Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 6 Aug 1897, p. 5

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. m1 $.2.50 000ý TO LOAN ON EstpgeSOuent AppROIEO: INORSEU NOIES OOTES ~:- CASH CABH who mr iemou ocf obsgg t di mail lb.z =- oarte,«»Uta oeflélea cou have lathe l II 0 r obom U.q 1 tou ranti e redi»medtli.Dmm'l prooeetfate. batl aeu peni I.- doem promplil. -Sal Btalle BOght suid Sol on Commaiaion. GENERAL INSURANOE AGENT, Ji, He 8OO0TKERANI Bàanker and Broke, Il KENT ST.- LINO8AY.ONIT, JIGo -EDWARD8tGO. Builders' Hardware iParIoNuSDOWN. Bc-iected Ont Nails, Steci Wire Nails, Bttrn Door ling'es and Roliera, Fibre Building Paper, ,Tarred snd Plain Building Paper, Fresh, PortlandI Now is a good time ta buy. Wevilii be pleaised ta quote prices *u a ll lines. I6. EDWARDS & GO. rsig oiet iiavil.M At ail prices For the peo0ple Hammooke a1 *$101 * 25 200 -3 75 HRammooks et Hammockse et .Hammro.oka eat fEOs A. LITTLE'8 B3ook and 8tutionery Stoe, Opp.- PetOm ceB. Lbly.' râdamy, Puli to, 8w.- 8-.1 IPIIDAT. AUGUB? 6. IUT. ho hamaiseioe a moio al Lb iIbg méite of tel aie tlaTim Mt 'OSStalou te bboci bylie m or "a;god ot.e-bl.slbaiee a MM âm mi eau selaltlsatom el u. % Il i nai aUlae M" aigu sw Op ibn$ b,A W - i rs b.oui? baplat b?.Iec I ~se il s à Late N - M, GkszedBwePpe 8oranton -Oa Delviiet Lovait PiSes. tuma**a . loUn.-" im.ev ictls re u iome-M0Lf livl mats. Ily qau aetpvn v thla te it l fii a glmbla'.l.t Snaa s Lgr IxTun. -Dubtgli i «m et Ns. Mx alsRn aidui vu ~ axm siuib lglig eeUiea alsué lis ch" iea7sd-<ealidsc al d e àv uluay ut.alieg ussai. etlemilineliai chk.. &Asil vu in amatrev aloesee. BEMiuaiwÂutu. - Tve giallen. boINai vweutlt Ne 8 Da eteiamst.. 2..aty eaale-1le0 lie nle efpoum et 79neslia-tIa ail oeba Rum or 6 Du», T" elles mbl ud bdeules eetpla;Z 9Mil! le In 'AM Is lovaviMnam PalmI Retu10"l i wu% > lie aieMd MMsOMM %a allan teaU l*m r1 R B e uro h ,il lte lta liaet s ~~~das OoareaviibonsU et -psd i Bouasu i mm tglaI US Rb tSe imItla sa ueninsta p hh.osmil la voluneollt ii my Ou.k et iba at" O - e t ILbgMg cf laev.M&ega pluagiaienl laMav l teb.m th* Di am iesa. Tà ela ma wwikeouib a i i ou 100isoxufar aidm isholisho lb.te looet er fouis MA&le."Ln6 ,oi, amisle rviim of the mev uý*te" nbyni pT. Belle et Ma adm mids. sAlbul slreel, a mlime of the doybIuea m mi Il p.n.; aies84ai e efi , e .W. Dars ljobsla to#@ dnul TiNsus.-Tae Llaytemulaclub vieltd Ulbroci ou l'aia4p sud vers detelsiby nte v«e 0 ia.a& lu iifovlm laiteh nom-DOM ΫÎÇ@&«buet O'Ooaor emi K«maedy 4-2, @--O uilasu&sd O muoder buai lam Msd BDel6 -21 7-2. Wood &uai Wiylewbait odotla aMd Brady 6-2.6-3. D*aubil Kano il 8 -6. 6-8. Di Neailer boat OCeameor -i 6-1. Wood bear Cadete6-2. 6-8. wMageabutl Glodman -86. " C 0Nuilebut Bolgen 6-2,6-3. Wbyta but.Braip 6-8, 6-0. Thie club latends playlag thé retar match wih Uxbridgesbortly... The aspteo o1 clube ac, plpilg ou a oladej' court ami fini Txx Quoi' OuTwomx-Tie annsnsly largo lal ot rai ent w om i dcl esd&rmega te lh» iriat and soares graunala thiepprovnce. Repocte have bauom tvei- efa mno elai Ieqstional, ohaeola, -bat lisp do uBorta lent thc violt whistgrovlag soto. ou e smmmshbu=aIrlalvbaa dose butl le ie b. iopel. Iadesi Et sicszotalu, laia inlamot la xzluevi s M1iab l icpcutei Il mmelBot le torgottsu liaI lie standig vaisnbhm mderful neoapinalvo pavera d sudla afev nar neauhvelébelle, aviug bai uic a gut lfusoa, a e Umtliasdimet kMi faoaleO lm esveiforinlg. The "auieslaMslmba mi lia Northwvul lai .bk wmu l:ameUlib.dealred Aoo»dla 0 rputteoulttmagtlathule regleas commuacai ah 04 vaivicbh lemach esalla tisalait PROnur TEE ITLu ONU. -Àatu11e. hili ne kWinlaTeoéalo m reoa by belag rau- lm la tts baby oanl. The carnage iiii »M loita eleadla sud ai ifldcote lié ftce. Th. qiuatealaM ov belgdiscassai bhe t Il ili a-Mbe vise le pom su sommet om ItugIla udmimal selau for ayr 1nsee te havetiumaisla Ihm mahig a tic airai mp e fh-et ian ley have untostuaste Moment o*uados Wsi. MMosda eornoon viene 1 "10,ohe, i paungeet daugiter o etM. Kepi efthle meti vardvas sevecb1m burued. Il appeaustaI lite 11.gillàbrollier.Loon isi Muated a bon-fin, a&W lacis golmg tee noar Il her oloting cugil fre smi bifthe lieames couli b. oxtlgaleiui ion body va' vesy baily bura<ld. Largoe m oobd.veof i dotmi etob. brongilta o town over day. Tiare Es nov a vn large quanllay off vocilu the varioii ocd yads. Pimou iuld b. rammable li p4lenborongi novwslau Ilhampe touti vitia tic ceostioa le vom S iai1 lIeus, 8h. axtinds a cordial lnvllalsi-l &Il lm aeiIle. momadia vugramîs te co*e -ami pertake cf hm '%tully" aniduibordirk Tho annuelprovincial clobuse cavon conveallea scia.vii b.il inl St. lTbOMs ou Wmdaau",Tiuniy sud l'uday, Oclober IA, tIi sud 8th. Mr. A. 'W. Oenpbehb. Imepetuo f go@& rosis. basfor icm* lime bmaa busy lauso-al'g an etimèe ocf the aumber et bIycllu ltie province of Cuntei. Tins la uap ltIls data cm bond, for- tièesla n o at aÏglstàm Thes ectimmtho mas, iowve-, lliItinser s1re 100.000bicycle. la OmImi., rpzomtImg as lavoilmeat of 86,000.000. As vo'go le puastle choses boni mailg la la Uniaon. Tiihé urnimpbond b.ve cagedli mmnithle Li Lusy itsmi' sa.ý OI»Mx fluar-On Wsiaeaà twu ieumad in leva "taI Ma.. Job . O GMiM% e.L.P.., ef LdsicuVàiley, Nanipois vu Ihaat tIle bop e eo= =eral habi rhtm, wilci provai lo lune.as à@ dli yuàloday (Tbuxsiay> noe. Mn. IJan vwu an ooetitlusla Maapm ensd umlwOnal , spenii s vu depti rosset et i lva eilP tonrnisal pame, » mie ip alg 4Wait V%ictoialaicprovtzolml menila ltlfur votre. Thi fourai, Iamuplacedo.day le the TaIsais bigenaou*&Matipom BoA» RPÂcu.-Eeb@W es'vet cmi setsî- meut la thb. irsI eft h. local rm tlluir- duos rosi raotug amouLlitheicMa la their cmploy. OnTue 16 muile raue hocklacttomnd*.imiga Oakwood aud returu. Mr. Ab. Pbebb thePac oOakwo In agoi et hbaMd cr e. wint lead Il home dfluleb the wluner osely folovai by MesnsAtami Ed& Bobson. The journey vas mais la tut lime. Au the vAnner. are ail aew ridena li s essn big hhinge are sxpested of thon befone the year la Over. Il (sasald tiat "bW." veau bave edcci a gaow o for fret place liadi s heurt net been se susceptible t te m ltbtin m -_ hmI @top nd l thsipretty gr .met The !baise -e t efuill rausuaexcur- sion Mouiay te Babosygon lirduln a uevelty la lie exoursion lime about hl of the excursioniots remia a ver at Bobonygeon Mondax nl8h eoMplmg oui lhe oampers euxsjs teamer Tuesia aueangctiia li e 10ba Te d hAvaa y dw l* "*î* WYOvIlm cImm Ipoin 5l~ lhilbeebbai grés fm" t mma v MON£ y 1 fa ti Teali . elaita vté I. A. cama.m Eu U saxvEova.-4cegi, lie va kimamiier., MW"edte bis baaius »ev bommelaé VU14a e 4otait sofIZut sudw Wlli-o elete. Il las bergelesu sbeila &asud v! <lue aersata, Mn. poinl t fvlsl i tre su»d go avis lb. Nav Pimor e Eoa.-A mnge ofmou audirthe s spiayilm cf street ovierm WalU, bave bem met wvo lis weeb sia a mcv Pièe of .rosndcemxirmi lsac Csmpbell'ph&a, an Km trct,% belvua Willim aeelsu d lb.emotefom The sielo.le ov .npebd saile nid hp lices dulfiWMovai It le be a a oi piae cf rosi Atte a ew o@Wtraficbave medi St roi Il sicali bu a vie, pomunsu m d. The uiv nelotosi don ut etresl above Violorta avenue le mev la gui shebsbviag boum. Wall Da"bi Nmn Gsbitm, nais taaoier;8U Wilimm ilaut Ie isndom li t o elsu PasIce-- fflp. Burnous Aocoiuu.--Wbils outtl"bY Wiltta a over a youmg frmer amo Math, am of Ma Wun Ma i udlm ar Fenlon raleMt vIl u m sodil$bâiai edny1 termlted fslallp. la soea vy hi bdi lie mfactou lehEp, tsllin la bo tbe kiie, V"lsioomlag la oalsa t disleunf baud @ivme tai l mplel)y off. Ris beai veaui hame "seboontcl ai bhoolnt ova iap Mahie saih, Tii yomag usuile ov la a oait" oal imls A Maar of the lejudo nom. vhe oale la leva vu sMt foron Silariap, iheaisiimt bappeaimasonliaIday. WÂusn>uàz.a-Tie sivect eofens aMW suad ma --,- thlvu le cgui rude mevemut quiait s Elme la leva. vMp sas vie travel uti est iuci liras dae Vaisa hep am mb a eMWv plce0 ros, tu. oralt ieit ubanld b.,as gosi rosie expert, loi orn cmnolgo Ivo roiseviit mtoomlag to a poup e of mal eatiualeu b ag »ids Tis foot t aIeoi no» Iiai liai ic oe» idmi about lhe nmae laallîble, doms mot help le Mai e i rUnial sy thie lm inatuush lo adimisnolsa Oapbelli stor rm On Mmieum m sngellioali b. fretly meauoiiIf ho vu aroamblieday. 0"t a fov ofo«a clit atAne baye bisaiave tl ata teil disim andmiocf thias augaage nocmm'l sl h e d bm boey an oeatomiul lthuala Baday ucioole filier.1 tauet of the * bikht upOn tie oor lttli la 111e. But Eyneed net * be bdru n mil -te be unfortu- n ate. Amy baby wbicb le mot welconici lmto this world witb loving bearts aid rcady bamde la unfortunate. Anymotherwio le physically weak and incapable of bestow. ing a bealthyv constitution upan ber ,bab>. may darken atm fature vith weaknesa amci' A prospective mother augbt to inmure ber baby's welfare by every meauts tbat Nature and science affard ta keep ber physical powers up to tie vcry bighest point .Every expectant mother ought ta kmowr and avail herseif cf tie trmethening amd re-enforcing i>perties of Dr. Plerce'. Fa- vanite Prescrition. It gives bemth and endurance ta tic delicate organs concetned ln motherbood. Taken early durimg the peniod of cectacy, it makes thec comlng of baby pefectly afe snd *omparatively easy. It maies the muothtr etromg and cheerful, and gaves bealth and maturai 'lo to the child. It la thc only medicine of its kind devisei for wcsk amd delicate womoa by an edu. cated, ezperieuced ph*iciax, POr mearly 3o yearsDr. P*ýrc. bhmbeeu c'hief consultlng physician tcithe Invalide' Hotel and Surgical Institu Of RUffalai N. Y. Hlm tiopand-page l1"trt d bock, "The People'& Coraumon 1S-ns Medical Ad- viser " contains advice wbi4 every wo- mnan ought ta read. A pa<bound COP-y vil be sent albmoln±ely ireou receipt cf 31 anc-cent stampa to pay co toeecmtoms am mailing only. Addrcss Dr. g. V. Pierce,. Buffha, N. Y. Cloth-bound f#r 5 stmpa. A sure and permanent cure or Constipa- tion is Dr. Plerce's Pellets. et"Pellet"v is a geatie laxative, twa a mil eathartie. As usual our 250. Japan Tea is the beat to behad for'the moneyie 001 am INB mfil KICKAUII.TER AIMUN C]WUMOIAKSPAETZWOIPAU *- Tsw jb y ONca. club W igF mmd saunaimuet ou Tiueady ot luit viai, balmg thli é luit m o b.- hyet Quiets uiouil au1 tA CeaMUmka Whove n fs t he rau ofrotte viii lie apllu eof *0 aVid- OUm WMVCUe sI. AMMR th* viflk»acv rauhg mm uumt VeTa m by, Arus méeea, Chrie. aGutEzCudit Eb% elns.. Armi. oEaciaruTacts,. Wilhom, 'Walk salom. plamolalp lthel véwamlà momm owlm. tel atha Wmamy oftlice Who unou l" ohi mlg b& ughl liaIie ooatimdd M et evlou day. veulrm muat la l*e potpmlg of àie mt. luapniè ot the devupour of "ia bvever. tirougi the ardunaefforts cf chio t uiA. fL. Cmpbel oftlowu the t1mai vu keplla eucellial copi itie. sMd sitiocgiMol uerhmfait a a n priai"M e e the lias rs m n. Tho A vih Qe ---w Weeuzatiuv i urlidciMt ode mes supegylalc t f.. elâeI. J.Wilson 0f laaa.The excepalcu ratinaite vu lii Ive mie baaieapl v us -mammy doublail Ma. ilme a ge. aN eis et Llma wus 100y"puistahle lia t lio Lau vWe" jaubeh vu omo.Ig ite bslho 10»dbeila Acocrimg te C.W. A. uale. Ibin leDOl slow. abie whi. tbi rideaurebumoiL. for-li" infriugsia tite roterai maie Rougilsu tai tami ise AUl lhe 0c mi. oe ver gave marY mllsfactlumfbsr, alîbougi the lime ovit t théliebavy Irac vasmoltv"q tait, thelalabu e o decldedly exeltmg. Theoui mo bemglng of, but l eY iéioMiArode"bil baul toi a plaeu. Tii boittoli belvaa NeoCartby ad oL@od, kapt lis orovi braatie wvii hlant La ID t*maleuMr ov.m te A x tcu cf B zam afead, di m'o t" , l a h. lm o f tii fuset lmasecrnri M1m* Igo- Esobauof Toronto, su oh ldvOtoouty boy sud a tavele ite, r id DMol t th le erpollloe t is mmy Mamie, biig beau iped by ioa leg. .gMai cullJe du e ibloyoeiclub for mi eMit ms good atiltiacâtaispMsymt Msurali Ie su m Imucrovi. Heutic muý e mide of théiS von f Urn. . .Campbell. vie pao. luUU vu t mie lt pumber of tie vhou turn dolug muteicvmi bimgoh. ii9of Bascuila, H J lomveslhy. T Blevsa J Sart BcerUu-8 BdaiIb, W ie, L Kulgil. 'Jag-J D PlaVeli. W Stoaga, IlR Hop. bErne Bleutas-Q sm a. Umvimi-R ugmW Baua G H Wiiom, J T Poil!. Club oft un-E Armmga. y sharnu. lim foflovleg aueti th e aIMd immteu: orne MleNovice. A 8 panamLtqdaay; N B Houmbloa, Liait-I al; J K Pcv., Tosoo;J ]ILMerlu. LiMi.' tay; T Naltrues, Mihibioc; Bd XoullePut Hope W Faion Tooat; PAbrabaMa, Toronto; X J Y«aIiOflla. lit lebver; Uni Nattrasle. Si Rougilca. Tim% 2 Si. AMOooAÂTo.-Aup sue vilbelamatoeIl avd e àbcanetery din th le naiom W. Worbmea .111 b. peopari e t e in eot sud baci for ISots. Mie inivate iMag by lii bout. Telepiame o. 72. or et DR.aBile Oos. eLinday staat.-O&tf âmAIn» vITE NupTUL lNu. -Tbc fellovia fmontle >New York eral vil laInait Liadivte:-"AI tiherci èhof the Bacrai Hiers, New Youk, Mr. Jame suci Lindsay, Caais. vus marrtielaNi. Ans Rugiée.ofew 1e Yok. by Ber. Tiomas- W. Wallacs, on the 20th 1maI. Mr. D. J. O-C-ao me a gronmeman sd Mii Nelle Hnhoa, aite cf lb. bride,.ai bridamald. Aft«t., iauptial mas a veddine breakfast vus gliii etbahebous etDr. M. Rugi.. 210 vaa% Forty uovnth bet rael Ti aly maasid couple loft la tiai aflaroon for a &Wv vomi' sol 3uu l lnite atakills" [Mr. Buo maaunyrMods lu avaw v IiatIe viti ne ln vlsblmg blm aiU prospeiity sud bappbusi jIXUESON.fteannuai oxcursion lu aid of thetamis for th. Home tos tie agd vil! b. ield cm Thuraday, 26th imal.. tSturgeonu Point. Keep.mile day cloar taon ail aller engagement. so ai pou cmn CzE"AX» uuz Bàiqx.-WOI bave recoivui a communication tram 'A Citizen' aidremsd tcei Musical Edibon of Tua WAItDEI, but as lhe Mueical Editer lea a present enjcyliq>vacation lu Kiondyko, ve are uns ble te ansvor the questions &'A Citizen" sais. Haoare v a fcw of tie queries.:-Wiy did the band change île name la1 Citizens' lait Tueeday nleht ? Why dld ti.y Dot mak. tic change ab the tino cif amalgamnation?1 Dace any persom a the nigîrer behind tsheune.? Wiy d'rn't- taey play smrn ci "lite original oiizens'baud" mamie? Why don'ta v have the open air concerto.& 11111e mare regular ? Wil you ploaso roquentthle band la play again "wbuthlesves bomn ta, bunuV' A Lucux ESCaPE. - Meus. Robert Willianmon oftsoya ançlfluaaealicayden teacies et Hartley, badi a nassow escape tramn belmg solouslp laj ainl a runavay aâccident Wedncsiiy alterucu. Tiiy vote drivlag lu lhe «sat wd lna top buggy, leadimg a homoe te pestse.. In paaing a sfg coming taon tise pposibe irection tihe rse -tolievfng behini mihe rig becane trightisued, rsassa UP, sock oeof et lfore ftes thIile te b buggy and tutusi the voli. vet. lu turulug over the animai extractditloig andi lamai a oci omrmeult oveir lie buggytop. Tiieccupanmthe ingvie vwre Unies tie mux op naodsy iscapsi vitihem i voi. Tic ouly ljut vas.rueva by Es. Willamson, vieh a tirovu galttlie top 0ethle visel givimg hie baci a sevese blow, foruYntal oligr quouoa ero. Tic home Ianeuinlu the rlg atler sailiig ashorb teanoesWvas captur a ugooi style hp Mr. Baldvin, a tu» arervo Ulvm a 11111e out f e t ev. Aum E.3L OIIG u>n>iu.-Al cli sol eh"i hm finit raye over the tovu on Tuq oniileg a pretty morne vas belm eB&m et th lee -dce ofMes. John MoBupumn van, visa bis *eliesd dagugta J»eewvasMd"ltu lamsiagete Mr. Axai. maintygN, mlege et avI0e1 Brcs. ame' funnlau depsamlme .Thet a«s. j W. EsomU6a, paute f et6t. Aunn ianc, pestre e oirmomp 1 lu lis prnum ofeta 1ev efthle Imma bia ofdhet ts cmwso"u"pR les iesn LWae Molepa, raget pinala ce f ther BotoitclphoSpil, c uppôtWuai n al l vile A"X. Carmilcac saliMasgrooms. mssal. Af stee et Mr. aMi lmr Molaty»e bei the six oooé train le make booaaasolo. vîit lie bostele tis la li besliulM ackinsu Mil>. Talue residaeof the tat e fo Mura, eu,,as M.anm M. Mel m idwrffelbe ii aveC bielasesa boit ulaies: ef ho Mi The, KueIey lustut FAMULY. GROCER LIN.DS5AY me STOC Km"TA.KýING SALE We mean to haie dean, fr es 1h, up-to-date Stocks undei, any oiroumétam:ceà, andthat means a quiok 'G-ood..bye" to anything that be1ongs to. this Summer season. Dresu Musline that vers 120. Rad 150. now 10el a yd. Faut Caler Printa that vers 10é, and 12ec. nov 80. a y&. Ladies' sud Oidren'a Black sud Colored Liste Gloves tiat vers lOo., nov 5Cý, Ladies' Coeida, cdi sizes, regular value 75c, simd 81.00, nav 39e. Ladies Mualin Blouse. LiaI vers $1.50 for $*1.00.- Lakdies' Percale Blouses liat vers *1.00 Ofor 75c. Ladies'. Percale Blouses. that vers 75e. and 90c. for 50c. Mon'. Strsu Hats, reguier 50c., for 25c. Men'aS mev Hate, negular $1.00, nov Suc. Me' open-front Wbitce Shirts--pure linon boem inad vrisirbands-aiihtly soicdreglarpries 81.00, nov ,590. J. SUTE[LIFFE & SUNSE MeEshuat A ien N 8Traé, AtO Uc. Canon Hi! sand famlly of Sb,. Pet.Ew JciutlomW Eckv.jrPi Tueue - itirouch tovu an Wodnes. TapI, EiaesIEGeyuAGaOOpe, dy lthle Island, BalM Laits, on a M G*shstli N 4 W llitts th5.fvsial ao Dlmr fme Qucen'a 1e8% Aube. hti Ws u wmdm ri Uovu ve ii et lly are camping T MYma9-81. . bore. .Mr. 'HI and the Major are mirgàu , ilbrotieii.la-lav. T à xvtuft . on 4 al@W* The Aimaok iege. for Young ladies, -euIR 10 MIipae Duben,Âug ttua"Itiil ist. Thom". oapens là achool eosielonsBext monti. 16 le a reeldental b1 MsLei, i sCr, tSmEcgua., .bl, Snet>u.ia amd arts coursprepar- Uie lsm Ite, 1 au e sb oau.atoepsauiue m ine art, elocution, - nef. *business, meral snusmietoioaivantagea. -~ sa le afilibmi vfth Victoria uîveraity. W... U' mà".havueom yeO& M t AgnS bls xmiite.C 8%se The majelty ofthle bcle men who tock pa' l feeTbhradaywa ove l ieflunt!Sa.turday wenhy lefa fort he meet at Kingsaton, Monday. M *_aoyd5trip on everal of the eteamitra I Çtq;Mh er they exprcssed tbotýqvmas bau nîr.an entayable lime. A largeparty*etLfuday105sud their Moinde are nov .camped on BanI sland. IM"ioLo aire. AsMi camping ground Bal! Isan i becomlug mors populan every, lie<L.~.. o bpblteni ieid au @moo"t ettguou ý PAtni oWteudsay. oau mll-(BMc adai le) Rebut Bell. Liadiai; M Sylvestor, Liai. at; Davi Wllio. Tarante. lit 'Wânlises, i ylvoter. SBaiW1. Tins -8 mals Hait Ml.-<Huh., but 2 la8) T 'B UWC"Y. Gaises Tu9 ai;Ccl 11151.Tusale; CMMh OsataxGodma Tua-' -Tuiker. «airez Ibm; REO uap. zwy. àaitd; Yl3J flam ber la@ne; Amgu NeLas, lw"sml. 10 a-lel XCM&lbp, hi KaeiiSud setBut-lut zoom*,#a, hi NoLei, Srd MMNT No. 4-Axarxhu Tv. Mil Hmimap-,Oim ea L SaC0idue euw' AS Puilm. NBHs n o rutO hl. ln", O1U,.qî 7 e Aie No&mnetuba"; N e lunch TrtiAtO u 0 S. wLbti,; M W i. le, lbn, 1IMbaec 'I To EauT.-l'aaaldeitiColsg w Immas Poli. J. 1. Watieap, Bo ý 415, Liai A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 Munu L w' GhI Kolabermalvadbcldemtut six for ive et Hilbeliam's.-70 «II-L Ws bac cv"tryl gte il 9W.-Tic pries eof lie stble six a"oluferlys"cimu. A SHabohie-704tL Tic amoual ef moaey von by lie Ceauisa ut Eilly vu about 8$%M0. Tii baptise aof Btoiftvnlle bolia larg plombo le BlaguPolin n lhiay: Tii bbslug aiuslrp cf the ps.vlmebu boom greiy boWolby 4emsa miné. Tic Postmaiter gueel iu dicidui le aulionlsiis sue= o f p4ulls fla tjbIles alampe le meut lic dam"d ton soeamla. 4j paet oue a on faims. Muai. cipal deoetarai p * .Write vlti *Iamp esclomai oeIl oq Eyaoldoi bâake, kCe.. 124 Vicola sr Toroulo.-ýl.lt. Ths annuel ploute lacn oluvili nt. Iadnev's obu&raiUp7lil, 4isbibi la Tiomp. ols pve Y=,ena. WOU iisolsite programecs ofla t eeivocal sud îatummlal nulo.Bam te vu c-no ont Tes vuas sarrIsc3fte 5 010100k., NS I i'~1! I '~ I I-I I use@,- i. 14n L t ~ h _____ ____ ____ ____Soie Agent, KOLONA. Try it, --i PURE, WHOLESOME DELioIOUSt AND EOONOMIOAL, Put Up in halM potind packages. Betaie at 40 "~d 50 ots. per lbi

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