Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 18 Jun 1897, p. 6

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bigh rentea d hom -eauob re5a0ma for &ghiug up ocopmso. u f od aàe -cûn haMWdlybe ssil« ecemses made by UAR7 UW dévlop a deskre :to get ont O téi A zmai' W110.hQ bailb.dtle Jd*nc ce bouses for twenty yeMM 'rect>ttly ut- 'Coited a f ew of bis exereifleO lacon- neclon wlth this phase Of hI, Q=UP&- tion, and* a selecttion.- f tiltOl 57Y prov;e lnterestin.g orzegd&ig to -ILy "I can't stahd It -any ionge, vms the 'mark utf aiMan W" o Ou WItI hi. nottee In bis @and. 6'lb. ptale la t1Ie next bouse Uive On bkIttOvu; 1V herrlngs for breakfast. hertlUgB for dinner and berrings for tes, $Md te find It limposbqble to open a dcor or & window f or the ador that t, ati8I fr9mn them. it pernieftes every roeu- in-hie -hou". and àahi.our beleongilsS eeli of It. 111, have no, More of the wretched thing; 50 you. CAR lok out for another tenant!» It was quits sdifférent reeson that à, la4y had for quttin a. teneÊnent tbat ihe hdboit &etteednfor three years and a half. At hie back o the bouse she repted was a.-Ia.wn. adorned with nfoywt&:bed sou! aan arbor, whoh 1ormed a deIIghtfUl retreat on a. ,rnnmer's ateragon., Here the lady spent many a pleasant hall hour. and would have doue so &gain, but tha,ier pe of mind. had been ru4ély disturbel by a ne&gbb6îý who, devlopnk a andden hoblby, erected an apia-4 In bts gar- den.,.sad .devoted .lizmself entusmaa ticadly to the mnufacture eof hoeey. Au occaslonl.swsrm of bhas rSnid the lady's eara, $uft as ahe' vms Inthe mddle of a slesta, was more tihan. she Cared for, hence her deterrntitof to go. * It la not an unusual thing 'for a per- son to give Up a dwelllng ln con- sequence o! Its cM> tgulty to a.public lhovr'e. but to leave one for tlhe exactly opjpsite..r'-ason Isa. anchlirarer oo- cure nce. Such, however. was the mo- tive asalgned by an artisan fçr #ettInnl out of bis cottage. ý* ,Ifs like this," lie Cad, ln erpiaiiatWoi. '4"-iever heep- beerln the house; it gets fiaend un- profitable under the paWrer aers. 1 Mi<e my aie. fresh drawn and sermed up iunsosething lilce condition, and 1I Sud thec PUblie's the place to get this. 'Now. there isn't a )Icenftd bouse wMtin a quarter of a mile.where 1 lve. and 440 yards (excelpt for asprinter) tg 100 fer to fetch a pint ol dnuci'beer iwfore the potatoes get colu!. Yos ean put .sny .banty on the .'To let' MM." Sirperatittous tenants are peoge . t :hie h4ouse 9 gent hbas to reckon wlth. A newly developed district on the bordera Of a Provibxcal tovu vas lately. iwkei Ir hbond by. theP locat authority anM the, houees numbered. A tenant whon. bouse got tàlc nunâber '¶8" wmn inbot %&Me te - eagent., wftiila notice te 4121t. being sure, liesasld. that 11-luck wc(ald h lis Portion if ie sta.yed. In ~dnliar, manner anothei' nervous one <f.ve Up a. bouse because for thme nlphts ln. succession lie he&ard the 'whor-,w.hOO" 'of aicqa !"«ow ln SOM trees neanr by. A facetious tenant wound up h-ts quit, notice wlrt.hthie following taconte un- tes cL: '¶Tbe doors wont st m an Ue wIndows won't open-, the.,lira, w t draw up and the blir.ds wch't drsw down. the irater wont tur.n «anmd -the gas won't. turn off;, tAie xon ss'S tOO emal andthiecracks In the wii toc large,. hie rent a toc high and my Income toc low.1 There la Ittie In the lvng up oa. bouse.to ci torth ipoetie o teltg*mal sentiment. but a. tenant- oc ooe Pa.nied bUs notice- te 3aevg Iiththe, subjolned eff usion.t The s' t of friendu muet part, 'tils ever m.; Tour bouse sod I are frieuds, ammd 1 con. tent, Then whr not stay?, yo1u zrge. 'TMe this: 1 Mue your bouse r do not 11k your rÉati -London Tii-Bits. Wlne.cropof Fralae., Officiai figures of the 1896 vine oeop of France have reachcd the Blute de- partment from Consul WIley &t >? deaux. showlng as total prdurt*mo<f ever ,00.00,000gallons. 'valuel &p- iroxinitely at $M3.800.00. The exact figures are 11,364,960 gallons, au in- crease over I1M o 48,0,880 Cane, and over the average of tbc )»t ten years of 273,410,998. In the-proevice, of âlgevlaleset yea.r'a vintage anowited to M0,980,600 gallon, whbe i Osiea 7,1300 ere bsrreled. Notwltbstmnd- ngthe scmewhat un'favorable atmzos. Ph crie f1onditions wlitch prevalled dur- tmg the greater parU7t oftheiiy throughout Francethe Consul gast hie quality cf the erop la partkmbatty good. 1W w ines bore t9ie reqidts mznun <k~,~ugraleohelle -rngtii an dbody. They are rlchlIn Sjor, &M, with f ew rare exceptions are sure t Ne »ltte iHme Thc %tory la, tol ot mlaU tu 111b troaper. .- viLetr eat ndte mat"bae lu kubi Iy bUrat froua hblaI nb oie stated for ,bth*mca. 'fTbe tapontheair bhome& su" Sl 0 rougit outry. but biLe rt t&M« agto the et ocm fou'i b. caýugiti- - **- 70U- think I'm tircoulu't- Oe a Great P»4~4MWsXMeq thobie cgmt Fiseit1 LIaI la suan. a iate?. DUd ý:1SEU ment o? lssi W Mobu. The-»»b nmwl.tak. a tu- laioum fctr n Sfle .b e hi 'w cLu . i Witt, rosas hir spsd. 1 liýeat bb*c' r84 p&tilenrothe hMtW=uît b"a Ibe m e bviiesi pancske-ttl tie u and libis àfielli lbas &MM5CC<If l «" Tb oak thesi veli luniaple 5yfliP' than iba prenioters eheh= hVlaW et-es,àcpa athesstarto gir. the baby- tabliabied a vendsrco' for s11ocd 'Twillil bihdy vias-Cute a congii-- 4eptcuaor .edMilutîes (f joulre j love * p tMay b. tba aoseiaýfleeIO wih heenor- To jobIn grls t s off.D eeel O te el o wîth bbc m- Soula £001old race wil rndthese lhues- mous speed iPOP1~Sosie goad l cIface *111 811111emmPliaO i<».ed, 2M revolations a minute, Wiob, Me won ls love lau whaf wa5s then however, have besa overeOMe tu a mes- Sosie backwoqds ghanty.-bill' sure,, htidgh Dt netutirol Tise vessel -The. LK8an. wiich made tis la ro Mt88-4 huOti was bult ln Eggland, -sud le kuo*m a Td DEST COLD. tic Tur1p'nis, se namael euaccouai cf- its iropellng pover, comiioliuiltesm Aý$d ti» @At.apts-to edoea a New turbines. Tise ides et ak)Plylflg steaia . Eememit t 8golf&7e ns. turbines te marine propuulsin ats o- celved -hy -Hou. CharJeu>.A. Paruon, the Ini rocéat pbylicg thare la nothinq Inventero f bb steasi turbine Miat beurs more inberesting thas thec remaraae bis natmé. expeiieOfts curriol on by.Prof essor The Turbînla le 100 ftIa leiigth, 9 oîszewsl, of Oracow, auftempfing te -feet ht,-tm sud 44 1-21 boas dlspla4ne.coInde Uic new clernent, hellum, teaa It vas osgnally fitbed wib& a turbine, lîqulu! olld torn;thiat la freeze if, says englue dcalgmed to, develcp 1500 actualin asRargton Star. The- objeef if horsepover .vheu runnt at 5j5sped ofProfesser Oissevski's e.ticmpt vas ta 2M0 revolublons per minute and iirOC.a, gain furiber Ijglit upon tic question eoupled -te bbc propeller. Tis equiP vhleli Iran no long luterestel physîclats ment was cbauged. te bliree sm&aller cen- as te wh#aî la absolu te zere-tbc coidesi rufld turbine eenglac f sinaesignc5V, cohlu n hie Onversre. If licaf ho simp!y !Tbesc Iire englunes use the steam n iapd'lfet tp ichmotonetIttéat-fl series. there beling saiigh pressure, ~anuelitmolelws hlcb cas the u teimeat- interaedilate, and a 1ev-ýpressure englue. l tuer, f floa idit a.ofbction eraur This change, isowcver, did net* increasela~<uctb rldYetmiob- bbc total wclght oetbtcengaus badIcemes siever and alower, se tIsai ilere sisafta. Tise bolier in cf the vaer-tube la a tieoretlcal point at uipti hIf vouli1 ea,4!22- iu>~ nh cesse, a teniperafur. wliere ail mat fer vrImg pressure, iiaviug large stcarn la "deja." It la su obeerveti fact thai qMceandwit a ota ofeatng pRe gaes ncraseor dîmns iIn volUlnae et 11,000 square foot and s grate space ît h every degre.eoft emperature~ of 42 square fret, s remarkably amanl Centigra.de, atided or talion away, and esieunt comadedlur tise diaplacemeni of thlInlférence from ttus wvasthfle te vetqael suad bbc speed ettained.- The numerical expression ot abselufe acro toke-holde -are closéd ae tbbc draugitvas, bberefore-23 degroca C. Fer a liby afan ecupled directiy te the long Urnetflu asa acepied as correct. e i iltvegie b s Soveral* ypars mgo, Professer John gaves dipacementi enly hall Dewar,. cf Londona, succled. lu s tbat requirel oiglail, Ur d bbc sbeam senies of very Ingenloua experiments, eonsumption vas almnost the smallesb on firet In llquifying exygen, and tien li-.e ecord. lThe diameber -cf bbhepropellcrs. air Itself, tnd llnally of freezlnx fthe hoiy1tiez. Wih lover stean air; thie latter, by thse way, nmaires a maursIt la possible toestIll conneet beautiful crystai. The bolllag point cf dlreetly sd driveébise vessel sb a lover liquil aIr af afmosphei'iC pressure la peed. Theon la no dileulby about re- 220 C, and. hierefore, Proeesor Dewar verslng, wheutHiere .are several amah thought that b.vaas wthin 53 C, ut eginu.as -la thIàlaesse. the temperature cf see Now, 1ev- The grsnteat dfieuiby vas encoumber- ever. Professor Olsievaki has attaluel ed beeause of bhc enormous speed at 264 C. Iu bis enleaver te iiqiiefy hellulTi. visic thbie propefler vas driven, namely, that le. vithîn ine degrees aof the M50 revelublons per minute. Ordrna.r- theoretical collest col, anti StilI hlm ly 400 revobtuienlaapb te bgive trouble* hellin ndoes notf ilquefy, andlstili he aud au bise higber apeed ilb vas foumd seema a" fan affrein fhe abject of bis that vith tiLe slngle propeller tiere vau searcla as - w« Professer Dcwar viacu created ia ldrical vaciions spasce In he stoppsd vitis frosen air.. the- waber l - la'heb if revolved. the______ blades cubblmg off solid massesof vater INme uwt~d frein the fore part et valla of bbe space and depcsitiiii tisema lu flac rear. 11%e Net long sgo Dr.- Nansen, tue great greabest part of bise power va.ceonsura- explorer, caine acromeasu IrIalirnt who cd lu M"ltawnng bila vacuum. lly declart that lic lad travelcd fartiel' changng the pibola cf bbc propeller bldes non h tIssu auybody. sud uslug hiree shafts bis cavtation -"WIsat Rouleuse 1.1 exclalmied tue was reducel, Tic action oltihe propeller doctoi'. gettirir angry., »Why, air, do la vater vas studied by- nsu nenlous ar- you know 1 calciZiate te have traveled r*nqement et rellecbed llgbt trom a re- tas fur sa amy hurnan being cau por Volying mi . r. slbly get?" ,Tii. huitlo et icTumblua la coverol -"But sf111 the Irisiaman persisted.i. sd vIiLh steel plate of a blélkueu rangiug vent on te a&y* from 8-10 ah -ionubiLe bottom te 1-16 1 'Nonv, lsten to Vils. H 0Wdu You Inlalthie aides ear bbe sterm. 'knew. yen have frav iel » asfr as aflY )Wbile bhil vesuci la ont.yet experinut- hurnan hein g esu get?". tal aisebiere lu ne doubut In thie minds i "Bocause." repledthebb doctor. "I eo ts bm hilIers *1mb bbc princple osm be came to a linge vali of Ice that no0 man aapihed te >vossels cf anr sise. The could, get ov'cr or get around, and! eamu a mde fer sbcarn turbine drlvlng, whlch. no one on earfh lad ever lis- aud bhcy appear te isave boom mil sub- coverèl hefo!r." staublabellu inlais boat, are grester »«WIat dld ye do theai?" a Id neress eeonorny ef stesancon- ««Well, I convex. cd yuL fly staff of s vessel, lazger é ytpoWer cfthie men on the subJec t." vél, ireamdaciite for navlgatlmq "Ah, yes, begorra !" exclaimeti the shaalov vabera, poseter atabillty, largely Inlaliman, 1'01 heard ye t 01 va. bbc reduffd vibrable ansd reduced aise and oCher sollee o'the. ali !" veiglit o'etsrev., propellers sud shart-1 And lie walked awray lu triumph, lng. U'adotbtedly an, liaprtant pain- ieavlng the doctor eutwtvfed.-LoldOfl elpe l nirlte roplsIntas been de- Spare Moments. saonuia"suet ablished. Th* Papen e iOxford Bibi.,. f tohie contents o et bb c àe- Thepao maklng of Oxford Bibles in lunch boxes as laInty and attractive a speia!r Important suad lnterestlng as possible. 1 Pll e.ch, article separate- 'part et thc work. At Wolvcrcote, a mile ly lu oUled paper. and strive o have [or bvo eut of Oxford, bbc univeraity bas soreftur ga utile. dîftercut ecria ay. a large mW fobr thé supply eftlismown Remember thai s littie suprise viii, rcqulremeaba, maava Chambers Journa.,cf ten tempitIshe wamderlng appefîfe. A good demi efthtie paper thie ta-ra u Ot Large. round, shallov baskets, vlfla bers Ii madeeof 11 silps'mils, tbe ma- bandies, muée oitfle, but stroug vil- terw -ofet vblcb, a!tter babing viii low vldely veven.are oelled salaIbas- etorme la ml quartera etthie vorld, kets. 'Tbey are for waaiug fhe froali cornes bers etise purpos e t -beiaggreen salué leaves. Out the. leaves madecIlabopaper, printol la almaut f rom in i ïrecta and drop them iet erery lauguage undor beave ansd bound 1 tic basket. Bouse tbc besket up sud su labo volumnes te b. aua a mattered 1lown In a large pan ot 'mater, muid fer sud vide lute an thie uttermost cals thon, stand lu s cool place te drain. of thie eartbi.. -Cut-glosa articles require muci more Thii Wolvoreebe paper has mS a ecane during thc progreu eat wssilng do Hie hest ropubatiou tisat Olt- thoïn those madeofetPlainagosm, because ford bas- aequiro inuthie production tcf o!the macquaItieliness oetnbe glana, Biblesanda- otites devoblonai hbok& hicb makes if svell uma briuk lr- Tveul Cram asdmors the ma- rnlry ageeuet br bbos sa vauablo invention Speinkie fine mat upon as fat surfae in paper mklmgald ever aine. their &ad Mb iyour loi Da&t-Ironsoven lb "Jadis piper» bas beauthie envy and vienever .*0 Irons oeme ruughis ai uszleet satiuOf alsov e b ic i t te t abine. = m. ie are Qmatl behoouly thre. persnsi -vin ho kiiotiesemecrot of tâ Inak& ma. thougli1Me proeeu buNAE OI4R abMrip et lb iaproed ol tehoa. et.,ma sbg~-e w ým al taiela1 ~êi~~ puifla témr bsu so p Shetmbu.ma a*b lila Mt moa bla.bt shite ~ m asm e aeomul iut ciaut l a a ""Ile b.rjrm "a &val £ml raCtb~ i 1 ariter lu Thc a" Magasine.on porcitlceai 'mdogai arulasiam"l ecUWAMWQua.pot, evrmv muid ba"tea bruni&ng bis mon. t0uaithe 8gre nsd then qui*ly 1 Ou mwnuiab"L 1 iL almam Idi- coverel tiàt tcea~t$ iet bis Pisyfi1 assaitit vms a humaitor "I~aitsuakea,ý S8 or 4 yesr olmoabft ïa er)lts Md >8tedet «nwg 'Mday ut5 vber *W~b>limm6", cls sd üwa lits grenu, aber . m-" Lt% ý ,e Iý Or,. liu ubsouu telyv »cion, sud t m lm- &LUd- tu thawilig UN ae excsedingly defective, If uot Vest MUM"U" cverbl. 4W7 fiable to a certa.inty that our sy*eou elouan,6mmd vothaSt on 4¶JLetoIiprovlng country roads, if w. db Ukolow the mliiof g1Wiiiu-la &" irlie sese lmnprove them -t- duo ttlaftlal 05104 dtu, us.- li tu w "thn uselcus %0 ,IlsP-'T'le. cMhi e a±uree of the billa&N &bout 10 o',iock. bnd luthie fofloqlg abstractsofçtu une Psa" cf White wu silie lb: vIh p amid thet vas go ThM the cGovernor be sad la hoebY 111b p aud o Ur yhast at tlrst direotod te app>oint by And wtbh the ad- voe mlght have m It for aoa d. & Vie, sd cassent of thc sens"at boar Bui ne, it a a sc*ing 10,900te cou"iaor Mnveu meuisers, to 1$e eeet nearer th." tha he loi tlee.t knoias thflat, t.BSea'4utMunicipal iieWht- cf Swi la the alLer- Werks. The. members c« sé.d board nmoon e atr 1i gbthe ratiier eball be cilleeus Of til Blte, sud Mtn lut b&US looked la at temure tha= four thereof 'bail be mcm' saamission acb L -In hie r-beos of the mre poiltIcal Pa.rty. mg w b.deoen othe acool I 1,b lQbethie duty of laid boardl to Where 'hie Ohlidren e<tu mea»certain by a&l snob lswful mes and h&X frosen. N'ght e and the 0ct<mis b re o " t .1such sources et 1fr thickened. and% vo cnt te bed'wfth fit nd. te it whsematOpI n pe ofahie m t as cf thath~'e o tem or ownership, managemenut wblch .dre awte o tha >ie > ad camtrol ef worka or plants devoted whih.daw»to arieaig itate curnlah&ne ai vater, liglit, but from every part oai bec world. Atsma tanoutesfor locatrbaotuan about 6.30 the next -*rDlng Ouri vatob- aad comnmunication are now or have f ui hoat pouzaded abie door. wtth b"eau employed luniis and ti ob cil- thc icylui .cry, "The suofvs amc out. fl d tates, or -coumtries, and wviit WM- Corne at once, for thée clucds. may nomisuiltea"Wlth resectto ooY of COR: cocer them.» ýBatetéM nd 'Su tock- etrution and operaitioain sd cheêV *lnjgfooted we tvo rg=c acroasthie and efficlency cosrvt have boUfi or frOStY lava, wtth *sOMer rira over are thereby amium; eod, -under ouar uboulders, ahd iv and reJiced wi rgu ton, ram ontittion- andi worshlpped.L The spectacle lested &4, govermeutai, legiative or mneý bhree bours. Ai ter dr«Ming and chota mi,5n.bmetlacdeor nystueuieare Or hauri,"w or Uttie« br«Wait, 5O0o'mP.'1- Me been adopted; third, wb.t PiO- cd by our bout , a &ed thrugh one portion ofthtei totalvalue ut sn.h 01t he OMW trOOW Ots ifDiJclliw. or)m or planta la crested bY graubI,6 amomd Obsrv&tory l. ,vit>. eO concessions, Ucensea. franchises or pri turned *iador4ni *ave te i. ecveus. vileges from tbc public, sud wl5e. re- Tortyaimues avay we bbh great unow turu or compensatkon la made ta the peaks. Penbape 10, Oqfeet below their public therefor ; fourth, wiaatbtOld auumi an a mm « pT 05dlwhite are. adopted viacre public oWnersiiit eloud. 1aeue viLite amoug ail or countreo 0fuch works or plants la M2cuntilpa gaeaI t bave no piliar- rebained for proeuring funda te detraY ed hilum to sppot117 .ThLre ty thebbcocet cf construction, opeaI5boB and fteated, ue 9sbime. .btherepaireansd the,,rcpayrnen.-t thereof, sud doe l; t X < unga .rlslng -wblat Influence or effect suchr methOdS f ee. 1 aetlaledwluh have upon thc rate of general Or sPe- snob sa peotacie. ciel txaton; flfth, whtia methcgM aie There la no tinge 09 dlu.ppUnxtmet, adopted for tlie laeyng eut, cOintrol and but only a ceitinuoi uid Joyoua long- permanent Imprevement of ruade md ing aftw e- He petsa vision. Below highways or furnlshIng f acilitien for un, 6M0 fe«,theusvsl.r deepfeeldovia local brmnsportaieuiand oommunfics- Into mlisisbesthiL Ialoiasa a n l-.tion, viuhoutthie limitae t' dUes, lu, visible sireen.Befrw sMud nnespct t te acphyxical oharacterubefr un w«s a beos Vista of calasusi-andudt.ithbecoet thereot, the means aMPlOY- darkly voodel bill& A"I vnder. md te defrsythie m0rne, and vliat lu- forty mile@ svay, von the piliers and coUiC or. revenue derived frou toila. gates of hesve @N. TlsMMsLugd ueabochages, rentais or othervi se train Per- dazzling ratimuce thei. hte daulbWs sons Ing the smre for truvel or siifr of Gel, b, oau ta t hie Moralng sidary purposes; slxth, what Influence beams basl takeoutheeouody coverM9 .or effeci ha. thie character uf the own- And vo, gamins, rm& lta joyZul as- ermp, opetioli or mamagenieut ci tonelient ullfedmtliefet mrneUUh vorka or plbt.an abeing public tsmli th bbM mi@gL-dfeio mebbv or. privai., upon fthe coi or expeuse of our race, who l<suat in Hise snoWY ott~e .bcllctonofpthe revsudorut altitudes the lnaSccu'b aobitlations i<>< tereCoin andethi evenues ci M cf thc goda. Hors vler. virgix nM- lcoea esthfrhi sd he fas ory sud mItswhih n..hm» tut ad vervanees cf f unds are cbtained for bhe bouched, on vhkciLno mortl may ever oSmtruction tiiereof; seventit, wha.t Wemk. But snob visions as Oum coeuld Influence or ettect bas thecharacter of neyer mter ani repagerAse th e nd. suoli owneisliip, opermtion or manage- (lod theCreator set% emiheoned 'bove mm be ngpublic'or pftVa,%upOia all beiglit@ea& au etel bi te frec sud indepeudent exercise ut hesater 05caWn MOgiLIb« G(ld th eeoctive franchis-, or the, prvný Hlmelf-'"ron ~~Dr.Br»WW O aseboxge of other oblgatimOf Mci reqiondeoce l l oRhO. emsMip by tiioseengaged ior enploVed C lu connection tlierswith. Baal cer Ph pIky Mt Lasi. After providlng for the bonid and The sodtyci buson exhbiinothor requirementa flic draft of the qiecimens or thse Due MocsbIl aya: or color Phot y, whk ina cresuh*e hl ccymtetedt i deep lnierent ug bath scientflta .mosfmarcrpatnsw zS and amateurs. csrrleethie problem n laan~y mrn.ir esi*oyed in furMnifg up -teoflic very deg of at shieve- vaier, lgbt, heat or facilites for lic"o ment, for thep esare preducta of transpor'tationior comuickationlv asingle a sasd single pdtnt,- lu this Mate. sud their reaPSez fi Img operablon. orsg, servante, agents, attorneys anud Th elybrck ~mthat bhc negatiVe, -emzloyes. te rive andi furnièi te Ma bere epommla retai viii a qe. boaradupon -ita eusialsobkit cmet solutcu al prisi, mter ton- mation witi their POve or contri Iag and=.l7la = >pdluto ithe --m aumay relate te any et the BU4JO.ts w'luiota, sud Ui.n pfted In o em nproper te be.lvestlgateul by salubord tbrougi t bie, greog> and r- soution*, tu tbc performance et It dtes as Pre- fronen chvhicl kb absorbe al hie suribed by the Âctw unden'like Penalties, colos' lb noods of btahM orL - I ibistebe recoverel lu Mle MmUer as XP- way the. ploure atoeatlcafly paintu vided lu. th n«tpreceding seot"« Ibeffln the mont delks.te snd naturel ti*i'oOL Internedlate lutaq. aiMcresbed outf jl ontenidod bies. prlmmily colore, end fthe resultS Jk mHeLmir. aboyai are perfe4tly mAarvelouu.-Lon . ev. dmyS agoe a very -extalteti per- don Cor. N. Y, Timnes. onage vas entertainel et limier la o»o.et icchef hotel restaurantsilu novm.v.,,V'6 rultur Bertin, and, a les mkuOrvLtba.t la Horueradsh produces n. eed. no la la exccedl ngly fond of stiii Mosllaia I em i roua sts or pimmesor the ira defcrmnend te give hlm vitla b Ufl ot otscet 4 te, 8 luches long, ISa abote c« s mOre tbmu rdimZy 'ut usippoeond wlvting Mdil leveren& vintgo. A. ki ai ofpuetical Job» squaMe.Ir rculture lu the fanait g@r- w» playcd.The botte as placal be dem e Ut ci hhob.e R manuel, fore hlm.withont suy label bl« n ig b deeply pkovelasd eiherwâae thotougli- and tise sadlord ws requOtet W ~tn isted oQuitla 410w. »"e only a moderabcJloie If the nOUe1 w* pm*,d I to18 mo isamt. Ths guesut houlti debate t a i t be ams plantai i U tDeb Mot- #jusvi»nemd malie a»Y spWAebequirle te dos IV @àboe is " a a)lo9 @bout Il. TiIs Pre&OStturasd euat fh~t or e mm ~ or te have boom n ncemu j yln ure enas. manullghtz u ~ m eçpk .be bt t le -the bout laie an aerpse O5,eU. a. ~ s t1btho 4Md uotbmberalufor., HeOhb Oieu tIL 110hi0Miw.tte -e------a av -5a -----i t ent ÂWbU uIme h botiurrisl op, sud aurel lbun4o Ilufkiutorogator liithelier »OM U - -«M nomore tbina lu94 guru. 'WIl. unmot geinLtot &W" » ael a chomm a6"iu m" be 'mtoumsied oonn.mew. ;32 laGm.. t.obbee M= m- ,a »l b t ~ Mr.coci u dIn W,.vsebite ce aibe mb estP"' de - lb vam brlai. bu.L.- won hMl mot ls m hum e i til M~e .ii ohm THAT TurE BIMILE TIC. SIGNATURE la ON THE WRAPPER or6 EVFMY B0=ýIT 0p mssadLos~oTSLUEB yac'Si s '$~g~alurr et ~~FgowaPwma. R.iA Catels le put up laons-"Irsbatties. nly. h amgt glain bulk. Dou't ashow anyouss to nl e'¶suyhisg iseM the pleu or -promsise thai l là aà u l a " ill.anser every pu- ns~"~Boethatyeugel -Â-BT-0lion 1.11.$Tel OUR ISTOOK 0F MILLINERY 19 LARGIER THAN EVER FLOWERS ýNEW -GOODS arriving ammotevery, day, sud sold airneet -balow oost, Corne sud bring Your Dy) and Mantie making with pou, s we do Dreuana là antie making in the latmes styles. If you have not beau here why corne. Ove . (JampbeWs àîStore, Kent 2creet, Lindsay 1 ba've juBt completed a and amn Dow prepsredAo fumuhh everytbing for ho se finisbing in. my line as oheap am the.chupo.& Eveything.guaranteed right or no pay. fli sd inspect work and get prices. Telehone us. -ozo-tf. Ohep FRNITR GOTOý ADELSON, NUGENT, a Go. KEU -T TEETI LIN DSAY;' and Obinet Makeru tRmes u au-M S*. E.oubi. b uomls Tb* »Éan Ciro"lUcaor nv Paper Ii tb boat home&~ mo. 'm lligent readerse montYRS RK i t :~ t' i 4 I Il I -, me.Dr tîkbe f aL ](oa 'Y Sother bave a S DaY t.hL4re A.ud a" l iomiU buever corne a .bu got turncd to gd Man bscek. day after kmfew he jgretu f 1aer Pr1 i he Pa UP and f be ready Oùght cq vould be .tWd th-~ do theirl qcbe BfLU suPYis and SaY S long alý,- to havre I One bri door, an albout il have b('( Veal 1 t( e r s a y' good e O nitin. -lit sh2uiw 41 at the covers L he is ali za fouîJd th('!I: when il Firsic jo. It chrstiar gient *in ders lii:i on th', boy <(-n thren. x prof'essý ian w1i) with th,. moi*nifin niore j.'y tkan in ad I ' pora i îi atter !!] afterw'i r, don@d i h of tha t tame th: for one'> lie laiw iteoPR grut stP) fingers'- te stnîL>- denly -v lance. Nva., cunting arnall th ence of he titie the iplex' sa": "Ith tarne thii a nwrry- latiss cý tbe Bibi( al. buta deiighi f' ed tu a Rt S col biight.1 -roscate ured mo, I wis]l Bibh' c ind 111 e fen a il "nd putt out. AI to conqt botti.-; around *wu sou *att the wor: av" in' Xight a he The

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