Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 20 Aug 1897, p. 6

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thinb boy I mûuai lave -yoen, aIr, to sacrifice -anc of my pot hivels. l'on are- ta make the coffee, Ton make splendid coffee. -!Doctor John. Ant yen are fnot to suppose ibat vo viii Ict yeu loo ono and critizeOaur cooaIlg. lt's bad lncb to vaici tire coob. Aunt Ail- e>' amys se. l'ou'vo got te boip, hasuIthie Miss Aimee?" Indeed lic bas," Irma sait amillng. Bbc lied cntemod-a moment bhoare. Bbc hada a littie basket on ber arrn, wvIrei Maddio paintea! to, uaying: "Je]]>' and tea-cakes. These vitir freah -butter eomplote aur bill o! tare. We'»l have Bert ta suppen. H's comng proet- t>'. He vili ride back wvus Misa Aimée. ýBut as for me: 'I wan't jegomie fuil mefing, Till dayiight dotil appar.' I Sire sang the couplet, dancing about falu aud fial>' bnggng hlm lu ber arma, asd planting a liearty kIiss ulsn aither checb. Secrates ahook bis vIngs, and gave a low ."bo-boa>" by vaY. o *movlnig' bis -dîapproval of mudir untlg- nilfed damas.ý «Noane oet yourrsauce, rau ait vome..- haier," ouied Maddle, abaklng ber flat. i hlm. "l'an wan't gei asothor bite out o! my arrn. Git-up rus ashaamed o! you., Where'a your courage, to iucb YOnr ta» tirai-va>' and b. coved by a Walr>' tellue! Oh, but SuInu Anthony Is giving hlm a cussin'An cat- language! Loob ai ber be.ck, ont mire upu. lier contempt o! hlm, as .Queeui aud. I vasita odeposît ibeze comestt- bies. Give yonr arm ta Misa Aimes ,But t's turn e vovoeabout auuper; and lcad tire va>'. To the khtoirn- on." D. Fontenoy' langhed as ho offered bis an to lima. Bbc vas greati>' e- Illved; alie had msiglngg about help, lng Maddle ta carry oui ber earnstj suggestio n that the>'siroudnîtnot lot John be alone ta broat aven bis tisap- 1 ,poiniment ýon thre tirai nlght ire bat sBPeni ai home sinco tire Mev bal talion. . But Mrs. Fontenoy? bat caught ai the Idea. and bogged Ima ta accompaidy Maddle te Groheck. ."And Bort can ride over after yon, Aimee," sire added. "Ti*r.e boat viii ,not be homo untîl laie to-nlghrt-maybe r.Oî tIhl manôrng. Maddle ca stsay et- bier brothies alal nigiri."1 If Irma bat net hece o py lin-1 Premsedthei other vamy, sire niat bave tj .een ihai Mia. 'Fontenoy' batnow, lu hem beant, coumntedtote er narilage witli Bort. Thia vas chiefi>' because sire saw more, and more plaîni> tirat -ber son's heari vasfixed upour it;- but aiea lier prîdo was piqned ai bis living i been refused. She cauld net concecvei howv any voman.cauld mult fier bey. Caleb iaad, bndied a tire- lu the steve when thre trio o! coba enieredthtie Iitchen. 'PalTy put the irettie on And iet's haye-e-offee.' runIg Maddle.. "No tea-s;!ope, If you ldease. Coffee's the drink for us folks a! tire-mtasma-liauirtcdriver reg- ion-sa I've licard yon- gay', Doctor John. Therea tihe foeur barel andthUi biscut-tray, Miss Almee.- Let John Pins up your prou>' mushin- aleeves. Uncleg Caleb, You M-a>' geint the coffes; and thon you. cas vamese tire rancirh until called for.-,a Thre supper vas vol! on tire va>, the chieben browning >and sputtering lIj thre pan. and tire biscuit.belug dcttly niouicted by IrnaÉ'.sprou>' hanta; ber baie armis shovlng rosy-vhite thiongir tire. Pwdery flour, vhen Bort entered. .1 searcired every 0on »te oa to flnd you," lie saad, "and beariug a <ater and ciatierIng down bore, 1 came. iasee If John.bat set up a Private Bedlarn, antdfln*-ire eoppot short,. looblng ai Irma'a brilit cheeka ,aut wite arma, "aspretty a tableau as I ever mmv". He came ta ber aide.f 'Njow I réaisme boy Lady Wadearî loobed ai tire, asb-iub. y ou tO-I member? "' .Those ana!, perfect anus, Ro>und, glItterlasg aruma, :net ii dee p Inmads, 1 ia ebw Like wid svans bld la IIss-"il mâsh.'"I "'PoeirY rlnie ktohèircl t Je net permhiltted," ,crled Maddic, flounliilg a fo rb, vitir-a nicely-rovnetd hikn- leS .Impaet upon.IL 'We ecu Ilire itirout, paetry. muse « books, Rlut lvllid £saienetaihave Poet.y ceair." iravesiied Bort, trying te smatch thes cicken-beg. "Ga et ut, bath yen meus foie. Tou1 arc. OnlY lu - theva>'; 10d. &0 snobe youx. pipes on t"re I-aa, Zihn, gat oui tbe 1>tu aid.IICÇoaUn, &=.caa. -1 bav 'ign'hlmIeOiy frace làay 11r" Afier upper itboy v Me i à tIng-roam, .b itbt ~ cbomiUg IS h e=oriva. ed ier. 8l g&Wt le yourit." sthi "Hc we wi and stles m.way?" be dt» aepeduol o, . nwr KT4êP ofld8 upongwb houe, a"toi bew15te thn. er returaImeatbo ,O t doav e ansa ed miveathei herdIt tor o asyo n oH knct a or boaythe.t96a4-love m long Win Yeu I uat tyna ' 4-i drev0 ndLte ùPlareu- oals to a marra. I viii us ht tOU îM ateU duasoMdtarnne. tebem Idona tao bar4Our wethlp at vthatoe y< olve me.anI uetnot hep opnart inoru doI.. la tr.mtet ime.anÂlmei tell me tO-nlght--now." Ho pressed- close te her aide ln h earneatn'ess, Tboy were irldlng throug a narrow utrlp ef swarnpy woods, Jui beyoeid which rose IAve Oa.k Hill. E could neot Bee ber:face ln the due made by the -overhahegng trocs, but b couid boar ber. qulck .brça.thing ln ti milonco-broken only by the menot nous &mgurue , f teUicttle utream Thel herses were moving aide by aide,*hl hand vas. laid- lightly upon bers, wbe a sudden bound 0f. ber herseput th Width of the road. betwe.n ihem.. rustle lu the branches of a troc ha startled hlmi. -Anlght-hawkfiew et from. the leaves, uttering a sharp cr] The horse ubot away like an arrap She kept bier seat; shé dld fnot cr out; she beld thé reins firmly, but1 did flot avail 'to check Rob Roy. H had driven thé spurs Into bis mai and toflowed ber the Instant ber bore took frigbi. -Tbey emerged trom the wood; tbe, began the ascjent of the bilI. The light of Live Oaks ieamed -ln the digtanct B-r eiti a hope that she weuld keel lier seat, anid that the horse would stol ln the stable -yard. But ne, es sbe w1w *beut te Pasu a clump a! troos a ligu rushed Into the road directiv abead e the herse. Hé swerved suddenly, aný made. a 4aah for the woods. Irmi vwaYed ln ber seat, lest balance, an vuuld have been thrown against thq trees liadflot the good mare reechei ber side at thai Instant.. Bert leaneï from the saddle and caught ber as sbo was fiallzng. Igolding ber ln bis arme lie leaped -to the ground. The moon. llght waa full upon bier, face; ho, sa'% thai -she liad.fainted. .Ho mat dowîi witiî ber en the trunk of a fallen tree. lqer unconaclousness lasted only à xuomeeit. »She. ogiened ber oyies and lookedat hlmà; but ahe vas stili dasedL 1<Atimeei darlIng, are yen hurt ?" ho asked. She sbools ber hes.d a - litIle anid ý'mlled, but- lu a balf-b>ewildered way. Then 5&he shlvered, as with thc recol- lection ef peut danger, and clung tp him. 'l 1love you," ho cxclaimed, passion- ately, as fie. pressed lier li hi arme. "'Do you fnot, love me. Almee? WIlI Youflot be minùe?" Rer lps were s tilI half smlling. Th.ey opened, slt>wIy; tbey seemàe shartng the word ho walted to hear. Before she could apeak a figure etarted Up bebind thoni. A voles, thick witb ýtamsln. cwried: ý 'No, she will not be youns! Put ber out a! your arme this Instant, or 1 Winii il Yau!" i-nia tarted to ber foot. She kneaa that v6ice, -and see oIt that the long- erticted criais had corne. Bort rose and -coeifronted Vane. "How dare you interfère bore,?" ho demanded. "Wbat gives you the "Týhe faci that I arn ber brother la "Brother! you, w1.i, have ignored ber very existence for yoara' Yeu bave shamod the namne of brother; you bave fQrfeited your natural rights."1 dit dose t matter, I do possesa the l'ight te Interfere wbere obé la con- cerned, and she will recognize It. She s.FhaiH net marry you, or any other mani ufinder the au». Bbc belongm to me."l «'Belotgs ta youi,, ?ýYez, by a bond she dare, net deny,' cried .Vane. JAS lie spoke lihe stepyped suddenly ta irma'S -aide and tlirew bis arm around bier. Mis strange words-the strange 10ok that giittefed ln bis oye. amaaed Bort Fontenoy. ,,*She lo. your Master, not your 'islave,'"I hosid. Harold laugbed, and bent bis bead to. irmna's as ho beld bier forcIbly witb bis alendei', ainewry aimi. 6l'eu shal sesoIl ho sald. The laugli, the tone of cool assurance gave mtrehgth te Ir.rma. She broke from bhis clasp by. a sudden effort, and stood away from -hlm. Her oyez Ifailhed Indignant -lire mIa bisl. '«I amrnet your *lave; 1 neyer will bo,"' she cr1,4. He lauighed agIn. ,et r» la tba sfoi ndrý iatb evO fogOtit Maitbs140010 H.Ol tak hree ise im)loo and b. TOUad botr go Int0O thlen hOU k»"i'C TIn- niglt-Sit Mloe rW, Th ten ar, va b Leet bniodl mat. it.a 4.vs oioWI Ée, w ,ïhen nbgripwberg.b* ' :a C in0'" hif Y W i $ 54fmi'Cd arod into ol 18* *t 8gei fMataawtboom e aea rgupof Mse Aime. Ad'el t Batâso bai bett b o." h éal ; Tb avt e momO- cf SSIT fttp D" Thins zW ttta e t you. ou and41101your " tln@ U c u' t > , 'T lvhe h ad our weet pasagestI-m a ol, l mb e ic li vlaXr *d night nalk w , you an'd I o iii b e u r <,bu t iito > Aa$ri Whei I'a «ru bitter eB. Wéiat cor1nhae ste a 00 u ha t Iv o 'Ur' ur.derstafldlflB. 1wilî lot trille any vetuis place wl V oqg. If 701 S- longer., Do you know whai my pur- viifo O 'mine 1a5' -ut you pose ilaVI » ohallby force. 1411 iot t t.. dive àk "Ne," Irma eald doldîy. 'II doub itifYOD into dbing My WU1 ye force Ou you klow *bat it la eursolf." Mete« it. 1f y=n do net' me now, La "*But I do. I bave been deliberitiflK t0-plbt. thon, as»sue s vo, vhen upon, It to-nlght. Liston to me. 1I Dt Fontenoy 9reurna 111 expose love you witb a strength of passioni 705 to hlm-tethem 11 vi» teU Lsthai Bort Fontono>". cold blond lau lu- tbea that I amnboe as déective.ta rhcapable ofi. Circunistoknces-or fate, glad Irma Wclr. whura e 1w vanta la let us call t-have given rue a bold Up- tatIbave feund ber, lding undor le on you. I mean ta taire advantageo f the nameofo a dead gir and baving Bk ht and blnd you ta me whether you wiii.An ber- possession ibelp. ai effects h6 or net. This la cruel, you tbliki Wel. t Airnee B31aseale. 113e lu my poc- he love la cruel wbon h la stroflg. But 1 ket. I have a warrant for the aremi .oe te do not mean te be cruel te yOU. 1 Irmsa Weir. -andtla theo o cket I i Mean ta ho klnd-so. klnd ibat. you wlI have a Ilconno toIrawr love me pertorco. I would>lîk*o ta ae whch shaft bo use?~ a word, he YOu te myseif nov as my vite-mince ma* brng downd400Di nn you, and A social lava decroe thai iwo wbo would b>' a word yen eau avert t. Cheese." Ad lîve together mueitrnarry, but thisîle Uo tk tva yellev o clopes front ut curuod Paveriy bas provenue4 me !romi bis pocket as ho speke. e contaîneil, 7. trYlng to vin you. I could bave wonl as ho had said. a vwr niof erresnt W. your lave bad I tied. but I knew I and thé other a marrlage couac. y had urne enougli for ti.1Iamn work- "'Choos."ho repeated. li ing Out a Plan fer bath aur Intarests. Bbc f.it bis black. ru yès Pierce lc Yeou wili comprebend It-apprecIate it Into bars. She foRtbhsie clasp UPOII re -for yau are not fetiored b>' au> sill>' ber atI. Sh. cash nDot mb for' an ne Ideas o! moral obligations dînuod Into Instant ; but desporatlo gave- ber Yeu on, Sunday-schoi bouches. YTuou COra*, Her oyes .th e ty have been rearod In the froc voodo and fiaAco bil a panther lira t te bay.- te Nature has been your teacher. ise An4 Fou cans seek t nlV e.* thon te ny plan. I love, îuxury-sno de woman4 M" ale criet. 8"le can ibreston 9 YOU--and I haie wçrk..onIy wbeu I ana bet w1tir sucb min. bol sncb a red W Ina the moad for kt. Sa 1 wili take the hot roe et torture ever r head, and la short eut ta fortune. I vili marry y.lotmreto "y y7 70lacer ! ont oe Fannle Gray and her quarter o! a iln n ch love 1 1 sern» ; I refuse ta f million, whlcb she wiilsean Inherit tisii a~ it. I vouit ru r trust, to A trom lier atiut. Theol aidy lu noarl>' the aant more, a! the orI. No ;. I la eighty, and lias an Incurable dîsease. viii not marrI> o. x me ; drive A Hem physician tell# mec h vili carry bon me frai» friendsa and salir. I cau te off In six Monthi. This fortune yen bardly.b. More vretched ban I amn ! ýd shaîl enjoy wiîh me. 'You shah b. *1Do yen ferget that ex sur e moana Ithe queen o! my beart. I viii deliglit mare than loua ef youir "or sud your Omymel! In seelsg your goulus un!ald ln friendi ? that St meanm prisaumont Ithe sunshlnc o! vealhl and happinema. for a capital crim-per p.deaoa n u S'en. you shaH b. haPPY; my love vil Uie uc&ffold ?"- r nme you se. 'eu saoliknaw what -"Lot î caeé" sho cri . Afier T n It la ta be loved. l'au can give me ail have lest Bort Fanteno love, 1 doJ ý* 1 ask-iove, ceongen-liiy-variety that net caré what cormnsua me. N ov elwillot lot mY Passion grow cloyetL. go and, do your worst II M Li 'aoushall bo ail to mie. Faunie wvi ne tierce lniouelty e! or touethe Lbelleve that You are. my sîstr-to the, deffant passion lInlier e s ait a stun- erosi o! the worid you yl zoomr a re- net hlm for an Instant. She took ad- lan-a cousin. 1 vauld fnothave vnaoa i upic b rk our rolatlonship appear nearer, frfer om bis cla hiesp and vaiked rpik wish ta marry you opeul>' vhcn Fanute ava>' oward Lîvo Oaks.j He 414 nat1 dos' de. ndhewl sean db. .NO: foIlow ber; he knew it a*asuelema In don' bohorhfid.1 shallot bihli er,.lier promseut maod. He o1*04 afior lier .She ban consumption.. Her aunt'u swift-gflding figure. and icliuched bis 1 *physicien, who la mY friend aud me-1 bands lu singer and ditappointmeu t:9 toi meuo.5hvii ne li.Me lad net dremmned thtshe vould yers er father and moiner moulut hlm no. Ho bad tounted upon bath died o! lung dimeane. Sho cen uet wiuulng her to bihie ilb3r bis passion- i scape.- She lu already doomed. Hem aie cntroatieu. bis glowlugt repromouta- 1lungs are dlseased. John Fontenoy tas u fteof.ld .blti i nows I. That Io thereason why hl ins. Bh ulifteeerri> e loo eh- lnduiged lier so. But hboicv ho msur i on. erfhè oab couid cure lier b>' taking ber ta Cuba « CUrsa bem Obétluaey 1" holie ttered1 t after the>' vere married. I mirail not olm41MOQL "h. hana s tronger wil! 1 takre ber ta Cuba, and lu tbree years I t4» I tbougbt. lKt I viii break it. shall be free. to make yon queen o! mny îvi rv irit onr hr rhorne, 111y Irma." s1o illie teret to tbaocorner.swel!l She had lstened to hlm lIn silence an>' amis." tethowbesef nt with.oyos cast davu.. Shie raised thom Aoel e'monia ih.Im now, and lie read scorn and harror n Aike Inher faom vtb anda clIrampe c their iank. over her throbbuig bead.Tedelt "And dld 'you dream that I vould Th-~îhdsutm e éigavnt cýouwout t nt havepropositio ' h 81.wav She fou ibhat litvas ail over with "Youwoud fot avedard t mako Ithior. Vane wouid do au ho thrcatened but for the hold You have upon rme. Sho woùld stand beforo iliese poople; l'onarevors thn I bouhî.Toe vira had Iaved and! hauored lier. bran- bmarry a wornan with an oYe taelier et as an lmpostor. au unprinrlpled- ad- death ! -You are a hoarileas wretch edres h eeo afelBr .Harold Vane r, hFoniueoys ob et eprdo el Bdecn-t "HeartleFs l If I seorniheartioss ta Ftepi hulookofiaug th audscol- . ne vornan, itla becauso 1 have s îhs bad bld bh er bace. mmhcli heart for another. I wauid bc'sthd Ihefa.1f S1mrytiIs 8a1iY'lutile heirous for yanr As for ber -other. darkoer secrt-. 1sake. I viilo t hasten lier death net bl vane o vout.Howton u hedl(,u e I Wiii ho kind toelier while she live htbleehewu. ewol tl Moantime, I viii net for a day, for an hold ibat over lier. 'He might betray boum, loue siglit a! you. I wiii keep you lier ta the Fontennys. and dlaim that0 under -my wing. l'au viii grow ta love ho vas bore ta huit ber Out, but lie mê.." would.uhieid. ber frOn arrpqt. Tt vaq "W7ever !I, hlm purpose te sirip ber of frien do au, Ho Iooked ai lier with a smilu bn is support, that xhe right be fomced ta 1ubtle eyes. 1 depend upan hlmi. - IknoW the me&nlug o! a waman's And the protection he hnd anffered as 8 nover. And I love you more. I arn thre pIceofo il ecev-i-ri'r h -ail the more determiued ta vîu you himeef--cotnld she linil Rfety lu that because o! ibis réuitauce. Struggie va>' ? b>' becomiigtil Lekrnm'ie,- as You rua>', You eau not escape me. 1 et vIte et.-a mar suhe could not trust ?P viii bold yon as tightlY as 1 pleaso Sncb a marag ouR rut ber vhnhly 1'aou are mine i"boe uttored, Ia a flerceÏ;la h is power. body amnd poul. and wh.'s I asslonato vblmper, wvhbbisIlipsaspaeht"on for ber had grnwn cal.],- 1agalnat ber chcek. be wouit ea;ve her,: or, perlh<t1%,, beîmy r 1 bc ev ewback -and starte teta ler her' secret,8 Me mens o! ridding him- -foot, self of a bumde». No. she could netb I arn going .taeithe bouse,» ah. maid. MarHarold Vaut.not even to save t He nelied ber and forcîbi>' drcv hor bersoît. Rer whnle nature shudaered ai b tn him- revoulit affaiirtSit.b - ~7.u ~a*,, 0e, fb~ 1~~I L~9'W ~wou tes Old Betty JM *utaVe betuomiSheofe 30 oe w. -(bam r. owith the shopa, o. u.4d04 sandt klssed ber handtot Il'l.,la hemrgusintaffectionato vWay, *Rdvont 0o4, fohlowed b>' tiremi weyvii a tub balanced on ii bo Irma vatcbcd ber wilb dimmot "Sire loves me nov; lu a fev heurs a0h. yUl think me a misenable.cireat" vas hem tirought.,. In s moment sho vas read>' te isav LaïveOQaks forever 1Vase vas luabhm reo*m meadiug or abeep probbl. Mie saw ne eue as ah. paused tirrougli the bail.- Whea Mie vas oui lu tue brigUi afte»oo usuaire, aire vaiked rapi- Ir aat reaciredthe tovn before th& boat *v a ualght Sie droppet ber tilck brovu voil over ber face, and inade lier va>' te the wharf. Sire paut- ed a littie distance frem thre iaudine mut vaitet. Tihe beat bad *already vhistbot lu tokew tirai mli. ould ss». Tbre. as alse a boat. comlng Vp. Ob.e uld ueo lus umoke amound a biend tu tire river ant boar tire rapld puRs of St. escape pipe. Had ht been a foi' days Rater, lion puises wonld have quichenédetaithse .thought o! sceing Bent on tire deck. but h vwas too saon for hlm ta retum. The dowu boat icacbed the iandlngt irai, Irma'dmé" hem veil more ceosely and preparel to go an beard. "BMste viator." sait a voice jst ho- bind hem. Tihe voie vs aveet as a mekiug-bird'a note, but it sundet lu lier eux like a serpent's hum.-.1 "S.80yen are tmying te take Frensch leave a! me."' laid Vase, " yen ri1UfinI St hardtotede. 1i arnmost watcbtnh vIse» 1 seem Reaut me. 1I specied yon veuid tm>' ibis gaine, and kepi on the loakeout. Attemript te go on ibat boat ant 1 vil! faliov yan at once. asd bave yen taken lu ch~arge b>' oficeema of the 1mw. l'ou force me ta sncb measure b>' >our obmtluac>.' i!e upoke loy and lic ivlrled a lit- tie stick careteusi>' In iislant, but mire reRd vindictive determinaihan ln bis eYe. Tt put te filght ber b oeof pro-. 1ent eseape, but hem purpose vas nut sbaken-it wsel trengthened. Sire Lad grown desperate. " 1 mustune a littie cunlng; 1 muet seem ta give up the ibaught of gains 'Away." ahbe ad te bersel!. 8h. tirrev nP ber veiR and mmllod ln a hait- ecorriful, iral!-reslgned va>'. "If Inmust uta>', I viii an!y torment; yen," sire sald. " *But In thé end, yors vi» revard me. beautiful. vhhfui one," be retumn- e4. surpriaed but vo» pleased ai berî safienet mood.e.i %"8. v iii give lu moréecash!>'tiras I. ibought." ho sald tu himeeîf. A young man vbornIrma knov carnre up and spoko te ber. Vase feUl back ant stood beanlng againsi a iree, 141>' anapping tihe ieads off a clamp o! camnomhloffoyers vitir bis tvlrhlug1 stick. -Tire steaunhoat was mill ai the wbayt vircu the boat corning up tire river roundod the bond and stopped aiso. Thr msment it as made fast a lit- Ule sbarprfaced veman, vitir lriffré yellov liair, tripped out, !ahbawed hi a negro beamlng a trunb on bis sheul- dem. Bbc hurriedly>' on, nboard tbe otirer boat, whIcb soar, afier pushed off and sieauned ava>' on is course dovn the river. Several ailier pasengers got off the remaining boat and werc unapped Up b>' the hack-drlvors of the tiffereut. batels. One odd-Iooklng aid gentle- man seemet greet>' bewidered. Ho bat bait bis lady, h. declamed. Bbc waa net lunlier state-rearn,4aire vas nowhero on thse boat. she vas n e ie -vhere she was? : 1Was sire a slim, sianby sort vitr fuszy yailer hair, asd a big busio on ?"ý caibod oui an urcbîn. vbo laung- et ou a cottan-bale ast smabed a casi- off cigar mtub. "l'oes. yoeî, ube vas libe t'at semet'ing libo t'ai." oured the nervoua aid gentleman, his accent praclaixing hlm a orecie. IThon sire gai on the otber, boat Biro's give yenu te slip. aId cirap. 'Gene witr a handsotrn~ mas,' " sung thre 41Gene back ? Mon dieu ! lasiipas- uibe ? She vas ta teacb my Blanche -my leeile emippie girl--ast b. coin- panes for hem ; and nov she disappoit tri> chl'. I engage ber lu t'o cule;. 1 pa>' hem debt ; -1 pay ber passage up, and niov sir e ba!t'lnva>'. Sire luaone rasoal:-.sire ha ose deceeuful vernans." Ho sbeek iesMfat ithe dlaappearlng beau. lu tire mldst et bisgesticula- tions, h. lest ii balance and toppiel, backvard t. tire giouud. The adlt by.taudezw laugire. tire gamins on the cottoil baies yelled vith dellgiru rhir liinrtir Increased, as lio struggled inoffoctuaiiy te risc. H.0vas quitc1 Eaul, asd apparerti>reovas huit. See- hg tirai uabody came te bis assistance, [rua rsup to hlm asd helped hmin te du = tet squiret ail ber strongteir li -*ben ie va« staadIng h..tagr- etl.and bOUle upen borailItUe vile. vc4g~uowoP~kâma. $EH~ .tSaure01 CASTORIA Osmla fi put up ln = ereefsbotle. cnly. h la ne moa la bulk. Don!t mlowanycne t mil ou aaythhag .fuo en the.plua or promise tisati t e js egooi~d "wMIl swver y pur. ms. ~Bo taiyougelO--B--O--i. nilimi- t AT Hates old mu loi' as5c. Rat and DreossTrimminge oold below cost 80 as to ho able to "a. r3or for Flii good. Call before it ia too late. O'WDre mnd Mmnl. making doue hem. MISSMITCHELL. I have juab completed a and amn n110 propared tb furnieli everytbiug for honse fini8hing in my Une as oheap astii he peol. Everithing guaranteed right or no psy. (Ua aMd inapet würk and gel prou Telephooe1îaa -2oîo-tf. ANITiAA BOIIIiIn Egb.t Day Clooks with the secouad hand goe Mud 1* gaud 4 fty-ftve minutes every hour h 10«WiogI à t0e to lota whoe Dgo? ThatIo' mu yoompsr.d b. gnung obut the profit- we akî M ou #km GeI Om up, flr Ibey're really worth .ton OI.,.i #"ftb uee1goes with everY .A. SEIBOTHÂMI Druggimt, Linday, . j i '4 JRE ENTL IJo. D8AY. maxerl mi- a o THAT Tue ~AC'-SIMILE SIGNATURE 18 ONTH WRAPPER 0FS EVY BOTI!LE 0F ~ s.-- i1, '---t 4, 1' ~ t- - il I i 'i -i j -~ I 'i 'i; .4 --t duiy fui and Wns Gifr te deisi the fer of plr- bris In and haq in tcoipel H<el Timo pr ae &-i o.q- th if mvý the ld fli-k-ri wuitc frJr 1 vheHr mikew O! Tht2 ck thf. faie g-!y a~ Dayt erime, ufli b ajiice ' Osund lei tiaig ~t4

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