Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 20 Aug 1897, p. 7

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TEYWW B L WA8Dfl, UIA! 5%. Uu~t~ AWU? ~ 18P1 ti AEAN : jHEW TESTAMENT WRITER MODERN DIVINE ON -LAw tue Washagtoapeeotb-Ie femaloli Item a HeA adaqugaus it*,dp@lnt. Be.Dr. Tablaége preaéhel au BSn- ay tfromtftue text: Thltu iA.13, "Bins jý,Dââth te lawver." ..rbeprofession o! lie loy hr llLo * . ducti-t, d niwihlu Ivo baya in th Cap1- titI City 303 youmg nien joies! t, aSd &t th.is.seasea lu varitus parts -if'die lanti ther -huedredes are i l~tuait diplouuu:s ftuatisIAilstrkuaa pr«oÙo, jwî is it nat apprepniat hal I atidreus suji %"oiiiig mca freni a moral hnd te- bious st.undpuiut, go' UPOU them ame now ruffing the responsibllities o!f-(bat caiiing reprtsenlteinlutbe test b>' ziua. due lawyer? we ail admire the beroie ans i rgotous Ibd ofPaul's nature os vituxa- h. stands coilly deliberate on:tii, deck oethte cern- hil) while the jaek'tati ra t tAe KIdlter- rai uta, are eewering Zn îtWe cyeoeue; aus Shiaulu' stands uîîdauti-d aai<lthe auuarlluu e!oftue Palace betcre tuAcRA ueck- cd Nero. entroundeti with lbsIs 2 cruel ietors:, as vhen we lEmd hlm earning his rlv'clilîood with bis own uedie, aev- ixag lia ireloth anti preaching thie ospeAlu ic I nteýrsties;' as- w'hu-n ve tub bu aible to tztke ,the ' lmes, evéty atroke ou whiela fetelueti the bieusi, et contin- iag lai his mjsîlsunaa'y vork*, as wbe-a we fuiti hixua, regard'ess ef tue consaqumms, te inuef deUi-ering a temberun,-e lce- tunre te Feuix. tue govetilent Inebriate. But soietirnes voé catch a gEliapse Of tlie miii! and genialaide o! P"a-na a- tuire. It seenus tlit I Aie ati t- rtid wiue vas a bai-rlter by- protemson. His naunue was Zena,aM be wvanteai bme, hlm. Perbapa ie thad formed thbe me- quantauee of tItis lavy'er lu the court- roorn. Peu-aips 1 emetimes whcui le vantes! teussii saiequestion lu regard ta Rouis-nlav Aie výenu t isi.Zenas the' lawyci-. At ou i>'rte Aie bs-d 'a vani at;cr tfor thin, anti le prevides for bis eouuàfoetable eseont sud emteutain- me~nt lus> ie v'ruttouTitus-, "Brimg Z-ns-stAielawyer." 'l'is min o!fni>'text belongecl te a pri u.- vin Jhic4h axe many ardent salplx%'ter- o! Christ snd the Goepq, oait tht-m Blaekst.ne, the, grent com- Imauqutatt n E11g1lUh lo.atitid Wilber- fee, ti'ti' ernanipa4oe-, suiâthê late Beau- jinin F'. BultIer. Âttorne-Gntrai o! New Yoirk, nuuuudthe la-to Chailes Chaunu cri-. the' leader af the Philadelphln bar, adil Cit fJitices Mariailiandi Tenter. den and ti,:mPbefl ssandSir TinisMore. wlaO dieu fer the tnuMth on the seaffMlt, aying to hâa aglast oxecutiomer: "Plucit up courage, n atmdmyn duty. -My neek is ver>' short. do car- fui. the-refore' 'aud de otet sie awrv"' Aun<ung tue unigtlcet pienstahbat ever lare been ma-i b onu - -barriqp havre bec'npleslu beb là At Wb. and OhriRt.*nnit.. « W 31>1W <'or qtood i n doStaee urt a Washington pieaidu»g aunde faniona irard will case, donciuag any art- tenaPt te e ducrate tAie peoifle %wfthrat_ g-inhg thern ai flue <mMi-' liane mnarai swntimnent ais "livw, nuihdaxedmvivulurîr e dei-ni ainsi infideit a s v-heu Samuel LU &-)nu ard of Now Jersey. the-leado.' o!f the foru'm iu lus day. stoto du e plat ferni nt Prhri.oton ,CMlee -man- Iment am-ecating the Ilteirn>'exceelency If t.he Seriptures; as vhen Etimuntl Pt'rke. l in h i ouuatriai of ! -e, Plistingse. net oaly in behait f o!tUi Eng-. n 11h Governmeait, but Ilu .lhatfcfelevat- à ed ancrais, closued.his speech In the mldst of the -most augusta. asselar cvr rathea-l? in WestnisqtetrHal y suuy- s'r-u "I imu-eueh Wa.rren ll&%utuialundue r.: une o! th>- Howx, 4o!Com -nI vbse Shim nenu a> i- o fe ipe-ple of Indiu. wliose ia'ts an-d liberticslie lhuis ulvuutM; I Impeselh flm ln the nrmecflaman nature, vhldl ho h-as Inisreo. uti4 i- nune oit botlisxs aundlof over>' rnkamI of every station, ni d f evrry sitinttim --In ue vorit, 1I la P'-9c W.grren Hastinga."' Yi- tt. .l- mu1j< li - thie fut'as viuch tInt proftession baas mde b be.1 h:liIf of (aoc. an-dlthAe ehuidlisand the 9<spt-l, andtho -igts of! aas, Iotea «-me dAvu tiroaigh thie geaurations 'D'ng m n! peuple an mlusuu4l. ad I'i kd prein adice ug«rnmnt. 1, Selmng Mo ne in t li itee o 011,er- roumuli il as tIcdol1-hit aui-o>, irAt ot enter th, Prlàrt-ueu.Tt Mm*uise as nuciner.. id tliey weu-e ells't " oo!Zeruifla.» TRhe Ir-rn ru, 1. .Tolnqem wrtp unmi phiu kIr mene f theyo en these Pwordsn Gomlworkai woîuti<'snov andti deu Ilere lii-'a a lawyer. un iioiest meant Two hundrti >'e;rs ago o tÉe&tLse vaî issu d ilwi h~titie, "Doomed3 *4>- pa-ý auling Vth Tlituiuder an Lgtunt F -al.avyes."A j>roiuiueuit clergymfan -ý£ 1w e at.centtiiy wrott lit regaird ti t-tpruti-sainu thesc' worda: *"There is a sm ceuy of min ang us lar Jeti up froin theL- youuh theuc rte!prov.Ing, te- -corling as lb-e> axe pVeld,- by wetd-i S inuit,plie;i for thie purpose liaI Vwhite la 1) av-. wiS b!.4it-k is wite. For oxamnple-, i! my a ibe l a-s a iqndte MY eý,>v h~htý .1 nlawyer tu provie that lho ougilut 1' ;1Vliai--xy eow ii-oua me. I must bire aiia-,t-tur w tlu tiefunai My righi t, i buit 1 have* he long manti vteao ut 5nce wth menor uIpoeula- al au them a iau My pabsIvl' imie o!f Cer '.Z? ft ,~a~ wvit etbm pcame» inA ahclUUuIm huwe awyem,, eàiulmi law"rt, mnu- ' nlae l'yomadut1 have yet t thd a, ~~O etmcamor gasai«'More Straihtf~y~~*are lu fiat oe- tuptun, s R ail o0 ocuptiens, Sea ~~eh ionoiom u t Qe do " me 3Bt w ere ostriai for My'tatugtyorr Uy it, am i I at eniE tiee admhui, tae 6 "oul abie ha, m ase n ml thi.jury or0I bu a fÇEjury w 12ini Sa t. bovevet, fflWe, bM ) m'O> tptstlom c m . tift than thie baril.1,s uuanga ver>' amaI cofmo! o tension umwb tegAe p v.k.WIausimm ommeSot ia te Bu uIDtheasm. Tho*- ù wmwu NOW the mm*tjeWlthe e w et the imndi'aae olryturpttu A E rï., L ~ A ume S.efo »de d rjlr. &"f"td «f«7 and VteOM lus eent yheterkao>epreenpP'd"aWti6jm-lPala UII Di hhV Exir s 0 . J two atltflte of0h< teaguai God. %Vvtnest W% he t McUucess ot his plet. 110wwil bli.:-'- MM W b ave U g ehJ Plicdly before " t he ntervening epnd onfr ,I M s e t uor bote @ Me jOns hteai, a t a oO ot b. ui ot , ofa_.ail .. a l. *ldsniaybet «à wItbatqimlekthe temptation te break 8IJYuHA&TER N ME, We wea txe su o nrbe liait rPoit I de»ake t _dysatvouaaMll o o m u.,m pla 0 luxd. is l as 14'lzte o 30auooi111e Lrs a n e ncb clicun..That every passer-by may leam b i h Ou tsat skasitlg 90ermet n ftmand t fli de lehurts his a wsard meory edhler ut iigrs a epeimagine that àa rit Basteal oradoss ilsg dlda. je the sntenc, &'f 1 frgetI, «rh]7 wn nol. Wat, m broher, ou eu- Invotie ch hean loures.u If gtesto.eikel"the o ailïfslil an aeve fyliaf mma±a atopng t naeoeotajle mannsses Or fte 12 'clck Bnda ~ t<~But,. oh liheaerts that ache and break with enthusiaem of the good' and pure".88 8tOPn t nacunaleo atr 2oeok ùda igt(;d 401With a Esse,31»UI'U 8 m ut £8U5 Through ail tUic long brlght summer days wc ame BuppÔ8ed to, be phkLriualdenough eWitne.s LotI Ocise the lemrjed aid theebe.fDot wan.t yon to do nt ail. Be-* o on we o fe~ens1It amaltegono u uly relm Wtnee. *IrGeorge MeKenale. @Ides that, Tou want the 24 bouts <rf &*&y Nromus o-Mb.e, et Forwnome ak. Tf weWrfteeodertlis- the Peeted of a» 8!oteh Oevumte,: Sabbath test to give you that electric .b ro s and cruoel fateesea.IfMe rte f e e that Until tïs day, in Gray PFUrs' andi Magnetic force which will be worth And. oh the bitter teairsat ia u o odecl t eeit 0upit 1,bnichyat, d »ibrnb, the ehildren more te Yeu before the jury thon ail AÂMW ", wich omiste. éclipe That ail thInga whlch tic heart most craves the, individual and. exalting a nation, Ofloesu loycoeto at.narrow mimds presume-,thot in thi.s, ils l cryin- - Mred day. Mylainisnte and lamented Md.1au boe anaglnmuset Ul e at Then takc fthe rose that bloomu to-da y- Ing an muéthece, weori t. h honeit ired h aeJeNign, lia~ uetta lai, oad work Andi la y t IAnmre loving handi, h os-ado!advoteiloCUSI tloeraendcrn u i80tiar Ju~ng rm sénu o Ùusfriiban e do~ ,âs dm e thdi<a- AU wy not til the ear grows duli, b osse fa-eoteas osi if t Fle aneek and draw the bar. Ohoate, Bays that durlng the last case ter reudkug bytheesC. Tiheat tait *To teil the aveet tiuoughte tluat >ouDia& ous as to desire te make ouiselves an FrIfnsan birn Ne other profesalosm& .e ned. the' tlat gentleman tried in New York the the oye Jes 'lAe wintiow et te ew , e. example to the rest 'of suankind. If -a lasndM rr arace o! (matu itdliver thenu, in- their court adjourrued from Friday until Mon- wuçaW iM&ke it secm prbabe ta ~ one his on wam ad lovlng lAps refeence la mad-tie.t honor or manty tidto austain them n àt.e dischârg .day On acconut of the ines. o! Mr. iglît we May dî î 111l"bemn a oeha huatifnriifurcorgth taimi ysoftoe g Of their dury. Wiiile -I wo.u:&t have yo>.u Chae. But the chronicler says that p.~ *aa us tt~ Aiâ one glati day of tender love wbo sucer at everything toke on thein . ew 4r4 i ibe nercha~nt to Clh t, nd wil le lhe saw Mr. Ohoate hi the olti brick teriur deo&m±i&of- th de palae !Of egaa i c orlgbu a aunning look and wonder how about w4.ulzl hL-ne .on brais the fâamerto huclitni te the eIky. Dr. 4.ardln- tugut. -Mrs. D. M. Jordan. the writer himuseif! If a happy or uni- 5 bs-fU fie1'ûudbv o rSrigr id e nwwehro appy home lfe bho mentloned, smre. poor Crisgt w bieIwnj ae o tSprner d otko wchronén ther wiadoWu, es ecially duose brwgtue3n =i8iI to Christ, I address the followiug day Rufui Chieate won his; of cathedrils, h y la of varioun ALL ABOUT SHOES. Boula canuot conoeive of anyone writ- You now lu the woreset Paul to, Titus, case or lsba bt I' do know that hi. Slors, and co *qeuidly the vîews o>- iug about that which la not pregent anti "*Briîug Zenas.the lawyer." .By so much Sabbath test d dnet do Jhlinany burn- ni. through i aze tUged by its hues. wba 0te uy Them anti te TakU'Pressing -upon the mmnd aud life suad as lis 4uàt"loare delicate and great, by Every awyer la entitled to one d4uy ' A binue shde mind iu a different Ca%» of Theîa. 1hsrru his o!te wrtécr hiaimmeior 1YGvrngNwp er go mnucludoe ho .ueed Chiisthuu stiýuusuatest out of seven. If lhe aurrenders that ligt fr<o that vienby sa black, hazselhrei. hiteenytidiiaie- an'd 'Weg d.~ e al becSne eclieûts. 1Ilbe robs three- dhis owju toul tuid orbrown one,t1d a part o! the opti- Bayer.s hould rneyer go lu di ea.rly and presume that we are always ini- do flot suipopse l.isa aman'51) years bis client. 1Lord jastlereagb aud Sir dtatl odfeetst u .d-mooniug te bny bucti and ah-.es,. IL trospective, alwaysdigig nt oirluos are points in thela ha ot ee n o a biecuf cieli.woToa Rmlywr helakn cide ou the ineacing -of the varions tin t intla emembtred tntatvt nimmr ruerthiug out own secrets LROVMUDDE flIWOAppe #bat na re quml has ~ ~ - no enafice ith a iawsuit. the bar lu their day. They noth davci olttainled thr1ough tis medlrn. staiAng en.arge thie feet. and aît the' la a'depressing. and .iestraining influence. .mqulad about aMd fluatare Volu Your sa nieluasautted, ansi y n iimuet suiffles. Wilberforce accounts for their Accordig to Lnvater anti uthers wh» latter pait of tue day t&hy are at the.ir It je the Privulege of everyon e-to -reîî- mmoen h;lvelegail piotckti ;n. Your boitîdryaberration o! intellect on the ground bv aeasuyo haonm h aiu ie heewudfo oS o rmwa eko p at 1-Bubeer@ awho do jbot give jxra lile 14 invti.Ied. and the courts mas.t rte-that they were nnintermittcui.t teir color of the eye ila the key' to the ciar- nuany cmltu..g of 5hoes being tiglut, which we do not know. Those who «i aî*cnîr r oudrda e1. tal1LsAiit. Your patent. lâ 1iqrîî'ugedwoksdteneereednSudy.ae.Ahzl vdwoan we are which et te time o! titWtig setmed per- have a knowledge of human nature audodr #-tec<Layar osd 11Pcu. . d you mùit re.ke th- f s ding "'Poor fellow " saidN Wilberforce in ne- to4d. neyer elopes from . ler hugband, et#y Socuortabie. SAuces, hike goves, wbo have cultavated h bystudying theïr iAg te0 oOElinc ile isr ubsoalpio. niuinifeturer pay te .e i<lt,.. Ycir gard teoCastlereagh; I"poor feilow, it rever chats scanîdal, prefers bis confort wear longer sud better X ki>t for smne feilows, maY coaceive of mauuy ;cor es o 8-If ubaoeibera ord., a dîouulna, t!emu as r tnkh.tan nd thP tl1îL' muzt waa non-observance o! thie Sabbath." té er eown, never taiks too mueh or time beUoe ueà, andi t je wme te kýel)ugsannd, write et themn as if they wcre, Of tulriporiodleala lrom the. off. We igpwhiu4ed. -Yeu ' wun.t tOUaak(' Chie! Justice Haie mnys '"Wben I do too litt3e, always la au frtelfttuu.i, aor- 4everal pairs for a w'eek bel»ose neJi5eas lite without touchlne nion their owiIbul hyaedrdO.arrsp- your willlsud -yo do net want toa Sîw n ot Properly k«*- tue Lord'a day- ail alsle aid loveIy ceture. em, snd ilveral &air te aitemnate wirh. O%perlenee. 'por Instance, aman Who uW" ithlY feedtyaer the eoap~ !thow, w] £ . ub ihak- the test of tue wiek An unhappy a.nd un- The gra.ylas the aigu o!. ehrewdnohs Neyer weat a sAuCe too@ mai or thuit baildahappy -home. lite lis.nôt 1îd- al t hbave aettied Shel b t savinz $104> frein-an attierney'. iiI a uccessfa ui iny ordlnepandnt' ui ule&nt. Great thinkeru ud lctîpt,1ins dosit flt wben you firat put t o . fi' rredfm kuowingwliat anunhpyaIodn hn lonlu $25),Uý0, and krep the gwten fortr Iquote to-day !rom dthe bighest *ta- have it. Io womoeu it ludicates a bctter u.i.erY more qumPAete thma a uhoe tli.t honme lite would bc, for uiortunatcly 8-If asuebers ne«Jeot to tah. _% years quarrelbing about the cituite, tute. book lu due universe, "Rememben head than heurt. G=7 oyes ar of<> e doca flot exist. A shoe ashould lie sees it in many of the homes. lie là pe#Wbosfr@nu lthé offiS.t whlohho until t s ail exbounsted., Yeu are atruel; the Sabbath day té keep At loly." The mnuî varieties- There are due sharp, bcwghd every now and theni with a privilegedte-t enter. John Howard - f.td*s r epmIl mi at by a amiaen,,sud you minuvokp legai gentleman who, breaks duat sta- the zhrewdlsh. the spitefut tdue coid ajui wet eru andi oued uvS nuight. In tuas Payne, who wrote Home, Swcet Homu iob ie r opnil for' hlm the peufteutinry. .ÂII '"*s's o! tute may scem for a while to be ad- the wild gray eye, but the, tact remains Case a fro!i plaPetlou of biaekAng re-neyer had a home, yet his peu produced hOY Iffl ui. tl. oir bu i rd H s perem ln céurseeftie epome ci ente, vantazed, but lu the long run theéumen the* the gray r1eresents the heati. atous tue onilaiicy of the leathen. A duat which lias mode <le rude as well thlm dissoatiua. .and tiiezeforetbeyjarp.ail ln«ere teçlInlwho observe duls law or God wililhave There in one varkety o! gray oye et wet séce muaIi't lir e p18.tftlto4S iar as the culturcd weep when, fat away 4-Il smbgglbers move la Other pa. the dueit Ot -e 'urAstian iitegrit *Y larger retainers, vanterI, nfluence, great- whiti every luvu' duoulh1 beýwar-the the fii'0, fer it wil become bard andi tiff rom home andi frienda, they have heard qithoe inafrng $tiepblasi u ofthe lalr. profeFaa. Bring Z.u'is et professional success thon those men soft eye witli a large pupil, that -con- The ýWgy té etie a ahoe that in wett rai due well-known strain. I think it I la s'Sutt 1.'oo a&.. Bu ô owi n attorney te decide as te the law o! God pays not only spiritu- or a flash o! feeling. Au cye that îaugLs, apply M- onoil r em bjy mens of ai'g not to presume Oiat conversation 1onrhyB Os Splsb. what are thé '5" 1leshy whblieetuly t aslaar htsih mot dt liasat.un- soft piece o!flanuel or lodu. Wearnold composition Imust b ofudt h 4'Sod u, elo httf s! i eunt mef lire,r*,rd t>tohsdlasor bank bi1a. ahine, ts moonbqumsansd lka stotmq. A Ohm00lu bid ucther. Rubbers ,lwayâ sorrowu wbich are -tearing ont heurts.. bte- l S.ko oodtlajfboni the off.o ejie ntn 1'OOn eeketreue Loril Brougham Another powertul temptation o! tue wouderful cye that wins yon, whether pll a&LMW alôe. li't e t lmiti3nsor te thé joys which make us gay. If ýrOl« ýM d a «M uslcIfo -wil aippeai'.1asying: "Thi4 niioc -nec or legai profession la te artuficia siuls.vn-*lnrid, ni ti ynafev leI nye lie id Mti Whflc. hu e beretahusn. ispre u t. mloduaui guilt efTt el*' et 18 noMhng to y'lu. Nuone except du9ae who have adcress: lt bas cast leu off, Do mitte.r *h, ther and thcy con lho mode smooth antibright henion ma ho revn.td, ati hot .won edem Tn arec te gave your eiiet regardleqs. f cd audiences knows about the nervous tue face ia faut or: not. No Motter it fca- by ecaainrubbedI n by às dotAior by tJO whicli we duink are made, at* ns 'tili 96401fabeOI S nladavans.h. tl* totDift. thie e'iferén, the dentrue- exhaustion that somnetimes comea aftcr- tureg rfle nIea.an=i ccnpexionvary- ipalm of due lbandi, ich la better. If le've us unliarmet. The soldier oun # o ogive mollo. at lthe ua1 tion uof ail Yderi.Yu ate téknow hut yard. The temptationof .troug drink ig Aeee houencaptive andthetu ' hoe" are usalhai ece a %montAi duer the battleficlt whu thiuks the entire @ab r im If hepdo moiwlh te oaM au one muan -là tue wrd-ynur e'icnt Y"uu ppoches the léalerofssinat tho at'1H your viry chuaîne.wil lie sotanddipervbics to, water.fonce o! the enemy -are aimiug at him , j, emorisel. arf e tosive hlm hhough jeyu ahoitid.bing vMrypount. Thes, a triai coming ou. Blaclu cyez, of :course, are typical o! Those wlua auffer ein aching feint anti ndeavoring téc>nmpass bis deth Winct,'jwithe pabul yourconiut'into cuntinon. A t silias- Througlu the lll-ventiated court noom ire. heroisin sn& flx',nem and have a shoulti oeea.oaly «Péalge te nides wili be wouuded in evcry port anti lin' mwto o t thSubeiOlmbtu mcldsi nmust eâve 'eur lien.t." So «O»'. the bsrnater'a healdu nos beeu sieprema- spce.ot didbollap An theïr raya that nOfteio m t amoa. TIue ites ma tro I anty ie u rt it a s e ti g et btley Mdue woarua.is Wide t e Lrti rezuahnm. But no i'rht min+ld edtor baya andi tut wceks. 11e wants ba0apotent attaction in women aolto tamna h he u adhr tl ie hn oqitymu râ&roégêi u tue oter exd do htree et yul c On te rally hi. euergy. Jle la temptedti . hear.ts. &AM igrmueyesaIît i.s eaid i be pefeOt3ir dry befure tluey are Pt11-go te the hospitai anti we shall create pblh then asd ay e n uin't eyer iea.d rtesot riiilainn..i seturthein that they bêteken courage, pride The usy le clea.n Md boots wich willmr vpth o usevsb on-____________________ Yeu anosab rsr t t aktlfeiAl timulu. -lIoin iitertmcehing our injr sèan by odng ctueo agedmint hgetl imecif. up or let himiel! ,dowu n «ba lcigJ ori lrpt tiiotthis emapatuunvnme lpa>of theoA oem t tn ,îmsis±s annel tour nhe. vide antid aum. ongo auri>'Nglt fttt b, greategt vil aOn car vba IÙ e to e meca n jhi gra em ni t psgage ansire r! ad b« nlto o wad ansisew iltilght- t__________i_____ ne ight tebv .ff raadtu T hefoeIo hefWOfla, ue Vete0mn (t m mt teae -an ft-Ir jtiaelsuad rth a nluation and ruinedinlu ctate, mid sMd universai observation. Deep-seated DpltAutob a saucer fiffleti th a f ;t, tbssMe'*Ume',- t 1WZ riad whnle mdvi g ou a bomvcwd lied, covemi d 5fnit aaadefflDaub the sho, ail over, anti, taking Professor Henry Skinner ofthde Aca-O r rd rakiae acrifioed 5attor'ney geli witha o rrowed sheet, lu o bouse buîlt = ed peofla m 12 ya £ufh dnuel, tub thie alue uml 2 lantiemy o! Natural Sciences, lu lecturiing T-1oms-4l noh$ ypubli t e h mitidleBo!yde ficitithat I sc toM*etpî an sd thie ieatrd wite.j A book un Central American biology m luaE mnù A CHNE b-okcale,"Te igtso Mn, wiletre'n h iidleofte iedt nt mreW-eTedtd "ebeney l lekeli t ie 1 ddoayed. A fie polluA mentions 30,114 unseet species beloniugng bta akeseteduced pHie Iat tte sam tie hé, -tih:,r.4v stte. ah-may nut be cnowded. I aivays have o! ti er qPeffl Sabéeeld andi oe duat w'il wm he ieleather lent té that locality. ne ircUo'set-been crowded."kw t h ~ 1 ee~t?. swo ~~.te Aaotliet powerful temptation cf tuehe lilct a tim ue exteate kîtrta h rlar îcigde With 2,000,000 insect species iu the' mte..eail8t o! hat a r lt v .ut thie lglpoesinuaealo u bob nd ai10jslity onelu Tb1fr eo -wifbe êtitained if the fo'lowAuig mix- worid, ansi only 200,000 deseribed to ttor-ey f titin roti oe oudit ita dte t-tepoesint hu tbyiIldg cofessna for IL Wheture lu.useti: Te Ounces o! vory blacki date,at .5600 pet annuin it wouî tauke Ttbutebanery le hog uet oappelan, thoughts oethde greot future. Yu<ialurAdeurves dowmmxuad i ie UCSe nciae sieeP:t M40years té describe the. remaiing mil-, aatoD h iigta nvrl n*i~ko eywAhtynvohv o Wow tue whit e elow tbe o! vinegar.Mis tlue tgther, sudlidon-odd; anti even then eutomology BleueAsint attort:ey L.etw-eta hoSe often tnlcti others viii otter avhile be . ciil, .. o.U.0~ and asixatirahis f i aauO SPatrH,'or.nl ho comp aoi eiyluIa in.y, Ofic ad he troe z udrh- nýlapr wI.«Dth igrd-tlci t fter Tnfurther investigation. pttnai., ievef.?neal andipryrfle .u serve ou you a vrit of ejectmnt, ant If t5 are degt, it in an bizca-vnalle nrd.tu hr a mumecation. Tlat ataoeno.v vii neyer yen vwilhe put off duese cartlily pre- tlinoetprofund usl atinlg oefielues. de dilile Ine u" ee uCentral Anuerica une asui l amily male a Si pia lyI mîtske.Tru tomues, b dy al ue ffara f yebrova xMay be thlck or thin, On Ult aeddle UOO9 belote applylng p("is, of bectles exeetis lu number let species iaea r" abemeae'lu oIft.On tat da l.teafar fW * e emade by mWxng cme onçe the eùtre mamniia. the ' habit* o,, your, ofs l-Iin you sav your lite wiilli e presentet inlua "bill'O 0arséz. MUDIIOr @tbIugIw,1d f- aI ain rktleacld, hal! mu ounceet fallai, .There a'ei u ntt ttsio~L a"teus nmre audurii on the >jcct." c01 t lra'N etorr ri ~ rlse regiuse,_ hM2 motuiceo! gain atable aWtihait apiarian societies, eight joaruala sievotes IWeII, 1quote ta yen týxwdecl&<)ai tth gercutfrhiltehghes e nitjaalbaah pas u e et f irit of andon hato one to bec. culture, ffteen ateanifaetorïjm «iisp:eme couTt o!fluenve>r . a.îy huck court. The day ;vhen ILord Exeter vos "Sonce au mtEC' OS 4 U 2t ont mik. Âpply vitu a 'kept constanti>' manuufcturing materials wisidos, lWthim aek or Gel,, uho giv,-tutriai for liigh treamon; due day when Oharaeter. lui> gurfy~.p'hwthapeu !fehfrte80.0 e utnsa nitt te zl 'men 1 b-rally and uphr.iîetu not, thie Honse of Communs movai for the tryay full developaient Ottempéma- Recrd. sunual produet o! houey lu the Unitedi andisi I llIe gavm >hin' impeachment o! Liord ILovat; the baya m hnQeeec.beyadir ttsis6,f,8 ons Wht a -acen.ii du te office o! n buis>'.1t- wlen Chiarles I. and Qucen Caroline eoM. whe maemsse, baduya e WattleAplenXpllts.ates di. 6t3,-9th186pount Uite torney! lu i(tldti6 tlou th, mcii ýwhb corne veto Put on trial; the day *lien Robert >g>~'v i> xet~Wa h penleIyI.Acrm .deeeed utt tii yen frot r glit mo1i-v s, bad inea viii Emmet vas arougueti as.au insurgent; daaiwSe#. Thiai, fine,>dellcate e vmn The physilo oef cutiwee idterest- States cenussthe aunuol o utet of am indicative o! a fine-grained oooegniua- eainl andi puz eaib>' thc spleen. It did honey and vax vas valueti nt $4,000p- il a cone to you. 114'r wil offer yen a the day when Blennerliasset vas brouiglt it D n uatvi e rdmnn atmk prtoadtenm l00 lane efor coùnue! hi the wroug direr- into due court room because 1e ati> edton ni uatiele o eoln cg thémae a otseeisanit erenival 000.prsntesiatdvaut f e tien- They vant to know fr, mnyou h,%w to, ovethnov the United ta ttes. Goveru- a jj>~ u u rfeur u utrac !Aevtlfnto. odi- produîcts i $20,000,000 per auuiuni. -275l Box 415, Limda they eau escape fionu sofernu marital ment, andi ail the éther great tria-ls o! cf «thias 0.caleti deue e e= »physiolgy shows that due apîe.iu la The cochineal bug (vhich mupplicaes _______the________ obiation. -luy corne ta> yeu wanutiaag the worîti are noduing compared. vith a £ no ttunnng t. ynr ovubut eauat ho eetu ouen1ure sleen reoaadatrialceit ail va freinahd CIna-y Isiatiseame-tesim" to ~~fnuît . ere a etiudng ery a-adM.B Ste, oei pressuEngl 6e7,3000 wpo uudvlua a one Pounsd.a da ,et hih1.1 fNeý obtAz un frasy t oyadseset spee s wuleotiets suefoete on "mofn tractiv e abo t oing i trt her)De la -sct'he iste ae reidue t he rtlern-Phe latpla eordne.b(b t lhabut wlm'aHert n t,,inuet, hen burg oing itigîttion en fora nn-suit. Thacas@vii conen oa rkud cvtéme tebbol idleth a te n. t as a k1de. ft-ve cmsatihe anNreae 00Pilla.e nemae. cands. atriey-o me>etoremuonrtien. i:eTeorably, abnsi ve aoi z ho r *ti.Yo , rsptht ay its hvocmu, tpsiie ,lu- o ei su eetio leaInnto!nde .'.Quetieeon of De ct. ea lran no a as ing todsape an teor- m bterf vioihaveose oftur bg ee ye n t gee0l se, hei len geypwidstmne te tailf- -boai, ofa for eticotetatvhn oua ate for tens, viiyingtetofedf u 0~out-tph u it as - ou atfgmchms ooha aiei th..ePe CuntMicashn pepiea re e0 -T hisPE .a"L a WeNO BUF I muul ge frin um hatvcryouamk lotei hm, he ordCliuceior~>ftueisla~ a ti anger lu t êLh rdatio __ithe______pessure,_whe her6,10'00 nees, b aluTed giat e of$-ah4otr fein00apia Nod, i is n easy thiug t tempt s st- snlves we éthary man S, one havi'> yocens f à te trathn or eth in tbas AriaoneaeLtog thep.hesuroto »thep eopelatht u>'cr e , aouft'hUe sHeart o viiien duc nrb rgnte'a ti ourtfrcause h sutlaihé ycase viii bu àwhldusee rnaeinqvita ener-b teu.fam. hersine. t sae,y aNlnepaet lcefnddi 35tect' e bFileasnt youl k e tiestot vas o! onusIt cnledorbynd "e e sa ie-trie. YOD Batisthat m la hing e pnte the lou- n mn to uueadsc f eofIIsle metof nt.Iries cnesanalhe oisin ote fngbristers, lu teu i. he'an ye sud themWu acgane h t emithaie Chofliiat a the Tr-inasesi Meicl159 ReAtc 'dtonothmd do aru oneha rd o ornew yolu adeaboutfohe mre timae A se- teVeta&Mail thTtex-ve er d ang ngni-,u17. Afnma Ivstt-tixedne stoccupâiti y Mteuand the groundicîls fes of cie ioaner ani, e offoin h veate cit'. I ove-r- eonh beertheir n cseltl>or p it>rspoie hrIl ofgcereafi-theocevsenatTe frca, eiog e ueetahegicn ao miator ioepoerisiufe loog,paîe e* bot inuenoneatin hto aemsaîto i, pee ?If holumdue sin, e h na valn Tenrstand te ti c te es f a e aious i tcAerdoe Mît-n t v~oe t t huedin myt.ruy.cAi l efetsofl g "Jony cnra go onesu idfor tuilra lit lof gecthe oeuselrin teh )vn o aie avieh~Tat' Tt mnue A itHrgel og:Laft.-aianti Dr. ofathepople atat thiopicam ioofth!ie an i ii m c ye ur ug s e l s b re th th r ~ o ug t L n ion e l'. The ye c u bè ex an n d n ub i - we î t va s at t a ' ue t rn t b he se on th r th o eg mt . r gi al >'apie et.asiu d p ,0en ra eb ii y wil eau b u vate tel!coube-fore ladto nth bn wseutiuonbc'a seaml e asieb plç'stivit1ee la ets r Icalma. le jumol it ao! slea 1 ean rcccrd, nat oih daitg ucsneru pa rof pains 'ro th youatart the t alant l qa eawihte'ke olihatal, antif Ires ng-rosaon. "Beyeé<eady thé e s en ity-duree feet. Tir slau e ge hkev eteaclrto *US UL lir.0 ti de tie renedos em toton tey reueset dat11e> becanis Bi uto teaa lu.As tagco aayhe , s o log ,aJuzui plova he a e i c e- uri broyi 1 25et lakcyofo s.tI> rest co ain at. Ee>'b miand orn pduc eglesion d édcu-e to t h mrtoom antir.alasouas!acewnciw eéte de C,, ~fre )-Cnie fr, o anik, iS ere colla Etop i.Late uisCorte s gaaneiOutorivestctono une ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e scrso mnwohaegn loasfa ianb'addha I> mgtti vituel ras' naroti v ne r eins diotit mnidtut.Ate fu orf asgthenmo-eprtcualyt te n doans m one hem reian abeintedoine overaottemanti ti e the,%ture rfct Ilthehati mmdc i-t iig bryi 7. Artidemafi as idth aitas et 1e untie s seutMonte!ma.goue'undls eairo oig e ar a. a ofieiawetor ty.Toma our- on oppsite ofas dey taet etheh'R ir - Wy o onse tng ld Det.. an easremeniv--)t . Mewi seve hel p rean ba enan, t oeofoen etanpsi iutor i t er e d o o h trn, beceme o biegrace spcc~~~~~iunathr noerebaoebairtiticu <.>1'<diAbsiosinitho e h u ts vaiiii flh bv taeet I~s-olri héthe n es! ati , vntle taikesid o! ithe U e belin -ahichl- TK-na.t tat hslqtned n wv-ih e Me iy efet f1gipe eea autining V.1 r o!aAe- olt41% sioued t1ic> nnsoneiuotnter I l ssas t U u aitio M.reiWetiof bk- aed 11d5 Cal rarra Wo DpeoLe iAtare, eve the e tue' renie t pron .ofL-t a.Trn tIc~~~~o mIlteItmtlo the legal fu rlage' ot iitmih ako Uihes!duo-*thAn rnt fennt Th lI et book lu due vorlis thelb IWhen he aI lait. reacluéidu dg profession, atitaImamWho eau stand dead, due crier, "Come ye bleaued;de- whileas -do'laaa t--eei*a ut uh awofBurmah,. Il le f hdfurt--"-the , bn la tat~ rallngai abiit-part ye cuiactr' thc acquittai or the t Rphk a&0 VIIIrespuian@MI yon viiisrsram epe o o. reythe vonan einerg- ePrs 0xn -fiF. m lea rv as enaio. An 1sa te en bvea oo, W a.rn."a 1 -It consista o! 7W9parts, lni due shape et; bovliu ogtcb>'the car. asGore t fMuasaeelt, Who amal! anti great, stand bfnuarblhe plafwd ua rM idep-tes. Il la uritten lau M4er».bemitinrslyIe + +4 ' '4'4 seppbermam ohl-i*chair to the. books vere upened." a ient ta te i, f1>ufly ssma !55irmen. It Lji. sud conalusP7,2a taezscalei ouup te 'rsy . If liman ao.dsnngt ~7 eam onvetlos, t* plead thecW" lu th MMandt r aeïeb tl ouming the religions code o et lb.Bbndnoin v, on! t ynpthml orls. th -isioar-W me;thà n iewa berlaprv E4ardtiiy dua a.The@t anmallelntouhohe __Pros.__________rea OaM T1iere are maly amen Who do am juow eptoh & te, lt!on - rebe t teq$platbrek& TeP>àegtbkle gbinon Judy to hefarmers ai day,,téok of bbhlm e su'ad tVlic Jist eutt leaelig, ree wt.okeitye>mouleiceu Ib-lisheti anBr !w usy .C hsi rcOlac e , a s.Te bnwib U.,i al ta fac Bler-ch hinen et Calad fwà.rouy .ub -nsgn, t .it and Wear i em wr iat ut employei regejuri>' u, UMr. Westh6e labalk, although t contains 15000 . «l"- e 1.4 iMb 3, urOm aü» Year's Paper Free. 1t ildeyi oot t aeaieteteelasno e . A:c priosoe Asn ZheDMâd re bai"la-a-taSe d ehuu lt-eçmmPm' whitii - et- V*teribnardé pou Ce teale Z n sx luches dep (aeeordiug te oe A mid daur tedertpo e t a Baumein.Am"-flicte patrinet Jeen et ~pm Couirt ttu o i rman ie se pf tc,). Then I on Oi=0eMe -.aidefit o a bo .d. aOrt_ _ _ %eiliie&4sau à oth aïe-iï arae opru hs, e « ýR«egla te>jota nubero copies o if0 àeý la it , ___po_____ce-*0I- " tb of boo . t= -6.I.etei ary Scence ît & in o ! th e A4 ie rl cu a n S nta >'y a e c - i C wf~e ' e e in r c e c lay ion; mou fronithebock on a lève! l i iakmà" Lte u l uvr i dBi = tuJ7l,1M st èIed S-U t.UIW WI th gi ofairtixe200tTis ~Z~Union, its Moa ost rtu.l orator botl !fc.Tesus reda ls: k ttew~ diWt p b c As.g a' w. a Muthplainlangliage the de««e,=tultion nd . eueomium lu deep nug he pedge, nt he irdai v0)a«»&narueî j k .uolLancashlre rnhler, nete fr iil s ak-lu' au « . ý -- n wo1o< Ich i'$and Thtientbock seon dtme inp« neht ea laie forloe I l f-, 1;% s anPoualtiv. al@o Ane* Anatmitue.s ani Trin menaete beg f7" *d Iay fSkbe lu ý tue other ttemuaks-. k~ue.~~fnui s ne m " tui de yfripet rdic e tg«»m qM elvi. Idoqon; inlybaR !mo uSa -aeain ut boat trhig bis best te gel acroès .d ethtevr frne o ei niiu»- m auf*ik» thea tream li wh . droe hâs m ill.: 44% e e st at u.b b uov eern r tbmi beva» in lu neau ýC7 Ol trap aa u et of tu o os treefi OSSW«$i ni iea I he " lâ * O f mma O~ S Xoui-have u, Cif Qmuwafi <'. t7 ssth n a'olss fin 'Xe a Fe Fre anmud Yrn upuem4 wUb. M fw îI its udRIme feo»e eau (pice 81.00>nti WILS N mat théVottry Science pric, kt mi -:peau. D ) ite b -I. il ne a and Our ktis ike tonl 'Ii~ >1 a. 117 l'?lI d isi y i i il 1>- t- t I , I I i '4e- i 'n ~

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