Supplement to The. Victori Wadr Arl9197 *>jw I IMIUT bi a't cafled Windsor, and was- s ~OIuIte t~.w.~,. , z~. ~laid out by Mr. John 8S"digabu 119. LrrmRT.Owig t th por cndiion ili nom â tu incorporation l%- 185, ta avoid confusion or the roaida the iteray Tueeday eyenlug han gone, the river la open And gariu viih lb.Windsor on the Detroit river. wili soon ho te. order ot the dey. Thée h ie Tw etn o cuij h -was~~~~~~~~~~~ mo swâatne suul oee ete antsmply superb Weai towu offieernusd other regulators for 1he a pleasant tîme vas speut bY tham welcome sprlng alter the col4 long winter. tourna of Pickering sud Whitby," wua held fortunsto enough ta he present listening AT the aie on the 3lst Marcb Mr-l 8i.adt»fre etn frtepr ta the Impromptu speeches of newly, Oswald dlsposed. of ail his tarm inPe pose l f 181,su hoo ai d nmetig cforten pfrt elected officers. Achoe programe monts at goad pnices. Mr. Oswaid lntends apoeeso nai sud v noias certhaind couslsting af mange, readinge snd recitat- selling làlhsrm n eovn otetw :Meu e h oba fPceig ions, was rendered by sme of the village. We understand that Mtr. G.<>. H. onofcr"frtetwai iPcoig membera Walsh le about te purehase tbe above fer; 1vas held in 1811. SiciESS.-MnS P. Davîdmon la elowly and give up.bis prest occupation of i hob coawIy ai Ontario vas Irei visite b,' neaaverlng, uuder the attentive cairs et Dr. ahrngle packing. iite men about tva haunded and mevent,'. Hal..... iMr. S. Davideoei, aiter a long W19AT people are eylng:- That Albert ix years &g0. Champlain acoomnpanied by and painfali Ilîness, ia, we are glad ta les=u. Me hbas been kuocked out lu the frt nme Racoli mimalonaries, ai that lime as- recoveîng.'round. Great Scott i That George bie oended, the Ottawa river, crosmea laite Nip- necovenlng. bérfl yptyoftefozRe as eodI .1ing, demcended the Georgiau Bay, and re- commnty la extended ta the bereaved Aita vo gin~ ta illcw ah Qu*esu of "ou6cbhe u Sie. sudier e uprg hkes brother aud sister ai ph. lIte Robent Bruce, Bnglaexd ta a:sigetraÏked by the Dominion octhganSioeadpseute who met wltb sncb a fatal accident at goverumeut mast to suit the pope ai Rame, Talbot riverto t0he head waters of t.he Trent, Vaientia. sud wiii the head af that goverument have sud sailing dowa th. Tteut roached th. Bay' PmmsoNLm.-Mise Senltborp ai Part the cbeek ta attend that great celebration ai1 Quinte and lake Ontario. Hope ia tbe gust of her cousin Mie ila ln bonar af. the Qnoen ta b heldlu Eng 'tb. coani,' ot Ontario b' the a-et 14 sud Davidmon ...Mise Cors Garduler bas land, clalming loyalit,' ta her, sud et thei 15 Victoria, onapter 5, (18511 eonsiiated of the bean viaeiug with ber frleud. Mime E. same time asking the pope ta help hlm townships ei Wbitby, Pickering (tormerly Wiilameu. Mes Mnut Gnhamle ris anaa! dinburgh>. Uxbnidge. Beach, Brock, Geon- Wiliaso .... is Mnue raamlarue and- gius, Scoat. Thorsh. Misrs sud Rîta, forin- holldaylng wltb ber brother lu Waehburn's Island ...Mr. Jua Wllameau left last PP4IKLV. cri,' pairi of th. coanty of York, and the new week for the great North West. Ma'y .E*et.vrs: iownahip of Sougog, formeni,' part of -the salit succee accampan,' him la aur heartlest TE oetsnu .nvwt s ownip'o ai teach, sud part of the towa- viab ...Mr. Walter Curtis sud famîlv Ti oeysrn anwwt s mhip Cýanvrigbt, in the count,' of Durhamn, bav moed a L. Gsha hoeetsiy Arua enjoyliig a ver,' nild winter aur oompnaing th. îsland knou'n s the lol*nd have, mvced b,'th Grham îune.eit w.oade are dryIng up very fast. ai1 of gog, sud vaa united ta th. Coun tien oi extehlm vaatdb heur kelcoey ta au FaiLn wheat, ta a&l appearance yet ia, York sud P..l for munioipal, j . dical sud nelghborhood. criqout-favorable, but uaL auytbing ln ütbez purposos. under the ramne U. the Uni. coabaison ta what li did lest yeer. ted onues af York, Onasio sudeee.r. upilLk.TumiE le a great doal ai siekuese around On Mouds' the. Srd of May', 18.59.I the ibis locality at prescrit. Mr. Win. Stscy, reeves sud aeputy-reeves ai 1h. veveral mun. spts le ne Forier menchant ati Fleetwood, les ver,' low st cipalitieis ai the -cour-t, met at the brick Mu Stiekie, af Toronto, an agent for the preseut, but bopes are entertaiued ai bis subiool house, in th. village ai Whitby (now Caxton *chool beries, succeed.2d ini placing reeavery aiea Mr. Johustan Murphy la kLownà as the DufUenin-sîreet echool boume) one ai bis charte lu the school biers. A cafndta bis rooru. Bath of theie men snd oraganized b,' electing Jame.s Gould, note ai wrning le being sounded againat have passed niau's.alotel Uie. ~eve of 'Uxbr.îdge, provimional wàrdeu, aud a& certain clam ai agents who fonce their Dit. Tilly visited aur schoal s short time appalated William Brown, clerk, and Will- mape sud charte ou the more rural schoole aga sund report its prognees goad. Our iam Paxton, trossturer. The rcpreaentativez b, Mnus ai Sel-aesnmed autbority tram teatcher Mn. A. W. Bradburn bas four oai-the municipalitie vers a fol lave Town- the educatlonal deparimeut. Drawing pupils for ýentrauce sud ans for public ship ai Brock, Robert Sproule. neeve Alez- aur conclusions tram hlm actions hors vse scboal leaing et the mid spmmen exami- ader Carniobsel, depuiy-reeve; township 'would say that Lb. abovo mentioned nation. ofGtri JmsO'ieBucrev; gentleman la net oneofa theso. He menely. Mip. John McCaddy ai Beaverton l a tonhi, ofJaes an Bouce, aeove- explained the merite ai his chant ta the vlsiting with bis ora6tber-inu-Iaw, Mir. Gea. Pbi.ron, neeve; iownehip ai Pickering, W. ooen af the achoal, snd effemtod a maie, Shields, for lbe pagt. twa veeke.:..Mr. H. Mitohel, reove, Peter Taylor, depuiy- aIl being doue ou stnîcti,' business metho.diN Robent Pritchard ai Torouto le ait .presen t neeve; township@ of R ar:b sa Scuorog. Thoe Iun vo1 would direct the attention aendlng a couple ai- weeks et tbe parental Paxton, reeve, A. W. E*ers. deputv-neeve; Of sootustees lu the back townships homer TQ boys are ail glad ta mec Robert t ownship ùf Scatt, James Gollowa,', resve; ta the notice sed bv the depertment looking mo weIl. t ovnship ai 'l honab, Chas. Rohinson, neeve; aasurng lhem that thelr have perfect .Itownship ai Uridgo, James Gould, reeve; libet o uetertw iceto ate "'ut off OIm iownship af Wtitby, Jameis kiwe, reeve, la uase atbe fur dirto luCho,&QunTo cuai James Dryden. d-puty neeve; village of 0mb- SPIN, vltb îlsemunshine, ias buojant BST13 Ci lYS EAELI 1UITOÎI. &W&# Thomas N. Gibbs, reev'. spirite, and ahud, ha. fouud Its va,' even ta Uphili vhlch laby ia means 1he paot7 Osaningian vas iuaonporated in 1879. MIQ Aubnu 'Whrernflhllgapring itseuaniest Tii ova ai Wbitb,' was incorposould inj~~ vîmitpald Sugelng peratians are in188 ardor bers nov. The village of Part Penny vas iucarpoastel Winu asau se living over ibis ulae TEE North Star hotel bas once mone ln Oum.Ieva day. obanged bauds, Mne T. Wylie again amm- The b law inoorparaiing. Beaverton as aj Ma L wýw ingua~ la itn v. ttai end la lng control. Bualuemlutai bnomae n hovlae c mu P t»ea 1884. l idtk ail others la Biat... M. J. C. Lyle, aur, The towuship ai iams saà organisaits a 1 e&%ties..h 8.0« ofKeamul«on.l br veil kuova lonu merohant, Inteude UWU»tt m'umoiPali'in m869- I 1Mia Ïree a M" a en% iet * ae depatiln or fer cg sélimi, ihe Lb. r Sou"o vas aeparated frnm Beach sud or ."-* fmai, ilM omM Ida lb pei futmQI J, A.Mèees bua punehasel gaued s a separsiel muabcdipality ilm. 3uiS bis large stock of dry goals sud grmwlem. The village et Uxhnlîgo vas argsmîued s ar AMaNte b.lael arrivais fron the a separate mUnicipodltinh 1878, aud ineor- 1 TEE dIur ami ««ek ère open la pam aMd iumbernn districts are lesser D. Prasele, 1 poistaI as a iovn in le888. wilii b han Un *0 b boit@W atare m A. Graele, W. Stuart, W. Hicks, T. I Tuqe population iu 1864 vas about s80,00 sot. lseos *b. lue lma brebu up mil lb. ChilI. sud D. beKînun . M... iss IL ta 1881 it vas81,; ho 1171, 45,89< ta lm,4 pei l = bave Io moail by' lb. »eel lb. Graham la vlsitlag Little -Britan friands t,%7Y; sud in nov etimalet aia"t «8M0. I~ hmu ba lle mr it vei b. if tbm, - isPorter pull Linday, fluIes a; ]Mm extreme bre.dih of the canal.,' ta, be *0 r0ad, eilm of Onmu te Lide". short vi'l;...Mima Camick, of Ragd bouit eiattea anilta sud il oie nodu lit miI lave aboiS er uuav Tu. ocmdl Rapide, la th. eust; of honer m-r- m.~ yad itvom Lake Ontaia a distance ofai xy- tau met tu a be ulgb dlresllem la opubs MUL-. .. Miss BELt Gilmour la ýVIasim orx ailles Md"afnteIvm frieda ho Tonto... M. Ar'nsto&'?afa lin sle aieeut ~imrs ehWimd alI th. pastor ci Bt, Andnivu, apeai Suad, i>ý . E o'i5 54 elmaWha vltb bie fenil,' ho To«onto,' coasequeuta,' ab seit ieivai iWtfvt W wV 0oxws O - W»W uan et e' i totre was no survice hers. . j11, md etelat PrOsva 1mà " and &Mi ea lmh-