BS Putotmla ebeub. 'Teo ast bat boen ail ulght'lu lis mneoserble sand-bur. Te water- la a. 10v. I tole te cantain boy ivonle e, but ha um& te Monsoon cal makeonee kas'tzia, And hors asenow-tuck la mas 1. nul lu trap, vben wvo ougbl 10 b uayi lova la Mliaie. Aun' te sun noe et, sud nov m, corne ou ýte bot-a& fèe earpe to-my GoaI illa bal te' "Bufve ve .passed Illyssudra jet?"r 4No, ve bat pas notlug. Wehave etuek bere. "Tbey viii .teke tlé..lady'ofethle young lady to ber fienîs 'P. Thc quadroon shrugged ber aboul- Ions. 44You sec oboat It ces, auI ail terne pusengee-vamen an' éeolden? Tou link 'te>" eau been u teve coe Tp TbeF mue' lury It yben nigbt corne. Anr Yeu mua' ual ,taik, nmees. - Yen mue'. alay Imalle jour room. I-arn tout loy vHiii nt 1ke ou le corne te talle. 1 veel tek' yaur veetles ta ýyen. Tees la cesnime .ladees nov. Weei jeu pieuse shut le 10cr, mees Y'"i Ima abut the dbar and turnel te the Icul girl upon tue nutrov lcrth. *I muet Incas jeu for pour buriui Iby ruiysei. paon glnl,11 aie sai. Bbc rau ber hboul leneath. tue P*1ev sud found the tiny nDurse sud Almee'g key.. She uuiaced the olI-fashioned soie-lealber trunk sud rulsel tue 110. The. thinga mallde vere da.lntily ai- ranged. The lray bell suai l xcle»- banîkerchiefa, coilars. tien, boxes. ete,. fainuty seenlet viti vlet. The lever part bell unlerclotb«otfinue white mnatenil ansd a fev dresesan laOck sud white. Ima bob a vhite cash- mere, prettlly but pàinly mude, tris-. maed with folle et vhlle crmpe. A Ilyl dIns ber lu Ibli" Ic siI. "I fancy il vas meant for ber Weddimg Irens. Here la a white satin staand white siik steekînga faled up wIithit- Shecne. about ber tank of- dresIng Ibis bride cf death (wbo pecieoe al nov metthIe Iead lover vhoscpicture le>" an ber breast), puUting cm ber pureo limnuundergenunentsansd tue wite1 crape sud caehipere Incas, pleilg hou1 lbalonhuansd itYlug It ltu vitri n .- bon. Bbc eut off ene thlck lrmas, say-1 lng ta hersef "Bbc ml asebal perbsps ome retu lien ta theo vend. tbouîgh m*0 m ot MMea hm 'freo ers- ber bb1e,1 tb<nk sic meante Ho.nay Oin ome day and rcmorscftuly aeek for .tekens ef bis sister, sud le lad ofthIis 11111 iliken lcck."1 Wben a11 vas douens mvell as she coul do MItlma stood looklug lovat ut, the Ical girl. But for tue sagres tsmp ofthle Yefov Dealh. the face woul bave looked.beautifully lits-lks. ti Somebov il touchel a chord o e rmory, lue irina's breast. "Rave I seensmanie eue vbo looked t Mîe ber, or oniy dreainel et soeat eute?" abe musel. Il va. Past midday before lbe bout1 got off the san-bsn. Then It wvus feunulIbat'sh. muat sta aheic ial Ji iandlng te bave snime .part of ber m-c chlnery repairel vbicb bal becs brok-C en on Jarred out of order lu tue efforts t ho zet ber off the bar. Bue vas MM1 In ut tbis iandlnir vien nlgbt came on. f Thé veather vas very vwarm. und lb. dean cf Irma'. setue-noom oponing on the cabîn buille lbepI vtshut. TheE dean glving ,on lh4. guars *»vasp&tY Venetan blinda. Thes e e tunnel seE as ta keeD tic zoom as coolas might ,be. There vas no more. les on board, but Irma aprinkiel fresi voler a&X about, sud abs emp IlaI Mrwree'liii!. i cul-glass bottle of violet essenceUPua thebody01. YT Idsca vont on wl&h fearful raisldty. -VWa he l. àanm d ho measune tue 101v fon the coffisha R alI:- e *'This cun't pesllly le kboutSte the ground- Ivo hours longer. it tg ûlilng lbe boul viti det. Irma bel gven -the 1Utilepures te a cierb and tl ilm lanreaiy te. 1bis quetIons, that tic Iead girhbelmore- lations exceptiongbS., sud, bal boom golngte oteaci lna na gnimau'e Ili. ah. uav 17 tue rsleve1 look on bis face that ho fel tberte vusmoU cerernuy needed lnU Ibis ae About midnigirt noc AImesinlu o rude coflin -vas taken euh lv th.e t o hbat openel on tue guards.vith it-II Une mnIeas possible, carriel on aberS and bunlel la lie'*usaI uaderneuasi viliov Ires. Irmt. vos ot aohlov et go on co. 8h heam"el ov0"rlb. guards sud vslehedIisMa& bWuie buriail ytire ligbl of thre vsaing mess en lire lonely sba eoft1h. river. Il vwaà messovSr r fIemm r« res te tire bout toptbe adi'P . nm driabae t stremg lquor e oage Iheir ohei~. o . Irms, nttenl àw M d a owu o the upper berthh mI MipI &~ i t. 8h. bal sOidte thce errk. "Put me .U ut Iilysaulrm." Bbc beil sudlame m".i - *w U»tb . heMouUomS was due UNM14 ut heriver la ago1ev, a«d Ibe te,. lab0 ot-9e t 1? But Fou WM -*M l ke jS& coolISM pool sMW&. y leat, you are met SUil like yow *oloer. itou bave FOU? fathenber's maii brw: PUSand& h uieutb too. Tour mot PUB11050 and petite. w1tb souk a jsa.sbsicolon wo talle er PlIalie ut, ehosi (»4 bey Dale peu ane lookina -I TUSM a t be tired to bath traveillM Uthu raiseable littiaboat : croi ed. *00, dam Muy. W. viii taesou home ut once and let Fou hbave a good reut 1 willl oider the boy to take po11r trUnk te tbe carrlage,-and vo vin drive rlgbt home. Madlle la eray te mesber nov out sire littel. She bal taikel vltb- out sloppiag or glvlng Ina a chauce 'to explu that ah. vas not the expeet- ed Aimes-the schoolmate'5 luugbter, eady to e »veconMl vtb open' arma at cool Live Oukm. oh!t if be olY vwere Aimme I Why couil s tmo e Whet vas le provent ber boing Aimes? Who would knov ? Who voul un- deceive tlhese people 1 And wbere vould ho theharm?, Bbc could IDIthe post that AMmee vus to have bal. Abe kmev music sud Trench. Bbc knew very lîttlse oisuytbiug dee; but as vas vel inIstructed lu thes.Her Ume- ther bal been educatel lYVTrench nuns, and spoke French wltb the cas ef a native- They bal couvenasd ln 1* together ever aine Irma coulrmfi ber. And muele. ber motber's passion, he coustoilo-ahe bail tught 1*t t ima aljuost fromt ber crsille. 4*Yes I eau take Mmee's place," wa5 the tbought thut vent swiftly througb thre girrea minI. "lThey vauld not give It to me If they knew that 1 vas a strauger, vitb no recommeudatlon, no friends. Tbey woul Inquire luto rny lIfe;-,they voul turn fronm me If tiier knev. And it wsnot niy tut-oh, 1* vas not my fault. Rfow kind aud pleéasant Mrs. -Tontenoy WvalI oy goal It must. ho te. lve wIth people wbo are kInI sud. refined. Oh ! muet I tel bert?" Before she biait decilel Mrs, Fonte- noy baI retunrIel. 1 Nov,, my leur Aimee. vo viii go," she salI: "vyour- truxik sud valise are ln the carnageý. There are your veil and gloves, ldeur, lon't leave them. Â flIce mupper and Bome. gool tes, sud a saunulaleep lu. a conifortabie bel viii put sorne roses lu these cheekio." ýShe tuckel Irnmt's baud under ber crm. and 1.1 ber down to the carrnage that. vas ln oealtlug. As lu a.dream.- Irna vas vhlrlsl tbrouÈh -the. streets -out paset the heurt of the lova te the auburban villas that lay aroéund it-Pretty. eruste cot- tages set lu banîsome -grounde--untll, .preseutly MMF ontenoy pointel from the vlndov sud mail «Tonder -le Live Oaka." Irma sav a stateiy elI. bouse ef moi- 1ev brick wltbý gray atone facingu. Ttaree fr our magnlfloent ive oasa stool gUard about Ité sud a vide drive led up to the gate. *Ligita flashe from th. Windows, sud thore a a> a sund of. gay, volcesand munie. HRave 7ou a party ?"lIrma asked. *No, ft lu ouly our home crovî, 1I tul. Mr stop-sou, Doctor John Ponte- roy, la here. Be livea neaner tovu in hie Pretty bachelon bome. Ris be- trothed, Um Fan nieGray, came yen- tcrdaY. She bas been ut Saratoga this sMmci. *Bbc lua àcousin of Colonel Ponlenoy, sud Quite au heîrens, by tho tay. 1%'ht la ahe slnging, sud John 13 standing ut tue -plana by ber. You can sec them lhrougb the windov. a yOu ue Bertrand, my son, a lîttie f.urther- bsck ? Be lo lalking ta Bello, MY atev-daugbter, vbo la called the finest iooking voWnislu the stato. John le the lîest fellov living, but. ho a't as handsorne as Bert. Ah! bers Cornes your pupil, MaddIe-]Iadcap, ber father callu b aie Bb bheard the A frsmh-fucel girl lu a white frock, wtb =mllg. brlgbt eyemsuad short hair ûylng, 1çame running lown the steve te Meet themi « MaIleboney, the le MIss Almee.", tLst e lok utbertheb.girl salI, Irawing Ima luto l teatom otflgbt and ooking at- ber vitk vide-opon1 eO.I *"I -tbink-yes, I tblnk I1sahl lb.e ber. I don't tbluk I-sah ho etempt.1 Idte Pl"a" S'tricke on ber.-" " op ot Muadeap,b«r mun 1 said, deprçeatingly. etAtiwsedemi, mi i air' bas asood heurt, but the very' IMP of misebJtfpossesuceber Bore- t1u'm. Tou'I bave te forbSai-" "Nov Owmher, don't ho puttlng UPt 1117 warning alguboards aan E, Thbe truth u M l mce, ginsbme. b" a toebcer 1 coWad cars a rotteu hickory nut for. -T our predecessor,t Mi"s MldgeoNu,*0 oldoke ir vas uvfut. 'Cas. hy, 1I cuuld't help sbowlng ber! e1 MWthrougb u Y h *eue al fôtY adshe vers dressest d aud short aleevas (wth b-er 1sklmi t- tib aru), asudae glgg d dtoi* tbm, aud bss»asmylroh, Bert w.vla't; mOucumb te het carn s d Dr. CIUTER Uhl. outeoy m& i mihli 8k. cIosed 4oidmw Irma W85 1Of* aimue, flu ,UU M chair ln the uuIut of the. rty ioom Wit tb s .puIs4ttnte iMNa, treVII W»t mountaU ptake, Wutod.bF the canail and toilet-Ustý For a mInaUeOUheMt there, ber fuO bunied ln ber- banda. S'ho vas IBSOI at thée»44» -uhmp l a ber t*ft ber ldeuttY. MMw lIes. upo' mor.U matters veré Mm e.Ohe 14Dot reaile the wro dOct«r she had enterel UP"M SE«emother-Mmrestiat brought u wlt h ave doue- But ber Instinct of hor mie oit'glve ber a twings of pain, vhils- the. love of eX- citeànenthInhereut là ber vwas atrred bY the novel sensation of being other than .herseif. She ifted ber bead. "4No longer Irma Weir, henceforth 1 amn Aimes Brazeale," ah. said. The dresaing-case mirror vas before her. She aaw ber face, her flushed cbeeks, ber sblning eyes. lIair aud eyes were dark like Airute Brazeale's, but the expression vas wholiy dIffer- ent.' There was more strength for good or evII-more of the latent fire of passion ln thls face. Suddenly a face appeared behind ber ln the mirror. She started, and turned siowly round, witb white lps and dl- lated eyesi It vas only the maid, who had brought ber tes. IlDI I I care youV'" e.said. Il I knocked snd you dldn't anhver, and 1 came in."1 The tes. vas bot and nice : the criai) biscuit, the plum preserJes and sliced tongue, miade a perfect little refresh-j ment. Irma ate with. relish. On the tray lay a bouquet of violets. IlMadlle sent theni," said the littlei mald, * sud she says may she cornei up presentiY and see you VI IlTell ber yes," Irma said. She had no wish to be alone with ber thoughts that night She had Just sent away the tray when Maddie came. Sbc bad a spray of fiesbly eut tea-oses. «*For you to wear to-nlght," ahei sal; Ilyou are to appear lu-the draw-i Ing-room. by command of ber highnes,1 Isabel Fontenoy. ruier supreme at Live1 Oaks. They are.needlng you ln therei badlY nIght nov."1 «I do not thInk they are," Irma an-1 swered. " It did flot look s.though1 there vas any need of a black shadov like me ln that Pretty lighted room as I passel."1 *But- It la duil there as a church.1 Cousin Fannie la in the dumpu be-a cause there le nobody to flirt wlth ; John, poor fellov, Is trying to amuse, hËr, but she la engaged to John, youj know, snd there la no fun lu being j sayeet for hlm. Belle lasumiling on ber1 rich beau, Judge Boward, and mak- 1 lng poor Mr. Warren-our teacher, wbot %worships her-supremely filserable. M. 1 Warren la enough sight more of a man than the o11 Judge. He wears a scratch, and once, wben I.tnod on hlm corne, ho puncbed my bead, snd said omnethlng flot ln the pnayerbook. Then be gaveI met a doil to amooth matters over. A e dol! when I neyer did cane for the 1 sawdust tbings ln my doil-days. Be'a a nilce sort of man, 1 neckon, but he's & as pompons as a tunkey-cobbler. Tou, t Ought to seecl Buddle1 take hlm off.- " Your brother Johbn "Gooducas, no. John Wouln't make ln tun of! a mule. He neyer hurt any- b body's feelings In his 11fe. It.was Bert Io 1 mneant. He la full of mischief, but Il the girls ail 11ke hlm, though;, and the ChIldreu and niggens and aid muids and r widows like John.', "And Miss Fannie Gray likes hlm1" ti "Sbc ought to. Do yau know whut o he did for ber? She loa adrich heîressà now, but a few ago she vas poor h and iniserable and alckly--neariy dead i wlth malaria. Ber mother vas my 0: father' s second cousin. She wrote to hlm aften ber husband diel, and said they vere starvlng; .that she vas bel- el rldden, and the tIttle girl a hopelesa lu- JI vulid. MY futher vas about to seul Il ber sanie noney, wben John real the Il letter, sud muid be would go and at- v tend to It hiniseIf. Be vent and found therntln a low, half-overflowed part a of New Orleans. Ho attended tbe moth- d, er until ahe lied, and then b. brought e Pannle uway wlth hlm. Such a puny, tc scrawny, littie cross-eyed mite as abs waB, theY uuy. She *as tvelve years old, and ube dldn't look nine. Be took el her to bis home-be bas a loveiy old Gothic cottage on the edge of the tovn, ti and doctorel ber thene, and eut ber a eyes till they ain't a bit crose, they are the prettimt thlng about ber. Be gave ber a pouY and maide ber ride a every day. He taugbt ber blmmeif, un- tiI sh. knew euough ta be sent off to school. Then be ber father'a lister about be-& rich, queer cl mal, g Hle took Fanale *0 aee ber one vaca- tion. The old lady vas pleased, and she bas adopted Fanny, and made ber le willland given ber ever so mucb money. &M But wbile'she va* poor, John lovel, àl q "Ia "ThU is bl- avwttli Mail tbe bu. cati Uth e viii M o ut». feir Y= to wear -to'SJgbt Thfers lauck lvo- vyb sat ut b. tbrobt and rltRtgand t 100" PatIy ùbguk. U&we oI -m mu InUg we W bor that se sewffl bo »Wl 4D zlath am 1viep ta lu lb. g -tfllook Mt ber ou. B ~5St b5*0, at Si looket a»d vIsa he noldel wart aLgroup tosaberSlne uid tomae lwu fiower 1 Mr te-day. sud mala tai' we . v o teten Our îîiul-rt oret y. Can jeu he1P n selah me »M a.i:"Par. bape; I kaOW MO n-et il I lev- ersl" aId boo the Of purple iovons ond. cu ter0f Pink belle, vblch aft a ud, kliug vitb rings, bsid eut te bar. ««This la Miss 0,07, ceusln," Dr. ýJohnsaI The omnet -et lb. 1111 bad uolded, sud smaled a,11h supe ouy 44Be." theugt I a,"Iis la the heiree, tie ex-sait, tuseflanceu of this big, inel3t man? Bey atronge 199 Oho diI mot hnovtiaIItle juat Secb daialy, bclplceu creat vho £fusela- mes mmoufetJohn snee trong grave type. Presty as reftch doit vas Tonale Grmy A 1 egell-nt- leled boul, lying back ng tiec cli- son velvet dimps ofo big chair, into vblch abe ba thrc*wn ber petite, blue-clad. figure; a aiglgti ltel noue, ripe rodI lpstbh* ceul emlle snd pout nt ulbtas minute ; timp ears, sprkilng vitidJarnouldrops, sund pretty anms, roundl sud bracelet- bounî-this vas John entenoy's fu- ture vit. Ber luiuly prettluen sund bright jewels pleased Irma, vbq bad a passion for-leauty; but ber ey4s tunnel ta a more sumptuous plewrsM; a regol vo-, mn witb a corn»iexionl ef unov sud roses, vbose fIgsu o uzy uohllng nmsrneCîcul-lke onl. ouohly the amilel ln s hui-cue ding ay, sud niurmured a rompe ho the pern- pou@-lookinif man- vbo vas cxertlng bîIs» oîf Inteneat ber."« ."tuaugbt Ima, 4"muet hle4'ber igbuese,' as MlaIlle celle ber, Mse Fontenoy. of whom ber step-me Bauys::4'Bbc la called tué hadamestvornaun uthe Ber Hlghnesa camee the roam at a aIgu froni Mr& Foun ov, sud vas preseuted. telIrme. Bbcge the nov roveruese a 11*1e 0coo teucofethu iranl, saIda tev w wo ords as as looket leva .at hn, glidd back te ber seat by Jle ovard. Bbc hu" OveravellIrma.. glnl'aloue- ly, ludopealent lIMe blgh Ideols skeoued from bocok@ gvUS er a1 Wtide ot her ove. AU latent lOch Me irma tura, ber head andI-muot A eofkeen bIne eyes liaI vers utul g ber profile. Bort Tontenoy vas ding behind thopiano, turulung.M cfer àa ahovy Srr, wîth .a bouquet * tnIpedlica sou the boaom t fber Dialieus "Itîsa FloreUcé#el ," aiî MaI- lie, lu a loul 'whig r. @"Bbc ives ncar us, snd cornes o r viti ber lI*11e brolher, sud Bort ber bomne. she a Bert's latent mont -uerloua llirtee."1 Be heard her, and~ frevuol, lut the neit Instant ho emiled, vitu a gleum of. white teeth under bb risovn mous- tache. Be Ieft tue piano ond camne over ta 4.tb-corner vboetifmast vlth Madlie sud lMra. Fontenoy; 1Dr. John havlug Icen nammouel te tus aile cf Mise Gray ly an Imperative beekon of ber 1*. lban4hm. '«Malcap, PeU are toc bal," Bent caid, lesulng on tue lsck et bisgaiter'. bhain, sud puling ber plaite untl aec jumpel. '«Yeu *have beau givlng me s dresîful chamacer, i fesi sure. Atter 1t, I feel amed le 0mb MisBru- ceale's aequotutance."0 Inma looked Up ut the laugblng eyes,E and brigitened, mure tisa the h"al Loue any tirse this eventng. Be va o0 JoYu-ioolug! Sho felt Irawwu to bin, as a Plant wblch bas grovn la oser las dtawu 1 a gleani of sun.t As for hlm. »b alut said te Flot- ene Beliuzny: "I neyer s«w Bo atrange a. face au thut ginl's ! Ç h , proud: eyem hlce0 aYoung leer4J" "Wbutsalt'ec.lime you vili bavet Rirllug vltu ber 11" Flareuce muid, wlti iluugbingaeer. But Bert Fontenai' lookel grave. «*1 $aol net flirt vltb ber at@aIl," hoe nid. "Bbch la net a. voman ta invite lm irlution. Ment vornaexpeet jeu tla musetueran, sud tbey ssrte finI no t mmuasmeRt »P OF as ubing male,~ »» tO. 1 ,Mlrariid what teyttMe i Ilt 'vac OsU& 13 was segoet-booblng i vOMes Obvais bm attentions.Re Wtj as h mu t,' bal nover. dia"1-- adteant ~- b.ffluns L5Ufl1fl w Man-Wu ~"a the Youn <iROAPWER M, w - i THAT TH1E SIGNATURE -0- WRZAPPiR tir EMLY BOIvTLE 0F bt lioughte 1vers fot upo. Wh"t hos hu. Thé Plar of tbe vhite kUFS -hte paie M othor vho bail tmught bo« *0 PUYi, ber bayou, lite, hmotCY ber MMreous notber MStt, t AIMes-uj came u iasboeraoe meebanleaw =vrugtouI thoe iI 'b«. eh* lb. imiset the "lem br a B»e clmaz oc harmeay. lMW rose, whits e lb.nevers on boerout ont l- ent -ber boul--a 'alight haugt sud ubritptly lo t the roocur. Bort lookel aftr ber hovlllerel, « Save 4Ihabas sy of un offeuded ber?" be sali. "The nov. munlc-rns'am pute on airs,"MisGray sald wvlîb a toms et bui tnof Pink curlev feathera. *88ie leariervous, corlng amont :2uneu porgirl Ws ougbt ualt t baveeeke berte pluy lo-nlght," sali John Fontenoy. *&Playing la ber bus- lins, 1I-admit; but It la ual ber busi- niess leplay ut every 111. dennl B bc holds herscîf rather prouly for a governefs," mail Florence Bellarny. . .Mmec Brazeale bas a nlght te le preul," retorted Mm .Fontenoy vilb Mmeaspenity. IlBbc e aas gool as au>' of us. The beut lol of the South la lu ber veina, -aud ube bas been veil brought up."' . " Ber mauners ane quite unformel, muId Belle, thneading ber needie vltb' blue.zcephyr. "4Y-e-a," Mrs. Fontenoy admlttel. 04 Bbc la -not lîke ber mother. Paon AInice Roublen vas the geutiest sud mont lady-llke girl Il ever knev.", «IBut diI abo not take a crazy spcnl once lu ber lite,, sud do a very yUld thlng ? It bave hourd-" Mrs. Fonte-1 noy gave the look of sharp rebuke.ý " It vas s tcrnporary brain. trouble, lue ta o --e,"' Bbc muid. "Ihope nobody yul allude te it le- fo r hagr, aIdDr. John. "Noforsbemlgbt take 1* Into ber heal *0 Irnllate the maternai example. Bbe bas s strauge look lu ber eyes suyhov, sud I shouidu't vonler- Bbc broke off ber sentence ausuhe met John's deprecatiug look. She answer- el 1* wlth ber defisut, laughing, spoil- el-lîke glance. "8Sh. bas s strange look lu ber eyea,"l sid Bert, I"but II; le a beautiful look- eM, startiel, proud. Arpd ber sang, vbat a aweet, yld lblng 1* vas 1-And tiha utlug votes P" BElooked dovu aud musel, obiviaus et Tlorence's efforts ta attract hlm. SThut ulgbt be uaw Irma'. cyes again ud &,gain lu bis dreuma. And as,. vbcn she left the parier, ran up te ber room nd-nIleaned agaînut lhe untel-plece ualblng, but vîthoul ,tame MaIlle tounî ber there. 81I have lroughl yau your banîker- oblaef-sud lovera, Mu'm'seile Aimnee," sbf . uId. Then, as the girl lîtted- a white sud face, the chlld lmpulslvell anatched ber bauds sud covened them witb blases. 94Oh, forgive me for maklng you go lova; you vore no tirel." "«No, net lirel, Maddle, only I telt strango and lonesomne. I1uni not filtel for tue parier, I tbink. Tou and I1vil! make soclety for each ather. I vas brought up lu the voods, Maddle-fiue compauy la strange ta me."' CHAPTERV. But Ina'ls nature vas tao buoant te utsy long under a cloud. The lite at Live Oaka attractel ber. Its good hunior, ils vanlcty, its eaay-going. cern- fort, vers delightful *0 a girl of vidI fancy, neared among gloomy, monotoil- ous surroundlnga. Bbc could net re- siul the cbarm of kinînesesuad pies- sont ccrnpsulonablp. They drev ber, iu lhe circle.oethe Fontenoy bouse- hall. ,The eveuings lthe lietting-roorn le- came more full et enjoyrnen. Sho did sot play oflen. She preforrel te listen te Bert real sornetbing nev and brtghto or te heur them aul talb-eomeirne to talk hermei. Ber quaiat f reuh Ideai alvays ielighteil Bert Bbc vas ieurnig te Play chesu vlth iDr. John. HM flanoset ectarel, vitu a abrug et ber shouiders, tuaI cheu nela bort tbnk, sud tblnklng gave ber the headache. .John otten, droppedln for an'bour la the e-veing-4oIlern longer. Be vas &bard vorksr and devotel te bis pro- tsea. Much oe t vs ebarity. Belle, wbo lelongel te hait a dozeon lenevo- eut. soclettes, eftsa vent vltb hlm o» use thesee poorer patients, and car- risd wou"eand jellles ef ber ow n ak- ng. .mvas a moIsi hoeekeeper Md -beilevelta fuUlng m&U ber bulles - ber-bone,__ --l__As-* a -ARysu raOuts et aMi s labuUlL Donel show unyone 10 oeil m uyth laie on tIhe-piet or promise tIratit1 c ¶Juutà sgoosi "Vm al wiuwun svery ptz- Imms r UWOP WEAEU. OUR &STOCK 0F MILLI'NERY 19 LARGER THAN EVER PLOWER AND) NEW GOODS amving aimt evey day, sud sold almoagt balow mot. (Jome and bfimg y.our Dreu sud-Mantle making with yn'as' we do D-reaanti hante making ini the lateet 8*7105. If you have not been here why OVer A. eampbells St~ore, Kent m~ret, Linday tiC TORILPL&NINU- ILL I have just oompleted a and amn nov prepared t> fur" lieerytingfor: house finishing ini my line as ohesas *le ompost. Evorthiuýg guaranteed right or no pay. (JUi sd inspet vork and get pneu. Tolephouo us& --ao0o-t, IQU REALL ibM atu of -the phmmo who ou being auked if hoe W'~~~~~~~ aUiYUIS, 1gU m, judge, but I would Moto b. kWsd mli s MM& "Now, I vaut to b. kisd by- v he f !à is ount>'for good, pure, A.IUGINBOTHAM1s Dnuggist, Lindsay, -, G0TO AIMIMNUENTLto The: progse mmml1 s N; omaes ' Je J 'i r'F s Lt j. 'j s t 'i Il j i 4' ~acSru