mal ilmr ; iIIt Tils sun binet pet.lbut 'alisad ci bayeu. A abonni v a«a .1 Vase lot bic oars reut on Uthie sdI 0 the little skiff lie was gulling levi abroa, mailookel apprebenieloy "io g b trees at the lui-el sun-.I ssr bch tha 'lii- otlivid lcud vas1 milco'ut toelabut dcvi upon.> A ftash of Iletaln wrete lis zigzagthresta 3oss tie chaud, aid a low Ibunier srowl caine aller, "Ani I bave nel even a vater-preof ooab:." Voue muuterel. Ho bai nover tbought ot bai vos- ther vica he hcft tie -camp o e MUa- resi surveyoMerst' alles back. -Se bat »>rvied hîmecît againt mfuIUiOS aMi Pailler cals, but nsel galust sborma. N10W ew, l.hait regeste&bhW PrOjcct (undetakea la a spir ilt f a- véaturé) te reacel lisriver mand lis *temi-boate by fllovîng bbec 0015 et Black Bayou, a streai navigable to amll II teravbheelersIl lna-hlgil valet, but nov shrnnkeî vilhin lis -eep ami- nov bei. Il vouai throutb a 4"iotk corse' Ihalt aie vanli ed, saeplore fon the materiain Il nulght poeaibl fOri for magazine sketches--«5 rial alluvial region-5 paradise ofet tl and rnotons vegétation, inhablei by plantersanadi hem familles. Tbc* peo- plc kept up thelr primitive ou9tons,ý and ived tie mot isolatedlilves Inia- ginahis, going nowhcere, kiavini neth- lng Ot, andi cauiîgnothag for, tUc Worii ouIchde hem cattle. pasnres and cotton-fields and their dllspiltto bouse%. bulit bh týrorn Uic «rouni, 'wth an eye le evenfiows. .Giai enougli voüld Vane bave boom to see oeeoe these back ciloorlua- leoklng. aboies aIt tus moment;, but tiers vas ne token that ho vas mess a * habitation. Woods streliceelav*y on clber aide efthIe bapou--cottoiwood, * backbery, asb, aiduycaxflOte-tt'*ou, knatted vîbil testoonu et wI i nesa. He graspod bis os ansd'pied tisai vilti enengy. Prebly oon a clearline aPpearedi hailos,.and tbcn a yei<>oai mund slrnck on, ils esrtbbc srthl vwiii cry et a pescack. Th ssai <isappearei upan oes sue, as Wvs cx pasefe snvy olt-ùèMallettObl 64 tasas ibeeps oouxi ns.shma:la tbe is uet ftilhite mes 1kwwus anýla mbofetlU eede vwbere, 11ke th. black buhk et a etranîcdi sip stood a bull, veather-beatea aiôd bouse. A bg pecan-Ire stretche ltis vide arumon oesasde, ail a single cape-myrtle-treU tosed up> a spray cf plnk blomson save thc grey moesthat hait cnvlo- ci it. Furtien bsck vas secs saIml, ricbetp-loeklne gin-bouse sud a 1w negro cabine. Vane bai climbel the asep hank to mnake theso diacevenlea ; vhIm h. stood tiers be beri a straàge cun-s loy aobbing. He istened, vilicut xsevlug. " 4If I bai aip alI'd bits bis .11 roi nase off-lis ngiy monter. Te Ith of bis marryiugber 1' Il vas a cbild's voice, aud its ac- cents ver. those et passlenate IndIg- nation. Vans, tollowlug the directian ofet b.seui l vtibis oye,-saaw a 11111e figure la a dark-bhue frocb eronohed union a colleiwood-trse. Hie vent np I& *ber, aid'toopel oves lier ms abs tmp, face devu, amoag tbe pellev- fIowered camoeie eu. ««WhalVa lic natter, litth one VI BRio clarlel up, dissilci he bais eut cf bée black epes, mnd sel at -htim. Bh iasdark, ehifis-iooklng creature.. but tibre vus ne hint ef t AfLc blool ln ber aman déllicate tealaresanmd stralgilt bain. -Wlie are Ye,and what do Feu wautVthe miake uat let. - "I 1an a geai falry, seul te bcup pou: ln your troubie-droppndi eut oft 1h5 black loui yoade'."1 i.Whs' my troublesIr "'A bonrd vretch vîih a big roi: nase lu about te marry your--secr" ataventure), a<q pou ie't tiko lý. . ..bceanI my ululer. Bsheta too S oo& ta le nuy aleler, lieughýi ebes 01 parke Wcir'm dangiten, IZs'poseeshe Îh but shes tee gea i te b iesiigbtei elîher. Ho ain't, mnch botera a, lg. ger-1 aia't ne ulgger myself. tbouelh Fen sec me dank se-but bhW vite, shi v'as thc aveetest, proltiemt vouan tlb. even ivel--and mie vas liat i r Tonu1onght ,te bhear . ber play. Ihe teachel Irma, ail Irmasvas -eb ln' me-ani nov Ibat al-.' 4' ln IrmasMrm.Welr'le ngbterr lu I course abcr ln, but ber mothmr,# <cal nov. Bbc va SUai l-th M » bal. Bbc lidn't lobk oe bit Ehe cou Parke Weir. .Uacle Boasý, thIbM thaï coms vlli '*mufreinway b1e poiler, a"pflo- Pa*e wv» UIU Wein's fatber's everseor, and 8"tsi aY vitih hlm."l "H.e wîs ail thoee cottom-8ifet aidlie caIlle I1sepoulet? Hec unt beh rici."1 "We ail spei lis veas stehas but« * ten. The niggcts mi ie bhu" a bast W"vs yur nom una Iaa t wu bord i4t. -sasSaI t»»e 'WcILait lowft again, am" tlam Duskl'-tcU me about Irmo. ,Nu d45.- îy. intcrested. Usbyhe 10» osa 01- 1 coint mar - ber' b«"» uza a 1I poor devii, OMM motcgea it &MI x to te rub-*Ct 404e01owe for b *ober mules bride Uthe 'wnid gelb T te Tb 1e, l a fut bil«S1f fuitr4. xblq n'Z ver beari about li flics. laIs *10 WsUtcelav v*bbt5 tbe mattr .s := t'i sot Ir"*$ "I Janl?" "Tes, that's vbat OUVabfl 'yi ber whcn h., tome ylstrdy. ý là. sii dovM ln Uic clty, or 'rés .eior f5 ti for forgcry, bo Mi. é ebrOuglt a bIter freinber taUier, m*s eh"~b couli save hlm. ad elbsmuet meh.n muet wary oli Van, and thon li Vaus would puy hlm eut etbi soap; ..i beIlmake snCb a go0d. riolihusa ani bai sncb a nf instouse l he icty.Ua Mau ai at . And b' i 't Uic mWg- gsge effea Black Bffeu place aid k. bSi fro el»,hen' atramp In bhis ol aes. 0 Thon Irmnaa ri, ani oldVan begged ani promsid. andi-"c «IBbc conmcted--WomS-Ifko." t Wbat eime 9auli sho do ?'TwuS k toesave ber tather. And thon, as"I1 told youi se.ain't- nover snoa a dcccii mai ln ber lite. rye îived ln Campti, t] on the river, or-ami mccnIi ore n ] ebe ban.s8h.a lt ney.« beea five mileé-I frein this loneome e14bol&, andi alicu neyer secs meublai. but yaller, roi-c noei, h- acca-sittin' ceigo«, straddeIls et ltttl ea"tetfmustangs, a-buitl*Il' catme. Bbc'.,hait crasyte git WL av 1 frein hors.m"nesber Umether dici-. but. mue iluat kOW Iboyte. or 96U1 that, Sheouideulat ever grTec te marrrI 011 Van tUl ho cegne las,'- lgbt vitb I that nova &bout ber pal Ho hrougbt1 a lot 0f voulu' fncrytoe; but elle veuiii>t look ea t i. Bbc vas a-irossit i that "ame Uttle hl"ek sllk ber molli-ç or imade-idrosagn'andi bsokin'l ýpale as5 I isêll, ad soestrsageout cf ber eyes, it jos' upsetnme, ai& I rua iovn bers."9 #4AÈi she le marrici nov?" - QeGýd knows. The , ol priest vaS1 gela' te _put on h is robe vben 1 cerne9 «Let'a sliUp hup tethe- bouse and fini eut what là. gohng on. .Ne jumpci up la bis Impulsive vay.r and' puIed* ber after.him. Holding berr tiand,, ho wMlei vlth ber rapiily te thet bouse tbrougli th e thlckenung tvilght.e The eloule bai upreai ail ever the1 sky. and the Iightn-ing fiasbed atIinter-t vals, but ne nain fell asFot 1 Vaie opened, tbe gale, enterei thet I weody yard, aid. ascened the steepc rlckoty stelm that led UV Imb Uicegal-E lery-as ail veraxidas anreàlici ln this rogion., The windolwe bpening uPonI il were ciosci, but ancetftheai bai af brekea .bli. Van. sottlY stoPPei UPt ta this vunidow andi lookedinl. The roorn vas llgbtci hy candles. The prieet'stoi there la bis robes, and betere him steai the inceagruus pair lie bai lunit ronouacci mainaid A ite-a'suporbly aÏhapsi girl, viUi a Ipale, trange bhIgb-brei fac-*id ࣠5us rayff-no§thick-neckei mans02 " I's ol Selon Vanborn-tlic ich 1 cotton-dealer on Lcevee stroct," mutter-1 ed Vane. 11What business on earth basegotvt a girl like tat? HoW 1 lue gleats on ber wlth hls plg eye-thc li locher Il There ver.e nly tve other people preset--a comrn-hookng ama. and a woman, vbo sbook ber bony finger aI Dusky vbo h ells piei ber at Uic via-i «Tbey. are marrici," Dnsky vbisper-1 ci taialy. -"lOh, Lord I1be's gela' te bisa ber. There 1 Thank Uic sainte M1 1 Thelatter eWaulation baid becs eli- elîci by Ui-theaction of -the bride. Aà the cearme routh ot Uic groom ap- Proachol her ava, and bis arme tbnci- ed ber, ah. pn*bei hlmoff viti ail ber etrengtb. Pale, li fngor-liqtei -eyem6 silo stooi loeking et hlm vitb the, lmi- peosneeofetan outragei oàuen.L Hlm faqe fluaeici ark roi vth anger. «,lMIlcli your father, aid ec If hie autbority eat iake yeu bave sease Ienugb te treat 'your, bumbani vlth a ahow et klndu" oSe ec bore, Welr, this girl bes .on ber bigi herse," "Bbce doca, do".ahue, ? Wcll, mie mut gît deeinovw. Sb'll haVe te. Bies *boisai te yen, *ard aidfast, nov." The girl storted aid staredlnl amase- a taflhar-featurci amacarne out et ainhiaer-roomt& and plntoi hmauelt befere hbrn IlFatber-1-Uiought-"' «IYenuthouglil I vas jugged, dii yen, bonoy ? Well, ýthat vas a 11111e trick Vau and me fixel up te brng you te terms. I ceaie home witb hlm hast nigit, but Ive koëp I hi lliiino-Uic kaet's 11.4. Yen arc aU i hgt nov. Mt tor the boet. Xi%, Vahorn'm a fine mni. He'lteksyente the City te bis bui oct-e*,%ili, irln, 1M ai"have va»'* luncoh-mmiS*oasera, clema, spplcs. and s bottEs of vins. 1 bave rua &~ wt U It po tmiioW'5 proviuimas as Win mhWu Msb0 S w 'E u v-gO « 14 thi b«rsée? ' I*M the ,.et lme-alt aa ou, rprS s bon«der Doit is edE ode oteMet ,joarè Uiborulm' *viie Ligts e hé rnovlng Id etté h*W 0490- *il la th skiff 41 ab&t h et min. tcoedhoeburiilng bdndh 8qughorsltbt he ISIU5 fre1nbe*r ce !e s-umet ri ostl tatong bavemrd nd ae ihtceuhtoa métbickvo a rodd U tto edg i tî=see anon otr Psue. 8h. Thud ear t beet1 Üi»@g er s »t Worie tviimasi that pede"?l anie eih the nito-ete Bore tbsho ogt ngtVaa ovengr sue severthes1 veass d ho, mi farmbeeteS»Ihe Thé ard the he Ma crewhnglo., idlgte Minhe barkletdoe.She llstned and- be the lgof purming roberefacet.1 The barno vas se vdins they ong-d Tcbrof b ad hemnd andertars be lIf ms tbe gide bertoat ugsrne hdi ootdlcibr, as iutos etie- 01 the e p abad.terad. h cohe hear the vli nssOtfte Ow 5,h tries fwl gug niomte ale t, te land feed i the plghtet th alligaor. h.t heagrig tema on ere»vendi a deam. the aivaye ubei vasor eahnig the cy arn kifdoe.eel iways shep Tebuwas noeelning the bt put t ld hu er f adad vrak e HIr she ked « hlm? Wlidse pay etat itva et 50.Bbc b.dontket allnt; er ibhMi. Itas I a tensle Impue.rdthey bidecoiedf herWoods, pead he-outraoeeberuvemands lnS drtinctst ama aielber faher W leber ahe ?Sebibentu ted c lhlm e kby hires?îf, lt Y Ber moaeth She ad otnye bad her meathr speakene word atfrenusi e imle. Tey bad ieved eeher asmai aid wif e. Hmanad ben fonde.lier la ae sefash nrrow wea Heep tber te al hînsnof. Sh a ne o, entbe- wbter, ad e objcct in ber drer meotoflos e oezcept te eodcaste e hii. For Irad ivethe eas 4mane and way eniHernoos.It vasondiyfthe Inase et dut, nrulc aey ereth-e were, ha incibe teInsac ricery fo ltosavtee hl em eggcabr hrei ny rlenent, s Bbc OYtheult [t was this and the constant, weariii< lmportunlty ef the two men, aid ber ewn utter ignorance ot love, of mar- niage, and et the difference betweffi men. Tben she vavld to escape treai ber lite In that dreary bayou landin that oid rat-haunted, deatb-ma.ddcned black hiuua amome tb» wood.*a&Ath. lnom-hung trocs. Lite tbere bai beo- tome- intelerable ince ber mother diei. ALnytblng was better than te drag eut ber days there-anythiflg eicept te have that red, cearme mai put bis arme &ro>und ber and kisa ber. If marriage «tattathen marriage vas net ta be cndured. If ltt meant oniy that se shouid keep bis bouse and look atter hie servants,or ovea de drudge work for hirn, wby, she ceuld do this-witheut tileasure Indeed, but wltbeut pain. And to this girl, brought up ln solitude by a* sad-eyed metb. or, liteid -net imean ,bapplness--oily resignation. Aad yet Irma b.d naturally a buoy- &nt nature. She bad the peet'. seul- qick te respond te the toucli et beau- ty or kindacas. SIlo as gitted, tbough alle di net knev ItL Only one bai known lt-bher mether. And elle bai slgbed that lt vas se. 4AU the barder viii ho ber vemanÉs lot," she b.d maid te berseif wben she firat came acrons Irma'. littIe book. scrlbbled ful etfstrange, rbymed tlieugbts and f ; 8mentary faicies. "It would bhave been botter If I bai neyer taugbt ber te read-never unpacked that trunk oet eh books." But these ehd books bai been IrmWa' *est ceaifortere-ber @nly flouns. Thoir volces came te ber now as she glided down the rnurky bayou wlth the day dawnlng la the flushed east, the cen- steflatiens broaking Up aid Uic moon pallng te a dun, white gbest. Tbe aeraing came cool, and fremh. it 1aMs » to br o kaithon, ote bore, Irlmaboast - tretchas et s ore t et- .tmrimt e Mdifaa-bouses ami their . People on them bax icoeaat tl l cran E W» iits feu at, bu t nobodyt bafllah«bandmab*ie te noose. Presesttly 1_h. .began le ho asarr oge~ther. Irais board tho linh ami wist maoblnney-aai bers vas» la .ry, villicet- . tagles cbntei abo t. Rt provel te: b. the ontsbtfrt mirv. ee e tbe stores theal lb river; peu- der in. sam oh -steeple., point- &avet theobChsand etthe wide-pbauueip&inîsi hetl.L But ll h.baib todiInstinct 1or- quckvi sd sl- On. BouMes, the bai b ho bb=tcompaulen et a cWultvswhm , o, bal once vofli -am aiin about Ibis ta Iis,-But liM lâMte mo ebe- trmy Muebor brepiation. Bbc determel le iami fini out vilsa Ue-uexl lovaaibouai stoam- boat vas lue aI plce "The 4 WMMOsoo le hrsnov, the mainsai& te ai absput Uihe question, 4I evra inute te, seo ber asuk r le bond. Are "Te&." "Arewt 1pou ar f the yellev fcv- er? IV@a above he ail ita laNew Orleans tee., Onur are as acarei sas death oethIe boa aid Ihere'a taik ot maiblg thek a pladiig ail strevlng bthever. 4e of lem stoppe1 Jusl belov bers n %ehfors lest,-ami burici a yelov co p nla a sai baak. 1 deubt If thc gre; Dvas tbre ete deep. The lav e te pub a stop ta sncb as tilat . I Idon'lt felof het icfever. I bave business 1h51 blges me -ta go te New Orleas 1 tunther perbaps. 1 neol aianey, t100J Wiat viii yen cive e rMm a lf It lasot po more une te me nov. Il a gaci ene, as Tht man hokelthe bhast vtia citical eye, se» into t aid ox- aminci tic boettons.meatih lt eraft," be sl."don'l vail ber myseîf, but Ikow ama thatil ibeuy buy ber if iyenD mafk tain pice."1 Ilvisli yen 1.lethlm knaw," Irmassai, "vs 'b Itquarrel about Individuel ybo moescurieus t kanov about te examine Uic boat. Nfe suke d hait a ue- tiens sud tookel hy. 5iint sus- piclonsly, labo tain face union thc 51555 Panama Bbc parnlei or musee s Iq oes ith ber la- bers tact, anl tly succecici la aelhlg hlm rUic for fiteon dollars. Wlth pat ronep, sic bought, Kt theaearst Pl a lack ribboiifor the bat, a bro veil , a linea uluter and nmre nl eUswith a littie leather valise ut tilemUt i lweaime thel sma baiMet.aid' atounaltic ices> bnd aic heriver couli hoe accu the amnc aorthIe 5pproacig steamer. 8h. nideliedenfle. lr-I nsholding ber valIs.e toloS UiCthe hak alting. Suc vas ony a thIrd- elamhoiat-bbc W*&ter vas 1ev, ai buaÏ . tcousU not ply Uic river. but abewasUiC largeat beat Im bal ever mena. Ber heSJt best fast vhsu Ue ic lrk limalciber' on board. Avinlt8er h. came te ber lu Uic Cabla. I aim sorry vo bave net a state room te e ffer yen," he sai. "TheY are ail occunied, by 'familles, too. Tiere là eue lneci vhlch bas a lady oily lni t. but sbc la slck." "If ube Is willng, I wlll siare tic rocai vit# ber," Irmassai. The cliek hesitatel. "Bbc lhRs the te ver; she bas been tabou lIn:aIP th a ince ube came on boa" e saIt le"gtb. .Tie n 0 ea perbaps be et service te. ber.". "But-k may b. ycllov tever, miss," théclerk mail la a 10w boate. vith a furtive look abont hlm. "#Mini, I ioù't mav t I&I" Irmas as eaent. Bshebai neyer accu rosI yelho ver, but ber mother, bai lied ot swamnp fever-itucounterpart. ciii ahe bai aurmel Dusky threugb ai attscof et. "I1vil sharo thc nacu if lhe ISdy la vIllIai "0h.ua14 The cierk aodeilvitbont apsaking. Pirefflbhy h. sa. "Plussedon't ms<ibk e blady'. bav- éng the lever tea Mypofthbe passen- eu&. ut mfgbaa*ImmthiL bAil Usd11 400W ber te 11. w» bob le ébaM1 UOS1bel d1w et1%a ofate upoM ab. Lq' tbOMU m lkoer IAT-T HE SIGNATUREa 10, ON THE WRZAPPER '0? EYERY BaI'rLE 0F' bêta* ah M&the SSIadai muI- 04 & *MW, an ai l'siiMo»t bear Uic rost ofl. M'e. mer teas use e ta er. rfl A" d ulo ut ,u"On lb. aMd toi loklng ustheU icfash- stanghc in athe valer b.low, ami theie palloretfoai iii , waket Uirc vosml Bbc onderci i9 Ul bellt te oeft osha the emidie Of. ber fltsby lcpng ljute the bight-agbffl Waters. iwbce vas She con? INov vas te. b lve 1? 14 imes infs e elslibar i res Mate té ber micnd.. metui'n snd gopesi b. 45»r bat gsV upmon the gaaal AM equ i L . Uhiouai the aIm unSmeîou&s. Bbcrumiait me ail ntgli t, il but 1ev ani brief glasi- Mers of rea. Il vus atrying ulbt, ta ira. No one came near te hclp ber sius -th. delirleus.* Ucedyintggirl Mmb- lummoasi the stevardesu, but that fuctlComrY bai a dosen excu"s. Bbc aukei for tUic oer, ho v w« c yqa ut by vbal Uic bai ge=6 tbrougb, but ohé a suporb youag strenglil, ani excitemenl aidsyMPa- thy austainci ber. B omellies Il Iok anl ber strenath te- bell Uic patient hIbel. Blbc raveait ber tather. « "IDNt lic andi bave me amie-aIl alene," as epleaied. "Alfrcd là,demi, Harold bas forsaken ns. 1 bave euT Agala sâhe vouli break itoa tender sulle- ani ry. fWy love. bey besutIful yen are! Nov I love your violet eyeand goli- brava bain-se muchli aretier 1hs8 mine. No, ve et<l arryeyt-I knov Il. Tou muet tireI mabe me a 11111ie bhome for father and pan aid mc' And I muet belp yen. Oh 1 1 wlh Oue couli cari money ta4ter. Teaching la sncb, weary werk." eu Then she veuli mean u.- **Oh! Harold. my brother, wby dont ron write aI leat ? Arc yen allve? Wby den't you cerne? Den't yen mcc yen. are brcaking our father's heart " Irmam eyes dropped tears upon Uic girl as she nuruci ber. These braken ubterancos reveali sucb a sorrowful fast Il stired ber bem.rt, wlth BYM- pathy sncb- as seh ai neyer kuovu béfere. "«Oh'1 let ber ive. aveet Virgia," 'the whlsperei. villi that Instinct oet prayer whlcb ceaies .te all-evea te halt- pagan creatures like Ira. "Sbc vIii b. my fniend. 1I bave neyer bai aiY trlead ,but my mother. We yull verk togeUier ; vie vii hive together." But she feit there vas ne hope. The fever vas a coasuinng fire. It scorci- ei up that yonng lite before ber eyes. At st as the graY dawa iaOXei tbronglitUic blinis. thle criais came. 1The slck girl bai been tosslng tram iaide te maidein rackina aeY ; nov, halt-gpnegng un. she gaiveý a deep> gasp. ail tie beiclothes vere dyed villi Uic omieus deathBlsig-tie black vomit but Irrma siluidered.buihe oor paient vas iamtambly sasier.SBbc beomme quiet tbo revef u.mid dte subside. Blavira th gc, aine dout but vith It OineUsà gIrru s trengUi ani lite. Bic e fbly raluci berida-the viillit ot delIr- ium vhs ne langer la those ievciY ees.I -i amn dyuug." she wbisDered. -'I. knav yen. yen bave nursel me ani this drcadfui nlght. Tell me your nains iaid vbere plou .are golag." "IIy. naine lu Ira sWeir. I amn gaina aoaiewhere--I don't knev pet-to trF te mahe my ava living. I am alons, na the wor."jv «If I ceu l e e e wuldb. frieude, Iras. Our fates arc alike. I have ne one tecrs for mne--no relation but oi. idhomay ho iead. I bave net heard frorn hlm, for ycars. MY naine lu Alaice Eraealo. I UvedIin Marion Parieh. M y father vas long aui hi- Vaili. Ho died a menti .a.go. I vas a n Mry aY the home ef a uchool- mate et my metheriote tacb là ber faiil-music aidFrenchi. Ilhave neyer seen ber, but she wrote klndly- I[ fancied Lt venuidbe pleasant te liVe witi ber; Irma, viii yeun wrte te ber ani tefl theai vbv1I ii iot-McomeT They- are lookiu taor me ci Ibis boat. 1Tubey live on'this river. Il ca't b. ftu te their place : but If vs bai corne te lb, Uic cierk venulb-ave aurely. let me baow. Winl yon remomber tue aitinea i colonel Preston C. Fon1teno, Illys- sais. Tey ay put MY boiY cU there, .but I dent kaiow. Tbey bury the yellow fever.demi at one. aid lu seret. Let Uiom put me aayvbere : il cdoegWt imnter. Bury me as near au they like te the rivet. I livei by a river vhea I vas a chili. Mp mother la buried there. and My lover-MY AI- trd1hvo bis picture 'aroual aMY neck. XLo t ilbebunici viti en i drema me la white. Ro likqe mc le vear vhit. if tiers lueuAnYlite ho- yend, vo vRii urely meet. Ira, lon'l cnT-my frieni.. Mp friad et aday- nu-0rnw» OUR STOCK 0F MILLINERY US LARGER THAM EVER FLOWERS8 ÂND.NEW GOODS ar~"Sgmiot evçery day,- sua soldAl"o t b slo w oost. Coime sud b"ig y rimesan&d Mandie making wfth jon, au ve dû = - àes .ui talie m'msking ith6 latest styem :if yu a;venot h Over A. QaspbeWis Store, Kent screet, Linday Mnd am n nvprqepW fiotu" hevoeytin or houmefiniahing iiù My une de "P m the apUL . EvSrything gumnteedright or no pay. W mllanimst vork Andgsprioeu Tlsphoe ila& -2ozo-tf. Yog UGi~L *0 sioq 0f tb. priSonerwho on being sked if hl wsguilty r»pIi@d, «I gue s I mjge, but I ou1d E. bo tded i. th mrne." Now, I vent to be hh4d bjeym iii b sounty for goodq pue, Sru.mhm Pub u nid In ootFeder. A. HIGINBOTHAM Dnuggit, ids m 'TU El -OF Il iOb i FINT,LOa. MSAY"a MakO0 CASTO lIA maB OM la blIk, Dou'l show syeu tbuun 1 -l 8 e u.or 15 promies liait J' u C 54 UMd fmSuvar wry pus- 'j Il I 1 1 ; 1 OF, ti 6« the MM Unitu b« lue <g 1fr n1 Aimse ot wat t there is t»o prMRy4i Ile tri > mage (di al wa giv( t» make peqper MM 1 natureI *" re It- ahow 6bee le se, inugfur ~be rtber »Cid oenileren aslwmfti ta e pi OeMnatt jiwwbew onmiti mow, b MMMt jt fim e damanliit fa n no OM=nvce 1 tate, . thei