Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 13 Aug 1897, p. 8

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's k- lu f~~; i~ lu ~ tlie United Slalem aumy, and laid resigi-, md it before thie War broke oui. At the commnencement of hostllitie. lie entened <he Virginia 'service es Captailuofth<le Newv-Kent lTroP, and beld tic tank ef Major-Qentral when te sumrndcr nt Appomatox took place.,!He long lved at the Whie Houa., on the Pamuukey River, bat mé e yar atter thie QeQseof <lie var lie removed, <o Fairfax, -glere his vidait and childreu pUill live, we lb- lleve.-Riehuuend- (Va.) Dipatel. Tbiree Grent Iriahuimu. The momt prominet nimd . pp- figures la <ie proceWsoei, awaysemieeit- flord, and Lrd Rbus.1'e M am ta. as Le tode b 'hM ëmlt la o)n promesion am bUs. famiom gft 4ab-- w'eating th. mettas b-ovs*4, tfttS its, smervInc te. la ate-. ception ail a-ioog ethe true "ecw 1ou:à- enthusitAin <o blinIbeebmid on t - CM trai figue-Bpectior. lpmkoy R.iig e opu ETuai, «Une eBm dM«' 13, fr About 1*Mdeihite r' W RIE&M Imaieyb7 mtér hie gecqg-breaig .,lctor over .McDuflle, k the race At -die Charles River sîk -jimm !Michael, the wolww tiliA weluh rider, vas subeeffltex- bauative examination'by a n= ofi pbysiciins. The obstervatlset oftiie medical men led <hem to sanie ;ri» jngconlusions, whîch rmaT,,perfrzps, be sarnmarlacd lin<lie statemlet hit lt the ttile buncli-ot <rit ani ninacle rides -'ln ishipa doe l "ho heurts of o4e geng xamined la' aumofo thedoctosILh?1'en fouziita bet At tremendous sIeeâfater a te-rëte race, but .Mlchael's blood »uniP »pecmed to b.e neo more exclted <bau 1< '*vM lde bai lic jaulted over a coupie or talha, »ia Puls y ÉM i~d hlm r -na. edAId not mmea elut.e p trom fatigue.ÂMi thec ugam u4k p er portion 1 tfhi& body ve tound, te ue m a remgrkably healtbY condltiOli. But below the lips mie oft h.. cou- ditions seemcÇd reversed. The great 1.1- or and extensor musicle. lu -bis tbigh and cait veMr ound t< e ohhifIy erlted. The thigh musce. seemed tii k. beating 11k ine l u nordu*laz-z maa's writ, ud t<bey v ere corded alI buchai as bard meires. .Beiov the hig Une Michael vas wammed op; ebove a oS1 8, ecucumber . ThiS state et aRaire 'B cxpainefd by the medical. men as idi- atve eth<e w*Y the m«a works. Rei heM. hie body rlgid vithhit efort, while bis le« do aU th vork of proPelilg- hi egar. HI. abrt and i parej large and strong enoagh o kec"i?8 vi. imty op te lie requfroemeuta ot severc exertion vithout alowin it lb>' lncreaeti action. TMr déctors unan1.uoualy ex-1 pressdastoulahment thlat uch i muiephyiqte (Michael is eniy 4 fret iJl 1-2 inclin lii could k. capiable ef the enoroi'1us exentionz .e*Sw&Y iu drlv- ing, a heel ait the rate ot semethiug o-er <hrty, mles an lient for fifteen Silés. > The' discever tb*t Miehaelim beart wu practclly beatig at a normai rate le ail tie more remrarbleienlavlew oetthe. resait of lnmCtitons made mter 1races tbat iaat0d troni iv.minutes >te hait an heur. .Il vas roand thatthle aIrain on the heart WMas shovu by well-marked dyspuoeu,vhIlle <ers vas discovered wffeedil"xifW4 eOPep'claif Ithe lett veitric> TLuth disat*51, the dotrsre- port, may beconie penna5ent ien Over- exîertien on the wvhei la frquenl ssud ul inff i rztparo" t nj te s heut <bat lu ahrt>icail weak.f by excessive vigeros rilaS. Hi. lalest intention, il la t,-mderstood, ii.to, ride thkity-threc miles witii the hoar at Mmoai he big na*inal circuit uneeta. bi@ idea being te bett<he world'is record, nov beid by & W. Btoeks, the Inglighiman, *ho rfefl-von it bY ridiug ti<y-tw.o milps 449-jads in that1 tine.I tyhle way, <here are explenses in-- climat e sued atch races eSs<liaI be- twcen Michael and IMcDnRcetf which, the general plic âoheu ittie or no idea.4 It requines about thirtY pace-makers tor caci. contestant and they have ta e h g mounted on machines that are expeu5ie 1071. Thefour, f vs aid i-aeated ma- chines coât between $5W0 and $1000 ech. Il requires a amail army ut help- ers toa asistin à big match, expert ne- pairmen ta kcep an eye en the big ma- chines and sec <bat nothing gees wrnn. TIen tlieue.-ilaanother sallai!my ef trainers, pislierà-off t<héehangers-on -and thé men vite rua e ýrace. lit<the e- eent race ibere ver. neariy 100 men on thie tach con neted vuth the Michael parytneudùg ht..pac-makers, and VeDuIle had abtout the sanie numbert th asithim. .ina &.race oet<his kind. a gat deal dependa upon tie mn uWhao bas carge of the pace-makers and <he ueceas of the rider that l; represeiited by thc man lu charge ofh. pacemakerS depends greatly on the pacemaking g- t eral's Judgment. The general ofth<be pacemakers bas ta study ls man andj thie pacemakers aI the samne. time. He sboabd b. a mansht Isl coul and calm ander lte meut cxcitlng circanstances. The pacemakers shonLd h. worked sa as ta pull their man &long aI a- rtady clip, sas nothing breaks a man up more tb.au an aneven, pace. ÂA o thie cmskem, theirs ie noe eay iask, snd the terrifie Pace at which they pull <eir man aloiig calla tor Ail thec trength andi exergy tIeY can exert. It bas been est.mma<ed tha: lic expenue for thé ,adlng of Michael, wu ol far troni $140. A Fevr Mrdot of BuUfllo. EbnR. Berdnwe. a -hieep ma-n t Presidio-CoDunty Texas, «hoo vas lu Ban I Ântoiio'a f ev daysaince, aya <liaI two af is liierdens have re-iqcoverd lte hem et wuild buffabees t<ba is been re- ported f rom ltime <o limne during <lie past four yen ns la e h. eediing in theaimai tneerahie -taileva, bordering on lhee Rie, =mne. Bir. Bcrdowe states that the herd is now in the extrcuie soatliern Part of Ruche-i County, and liati h nain- bers 1betwteît -seventy aZna eighty îead, ineliuding seveni cIles. . There ta, or wus <vo or throe jears ngo,.a1mmli le-d.ot-sUdAbu -tlol -1 be ttc. trom i fults. In loving the geopie and adminitering thie euntry Lee Sa pratiSe noe.ass.- ti«u.Opening mndC1SIZI< <h. gaes (o! heavep:h e tcun h.like a mother-bird; hriglt, nad white, and ponetrýatir« t.ie tour qputer., LS e nh moophiatio.t.J He qUiekeli. then and (ela tihcm. He quickeis but ovninet lHe acts but »IiuBt. He excecs bat tubes not.1 lin lelied round vitue.-Iau. OU, 04B.O..-T eMouIgt Muoderaton or omn When the World p»mues eaarace lira.are reme.erd fermuln izg Wà hle wvend la vit on vea'n, ar houa arÀe betad la eh. oaeMn. i o gep,edue hi <auYi-dlig o daine No tresto,1 Mdaurythia diacvteugt. No gpester caiamdlt y<t. cuMii 'eus". cb otetla dm= l e a get5 )iw.e oal tdid ~la t n~< iL =eV 18S ri a peau that la ltat al<o.wa mv ha4i 4otceas eab Inb Mrnx b New oe bte fl2 Thlib Iere 8sB Ou ~feu blt*faceth«t- rougb. Thourt net « 4" BD7more, So hitt»ie foep At tidd tgimai, Mevvii her vs.chfldrem orec. L ONOON NfWl 60 YEARB AGO. ýi ifwTrS LZamia et Vieoonai Asaa- ai.. te the. hhmme ive Wmoks Llo. OnJly2, 87,oemoomita"d ix *vo- «ter tb.dee.thoc iK«gWlliam l'ý. 0£ £UghScmd* and Itheao&OsM"et 1h. lrmu 'itàto te ~stheome. T.be la- ihLgeiir pahimded the fiel Me tbis ehangl of .ruu, mye 'The Werh Ilhe lirsI iiews w« M5N, VeC17 m-h th. aaie sort of a akedeton atmy "ta meoeived in:W. ae *iuu DOW tS ini mter a i'ynoIin< tUr ralrond wweu vest of the MàauimD wlisuthe maxloma 0*- reouemit je quSnymg te kzWv boW aMepy ocunmsLe eh iwre. J]kgha pub»c usa to gs« l d eSt Packet It came by tbe peaket JaMue arrived iniNev York ouS ov 24. Tle1 New y»a* coorepome ,1The Iât.el-1 Lgetncer fa01fl riid f bfut fort worda >to Wa.shinsto'ulate on the s.ftwziou M t.he 26th. Nevupaperi voe not ubâs,-ide rily ii theday 1h. tbey e ~ l<I.Ijit e o cing te pres for a sieon edW*4itiil mnat 6 'cioek whea t.hey-got S &e etreol just "oust the lime liai th.e portiff e~dom inow comie out witi h.escores ef t b. dmasb&M tommea 'lb depaIlitrm New Yoe* arr.ved a kew inutenbeLote 4 mae up fer the 6 O'clockg oing te tre (»en JIsakln lbandi levr pSe at . Naemn»vy Ibis nauxet live neye, with1 oo17y two heurs te iniee ver a page, ,starnpeded the -os.poang roam e goS.î Waehington dsll, muid tbfde- Spsteh was eut douai to abont frit lnu anid tuek in betweem 4,wo adveolbe- nients as, aios'.ld. ITh re n n em-r ber <le pve'dom pOt es.y wbether teproprietr eut eround to ech ef oer thf evegos th wouald Do ovelook it. b.ut orbu amsc- struction la tba.t day vas unkneiwn, or mi leat net pzmcilued. Two bhium « type were the -mr, 11thet eM utoey evef gw, an.d tihe ad Une over the mmMxo- m»eà;t M tbe Queule ccemdon led a sigieleisUeet ftuiUaeCave sudi gs v-oid nov b.e eaindered iouffideMi fur fi.cSd liv.ely tsuoederIy esse ini the poli,3eb court Hère lahowIt rend:a Spca.4pm t pu!1ut aMrv.d tram b NovYok.Te% K lo!um= a didà on ho2hetJune. Thisrmori. Con- flrned by veuaelà vhioh have just arrIvai Tni rinces. Victoria baas cended the Thère It uns. Note, lest the zredot le mMed, thla uMetie vb'M at.r7, not tlze beadilue. Â2nther bitereting incidet la theà au»e lin.mhàwing Che deiay inab trannmsaoui ofneya at th" m.tc Me die story iii The LteliS o JOY -17. i.7.whkch vas seventeena»ialler tie leat.h ot Wiilssu.TUS atSry va beeodd, "The LiT stt- rOCCn Ensgilmd," a.nd was prefaced by the sta.texnat lth" ,xessels froni E glixLd hasi broi-@bt voe European ne"a UP t a . fl lôed this e anm h: f "'f te.bai u iiot M or înces Vitoria's birthday un. grven -u May 24. NeitheT the Kkig ner th Q. were prernent. le lath oft he King à vas pràited jét evreDteen da"u T*o daiys, aiter the firat report ot the K-:Ws des.tb l qite leigencer p.inted a more ecomdpete acceuit oethtAe edispgo, ncit oempying more thn habit a column. ,.w wnelimied la.re.Iy frn the Ehîglieli -C~era. wiiich were brought over o th. tjnsaM nd as Pdhi*KUY as fo William the IV, la no more. H. epassed nwyon the. morInn;of -Tuemday, June 6.78at 2.30 a.m. Hie attalned vitlmly ofbb cet.lbi w otso eeb alled a good old age, belng at the tinie three years. * * * At the preesnt cris s,2 When Bggland La berat by eviii on every Mmad, bi clath la vbewed vîtil sVere ildsozau- dbm lova. fl falai, Umm KiU.m & auC sg hMa ukm ua&u ahl Wu au*u, Ma.umm~emw l. Ais? t mdc. Oui ~ ~ ~ » mi.vi am lh1ewolI us viiilehc i0%tagkb.iml l.ai idivhuP Mis Joupl Emadi mi oaliaet vilitui. anOua l, CkW"md ami& Wlm iiam Jb. sluve& ta oblflvuOl aueg valghe emai mmasd.llev9lbemai flaoycmi Et. 8, T. Ramis, eolMrt. mil h p.ula swdy bom t &,. viI isuofa m #ilmele Liadiaui wMl..buea"PetIn 511u oaiay la plualvsA I. PolmI'steo* dam 01 Ms.ma IMU hS.*ollyo glun àagKmat, lMdsMmaimai vilo ev retaumai"ibi vsliem iiivilloomo lae oom am a saf Bllls brJ.hJ. Poalafs ay m oIbF" v vs.lag 0m aid Tm15 T. ssayami% o. u aau mihm yasieiayTha sey.a BocIya lt. N.Y.S Mr. dJm o. n mpiyaa. e lb GTME. vb£mm m sis bmAi vf.m b »m ý etaipakoma ibt i.,ismum te mm. meEA a o idofflou& -O bMuet. o! M Ha d a" RsaoSmba"dgs. M»b u amsletOboobl vilg m Mhe Liais ahmoetnlovabu acp. ,lae POstdd m o deS mâ .o¶ ,bléI ml thé bdupe veoeaompatei by lb. vtllae bad, wil moboo .enma5iha l 0boar.d Of whloh platid alouplo ot uimbie selectims tinoaliOf etNvmu" TUTvsry ovmsilj. bonldaile progreusalag apidly Zr. «dMmi Ms. raiQck. Lilpm, re &M la a gpeu bsm le ldu villae, vWstlmg telsalala tle. - Dovmmilo l'Ta mMu d oiA at baromal o.kbindg BtsauM& eimitla thb uditgit nova e ldohpuip u. aO. duesm Md bBy Mareajopim miil. .OIl5a4o "li p, and preduce %bait a WUake veosle mmulmet ai ussIt om&t, ISm cher"olion eday night. bs9t oute the supporta o!. a port» Ofet Mi alUgme Mr.. EL CIamu. viebu banc hkPSEavais.l'Tm vosit vss delayed tira iv dey& for Ché Pm ituo ent.5h.e vOIDUadu Thom eponmualdi -mise madin b.e agi ritv5115 res. a"*m ony Ml adu -voeuamd, havlag bas omi dd quit. ssoote him u$My, réîua<me hte. h omoe, tuPoil Puyi - $bohea bu uay partiOet iMin111 vkIe Isisiai. - bed *1bas. aovfald, but torttaal.ly lth" mmua Bon"EMila d: J. Siapsoti, Of ps ti haïe vhaéula time ie pevesi a Hamilton, wvbulol te lovas &tday. They I=aalual. m Isrepléesi bev cmus lb. as thé gméà ci Me D 0Tuiv, Eusmll i& U zM wM ln a d aaeboldaut., MoussuSlmlev Pua. V Y8.11k mai ed DiZEIOth. lui two wvubu ami vory palm. R0 6mltlb ef Poril BOP%, PM"sirUMNk >fui aglis havaecouirsi la tb. violaOyce tova àondayibis kver té nluma lab. e e 861.11..ThO u rble cOlv b? heb *je s absho"" antiCamping Mi. *ardua ot Vuaaslomist i , v& u nm Mise Wallaca raUUM PortiPMI amd fa"mdté last vul'. wVAunun.... Awner Bcugog inad bisais. - r piflone babil Ms. lamas Dolmen. Miè W&y l n»Mg u hltdve ithom of"Wm..Dolmana.or.. vhilimgmid Mls.akiyisvamlmghehsldaml'lket WSk la th« large »wvMill. A pia»sof h.ot breon CambridgeO89. batoh e lt tluthe dogmeofthIseuag m NM. Rats UBMiuA 01 - lb.Boston clip vhtoklu ewu vorkiMg md ll imohiaeu t te Hospital, vho bu beau kelidaylag in lova reme, e le osel., the log etmr h e dopa igltas ta ba ttlls in Buote" bis v.. mi pruauuthea m b ohimebaud l&aetmdm il Mr. end Mrs, (Gos. AÀUtile tauomad FMay- ln a fimanoir mnd brushIng thb. uba. frtem a wvevacae sa I mtarthéebasutiful Iis h ot .ltbith&%the . ufoiluala joumu mt atm" là.keob, mm. M viii le a mm lhi huaiIbsmm«e. T'he Bol. J. L RoiHughe..BA..B&D., of theaibihla boest hain vl!mot leua *0i the baptiel mhuch, retunedi lut yak tle zis m oule u t rot : itmaed..Anmoli dieinasla ovllai a tva ee Vu" boisoldnt ooated en atupoidv"lg M apumi Iii mmil at b. Plai.drilhefrtia Vmrto 2 Fmelo.ala le ta h. The Rer. J. B. Liamdy,. of 1h. TeoCUilaskMr. Jmi by ea m hmalis ork. 'hoy vois et aplist Ohm&ol, TomsaI, coOOpliied te ulrvng lamuely alomg vIe a teck eofp.Mm bapthsî okuch puipi buhe lut uday,. tuemtu fieol f1he hore. triphllg Il s MIatI lt u 0 mmi eaaadocimpel*y ap»t T'h. IPetab«o e aaOéompuau d. illIe obuggy, smahhng 0voiytblaig. t tme roieelmoeders foirocas tb le nusi tuafl. MIa -Jds«Y vUvMrY biy brnla.d.but "m tmg ou le Ksai k. lmhog Ithe fortbMeeur*ibl m au. Rrhuai vu ait Thearsm ibe eindo ai lceta lacévrvoé i Im nb vn io olidés other atwe l tveuaitaw M la Oablia ialsy drovi illB A" 1Slafa, De. Graham mmd rtutcmasqualy as Mi. rebl COrk$00 sgsi 1, lihIeli Po§sslecmas.psisibMr. Joiaj. Botb vho lImIii ld eau Slab.e mploy oetmms, patitaa dulmg nsebel éu usulile ex Alia fraietaIeHivosl% w u diova.i la pub&si.but as, - Mii. M age.idvaaoa ia Arguiamlii Pnd u84bat Plan ou J*UdjSiI, yseu ravemdoubte a~ue enteraidaséle bu, Tbh. »mésea.va bobi lo te sftld rosvaq....A aia oodoot eooima inmst atéIklmg piae. Ihas. oidaj UeraisaIo le isteamer Daa ubile -O1he lovas ans saua ufrl le have man trip trin o.boook lefW ispill m 10050Sm1«Mlath ldt&In s aihn Mig s ouns.drovit and 1maeh WU&% le Umdaay dolag svîn ideing aé -m sickmd aeul d mae&.vblh oti ea bel, la d opm e avi h 0 àb b-I IbsoogI bilieh v e W t umus e. TM umPlisite Muuat m bsn amte S . g ndal th waio, w"O.bwu l'h. .P.R vii - a1mclose aM bondsai *vad the hbât do»a te lb. dam ~~ fa IntsA 18th tuo&BMl ale*»StmB"e f8h ua etpruemi dry dookai Slaton numia Md Oam" 11Na*b uW .u&Samles »Poaire, uThePssasac Wa hav muivS oo e lKaaim boid*aldu ogoibauds la, a badir, Sbmada& a bla lesof vbloh ab. as bq vws vOta a WMbssplag tb. valu G!s mm,, lu--h bulmd ---w-stebea.gtlh.Gnd m gpitai -. w osi dva h an joimmi. ieaUmla etby seaaudaml-0» lae oui et Ome -amiase vs_ c h tevs a arv W aimi. uw b« laet bis,%y.j iM en sais U*b.eab cml i ve mosdsda pudRa& in M1Sm» liseh ela 7 p flatu eT emun oae s " » th Md ds âg Md jg Mmlakq...s 'hm de" dmlgbt fia býapM# debu ihift me en 'h. ý Ohsbgashmvabýo m blsau éAllsM> lei s l ut numg e viit Ibeux fvhseha m ~~~*h br- .dthat an drggagt~frwa~vtiog school-lifé Who. mlght cnjo y tit abuadant lIW* which be- -Plng to youth by simple at- tention to hygienic lw m a jmoper Oeof treatnient. wiI Sctt' Emlsin. This ,would make the blood rich.. the héat-beat stro ng;, check that tendency to exhaustion and quicken the appetite by strengthening the digestion. Our book tels more about it. Sent free. date ~ ~ Th 10Cumiewase w naI ie ta ?f istory 51u= 5O! oge ais, vhile chidren yet auburn vii 1 sp* w1hlpide et lie brave defundera of et0 hiOAuguel am old e h sunlimmmy out» o es tfthe o! eru blasée nd ptento boy, aisthedaY laoi bld ngtheitr jatuMelOlbtaltos, sm» te imragemen du on the 121h Julv; lie tmue blesmai 'preniie baYe et Victoria countyioldin one ai PensionFPlls, vîlol vas . lrey aed. A full accunt ou, Whlow iibe ' von n.xt wek. puil mamj a 103 ild vlntea's night, Ar aMimd e snceeame5 bob flight Prm Derr~s v Cold a ste: i2e ndsl l.sd liat gaie Aginst tle only foc; But bore. te tkne's remoteat dae Their spirit pull shaU.glu-v. àbou t hseezéb of e!ata 6M1 devina ou bous of Taud am 'sau. 0"sha fabi la ou. pmu"oedte ~ohleloy cf tbe lowa. 1mf steamai/Dàa ssà slog la <b* uppa valasMRond lpmhsmiartag berhall. Mh vu takea off tia oute fo re»painsud viii le cm b.dat. TlmI09e .B.Mia pupoee ai m&h x tommden aItemu sSsm Ibt" pnwmaiuti cmo X& lobait yssloft lm akht fansrv Y ortk os a bcOmas111: Ma. WALT* VicuTaWAm. ,g4fa m utisga j« tbsSu am @v1Baad le« acomsur m0 oaiailwo t i!gahliib is bsmqwaaisu md Ovus m oUr- , lbhev .sdoa0 e! b ooalsa'm a4 tus m ova. me. CReMibvlt le a good a uas mbalag ooaadsae oof et b. e osucsfalstock auaolloaerinl -Ostnlo. Se â@ likuvbselbmvil bmova fmmew= vuo ai.v entpsslmml, o! eouay. e ,mevldgad loleosol. Ve" bast j of dog ec 0 amitMi OotbvlW Isll vii uilin laa 1MW days AI trssa,. a" st ti h. simpam jMor. ommai vidtotibave beasaua tu a Ibsjs am ha i*e tla acoommio a à sjuadlmalviii peto p a <aumsma bah A ymdn09aiuagms mlv a "em tealla hma a mpudias lb. ai muIbweafaOnsesiL"m ooaatvlo laio valua.,l'h. iubiama jumdsedamadei si mmoet OmIW4ai. it«plm oue basheb oilayladIvIUal Item a pMiolcPihoâla Ou .8v>âT lotIboh.o.asgo m Md lime la ldgas of o« tilb4peattecdai divie voslp a% st. Joueï* spamopa) cherchbhor, md listemmito arlmuoive aid bsuti bal d"ueua foaethi ev. WM..Fameomh ier. The éobpok vu rovd.d sud lb. IMM5<? DUNIIORD OR»,. IWdt Up. Ie ptoaim elathé .lfmius mmd avaiAmour rock. Iied Ibis ii. la orii utht mi" cet. aop i Ibs rio uotsoaip puMr. IF -D. MosuaSolh e = Io Iioai a U'Py i bis et d.tw i b o. W. v lSa i.tht.. sosde.w.uklv Isus m04 m 10h ayaiJmy.AD 1W rUd> T 1. OUIM.AN 7O.b," S Umr.ed Orde. Ohdabosum %amed Det«dmt. Thi. molimale broUgbl 0 o mmvurthIbm mmuldu» »6«n a molgageaie by you 10 Tt. L 0,dm, m& by bis u ui 10 IbmthePIIuI.M md la dtlaullfoS hroolosre..Tour UiA*mt iol Dol.... 1.1b. fIe la lb. O£S.etho Deputy Ckof tE he rowt ami Pm uet a Drmadoa. Uatob4 Vithia Ivulvo valu mt. b.ivlaMWi subalmum ja.iioi for la lb. a*s'. V ibereism »Pl"au woely % k el by ea itb. M iW tiai sjdg fit. pupqiaemt ofEM09.0 amd *10.0f«o oit. visa « of smsiis. "bs uom-w e tli limIunsi (8i) COLDWEL; à OOLZE&N. ALMA COLLEGE For Young Women. AresidentialochooL Collegiate atiti Pre- paratoty Studios. Music, Fine Art, Mlorian d iEsthetic APdvan'its. Affili. ated wtb Victoria Uoivenriiy.Clog stands in an eight acre park- Loy . tuatO«s. For ilus=Tred catalogue md pr!c-: sadrs bm. R. Wsoe. # . . Prlr.olool. itt. Thomnu..Ont.. ,Th Great [vent et thejuhilec loti CANADKS VIOTORIAN ERA' EXPOSITION INDUSTRIAL PI TORONTO Imm" na=unuvu I-m. 01W USA OALL. .~ urne, ftm Siauwr. _____ I I oi BIa.kemithîag and Buhioribe feTunWAaz>E ESITUENR 10- 1MI n54% i- S .. Ihm7 ai Meunvu- »o Md Antie Ebyaem - e - ST. misn'êSIob havToruun.anature tqTaoaSf.le "m y !' MBmae ati 10.81 pu e m M » hamgu kahgEmialr a 838 ai, v le l armem a sl w~is i....-.IL M--to- IL. a ~ s D éo........ ... e .. SI oi » i. b ---s-a--- 0 107 W. iht. ~ ~ .- - -- I- 0.l o 1),4- Oai~~~~~~~~ litpo 0 ii 11W 4?.... 11171 Qum . . . ......... ........... 0o0 mit. M......... 0 m10de ?umflmit5Tl...... .. o110021 OU**ai 4. 1 o0 19 zpoo mmg.---------$0 80 DuMotot.----------------14 00 80 - - -..... .... C l Ôm4 1 4 e 171 #'te ft-.. I 0 77 t - ~.. ~ .. .poe b$te 0le10tes Ho0Foatua 4U.m Wag~~~~~I ptla.. e..*tee 029 Eps.. -c. a.. n . e.. 0 I 0 30 ~'W~WUS.n...n. t.u le tes14 £~u. ne. ..oee..n e.'*004w tersate 1es1 -. u~ 0 NI, Shiaulil, Wb-'~ ISa00 ii $- sol MY Stock is COmpI~ Meerschaum and Brie Pipes, PIug and CUt Tobaccos, Cigars -Domest1ç fl Foreign; American -Fine cut Ch ewing. Ail Leading Lines., 6o.GKlent St., Lidsay, -WEI KEmm» Sewer and Culvert Pipes Au su"eafom 4 lu. tiê24 JUlu. lt wRiTEf FOR PRICES. THE ONTARIO S[WER PIPE QCO, 00i ADELAIDE ST. K., *AOTOy AT imcaTORONTO,'- mm..101. luthe eéi m l th y oc Qaisdb.tuIsêhm ve oeugm ftm 89.910. te rmh.amomal wsoor 0f uh. dork of hîijr fer OatsuI. Jos ué i m " *0uI b.im tme gwr Iut ail" pr vuile pmam ami a-the.mpoly d u1mb viii»mommbo l'h OsmIma IIoffible muapeum tu agout héolât of iaa Ibi miT me r.in a ml b. rnlu iook*$hm vem yak atP** MIMy dey. m me um thlr mo, l day.e 84 O MiwSu l le mady by obew lot The .asulty vii b. M0.000 bu"b a dey. m ata l o ul M ome mllion il* budi .m lh MWv tour eheà ma»e mevudy Md vii hve a*22 oset 40.000 bauds FARMERS. PAY OFF TOUR OLD Motae.Reduce your Interest. Save nioney. Any ternis deslred. Busineas pri- vote. No delay. Charges 1ew. No co»ts incurred unies. ban la granted Satisfaction guaranteed. or no loan. Loans arranged with local agents. Agents wanted. Cal or write. Encloue utamp. B. R. REYNOLDS. 1%I Victoria Street. Toronto. msulehbum & zPbreston, G0RAIN IMo PROOUIIE M EROHANTS. Umàv.P 0 mm" 8 asi la ta* QUsea em*o.. NaChmbqs lig m mbumlm& JOHN JAMIS L UND IF, '44- ~ I g4 i Wedding Gifts Than Ever Dnring the pust tva veeks( vo sold more Wedding %~1 and Wedding Rings tbanink any single menth in aur hi&. ko vausantae8tory. Gift bayera seem te vmantee of the 20 te, 50 n cent. discount ve are givng. if Von have a gift vWant and do net se. something suitable in our wvindowu, yen viii centairtly find some nice things humide. We F. M0CARTY, 77 Kient St., Lind«iY. IlaInu919.- i-a. JS JPETf The ioweler. 98'RtT R[DUCT1ON $111 --FOR-- JULY AïD AUGUS Weý yUl not quote pnie aay that evt-rytllîug îru Our large 'stz3i'.of 1WOur repairiing <rade is cOfl28WO iflcrelmlg. Bmring.us your PO~ When vs guarantee we mena. ve Bay. - j 8.J. PETTY Next liehe IY Hoase, ei I ~ymgY~Eun D BS N RNO 1 -se ý -

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