***r **~ monouqGLL SM I GI~mm A CA] D~ouiLL SINOLIZR b oma*MW igowamm~ -, mOW a M a eP"ON = $1 S! nn ta1 Advyuos. o o LENDSAYd ON!I-V1UDAY1 OCTOBZB 8e 1897. VoL XL.-mwhole No 2116 W0e1 bInkts %-J ky,- A a p e c ia l l n e o f w h it I al m sb e V W 4 i t i h i » g ia 1m i a uob ê a a a l aa 1kj n ela ag ti - - m i joumc m m b e eo m u en tiatliuth. and stroDg, warratedto VSSb White M fot hin __bu te 1 y Pila= he0s bcak ll oSli *IL l b ar m LoI fl mm b?> 5a. im c or S l15k ooa. 10ue. Aamvesetam o vwereu04t iêt5 leMd e! vis ti iba*mmre vraiSpe.l. b rpryc * I iau - "toi uautbmw. uome j OWUP u' A10Af athSvl W tS nn ne rai a liedthante l ioclaa 'lok tc Spec. hi tigi 86 J. e 'UM= ___ , eba*0uisu, m mai.'t ta leffasietvoverUmm t amenai Gm..i UiSyn toules a 1(U)&a. Vmi i.ai "*nt U b elfcf a mi i oria &Ia%, 410lasiai, enai i -rom, «u.vuet"#"port laViWformuleae maslidSu iotawl May lothi AU "'y ____ i itsNU ~ -metts unmish 189T.-94-If. o ui~ if UOB. ~ SisisI 0"-«» moi 5 atoaieetBilas - ~!US&YI 1k IUEMI a*~m4lPslsahs ~ I o. Is une be-t , iygs -~~~~~.- d--Y i~Iowle f 410) -' ~l syut~.~ linbm ama~uapm. me',wal taiets~.f~. ~ .~Ra.~aI~I5 ~ g tuar Âdvertise *% Z BIJN 3b«UMW, * TES? )NU 2ii. sar. and Iman# Aise s' I P&y, pviatlm .xteuud Ueau gb terd MaPg adqte" u u q u .ti o a b l y i b m Cu M D 8 9u se t c . I a e ' L t a e b . k O Wt .. i ç n e u l s e"i . s u n i h e a ! . d ti . n e i e OmaoIfl., J...,. mmdi.hWD lam usauhies, iSé"Caosmam àad til FA L L î an~sd prices are l>*.' li.oul b. mon Gi c VkS ý'ao il" i eIimuU ~a*0 ~ qa altiaomayl G O M E S take to u that yo s a " . .a i ed *wkh ioh o n - TAmmthe, essmaown.eitiofte314.8 g ~~~~~~~~~~qalty and prie. Rmd, r the following hl: 2MU.day of Ootober, 1897,4 T0poratio anodli Tou etIda: lfg(Uit.mlleumuto810 GmnTlum, - The aoti cumte vampd-abmfrli md1 oet a 'ase W«»mbbo M idkiawm ta m u atigatebthe o @ioé Odt U-aDuu .maSlsoigv IMUhIL VllEa 4<f. BOOTS & SHOES DRY 00made by-ohfloodo j.mmai0aqlm WIa m a l sa ss a oo h é C N l rti mét *'OU UT A onaation gce Laxton, Digby and L- toi on o w rka om te a t ii v r 1uelatm .o e oto ,istqc pla eth iis. vtSEcTili» o, e a goe 10 rep ntihrsfo U.o u loa > .ta~dts q fl a 8 peope. M ui o-sud the. the.oc' » ofviu peaaa oitul CASH AND 1 eadtf aM milnaM rbé 0 5nsa & a.. ltdraw tr oustiomuhs n ohv I ONE FRIC E veg~~~~~ive. yOMO "plae t " .W mia s Xa i tthela»rt In place ofibia 0o Ta. KiBamî aouita i cucic ras aau ira good stocks Canton Plamual% eit estes R o Ue. le 2. Y ho ard com isf ii od la tl ia ~ g lv apycm il o glea quieiboard 12J omis -01lte sfhaceurt aNisregarb.dgth lairaiabu ol ai 1219 omis et 7- P :me a 2: gm frlind:a-r.éio ea add-oro. CO D owaue .. .11Bootsa jri jUa mbe-Mau'id samauctiln homes alaW&e>ami a "Ta 97mit; tetilahave Iaaiy divisth ]N ovW Fu lrage Ijeomplat , i ý. si e ueest. u s . PAO Jmi ]&ratf as mo'Wlac . th r isa y eaa o 8 z 8 e Iazs l a aSV. gjc.ceabuîhimsday ouay.councl ani ed euto a. RI itt :S@laSI S Added iSa v- rangeeis 5l* of II.olFrench 1o3o'~ L1E8 muteai ev1M~islmat b te odats o amy aed~tmbavlnunautlwrlzedbjebr souilrh 1meéemdpoaeisaor. CAsddhuiwe k OMlt, cNIhWsme a u Q dai 1f c ue c ilttltse abody; the eut!mtat atual value 40e. rivitW0 a' aol p POO Ta m Mh a a fsy he b lat. cf @"many Instances have been Jarriexoo-bnlfvoupamtdb I __ .~~~~a d, ad nplaces contignus btspo -MGlht m aotl ____tuai_______ M440. p .&t tio ed ndoccupieut by tlicaru . ospetrntdau out,_$1.0._MIL_______» **re tsn,.ad reeve, tic esttnlates ha""buneoo- ia _____________________ Wosn&SBtt1s- sPieImrguà d dover one iiundred II T r T " V Dongola Rd t 2, a extra ot 0.IeSo %hâteuovin, aumatmos fthir amo mW bâtathe committe na viiolh"vWevq pOd voy mturset*0 m eutsm *av)If y> hzé 'Wtb la A..... rg4 UW h"eiiunp'onir un*dcortoulted ln r«WO. tthé changIOOU bsvyml Ihl ai80.. rm th bamett 01 »W 3agnat. and thorela hothhngtuso JJ1iJJji.~iDR EUsud,ÂL860S Ob. an.miar boigl ymri d kbteot lmirnu mission hms eqer been aaked orobaui AbyvspsaisImSgPe tha marne 1.w, n. ai.7 Oambera I.boa"Osadt trou- th, counciL Tii.e vklmasehosNaUclet' fa u187amOi tu nas Sm ta i cfLi"mvos, n beMM»50NDàAthlaI th.* hairmais sud the rooebv clwm emia u oan or orm3z4 à ai m.et evai s'alc0k la r e ltilma mepamy usimptho me ormec. int»b fiea pob"f adim th e conciltsud thse csslts.T=9 vr-j x aeleya v. W. . Dgsser appears to, have iqiexi hie fsuios hpviaattemlgbveampdar M ANTLES ou uovM Secnd "y.et Loai Mu&B. a11107-1Z. routes d le c'In accords tsas WTest End 8 Stores. ii Scm dyc ctt, L.301-SBrInuti or ueafloeue oé .S ted Thei mcii alractive aud nevest style. 0011111101. cwrlttesaublyi, oiotilote iiiSEs inuàtllJluey am. bore, EBropesn sud rwCoaoi omtt.a ody e o 1thapî arglt ieIamn yêuaa kmow tiat heo otele iueabc eatyltaflg ie.l U.Ot4. book of tie cm torila lnsrcl.,c h ime li oleo AmoliomSucpies, .varied 10pusse le Ka t. "ulaand liaI ho siould 'ot sot *loii b neftclwt. uttmlgtx a . A II'k baaéof the uauy. Pie re mc08%* MAIU PiSa 5 35«N ASUS Tiatagua n& Thm fe "loVaoueaa C in as iavn eenpsedyetaiitalINos usisi O.Menies vo import direct we hvl ffulg !aspaedl i facturera. Tiey are tyIlihadie I vYYDA o bu"al oSg %Wac MUiatSamitroeliatomgttherefrom could, onIv bonma"e leglbyti *0 v18 Tembr a S, axpaeomai ual f nomrt tveouli&3- . emanner tu whihci s a-ol'ilmnv ovktaps i r. Me al S esliat etapEUX %# &tdlis asss%.Obte Mtf«et a Sae m et u » bo k- labb e p l a17 rI'oU dS. es i £ l m g i iNIsatanaide saja ate.md fi tyl Sre y p '38 Iau P. aina I5 W i L*ê~ a "t i h méeet la «uil g L ciairman and thse Oerseer t. a aioo uye e ladIBrow or - Gresu Esaver Cloth Mauhies, ".m EwME MmOR e @E=5LdisBh pamtel, ami lion vWhothougit n o m ot the5 abator afr-a, b u bWraue hai ...i*.MDV DTDDJ&».T*. llppistai. Tho umèelble »rPutalthsulie osad ter .a alsooul ekie NtvtiuaSgma omSumns __________ mi la naps ud b fth O s upe tae4 to now thud eao pi no, o: AiIaa bu JS tpc vs I Rn lb. NigldedCourties tust hm. xceedmed et ml ofopinion tha1t when the auditor nsas U à a s iut of e m m.t e eti l agm r ofora. lnp -rfectly kept bo k f accou ts i iia i ide sw m I ly la b e a d BLANKETS !,arsait teJea Md t e L~i. Imal r a eiwe l"W id up emema tm< WM AfflToh. holeprt It to the: ontiar f12%.0=la% eh. kibm i iUtle t b Peler ndth The uavinq ja your. Our constant "~ira t a s 'Itl u Dry GoOdB avc. laieteltb T e"of LIady, ltu *0 A U TIO N cure.oll ar Shroa, Killa D liMGahumica uo ulks a ne rut ae n tie s ytnWSb evea rugs a laidu s nto mk lihes. sa ea sladvance. of i a thua, decuasi, *"odisi cm orAàonnuntcution wu rond Irons*Ib lyoimrectarie de oen ietio! es7'l.letla a a i bbyL ch ap uo s US 0B bout ibthé f orethé A.».&W1et n 'n nbte t is iri h oi db & at % S lme ae, a d es the r e l dll t r r d o L va a u tl ts 1 a e rsqulred ta c.eela on or h y* Bim iOnsianivv si., andttit lalvold e fla fScemty 0own, thore ls ne pretence eBoIrAt .1A ls flf.cgli Whilte Blaflketist81.86SaPair. JBj, AD. w'- 'OmStlUSai5c'ciook a6@n mi p. C :Bonown OUSO, naythé acon tsi h l t e ainprsidIetovu fmn orrates, an as 10Itbbe auedelivr Griy BIankets,$41.25 a pair. dVit oriuAo hv wc.otOntato aaiU. «lu idgbsae.êarIrSEcblif ntneehr r i.laaodgae liiwbmc oirlv & u s M e bmoato z t elsl d u d m o 0 mud m d n t o , & i n T D * o ,t e t P t i k a I , s d i a sY 0! U i t u i a t , 1 a l o > api tS ~ naime rfervig t b e l e t thleenOtera lieretb, tic Ovoreer b t &D. L97. it 2Lhe 1elayimi u&W asdrymongmd&Um o b strénetsd&T ort..J.l n. g.ppe.~,< how where,and cdaims ln JmstifclefFIdSaayv lU' Mater u Llud7 !OW.LIW.SY. ure]!tisat the fauît lies vitih ytem brvra ad NIIII.III~ il t~ t~Uf~'~ Daeii tii h! Ua bptebr 1)Lt d 2 ii. c ofPark stI. a eu> Pediar, tiat ocuvoillor Scoiberau bc Praidant there lu not room ln thse book priedeTanrafotiebr leuiesds. aÇ'ein o rkd o t X.Ia l i ad na r" o! tIse oaoil durlng Ihe abesace cf tise Major. charge properly" te each satreet. Pjnns Truh1.mteis mn en (2>Pak otN bot ~cu.,usr . . ivSttinDr. Barrov@ môved la ameaiment - W tamen !or vork r aeve !1rwe (2) m Tk. QuX blo t vaabs, bui-rlding t&Loi..tisaI Mr. RE*som be proiliant. Iby the treasurer vithout beisig cctfe .apr.Bz. zvate Of staion, valuable bdildlaq Loi. EIcoibarali bok the ciali.pInt inçumbent ontise treasurer, befor is UIT ARS VIE (4) L ts 7 nd 8 lutofýfmaco5 tet. On motion Mr. J. B& Knowu ua outayony i-cmar h (5> Loi STSCAR SEfRVuCE r tuh Ward, adi t mitclkPro tmthe ho Mri vils thelestimates au passed by tecu ht rs rvfaiadgon AL E D O H F L R D .T>t.ti AiI OST ComflirtiSbI rsce MD y. Knoviacr, béing absent. il enlytscrrcns n tete - IICCA (4) Tb. Southpat cf fLa SNrthosfRulseil Streel, The o ocng communicons eéa"e - it provwenilstcerolcrîesud t EVEU ?3AT T 1.55 . K (lOO1) baiageonagof 1.1 o Wilid ~t t.Prom Simpson à; Bule, aroblccia. Toronto.chairman o! tise loard e or O'ka u ieAdaottu ets on A PIT.QIuD TOUaIS2C55 LIA V(MsON),cupa0by Ouar, onmecatisaitbey uniesa th ie c.,uson laItadeuteere P5998. PX OUIO 41 ettîlaitaire ball Man i t thley er p1pie Your committee are of the opi!o ia i.iatlyb b odrie 47TOIC>BTO AtÎD RUNs THaO*,GH TO ?ArtL kLots Sa adC ib0 Worth Part af Lot a elfrais plums. Pyled. it la tie duty o! the anditor vwnniin Flsa ii o.wlt n ie amuL, WTROoT hUozi eeu Street, uiW..sd, Pon co A ima, W A, White andt D. bis accounts 10 compare tise -pay-olitHvaaraioo atedcmp -=iLot 5 Sorth 01 otiO Streei. conai u kngtm h w rcuree l Have been receiving and pa cing into stock for th 1eapas t moti large ptirohass21.15. ,EM7 E =UDY aot 1%a t., rtable IFiame lHous., DCaboisdgemklng tua b.cvaer ores Ot&countise étias ! theya ppee y t if1ad a Stafi -of- us "t~~~~~~~Cic Henuses;." uni frortauPim Dr.OGUIS1opte. in rafèenace toe i î in tise past because 1!if isahd, ts bv iinx. o ailrwoadJze 810 onoSCJUf. VAWnOOUVES. VIOTOIIA, I plu4byC H.-0auam o f Peter- Nicolle, ta« collecter, tisai ho anidrgulariiedsSnwould h oedtecehélmi a clas Dry G od s, illiLey', Mntis and JaCket, op ATLx8AND A.LL :ACIFIO COAST POISTe. (S> Wort B&W ofL1ot wS elago oulti le is.ta reaumeb.dta aevadisautobaeedelyccpd-Aa aiauveau. nderwear, EJo ofy Wellvegton e Mifor taoq in a êmiorendBrhe audritOr haveda-s. -Pyleut DM-yamy Oanaiin ]rum PacifieIlonH . 1Sr eetck Va liflo te puy-rail as suficient .auiort e"Toe ibe Ple19 et .*,C u al wlioi cane..c wàf ai rae ialeorom h 'U tise Otario tiepart nai f publie aing tise men- Ibis la a mistaketopY a lcgtiiai auto ai Maigit One Ofîle MMiiCOusPiete stock of Goods evershovu iu Lindsay. 0. E. NoPaIRSIN, Tcronto. (9> r*&h41J cf LSou Hale NorthOt all f i ka. ackovboiglng so ràabonorlu rear teril sa nehcortti l a ado te o-Wt iaai iip iul Weaenwrecognimed ns the OrositBargain -Store.. Our 'riceo on uvery , -b&6"CBSi fm.ue o h uroe éadt prvdbycuctadme ApariosM0.c nÀ i OIMI.R., I ci lte Houas. D. c ! p,~detalod part thereof is Order te rnry0 ilpm 1 i ed eoEa u. In.aea e gory's dmus ure tvslon a. lien 0. G. Gnamskimg lotr »mae"Of carry eut theo vholo autioeZedvi s oW <00 LosmamieitBiot E LndayNambot amsi 1patt, i. PI acocumibes. tisaIvison It in anumeutup.at tcclu> a1ul u ue Ateto a be ln>#r Dr...Goods lDePt. (1IMe1sdi aa#B ida «1 bstesaoI ilblnefht speclal Ateto »1R9VBl 08ianslimiod culàiver &cu"$gjuat ielu la Hampu% ,applytmg for ùi ea.8 ntheac us esimaMtcc su. oi We .are nov resdy vii a acet completesu d iseclStock of Drsu Goodist, poFiOiRnSof L '(Il> Sali HaiSt et Lit y 09S la lii oem., 555 acres. g W Dren Liinge, F 08 A L E (1) innilm01o!mtise laslotu. Eeg100dluioslise tooe uetierau Joutee' cava, al the Véry. neweet and ehoicât «oodis. AiSocomplete 11150 Of UDr*ss Lininga, p oiamb y» Ti sW<M poémmdî 0 pub no-re lu liste cshetiser b3 a mrmmneec.B T* ME 0 i wkU nbi mlngatm' t 90mlttee te echeck tise sud nsy Nen's ~~~~~~~~~ e.(t)Ma on e otkvc o.2 mlea frod -* etfbrick amidler éedeltia, aapt ont of Kant resmit tise evrsee, via vas 11a b iyvi e ylu tImln This dparîmet bu 1usd wih su slirelynov stck. Etber Mu'e1 Bys' 11K UUMUN mi muata coisiQoci -mthe nriverovai. aattuo batm vteeglsa et isase bo delvered.hi, su lie ctse-1 limai mmml a a do um odPesetéi s2aimie bje ot fc laa eateti quence la tisat tie corporation hspk o mt eai îu psdmgigsd or Children'a snd tisepmios the lonosilinda;10 for food oboilslg. Sçpaellci FUdao otra"---- on tepeint la conmottinu but conttsiNsJmsv pnoive o - >1 . - . a~ it. Dot-f&ai èeou eotr#%"fo>" Ci>ad.je ur, mre tisu eclvd.Tie viene "ii minammimlhi man f '1 i I 4 - 4. ýAe*, pliv I t v ~ Il ~ -t, I j: ~