Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 21 May 1897, p. 7

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"Go hUB oe U1» thr. TL.oa ind I aI d tel 19: Inee ~ i gra mafl ing for mrn radupe er, Kt 1 e A- .Tbey admlre LaIot0 Ple e ofWoTU'5. sud«.y VA& wl.1 Ibat*q -1 Tiel -admire Put mak t,.ble. and 11.7 oz *iè lh tliaIe eanip.uh grand kaccu inas h In presah ighteeuanems, tempese pgJieili te eome. Ail lb.>" vat lana oootuit, o.exhibit their ChrMWbm tWima Nowlb. ipoatle comte. tii as hop mucly mua:«41 Win show joa plac vbcre joui eau exlJ.bit &R tbzt la grand and beautitiml and 91«10"si C hristan chact«et, and Ibm-t la the d.aie ccirele."1 If oe i h ot falthfui inn-nlulie- 8t spher, le viiM ot le talitil linaà ..inding 8phere. .If Peler vil ne io1p the crippie at the gale et tbe tew- piee hoWiilnover le mble le prea<cb 3MO ý ls mb île klugdom at the Penthiit if pauil ml11 ual take pains tb instrut in the 1way of alvation the aheriff lile *hiipai ungeon, hle mlii neyer ýrl"eli trembe. 'H H o inla ot S fti in a askiu'uilih mould ual b. ji fi lu an Arm gdo.The tc we Ware a iPlaced lU luithîe pôsitlimi *ewhh e we auMost Igrndly serve Go.andA m oglt molt i e b ele-ff îiurnshtftflîabout soMe. aplere Of unec- fuinvssa miiel me a aler avilie gain, but th.e ail absetblug queatn ith*1. >'ou and mIlh me ougîht ta lbe. "Lord. *iat wlt Thon lave me (nom and bore) T i-olee ord lu mi' lext arOund mhiaî the MosI t, e urt touahts mli îuivre',oive., The mbrd is.homne. AqI ten diffl-rent mon thélefomung et tht *ord nami ihbe will give jou ton dit- Ici-ct (oiit.iiofl. To one lb mPins love' ntail thvbrtl. il menu ls pleÉty at '-le Icarl. it m<-4ina pie1knt thbIc ble, Industy i "sto'1anmd. îiulel-'t eItuebcs deotoe.iat the alta. To hlm it nus a cmweT.-ittg aI tle doot muid a ,mil, ni t hp chair. Pence hoerlun hli' ius.JoY cuipplglýinis landA mi§ hughter. L t ranquil lake. Pullemeéd osi- rpls lc the abadoirs. .irronath(,r man mIvha home in anA w' wilI tll! yen it ii; wmt looking #)lt jnf à here5fi-e grotte anid knesali hoier in an eimpty brem-A raY. Te di'np air Sahiveiug mli cUrse. N Bible ,on the abeif. (Ihiiren, roberanud Inrorral ebr',e.' Vile mng t11dm hul'y. 'rY face a pluro of raml. Wait in thýhe a<,l-ronnd an~d in star- Ing rroni.thte front. No Sabib bI mav< -MulUorg oviithnt donrsili. Vestibule of lb,'l pit. Siadow et Infernal wuINfr1. 1'r- ~'efor tortiug evernsting edais. FWaX in o n unending funernI pile. Air 1n od Il la aq pelicd mi l cursas. it mne--s with min. Il chokes 'wlh wveuf it sweats mith îledembI igônY oft Ae l't, xçword hbern -lu one eu cn meaun - errthing 'brigt The mord homne l th fl- thor case molili. evetythias ter- rflc. 1 -all spol 10 jaon et homne amu3 tetrcaracter. home as a refuge, boime ns a Politien, safegumrd. home ai a'-,«hool and bone as a type of hoaven A nd lu th( 1ai tplace, Iremanr lit home la a pomwertul tof, claracber. The dpo Ini lipublie May b. ifg'« ÀOi'oauiu. wie iprivate il fis In 41%, l':d'ilo. A typay 0scinsmaj appr tIr one wnY'-'outhe stage anAdmMnYaPPesl I.l ntili- way lelinA the acenos,$0 hrvt lnrctot may b. e M difFf*renl ftorn' puhlt, harmetot. Piviale. ohm' autr iq often publice haracter turne n-î oIZ sdOet. A man mmY reelil yfn n lt-ihia plarleras tibengb he mr, w istillation -of anls.sd jet hie boa u'y ca Sarmno of et melesThor'ne a lts u e~mn mIe al day ,long are mil and courtenus and genlal muid 'good ns tiired in eornmereial lite loopIng lac] tiair irritahility anA their Petul'tace aM thir iacotntu. bnt at ngtfII th &ani hrenl<a and aeoding poUra fOrth1 flogigls and freslets. Itp%,utaqtion je oui>" the .shadow l character, anA a.v er>"amani liuse Som) timon w liii casl a very long Shadeir. Th bits uay seerm te drop myrrh' and êa"Mi cml ilt,'disposition te lbe as brlgl au wsx a a sbat 0f unheaufs, mad ilcy rnay-onl lea' Mrngufientelit i wIth1ut arscompoe *.iil".~iTntauj r on d berper, île ~nj~oed p hilsgün and pencit * ~1~t'd ttlhî tilhe greit foi-cals Auurio md rèproduct'd hig Irnmr '«itk. Ami yeoiiehoe are r'opfleNi tho etntihousaýfndfli rtmrt '.rliat % ho arc. ittîriy- lrreconcllablei, w-ho, the baso! al pencîl or au artIcle ,an-t viii bic-w as long and Aarp a tnortimeai iei1 New, tIat, min ilo las affable lu ro lie iniilWhoIRlaIrritable ln prilate iakin.g a triiidient o'ucrlmmiiêof mli and he lmaRan lad nsa bank t 1m4 m hba're $400000 eor $M00OOor billie (4euteaton, vlth no spe lu 1the*-rvi -:t 11s .learu "Itd show pelat bohm Ir me have Il net tîcre, ire bate kt i1ywbcre. If ire laireDot tgenu Psee lu the fîmimly cîlrele, au Our f wartl anA pubu l întt e 5if romu a teitr ot ie Mo i timo iimypuirid pool eof u 0%» Mess. I tel yot the houdeb4111i tftt-et haelter. Whmt ath »on'are everyviefi', niestrate it »r no eh the me nional road t.A ee gal, mii .*rsud M e w'- R -t' -Kead4g. tGreat Ofer2 ThtLondon o m s tu tà wl ery su d. sailea a Woky e wil gm One Year's Paper Free. The Vre. Proeha.bas eauo S ~~~~h mot i oVeteria!~oO 00ush J. fors numberof CoIes e tàeir book.'The VteriarySIene. t h eo p r i e f i r l ,I c h 1 91 J 0 . T h i o o Miatemy, Dss aand Tremt t P Domuio Animnaisand Poultry. aima onütainng mfauidescription oet Medicine and Reosipis, se that evsrj Larxmer cma b. M hi omu terinary.E Tho Weokly Frm Fres.suad Tern and Name foeeyer (pnice $LW> and th coyftcVeterlarmSience (p$icce '$ 0. B th ill be malled ta any d- Asaupon the recelpt of Twe Dotllarg.1 SDe net muas tis chance. We cannet affard té continie iMasoINr indefluiteli'.E Our object lu makîngit naw ls te secure Sau immediate response mhich a les. liberul eStfer mlght fail te attract.,Re mhember, by endinz $2.00ftoihe book I Fam and Homo ONE YEAR FREE. Agnswnted everwhre. Addrmano Fr.. Drema b-irntlag CO,. - ~ LouMdon, X a tueho e ti« -è an 1= tb ad t:2.me4 W o a*â .7 the vrtesvht o t E EK .,iWiws 1 lu b. Càsiu 'w m dier.. qetin 1eadmm hv lb. faniy a le. The f.rt u n ot.lewmaexl.utti * VOP fbbol ~mgh a a.Im. ies a"m.the place hum h d ent iles Abmha pqu ateeeud itýom «e» ftb tW u a sexil om 'Il0f11 Oa Cea" 1h, =n t tb a auah re Im rilex e O ileutr Se w an xi le-i Bu an elee, Mdctte of Alla, inmu, he 1* mUhaim of Africa, trots Rome; Emmet, au exile from Ire- iedi rvP chanting frms.place to place accordinc land; Victor Hugo, an exile froM W 3 livb-ro yn as tmè pauture Iqpens to change. -Cou- Frmnce- Kossuh, au exile froin Hun- IbuOOU5Z R W 1Iêê»: w- ftu4gd~ ~~CZ0f quiy ut ts eorne of whom 1I rnpî10bà"Udiseath" whiei1 woutq ertower qul oythe adsad &niuulngfawei home Th sae eom hatpet te ndcame mb ato ch chillns .reception- I' W1 it hf shi1In la hic e ,famUny mils wil i slk for flot even a homler wtot out wlth mia..lly 1%@om lb. ftae0 the consllullon. Jalis and hie lancera tb heip Emm m-tht He le leeJeit ete i,.deuse.o peraltntan d armies andd aules aremore te b. celebîrated tIbm any other bPOIbt t.».disaâe uit our. best 6etenme. The daoror f ethé llt deeoberho eaven. Cret11 ~J Ul..tadwt homLe i8 the beet frttres. H<>I*hold A our beet esate we ane oniy pli- hfrigM ir&44ty la uda utensils are the. luct artilery . and i.grimemand strangers, bere. "Heaven la China, the OalVen±01 the plaq» us 8 the ymê uidellg~out home., Deth -wili neyer >hkock at beale by na e -_ Ilrats., the *raidestmonument@ f .ately and the door of that man lon, nd l lln 91- À i8-i5±Uet S 4< 1tulé11.iU' deneesaibh i Ti tbtt wmp" td«qpbhN ome. N enblic. counlty tlieOla5 ot a sintle grave. How tom i VOtMY a Thn iowU b'urthe 1 remsrk La r=ne Is. a.glati parents are in holiday lime 1 t oeooeu uIi eorlat <ecboL ô.i r.uu met b. tumued up gather their childtrii home sainu. But i and aeOi tO-p 14,~fro 0t with subsoil piow, and -lb uatb. bat, have ,noticed that almost aiways there 107 dHM*..1 irot, md li rowed and reharrowed, s»d bIen île la a mon or a diughter abomet-abtqs en ODt-h 9PrVst0 h crop will net b. n- large ais hat of t rOm home, perhapsaboaient trom thc e &Wne pai l lue tek prt0ft *ew ground wtl lesm culture. Now country, perhaps absent froza lhe wotld. d«, te pr aui#4 1161 toi- y.ilh ud hlIhoo ar ne grun' Oh, how glad our hewveuily Father wifl __ __ g~iaw m gvenmw rOl and ail the influenie.throwýver <>, eeî b. when He gels ail Himelildren home o htthe a t.e its *'e heurt mand lite wil corne up lu ater lite wllh Hlm ln heaven! And hmdlgt hseiorf hOiOrg ok r them luxurlaully. Hgvery lime you bave given fiilý will, b. for brothers auidlste"to 1 der the inIt.The mr o 1c a amile of approbation ail lhe good cheer meet af 1er long sepmrtlon! Once they there are the les. gcr0UM 1the*ea- of yonr lutc wlf corne up »tain tu~ the psrtcd at the doot' of lmfliotaity. Onte tack. t>ark spots appeat lLpon the gt'nlalty of yobr childrezi. And every' teysaw only "through aa las aral :" ulclu of th. nctlm just beaitedissolu- ebutitlon of maget and every unontoi-nOw itlela"face 10 face." cor ruption, lan- lable display 0f Indignation wili b. fuel corruption; mortlity,lfimortlily. Wherp Anuouinent Jap>aui.ubactad*Iqol tetleir disposition 20-or30 or 40yers are now ail their sins sud sorrows uni who tudied.in lu ube tinder.lKoch, treoablertrOverwhelmed i teRd enhasb4ve tem1crobe o "#blb*c of a centulry-fron'tub. Yn ra., t o f death whlle lhcy paased IruhdydeatUi,' mud hlm diuowVeTY W.90 InteIlenëeeof. your child too mach shod. . 1TD91b~PO.G'h' omry 1 soinetmes when yon think he lis nol ()ne nlghl, lylng on xli> louage when tacheil b the P»teur- ibOutOCV, 1ln l ware of l, and you wili sec the resuit very tired, my ehlldren ail around about pwa is.Te bsciliuiula short, thlcir. et it before ten -jeare of age ln hieman- Me lu full romp and hilmnlly mand laugh- suisy or cultlure, gaad wheu inocuated floylng affectations. rotraiehl er-on the lounge, ball mwake and hlaiton guines pigm, 1d theraIn 24 bOUMS beatysupoulr l isnotlare eghasleep, 1 dremmed this'dream: 1i iri t ln bope" a vaoiie wtl ho obtaluCd to understand' what yousamy, and you ln a far country. It vas otPer- lIai wIM peue .haOloUM. wiii fiud hlm stauni où a high chair sis., althougli more than oriental. lux- . befan a fflalteriu' mirror. Worde and -urlance crowned the cilles. Il wm uanAFU LEPA cowtON?. deeihandu exam2et.ar-e the 'eed of lb. Iropics; although more tban tropi- rharacler, anid c'lîdrenuar.e very spt Io califruittîiinegg ifflhIe cgardens. Il r bos îeecneilo thirprnsia not Italy, allhough more than Hew "1*194»" ii7 Uit s 5D.Velaplng A brahami begat Isaac, no vîrtue la ap Italian soft neas filI.d lhe air. Ând Iac 1<Nv mu te go down inutlb. ancestral lino, but waudered around looklnt for thoras And id dy.UnySmotl »afdl ilcrod begat Archolaus, no iniquity 1s. netties, but I found 11mb noue oft ten'M miHn7Siomtl n~<dl f lrammitd. Whal vast responsibiiity greir there, anid I sair lb. alun ri»e, mand develoint a oinams of e wor emeUp, *~~~~~~~~~~~ e4ll5uo aet u ii ttI u-Iiatched 10 sec Il set, but il samuInot. who are kelY to lv tre t -oe lecti parAndsIla irelIofpeoil slu holiday attire, fecton the part « the vorid In wMich * Oh, mule your home the brighest anA 1 salA, "When wifl l hy put off tis inotyrekle. the Mfot of wiOt bado tplace on earthlIf jeu wouid cîarm your and put on workmel's garb and again lfSae1>lereotciluth Shilidren 10 tbc high path oet vîrtue and doive lu the mine or srie It~ eacmhshed dMllb. ny eat rectitude and religion! Do not alirmys dforatr ltl oer.utof, Ich u cf1h. ncldustb WODIonY Ofthei lui-n tle blinde- 1he wrong wmy. ILet hedatie . sort I in e ld;the On&cley f00e ligl whlch pt. gold on the gentian ani And 1 wandered lu thc suburbS Of the ony ilb. 'inrld b . WOMM ari c M)i'ots bbc pansy 1pou ntao jour direllinge. city t10 Sud the plaéee iere the dead 01W w'hloh lu bie b&Wa 909- 1 ' u Do uiol expec îe111etl bkeep stpsleep, and 1 looked ail alongthie line of1T hé Pq fate for ibma Ovu ea.ono h Ste a . cadmtcth. Do noet hce py r10bOlutif ul billà thc place irlere the projct fuwilsIoinèu cîe te alla wlbmach epi ce as Woedos dadmigt moat bùissfully leep, and Iamng 11,ls cate ~' Deai u aPal Hrse" o Tntoet-58 towers and esaties, but flot a m~!'1 ~U~a o lthewok "Dat t on " a ae 0folne"o inoet-" oleiiif or a monument or a wrhite sa8h11) as',tle o l. Rather caver 11cm, If yen l ave Pi- c1udIaid. nA Iiren mb th g c an ad a lecefO Lt turcs, mIl Th eHawking Party," and or the greal bowan ud d , "he o uglyt ut lo. aluwumto tâeiiIiomei K "TIe- Mill by thc Mountain Streatn." do the poor worship, anmd irlere ar, th 1wbo ad euoou*ed. mmcl0111Y tO the -Y anA 'Che ox -Hut," mand "TheCic 0111- lard bouches on whicî tbey oit?" And 1Influence et &in&8, bMg *,ho haît alion q- roui - AmiA F Ilowera," mand "The I-arvet lIte answer iras made me, ",We have no 10 11te ioweet 4eetha, might b- saved in Sceue,"1 and "The Saturday Night Mi- poor in bhIl country." AnA then 1 wani- ifrom themives. Ir keting." derea eut t10 Sud !tiehovels oethîe d!i 'rIe 91an he Industriel Farul 's' Get youne hinit oetcheerftilnesn. from -gutîtute, and 1 tound mangions of amber I olony' There irere CrO6kers l ln Ienty nl grasshopper's Ieap and larnb'atriak. îand -and ivory and gold, bul not a ten ou d î< miepxroçeeM.alsorts. et evn and r- nnl's whistle, and garrulous streamilet, I sec, net a sigh coulA 1 hear, ami I lIe dirent O a luirefl. hey bave pro'?- d whieb, trou' tle.rock- at lhe mountaini ias bewildered and I uat down under ed ftal"prophets, ew la demOIStl'Uted M -ttp leir down - le îtee rneadnw ferns thé branches of a great Iree .aSA sud : »'.IjayHenr ur>" oelt. sttermnt, in'nder t Icb shadoir of the steep, cornes .,*V.ere amn I? AnA whence cornes I conceruine lime rw«i of lihe Institution. Xt lokig 'for the ateepent piace to lealp this scenelt" And thon ouIt rom aur)flg "It la eceuraaim't beileve lia W% lOoff ut anA balking just te heur lt3elf thle aves anA up tle flowery patha. anA et anyrrafe, are oel o'-wa7 towamyd id tnlk?- If ail the -skies hurtied wilh tel»- acrOisa bhé bright atrearnu there camea a S, olution -e>fthîe dMlfeulty tuaI lbas d- peat anA everlasting storm mandered benutiful group, throngiflg ail about me, perlexd l omwy--bow te desl itil ck over the soanud every mounlalu aîream md an 1 Mmm 11cm corne 1 thought 1 our drunkon .w0bien.W. bave bIller- nid Mnt raving.mad, frothiug at the rnouth knew their stop, and as they shout.'d I ta refled on ponal trestrnexi ;nom e he mith mail feam, and there irere nothing thougît I kueir Ibeir voices, but tten ar eglnnlflg tle oe lmat we ncédcu la, but simoons biowiimg amoug lhe hila. thoy more se glorinisly. arrayed l in a-eation" niomthodW. Thie priom bas tti And lIèe. more neither lark's carol 'ot paroi, such as 1 lad neyer hêfore wit- cd sa a diterrwwt te the .heàbItuai et bummlig. bird's fr11, nor wnterfall's nessed, liaI I bowed as strangor le drunkard, but au baller. thu.t the 1>0*- c- dagh, but only bemr's- bark ma panth. stranget. But mIen again they clapped pitlimlisi eo e.end l la essentiail> lie ci'.scream mand moit'. bm.li ten vou their Imuds and shonted, "Melcomct, où th. lines ci A bestta tba.t me. have l, migît mcll galber *Ibt your homes oniy meleom!"' the mystery. ail vanished, and épened. Our' wok. mW Medicineela âd tIcemrbfh anîlethéeavens wth beauty I touud lIaI lime lad gene anA ternltty *iah. a"Lbard W1004k, klem% ret and wih lîlgdncus, let un like into our laed corne, and we mere ail togetiier ympvalim, antta, ail, th. atu'os Dw home crcleg ail innocent hlarnty, ail & gain in eut nom home lu heavyen. AndA phere of hbrne..W.have tound thaî de. bigltuess amuAUai good cheer. A dark I looked around, ana I salA, "Are me ail theeut or OM>0 ~I@O'Umtn -ilu ilC1i fia home zmakes lad boys aliA lad girls lu hereV 'anA the voicea or mauy generri- mouet foçe a p .M.*b 3 bg' aïie res prepmtoumfo i ad menanmuAbad wira- bns responded, "Al here!" AnAwhile a giow beftl ger imen. teu~brs of gladcs were raiulng down Our 3Mrnaa1111111111ifia,$ r Aboeiilsm fieda, tale lubo yonr ciees, anA lhe branches e -îeLebanoli IW>me5ý homos -Chrlmban pincîple. Cm I: he eeA&rs more cinpplng Ibo-ir bauds, and truit and .flo1 , te aw eir tbat lunmueofth1e comtortmbie. homes lu the tomera efthle greal ciby wmo1re chin- 0fOf l vo0= M u r.w k mtib ly My - congregatlen the voe of prayer luleaig 111'eireceme,me aili together hegan Safl Measm' 4 teoi e ere neyer lifted?. Whati NonUpDiIcallon at tleleemp madabout and sang, "Home, «I w« o .p wa tom 5411w Wt id u1ght for protection? _What! -No thanks. home, home!" tb. merosi mmVb.MtM percifes ea gvng la the moruing for care? flow all. and ho 1PI&c» «M h. coi d n' go My "brother,,my sister, mil yeu nrinwet RmOue At he contof a Fortune. hbav e id uItiit u o Sà *bY*l he Cod lu 11e day ot juldgnent wih re- it la easy enuogh for anycue te b. recuits could la*e attendeaihe trat, ta toronce tb jour celdren? Itlelaàsplain* honest mIen Il doe8u00'Btcolsmythlng, 'ment iven t ate l u 44u DM. is question, and thprefore I alt nIl. ulme but mhen itbmens thlew ofsa afor- mmml. H. itlad s 'n VOmeeIM os cal benth clapteret Jereriah God ayo Hoeltune ,lb l'la avery Aif rit* thlag t10 lieafth nued tul. ',oma tv fin. suit- i'lllpour out Hlm turv lupoô:î tii.'fmilles eagood nnany people. .A4fflrenitly. Itpainisd entily 1 ëiroa îtiîia1Ml lay blet cmil ot upoum Him name. Oh, par- didat m'aire auj AIffereumo. 10 Srahi tom weebma. sd e i eu v ertc enta, NmIen you are dead anA -one and Huduli. of IndîanaPolls. bOWever, anA resbor'edth, thems an- the moisa llaeoveering the Inscription of as a resuli aime làu < mc atcally peu- AI firot n llW'" , 9,tb 1ai 11th the loinîstoflc, miii' jour chldren lok ulless. artter euJeTlflW for. bbree yeff to i , rm55' ýa 1peti.R vui. back andA lInkuloet taler sud mollerthtei.use ef a fortune. Wben ber brother M vac eàa t» u gs mu ilth ottmi rvr? WiII bhey take tle Ipatrlick didîAle eR ber bis whole es-But 0lomaflê :Cw 'à 'nIa l aituiliy, BIzle anA open il anA -K-P tale. g'i'lug nucIlurto bis ex-rwif e, M=tli qo ___ ri ýtel the mark oet eats and contritiomn muid mime ad socured e divoxe fromu h1m m lhe * lu ilo*eI W» çf hame onsoîlingpromise, mepi 7 ve o lmePrilmAetculY.Mia ud m 40liaoru t lhl*iiS * ý (nu- ogbt grine feut limbe atneaavoii. ul. tool ps.sin thbe Propp-,ty.freo i<'o Ici I yn o etluuicteCîlaia pin su blAIlunila odaj fo.T apmOu t 0 -40 uemp~ab 4 mie1< ed, esud he ander off mb jl*h- n. ed enttte le 1e eue uder Cd IDSAY0. DUST AND NIOT GET >~~H SECET Of the Rd Bieds phaimenal succws as: a 'bicycle lics - -1 he fact tiitfttlimosCMeUU costrcte biycl sId i1.Canada to-daY. The r Lbest skiled 'medhanics and ciioicest matcrialS art employd, i is cntutOl By no -mm tii. IeaSt important feature. Of a biYcycearce i.beaxings. Redi Bii.d* beariwg arc 50 constructed that they arc alzolutey dust proof. As a reslt Off -t* .Perfect construction RM Bir&s-art wondnlyerfsY runnItO, stand lird w=e witliout aidt a&cd wucry ever require repalsm _ ont pefaty trucbefore being pressed Mlta iiuZ and a.e afterwards subnùtted to a toog et . Unlike mootwhe4 cach wheel 23trued on Its ova bearings, not tcnPOrarl Oz=eMug Frotatb for fitting thens UP. came of accidnt, lovever, for ecdibeartisg lma double dust proof cel that prIIoves a most ffctive preventive to dust or grit. The. dust cap on kit -si&e of frmont wlieelalmo ac*a asa cone adilister.-This renclers* the. adustig of thi eri xe UtO m &dg Casy. By looaeningone nut tihe bcarings can 1~.adused lti ii.figeswliicli, in addition to being a. much moesniive means of 1autd wiffithefi.need doUy aet kit Of toolse or. alig l Rd Bk&ds'are. fitted wth patent bafollers B a c.nveuiântt simple and effective.lanofling k la oeely nwcmm e puih baU t t lsd& w'it te POitolt& la.d 4ci caoInjc4 a d whe thi.e an is removaed 9i.cou stg '7Ole alScto uà&drnàth lbrings the bail back Into fts oriinal Postion. Tii al oesstailittbouiithie Itab by v~of tii. drct cov.ying ail tub4eto the. buariNgu. T i hla tiiusprevetedý f oe on ailmnithe. &4:sb bore seaching tlie baU4a as It dom wtii gist w&li. ElMany viicl run b«an d are takea to tii. repair* SILop ta lm doctoratjust becaus thi e aing s do nSt g< % " y 1 la casei e It lreW ta remefront vic rmlre w racisaent cs 8ai, a wtiiotietbiyclsforti. cnepin ba pwnvnte4 from turning by a dowel in front fork teut la fitted la a awla ifiant pin.w Itliout t sthe cone p urw la im.e ev 3116 baflhs ed in , brnue hb foma perfcct circlet lad wiien properly adjusted run uoecasiy m scarcely to bcheard.* Theerear wheeI s simi1rto * *cI front,wiiel ln being abso- 1 htsly duat proof and very esl ~ Usai ub.~adjuted. Mor spokes and h~ge bjiaa,.us~f~oeve, ntii potesatrhi c i*o.thi earu wheel. flroughost vuy part cdf*6 Rd Bk4 , dm m ubtîd =cal~ l dgret carc in oetgctaa .w0ut. us *MW amaci-Iof ulotm, kacketu, tii. trongest pedads, thr,<> - iffsstfam ai bmab iii pdst Lp - card iii brng our hadsomc 4.,> ry. Il b ait 117p~ la m 07037 )DS with 1 Lindsay Iiae m yt. Gow the r AW sUdaslo" the extra Pdrie eWool il, tnads. IOBY ezohangiug 1oea a4 fidssrs ti*a.the EXTRA ÂDVÂNTAGE Of lare sud varled M,«tO .maint f*m: DRY QOS LTIG tOOTSBATS, GROQERIM RÂXUWARIC, PAINTS, SEBEDS, OROCKERY AND GLÂSSWA RE. uW'1O deparumente wveil.MC*OW, &Bd aIl 90&gOUOdasiu cloe m&rgin.1-8 Hogg' ros, OÂKWOODO ADVB TaS i ;thea DI PaB 619 drop Of ink InakoesMmions tbink."P

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