Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 17 Sep 1897, p. 3

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BUT uusnsuetiRS & . Aftm~.Mm '~'¶*2~ 4~W X~~4 0k HEADAClIJ& poiivl crd I eo <I~ Littie ille. l ordliee Distess fom flhepth, ~~~ml th ieTRID IVR.Tb Thgy tthe IBorls. PM-JIy Vetble. 'nad 1081pot. 8mai Doe4 i Small Pice. _ the fraud Of. thse ay. eyou get lCaiter'st kfor Carter's, ,ist and demand le, mie rtrsLittle Liver' Puis. 'vu.-. I~t Wî~tnÎi mmm I - JBIDAY. SEPTEMBER 17. 1897. ~ I ~' Aflle ~B ilisC re sMd iPaukitT àà tiemnit meeting for the meisc pumlutleus sd GallovaY -AstUaiad" solliheld on Thusday ev*nla p«8 ER a ienstllspaper on "h oo.10- puiileg Asis Laurle." Tise hon. ba i.. vvu 1 gulved wllh uppîsuleO, sai; à. OSA INGey oo:n:an1 noioristj whleb il MMq epsifilb su may ider boumes ovel Ibis éputê lu i dr'y of ootiamd, Dot troun ayýDuj pew ltlyof i Ret suulrê, mot tem Mauypart Itlbu plivel -« DOOM la hirsouy, but trou li assoaioln vih th bok lhe usinmof Anle Lane; sud 1h&1 lady & NIGLIt owo. bere, auob sita,oi2t t10MY , sesdeni of birhor tle aujîbingi nak- th ibleinlubot baraolet oit caneer, bâti Siply B. & ID theBouag .composea :y tbbc usse la ihuew over, and1 moue paîlictutulvtoibhevi %Jn 1o bieh inl ter days Ihal Boug bus of ONTA bien sang. Thse tapseet1 "Amuie 1Lanise"fi t à &., bbi scungis the. populi ars. _No bmnd ai hi Md l U ebet cones vitiie ueah et Mxcetm q th&% àoes net, stiîke op "Anale Lisîle,'> w subher la arulving or departlug or batb; ilb î 19 & kimuloftftamlly air, whtob le plaveia ivevoSasy momber oe t lb s piieat Rd avenub.he eei baude of LondonS, uthhey play vîthin soui of our houïe, tg wi pretty sure. te give a blaaesoma b lb. musîs hall. melcdilof e é*0dy. (Laughler)- 160Iffolctô bOlag 6l ele.d gred of Io but il livos. on sud show ei yel no symptonhi of bain£oconigei to t tl. und of forgolfulneaft. Their vue, i s you. knav, moLpoBSi by a lady Whoe to i il i Iinl-Ladi John Scott of spoll- Wood, widov of a bruibtroi-h.Ibm lae Gf Bol.Uroh. Thasong, howiiver.i l oh. Anne-or more ouettcl. &Auus-LUNle vas bora %% Barjarg lu December, 16M8 Lr dheva the -ynumt'tlet ouri anghtes et SrIBcbert i Lnte sud Jean I lddeli, 30hod: au.ý-ht8r cf Rxýidell et Mialo. la due Km course %ho beosmne engage1 19 DouglU ;o! culua. ne .1. WbeibsiIbme engagement veûti off in th. sot lameni or Wva ff hi utoitl consent, or wse asimp>le osie <t 1UIaig kacw net; but in Fpupu.-of them pile, tu 0 W a pite of "lheu piomias bous. la ptê of 1h. peuaionalil ofbei..louer, mise bAe ~M. Irmv hlm over, audniurwhd Alexader FerguesonOfcf isgittioosb.D.agiak, bovevef. sems t baïe ewuvlqedlbhe djiuppointmn-he di! so tay hfum doms sund dee" but minuti donm Bail! Clark of Glexiholg. Hlm potie fgny, bowover, mut bave died oui, firibm'.la ne second ly rie bonda ed dwi, bdesciptve of the saiu.hiks m eck sud "dswk blie a' ef. Betty Clark. -Posibly ahe couli mt tompele In beauty wltb bei rival; pos- ý êt sly thse braes oI GIOab:lgý. voe s ot s fl10 onnie s tose et Mazvsiton. The ,ong, I have salI, vau oi. ibal a OntIons confiurmation cfibis -a fevvus àco. A làâIy aud geollemaxi. Mr. mand Dits. BensoOli, et Londlou (tic va ailauve ç i cf unidee),speul s di a utmaxvelto-0. l'a the -course e ofusmUfftion Ms Beuuock, thon a lady ot petbapé meveti, tbld me 1h.e folloctua uuecdbte: 11Whs Ivs a, girl I vas esiayinglayuhle and baîng aoed o, b slg I anxes 0on S cf 'Annie ljauuie.' Aus old lady, a l. Douglas, aged 90, yýa tluébe om. iSh ompllmelisame 'tupoBa idUah" thonu ii: 'But ibomse oaleW my grandialbeiwoW.m. 't a "* à eiigbiIy idifférent vudeou 1 ef Im 1101 W0 * saylog Ithsbfer faîbsu bal obupm tibeu te bers i aught hlm byhie se the Douglase vcris lb.ts8ug." 2b l ,tuongconfrme 0 OSîde o f UN geuueseand aubto y o! the uog ! question. ,fSe1, go a s vm uaithonthone Wb mmhi? ThVe szvbei ontcable vuAoa, la 11 y Bth. ldy cl e mses. Ris i lo, dsge bu mmaaly fath, Boepteaub.g :0tisebleMtGILmeBu I hav a turé oy bubmte 1Uo oil ha. lu tdepoldi assnnetew abot M sel ?iTheMaxeliouoa." W bou « 0 ela 6by Stephea Lamrle, o kIt 1 u Ym axetonu, bisaIheula Ibet amedo la Vauvaie thieofisldit w Savme ga .iu u tau *6 uii *014 Âotcel dé~ e hqq tM 4 "~ 0"19,et1usibm tb u m ma à-- _ els i* thcutj ih luthios, a dsugkieefli.I imbeibi cafl"me meh a*MW,,oe 1 5i~t iab lm f l hntcitbiga .ogll09 the Ur mât t have bmpod l. te Esigesl leomue teelmim>tis mae boui bm, i If" thdbeilm tl til fui Iere, il lu- vcMydÏFfeuMuttala ge aru golbvens bbm odsota e ho t.t oÏ».atmaiM- 0 timi wo athe ut; lemo ei a iva vel aieao s. em e bossé 1 tur otimuoc but Ou 10ande font teuoiih e me fthem 1101 Mo 1aly sud oésu themainpiouo f et a oc hie of i rug c it!Clouehvugron"i aust ai» dhtp. er orbmuwoforh bcfoe Il obm huem onmli tept ibe Silleufle. Id a MoVaaul.ey, tetu& am omiletu 166 b e, rang* 0lb uelh le. % gaI a fgi lpU, bul moue lu4m»»17. attrvaridrsChai Un te Ihe tiver beov. The boule MImu Wlh nia theb.opme n.g lGînMlr09etp055l Sclou peu, the o*lydépressilouth*s i raou 40 of hulit hyvhl"ht«Mfrom poli.l hal " tae saValley etfi*6 Cuim. doms1 ettin geeastetfousilfourllesol bis e ld "mii, vbloh masit have eboci aiopi s., W"vh tever commg itmuMO* wte Votbay, vblebIl c t uas miblyMst Md oi 10 dSpaing the VatsaeeOf *0 Ciavn es, ebeu amy tfi.uodly sib.ok bu hllm wMlud frott arbt. knoi L'hore omberne %obte-Ilhlàk, tbal MdIl Prmeat boume àst andsusIh ste"mpl" . Th. tes, lafae, sare pvam"l 5f hi 0. Il eooupi« e thucide eta equai- t'aiT &INie Of whý istapouiletcfhbbclargo. The veimsawiug vu buret 1doVua&bout. foua * utudi. toiluItw. But bbsu l.' Mie, * -- *00 .aIasol-oleWhu i 10m Mme l b eassw asthem.ud uauVM ha là lvasM et«théemuma db- #kt, Ibhetl he tn vlu Wb*la nid MUTIhlo de Lutim '~mof uell m Docloëet Whte u " otai, yMml bo a e 1 th @er b. bulg wIlh bossî ca iim au Wum the flWbbat" 12 Mezee,6loslFi lbluPe oi f ooulmh aueblica Bella ru 1400 10 1542, -iuimg vblchpenlelthe eo keep ton begmu te le omcuagel lae21i buldm snuou4ag a oounivad or bu' madaule lIbmthélaier examples ot01 mat pes tonda air. latioaca", s" ai fog hiscli a Mz»ecIiu5.loto thm ie.euier- Th, cIso aMldotthe Wv140. easi10 geesou-si ?«lemi asseaU 10 1h. roomu ou suber mide SiXi >t hm angle. EdielI Caille souciaIs of atc Iteenlis O«tiliyl over enlaigel lu the ald 312leeulh oentUnY'lit) sabuilding round a CIP lusiaml0 -esud as4 la the moi esza- sel rcltîn., -th -<ardeadjoins lbe ossile on an, the montb. In tisa fiftc.ulh anmmitlàletb te1 enuiOl the Max*iton u sam eoEiw jothé p,&ris of >Gimnoali, - The tilt. vas bu uiei d'%. 11488; sud I au difpoed 10 by blb I tht boni *hm-sUtné lb. original ci bugIfl v uesIi& mp.sIilsa 111 wl dIa.lgSliIof Gaosru Os< gv l l li'by the BarI oetst aisu, _Thm ?makeS c bu bou homet Anik liLurle 40 bave bleu Pl &bout tCO bussiiý Ol. ean l ai Ibm0pre. hg leut date-qUite asmodern building cou- W paeiiwih many cf oui ootlèsb onmmu. e & auliedchambet vhtoh osouples Ihm ti fluet fiorote l. . towe goesby theéI0e 'dame oft Assis Lauu-,l'sbouidoît, ibeugb I l'have mué dobt v'setber ihe fôunih le deagliliof a Soauty geniItema poeu- ai snobs luiury Ivo bunirel yeàtuu mgo.I Il may pomilblY bave bemu a Oimant erateiy la. vbisbthlb laies thboneboi sOurmai Il tisait devotlls w e jisgb4u Ememberu c0 wvrfè gos m ldo baitik vWU souseiselai- bouig lan- Is.te asulhesti0 aiecIbmé pouiiaet ofAnais Md i br bmbanul, Ale0dS Feugusml moustcet Fmi.Ver guson Who vau kffllaiai Mlheflauielu 1689, ehshausve u rbleu Ont 01 Ibm a fsuiy suami eh1 vwu fonlmàO unil ou i. pItlnà. by patob »r m OM Seu go- to* memly ibm.chumadciyeaue, thon, Ibme pretat amily hibecs mla Posseusion et ulve s ?-olh ln u asblo nI onstrou dilt teva. -BiepbuLaa--omio as .tkhlng Du#m MeioeébaU, aMd mai- a nitonabttOu tor rvemt Coramm W«ivIngwth lin, lb It S saM,6 1ai4 iou troum hBari etOfGîmusau, Ibm * put haa s ofimn ame, svlug le che cay fot lb. ladisuirelMmd vealîby museS.Rismonjoh» mawrllAgus ^Wif1»0» a1o4e U .tlil41scied ovei mn "« i euvs i Mx iou . AG.,i iiiin ils*«etan"Sime sDoier1 atla hma*& I opt oulu &am"*Their on Bobait usitimi am pudolI, u6i Ibeiniartleosidom &m dm11 e. t.Anus LtombvuIOsai sbte&e. 10vu ete4"a bomouila ;i tb*é»a- OuU-wb4 'lOhihti dmi.. b# lb. tile of Rteemimd aoevmLod. on te féove- igu Mae, semree ma Ruolai@do, ad W.,smimeea àbluT Mal - tec Tovei if LolRdtmOu heir banki.my 8'No," hbm eal, "ju bave Ome by mmiif mois, li lu bblmlove of usoolalle vlibh olh cMemleevboh preuptil an Ameima l twite us mie liYeuw le 5m for omue toote of lvY hem Out hogue, mu71g IhatusaY voulivelue oumm jekm trou the home tuf Amu. sul; asi vb.h laduci aoibr AmulUoam bmsbig oui mmmc, t luté. mi, la vInai f mouepossible coumcilnvitb Mau Inm peut, to vieil Obluomeeo a l ibii je.,s vub fume, offwof tbm tlghte etO houftIi. (LanogtW.) I eomfep ,jai tutIII&hol".ela vhlsh ,ed lauoetesi lih Ibm smai hisimif thoe vh4il.am % fi am aimlbu thbarres appluimaktunilbkla 01 aeauo*m Thon ar vii av om i amu egos~ i", la ta gimalathe cf Aui-ho pisama t». MO. esB1UBy -d mê bès alsulu0 on.& * oam"bs01 ~' k~ £~ J~ Y- Sguq .~J T.t.k Ibis hum élise. - aiMa.. - fI~ lb. qIP~" v à ]Boter &Bd B" e 'WorkID, The dymialof f I a o usklagof maipe n4»g. uoMfator oet ovin g téI l maud fiehlocai esufM Ihb dym vowom miue houe. oemo.bus le v«U Dhmmd Dye&methat bq o a mli $0~ ornA fm'gle- t m~ I~i~r' M I1-~ ri Ià lb li Pe ibi 'es i 'i loi y. se mil [LId Dol u nid tl hi ?il le vl la le i lui vl a 't i *0 lad oe f B le "blé~ woni gs.oebmimlby MMB log of t ci Dome. The lIstlm iet qi il ash hu bddb"lod X.t Itelibl I have eau mmil lis s oul?«Ms- ÎmAlmY Il la f au lsbabliu the boue f My a5ý lane roels Ènutli Bwoois; mmol ht b u Dtb.eutb* leu m m e- t196 vbi lmt me 11ou100111orneO tee hi.miret couimume, Dot aluoglbm, tjeue vuiboulnluiest ot te .membous giamis eiy w"hiénds muob taflb. Dou- teriUsiR1 t lu Ibm puti.Th.e*ml"esmm- of jui< the Laurle familiappeette haVa 10Maib0 mngmlbmrsala Oft inm efooito. motlum 0%l knov about gtephn; ho vu biscud r 10 muh Iba p ulb ablfi touhi sud luvemtinlà IlaIbm Puhame of fotrmr e emie; butlobissoun John w u 02eUVI Dawmai e ommittee for ai- sm glu~ igth Ib m m eualgcause, Mdmina hero u fluea£9MO &ou Mf os otn- abunia 10 lb.he praela oolmmmint lexaupi la IL ne baimawtl.d, boveevm lia obi .gmei Gtteroon. fet bmLee fsmilv- tbilk 1 ly mol bal il is e? li ose Iadu-geu «W iluuu-anghlerI-btl ionbtful .prlàg fiomxalmil i. poiol he. Km oounir. lui-@SM. bsltiionhm obudt hol mi ad thé politisai BOPuluolIOf etbiea àathe] e'g tamil, audiboosme. omof tbheitïr &Ott"e suppoters of lb. kiâg mdiii à rhouum. laOu 185Jmes IL mesbei anvhi Sba,0l*481"fotabismerl;" M ami Omabn' i bai 1h11meaut te the popli.bkimi L iane sortal amivardsb. jueieO à» The aointion of hlm b' "scine ugM.P4 iliit lbo desth-*emamc ee Bull oea votkmen-fot tmtulm fb bm hou. 1 Io himg piea0f1Ino OovmmtlIU Vai u isseipem nnov rta. bu ma -ons-hbet ruila atoue iu TywrS mhuvéhyseii ctalluato 1 uds:ý "Doilusof 5s@i,* l erles "i1oii.n e4"Sudomuet Baille give îsits auIytiS. Thbs uone Milote grobsies. dse. W. vS inov Stv"e oaw&Mvhé mes afor thaelbter sud, es I hold,lb.eIlirke Ler sud boer midéi. laInbmheltaentb Dai wy themllsbSt&mIlof de Balillelils IDU long evuei mutales lauahhFlan-ton O , u b shavlng mml&wae e i p alis M i trfSihtation Ibey e.ulgraied.inathe levtl ýoublrlrou Sanlb PaFIcif. thon Th a Phiip IL théIbm Iquttionusio, the soh Flander, mmd Ibenos vhe ue@ te, cim onbagaoiumisi rLouis XIV. . te Igna- tbe vbcihée Ibev pu e i piopeily amar 10 Ia orbomoub;mand lalrmillul vth Laue famililes round ibsu, voie Sre long mmi.d ru by the more Eugll a msof Bal- lng Prom o»elot ibose pisielmnlt e -Stan »S MT t'i f amily le ieeoe'sded. thec e. ehouily befois the tîmes, i vbloh samyl Eobéti Laorle vas uoenelg William houe [tb t desth for adbereuoêito reforma. amd tpilioipmi, . a èeoabor ou my falherle Don~ bwaa foir th. make of the same pzlu. of bi 168 tounmbhie ocu sountri Mai origi king refuge luEngleusi. Butve have balli ehet hmnk vlth Ibm prluoipleis of the tiis. D m al n u the le mu u In oh a dd ianZmI"OIIth ivais pottoei albt a mac- ber ol 01he Fwenoh. tamili cof Minet, Ilsamofo Dme, vas obiryl»g on busineal la pieu "Is. ' Ià th t ea i the émlos of N anuel aom atroyoked by Louis Xth;ebmpcume. dmo l e pf li e bklum bues. ezemmi- A l m evere, Mmd Iuam Minet, ývisebaitjeta Lbraosithe ne< faltb, vau aoutlloocula [on sud told by the Prauiiosut thal Il dlia Doi aigu to, b. a roman cathollo hé mli b. burn#. Ho, hoeet, made bis »e, sudvith oiber lmeimbers of hlà 2211T, tw enly.Ibwe0 i somi lu ail *1, nou1- by ulghl ln ani open boat le Dover. and aie foutodêd a buklnig bouse. Se wm Inei lu 'dise looueé,bv blà ephev, itcr Feotor or Vooibtet, a native of, ulhaunf. who vitbhmaisat bal âdmer-.M id lot the IMines famlly, mai logaihe ey carrne1 ou for- many Yeu&m $ho bute(L Minet a and ot ornov abaorbei mleto te Natioual Provincil Bank of Engleuli. hos ou of Poeer .Isolai and Mry Minet as Mymlà0he'a fathet, a iec'f bbe del teý Mr. Larie (formeur Fector) of 001 taivélbosi. Tbua. hilsIon uy faitbers decw ve saluimol0%deacenit rou tb. suie of rommn omibolte o eueuiOn, vc Isa lik ueonneollon on ml molhor'i Ie aime, and eau ab@* Ihat Mt tbm vory F hne àbat ibmeue sucobt vmswolaot"Ibm sysuasulet te iash other anoeeboti yens ~aln vtOS tà- rmlo riusiliêi the fflui 1 à lii *la. masud le iemnWuiunh ihlMat tu-.u à aty, &un t1, ibal R M d, m x ,ualen&M boites »l id ibewek., ro theibhumble et o u ,là ot t O guiludo1 autig mut« thB«M do -thst bas dlei u btbat 1rmbchmois, t.il, Ob his asale=" sian wlht judgé, WB Woufou bis nskU e tei dilas." I have uo* #0ug le m Lm. II loewhearnongul Oou.i f ont hçi*OOe lOMl 1 eplllbave abYUPfY à t finila à, the o uoo, whioh vs go tglapag ut oorpnsaios0; ýthé» I e4e el 01. rd*i ma eouge whleh Wl, C dieu, do WeI o oklow; the» 1 Ime. tbmbluulmOl otGdust= o aom &fur tui geuatl.o Pmhe" of thone Who fonok home Mti psAlieeDof t; hSt I taOm la.ý of Pue fa"i1hhabIma d iîplmgu, ,h*h uM f w id U0 in @0fW, e roe@ete amoraohp.0 ramil, Iîvegtmbl, sITu âne ou enh mau bornus., t hei km teauw of "Tht home of Anale OlumovM svotef tbmaksto air 11% wMemakd on à ltm. sthe n t hmis W SI a W» luthe go ofe dlll@1ie S howeml 10 . psy. ua-uem : hlm ibt hmIme idolbt have .6 1ondlm lme »m«cof Ikm [et, *a*,wbgh 00"D8O f l* M tb: *"sam. be ou1hl imuVai1bous et-eua pon of Caim* u a.JimeunSaU &due la thé Daman flM unm )besaOry a"e .hil bu mad., ahm vmsu Ud.ibboiwnom for sé Be,. JohI m dusla eola dosm of & polosd .oulov»Ulla ho.sithouishlpof 1h. lon, "Amuie lie," Lady John 81vas ommuni. CI witbo aohe vrte a moallateict- 1.61er, vhloh wapubilbbei la lh. dan d wbleh 14ve an moeount Of >ignof the lune. Lady John vwu Inge ab omtj3mtwlkhieb in.tm Iseof beubrother, sr Hagh oàmmpbeil comlng upon theouginal Woids cf Iglas lu Allas u àullhmUo 6leiOn eaiiade Ohé vat lntýested 5héh. bd 'iuslly somposaqisme o Mnotbmi [d -whloh Il itulhuber Mmghl euit l.Lady John ýdlised tisai la ioc 10o OMPomis tise lune ehe, me ladycblp modesilwutii, alteîed one the veru, but h b.IlmiffdIlvwu mtloaip ber owu. Il vas lb.o»u Lik. dew on ihutOwamyl' La an Inabace of.mksduiuII msheu Aiaokll 1ýýesàpeaeoet She'e bieasitike a iaveu, 1 ahb#.@lmp abot the. ulule, lier w.aty@ ad , sy pan, And for bon ~Assai.Lauul I'la yJme oa ndcadess r. Cairns thought Lady Boll' velu * oeilely an 1ç'proy eamen ous thal 3ii Emmlus ao w* .g.dha ut snmi la vblols *'Voie Wv a pmu %d obeervel Ihat e:e vussubuaull moMentaiy proof utvlhebiu înted la his pape~ jalt F~broI the Mines. amlly Tise my b. Irole la thémGM Ruh f orGold. but ibsA' a ulth Wt -4-HJh-i A"-@e Caitmba Powd . 1 ad bd 41 ta I%.glmItrot noOleIIe. JUST 'RECEIVED-- il' h1 ge 15owowr iet LAL zMUstuI b5H aiMecrba e t rd3W "d a l' ug r SPECIÂL PRICES BY TRIS ]ÂRREL. Ea5. ~GLASS AND STONE PRtJICJARS, ÂLL SMES. VASl - im eigle-soSSHÂRVEST TOOIS AND MACHINE OILS. M D e a la la sn o " l a v i n.ua e Sp e ce am. am* oUuDomnionsac.. Waflaoe W..1 H. i d4 ol,. 0 auofrq. M fl s UW&w 9 &mnt tu iaie111 S P E CIAL VALUE IN ----- imyTunexauà»*-UllflUMW o.Ust GREY COTTON at 6c. a yard by the pi1ýee. la t» T lu»ban. OM oule"tmiO FÂNCIy pRINTS, MUSLLNS and ZEPHYR DRESS MATE RIALS, ~ s h ots S uLi dD I ESt o'm mW  I S T S , C O L L  I I S . LAH.Id 6.a oub dtklýridv MEN'S FINE LACE BOOTS AT 11.75 A PAIR. csaM& abl -s' 10k LJh FANCY TOILET SEMS ODD DISHESAND GLASBWAIIE. L 0. 0. Y.. No. 150 MR sVcM oBday culng la WIc% lt5bo. 311 WlDlaucu, x ay 0.0 0.1.. Ma»lmt untl., No. 1lU. L~I__________ lbe *llvsaute t elalbc PromIse Vbris l moi Srd *Imdajici eu* mcah. W. MoVeami, m ua %a e a Truc es hall, corner et ent malW- Qbige mrotaove Blackvei'M ,n te 0 cE: C >3 I ~ ~ 1?~ C' mecdisud fourtibTueadaj ci euhb montb. Viailigbreihsum lvejumal"O wome. EM. A.OA W QD 0151.5, B1e. set%.OKYD 1L 0. U'au urzd.Ï th bLO.U. Hall.OMci moal. R lugnt.0.].; Tho. 0._______________________________ am cio n « u me5A l no. Wi l MteIam , sMd Iii ___ __ Tuudaym 01 mabh mmdh la Nakers bloot. EM 's John Way, socroway. ' - ff 1 ~ I -. am ou fl Tudaetr M med« maC3nb l aoe Ha1,ov*14okei aMore.i. Jas ith. Loasmthe proo noSS lia lu umace Work. mma camaisg us199-cihms misecolenHumouou Thm ouzy J ftrne HoWWaumU lamwàaci"IKms.Wright, Gurmey botaIr, veod., oagEa.over Woodir edotS. W .Go The COcnis Bunip.out ova >orittueai met. b ot J. Neclaude, Gamaey bot air, wood. aMr suol v alet comblaatlOl. 'Tho.. 8.41er, hot valer, 'rood. 1oM.85~U H. 9 , mule om the smi md i Ln" ?yM. 9Offce. colite bot valt, ceai snd vood. M . Woods. £ouutbTRéod'ff ma h Monlbsau Wcods' blook. Cambr dge SI. MethcltohuM l i PssbtarIW.54eGrnoe'botwvater,woocL. LI. » eU5Ibei.fleUetY. aes sud 1 P«Sc CombliatlOfi bol aib md Alt. Boas, Gurney hot vater, veai. 0. 0. o. 7.-emadias Ordur cf Choua ren mmis tarcsi.. 001XKilllsby, Gurmoy bot air. wood. moule on lMet asiudti dTaisy0f1e"h onlh uB. Âmdrcw's Cbntchi 3Gumyr otar#ou.Jon .PlaveUo. QGurnei hot water, co-. .ul icie uoo « Ecanbal'llalillet. peurs Oburob 2 Gure hobt air, coaL Bradbura Iluse, Q.arney. HlurI[e, bo' .1v. wetd m eu rru MaSuua. Lblmy Tuai Ne. M0, en8.maet bodi"bt 1 Gamaiy hot air, vomi. R. D.Thcx"o, Barrov@, Stewart t Muien, bot air, oea ule .hla e Pumtioe soya' bain, oyet Sbmmm@ onrth Word chool, 1GurnY hot air, c t . Ho cGamany bot afr. coal. tor me, laisud 11h Thuruaasci .veryF raola et. Sobol. 1 Biok'â,blôtait, cei.I. amG. PAukr, Gamacy hot na.ter. ceai. ma dtb. m buslbrent. alwaysa-Weloooe. soutb Ward Uchol. i Howard bot aft. @ML. IDr. ichpuemoie om'~at ces!. 'Wzm. MoWitt4momamde?; W. 1H. OraUvcllShcfffM iLonnan. Boion blhlt Mu oM«4oLeTh& ai", r.,Gu r, ca recotd ke~5t.0. Blglov. Garaey bot air. ccci. . Dr. Dceràsamml. otte.co . T ..4X«t1Il>upoI car. Kent sud CmbtldpD. J. MlIctyt9G=uy-Hatu bot ai, a. 4 Geo. Min, Bt l va.r, coal. 3 5.. gatuuxoW a jim.* Uuds a.1 . * Jh cDonarl& Gutmc7.UStnlibhot air,ceai. Iugb Wonkzpsn. Grmâ ol ver, ccii. ingtc»aoPse 05517 Ï I& té le14 P.n YeOM ira. ongbloii. bolta&W. wvom. > (ho. Little, Gamaey bot aeei s ma mvaj lOOM&-A . LJacksoni '. 550. Elles Bovus, bol air, vomi I Col. Deac4on umnoy bot vate, ceai. W 0.T. U. mle uaIW *dmmadaY 0f svoej cohla Jae& grabsin. aersviStewart & la sbol ait,008 .Je . ni rVav i, G amaey hotar. on.ai. *0 y. NX. . uocous à4S 1 U. ami rwla, Gurmc o ae.cc. .&V ruGey ho aIr, oaa!. T.. E @eUO tciLoOOUIOIIVmL lumm1200%tla E. 1D. Ouio, GnrnY hot air, o0ci. WMrner& ÇCe., Hovard hot air, ceai. tb55.0 Ea.Mty altme sUuaj 5t11I . . .Sooibcrmu. Oumov boat, ol.jitteoBro., Guxney bot air, oa 0'1ci@k Pau. ub. Mom yluTJohn Kennedy, Gurney bot air 1 .. GuraPose Sb ai. CULi TOM 8.0uuMUOàb ou LOOc.oW*YS. 1.uuui W Dr. Poole. Gamay bol valueai.cad yi.Guo o M.c la 5.0E- Hali., mo0f lent Sdi Ca.mbddgeJohn Dobe..b ol valet, con.J. P. Ryley. Sarney bot air, 00.1. aWmeL= dmery aO nty 5e TbUtsdaSj e wM. Neediei.t, bl aler, cc06LIJamu LaveilGufiev bot air, ccii. bc ilS0M IOkTboinàaPrt, «Mi 1NM M J. B.. I o otwtr-OR ý>W. om,Baok's bol-air, coal.. 1!bemasWilkinson. A»Wtn laot. -John Dr. Wlison, bol valu;. s. Ito. Beu, boltvater combimaticu. on EUO novimon BroL., bol l, ar.w. wGe. ",t aar eybl alt. o. ou 50*5TIMM. m5 tu J. MoL@n»u, bot valt, ccci. Lgé.Gaayho Ie. w T bem4 ce otad mMP ate rtotn ito o biuBigeos. G'urney bol air, oo&L. ai 1 m o ths e lnd mi fowth ft al It 2Davi DUOu.. bol l tad v.u. ua ybo air cal.L 'lk*p. 0301 omff, Utm.v. * leMat. Care u <ibotair, ood. WI B SvurGmer hot vair, oal. ooea~r,, Dn îlm 05e. il. Wilon, Gamnay bot r odP.Syvster, Qurmey bol ustor, coal. lai zyu< It&U tehe BwalmhooOR 0f ImItBJohn balla, Gurmey bot *Irc. lmPser aaJhtvtr Tuaame mue l Tuehue bail, corera' 0f 050 SIehens, Garney bat , vod. -. IlHopklna, Gurney bcot valt, coai. loKoenud OaMbr* m siruel 8 M11sind G o e'I. OM y hbta &,I W"lnae KrhBI, nra bl altvo lourll t'uiaa math etm2» -edoJTics. AdMu, Gutne5'bot Mr. " ~jE olîtg. mUrktoldliGer,. W trw us LnasAcàbllMIBr Hlesa A.1K BEns.Roaimer hy ot air, vood. àoig u ayoles &Oa!m. ITeujls as noelitatmna bo LPoeknl aded me a fv days ag. Çue ioThebonlemas neudnemoM 110 h ,D .mka"O. ndlair a ptas "qundagrebe k br~tb. g Ialno echa a cuh a m h~ts <udlg1.,nl jtr.Ntithttdn te~c C~ ~ iiOR3~.3~~ E 7fE~ZC :' And ail 8lJiaFIWEt~ ~ Childdll c~ Ad~" t. * - . m m ... TAKE i of Lmi in ly soe nth t buvg oomfolm Wfu t ladWh Mterntm e li i 4ar gaeld. vh ais quaili o c~l.0DfU1i v. iià IUttle more, tm v blbumod, i iformer wierlot inuone large oc,&; "love vth rlu s tl e be n~ Te 1utflOvS umtl ag d mwlllordi,.ary care the te.np 3e 01u tf he boum cou1» b. ept i amy'Isog m d 1 dau hosa*y Tr.commend Uibi sytoi of beatX- lae Whjoas hO.4wit O tater dalt4iW le mai07vbal 1 oa aot d.osrlb4 as"Sud (Qom oni (Ud.THO!I W. POOLC. MD.. jnday'. Give, W. G. NVOODS the c.ontract of m akin 1g your life a ,comfcor thiswinter. I1T,~ 1**I Ai îl, S yu 1 la Of il'd oipin jetly and ipromptly one t"Th Warer"office I haa 1533fl thje langast circulationfl a ny paper initb ob t1 ~ i Ther2gBtO~1 f auvPve i the au o " n]4 by tme " ~~~ i a -eu .... ....... l* caouifq m l ......... -O -ro d Ut à é%à m w. ...... i_ en ~ " ves .. ..... ...... lu Ztl Iffle a= eIrt e 90*........ amU a'e aumnmtb0f atmg@ ut ansiaby 1h. mgo [m m6" m1.0 immimamsml.P 2. OnMM pmt une le I*ailaiera IWO Ls -hm, 31"mkbsm5e.to sa u limeNo lousStlob àm tm 1 toýbmtm im ha.m ogmis £u'u.Sm iu te- mugm-t. mio b55e vidast inla m% or ib vilE Osirsla iaani Sa.gm ifuthm PINOS AND -.ORGANSO Pianos sud Organemuanufatured by tise, Dominion Organ and Piano Oompmny, Bowmnvile, arc s tili hsviung'a vide sale; A few weeks ago to very important sales vers made,*w'iich are worthis recording, although the instru- usubu vere plaed. 3000 miles spart. They had tise.upecial isonor of plaCing one oft heir Cabinet Grand Piano% intise. Crystail Palace ait Lndon, Eng., and auother beauliful Cabinet Grand, in Italien vainutvas sold by their agent, Mr. Fleming of Markhaus, tl Mr. George Parker, ex-Reeve of Pickering township. This alone is sulîiciesit, if it were neceasary, tocenvince the musical public bow highly tisse instruntne are appreciasi at-bouse aud abrosi snd speaka volumes for tise energv diuplsyed un thiemanagement ofthIis Company. BINDER WNES «]i 1.1 ù SISII, T AJIST PuCES. LÙ W rh d 14 or General Âg.ntà,Lindsay, 170O Kent Street Vest,. . .- t 1- ]Miami MMLAN.]D DIST1:LIC.

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