fi= uan, scheme .! W tort wwmey fh. a*"Y OtuP"-sa waa robbed adgwnld "VlM >fIIU to8 kutfitb mi n aiiI d . t te* ,eRI1 owet, Niuu ad tog. ta uxdos n fl e -to --e~ My av ee ,. vhog i kt-%1' t deb , aéi.'me 1" tom 1lama jowilig yoir sdvre wbkh yen 80 hiadly g3v e,1e.Ue&.W . -U jor nmVerygl %at ~tmwti 1am i *w pe act-C1rn.d UiBhmnu to tsh W îk yen a thornand ùt ur u ew ilf0 *fldfte5. * fic % but*t*MI*! sâu** 0fthe Age. *1Heaven -'t yen a.wic . and Prc*pe.ous;,l 0b 1 e tat1nt1m e- as iay surprie uev- a knd lIctiar oit MY un «*"h'au y ay111 deJud, -o0 abaet tmyo eY Is a1 I1 S.1S5105 EB. lue did set aak me te ca'ti te.Exprss Office and b aMrn Ivst40.l mle mend t. a1yh"at eu '* UN op «aui à1 oao** Iw o là 01 Oum 'o,. 1 lel busSUOIIof'du ,d tero u." -.wet.w » io 'st e o mgl- *lt @ lig»* 9" « _ db teàau JO H N M AKI1ý ja d dser". th edorem f gf SIxit W-d 16- 7,hite. @Ilfl' iufBeogiuamaan bapp&nra __ %_ I - b- *- h ta ale as -j"ià jg uiene U t belg a firi baîver tineh.1=alveesal aav Due DM is mv ________ bratheri0dOCf Iau deafroua of<hdp6g tet taeh. stlà g o m wng l m s. ~ * ~t ~ bu" @b t a M M mod op gede ae-Pcy buuwd. AdMa »1%amr .,hee< amW Pm *Ip . . i ULaa, QAgWs-. milid a.S eIg 000hu, u-.Meitll m lm BNeS Wso b e'i. Q»-4" 00aveMaof amud mebdbe Sebleed la ehDmm w huleadocot to» a%. y' * twmIlia ble __ nw~iSEPEMBR . . *.-~.AsiHutem am s aO 'ui bb" apàbtv ls~ un hW im d uPm OUv. usainMsm ______________________a% mm m a* »,mumPON&etd=4t s0:Oi Sumu f i tethms s l ~Up0 M'10 a a tblles a fbà%20 s lit. le1.PUtvi tn& al oiDifan Whs ae ut ogm ht ale3,fa î Naal As»Lbu St7beds 8J* Qbun0f!,liatui Bou arbt uIuWb"aWUisne.bMd ause ssb Mes» diIeuait >,ourl.i.m ml mda Ob um.., It»,à orD.Büe &aDublin" l Jut Al. wttcd *u geut. PaudOluyftse 1011011011TINA jiusm1 Iuutnmmta, mae, IU,,, Who d apfuet110amoailX8wmanits bell ta h me bt W"«.iyAilphilà, m U<ai8SDmeVbitast taeous. 11131110.ekt a mi uois.kt taaEO IlaisO. Wé etâmeaiat IU vIOl* h M M Mà"m a I% l- %1'0B vWaO utPda umq 01011àUai led. kMa9as ud N Md estisseaay . em o. 10 . L'duG. ý K0Y Béla hut = oapadv.-O d Aty IMM. eulLlAolva lOi ltsss I1ud sa saonsbu O.,la H vss -ivMr*am tatDr 7wlV o iiPm OMMulelis Alm vmbrsl qM«PUO dmais semaiWosmOumse a uRIs i- edau, Put Rme Laeeol'O s o.leyah l tht, gi m.Ng ll. il lagi Ibm ofooIma a os elut vasa doe ESSOe i kts .is .m potapa W. oe kwa wodîdboseb Ul. m salitt limon*e v lathé fos. of on- ahUUtm as Ifilvl lsdlOOnoe t Ply. 10 hus my ompmtaf. mDR;Ma0 GlhNoALMO Dit. I ~ ~ L . T MUU eip.76.ns tier.Is tpom a PO S Sl , .Niea- y i 1t. bu terSaIs Oa.-1 14 511100 TMYnt th"VisUr- Umaerua. ___ ___0__ ___ ___ ___ Žho ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~o asul hua. 8a'la& £1 ue eE.- ________OBIT____a__ __________________ Opane d*W. E . iiilv r fifoult » g Win - , "t ib al-beu hve eBinaI It1 W P « - 51.U7 0f TuImtOy Unlveafty. mmUoquefMdituL Mm iI L YA . Colage TZetîSren !Halggn .1.exea 1pti auéSP dwm t Ti h as eer tlsa u00lam"d ma a La. oogata meWnny 0 the excellentTIIprogramméa Wb"uete tèkl5a My. .bifue amnbi, of asesa.Oum Mm DE.eD.l.e, IE',DR.EN«EdELa mDoma ouoïsMdf $1.000,vs areC:apwondté Pr.utelàal oe mtpslo sà f aied »Uuioftal, len la àua. bu et bun the,94h"" ilost OfmàdMare 0f k for yldnMdsi'O"S te ha" It -u MM oUaOOWOODUàtAOSbonla am good dr" th@ dimm PI jeaa igu. £medyasied 1l.edghe tie tisse et au& VU* se. Mumb. == C= .O. * »tP u te" ispi.7h b hi . b 0 0hijdü em u e"ah9w bout lionby0.11 ud aam, J.ouWg.oW004d ge utt» Tai arvuO aM is aitde abutaP.E Ig OY&an - <ýIl Là end" aet illiat ar adsinamae4 , hm fotS il lad ofKoali1", MdhDacs, Wu ofu ur_-0_Wm._@»snti»or___________etha làvue us Uee ela 2bada t dtha1t ho e ha. giILvenaltflcg - IU.lal 17 ilagmatlao 0USjOr4t17 porions* w aibit Mout anu àpoatgidonp@I. e f ihepaàlaluuufo, ur #Un knpu ti a àu d s la ma uia ieL Oe omoisoftmoumtio md llrege Mm valuIfularU@lut"odinert= whal, ! blb lrg arugeviil oapmu su 9 es a lmft diffet p nugpetI-ILnla"golmpaphlo tuettosb / E."MyPnSNdtw.OUf< Ofc-er~OPSSO~PETN NT toob2.800lu 4laoU«m vu g MmA amd go".à"labdw etcidoont M-§- gis s a. O gliei augsssis. H enJseuât e a aPU aof e it- Ou slbýý.p.1*em mbe o 188. ne uàbmovofpapt. es&U V.^Mhius esi1W.lisiao'Ne.TO Jino put Sudy vié ol iapouk bmauogvraellae100,1 D I oU ÏetOMMaga i.a ooshrohs etIlsfor 01501110t Tac emrOo ifho uof a d au".o seruml I au aoa1 foudl theb 11<11aMbIe 01anolaeami Ohe D. 11smeosm' ugesryNIE? sTO LOAN.e U ou pous avtýe l e- gel"et n. o lie Sial, Dee lsuieudi8or h11e t vu, v lu zo haulaOh aIl kqes.Baual <gg*iU4 OrU fa JC Ehole . tatou à n on mbue s.a aipin. uogv mm a « saI hâve buehose ooui Mol WE M.N h ANaiDEESON, pméE TQlus »a ew. 1 wu*îlsnsu avf a ue* hl.. aae nbeombscrd lng ta gffulo t flahe'id ou0Vtamors @aTisatibl ibmémn. £e-ek# Un w 4op ovlacMdLoui 80, (agmr me ofpai, su auloIe"m tii, pryou Dh. Bia. SaIUONdlislv14-d oit. l ra NAII -u ....- Sib f mll l b bu -te. o les 1r78,196.15 la oUg MagotJlmOse, o"rontb o l uuwt M co» unosa Iib.ispere alSoIe vay m inl ire bas m 10aM;&l rkOwULE JACKSONe M10*&m.; L t Oro carl du ulay hs arcoetc.shap ul Un i plwn OUI Pboa # l 100, 1.68 he sud poi dla 081a11110114 g elh et 1 3 NOWL aP. A Llimde. JACKSon.t; m miesEigusiCm LOp A 1 t oamny a agO ve ou »I iesti nuis poao aeis ola iime ba l laI aipus ong ht. I.M e. isaWsee »dç>___________ bo,p"-osbeUn Lus w ne pbusslta he Ius mav"* u Pl bw u u by i us laergde pas, la s 0 MRU IRIGA .P ULN E T (412Y neUr.1*1. slNdMed'(PROt3.). thé 00e. e lécol Dias ai thiaOampaneu.annot bou1 TIc hlobu aveyuthedayrmitel ofdethéeBasn e o! lIe tiroiIue m e n t- . T hmLanda u p inare lohlb u lt 3e Ewr c zmtton.G.B OPISoiEO n£J.OrtreflYOU.ior.elrngS E0À a eagAdp wsai.le Luchmem I&Uy a slb sqdbov lIe emue valuabale-$2682.a oitlaUdm. uld cf Ibm has et l' n i.iSfie e eOti.Su tiv-4. jt b coa.U e è'ArIy benelboth. ix Wha bom a ,de wno a boka lu ing 5dmublf i jeuit" U§" ait b11 o lu te. s 105OS* nt.1211100.-la indu ns tusel eglnllmag e 09l*0e pugo bve for lm, W Pf-Wlage m Md sei IsusaIfait rms oLUEiXt oD MD Damet tason tubol ew iiyeu vt IIboueuipla. luloIet vlueeM voie isimeule hi800o "mf %i5% Oii9Omah.t1IS1m7 *DE. w uxx rte cf o vate'Lay. I asvhu U Ib s MMroiemolal amm a the usi ul y lb. lUmbde aesd slmeuof " «-soisis Ai aC oU0,anSe cvmi u88,00 latuitnmnIoàu4dGv-l trtai?-lées1 eut9,t bm o*o.olaavllie ten &Var vilO.f u m aui me- ) ftalent m- Ohgt dW.syp ! nguiS, DaoUba ahi 0 eolnSi wVUn 0f v iuWer I aslonugloethemnleURE$a,. forzoo eg lIJAKLOis. _____________Aï_p_______ bave rucr to he afimmeraia m by Rom w s aI lv*bj gSIOS. h ms .1 le iafimom s. qael Pou. ami uLIm se mai *hities figursbl y oonu gt b te f minhoaollieyeposrtesonà uaI."IAR âm%,lad i suli a lllo lie le ou..mut avosy1n1dicantsornet le mubjo ii t e r , m lII hp __matin_ ___une flceD *l I etl al U4unof h * oy ontvuoUol l i. T e i sc -Of 0v o em s b O Du OVS e t t o by §ma lt d e k I Oh m iQ u s o m i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Thle Ela 8 êt I 1,11aienancs v b le lmmeobaile , oeuv alvsui la sead T' _ L_____paouu______m_____________of_ ' us.. meIL L0P wll Molt akibu <OS gho mes. Iqouthe BSix o *thcae o*umrae ""te a"I WOOWS ofPeOuP"ot i>s, , eeui b ILorJ.i0~4 rymlitidiO ha'e Doral u m iuee Md alLýýUR y gwu e, boUn gotue.vrslstbgains Ma uuil osh leIVr i!ouaI bt ae bm bt.lIaila kt Ume mil i la m ta" aahPla *8&&p,,1wb. djI Lauoga bus e, t of ut gme - et UV5faw tvuviieU .i mt 1 gOiilscame hrN tpot mi ghm oauw s- -..Wa..a. itvu flollala Ie lva evuv my.Wl er tIn ae' UbRaM0~5.Pit~slu osibe f eWdns md add J..DU U.Va inhrodktm sI 0t-sne h'ais bMrI élanlgpaMd5 tetmp l.uSo. Oeàe, o, mae..O n . tetaf 1894eta1 M Mbu w od cm u to M m n t m ê " tt -.a. 61 _- àb" U i e he " e ! Mlull bc oàuwm Anla à» bI oa li. l, bufîauà i, . Tm t la de£ mmJ~S$ 1IUSWuIt WUPV.ut bi t he ïlb.t, al rnrn nu Mtioe ynMo a-- 'I WAt4I e dbom. Mm uLll uma. Aee agi'- At tb~I umet fil o1 meae tel a0 Ka pi&ow au" Pd" om iuewat, 1TMUK RIL WAYO auumvmio Advqrtjîrim Tii Wawdpr ]Positive the £ra See O Sk for4 J.rsist an Carter' S R,1trefl oel Vlue h wa osnt te holivi getblzg a oercule.c it accerdit u1882 Il j gave ,918,8261 M,6,257. oces are faorites ot rckei' wh leuIjOarU. vaste ROcs On allnuitie te tide t! ffiffieutieB. deprOssiOn; pple gen 1adfor a( srlaiwiIl hamounn bace lhe c mam vho rd the farmner muAller ille ago while t Ide vages C ho baà oftlý ob the gri are 0xiÈ, ebn ail th bie increa iPenditui Ibose who vinas ina people vol lord il ove of those Pl mie meth &avisera Toronto wl a debt, tho be a scallin people fori bave Beai) tino Provin aoh year the basl oslp vay put Dovwi tu ths opi Iol upeu et tins Pr obemeoln Andepeudi tea * eonsollot abnoula b] euemity xoobed ru *.ntah' Infiai Cou la liait my ebu nain ~ap 1 1 !,- o duEr ,%'IEA ND bludi% b7t'bI +lvas homib bSUa m j j i ~i ;~e~ ~ * b ~ I. 0, v A 4 a 't7