Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 17 Sep 1897, p. 1

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.- -~ ~w IDOUGdILL 8SIX IjobbiflffPrOMPtlYA Grvm lm A cw F or' A.nu -4 .~. ,- -.~.'- - :.~ ~n ~ ai' 1.f o,&Oopy. LINDSAY. ON-T5 4NDIBEPTEMBR 17, 1897.. Prffua.LLSZVCILR I t amu ao mumb I WAMS7oU4sasjUme"aI1. -VOL XLo-Whoie No 2113 es [PIPE TORONTO ver bweekua ding Gifta g. than in in our hi&. Itaie ad- ta 50 per re givrng. gift vaut omething windowe, 'flnd Éome T11 JdlJ8? but sinlpl in Our 25 P i con5~~1 ~our imonuj -je I ViflhlACm-e I-.mportmng Retailers.* Dry G oode, Millinery, -Mantles, ýMen's and Boys Oothing. Were afl the Packtng cases we have or>,eDed Ibis flUplaoed in .frnt Urpremiseis you oould flot use ius. W. antiipate & large trade> this ffl and have bought ail the temjipt.tions offered usn Buying in quantities -for Cash we get very close. to the actual coul of production-. 8.fling for -cash* only-we can afford to ell et a amali advance onanot. WA~3aL~ MILLINE{Y, WBDNESDAY OPENING ÂFTERNOON, SEPTEMBBR 2211dm AND FOLLO0WI-NQ ý DAT-Se Buy. your Blaenketa, Sheetinga adYarus at first-cost A special ilme of 'white lamba wool blankets, failky, waim and trong, warranted tc wash white and *ithout shrinking. SpeûkIess sabeeting, 36 and 72 in. wide, oiosely wovOn, fine wýo;. Thirty-Eight différen1t kinds of ýya. May lOti, 1897.-94-tf. LMdy WoUIienNIYS Advertise iiiThe War1ei.1 BÂR&GAINS Âfter annuval atootakug lie m.a gaumber of Remnants AND* OddLînes Take-a. look over or BAÉQGAIN 1ÂEIJ i&àsWook We have doided tojgooofciRA.DT-MÂDE Baori long] 114Q, and S» TO OLE"R OUT TffE s Suits, kea ýt i 8Id'Pants 110oC 115-1 ~-eep I __ KIL?. Tukon a~ Dam.. I FNl Taira ~~t ~~ blert. for 2%,oa OflbIhoWl Irae th" Mr gkgibinD on%, WihbWood"- 21-22 D erbyDublin, W h y... 27-29 Tro *at. 09 I thak I .111 lot wmbvs hu, .I ............sept 30-Osêl1 Dedrd JN ~ Pom caM pnset oew"i. X hi. uWo .l 00 Ce& . 8. omoevMlieti06517sere obus&0051.la But I mentaées h uowméo.'auo et 00 fed mco tulUatlon. 11% %0ou i wflbblndew, Iiueuaowm*...... 4 clam vbmt faim. -On th.e ni.miss e a oomtootable lutait ê lées, th#lbglow. ý -. Ornes..à4- 5 frmbansbu »s tsb m ascoflar.god rains bars ana A "dpik.n baUb et 5* doSUi% "U "4m But lidiflg York... @4 6- s sait~h~; aise gocd ycung ceobad. Oonve.let aai1 OI stlyvaho adbccl, Pmon" 1e.Am" obuobe. Tbwmsvi.fallin vols on me w oe.pommenicgivS edaanclasiy raing TuBd poumi. plow orpuls fou c& Lnt modraIsi. to suit We.thO ombittum dis la m , VtOl OOufty Oheme BOar =.M Oe. P*lTic teAnd Bot aubjoot I eou , , s bub pa A iini M d 9I 1 g09 l oMUin bo"iü».saba Aid ...... 11......100 auhabl......i....... ISesv CL b. rslemmibordcmgo4 up e T go ou. uslglue,.l. ............71 &flad Ii . hl ioembn Liko th. Y " n d h. oli....................s.105 et LU4N1l. a. il, un.lp et umpd«4u. on..................8 andalor2m lge on vis.Wina5 e alu"a - chy 1 m=i. 4. it oe' PI. aie. I..... ....... ....6 - fim f Nilica le uie cu ~~ km................8 Package. On *miu am ie 01SUO* TiaisoméhOd 4100181tIiI U Tamu......... ......... Il. booms a gof = alle. Ld al 1(4 *MW a ist 0 ... . .... ................. 5gPakag, sitecfella v»tallo 09 vea udiam ..... ............... 1 ........................ ........ ...............170 JONP iokvo. OVnUWot* v Sept 7482 . lis arthuahiMai" .. ........ 50 OmuolmtsIW b. tla unvdm ehoums. .............................. 11 ârvwity ofdut Q i. of ar".i u Who la it brava es h.dme 1j 1,792.~ cmobvnl, ot Tidciv*sWhovia. I*__bu__ Aetlb vr o» 'ee q'kioslà b.zby gNoen ibat 1 ho"s iranWlsd or lt io *dBUw ho, a.~~ e peruwh Usesiou permes.t uad la aMOliUe 56and LO1h.am»Tay poi. OLL S C market t.. d which are really ' = 1th l a»i ilton Dt ' d . th«. Mvn o bfdthe >. cm pflfl. *~MW w"M-r tlost in fo palaiers etmtde Voits mlghîrateghyiab*M. h Dit e Ptd. Iihm a 0hT.L Tpurse. I is eam" to aduiter- LW*Mwajalive metmd s. ýft at » I.. oak bêla@&. .10 M 26.3 Ilom . d TA Iha e me m aymnufacturerts»M lkRbv dri potmd up la my ola ice t amebT., P. lImai of Pmolca P"talla W" oc ýIo do this. We believe however in tselling On]] 4B SOLUTZ M«» me- uon*Pmte oa mit s oeIh oeadt mi 411w S-m nMonda, ovaig etS L adM»routaim or »mV cietiera aim Lvo'tom. t lieb. 811.k rri... a omca à ruig bavre i*0lakâ.gvlb laa lie PU E .PIR Com. HERE for your -bt in the "ML ? MoCxi. ioaama. JOHN WALSXf.fish K 7 matinie read over thie foilowing; ... a.~. . ~ îsbecu~ ~~a *mai . Adnmh.ea Opota T [ br, 3un. .lerom lir. Omninga.pullsau Uomiite uuîha présentmatea ami ejoy thseservices. M BOTS & HOES DRY 000)8 f iNEW j CARRIAGE and O~1luh~ua .pu smm 00 j If yon vaut 10 get Undereai, in L$dhe' o.HIm d1dIBLACKSU'ITOING SHOP fmtn~ao~5ok.Oir tEbage Drusdatai timiAUgMel, e. RumbhMain sama Tnmommnthihoblboga u good trong uerVicable Gente' andObidreùnaw aladb e adflt d*Meftwat».îh ot rfa-kable vineigiteet itrongest -" ~bdb ad0 9Ua le hbb1Xi.h mubolt«~i. oimnB'g fou J I 4e çlue rnftdct drble i>r & dmr i en~7fAolP9 avèummuoheb6etwm,Zt vew maieioe b emm a viaauh. cali~n mJ1~n U'SIW Nckwer itb. inarket-25 tl. * ci~i. m'y NIOue Swbmme t Iaapui ~TÉIbuvali it u 1t he NOMop'u ok &P. on --, VO ~~~ vlpite Cow Brin d uses« on cWIiM M ., a kv rdure M fbve u oni l aonkl à' Îi"d1lièrd bis Peplechture "The off G. IH. fobinson'e Ugalf-hose Plain'bek 0tflb. t and 01 el, b, au otb mmd oeramnml, nasl bmupaoa àah u andw r"t mown1 i oda. Tho Lv I p praciulal « u iis m ii m i i * e i i ru . Rn%. Â1 wr h «tock. lIte only a. ttercas 25 et& e peuaaalt» dite W-taul uni Rassis Obarge, oderato.dAMid hoils w"me eTU t E obosygomansd Yerulom ld ofmasbior he re anTn 00 pp tor Uabbath sohool convsntion on Tueeday. of day. before they are ad Tan Oott oie ail rruIbn 30 ctq. per A~ ipbi ozng opclD olie.te @top lit appaulaala theti. - bMal ppe liI picked up so coul rne sSes our ri cil j Ottk-ambel.ti oko ELR&MRo. WVRIbyapta. liPste, earail 1nieîsa w>2h aaafr__________ ror" iereduSaimcowardlp andvwould MonioltcmyoDmfr) ieBy 8?IL RUNING o us. mah .x.um - am 'lanloum l Thoomm of et itnas.The choir.eoftuhe ..unfoztunat@ UUOlU. fbglanoos ow n.'wuttan d toumed a strong cher»i for j EV:! F'~ 1wu eonmalod Te t To b Impatiaibi I iiihoccasion. - VU m~ot heufrseui,1 Ibave ah".ipvlBdltvud MÂwED-Mî.ohlm olayle and Mina myoi béfoue lbe public la regard ta thom, la Miii. Kiaoeroe umited in mstrimony. by thé pross etfMarc luit. th. Roi,. J. W. Shier, et the home of the omm P. Cumnua. bide'. parentsa-on Wodneuda'y, Sspt. Sth. VVet ~d 8Stoes.FAST UPPER LAKE STEASHIPS Oakwood, 15h Sepfmombor, 1897.i -ii-fsloanaIip ]xpr»e a u bve Toroulo d sea ljati LaISn 150 m, eme dY.I~r~Muais. Brandon, MoDangall and Austin, iib>a~a~ n.M.D.Thompon, of ThedfStl, amont ioxu'.t«erng- cettle buyeuts are rushing A LL R EA D Y FOR TH4E FAý.I ..T RADE. Zu. .mamioba..v.r y Thuraday for SylvOtulBroui Vw» iitownlu l rdap haatt.amo.Oehumo h 0S8. Aiberta. every Saturday U 1 Mr. Thom. Pratt ftfor St. PauL Mne., B omo . t ou mretad of hcile o ]roi.Sauit ste. Maie, Port Azthur luti uesk whore ho hm acaureca i. k n Boboaed.on 8stwo lar d mci vhlh are n Anta rort Wilam. the Great Nôom heuVR. .ne joies bu r i ped ou atrdyltsdor ebfn ~. 2. i . & D o., U ndetyall et mari lh ath re eiuni n waayu; l. um Have been receiving and piaoing into stock for the puat nt.large porchase. uzinneaioIIm, et. Paul ami bull Sie. Maris and aeoulg lionmotI vothWei. bilnt<say abonut cvir et ruindayon rsio th 2th i<JOL Lpar -of- Duluth, SouthbonMdAlani7. fra amontb, the tlp oomblblng budain d istama r ormdella. aid anthe lares have biieli waum Unitedat Uornta.andtiORT, plessure. J"8Ohapam hI Of 0f bpaiesoplmd at th. 1ev rate of 25 et#. for i luite and Dry Gooda, Milliexy, Manties nd Jaokets, mmotaa orth.weet. Bitumhcolumbla and Lunue.preoTince., vnolu arge timmianoB rune .cout lots Minmam u 15of rets h o ptmouoden, 'Underwear, Hosiery, Gl1o 0, etc., He . & C E~ ol. uh8ina s Tai Riz taiitipgave au cpm a où er IrIEcff. C 39&WCAget 0 P.. wke loi wih Ch«Mblode.satudal sv.nlg. and another in Dickbona Making it. one of tel ie oucomplote stock of Good e r shown in Lindsay. slent et. Lindua. uaM ct Grogorv'i d= M»torsus. aid UMM. Kempl nehUnni W" ià hall Mondip ev et b oti et vhich .ho We are nov reooguiaed as the~ Great Bargain Stre. Our upricoe on mevery home la Petumorugî lut va otra0-perto'.Rmu vîn good. lino of Goode are lover chan1 ever e.mîg ensplmali viirndlatu.Oilaid AsrépIily improvlng, n ahown bp opeialAttntin his ee gien o er eté r.Eduurd 0ONeill, cf"imt" IrIff, «ho ua camping party frein Rois oad, a Pc Atenin asbengieu 0 ui Da God e. 28.24.25.-Pfiftemut n antit central hu ban vekimu-la Dmuudàa &itaveîsb% u vt é* oyl n etudnigt.yeSs ete talir uzdei tb. auspices.o ot .11ILhoule fi levafer lim put 'kw !eua, ltitfor 1"y Ulnng, la tho preihy soiht We arvo r.d ith a trieco plosuad select ock of Dreas Goode, Vîtoà aploultural scoety et Lindsay. Poé rtuy n ou hday lat, wsMe ho bu o "mui.'e ail the very nevosi and choicesi goods.. A Iso complete lue of Drees Liningea, - ame tea la thelb ghoue Sofht IM a.. Azaous d a ihr oungesi chili 1.11 Trimminge, Gimps, Braido, etc. leva. I.t vu foua a nt tho hau parent@ la Mail. Eeu' an Bos' jletungDeprtuentSATTEIAT. b aie& V_' roiJW Bibi.0 oesgmapna i. ima A. AumantuM en Meniay To peM&om...o.. .smt mua--- -- - Imbu*"Yowisfe, »Uant iewu asamrt pa IVE T PIDA MOTOR 1oeoeygmm.m am- mtit ag ua- bu <U M. W .me uam i à' snsuuodla tenutylag*0lblaam, _____ . I E * Uti ml.W u. Vodila linel!arI poBnt o k. I ~~~lmg o lidmihramil oi pelihome tlil fm m p et. laetSU XW N ,u. g-a b o ome. Sa isW w lulii M s,*4hemdaIchliA obe le fia IANE"- atureLi -i.a u aiIUI ffSlVA*m4 hW Csbsigestbob ni 8»40maa ualg m :th r moKi .bu<g S BUSheTta MteS, aumigtm, . -., SIMI ja h.dpsiI k W bmimua.nm mIoaaltugeou 1.thed. Hw er ________________a[&_7__IL________ *9 ubuIy i a fnelisuds ~ tb am.a .5V IDTlmUNta tS - e see. Thé rpe@tiW- avesaia SaltS a ae emmtie 0,mi10k ~~ ~o I~ lao4 wlbb"a S nm ~m lwai. beudmtth ud S aams p iI iol.mam Io to t l-odbm& hmubLed o kha u yet oa imw __ ~el! govàq wbm bl du m4amlMRis. dbe a es huai. -88 un& .. J -ual-e l 0 IF«« lMaele maiko lmioolm al Mad M-. ecolI tbe. loom emo b 8V gum- oua otap euk n.mt o MAN@ KIENT ST..,:UNDS0AY R $1 j - j, ç 4 .44 4. e i <4 44 j I ~ 3444 ;.p ~ h i:il 4,- - 1

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