Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 21 May 1897, p. 6

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4<rÉ ETIE SIQplGNATURE .-OF- .aleg. Y iwkn b~i Eleaauors feelingos &u ---eduring tRilat alz'us - Urn t Musbeiuibw up My .l-~ s apreai- ouIt the haves la tbo.r«4 %ani oammencai la"R-, uly- 7- I ~ -w "Tva ys atler Uic>' gel tbere., 7" Preelve,11 Mr. Gryce explainei. . 1- A gentleman vas Introducec ho. us to-day upan the'plazza, whomi I tan- mot forbear meutloulng, firel, beause Rie tg the mont perfect specimen of Imaul>'beaut>' I ever beheld, ahd sec- cuiR>', because Mary, vbo la usuail>' se vrolub1e wben gentlemen are casoar»- cd, bai nothîn tho say,,v-Ren lu the prlvacy cf oui own spartuient I ques- <louai Rber as ta the effeot bis appear- &noe and conversation Rai imade tapon tier. The tact tRat be leasu Ztigliah- pnay na'have .cuetling o do vitRi tRis; uncle's antipath>' hoevery ono f <liat nation, bing -as.v-cil knowa >ta. ber au ho me. But somehoW 1 caunot] jeed satisfci ot tRia. That. cxperle'uce ot bers vith Charlie -Smrll a miaie me suspicions 1, fea -r. What ifI the star>' of lat summer vee o Rie repeated Rere vitRi an Englisbman for tRie bera! But I viii not aliew myself ta conitempiate sucRi a possibility'. Uncla *1i1 relurai ln a tew iays and IRe-n ail Communication vitRi anc who,. hovever elegtatnd preposgcssliig, la of a lau.- gr, amit race with vhom If la Impossible for us ta al>'r ourselves, iztt0'f ne- cessit>' cesse. 1 doubt if 1 sh*nld have tlîought hwlce of aIl tRis, If Mi-. Cay- eriig hait nat betrayed upon lis Iutro- duction ta Mary sucb Intense and un- stral ,ned admiration. .. "Jlul>' S. The aId stor>' la ,ta b. mc- *Peated. Mary not oniy submihs <o Uic attentions. of Mr. Clavering, but enx- ,courages theni. 'l-day she mat tv-o fleurs at thiepiano aluging over te btai ber favorite sangs, aud to-aItgRt-Butj I wili net put dovu ever>' trivial ch'- curnalance. IaI cornes undier my <>- nervation; I la unvortb>' of me. And Yet boy can I afford ho blini a>' y y when thie hapçimee. 0< M&U>'2 l"v%' le-a ah take I ".TulY Il. If Mr. alaverU g lane b -- saiuheYîin love vith Mar>' bei#s on »e 'verge ofut t. lie in nov- barily'-e-ver absent from ber aide,* maklng no ils guise ot bis sentiments. H Ie la a ver,' noble-looking nman, -hto much 50 1<> Re Irliici ith ln Iblisrecklesa fashlots. 1 *TUIY 13. Mary's. best>' bîcsaxus llke the rose. She vas abaolutely 'wanderful Io-nlgbt in seaRaet ana eliver. I t.ink she la thie sv-eehest> looking moitai I ever bieheli, and lu <bis I. am sure Ur. Claverlig 1>5.- alonatel>' a&ees vith -me;. he never looked away tram ber ta-aigRit. But Il la anc Ibing for a voman ike Mary ta Rie loved, and. another tbuIng for lier lao return the passion Iaviabed lapon Rer., And Yelt ram -certain iight truc vomanl>' signa, 1 began, 10 hblak tRat If Mr. Clavcring v ere oui>' an Anerican, Mary vouli no e hédlf- feront ta bis, fine appearance, strong Bsensd devoted affection. But di lhe not ieive-us Into belleving aRia icved Cantie Soinervlle ? ila ber cas, bluaR sand amile 9go for 11111e, JE eat-. Weuld it not Rie, iser unies <lu olm- j cumnatances tg sa>', Ihopey "Jul>' 17. O0ta,>'bearh! Mary Kcame f into MY>'roorn tRie- eventig ansd ab- sointel>' startie4 ee b>' talllug at My> -aie and bùryi»g'èT. face lunie-' 1p.1 'O, Eleanore,,,mare1'she mjn?-.1 ed. quiverlng 1 ià 'at seeï 1 tb iU 'ver>' happy saRis. E ut v-ienI t ie eto lift ber beai ta -mY breast,. te li tram rMy armeansd, ira;-lng 1>5.55 'UV luto..br old attitude otf rUitv i Dride, raisci ber baud as i It pose sillence, aud baughtîl>' eth l zoom 1 There la but anc lnterprelti" mqpa lapon Ibis. Ur. CUaverlng bas etoeeci issentIments . "ô il a $] *M:WMR thit meceeua*gbtieRitu 118trot1 'RushbzmaRes ou.ne u»Ible to tega-. latence. otbarriers whi&à bave b»O- ta been deemoî ImpassIie. W& Mil1 TJnoRe cone ? «JuRy 1&. Little - id I thiuk vie» 1 fflrote lb. above that hUes. v* a-1 ruadinlutRie bouse. Be rtd POchaI>' on tRie at Irai»nad ue Ibni>'My-rom mt as I vas av-a>'MY>'diar-Im' qklng:aatt»lCswe. vairn, R. 10k nme la bis armM tRieft asked for Mary. -j dropint W ai1and cOuld Dot Rlp staUftels asIrepliai that aRia vasi à* o and Xetvixg ie, lie- iah c Rie tmd ber slttiug a; .tmater. aa -aand 1be-$. tssI gnsly ruieOtRiat affla i b&t te- ,aluaadseo atiat*OW'IY. 'But Mari I Wht lathere in ber nimer tli Vaudely -4sapaints me ? Wbat la theqr la ber uailier Ihat Vatû.R>' Gis ïdOr 'kne* ghah 1 faIt a j>overmU aRriuklP* * melNi me vbcu sueh turnci ber fcta. b Mda sii aseif I were satisfied nov-. Bt -1canQucr.* ut>' feelings and beld eut my baud. 8h. dli not take 1h., l«JuRy 29. ZBoy long thie ùiss arei Thié shadow of -our Rate trial lu upon me yet; I1caunot aRabe 1h cff. -r sccr ta sec Mr. Olaverlng's despatrlng face v-berever 1Ir&go. oyla it -that Max>' piomrveu be-r ceerfulness? If she ices piot Rave him I »-huld,*tRink the respect vlilch saRi mst teed for bis disap- pointmfent *culdi keap ber trapm levzy ah least. "Uud4e h"algon. e aal.NotRi- in 1u OR cou >, ay umcci te kecp Ra. uli'X It bas aUl carnot. Ma ry bas onu>' nom lnall>' spamahed freinMm. laverint; the stIli chexiales, thie lies of onede-y Qaiylutherselt ta hlm lu rnarriage 1.'.The tact v-as reVealci ho me ina-astiage va>' not nccessary h mention Rere4, sud bas ince.been4o,- fifruicib>'Mary berseif. I adire 1the rnan,' she, declares, 'sud bave no 'n- tention of givtng hlm up.C 'Thea v-b> net tell Uncle mc' I asked. IHem only> ans-wer.vas a bfther.amile sud a ahort-ýI leave tRat for "Uyen ho a "Jli>'30.- Mtdnlgh. Worn complie- 1>' eut, bul before my blaae cool. let me. v-rite. Mary Leaveuvorth Iolaa weddeci vite. I have Just returnci troni seolug -ber give Rer baud ho HIenry.,Clavering. Strange <bah I eaU vile 1h v-thcut qulverint vhie n>Y v-haie seul la one fluala of Indignation and revoIt. But Rat me state the tacha. liavlng leftý my iroom for a tev minu- tes tRis imarulut, 1 mturnod ta fini on ,irY dreming-tflc a note frem Mary In vblcb she ittormedMeiathat elle w» 'a .~.o.M.--adnfra- drive and veu net hé back for 4oune boumg.. onvincei, as 1 bai ever>' rea~- son oh Re, that she vas on ber wa>' ta meet Mr. Claverlng, I ouI>' stopPed tu put on nM> bat-"l , There thea Diary ceasci. -"She- vas2 probabi>' inheruphed b>' Maryý at thal 'poInt," exoi.MImedMr-. Gryce. *%ut v-e bava beari am v-eI want tha knov. Mr. Leavenworth tbreatanci h, o supplant Mary vith Sieanare, If aRc péraîsted ln rnarMrn contrai>' ta is.vimes, sud v-bahother conclusion.eau ve tome 10, tban tRiat b. uj>cn learlagtmre tour or live *e"ka sInce tRis utarriage. Rai beca enterai1 mnobyb> ler, repeated bis threats -sud 9se irev dov-n bis fate tapon hlm 'Y" "'Non.,"Z returned, convinced ah lasI. àà1h ls ont>' boa eau. Mr. Gryca rose. ««But t<b.wvrites- et these vomis ta se.vei," I vent -on hrying, ta tsP the anc comtes-t left me. "Noea hO reais tRis diar>' vm ever. dat-e ta n silnuaIë. -ohle t.capable ot camilîhng a arlute.» aN, idRie, "IRhe diar>' satIRes <bat mtter.afcul>. "Would ilb. a ver>' great- grief ho you. 1Mr. Raymond, If Miss MarY Leav- enwotb ahauli b. arreshai on Ibis charge of murdar?" heaésked, ptulnt before a sait e& tank lu vhich tvo cr tbree- dlsconsolate lo*king 1111«bes ex siov-ly svhumimg about. r,te,,»14 i1, toitvoula; a ver,' grust grief."- sR 1 - "Tut it has goe l Re doue-,"ýsaii Rie, tRiaugh i th a aftangs, ack of bis uemi decliin. "àAs an boneat officil trt0sei ho briaig thie muid rer of i. LO&Vffworttt Ri notice of the P1N>P- ex autbortties,. IRbae. gaI 10 do iv, Again tRiat tange 'Ibrm orcfhope ah =7 lisait, Iuidues b>'bis X>dultarimark- After a UtlRe -bileRie tumxed, bis Indecisiogi utIsi, gene. -Mr. RAY.- Mmoi," nJd ide "Mama e aain a bIsa.I iRallt -bRn bave n,m çar r«7 olfr lb. Me-ma etud. IA Me to om it o «tsla w -ie e- L le~raes 'UK 4004 if rt ulahl go -10 ONTH sticI~gUfu.élitt . fte urer, i 1 na -. ~. to bwd o RAPPE *~ie'but ar egbvatly tht Re assassCi0'mft But t *bet5i4 o int. theo t moasnoit ll ecf t bt suicie; bu Wbo efWIS bai uto Ifi #Wei k L te bmtgbt beApauipfoeeA> ber, ta.llgl.ouso owOe a bmtuo i Tof te mrdeohtr, ia ______ S O Rl maclt m Aman tao»ber tition y, brbater c nrhirtlytSt b.asssne cieon t cein parbletblev et b. el & ww abb0 Out * 01. 'as ou t, brfse la ysuceeed u y% al -idtg e b attk t asa hé0UU**M tbâet hd t@.,In tbe ta he o éai t bie_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Inncen;.thi oiifisliivasa orgd Rdis. s~ 'à it p1fme su0d lu theh e torosfrom wich u sav one, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t kuvufrnitbeetct; irttltu letRie,» issue, boxethtfe ltOrP0 mattntai? blby the grlo baiethe un~~idu tfrtelveo ayLae-y.aydgdu i i.o rms htI place vre ub to e na s se c emlon.îtia is o É-ý- : u.ctivy % u orii, and y caus g eq ey c ud pti M ~ ~ ~ ~ sae vr n. tRie ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ % vodsusd hcelsvi ptned, ta~ c r RIs cware vtb crime*à wul P"e«lma"yo jt OA-ST--E-- ber coarsenvkathebaracoftes he ad adab l@~IfU 4otIIi e-t hmeaIstendo areat, vIthut cay-luS -OI crieanna ceain Patotyeteei ettho Gsumawt tRie 0* be tbado te le da u t h meif. I dl lot he m uvc ivoman u hnfessibon wacare be tat isseZ ut t ->0 U5gtstgee asdflomthice trme rnlesatou ai k oeul knwnr mt ry velt; tat the fOflt ome li I eg. rlNg abut er- hIssucpe tha nt .harwIfel uo n"d t1LIl 04 al o thepapr poü.whchtbi rd, itten asIftmsd o;ioubr1etr ts poe bt o m ted u l a de but iea aM abI =tilwayut wstr utanthbe confesi e n -a lt The « concý dlusnI rW q'romwto.w as au-d lea forhe yveo Mari v u mty" ataPl rpoifta;e thate wrelaeiohy hien gi seondf. tNOw, ts «-t"Aad f otE aupse hadcrI el leortar n d omunY ol o 1M sgdiM ;fnawrfeypr tewsmd ttcto af re confessi n to - the nite cbef ltgbeor unolae's rom, i ercagà ih cim el !nhang been foud clu ters kea0f .niîi 1y omrunilatet e oné taee d *xx' ars itu.ber tiiis h Ignoanst irl, kl cb a odcte 1 ayth * erv obe bga aest flutA ef I ld o t FI pe mu poion n ae wtb te tatre ated. f bi Ehtleoe. room vhenawtbe aketfro h x __n; es f i ontemrngc Redy oen« iat1es WUS i g about ber loticabtad Man. arn l ofllY et cuwhi er shekll hers it t tehir e h1au Il tuf llgd opu erre i ng P ten e c A tion, llove, a lousy, ut i tha rlaedbyth grlhësef.'41;wtht iean ttme a - eae er. T esr by ue u qnth ed vRit o hredconfis onfthr e - mstk lulalty oreaetelfcpsin vtR and thieoub t onain th con- cmeaartysvcy uaoo tîn. y ak u sirtii aoued bt he, Wd byM theV L fac t~J. ~ fesing efoled sn't ahe eng foud n o i abevsa ekleaddadyl hersrngadrletesl thatael tRie murderer o Mm.mLeavenwnr, sethis orankle ad ti ose of of they ta t hat 13vre vaorhiraction.A FTLoevh aekoutesnt ebehv o nw tRisMO.aringlmsevydandod ustbIwosf poisocn;taketh irl, ctg er tatue. chippoela rom u trie t Re tabe; O wblb ooedassôe ne~Inotensbe Ie.Arbonle er say , 0IfUTru rihté h rckilled 0f estulhe rse-fTrheanves ateoinifernt10la e siyestI y, av nt top.re wh atele fromme one for, asyknwc- ewos bdhapsentf eer thng In sor if Truemm forge lhth utose teLav Bt ntthlueubad 4Ulit Up e aetlte oeaeterfi acoos ML Rne. H I V R dea me tel ia ale."sdk u Icn sluslvmatt,"astiestbe. baI m e oe relu hlmrequetan ewa used suloyaer art engh filie thracththetb liyu~, bra v andi hvstesni taho.N and tght abeoeuh. wcnin the conair 1 a a pnkn p, nd orne neashod ms ce e.pes thuhat e N E IL. icei t grw havir ud eaverWby 0fa salria vryertd bnatrmeg;.le e og-ae Fr vsA. *.1 ScR-t~ teionI fouddr ague apprhensunign the sudbterce ea rtellcaledmebuisthen Loia re Kcre, LnAIR mi~altés t lwosthez.rta l t a triKmln ecitedo hfrbu th, le close a dllnt eir .po gndth r. hootu sl met then, assrebofnMr. ev cee roitia t te o i wee w their acin.ced er. who aek W àaote#ry y an 03 al otb i o set hl pwdr n tissocIle ma< ernes havclled wn hls.MYta h "But v-ho vas-thir? yMunute pStIom à Wood freadi eam dupn lmeH vs ad tRnion ts the secrl et;.tat la terbt fne heiroff tguit* I*-of thvhoabas.motrnebeasren oft. camen down; atter ndMatl mkig i the prcielyaise d fo e ma- S tbaf Whih oM*ed en wèoneoah tnbv 1hadhe a,"I re YC 'lei IIIDfIes ÂlàNtIN aig i L ande f ort ne. offBut s icon rnoIute a neosa wte a u W bor e e ncat bud m Donl hac r e ani It rw stls rsud rai dlyolsig 1 ag in "TRermacthebmry hoeblaable. e pp wre oton if e na t tnuf' ___ ave______bau_____wh is, th oa' t eep fohtayf i urri "Eh a ae et a e n c l-t voiytn eactlanmypror mance utem lîe a mn edll n arlmyes.,'ltb, ovreardainb Me c up tbe couinf a oepwrl l wothbtut>, b dan~ wrd nowmoyeo, wütlth tbe.sud tbumo emrne at heart ouone He paused ad lookeudifeeling couli a man baveou vbo say igt la ho ove u- i heapintsl bnyr vO butccisc the.a- caergtportdmeve sm o uani er' " T T T< st su shae thir hada verA WO tio crie, wih W gtiestongealmt aiue hd al ekn u iue man! A o ng , bea tifulnd ev e hng oia Susand mmaso.Fîaa e e;cld m,, ug-à Fo teLisa woin!H, a h!TRepaes r uut ae .n u e ed usi t ore cty>', but one sercelStonreeKant light 1 hu rl n vo ag;u phng beau t he ua O n of th eebeator so fth at.dI ul- isevef ndanuwpeae urih veybgfrboef hn in ny nea Ah, that's the queti&o. Te mr-t ecouli r_î 1erft. 1; erntbvit o the howlng .flaowi yUEa s - K McEe~tigg&atc ih rnpy e n as vonan ixte pwlthtRt helr r<,incoybu tat ui r g uci vn oh Butfair whIRthn, thcm ouaIl , t nate s buint sthel ci v.more taidtem n i bahe a ngua <alsdipetwr u gipc. toPtes tdeaneci t;that is he bva ofathe b e taecfrý iýCndL,» î UcWhtouy eor mbRiash> crsk ryle the ic e t a t W 5 <me famé sema bave omehesu ri - docaTe dot a lte,- andforun. Bt scrt o no, dolt can reutntiie t idfeeu a " agflfst lv-Weoidycll a nougb, not even min l. a! in Bu t faîka ar hevolt e su spicons.a rnlMt l Ibis Ven s c myseà home ufrany m&anspin. In. he0t and ahout sinet icaIn forTheslat t la r éable v si s a t re te a el- n hafterIan om , Tlehoe 2 ts e ntke aseto. etcaro me I.eavet n e ..B11e ba bai ealev epaiat i R iea tra- ild~~~~~~~~~w axwmr fIi mte Rna-~e t vemci hcIrr 1voui ornottA Ilkea nw dllarln y pckeLSmih a vpleaSroof ogéfte u saubitia, oeutsin ob 1han migbt n bav e fonue Ofa My oy v envorhhsads lr aoito n f Leave14 f ti edlwc ot lleas. Ivoryt h ut eme aine dmachine 1hv'ýu opee positive- u tawdai I ou O Odo't oreas '« tb bas p o ved Wto a mIn Itt n morek lathie cutn 1 mm m m m ~ m hksa let m sho w o te aspt heil o 'e, <lx. eret V -'.--rvay eI N EElU atdehcvs havtei e alnst er? A o leof i ewbotth tr bo nd lushefo? a satlu r. ekn uv ev r 1L rs man! AuI osition 1eIIbary a blaslnc- torhontl Pntorny8, "Tia!, h ahhafaThe.tha a ren muet lbaveh. stoo4. lit l coutint i eu l orsc Darbtne- banely eroeeh rhi;eftvlUa hemnane an it v-afuinmdeb a psiio Lo.aiwoeMrei t at - ar d rneye foiii, tili IRe ioula etoeiad mDo rpe 1f.iheeytngfrbue.lisnnm Ue s aduceiv-thi pltool, ut - treseup n Iett e oW .frRer ju b is e t.aosslbei. -an GOTO j icn f h nudr apae veeR i ptlnutse 1 buxm-of bertn X, Bbcs vaes se beautitul! When on tbatht r no pa Ahpiclil'a te qeiovn.gbee laor en aswrl 4wb i l.te a i monlth *unIto lqhwedny e aw n- ty-ourRoue peviuso tie lucver olb 'WIUOle»e br bin et. eco layej bte htionlparuer, 1 Iis ATTnuT~T ftha one an mI d dy. eth t o thae.oôsegl aac tp U a hcofRiec"- vOus bf uet erfJ afSaiondlyc, tienact thh ae, leot n areob e oUot!'. bato rllve If ore tag, ba.lf-' alt alllu g ar nMd Itwr M m pi ti.Ri an h crmaha anha vle hee, bu rsl'rm e anfreec ythm~e a a.IltbtUmg fiehnk soni, openy avaned hatshewasthemontdesete of mgme an latter v-OuRS Reifore maluci lu tha guht Pbarhtmeln4 th ecrihme a lu-esemuethv e, l omsi ,o osl nedycag termns ers ry e a rlua t d iectatiaero u -ornth. ed ad d loe T oh e tte,Y equ*stlY s 154 rtusl runeelnhenoeaitnl ap.awem e, a' mi; loed Inba a l,ugneBt er _lePi___R__L1v be tU1beeroao 'rbraie ' Whe Ba!mai.Bt ok tre ro br usiio& mih.a taswa * my.mtoarie foIr asyanso pinion.! ~ te aseton Eence eaenothebmtretbe ouIý'»h bshad eadleve plaibar . sud îneii Maker did kow mre ofthlamattr tha ap-amplePrO« of et amitioalov of er e wOeter'Iwousdorwnt An pea.ed.*Wore thu tat, leanre omy£ suhBetN.gh hae cot nid 00mi thik 0,le m sow o watth a Pape1ref m dinlnththenin any' is test- o etof ibcito -~T .mle, h pçrtUfl' ber0m laesie sut s.h wun pi e i*W If Paul IgthePh inake faith fui hwe Ia bk whlC God, an .flmugh fuinems sain, bu .7U an Wbat w! to deo?" There wbieh ten dîff4 Word «I ferentd nt the bcarth. jndusgtr mt the bîm ît a smfli 1ke wh Iauphte On 1h' he wiii et a c bngr BiblI" o j»g fr0 the pit. fui wo Rt swe- The everytI the et] rife. 1 sh~ t me0 -a eimn And homne The' Ir m-tel' ycn ini a i-til n trir i thd.r floods Repi tirnt's lips m and t' they1 publie Who,i and b in th( The baid I do ne are r their son t to pr, rbân" ma n il de therx

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