A.. IX 18. IfiBO. irs we hav. b..ëow l-& Wve bmveth, dits TABLE LNi8 r à Y&UM TO s i;Tt$G.PÈLOW ~aia'th uti ýivd o oneemvI asc. IFird.. 40c, ýTH.S AND.-AMRONI "t pt f~i, $ k UI OP FASHIOt4S rlLetter 0tleuê Po t lr ' .% ovr 'th MWfo 1' it'Nt~ 1>6 pn s' -s *8 Ii** 1..~ mm - I Dames monkala ~ ~ jet mquau.1 A SAlISIlS I - a --.& hlaimivw- W firel ~Sns. .~ i nmihmnt.lk I. W. twi -#*FOW 1VANlhU *àu Md-j& À"r1~ au ui.s a Iýmb 0" mate du-IL unr mo' &ivyayer oyor kta t iilo Putai eàbbt wgmw be » mma umumhblie . debut vehst -,i IAsh av s, t ue s, maa ~~*% a boo w- y uoo baisM finài.0Uie W.i -MROBSON, - Of8.OP8pOPE1OPR~OPI 6k 4~tgtnIj quan ~TrawIhg Sea oet a *P- 0a101hisba cr Woa B - oeAM HaXrdýw&» - Heuae- Pu~n1sh1ng~ TO que Mme ay Pai 'à EAPPY'T a~ uw GOWAYEas a. h.MDouble Wood ~1N SOOOING SOE $ff«g ont 94.11& 0WlhsBout, DEVOKES EU li l t n t . II%%t , t SI. in urj tu of R<~T A! N11 J........I....... Liai Min, ~~ ~ mt ubsteh 8voey~hIg authe Hardwae Lui ___""ont_ 11518. -B ML~I ..noma 1= r. SU -~ Db. WLtmwàawb e bm%:IIél ma OUM o MOU i The AneW fnalme » fo m g lummbsIdd Umm buk m E.-Whl.,N~2182 -Goe NMg.1, by A ut ~S~garaiWr ~ Pu[. e card iý EPzb agree la Wtl,'lE Pra tateaaicc ' les mut . i t,- vnatir *~~~~1 Ga Jr'~ê lç C:.natiy4tfou Irft ett Mr., aI rieODQty 'r ri~ tt eut r WUszil ent ty Lève rf t"Ldc 9 w t.L'fv.rj i~J Ky. Dr qmaU,. Lay. B RrHm- Jp K1 in ldaay. 1-W Sm,.J1 ~ J KommU sed.~-o- uksUi.y ;L À -li --b *1..rieD.. le!f Pkmaànu, -FR .cèhtc, Lindasy. wws a Mtbewfthu ut h. nh wLàdi ce Io ut but &IL wet ailnua taia.1 0 deakih GSorgucrcfk Utwdofatlo te GMOn me t-ae rci bru~ dwlàl AM *" The. droe was rnutb. e 11v f J. Dw4y.f 'rnmaýrci LIad. be zem*ità.p -"i ci -Qh.va on fr ab 4&1 agA- meeting Ilut suiday asuerucon wu .o84 d a ALwere Mrieh ImDaNus bene cntzd by thea ddrv.udollvuod . M i. S Wje7 It la thýe <issue of t w Mnay bave unny m(, ft aach ýrý.m the sme uourceÉ ae.clag>ot Mr. MODI.rrfc.u Mi. ru. a gr"iiiaIceftden ou " r Thie evu Ir lurge numnbec sud .1 apecn, a very enýoy&bIe Oth la lst'rdogtuth ie addrete CI letsd thosIt.dW4.aaaii-,n. Tbla aout ieny uetdasy everlng at3 110517socet ~e~mfe.to bave a maedng nriez -Yondey enlag. bject ci thé pwOpiety cd tha trw-a suad oùp9nr1bàz theze1ectrfc light ttrot >olka cli, bo disaued, A >osbe, ni uhe mfAr prumfnent meo :o" airan.vited imud ha.ve expreas. w ilogneu ta o rne coume Ay sud huar the dttacraelrc. ýptas, < te rue MA At the. 1 wrà. cànwi.hséu the val! krcovcding r, h o opo ,rsa iv Iy. ':.dAt P. Ouu ciNa014,lwmain i IOofl die a bu. of t.msty loue. ho -o a Uns. J@WaI.Paek1n1PJdcut ifbheds ci Kv.'lack Britten. thé lads- * pSlffic. olezk. re gla ta à"ueobMm é«.&1t s actýr a s .sâo*brnaio Thot.Mea. B A., ah efth Ibo Lv. . J cey e .t 6 44-,s <. exvsu m-alu BELLiGx OCUT F-URýS AT 0 ouiteý OEce mg.hwqs10iolobt la cl. M*l 1reBhkuXDeam, GTR.tB obbh 1.ahs wdytaOW la the Immaulehbi~ Oo.r. L*l t<o .sa bu*,bonm "na --..Ma but b mii-'~ 1 - e. - h ~d. 5 . SI 4.,. itue Pure1