Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 10 Oct 2001, "Classified", C6

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C6 - The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday October 10, 2001 T h e Oakville B eaver BONUS! All classified ads appear @ TO PUCE AN AD CALL 905- 845-3824 OR 905- 337-5610 FAX: 905- 632-8165 MON. - FRI. 9:00am - 5:00pm C la ssified houses for sale .wwoakvillebeaver.com The site your community clicks on! Circulation: 905-845-9742 · Real Estate 100-135 · Business to Business 140-169 · Rentals 170-196 · Leisure Living 200-239 · Community & Public Notices 240-299 · Merchandise 300-385 · Auto 400470 · Help Wanted 500-570 · Services 700-795 ||T |1 ^ apartments & flats for rent GLEN Abbey. Oakville. 2 year old 4-bedroom beauti fully maintained home. Main floor livingroom/ diningroom, familyroom, kitchen, break fast area, laundryroom. 2.5 bathrooms. A/C, upgrades, marble surround fireplace. C a lifornia shutte rs, extra windows. Walk to shopping, schools. Early clo sing available. $279,000. 905_____ 827-7797 M ILLCRO FT. 3+1 bed rooms. all brick, new hard wood. C a lifornia shutters. 3.5 baths, 2 gas fireplaces, c/air, c/vac., fully finished basem ent, cedar deck w / hot tub. $365,000. 905332-8258. No agents. S149,000. 3489 New St. Cozy 1+ bedroom detached, private fenced yard. Ideal for couple/ single home owner. Les 905-634-2989. No agents. O A K V IL L E - N ov 1st, 2 s to re y 3 be d ro o m c ond o $15 0 0 /m th in c lu d e s u tili tie s. C o n ta c t B ill M ille r, C e n tu ry 21 R eal E s ta te Ltd. (905)845-9180_______ 2 -B E D R O O M , N ov 1st, B ro n te , e x c e lle n t c o n d i tion,new carpets, new tile, hardw oods, fresh ly p a in t ed. pool, tennis court, un d e rg ro u n d p a rk in g . $1350/m th u tilities in clud ed, Brad Miller, Century 21 M ille r R e a l E s ta te L td ., (905)845-9180 _ 2-BEDRO O M apa rtm e nts a va ila b le N o v./D ec. from $875/mo. Conveniently lo cated Woodward/ Guelph Ln, Burlington. (905)632-4265. 2-BEDRO O M S: $82 0./ mo. (U tilitie s in clude d). 2386 New Street at Guelph Line. O ffice Open 9-4pm , Mon.-Sat. (905)639-5761 DOW NTOW N B u rlington, 1.263 bedrooms, October; Freshly painted, some with new kitchen cabinetry! Well maintained, quiet building. Walk to shopping. Hospital. Lake! Call 905-637-0321 2-BEDRO O M A p artm ents ava ila b le in w e ll- m a in tained O a k v ille building. Close to schools & profes sio nal services. Easy a c cess to QEW & 403. 905844-2646 1 &2 Bedroom Apartm ents a va ila b le N o v./D ec. 1363 Lake shore B u rlington across from Spencer Smith Park. 905-637-8431. (Ring Apt. #101). O A K V ILLE. N ear all amenities. 199 Queen Mary 1.263 bedroom apartments a va ila b le Nov. 1st from $84 5/m o.- $1325/m o. (+ parking) 905-844-9006 BEAUTIFUL W ATERD0W N! Edith Court 2-BEDR00M Dec. 1st · $840/mo STAFF ACCOUNTANT CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3270 Prospect St. · 905-632-2601 3 B edroom s · 4 appliancess · Eat-in Kit. Basem ent · P lay g ro u n d · Parking Conveniently located near schools and Burlington Mall Area Shelter Canadian Properties Lim ited O A K V IL L E - 3-Bedroom tow nhouses av a ila b le im m e d ia te ly / N o v .1st. 4 a p pliance s. H opedale M all area. Lakeshore M anage ment. 905-876-3336 TYAND AG A. Executive new ly renovated free hold 3+1 bedroom s, 1.5 baths, eat-in kitchen, walk-out fa m ilyroom , garage, private yard, c /a ir, 4 app lia nces, Nov.1st., $1350/mo. +utilities. (No s m oking / pets) 905-335-4843. ^ J e t t in g Includes utilities. Parking Available (905) 690-1896 DOW NTOW N O akville, la rge 2 -bedroom , 6 a p pliances. C/A. $1450/m o., Nov. 1st. 416-420-3952 Don't Miss Toronto's Foremost Bridal Event jV Ia iw m / January 4, 5, 6, 2002 · National Trade Centre Nam e___________________________________________ Established, growth oriented, tax focused public accounting firm located in Burlington requires an accountant for corporate financial statement and tax return preparation using Caseware/Caseview. Prior experience an asset. Minimum enrollment in 4th level of recognized accounting program pre ferred, along with a desire to specialize in complex tax issues, and a good sense of humour. Must be flexible, personable, a team player and prepared to do what is necessary to get the job done. Reply with salary expectations to Box 1872 c/o Burlington Post 2321 Fairview St, Burlington, ON, L7R 2E3 TYANDAGA 2&3 Bdrms Avail. Immed./Oct. Single or double storey New appliances Freshly Painted Low-rise buildings Large, private patios D A YC A R E a v a ila b le , my home - hot meals, snacks, Playground. Holy Fam ily School area. French/Eng lis h s p e a k in g . V e ry e x perienced. Excellent re f erences. (905)849-8119. HO M E d a y c a re in q u ie t n e ig h b o u rh o o d , F o u rth L in e /S p e e rs a re a , has Full/Part time spaces avail able 18m - 4 years. Nutri tious lunches/snacks pro vided, lots of fun and learn ing. ECE and first aid cer tific a te s . C a ll K a ren at (9 0 5 )8 1 5 -0 6 7 3 . e m a il: a rm s tro n g l 7 6 0 @ s y m p a tico.ca HOME childcare available. E xp erienced ECE mom, 18m onths +, in Bronte. 905-469-0671 JO IN the Fun! Mom (10 years e xpe rience) has spaces available, ages 2-5 years. R eferences. R e ceipts. A p pleb y/ Pinedale area. (905)681-3541. LITTLE Achievers Kinderc a re - W aterdow n. Home d ayca re opening fo r 2-5 years. ECE, First Aid, CPR. 905-690-4368. REGISTERED daycare provider has spaces avail able. 17yrs. expe rience. Nutritious meals, referenc es, receipts. Palmer area. 905-336-0864. REGISTERED home dayca re, fu ll-tim e spaces availab le 2y r.-4 y rs . Near Mountainside/ Guelph Line. TLC, lunches, crafts, ABC's, 123's, outings, fenced yard. CPR/ references/ receipts. (905)319-3826. .Postal Code_ Phone Wedding Date. Fax_ NEW ravine e xecu tive 3bedrooms. G reat location! 2.5 baths, m any extras, $182,500. D e c.1st. Open House. Sat.&Sun.. 1-4pm, 15-1276 S ilvan Forest Dr., Mainway/ Walkers Line, Burlington. 905-332-9709. FREEHOLD C o n d o - 3 bedroom s, 3 baths, open concept, single car garage, eat-in kitchen, asking only $199,900. Call Asha Singh, Century 21 Kingsbury R.E. Ltd. 416-564-2742 or 905568-2121_______________ IMMACULATE 3-bedroom, Tyandaga area, Burlington. 2 baths, finished basement, new paint & carpets. +++! $127,500. C all Shawn. 416-984-8456 % S fir e d -/t · MOBILE PAPER SHREDDING A RECYCLING 1440 Tyandaga Pk Dr. (905) 336-0015 1460 Tyandaga Pk Dr. (905) 336-0016 BURLOAK PLACE On The Lake 2-storey, 2-bedroom unit with 4 appliances! (1 parking space only) $975-$1100/mo.+ util. (905) 633-7150 BU R LIN G TO N Luxury tow nhouses, 4-bedroom s, $1235. Fam ilyroom , base ment, yard. U tilities extra, parking, $40. 905-639-0950 W ELL M aintained 3 -b e d room freehold in Glen Ab bey. Close to all amenities. 5 appliances. Prefer long term A1 tenants. 905-6932991; 905-849-5597 3 bedroom - B rant/ Upper M iddle Rd., A p pliances plus washer/ dryer. Avail able immediately. $ 1100 ./+ utilities, 416-727-3165 _Email. Send to: National Bridal Shows c/o Premier Consumer Show 467 Speers Rd., Oakville L6K 3S4. Fax: 905-337-5571 i | TELEPROSPECTOR A P P O IN T M E N T B O O K ER S h r e d - lt is a w o rld le a d e r in O n -s ite Document Destruction with over 90 offices world-wide. We are in search of an inside te le p ro s p e c to r s ta r fo r o u r T o ro n to branch, at our O a kville c o rp o ra te office. The ideal candidate will have a successful tra c k re c o rd in te le p ro s p e c tin g w ith a proven ability to meet and exceed quotas. You will be responsible for a high volume of outbo u n d te le p h o n e p ro s p e c tin g and appointm ent booking. A highiy m otivated team player with at least 2 years e xperi ence is what we are looking for. In return, we offer attractive com pensation that in c lu d e s an o p e n -e n d e d bo n us s tru c tu re and benefits package. Resum es by fax to: 905-829-9206 or E-mail: toronto@shredit.com I furnished rentals SEND THIS FORM FOR YOUR 2 FOR 1 ADM ISSIO N COUPON BY FRI.. DEC. 14, 2001 BURLINGTON- Furnished 2bedroom large, a ttra c tiv e apartments available Nov. 1st. Heat/ hydro included. From $1077/m o. No pets. 905-632-0961 a division of TVVT LUXURY "NeW 1-3 Bdrm Corporate Condos/ Homes. TV, VCR, 6 app lia nces, s te re o , 1-3 baths, health centre, security. Pets okay. D a ily, W eekly, M onthly. $ 1395-3995/ month. Visa, M asterCard, AmericanEx. Call 681-RENT (7355) L/M EEE1 public notice public notice E i l l l l l carsf°rsa|e 1998 Nissan Altim a GXE. 45K, loaded, one owner, e xcellen t cond ition. C e rti fied. E -tested . Asking $16,500. 905r516-1574 1993 S uzuki S w ift sta n dard. 180K., new tires/ bat tery. Needs some work. $300 as is. 905-631-2323. 1988 Ford Taurus- 3L-V6, auto, a/c, p.b., p.s., certified. E -tested : runs great. $25QO.OBO. 905-681-1549 1995 M onte C a rlo, black with Grey interior, p/w, p/l, p/b, CD changer, automatic transmission. Call 905-632-1657 1986 O ldsm obile Regency (98)~ all pow er a c ce sso ries, mechanically/ structur ally sound, runs well, high K's. $1800. (905)335-8888, leave message. 1 Halton Provincial P.C. Riding * Association will hold its SPACIOUS 3-bedroom , enclosed sunroom , facing south, new hardwood, ce ramics. carpet. Many build ing am enities. Near Ikea. $102,000. A va ila ble 60 days. 905-332-9709. WE specia lize in C o ndo m inium S ales & Rentals. Call Linda Davies Real Es tate Ltd., Realtor, (905)3334347____________________ K k u l lots & acreages T a lle st Building in Oakville! (at 30 Speers Rd.) Kerr/ Speers/ QEW 1 -Bdrms trom S829* Spacious and well main tained highrise. Most newly decorated! Some with lake view. Tel: (905) 845-9502 EAST B u rlin g to n : 3 -b e d room ranch, ground floor, 4 appliances, parking. $850/ mo. 905-632-5690, Albert McDonagh Ltd.. Realtor On October 18th at 7p.m. at Hornby Glen Golf Club in Halton Hills A ll Welcome ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING For more information call Denis at 905-702-1297 We thank all applicants in advance for their interest but only those applicants who are to be considered will be contacted. '(2% disc, included) PENTH OU SE, O akville. Facing Lake. 3-bedroom s, baths, livingroom, for mal dining roo m , kitchen with breakfast nook, private laundry facilities in-suite, 5 a pp lia nces. $1725/m o. Dec. 1st. 905-844-9670 W ATERFRONT build in g lot for sale. G orgeous 12 acres on picturesque Sauble R iver. Landscaped, with tennis court. O nly 3 hours from O akville. $165,000. 905-469-4576 2 - 1/2 O AKVILLE- Small unit for rent, im m ediate. Cheap!! (416)239-4772 ^ industrial /commercial space 205 Q ueen M ary D rive, O akville . Near all a m eni ties. 1&2 bedroom s, N o v.1st. $895- $1050/mo. (+parking). 905-844-9670 G EOR GIAN A p artm ents. 1,2&3 Bedrooms. Oct./ Nov. Heat/ hydro included. Park ing extra . (No pets) B u r lington. 905-639-0456. M-F: 9am-4pm, 6:30-8pm CANADIANA. Quiet, wellmaintained lakefront build ing. V ery s pacious 1&2 bedroom s a vailab le N ov./ Dec. 5220 Lakeshore. Burlington. (905)632-5486. 1&2 Bedroom apartm entssom e w ith lake view s! Laundry on each floor. Burloak/ Lakeshore area. From $900/mo. (905)639-3301 BRONTE: 2-bedroom , pri vate entrance, 5 applianc es, jacuzzi, gas fireplace, a/ c, walk to lake. No pets, non-smoking. Parking. Avail. November $1150/mo. plus utilities. 416-993-1622. 2-BEDROOM- quiet, clean a du lt bu ild in g , dow ntown Burlington. A vailable Nov. $750/mo. includes utilities. (905)-631-0191__________ 3020 G lencrest Road, Bur lington. 1 bedroom a p a rt m ent availab le Dec. From $895/mo. 905-632-0129____ PROFESSIONAL finished 1 bedroom apartment in base ment, suitable for non smoking, single, mature individual. No pets, sepa rate entrance. $750/mo. Call Halina after 6pm (905)338-1881_______ HUGE low er level a p a rt m ent, T hird Line/ U pper M iddle, non-sm oking p ro fessio n a l coup le. $ 1200 / mo. inclusive. 905-842- 8 505 W HITE O aks, O akville. S pacious 1&2 Bedroom + den, from $ 1 125/m o.; Im m ediate. W ell- maintained complex, full rec. facilities including indoor pool, sun ken livingroom... some with fireplace! Call 905-815-1628 ALDERSHOT (w est B ur lington) new ly renovated studio w ith fu ll kitchen , available October 1st. $625 + hydro. (905)633-8547 OLD O akville. B e au tifu lly m aintained, very clean, q uiet build in g dow ntow n. Step out to shops. Ground flo o r. 1-bedroom . $96 0./ m o.; 905-845-8254 (leave message) __________ O A K V ILLE. M ainflo or of 3-bedroom bungalow , a va ila b le D e c .1st., near Kerr St./ GO. Non-smokers. $840/m o. + u tilitie s . 905337-3351._______________ BU R LIN G TO N - Large 2bedroom apa rtm e nt (825 sq.ft.) in clean quiet build ing. Parking. $825/mo. Call Donna, (905)634-5885. DOW NTOW N B u rlington. 2-bedroom, main level of 4plex, parkin g, laundry room, N o v.1st. $725/m o.+ hydro. 905-631-5165 Q UIET, C onvenient, W ellMaintained! 3055 Glencrest Rd., B u rlington. Spacious One 2-bedroom only available O ct.lst. (905)637-3921 B U RLIN GTO N Dow n town. 2-bdrm $725./mo. + hydro. Clean, quiet build ing. near all am enities. Available Nov. (9 05)6438979; (905)634-9681_______ A L DER SH O T. Bright, new, open concept 1-bdrm w /e n su ite , sep a ra te en trance. No sm oking/ pets. N o v.1st, $625/m o. in c lu sive. First/last. References. 905-529-4299 after 5pm 1-BEDRO O M A p artm ents ava ila b le from $875/m o. Indoor pool. QEW/ Trafalgar area. 905-844-1106 G RANDE REGENCY: A m azing 2-bedroom pent house. 5 app lia nces, b a l cony, private terrace, pool. No pets or sm oking. O p tional 6 months to one year. Available Oct. 15th. $1600/ mo. inclusive. Call L.Davies R.E., 905-333-4347 N O V .1ST, Q EW / 403, Burlington, new 1400sq.ft. 3-bedroom , 2.5 baths, ga rage, c/a, 3 appliances. 1 year lease, no pets. $1395/ mo. -fu tilitie s . 416-9483013; 519-690-0831 CHEDOKE G olf C ourseH a m ilton, upscale 3 b e d room +++ tow nhom e. Rent- Sl.695/m on. or sale$189.900. 905-528-- 4944 SP EN C ER 'S Landing. Luxu rious 2-bedroom + den, $1800/mo. Call Al Mc C u rdy, B roker, H om elife Apple Park R e alty 905681-3000. GLEN A bbey spacious, im m aculate, clean. 2 bed room condo, large balcony, F/P, storage, rec.centre. 5 appliances. Near schools/ shopping. $1250./month + hydro. N ov.1. 905-6165586 l! u i houses for rent ^ condom inium s for rent O A K V ILLE. S pacious, clean furn ish e d room. $100/wk. Suit quiet working non -sm oker or student. Neai^bus1905-465-2465. BED Sitting Room. S ec ond room suits commuter. Both private Bath and park in g. N o n s m o k e rs o n ly . 905-845-6374-Qakville F U R N IS H E D n e a r O a k ville Place, prefer female or student. $400. per month. Call (905)815-1421 LOWEST A IR F A R E S G U A RA N TEED ^Pai^foiJby^the^altor^rovincia^RC^idin^^ssociationjj R E SP O N SIB LE, reliable babysitter required Friday & S aturday even ings, a lte r nate w eekends. S tudents welcom e. W est O akville. Call 905-469-9517 private tuition/ schools Fantastic Career in Travel Sales Flight Centre is looking to employ fun and dynamic sales professionals to join the fastest growing travel retailer in the World. If you have excellent communication skills a great sense of humour and the desire for success Tired of Waiting V m C A R E -P L U S SM ALL office for re n tT rafalga r & Lakeshore. share reception. C all Rebecca (905)849-6520 YOGA C entre has tre a t ment room s ava ila b le for rent in O akville . C all (905)338-6088 OFFICE Space a vailab le, QEW/ T rafalga r Rd. area. 526sq.ft. Reasonable rates. Trafalgar (Oakville) Realty Inc.. Jim: 905-338-1130 NEAR Upper O akville Shopping M a ll/ S heridan. Share house. Pool, A/C. $380/mo. Available Oct. 15th. 905-337-3848. BURLINGTON- Roommate w anted p re fe r fem ale. $500/m o., fre e parking. 1013 St. Matthews Avenue. Im m ediate. R obert 905333-1633.________________ BURLINGTON. W ill share bright, furnished apartment with m ature w orking lady. Indoor parking. $495./in clusive. 905-637-6120 ^ shared accommodation E X P E R IE N C E D g ra d e 8 Teacher available to tutor. S o u th e a s t O a k v ille (905)842-5569 fo r Therapv Services? 1998 FO RD E x p lo re r E d d ie B a u e r. Red w ith beige trim . Beige le a th e r interior Fully loaded. New tires, new brakes. 145,000 km. Asking $17,000. Call (905)333-9171 a fte r 6 pm (or leave message) BASKETBALL backboard and hoop, NBA. graphite, $50. OBO. 905-338-9493 BATHROOM Vanity, 4-door, white, counter, sink & toilet, $100/obo. 905-319-5985 CO M PUTER, Pentium 166 MHZ 16MB m emory, 24xCD Rom, 14" m onitor, $100. 905-335-6556. DESK, youth, w h ite with hutch. $50. obo. Call 905639-5660 ____ ELECTRIC range, s e lf cleaning, Almond, excellent condition. Free if you take away. 905-847-1469 FIR EPLA CE in s e rt- like new. Elm ira S tovew orks, $750/obQ- (905)637-3313 K ITCHEN set, table & 6 chairs. $75. 905-632-2771 evenings PRINTER, Canon black & white Bubble Jet, excellent c o n d itio n , $40. C all 905335-6556._______________ STOVE, W hirlpool, a l m ond, good c ond ition, $100. Call 905-637-3313. SW ING set, large, m etal. Very good condition. $50. obo. 905-639-5660 W ASHER, M offat, good condition, $100. Call 905633-6957._________ WROUGHT iron table & 4 chairs, excellent condition, $100. Call 905-633-6957. Good news, we have NO waiting lists. We specialize in paediatric and adult services, in home, hospital and community. OT, FT and Speech available at competitive rates. FLIGHT C EN TR E WANTS YOU! W e have 32 offices in th e GTA and w e will open 80 m ore in th e n ext 4 years! W e offer a fun working environm ent C om prehesive training in Travel Industry operations Fantastic B enefits and a S tock O ption Plan Outstanding opportunities for advancem ent Full tim e perm anent positions th roughout th e GTA Fantastic Travel O pportunities CARS stored in new, clean bam close to Oakville/ Bur lington. $75/m o., also boats. Call evenings, 905876-2606. I career training Call now at: (905) 306-0202 E T E 1 articles for sale COZY w ell e stablished Italian resta u ra n t s it-in / take-out. 46 seats +bar + take-out area. E xce lle nt volum e. Royal W ind sor/ Ford Drive., $139,000. call Omer Forzley, Broker. Royal LePage 905-275-9400 MONEY Problem s? G ar nishees? Too m any pa y m ents? O ptions to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner, Bank ruptcy Trustee: (905) 6 3 1 0600 W ATERDOW N. 4 -b e d room s, 2.5 baths, 3 a p pliance s, 2 fire p la c e s , c/ vac., G reenpark Home, $1600/mo. +utilities. Imme diate.^05-689-5013. LUXURY sin gle fam ily hom e in des ira b le Campbellville . Close to 401 ac cess. Q uiet re s id e n tia l neighbou rho od. Gas fir e place w ith fenced b a c k yard. Broadloom thro ugh out. S ingle car garage. W alk to dow ntown Campbellville. $2249/mo. + utili ties. C all Ardonna, 9-5, 905-319-2524, Ext.33____ OLD O akville home, cute, 5 appliances, fireplace. 2bedroom s, ( 2 nd bedroom double size). All the shops of lovely Old Oakville just at your front steps! No lease. Short term stay acceptable. $1650/m o.+ util. Call 905845-8254, leave message EX EC UTIVE Home. C om m uters dream ! New home for rent, 2 min. drive from 401. 45 min. drive to Toronto. Q uiet residential neighbou rho od, w alking d istan ce to shopping. $1999/m o.+ utilitie s. Donna, 9-5, at 1-888-307-4775 CE NTR AL O ak v ille . 1bedroom bungalow , den, hardw ood, new kitchen, 4 a pp lia nces. Im m ediate. $1275/mo.+ utilities. Trafal gar (O akville) Realty Inc., 905-338-1130. 12' S p ringbok alum inium boat with 10hp Honda mo tor and trailer, gas tank and oars. $1950. firm. Excellent cond ition. 905-632-0068. Burlington._______________ f J r v l lost & found EN TER TAINM EN T cen tre, oak, custom -m ade. 2 3 " x5 4 " x50* paid $1300. asking $300; wicker valet, m irro r $50; brass/ glass shelving $40. 905-634-2727 FREE E stim ates... Got w obbly or broken chairs? W eak sofa or chair springs? Soft foam? Tired lo oking wood fin is h e s ? ... then call Fields for all furni ture repairs and custom wood refinishing. 9-9 daily, (905)632-9090____________ FR EEZER, uprig h t, gold, excellen t cond ition. $250: desk. 2-drawers, $25: draft ing table . $50: sofabed, sin gle, $50.; Dog cage$15. M oving. Best offers. 905-842-4861.___________ GLASS top dining table. 60" B evelled, octagonal with 6 Parsons chairs, Waverly Ivy fa b ric , like new, $1400. Fridge & stove, Vik ing, alm ond, $90/each. (905)333-5427__________ _ GRACO deluxe stroller w/ detachable rear facing inf ant car seat carrier, (hood, fro n t/b a c k trays, un d e r neath storage). $125. obo. 905-336-4044____________ HOT Tub/ Spa. A ll selfcontained, all optio ns, w/ cover, 2001 m odel, new. still in wrapper,.cost $8,900. sacrifice $4,100. 905-3047775.___________________ HU M ID IFIER , lik e new. cartridge-type. Paid $250, $100 firm . C all 9 0 5 -6 3 1 8189.___________________ GLASS top 60" D/R table. 6 chairs $1800., (Ethan Allen drapes, c ushions); Maple desk $250.; M icrow ave $90.; G ibbard m ahogany bedroom suite, $1500.; Im perial Loyalist maple table. 6 chairs, hutch, $1000; GE spacemaker CD/Fm $100.; Craftsman 10inch table saw $250.; 905-337-1296 KITCHEN cabinets, honey oak, exce lle n t c ond ition, 18' plus 5' centre island w/ white counter tops, double sink, faucet, built-in oven, Jenn A ir cooktop, $1500. 905-847-6629.___________ MOVED! B utcher's Block; small freezer; Bushnell tel escope; large m icrowave; baseboard heaters. All ex cellent condition. 905-6313217____________________ O FFICE d iv id e rs , desks, building supplies, summer fu rn itu re / pots; Toys, rollerskates, records...R euse C e ntre, 3335 N .S e rvice. Burlington. W ed/Th/Fri-128 pm; S at-9-5pm ; Sun-124pm. SHOW ER S ta ll New fib e rg la s s show er stall. Asking $500. or best offer. 905-331-8584 STOVE, ele ctric, alm ond, $ 100 ; new ca rp e t- high quality commercial, 27x12, $150. 905-632-3630. I I lw articles wanted W A N T E D L ittle T yke s c lim b e r. C a ll (9 0 5 )3 1 9 1687____________________ W ANTED Cage for m edi um sized dog. Please call 905-827-4949____________ K f i l l auctions, sales BARTENDING C ourseV enture H o spitality T ra in ing hands-on style course in cluding B artending & SmartServe certification 4day tra in in g program in Oakville, Oct. 17 & 24, 6 pm10pm. Oct. 20 & 21: 9am5pm. For info: 416-631-4039. career professional N o w h irin g fo r O a k v ille ! Q uote this ad when you fax your resume For more information visit to 4 I 6 6 0 3 -6 1 9 0 www.flightcentre.ca "*** ' ' F L IG H T CENTRE CORPORATE LAW CLERK/LEGAL ASSISTANT O'Connor MacLeod Hanna LLP, a twelve lawyer Oakville law firm, is seeking a corporate / commercial legal assistant / law clerk who can handle a variety of matters within the corporate department including incorporations, amend ments, annuals, amalgamations and documentation related to asset and share purchase / sale transactions. Completion of Law Clerks Program and / or relevant experience in a corporate law department is required. The successful candidate will have a thorough knowledge of MS Word, Word Perfect, Microsoft Outlook and be comfortable working with a corporate data base and have excellent communication and organizational skills. All interested candidates should send their resume to: COIN SHOW Brant Hills Community Centre, Burlington FOUND: boy's m ountain bike, Iroq uois Park area. Call(905)634-5357 to identify. FOUND girls bike in Syca m ore Park. Phone 905335-3947.________________ FOUND scooter, on lawn, Longm oor Drive. Phone 9 05-333-1747._______ FOUND: boy's bike. C avendish Park. C all to identify (905)335-1652. ask for Wayne FOUND: B eagle. Brant/ G hent. We call "P e tun ia" Phone 637-7325 to identify. FOUND: Brown tabby in the M aple/Sable area. We call "Mallory*. (905)637-7325. FOUND: Female grey tab by, Upper Middle/ Guelph. We call " Penny*. 905-6377 3 2 5 . ________________ FOUND: G rey/Brow n ta b by in the Warwick Ct. area. We call " Porkchop". Please call (905)637-7325________ FOUND: Young grey ta b by, A p pleb y/ Lakeshore. We ca ll " H eather". 905637-7325._______________ LOST ye llo w c ockatie l, very friendly, named 'Lucy', downtown Burlington area. Phone 905-681-3593 Sat. O ct.13 9 am - 4 pm Ancient & current coins & paper money FR EE admission/parking I business services I personals 2300 Ouncaster Ave (off Brant between Upper Middle/Hwy. 5) FLAT Rate, not Taxi Rate! Driver available in Burling ton to drive you for errands, app ointm ents, e tc... on Sat's & Sun's. References available. Call (905)525-7116 BO O KKEEPIN G, Data Entry from my office. All en tries to Trial Balance using MYOB and Q uickB ooks. References. 905-631-0616 O 'C O N N O R M A C L E O D H A N N A LLP B arristers & S o licito rs 700 K err S treet, O akville, O n tario L6K 3W 5 A ttentio n: Ja n et R im er, A d m in istrato r Fax: 905-8 42-2 30 9 · E-m ail: rim er@ o m h .ca No telephone calls please. We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those to be interviewed will be contacted. I firewood G UAR AN TEED dry 100% hardw ood PROPERLY seasoned. Ontario's largest Firew ood re ta il. M arc's Quality Firewood, 905-2576366 BURLIN GTO N- C e ntral. 2-bedroom . New h a rd wood. No pets, $660/mo. + hydro, in clude s parking. Nov. 1st. (905)388-5236; (905)634-7088.___________ NO RTHSHORE Tow ers, ;2-bedroom , N o v./ Dec. $874.65/mo.+ $33. parking. Utilities included. No Pets. Quiet Building. Diane, 9am7pm. 681-1307* Burlington SPACIOUS 1.2&3 B e d room s. F reshly painted, brigh t. C o m pe titive rent. Burlington high-rise. Wellmaintained. Convenient lo cation. 9 0 5 -3 3 3 -9 8 4 6 , Noon-8 pm BLOCKS from Downtown Oakville. 1-bedroom, Dec., $850/mo. inclusive; 2-bed room, Nov./Dec. $1200/mo. inclusive. Lots of seniors! 905-844-1934 _ _ ________ HEART of Bronte. 50 East St., close to lake & Bronte Harbour. 1-bedroom , N ov.1st. $975/m o.; 2-bed room, Nov.1st. $1,150./mo. (+parking) 905-825-0816 AN TIQ U E cla w foot ba th tub, needs refin is h in g , $220. Call 905-631-1197. BEDROOM suite, 8 -pce., solid Cherrywood, 4-poster (or sle ig h ). All D ovetail, Chest, Tri-dresser w/mirror, 2 -n ig h ts ta n d s . Never opened, s till boxed. Cost $8,499. sell $3,750. Can deliver. 905-971-1777. BEDS, New. D ouble, $220; Queen. $240. Com plete w/frame. Futons. Free D e live ry. R efurbished VCRs. 17-25" colour TVs. p o rta b le CD players. (905)681-9496.___ B E D - Q ueen, o rth opedic pillo w to p m attress, boxspring, headboard/ fo o t board, frame. New, in plas tic. Cost $1275, sell $550. W ill d e liv e r. (905)9713315. (Hamilton).__________ BED, All-New King, Extra thick pillow-top Orthopedic mattress set. Still in plastic. Cost $1700. Sacrifice, $650. (905)304-5573 (Local). CA RPET. I have several 1,000 yards of new Stainmaster & 100 % nylon car pet. W ill do living roo m & hall for $349. Includes car pet, pad & installation (30 yards). S teve, (905)6392902____________ _______ CR YS TA L c han delier, $150. M icrow ave (G old star). $125. New window air c o n d itio n e r, $375. Rolled up blue blind, $50. Brand new garden hose w/2 sprinklers, $65. (905)6817507____________________ DINING RO O M suite, fo r mal cherrywood finish, ma ple/ oak inlay on tabletop & buffet doors, includes china cabinet, table w /2 leafs, 6 upholstered chairs, $3500. 905-319-6502.________ DINING RO O M , Warm, rich, 14-pce., Cherrywood set, 92* double pedestal w/ 2 leaves, 8 -C hippendale chairs, Lighted China Cab in et, all D ovetail. Never opened. Cost $12,900, sacrifice $5,500. (905)3049994. GRAND RE-OPENING SALE OVER 200 PIANOS Oct, 1 8 .1 9 , 20. 9-9 Don't pay for 1 Year OAC www.pianohouse burlington.com Tel: 9 0 5 -631-9259 CO-ORDINATOR, HEALTH & SAFETY FOR METROLAND HALTON DIVISIONS Location: The Oakville Beaver Reports to: The Publisher & Business Manager Job Summary: To enhance and promote the divisional Health & Safety program and support the corporate philosophy of accident prevention. To develop and implement safety rules and procedures at all divisional locations to reduce the risk of accidents and injuries. To achieve compliance with all relevant legal requirements. Q ualifications: Several years relevant experience including Heath & Safety certifications, first aid training, some knowledge of O.H.S.A. and W.S.I.B. legislation. Previous experience preparing and delivering safety training programs is an asset. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills. Proficiency in Microsoft Word and Excel. If you are enthusiastic about Health & Safety, do not have all the qualifications we are seeking, but are willing to attend post-secondary training programs - please apply. Size Matters! Bigger, better 1 & 2 bedroom apartments with view ot lake. Close to all am enities, newly renovated. Quiet, clean. & picturesque location $1050/ up. For more into and appointment call: (905)825-9616 UPGRADED 1.2&3 Bdrm Apts w ith scenic view s av a ila b le at two prim e downtown Burlington loca tions. B e autifu l grounds. New elevators. 477 E liza beth Street. 905-634-9374 and 478 Pearl Street. 905632-1643 A C h ristm as Present! 2bedroom suite at Burlington T ow ers... a much desired location. Available Dec. 1st. Features 2 balconies, ensuite stora ge, rec. centre with large indoor pool, up per flo o r with great view. Call 905-639-8583 LOST: gold squa re medB U RLIN G TO N. S p lit le v · allion w /inscription, chain. el, garage, 1- 1/2 baths, fa Possibly at River Oaks Are milyroom. fireplace, $1275/ na. Sentimental value. Re m o.; G uelph Line, 4 -b e d ward. 905-829-2672. room tow nh ouse. 1 - 1/2 baths, garage, $ 1 .020 /mo. 905-632-5690. Albert M c Donagh Ltd., Realtor EN ER G ETIC Nanny/ M other's helper wanted to assist stay-at-home Mom w/ 5 children (1 thru 4), Mon.EX EC UTIVE 2 -b e d Fri. 8 am- 5pm . Laundry, room s, U pper M iddle/ light housework. Must have Eighth Line area. 2-1/2 drivers licence, experience baths, finished basment, 5 w /pre-school children. appliances, A/C, alarm sys $500/wk. gross. Please fax tem, garage. $1450/m o. resume: 905-820-8386. Available Nov. 1st. 905-825LIVE-O UT Nanny/ House 8419.________ keeper for 6 & 8 -yr. olds. GUELPH Line/ U pper Lakeshore/Trafalgar. Imme Middle. 2-bedrooms, fridge, diate . P refer w /driver's stove, $800/m o. + utilities, licence. 905-338-2044. first/ last. Available Novem NA N N IE S/ Housekeepers ber 1st & Janu ary 1st. w a n te d - (live-ou t), e x c e l (905)336-7901 . 9am -7pm lent job opp ortunities, e s Only____________________ p e c ia lly fo r drivers. C all T ra fa lg a r Personnel BU RLIN G TO N. 3 -b e d (905)849-6520___________ room s. One parking only. Im m ed./ O ct. $995/m o.; NANNY liv e -in , 2 young (Hydro/ heat/ water extra). children, (3 & 10-m os.), 905-319-1869 m ostly even in g s / nights. Trafalgar/ Lakeshore. Apply BU RLIN GTO N large 3to: 149 Elton Park Road, bedroom , 2030 B luefield Oakville. Ontario L6J 4C2 D r., new bathroom , new kitchen, fridge, stove, laun NANNY w anted (B u rlin g dry, parking, $925/m o.+ ton) Energetic, responsible, experienced. Must be nonhydro. N ov.15th. 1-905sm oker, licenced driver, 453-9929 (No Sunday calls with excellen t references. Please) Please call after 6 pm, 905GLEN A bbey, 3 -b e d 331-6793_______________ room s, 2 2 0 0 s q .ft., h a rd NA NN Y/ H ousekeeperwood, 5 a pp lia nces, C/A, (East Oakville) for 3 schoolfireplace, $1795/m o.+ utili aged children, starting im ties. N ov./D ec. T ra fa lg a r m ediately. Driver a must. (Oakville) Realty Inc., 905905-845-6991 evgs. 338-1130. FREE to good home. Black Lab/ Spaniel, 1-yr old. loves to run. T rained, spayed, all shots. Best with grown family. 905-842-0145 SIBERIAN Husky, p u r ebred, beautiful 4-mo. old m ale, blue eyes, lovable. Cage/ accessories. Asking $300. 905-338-5913_______ r i r i l cars for sale Apply in writing to: Teri Casas, Business Manager The Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Road, Oakville, Ontario L6K 3S4 Email: tcasas@haltonsearch.com Fax: 905-337-5597 Before 15th October, 2001 Advertising Sales Rep The Oakville Beaver is presently seeking Full-Tim e Sales R epresentatives for both our R etail Advertising department. Candidates must be highly motivated and strive to achieve results. Be a part of our team with a highly attractive compensation package, including salary, commission and vehicle allowance. Reply in confidence to: D aniel Baird, R etail Advertising M anager c/o The Oakville Beaver 467 Speers Rd.. Oakville. ON.. L6K 3S4 ww w .dbaird@ haltonsearch.com 2000 Honda Accord LX- 5 speed, blue, A /C, ABS, keyless alarm , CD, 29,000km. $21,650. 905845-5872________________ 1999 Chev V e nture m in i van. Assume 9-mos. lease Nov.1. F irst m onth free. 59K. $407/m o. inclusive. 905-847-7150____________ 1993 M azda M X - 6 . 5 speed, m int cond ition, loaded, new clutch, silver/ tin te d w indow s. $6995. (905)469-9025 ___________ 1993 LEBARON C o nvert ible, one owner, showroom condition. $5,900 Certified. Loaded, nice colours. Call (905)849-7613___________ 1993 HYUNDAI Elantra 5 spd - AM/FM - A/C 118K certified. $2,900/obo. Call (9 0 5 )8 4 4 -1 9 9 1 (9 -5 ) or (905)616-1991 (after) 1987 Mazda 626- 5 speed. 162,000km. New tires. 2 ow ners. $ 1 , 00 0 . as is. 905-637-8106 No Phone Calls Please drivers drivers 510 general help wanted G L O B A V .C O M F re ig h t M anage m ent C A R P EN TER / Fram er needed. M ust have own transportation, wages ne g otiable. W ages pending on expe rience. C all (905)469-6425.__________ GENERAL Labourers, ex perienced, wanted fulltime for O akville housing project. Call 905-821 -3666 NEED a Job? Are you un em ployed? 90% of our P a rticip a n ts get em plo y ment or training opportuni ties. C all the YM CA at (905)681-1140 AZ DRIVERS .40 P er M ile 3 0 0 0 M ile s W e e kly R e ce ive a $ 5 0 0 C h ristm a s B onus fo r S ta rtin g in O c to b e r 5 NEW POSITIONS AVAILABLE W ANTED A ll-C hina, S ilv er, C rystal, sew ing m a ch in e s ... D oulton, M oorcroft,Quilts, Glass, Watches, cam era/ audio equipm ent, dolls, paintings, c o lle c ti bles, estates. John/Tracy905-331-2477 C all Ken at 905-849-8081 or 1-8 00 -898 -99 07 at Ext. 235

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