tbrev w sof inte i ra t boomt! Irsn timae" lt vshliewhe famtôltoit t. li sait!. It $a 1k. hm.He as cn= eneugb bide te B htobepra@tee." "1se lainly rnyprotéeoc1vil! ifve lad faveor la .our eycs. We v.I't maie hlma boietcontention, -thougIL Fil adt!4, that lie la fully-a oeak- but vih a grace ln bis curies tiret encet!on't tint! Intraigirt peobie. 'Ths a.wtaliy goo boys are ziot amusIng. 01Tia truc, 'Uis pIty. and pity 'tteitt'U trac!"'. up laughirng-the hng Jevel es$ .In ber hand-a bright colon an ber ILeek.Dîdt he only fi ber 0et"c .""amuslng"? It vas plan : li a tat k at given lier pleesuro to lknov >at isa Gray bat! vesiguet! ail claiste hhlm.* 1t vas mont nbJbl thatMi.Mnur ial a etoas of ltruc catisC o! tb. l' e. fant émotion., Bbc vas net a wvuman te, analyse bier- feelings. . If you bal ashet! ber why ahé toit rellevet! at IrMa'U nevs. she vouit! bave toit! yeî, and believet! shé vas tellang truly, that It vas- because sire dt net vwant te Meo a .gittet! boy handicapped t ei cutset o! bis career by a& msrriage vwith a poor, pennîlesa, _ belptesa liii 8h. vouit! have been qulek to denounSc Jn asy othor the dish onor ot bmealdng faith. but nov .sbo saidt t1eIri, vith the utmost sang-froid. «d e dit! net love,.lier. I am sure he neyer dit!, thonli ho ýtrlet!te, no doubt. Bbc ouglit te maie up. vith Dr. Fontenoy. Be it. vas lier .face 1 Saa among the tal i 1111c on yout bai- cony ? Sho dit! lokbacllymut! I am, sory for ber. Tes, I i ii dispose ef these tblngs, If only for your gaie. ny female Quixote. Tiese peanlis are beau- . tiful:; l'Il buy tbcm myscîf If I a rake up enougir moncy,. My ovn set la eld-fashioried." SSire dit! not say tirat ber eva set bail been soit! and! the money lent te Vaie, but It vas truc. A wcck later Mrs. Mlntunn stoppet! ta sec Ima at! punt Intoh¶er bande a large roll o! bank-b1ls ameuting te tventy-six irundret! delians. There la tire resglt o! treaforzngm . 1have uset! my magte- vaut!sas ol! as 1 3as able. 0f ecourge, things toMd as 1 second hant!'1riever bring vint tbey are .worthl." Ima thanket! ber varraly. Te b«r lt seenet! a littie fortune, . at! poer .Farie. Wirose last dollar bat! gene that day ta buy tomne pretty statlenery sud a box o! caramels, sat an tire foot o! the bet! and! cauntedth ie bils vith chîldisir pleasure. *You muat take It1 to tire bank for me,:irma,, When you bave paît! Mms Pase. for îny room Ii advance. If you think .beat. you can Invest a part et it for me,. I make you My tinancial manager and! coupselor."., "Iam 1not -comptent ta f111 the .office," returned irma.l- "'Tire la only' one thlng about wblcir I vouit! venture ta give you advlcc. If you viii only abide by my counsel ln tis, i vill fore- go'tre ironor o! bclng your fInancil adviser." Her tone vas ight but ber liokwas earneat. Fannle's .eyea asuk under IL Airnost at tire samie Instant a sharp double ring annaunced -the, posta. Fannie startet! up. I i il go t!ovn-atairs for the lot- ters," sire exciaimed_ *"yau -are buay, Iar.d I ttlnk lira. Pease la Out.-" But theY hiraîthie littie lat!y's brii footatep on-tire talrs. "Tva letters for yau, lis Fanul,", sire saad as aire stoot! In tire.door. *1I brouirt themi myseif, thining they might be Cuplt's messages.».. ".Na daniger'.etfthat, lins, Pease," crled Fannie, sclzing tic letters with an cager hant! ast! a .iurriet! "tirank YOU." Sire vas un Irma'a. room a.nd skie vent at Once Into ber ovn sat! sirut tire door. Sorne Urne atter Bbc crame up ta tire table wirere Ima vas 1 %rltliig ait! laid! a letter before- lier. Il It la from May >AIIce."' she sat!, "Sire irites that sireiras mîmsedt me, 1 201 l S uch 1 tiat aire là golng to have, a -blrtiday Party-iiext vcek, and byt tire way, wouid I be se very'kint! as toI ic-nd lier my dlamond car-rigs ast! pin? Tirey match the ring I lent ber and viricir vas neVer offeret! b&ck Sire doca not Invite. me ta tire paity." i Fannie sait! nat a voit! about Uth, lother lettenr e bat!receivet!. .Tire next atternoon. as Ima wa startlng out asu sual, te givo a mrusse lespson, sire met Vane coming pthre stùps. He looket! a, lttlc corfuss. ' ',Ynt i re 3ust nov golng ?r'behbl Stammered ; "I thougt-Il Il"YOu thougirt I bat!:gone.-, Tour vlatl 1 rot te me V" '541J'. ire sali more boit!iy. came ta ae Misa Gray; I 1ft! sIc ln ire ieîti'yau-a goot! change for 4,.r no coubt." "Shé la here. but ahe eau neottses yu.Sire la flot quit. e oil; and bl- T d~.I blieve, I hope, thut abaMin IrIbat ls. the O Pas '5er ot veet tbe dcc. LmRA me »eat letter'" »M D uity, mlng st On tbe evl~ Q,* kas tmhib, Fat atefflt h Jette c rer hban& mot reand th&& ttT-4i I*n ee writte teo tbei person t" " !mmi 111hveergt fe what iahe uJa ot e ol reat! itifIr ed fri h na is er ittIe agea clatebet! the crumi- ran lnte lier zoom. Xa>t an heur attere.1ima beard mrn Onesgint oatesos uys te the hMo i tm h a ie It vas Paanie. Bebc"at on ber bat. but no rVia. 1 leTou aressurely net igoiag ent! t la inistim nd as! uralng colt!1" r'cit! Irme. There vas me ueply, but Fmanle corà- tinue t tedeacent! the.stais. Ima ran bacli, -satchet! up a saal. ant! folloeet!ber. -Bbc bat! juat sut thre gate behint ber. wben Bbc sMW DIm, ase aved ber back lmpatently : 1 " I tit ast It," obé exewalmet. "I amoment. PMa7lot e WÀ flIhou betore abs re- irma, auxloua eud unbappy, ut at thre vIndow ant! vatobet! for ber througli the chili, minte nain. It vas t!&nk betore asecame. Mer uJow, t!nag* glag step on thec staira vannetbe gtrl-guert!ian vbat te expect. Bbc et I ber and helpet!,-ber hnto ber roomn, *bere Dusky ba".& briglit are burn- lng. Bhe suk Into a chair. Bbc vwu 1 abaklng ln every l1mb.ý "I wv1aikét! toc fer.- she whlqpened, "aut!dI gt vet. 1 bave a. chill. It la 1i3 fanilt. 1 voult! go eut.- Ton triet! te keep mie back. But.I vas s0elmr- able! FDogve me.- Dueky vias -t!ovn on ber linees rub- bfng ber litle idol!feet aIre bat! juat atrippet! of their. vet coveihuga. Irma madie the slilverlng girl dring -a con- dial, tdieu quiekly undrede! er ant! put ber la a warm bcd, w1th, a bottin cf bot water to) ber feet., As ber drens vas belig unfastenet!. .a.. crumplet! pa- per felI tfrom IMsfolda ',It la. that letter," abhe sait!, falntly. Ris letter te her. Tou viii not ré"t lt. ri, tel! Yeu vbat la lh it. The lnes are burnedt! Ito -my beart. Me sait!: *'I bve neyer lovet! but 0one wman' and! that love la doomet! neyer to b. ed by hope. It la Uic your noble, geieroug nature 'to waaytliose but! thinga of Poor, foolli Fannie Gray. TOu &ar gbt. I neyer dit! love ber, though I'may bave fanciet! I dit! be- fore I kne*w what It -vas te love truiy. [t vas an cvii ,day viren I croset ler path. 1I te lwily remorsefulnmre- tlmes; but it wouit! be dolng ber a yet More cruel wnons to marry ber when I bave ýneIther love nor mofley to give her. Bbc can mt sec It tbat vay- Poor, lnfatuated cblild--ant! peralsa t i lilngng te me la spite of my Indit- ference.' .Then follow protestations "Never mind wbat failova. Dent tbtnk an-ymore about It to-nightI," ira sait!. Putting the letter ln ber Pocket. resolved ite gent! it to Vane to- iliorrow with a note tbat vouit! cer- talniy keep hlm avay berýeafter.-"' Nov cut!tle'yourself up as varn a» you cas. *You viilb. better soan.". But Mé vasnet better seen. A hîgir fever follovedtheir chill. Before morn- Ing sh. vas out- o! her nt!d. tosslng rpestlessiy, Mwith lfiiculty o! breathinw. and! a ret! spot on cîther cheek, that betoiret! Inflammation. imwa bat! surimiet a pbysIciazr, but she vas nat . atlafled. 8h. maÉt and! booket! at Fannie, av-hle,.then ohé vrote S fcw Uines on fq slIP ot paper, ant! toIt!Dugky to takte It to the telegnapir office and! bave the m'essage sent at once, Dusky, glancëet thtérepapet. " You bave tclegr*apbed ta Docton rontenoy ta corne ? 'l am glat!," sire sait!. *'1 vas afrait! you vouit! fot, because it might lok libe lnvltlng Mri. "Idit! net thik of tiret, but t le vnong .to let it vel gir wth, me. Doc- tor Fontenoy aught ta be here. 1 b -uIst flot tblnk o! mymeif. Besides, bis brother la -In Brazli,1 thînk. At any rate ire viii ot corne here. ]But Dec- toi Fontenoy, viii atart n 'tire fiaet boat. Me *J11libe ireeta-maôrraw." He dit! coine.the next day at' sunset. Hce vas net alone. I "Tbrouglit rny îadoWw vtIr me,"1 irhe saidt e Irma. wbeh she met hlin 1 Mns. Pease!e littie oattting-.roern. "Bbc . ouIt! corne. -You kuaw virat a tyrant airhe la. Bbc bhs been crazy te eee *Maddle Ira4 thrown hbersel! ln Irma aime la fWî-',e1!'mr-ertdv& ad wa ha.m.oblng,' ler face bumie&! "I vas afrait!i wonilt! nevter e.you ,agaJu, dean lilas Aimee-Iruna, I iiSot I WSat teù ber. Bne ýwqult! ot tme pe" bor. Me w@om nOtwrite fr001. 1- hs o«umin ton me wbat ber trucitute*àl& "'Tel!me irst what geaiIdeMeso t. UJgatheret! from tbq tbree Jettere ab* viote me-ehori ad! eëetr it ter were-that aile vas bafly'; that MWc vas living wth ftiebda Who voe g lat! te Mvie ber ; Uzat abs ba meu leneugh teo suport er oeimttabiy un-ý til-until ab* vas marrled-to li. Vans. 41 Mb. su rprilet! *àtt hI8be-a mot yet taken place., lit vil! neyer take place," Ima sa.id. Oçmççt?" ho anket! quioly. the color coming under bis fair skia. "Ils, the en- gagement broken ? 'as he beea so '8Bhe bas found mit that ho la unwor- tliy," Ima sait!. 1"Bb belleves that it ton was ber fortune he vantet!. I do hot j'te thlnk sbe ever gave hlm ber beat love. J 0 A woman'a beut love lt bulit upon 0i eS trust. At!nd anie aed. a .treni'tb net ~ her own to lean upea. Iton bat! spollet! ber, you know. Bbc bat! se long bat!b* youî tbougbtfui, Indulgent love te lean 7 upon. Nov abe feels herssît a brusedt!.» reet!. As. to means, @hc bat! none at aIl t 5.wp » until lately she han soit!nmre Jeellery * and other tbings. The peopea. a Êb » tef t net living with vere net gladt t bave ber.th rl-W"e They are sellisb, sordit! people. Tbey ' W115*41 thought she woult! get be aunts for- Win go < Mvlth us ovIda, and! tune by a lawiuult and! repay orthem ti te -Ashvllk wtbmmm iii leave tnes ovcr for ,thilr oe e br e b t els.. M Will ythe trip. ibc felt lni a.little wilie Ibat "e ! * yc u m 0 t s lm, net welcome; but site did-t! W oto do 1 but It ebIit and! lin wat what to do. fle stand !lni -her reom ti -iMrtutu comfles" I sait!, more broot!lng over ber miafortunesandt!'f' lightly thear sfri. ow. and feret! ln bealth and! apirits. Bbc get i5l r e. better after sbe*came here, uia US Fsuetrippel way lghtly o e bat! tura"té, outI< a bar «I cannot thank you enough Ïfor blh uN sa brlnglng ber licre and! for sending me b'5b oeUr word," Dr. Fontenoy sait!, lifting hlmie "10h1baNPP. * for Vase heat!, that bat! been bent down. i-Hlm wibOba M*~ ort-1ived fatuatien " eyce were mlsty as be vent on; *I irua beUbau bc net 4eep- knew bow sBbc-bansauffered!. -T1under- beàr»& 1h 1 1 tbink It lU better' for stand ber nature. Bbce muet bave-an WOUiW et h. atmoaphcre of love andt!kihdness or iii, »'am W bal mer beu te the Pot droopa at once. Can ec ber nov 'r' aime *MiStvm t teFou* ewhen be In a few minutes. Bbc dons flot d«tPPM estbe letter' Ima sent lkriow tizat thie message was sent te bI hlm q1esWet a .4., ,arlug: yo)i. 1 believe she longs to sec you, but -'Thli vas t!repped by mo. and reand shc wouit! not ek you to corne. 1 mueti by Miss Gray. Who belî et! she -bat! prcpare ber to sec You. Corne upstairm s lh ora!va obt rte ast get a teure0f - uky' yogoot tea, andilc Ia up of ber." g tito another woman. 0f course, yeu whleyI venkteuptoter. mas w ill never Main corne- er zres- Ther wntup ogehe. Tma aw erice or dare to addre ber any Dr. Fontenoy aeated at the little oval more.I" I table, neatly sijîcat. witb Dusky ln a It ïVas a vcry quiet dit. NO- dlean white apron. bant!irg him a gen- body present but the tint Min- ',roUUqsducerrul of sfrawberries amutil- 1tIner and! the home fol he half don- eret! in creain. Then she wei¶t into en imintes of the Pet!._ cee as a Fannie's roomn, and! atole Up noise.*essly short, màoemn cercsnay. a fice little to the Bide of the -bcd. Panie lay wlth breakfast, ad thon gol-byes vere eyes cioaed, but she was nlot asleep., sait!. Dr. John put bi#: little bride She looked fair aswaeet la the and! biesiulter lite the, wuiting car- golden-rosy after-glow that fluet! the riage, sat! tber- vote driven avey. room. husy eut!dima vere alone once B3bc vas no fragile'ant! peari-whltc DiBie. that elle loketi bovely ln bed, ln ber Ima stoot! on thc plassa. ant! look- white-Iaced wrapper, ber tlny, chila- et! aftcr the carrtagq with a swellns like hands lightly folded! on her breau:, beart. Dr. John, oa ho looket! front a aliken tress or tva straying over ber thc carniage andt! veWtbis liant!. bat pillIow. looket! so brigbt and! baudeomne.won- Skie opencd her eyes and slghet!. derfully Ulke bis yeugger brother. Irma "I have nlot been asleep." she sait!. viabe holie at!neaot rernindet! ber of *l arn so-tlred ; but 1 arn restles, tOO hlm se poigaaatly. 1 have been lylng here thInilg. 1 The day before eh# bat! recelvet! a thought I1lieard a man's volce down- stab. A ncvspaper à"t corne te Dr. staîrs. 1 hope that gruf oit! Dr. Beal 1 ontenoy from bis bomerne illysant!rlt. has miot come, again. I neyer want toe In lt vas a marlked Sacount of a "brlU- hear hils cross-saw volce whie 1 live." liant" bal at theBellamys'. Fannie "It le a new doctor-much nicer. Wil reand It alout!, not seuhng John's vain- Yeu see hlx ?"t lng -uhako of the bond!. There vAl ' .I suppose 1 must, or you will thlnk extravagant prolose t the "*beautiful wre cross. But I don't want ainy toc- and! cxquisitely attiret young bosteasl" tors.. They never dît! me any goot!- ant! mention of the «*charmnncouple." only one. Ah! just his -lok, bie pie- whlch ail. and! Mr. Bort Fontenioy bat! sence, rested me better thon anyr ano- tmat!. when tbey let! off the lancers. dyne. If I could feel hie harit on my t Then followet! a siy bînt. after thie head, It would do away wlth this throb- mariner af the provincil edîtor, that bing. I woult! tee at ret-at home." j this pair, so vel matchet! ln the «'Let hlm corne ta Yau, then, this dance, would, abortly be matet! ln the wonderful doctor," lIma said, aumiling. ilmatrimial lista. "Let us have bim at once.,,' Dr. Fontenoy glanced at Irma, 'but "'You know that la Imposible. I wili berface %vas Inscrutable. never aend for .hlm. But, oh! nome-_____ t1mes I have suoli a cravlng Just to see hlm-to ask hlm to-to--" CHÂIPTER XXVII. Her volce choked, but ber eyes fillet Mrs. Minturn vas atIll Irma'a en- with tears. Irma bent down tu ber. tbuslastlc frient!. Eheý came ofteli to ".Fannle," Bbc sai!, *'the doctor vbo talkc ber to ride. Tlwo or three thfles haa corne te se You watts ln the next she bat! induet! Irma t owltb ber room. He yull prove Juat as soothlng, te the opera. Bbc bat!cea et talk luat as tender, as the anc you have about aot ailm odrt spoken o!."If b.obat!net toit! ber net te sPeak She looket! up ln cager lnqulry. of him.' Twlce, wben aile wax wlth "You vould nelt send'for hlm, but lie lire. Mlnturnln ber ilttie ulittlnt baq, corne." roorn, be bat!cailed ,and!Bbc bat! ex- -.Is - Surely, yau t!on't mean-m" cuset! berseif to liZandst recelvet! hlm "Rush !" la Uic llbrary. Wben ho vent- away Irma was standing et the dooir .uhe .-ob* vas distrait and! pale. Irma coiilt lilted her hant!, amilet! and! vantuhed. flot belp noticing that ber restlcaafleaa In a moment more, Fannie beard a atep t ead e piieWr itl bae new. ereoveteeres e. Hnerasometirnes cxtravagantly goy, but Of- hardmblere oas berkieuaseTh te fncffl 1ton depresae tetomeiancboly. tr(mked asp et elsed eff.ea One day soon atter FIne' ar-, Icoedupandt! the blue ee she t nage lira. Ilinturnts pony-zihaeton Iiiew 96 well bent upon ber-khndly,ten- bfr h ore h el derly as of old. l~atoppet!eoetedoro h »»I era! oIbt! ot.i aiih-Tabode, and the lady presontly ian up W . am~ VeSIGNATURE = »»,itu om, thug ho teaonw me t aesu ne "au&bu m-lm-t" mm t4-i bers mmb ut the hel oeklg lret M IeY vent inte tihe dravngÎ; .P R 14 k! an" eud! ethers qulte s' mET R vvs pnew te 1In" There mand muntab et Par"a 0 W Ichgt la Itaiy by veil- The furalture vas vcry tee shovy. flrelbra:y WMt books ln gilt -and mor- theo w ere busts, statuettes eVass.everyvbeie. 111,011r11sed 1 yeu shbouit!,ses the Si*ViS. Patueuta. Tleyarkptok- mS dL SO? lI Q&. fts caquisite bridai =Cthambobas j 55 Ie. Ibave the key at! per- ~ ~ 5fih. sfl ,o ui bot-be la busy flu _________ gretlft' Four euloslty. I ie 1<fjDoma.1 I ln't suppose tbc ii il I s ' asa.b hts ri.I *,UMM Welr hla at.evotee ef beaaity a mta lla bilÉ . Iea mal ym t. aun tu dm fInstom§" mmlir. ntuna sit!. d»Ja eieM. plia or preaiuo luai t NE t «oppet!befors a door la the vid bi, lnserted a bey iiln is lck7st thie f oeon. Ther mav a vataof rem Beattby loopet! curtuins et~ ~ ~ ~~n igeat !m5 u!silver. It vuaso e evely la cooing sat! de- mWa ttMMinhtum utteret! au ez- datLpon et t!eilgbte. surprise. Tbe Mieboudoir looket! like an epenIng rc.y' alclud!. Curtains. of sheil pande !doez" tslace. (C.rpct &aP" iS'n.strewn witb plumy pink tba- 100JU M oae et piak !amaak. tables M Io M T H L tlaft! with vmitand! mv«e« .oM SS ITC EL et! onyx.Tlrrough the curtainet! door- 1rose-bover b.d of the cbaniber be- a e,-- vareond.se Ucmror n!j U M E I V U I lirs. Minturn ilittet! about like a buee nt a garden of floyers, c«- = p.2 M i olwn a clalmlug t, the beauty of the furnltuM~ omuI<S p.2sn olwn aa lifting the .lovely tollet articles.,"anit!e baûy Vases. antjookng at lier cbarmlng re- M ioi*" aDOW' ptrpud 1. ma*idhermumerous patron~s msye et Ilectien la tbc \çriror.. Bbc tbrev fln sMd Varle&y. a vork-box or lace-vork lvory. lunet!He ,Xi~va sneyer so largo mi valuable before. wltb rom-coloret! satin, perfect ln ail H tc rmgw Its Inide appolutmnenta. to the sgeM Bbc hm a beauial meof etDieu Gm&ds iTîraiags pof cvery description. thimble Incieset! la aIlily but! o! cary- New StyW leNaties,, md»oDie.m angse Making donc ini latest style. "lir. Minturna Asrigt" ebe sigliet!dtIa iime a. Beae ail catl; if you don'l you viii cet. «AUl these lovely thing mike me em- t" imyua sm i mout eauiLXlinery Opening ever ihovu. Vioua. Letra lave this littie Paradias vithout Its Eve, ant!go dova atais. O SMC E L I vaut Irma te slng anc gong for un.M I S U IL 1 L . eut! try .tiret grand piano." Orme, Mr Vmpb#U!s <koewy Bbute Ize t!rawiag, room vwas atill emt vhsn tbey re-enteret! IL But wbl i- ma vas lngng tvo or thie Peios camme quietly la. Au ahe fInishet!, foWt! Ing t!oorsvere aoftly openet!, ast!the 1ev, trainet! voice of a servant an- Y C _ nouncet! that lunch vas servet!. Bbc rose from Uic piano; a vaice near ber, sat! IraL. ". Blie turnet! ant sav Solon Vanhorn. _______ He vas faultlecly dresset!. Me bat! recoveret! bis flesb; lie looket! net! earme, aulmal-Uke, as o! oit!. TeeIWveO emit~a gentlemaen and a lady stoot! bebint! hlm. The lady bore a strong resctb- lance to hlm, and! ahe vas eying Ira wih 11cocele erust! nddis- 1 R ilke. Pran Instant Irma stoot! trau- M M,,-rpM ofmiàeeyhn o os fnsigi ' ea fixe!. Was this Vauhora'. bouse. and auovpeae fuauieeyilgorhaslnsngamynes bat! lins. Minturn plottet! w1tl i m to "ep as the oheapeat. Everythung gumaaiieed right or ne pay. bave ber enter It ? And! for what pIT- pose 7 Bbc dit! not take Vanborn'a offered w Cm l Inpet voîk aad lm ptimous band!. Tbere vas a littie embariamot! silence broken by Mri. linturn'a ny- 111 have taken tue laies threugh your bouse, Variborn. Mmns Minturil that thc hait bat! net bien toit! ber. Telepboiie 111& -ozo-tf. Ail the bouse needs la a mistresa" Vanbora bovet! vith bis broat! hant! ever Ibis expansive veut-front. *lt vw9l no konger bave that aet!." he saIt, amiling. 'It has a mistrega * vlo vil! fan ecUpse is ether furniab- Ing ; am you vii y wben you se. berOLENIS at thre heat! of ber table. Irma. mY love, 'thc lunoceon watts; viii, you take my mm ? ]KY, friands, aàloa me to primunt to you, Mmra Vaubonn-niY The aunueecnt vas evit!euy rneo F r oir surprise to the guonsaTbeY hart bien prearet! torilt. To ima aJonc this boit! cu-cmeasanu-ck.Bb __s R& î~ à1ý.SH EP a ýRE ITLIJo. ~SAY; t Make~?W 'j, :1 4 - t 'j ~ 4 f jf - r ~ <1 - v. ,~ i I i :1 I i