SEUl ti~ hreg-in t or ne Bee ~' r ~ t. I N * 9- arriaglesaul vait -ae e s eoot f K 'l~ iUiL -.Ton i-i havre nome basagel a"Oi>' this satchel, vhlcb Iviii cari H * ~under 'M-7ague." ra l eal.Itou ilfl not nee t'er. M Up lu e attie t M>'boni Ver « boxes ou boxes of t'i;gm f ladeste weet. My $lanche liai oz MalIen u-voegc, but a 1.01] ecceutfee. à&* :bat aaioon fa clothes.,8h. ebu' f Wr>', am, putb lbsarn. lb le'e re, a h w ~~sic lied. Ton eau out anidke' yosz pifes, ma'mllc. M97BlancS werer amirv'lte-v'lte aul l'a lime- "Ton are vol>' Idnd," Irma Mil. do net knav boyw1tebsuk Yen. To au%* "l o ei ~ wuil l ake me so-wîthout an>' reconl p*Meu of the tioloied, bête! fu&e .da ti a ieomae "Xc nm n . - e r1 m.41daf b es on?"ofrcome - 44Re q lntheokrW voiýr face, rns'm'selioe,"' le mpid, vil hg bis naine. 1ivWin be i ouw hi# - 01 ltie boy sud amile. ."ro te se. lihu. f» etnMlf ake me 90, tea, at a venture. Tou d seat, ~net evea kaov an>' narne. Buthua She liad oni>' a moar&un te w att. Gb. beau vairs, sud vere good nnme1 spent lb in rylng, te putlier milIeu ee>-Mdecs ,Alrnec Brascale . 1Nov purpose, Into shape. rt bad l asliedam M*miie Prudhormce-at. voir -sez upon lier Ilke an Inspiration tl&t lier veece. Rernember, vbeu you 'a opparlunitty ta escape uulglt corne bear l'e flube lu t'. aIrain of, -He rmq througb -thls strangor vlh he011Noma' Yoeu s'il corne t'e lo t c waymsud bbc geuble emile. l'e hl. At elght o'lock, ra'm'selI.e., Me camne Iu. Mo Nas sayiiig tathe " I iile bliere." -ervant: "A laIee.' -saeme? T'ere 1i "And vo yodgo .fant, fasb lae muet lie some mistake." wb.n mbe rose yoffug Locllaxr. To tîukl, at mi trom ber corner, suad approachol hum.n.etlmto lite, .l veel. be rînnlng sa .1i48oves ligltel aI once. vit' a Yoing laIee.. Mam'selle, il ",M4tîlb tulru>y kind lade.i vbep oun sicelw moue?-au>'sdvance o, mue at Vt . ldiug" hoa .te v e oirar e e?"b.correctel, eoin - Irmas elleut the poce . ber face finali. il 1 camen e bblng you thisl" the Mid. "Noue. 1 bave no delite. ,I vl 1 onul lb on the grourid wvbe eyou btake no salar>' mtil I eau Ilt." Bk fi*.» afswerd. i muet go nov; but yoi "Ah. bow great 'oî are,. rns'relle 1 viiifinI _jme punctuai. I thank roo 1 Put mv heart at voir fLet. ?ts-o ,jS& Toieubave bouc, me as glu baak"-huùgfng lb 10 hine-im" I Wofflfavori!' mot loue It foet' riouaue otolarm. Net OT'e taxer la ail to me. I arn glaq for 'e 4mne*lb h6il. 'Ak- no; It bat ýfroma py heaft te meet vit' van. m a pielîre of mv avent B ncbe.'-e' detild«i,i b.ansverol, bo«wing ove ou!>' anc t'ere ia ot hoe,; and mayh* ler uiaul. ."Adieu-au revoir.". aeenot lie bere,.Iong,,ig,,Ialaska Vaine MWav l e 11 he htel. &su broke Illy. Look bers, ma ap selle." vsalk ava> lu the direction of Liv, Re took a. ittie pbotoppp"h cari Qaka. --Rpsc ba spnug lu ber brie freai bbe pockeb-lio an sd bsniei il te once zomre.«Rer ep, vas ,lgbL Irma s"'Wbatabundait Mâtlity' there k Biîtliere snd look at tt-44-ere b>' Anluber.!-.thonght Taie, as lie *tchet '. tire. .I1love t'. lire; it tea û fu« the * W4fltt SM gilufigure, and foilowe tire lu my room -ail. t'e round éeo4hAub hber vo.gglite te.,c«umb I IrmasBat lavu, and' lochaet domen oqd msr ,rne balut ber miel Picturel face ou the card. lb vas 06 neov.Ie,>p V yOf spirit .tL ingular face; t fSgil aro t W i b é' . l1tlêea s liil. wtiiier- chUld's Innocent tlMtJ lit e-buàa.: e la 'no,' rffitil fveetness. it t b s-û hiildtsblook iO m1., -'àM M 1 ibeno a l1itïri d ad. ma e u ifL~~g~timh t bseer belong toe ae- l ress and vh ithe : rimp- te Il-7a.mhi. âw9eaMu w. ÀU>,.3r*a U t v balsaile vas on tbe, lowelymoutb, se.gê le fIi' bldi4fg bbe lipes blit at bal" 1L Û»4 Saade about r '<' go a aig alecu ~b "aone mgît ftaaa he I Met ber Ut thb. gate. lb.Dicpre&mae your cheiks lîke, the 'tel., red "Ahyeee, b'sn., ySclerose"'- 11A tiaP "h! 1 amn hippy, i." i aseeI ofIly. as Miss Alaice.: Tour ev magasine bau bOock the carl, and retürnued lbtatem sbas Corne, and meolias John: sud Wei place ln bue book. jiyechüd Se bave a aSod time la thc library after sweet. ,Il ýla Mal btee ler ievare Wa& T4'"OU mil M19Hdrit anymr aiway ta. bermfflUuw-Cb.hit anI & =7vsyreae* je' u*--ha pa ' b tar. as u n sd hi .pale-moore Paie eve» dam, a1 d ff SIall ibaU bgether. Suppor la nerly nioè bg fl e«ftLner-bbègttn rdY. *.»Ui u u&bdsaoôth voir bau tem e gan eettuL ni Sai s C Ur andIcIme escort *OU to thé table."# place la ver>' îoneee--way. of ft Thoe éenlarmeai, vhîvul have ralînoal aul towu' tew femmes, iben .dîaper lu tashlonable etCrcles, sugane pIa"tlon-vyoî knav oia.e was suppor bere. as nearl>' everyvbere ees luntVe iel >syoi coontree. WI- cIsc ln tbbc-Soulth. At Live Oaks. Il selle? MY chilI 0cm ainlost mione ln rwaà a. ment enjoyabie repet. The l'e lig house. Ters là no one tae keep roorn, villi Ils warm-tlnted watts, aud ber lu heant. .Bbc loves munie, an 1 deertui pîctures, Itsbm bnglt table, vih g0 tael'e cite.. mno meuehlte sici tthe Intelligent, kindi>' facesaround lb, SUgre s t ge a ade t.beali 17as on thls evenlnrg, vbon sIc mat bers IDîsuche sud.10 e -ecoupane for ber. Ifor the. lent lime. She blIeutered 1Ongadeervand comeub mii., cul ith Maîdie." Dr.« John gave ber s Ia e ale, dgvele ou i eart>'. bail-shako, and Mrs. Fontenoy psylie lalleeand par lier Pas- s»nid affectionatel>' upon lier, vble sage up. and bobol. wben vo corno so h. praisel ber looke. far as here, she lief me. ah. vaieceLj W tgolewIIvnber1* ehta>'uO nt Word.,fnet even *'Goal. vonlng.té mske vu eyabngt bye. algentleman.,IvsIfe . ee awbe orebzno hîut."ah mn> bagai.'TOU Aék me viat. fer al hi rat ater, I l us uppse; . Rca et Vane, Wlio vaà taking bis seat oPpo- hiearI lau ier spos;'. a nt telier,Ilionglitno0 boa. But If lier lfle te, or,.ansYbe," be sîlel, vaik liaI Improvel ber 100kg, lb fiad wlbb a twlinkle lu lIa browii eyes, "lobefnot beïrefibel ber appotite. Slie na.nk t00k. me for -one rci al fouli n, 1 ber bea, o a l ta ilble toast. John t'oughtb lb*woul4 h. g6oal bu arree me». noicel tht er banl tremblel ausheb and liaI me dead oon, sud -51f ber a lifted tIhe i a e is mle langt. Sotal vrc ve010 "N corne hIbo bthe lirar>'; I bave nielat igb n 'cdock. Slipami me cut -bbc magaZIne bavýeg, and ligltel great many questions, sud ah. fid bc a tfrhe a ore 60 u out I hl ino'irng ; al a la !nchi.», ao , U& -Idic mail , a h to, Mr. left 1telier b>' ber iai auritee. i'.. J sîper v-as ovlernO, as îe e John ud baada so--rugg rw Otlia Irqu, bolling a baud of each. afin a udSIru ed hies abulbée, "-AnI.Wbo la te Pis>' chesa vlbh me, .4mill ga ruI' l ie to ,kow?"' sakel Mr. Fonteneoy. WIIYoutakre -me lu ber place r "1 bal coînte slavne rMs aliesakl abruPtlY. "Icmii eac Aime* bo-nlgtb' # munie.' I do net care for the loneltnesa "î'îî lu>' a 9" -u vîbit vai, Colonel Of, the Place,1 i viiib. glal te go." thoug igb Irn4aplot alveruary compar Re loakel at lier ln surprise. la Ainc" lMil Vaztbybo taul* *0 ilYTu ?" hosMud. "But yen are ai- poilcr ta ý-ke.p llaav ithbisbout, real>' ongage01-In oue nîce fsaloe, too, But be -.ipt 'u eeo ipôn IrVM4, Md andl bey are wvol! pleaset ee. y' U th.d fl the i. Ildobe "w vblie Tour ovesasak me hov.1know.ýA". affy7« l h lbatw h sn oud bale-lîlge Breyer-a lifins.& mgagne lnu er-lia& hlefore lie tbei Me waslunl'e ba.ek vit- me; hb. mv his place ut the round table lt ne it- 'you 90 kind la me oule .wharf. i di*ne-Moon ppamîbe. i. N'otiorh.- 'le mot tell ane truc ?"#,,& wT&bn e c vonr' cbhsa-me «'Tem, it. la true," Ima aaiawerel. -1 am emnpoyd lnuqoioneîl te= t e " e tb'. W<n1ow, andloti farnîl>, and bbc>' m evl'M m al. moentb egeb "t wibli me; buttiireae oso*wb v * w !ale areseaoens." THAT T1iie ~ACIMILIE SI GNATUrJRE li.a ltro joe TeE qukl~y M. nema p testops Ifke rou aboy. -and , t tb white VImm et sin, go" oi e~ p long snd 1 em, d throuffb = ged: fr*lb0ende havone ,rh m re- >i ~ ~ M hee," wbseed 0il Wbfl Med en n ke yucon onj ave knowg sofliV#W .id. knowii h 11 p or" r hil ae e ehie bod outàch.yeto d bep tau "m- 1 00, plflfl5u, m4lyehat 1 eau nover kn>woC;o o ul irf te asaln-eoo4vbe forevert" *oraââ. on o'zu0k .t. .lié o.betaghl r' gh r"bc bier tears., »ahik0 Be r- rtt olp ryqucky ow te bil. . Atit$ f<to. UII ego 1 t' V>blln, X . Jaque l 0UO WI ah. talk and *ing t »w the01 waftintcarrnage. AIu sh drw come .frù<ri, 1 "Tomi tg darllng." near IL the qr w«s thrawfl OPefl.and minutes. s i bs n A 110'Y«m dri ed n arM etet ii ot to heID ber In e.wil , -ift» aound î "lu she pretty?" with ber bnd stiu 181 o#10Nornl&. b ear " ti;r-I-m m lmnrM Y (n ber father's uhoulder, and prtteudtn ,orsad the -musical volce.Of the littie W h i e.seImtég b.loe Mdllengt=et ber coveruly fomthe cornersOf ber n Liebe t aseat oPPOBitm h L e.f.r~ t' akda-,U rs or n a.uiytce the afghan about undo? the ;trees a td nmre late "Ift your heal and me isBa ber. peaireJOM, m'weet ana è& on the 10w- zeale o qz»t eDttp l ea l hle Raid t th le sprending bowàglas le s ad topped The'ilrledbrled, i e e "Nov ge,~~~~~WU buiianle *Umadvs vidie rUd bmered upon ixdbe he mulatto driver. -GO lack t'e deevil us u in iv o es end ah. . -VV »,tig bO y teyehshe h. d bees -b. atte you. NOW, Mec's Aimee* hU'l oIr, -mwért Jcqscons't Sststue or mnoe Impersonal Lochlnva.r eecI off. - 1b.eMrdb .te-tino '* 1 T'ere b.lileet steeds Vt'itl011w.'" font,/il nee i i.auucda st à- Iste anthed iivmdterifca. Tthe ei n . i on everanda, vitb ,4 A iaàe Of dlsappolntmàent caze ln- i- nsantsh lene br fceOganu th Ô" over hie eyts. bo ber fatber's face. aushloned window-fraiv.e of the car- h ecme is. u1th t O Ai" h. al, "I gct you a ftur eue, nIage, and sobbeediheart-brokè<nly. Her « »01e4mone uplàace reuaarka; but-she rau aam.,, new friend made no attempt te console thon"hotenant a* Blmanche abili contemplated Irais. h lier; but presently, when they were "Ht ow 414 pou and anborn make RI "58h. la dark and briglit, 11k. the 'Uout--pi hearîng of Iàve Oak.4. and the »10 ycFu gt the m for the. Stton bWSEblful nltht 1 like ber. Du=i 10. àpeed of the bormes had .lackenéd. hele avorm1m10k hent slveyasIa &f began to play upon bis flute-soft o, as the c0 swer. doulgr o r bu? airs that soothed with their gentie ,iThe ofler'm vWhite eoth gl ame as usky!" m relody. l e ie ihs awny ustache lImné, ts.rted. ber lieart gave a vio- S He played ou aud on as the. sti'org "V:i got aheid cet, OUa bbsu."he M~d& lent bhrob. She türned and lèiok.d at. Siron-grays bore them on through the "Wrehe omcane ber$ We veeks goBlaucbe'm attendant. Té%, lb va e- baimy nlgt-now Ini the shadow of be.tol me»- u &gousyo BakEa'u unliroken Woods, now-ln the. lIglt of "ove. mind wbat b.e tol you. Don't l'h. little dark face wae co1orlees m the unoon, as the>' passedl broad culi- mentO io n amie te jue,"' Prudhomme atone, an~d ber black oyevie tr k vaed iela sd qietbomated. Iuberupbed, *lulebirig iM sentence wlth et Irma. As tIieir looka met @h. ek Imra steare liad ceased. to flow. Sbc a i'rseelioath. 5tarted -fürward a step; a ci>' broke l' leanel liack on the sort cushions, and Ira knew the>' mst4ie paking of froin ber. hall Joy, half terror. lIma W tiried tea chool hereel I nto acceptiflg Si aio .bi er-the mai who Ta"e a mvii t, waruing geature.and b0 er destiny witb cheerfulnem . . lg6bd.wg 1, iet iLt ocm the quick-witted girl comupre- SThe munic tell more and more Booth-b em' êr Îir ns. ýM ue t shg: e inled, Md cbecked -ber demonstra- 19 Ingly upon. ber; and. after awbule. ,s.:moX fos SPrqudhomme ceased to play, and said, hi ¶1. bo mg At tafylg der, "Wbat la the matter? wha.taila you, e offly: W o, alt taucylng hIimelf sale, Dusky?" meked Blanche sud ber tatbft «*î.8 ees asleep. Poor ile! Ie b c atches a note eft tb. purmuing.pack hi the smre lreath. let ethar bhn'bemot l liep u uon the vInd. "Oh! that old vas»). He run his But she weel finI a new heart-pretty After two hbourm' lu the. cottage adstln mr>'slioulder-lilade: i1t's 1ke atsoon. T'ese maidens always do. on the Prrl ee. tbey starthi a red-hot necîle lu foikee's flbih;" e LdEPER XI 'sIwit fe 0 b The qiay- oried, and the rulibed ber aoulie CIRAPe mustangs ixe mmal, but strong vipuroumi>'. r Tht igitrîtge .atve. l'.>'dinot break their M. Prarîhomme -looked at ber villi acrose the-rutraserons the àtrot a Wy' vrla>, as aimnicln. cdWods nd-ra neyerlaigept I tiUII ~ ices ôcf virin "Corne bene, and let me see the hurt,11 Fe d n rsy lIe atqit~ o~.Pam 4M& and idated tarm- h. sald. t'Maylie lie bar let' hbecs tiiig__ 'evatel fItls sund brown faim-boustea ~.anl dovu ln dam*>, dense!>'- lu t'e -place."» t wvpped la repose, ,sud, over 'billeà« Y hf oliowa, ed b>' siuggimb "Ton Thluk l'm goin' te let meus h. tt pnned eluggish etrearns of dar #..lI»n' lown my back?" retofted Dus1y weber. The ornei 3made gooapfl m Irma UeItle"3ry* lid the cbaig- ludifnauti>'. sdmiugdbsao 'd trot.=, ie mdmceioa ohé kono nte of Re amilan d uele i eol la de9. Pudhpumme behead. 9hiq Ie y er a . c readdiimelenlbock lun bcthe «J sd directions "It'ii e vel as soon as I eau inake cauaeSdhummed 10w a lltmIe 3 w vg" aé ber practicai a cross on the chimne>' bock," Us la ecllo e n s oag. I rais ul fie 'alenbb. ý of the py even of Dumky. l'Yeu ail botter go in; 10 mip- 1" poliied adotuni. cober head. -b1Cbr ova State. Oe.belleved sah. vms'per nov. It's ready." y gh .lab brne loto the securit> of nmre Selmlug thie lack of the roller bharl y' started rsul> rm a mr, witb '-Iptea¶or solitude et &- tance frein the ie burned lb round and pualied ibt a half-uitterel exclamation of terror. 014 hom tat the b fr ar miner-blrougl the. bail dbor. M. Prndb0ln 0I - She 1ad soomed toelie wanderlug alone.: able =Ià~atUozm rtr the nov offerel. bis arr teoIma nasd thé> eWauclorlng over bli aud blirougli vsley,,i hbethat ecosilg" 1o r lie a abelter vent lu. wearY, .but w1lh gaI feeling lunlier -for ber. Slhe *au g away trom the T'he Ihiig-roorn vas large and loftt. heart, 'I arn leavlug It all belilnd-4be "dethtest e w ,~ indowelookel out on thewvest, Çld Bonne, the 014 l1fe. I amn ievlug ln fý tbem liehind.1" Ever aus e w ent the torbi,#den love bBeit. Fenteno>'. ai tbe vas bardLy n ediO A perspective leemel ahut lu grs>' rnst. j W"f i 'nt thes .ata n p.t I lhnge vax cSea on bthe table, UldOl>'the ut rew os> amIlIL. ~but be IMgervei hiemif te e bepale ted after-giow filed the k. '~aesIUi*1nsIonger sy ioi nd iIave a. toc nesiistc look to r, nous; lier lover stood et ber mlde, hlm b" excaqit , 1 ntr telagoIpsulgfalinht iinbril c abp..essd ithc l ~ *&,fos aMg S M» ibat bung upon the voila oppoéite lir eau Iculd fini, andi«W w the m&0frfras. The tierce triumph lu thi.e ee r We shall rest bere. Teodtéf At ouddsat adtetzo are far belhIld. W. The oMinj »udl eaal i.tre et pese a 7 «t«UInhthe tac. et bhe vouag Wltb a sens. o great psnid rJ b ahie le ned hcàu tirol beal on hbstJ' »eseve.mUve,, cruabed sud vrlbhIng auber the Thon ut parted, sud lieue loûmel lie- AbS re saut lhbaye. vere mont EBlche vaslilted sud put bv lier fôieberthe~, lemi 01 lo~~ 0fet blim unubrIdge4-but tue msimtaffgs tbbr lobo a seat by hMnwlsere she bere lirrthe a dirrew-tbehome ffordel bbem Msslls y, the valez otten' barely tautl the delicate contenta of Blac Bayu. Suîoehig Sie ver thele backe. variai Litlecdinua limbes rangel tbtelier love, but hie arm toit k Blc ayu hddrn e un t W e ustiratetc-aoud e ltIracudhr1 Ikt vasno hlooer tan again. t likbadk drver suddeni>' broke out make a pretese of eStig. it as o lnge Betradat lier loo a ous th"t soundol Uke au Irlsh "Tou dinlk tis,." vuimperel Dusky aide. It vas a yoîîow, waated figure vall. L11gubrios as vas bhe tune et lengtb. puttiug by ber plate a glacs wlt a ed caracras he lirat.T Ithe burden of bbe mougs eene abe of amlier-colored vine, olly wlth age. amail keen Oyes were Selon Vanb rle that h. could une the. moke of hliebornelIrmas drank IL It mregthend ber snd bbc>' shone malignaiti>' as li e i!muey.1 nervesansd belped her te go trou.. *hisr.ered: .'1 Alphonse sconta bue corn-cake sud ber after-bask of plsylux aud einglng "Ye on flnover escape me!"' -...ee0f lits eaux," saIdM. PrunI- for. Blanche. Shestate upwîh asmoheed >'homme. "We vili soon uso bbe old The sittlng-room vas large sud M.e Primed WSS ltting oit up- y Grenadier." .gloornv. It bal Iark old-fashloned r M. trudommeg a lier b'tie ot ":The Grenadier?" Irma quetoued. furultîre, sud Laddpurple curtaIns. suds the carniage iamp. Wbab ii bc "T a thebb nain of the place to The piano lu a rIchly carved case, utterel aloul? It seened toelier smli.cs"ho amnbaerd z bI y. mpuseical.neari>' black villi tixue, bal stilli-a liad ail: Mn"h meee J)bslwmscl IniOw toue. "My sin-lt bas round me out!" I French.. -"*Wby ilel caliel tbe Grena- Wlien the luttle princess lu* the roiler There vas a atrange look lu tueeesfleIviihoyo pset>" chair blalb.maeaewue of M. Prudliomme-a look ta 'TIc> were traverslng ricli "iotoim the ralsed ber apribe-lîke. btranspdretl that rans lanls." On one baud were broa ceut- ible bau&d anl salI: figured biseviiole face. He leaned ton flda. white wlth openel bolle. On "That. la enougî; nov ral te me. forvard aud touchel ber baud vitbh@a 1 .enr sienler, pale the obler wcre grounds luclosel b>' Go Into tIh - b lrry mon pore, aud "An yo to bae bd deas?"he hic, upruedhedge of. osage oag.brnug 'Marmion.' I vait to besi the "Alyîto ae oans?" liefrui tesud Cape mrte nbattle-plece where Marmion .1a8.killel, Hle look, bis toue rmade ber ubriuk- acant blossom were tntersperacî wlth y<u kuow."1 why.sbo barIl>' coul bave toîl.. i bbc hewild growbh of sycarnore, pocan sud *ever mInd the book. i con recal - exoresseil a subtie uIdetdJ>' f asli trees, tangled up with vines orfh thebb plece. I think," Irma salI. sympthywit th sortatin brnbamboo auI yl grape. Another belge 51. loanel lier arrn on the flbver-. ofsnath lb bbcsusprcw beriaecret? iled tfis bYbrl .growtb from thestand, sud rezicated Uic Une&. Heu Mfa min ouho suspcthesecree.od rhar roper-acres of stragglig ag.volce vasruade to embol>' the herole i knîl>' sou lie seemed? Tbab lokk 1 aMi, .applebreés ivarlous stages mal Iramatte feeling. lb thriledthe aegrowth sud deca>'. A collection Of chilI, vbo bel neveu heard a:ything Nest nov semrel 10 Open anether vica Ito ber. fAnd bis question? it scabine coulI be'accu on fthe like ltb lefore. Bbc mat like cus en skon lu French, vîi a osrBile of.thte orebard. and promeut!>', trnuced, tilI ber ftbler asked: mmcal eaco>'nnîoalto- - D<>ulestroîttbel n mas spiteli- "DOon like IL. Blanche ?" ow- - WLo"ismS Ori'Si msc SiujteSW.oe oeu>' cowov WAPPEU. WRAPPER or EVfY ]BOTTLJE 0p CASTORIA Gmbia ipup la n-§hao îotlei oniy. It » m t! bul . Don't llov aiyne te f as aaylb -Mg tso he pieu orpromiu.thatân *~ ~~ Uj M d asm go"sdifauver uvery pr mss" ~oelma e gsiOABT..Ii fIs zh.- à u0wm Muoa50. Kaud-DrmTrimiinge-aold below cost Bo uto be abto me rommfer râfgoode. CAR lWtore iLi-8too late. - IWDreumd sUd Kunt1ig don. hors. MIS MITCHEL. I havegjuet oompleted a am nov prspared te turnisheverything for boue fliihing in rny Une si ohesp m the oupesk Eveything guaranteed right or no pay. Ca&1 »Id inspeot work aid get pricS. Telephone us. -aoîo-tf. ITALIAN Bogk* am Eigh* Day OIook, with the sooond hand gonG, Md It. âwa "d Ifty4ave minutes oevery honr ..ow logwi* 1.1 a whole Dago? That i M7w to~in A u t the profit we makê mye . qNe powsr LWthoaVro reafly worth tei & ,~i~ 1 .Qnengo..with emoi j04 HIGINBOTHAMI 'I. brdsl Cike th, end cc mine v ryelids extra of the .nd th =ud th vuren0 theen eoodor the re Ifera wermito: an o thern tiat con ing of 9The sti their w their lk tht-ni to They bead, .9 wang ai iud OVIE anloth.'r have dý Sxe grin gray a NÇ a breaik t ese n .. i1ýk, the fo tley go their fý; k$Ule S- torii C4e: centl-nr snd'w phet. at al. fransil t rond: fiesbi n BiNe uo Hcvv ~you are mail is anr 1-- were ,i ed thni "u -w h 1.4 y îil lat Wb ii yoli -n 11 Prophet the r GaI shi the boO City.' While, ing Ehi spirit s) fodal thev lilj fort. of My1 turne tc 'l ha JESý OENTLOo LINDSAY àet~Mk 60 oib 18 ON THE 4 *4 'y T, v 1 i 6~ w t,.' 'El -2010-tf. 1 ýmd= hvm*ovigéstîocàmu-