3415 Enroll llUfv & Saturday, October 13 th JOB Friday, October 1210tham -4pm DOMINION TEMPORARY RECRUITING CENTRE: Sheridan Skills Training Centre, 407 Iroquois Shore Rd. (beside McDonalds) o ff o f T ra fa lg a r R d ., n o rth o f Q E W _______________ O n -th e -s p o t in te rv ie w s _____________________ Community Notices Book Sale InMemoriams Roderick (Rod) Arseneault September 2 4 ,1953-October 10, 2000 In m em ory of a loving son; HR AND BENEFITS ANALYST Burlington area. In this exciting role you will build and maintain an electronic database ol HR information to be utilized in the strategic initiatives of our depart ment and organizations Our successful candidate has 3-5 years benefits/ payroll experience, completed CPA Level 1, has excellent PC skills and knowledge of ADP PCPW or ADP HRMS. Bilingual French/ English required. P le a s e a p p ly in p e rs o n a n d b rin g re la te d re fe re n c e s $ USED BOOK SALE Trafalgar Village Mall Friday Oct 12 ,6 - 9pm Saturday Oct. 1 3 ,10am - 6pm Sunday Oct.14,10am-5pm These positions are in Burlington. Fax resume to D. MacMillan, Recruiting Manager at 905-632-7114 or email at dmacmillan@sodexhoca.com -J The Great Atlantic & Pacific Company of Canada office-clerical Just thinking o f the thoughtful things, That you have said and done. And loving you a little more dear son, For each and every one. The tears in our eyes we can wipe away. The ache in our heart will always stay. Loved and never forgotten by Mom, Brothers , Sisters and his Children Fast growing e-commerce company offering F/Tpositions in: ·Proceeds to charity SALES, CUSTOM ER SERVICE, SHIPPING & D A T A E N TR Y M ust h a ve g o o d co m m u n ica tio n skills, b a sic c o m p u te r kn o w le d g e & w illin g to w o rk in a fa st-p a ce d e n viro n m e n t. ADMIN Job working for a realtor. Ideal for student 15-20 h ou rs per w eek. Contact Gail Cockerill at (905)849-6777 ACCOUNTING MANAGER The Royal Canadian Golf Association (RCGA) is seeking applicants for the position of Accounting Manager. Reporting directly to the Managing Direc tor, Finance and Operations this position is primarily responsible for managing the day to day accounting function. The successful candidate for this position will have 3 years of experience in government compliance, finan cial reporting, monitoring controls, development of accounting systems and staff supervision. Excellent organization and communication skills coupled with strong attention to detail are essential for success in this position. This ideal candidate will be in their 3rd or 4th level of the CMA program and will have sound working knowledge of ACCPAC, MS-ACCESS and MS-OFFICE. The annual salary range tor this position is $45,000. to $50,000. To apply for this exciting opportunity, send a detailed resume via mail or e-mail, by October 15,2001 to the attention of Human Resources Beta Sigma Phi Sonority Margaret Dorothy Smissen H . | IM I sales help & agents Deaths MORLEY, John Francis (1924 - 2001) Former Executive with Ford Motor Comffany With deep sadness the family announces the passing of John on October 5, 2001 at the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. Beloved husband of Marion. Loving father of Catherine Morley of London, England (Harry Robins); Christine Lockett of Toronto (John); Margaret Creeth of Wilton CT. (Richard). Dear grandfather of Thomas and William Lockett; Micheal, Andrew, Philip Creeth. Will be missed by his sister Hilda Morley of Billericay, England, predeceased by four brothers. A gathering of friends and family to celebrate the life of John was held at the Ward Funeral Home, 109 Reynolds Street, Oakville (905-844-3221) on Tuesday October 9, 2001 at 2:30 p.m. With a reception following the celebration. Donations may be made, in the memory of John, to the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital in lieu ot flowers. Please e-mail resumes to: sheinaeSnfomercialshoiwcase.com or fax resumes to : (905)338-4298 S P E C IF Y IN T H E S U B JE C T LIN E, W H IC H P O S IT IO N Y O U A R E A P P L Y IN G FOR. MAR KETIN GI need som eone to learn my busi ness. Need leadership a b ility / d esire fo r above average incom e. C all Nestor e x t.78, 905-6815515____________________ SALESPERSONgolf teaching equ ipm ent, O ffi cial system of CPGA Kine sio logy, com puter e x p e ri ence necessary. Call (905)333-4487 In loving m emory o f M argaret who died three years ago today. H er memory is as fresh now as when she le ft us, fa r too soon. M argaret is sadly missed by her husband John, by her family and by her many friends in Canada, the UK, and around the world. Only those selected for interviews will be contacted. CHARTWELLS REQUIRES IMMEDIATELY FULLTIME G eneral Help for our Tim Horton & Cafeteria Mon.- Fri. No experience necessary. Will train. Start $ 8 .50/hr. + Benefits + Uniform Suitable for Parents re-entering the workforce APPLY IN PERSON OR CALL LUKE OR MARYLOU MON. TO FRI., 9AM-SPM at Sheridan College. 1430 Trafalgar Rd N,, Oakville. Tel: 905-844-8532 A U TO M O TIVE C lass A Technician required. Min. 4 years experience. Require good diagnostic skills, able to work w ith others, drive clean an asset, good wag es. Fax resumes to: Good year, 490 G uelph Line, Burl., 905-637-9266 A U TO M O TIVE M echanic required for busy shop (li- . censed & expe rience re quired). High pay + bene fits. Call (905)338-0909 or fax (905)842-5269.___ SERVIC E A d viso r re quired for busy 6 bay mod ern shop. A u tom otive knowledge an asset, com p uter s k ills and d riv e r li cense. Com petitive wage, drive clean an asset, willing to tra in . Fax resum es to: G oodyear, 490 G uelph Line, Burl.,Fax:905-637-9266 PART-TIME SALES required for china and gift shop. Experience in sales preferred. Please drop off resume in person. Attn: Asta Ostergaard, 1333 Dorval Dr., Oakville, ON L6J 4Z3 or Email: gaskin@rcga.org ***The RCGA thanks all applicants, however only those selected for an interview will be contacted. www.future-links.orgwww.rcga.org Remember with a d o n a t io n SHIPPER/RECEIVER A West Mississauga Distribution company is current ly seeking an enthusiastic, self motivated individual to join our team. The ideal candidate must have a high school education as well as previous warehouse ex perience. Duties to include: Shipping, Receiving, In ventory, some heavy lilting involved. Computer knowl edge an asset. Good customer service skills. Must communicate well with others and work well under pressure. W age= $12-hr., Monday-Friday, all day shift. Please toward resumes to lax.(905) 823-3697 or e-ma dorothy@ m aster-distribution.com Dania Unique, 3350 Fairview St. Burlington No phone calls please. 530 1 sales help & agents 530 sales help & agents SMITH, M a rjo rie Gordon, at 98. at her home in Oakville, on October 5,2001. Beloved wife of the late E. Gerald Smith (1975). Predeceased by her brother Thomas Gordon and her sister Ray O'Reilly. Dear mother ot Barbara Westman and her husband Gilbert of Ingersoll, Ontario, Diana Potts and her husband Ronald of Salisbury, North Carolina, and Sandra MacCrimmon and her husband Duncan of Burlington, Ontario. Loving grandmother of ten grandchildren and six great grandchildren. Special thanks to Maria Bechard and the loving staff ol her Personal Support Care Services inc., Oakville, who made our mother's wish to remain at home possible. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to MS or a charity of your choice. At Marjorie's request, there will be no funeral. A memorial service will be held at a later date. 1-888-939-3333 toll free · 24 hours a day / 7 days a week www.cancer.ca P r b t d c d l In P a rtn ersh ip C a n a d ia n Soci6te C a n ce r I V * j j L c a n a d ie n n e Society ^ du cancer SHEET METAL SHOP Is looking for individuals with experience with sheet metal machinery such as: Sheers, Brakes, Punching. Top pay, full benefits + overtime. KAS P ersonnel S ervices Inc. CALL CENTRE AGENT With close to 3000 stations and still growing; Protocol is one of the fastest growing Marketing Sen/ice Companies in North Amer ica. With its current expansion in their Hamilton facility, located in a prestigious corporate building downtow n, Protocol is presently hiring Customer Contact Representatives specializing in consul tative sales for our call centre. Hours of work: Full-time and Part-time positons available. Flexibility is required. R e p o rtin g d ire c tly to the Coach or S u p e rv is o r: th e C o n su lta tive Sales Agent's main responsibilities w ill be to prom ote the pro ducts and/or services offered by Protocol's clients. Qualifications: · Fluent in ENGLISH: · Professional or commercial SALES experience; · Strong interpersonal and COMMUNICATION skills; · CREATIVE flair, initiative and ENTHUSIASM; · FLEXIBILITY is essential; We offer you: · A competitive BASE WAGE and commissions; · Growth opportunity across North America · Paid PROFESSIONAL training; · A career path program; · The opportunity to work with state of the art technology; · A FRIENDLY working environment Interested candidates, please call Shelley Murray @ KAS Personnel Services Inc. 4043 New Street (@ Walkers Line) Burlington Telephone (90 5 )-6 3 7 -9 7 55 em ail: burlington@kasstatfing.com `The Oakville Weaver m ill feature special Only those applicants selected for interviews will be contacted. DELI VERY PERSONS required fo r th e d is trib u tio n o f a p re stig io u s c o m m u n ity n e w sp a p e r a nd related flye rs. E x c e lle n t pay. L %emem6rance (Day T W IS T , M ic h a e l J o h n - Peacefully at the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, Oakville on Monday, October 8, 2001 in his 49th year. Beloved son of Barbara Swint of Oakville and the late S.G. Twist. Loving father ot Michael Jr. and John Twist. Dear brother of Dian Shipton and her husband Frank and Doreen Becker and her husband Benny. Michael will be remembered by Colleen Haire. A private family sen/ice has been held. If desired, expressions of sympathy to a charity of your choice would be sincerely appreciated by the family. (Arrangem ents entrusted to SMITH'S FUNERAL HOME, BURLINGTON 905-632-3333) Fax your resume to: 1-888-503-6667 y i | | office-clerical Memoriams fo r loved ones ~ Please Phone Saliya, 905-469-1409 or 905-616-5388 Leasing Consultant ` Burlington's finest apartment community is looking lor a Leasing Consultant for evenings & weekends. Must be flexible. BAKER'S H elper. F u ll time, night shift. Experience not nece ssary, w ill train. A p ply in person: Eastway Bake Shop, 4047 New St. at Walker's Line, Burlington HALTON Blinds & Shades Inc. Ultrasonic Blind Clean ers required part-time days. W ill tra in . Please fax re sum e 905-844-7841 or drop off at 1380 Speers Rd., Unit 5, O akville (Just East of Third Line) BRIDLE & Bridle requires Legal S e cretary fa m ilia r w ith c u rre n t fa m ily law form s. M ust be effic ie n t, com puter p ro fic ie n t and able to interact effectively with clients. Reply to: 3310 South S ervice Rd., Unit 102, B u rlin g to n , ON L7N 3M6 Fax: (905)333-4787 R E C E PTIO N IS T needed for M edical R e habilitation C lin ic . P/T m ornings, $13 .5 0 -$ 1 5 .0 0 per hour. Fax resum e to: (905)3359962 _____ _________ O F F IC E A d m in is tra to r/ M a rk e tin g A s s t.F u ll-tim e person req u ire d fo r busy real estate office. Applicant must be com puter literate, ha v e g o o d te le p h o n e m anner, be a b le to w ork independently. Real estate experience an asset but not e s s e n tia l. S a la ry p lus benefits. Fax resume (905) 845-4051 Attn.Don Abma fa m ily, relatives and friends ~ to be published Sunday, 9\[ovember 11 %emember that special someone Requirements: MS Office and a sales background. Fax resume to: 416-364-6087 FULLTIME C a sh ie r required mostly days Mon-Fri w ith some w eekends. Com petitive wages, bene fits . Experience not re quired but app lica nt m ust possess good custom er sk ill. Please apply to Shoppers Drug M art, 520 Kerr St., Oakville or fax resumej305-845-3407 Funeral Director 9 DRY CLEANERS l i O a k v ie w FUNERAL HOME Our family serving your family at this time ` D eadline: Friday, fA (ov. 2, 5pm Cost: $25 (+(jS`T] 'Ma\. 40 words Looking for mature people for F/T & P/T Time · > Jir vV > CH ILDR EN WANTED! W om en, men, kids, all ag e s/ sizes for m ovies, cata lo g u e w ork, fashio n/ h a ir show s. G reat $15S90/hr. Call 905-336-5455. LANDSCAPE C o n stru c tion workers, fu lltim e. Ex p erie nce required . W age commensurate with experi ence. Own transportation a must. Ian, 905-627-2066 COOK- PT/FT, for residen tial care facility, Burlington. E xp erience an asset. Please fax resume: (905) 335-1202 · · · · · Counter Staff Shirt Pressers Dry Cleaners Pressers Alterations Inspectors SALES ASSISTANT HOSTESS / HOST weekdays & weekends for Monarch Construction in the Millcroft Community in Burlington 56 LAKESHORE ROAD WEST OAKVILLE BOSTON M anor looking for experienced Bartender, full-time days. Call or apply in person: 4460 Fairview St., B u rlington. 9 0 5 -6 3 7 1984.___________________ CHEF - Cook - K itchen Help for Fine Dining Italian R e staurant in M ilton. Fax resume to 905-693-8344 Family Services Alcoholics Anonym ous If you drink, that's your business If you want to quit, That's Ours! (416) 487-5591 (905) 631-8784 i Funeral Directors · Don Clarke ·Gregory Sidora ·Tina Quenneville · Patrick M cDermott · Tam m y Cook Fax: 905-333-6374 M ACHINE Shop H e lp e r/ D rive r/ B u ild ing M a in tenance required . Could lead to a p p re n tic e s h ip , grade 12 m achine shop preferred, drivers abstract required . Fax resum e to:905-827-0208__________ FIRE your own boss! Work at home, $500-$5000 (P/T, F/T). Exciting opportunity. www.moneymakingdreams.com Call 1-888-373-8490_______ FANTASY F ru it M arkets Now Hiring Full & Part-time: Experienced Produce, Deli & G roce ry C lerks; V e g e t able Trim m ers; Cashiers. Good wages. Apply: M ar cia, 427 Speers, O akville, Tel: 905-842-3602________ JUBILEE Fruit Market, 104 Allan St., Oakville, requires fulltime produce/ deli clerk. A p ply in person w ith resume to Don or Katherine OWN A Computer? Put it to work! Earn on-line income www.idealincome.net______ SHIPPER - Must have fortlift ce rtifica te . No weekends. Good benefits. Mississauga location. Fax resume to: 905822-0655 RPN required for long term care facility in Hamilton. C u rre n t SE IU w ages. Please fax resumes to: Al Streit @ 905-331-7331 No phone calls please. MONARCH Footwear retail store seeking experienced sales associates for full time sales and manager in training positions. Please fax resumes to Fax: 905-828-7524 EUROPEAN husband and wife cleaners needed. E xce lle nt w ages and weekly pay. For more in form ation please call 905920-7220. 8 4 2 -2 2 5 2 Fax resume to: Tender Tender REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL 905-664-1882 H YG IENIST required for orth odontic office. Please drop resurhe at: Dr. Ray & Dr. John Bozek's office 4300 U pper M iddle Rd. Suite#5 Burlington, ON DIRECTO R of C a re ....... required fo r O ak v ille R e tirem e nt Home. G eriatric experience essential. Full tim e position. Also re quired RPN's and HCA's. Fax resum es to 905-8427198____________________ ARE you a Certified Dental A ssista nt with great com m unication skills? Would you like to be part of a posi tive and progressive dental practice in O akville? Fax your resume in confidence to 1-877-275-4936________ DISP EN SER / Frame S tylist/ Edger required for busy optom etric practice. Experience an asset. Reply box-1871, Burlington Post, 2321 Fairview St., Burlington, L7R 2E3_____________ EXPER IE N C ED PDA with a great personality, a stron g w ork e th ic and a team player required F/T. No weekends. O akville. Fax CV: 905-849-7658, Dr. Stephen Thordarson RMT required fo r busy Oakville Chiropractic Clinic. T e l(9 0 5 )8 4 4 -9 1 17, Fax (905)844-9118 ___ RN required im m edia tely for Oakville specialist office. Please call (905)845-6021. SHIPPER RECEIVER For busy automotive parts wholesaler. Knowledge of keeping small parts in order. Must have valid driver's license Able to lift 50lbs. Call John Bloom, 2-4: Halton Auto Electric 281 Speers Rd, Oak. (905) 845-2118 or 1-888-806-4033 GARDENER- Oakville residence seeking experienced g a rd e n e r to m aintain e x te n s iv e p ro p e rty , 4 to 5 d a y s per w e ek, S p rin g th ro u g h F a ll. B e g in n in g S p ring 2002. Reply w ith references by October 31st to: Dept. A, 8-2679 Bristol Circle, Oakville L6H 6Z7 WE are looking fo r key people to expand our Fi.nancial Services business in this area. Experience not necessary. We w ill Train. Call Earl Brennen. 905681-5515 ext.68 DRIVER wanted for d e liv eries, Oakville to Toronto, lig h t liftin g , 2/3 days/w k. Round trip approx. 2 hrs/ day. S u it retire d person. 905-825-8419. THE Best European Cleaning Service. Insured. Bonded. Commercial, Resi dential. Liz, res: 905-5750290, cell: 905-921-9237, www.europeancleaning.net Bid docum ents fo r the co n tra ct or service listed below , addressed to the M anager of Purchasing Services, 1151 BRONTE ROAD, OAKVILLE ON L6M 3L1 will be received until 2:00 p.m. Oakville Time on the specified closing date. Bid documents can be seen or obtained through the Purchasing Division of the Corporate Services Department, same address as above, telephone (905) 825-6000, extension 7031. If long distance charges apply, dial toll free 1-866-4HALTON (1-866-442-5866). Documents will be available for pick up on and after Thursday, October 4, 2001. There is a non-refundable deposit of $15.00 plus $1.05 GST. Under no circumstances will facsimile or late bids be accepted or considered. Lowest or any bid not necessarily accepted. Halton Region relies on this advertisement to provide public notice of this business opportunity and is not obligated to notify any potential bidders in any other manner. `.'k m -VOI'NG National Account Representative, Forever Young Newsmagazine Forever Young, Canada's largest circulated, and most established publication for the affluent mature market, has an immediate opening for a National Account Representative. Reporting to the General Manager, the National Account Representative is responsible fo r m aintaining a base of key accounts and building new business for the Forever Young network of 13 publication from Montreal to B.C. The ideal candidate for this position is a sales professional with a proven track record in print advertising sales to a national/multi-market and agency client base. The candidate must be a self-starter with excellent written and verbal communication and interpersonal skills. This senior position offers a competitive salary, auto/mileage allowance and generous commis sion/bonus plan. To apply for this position fax contact Cathryn Oliver at (905)337-5571 or call (905)337-5554 or e-m ail ceoliver@ haltonsearch.ccrm by October 12th, 2001 PLUM BING Repairs, New In s ta lla tio n s , a lte ra tions. B asem ent drains, bathroom s, dryw all, fram ing, tilin g . No Job Too Small. Frank, 639-3874. BATHROOM S p ecialist, tile, plumbing, electrical, we do it all. References. G u a r antee. Call 905-949-2618 · Ol-P-112 LARRY'S M o v in g - big or small jobs done to your sat isfa c tio n . Please call (905)528-9453 CHILD CARE SERVICE PROVIDER CLOSING: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2001 A. U R B A N S K I C O M M IS S IO N E R O F S O C IA L & C O M M U N IT Y S E R V IC E S www.etnbids.com www.reaion.halton.on.ca/bids A. M IN D E N H A L L , C P P O M ANAGER OF P U R C H A S IN G S E R V IC E S I salon & spa help C A LIFO R N IA Hair W orks is looking for a fulltime As sistant Apprentice and full tim e H a ird re sse r w /clientele. 905-634-4466.________ FAST grow ing trend s e t tin g B u rlington salon re quires Full-tim e Hairstylist w ith m inim al c lie n te le . Please ca ll w ith resum e 905-637-7800____________ NEW W eight Loss Health & Beauty Centre looking for part-/ full-time Esthetician in Burlington. Training avail able. 905-975-5622 CUSTO M -M ADE d ra p e r ies valances, sheers, bed/ ta b le / chair co-ordina tes, fabrics, installation. 10yrs exp. S h erry- (905)-6346706, morganinteri ors@home.com C LA SS IFIED Deadlines are Monday at 5pm for Wed nesday; W ednesday at 5pm for Friday and Thurs day at 5pm for Sunday. For m ore in form ation please call 905-337-5610 or 905632-4440, fax: 905-6328165.

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