zy. 0 FR01 a~t tratieuli le isverrwuiel» you go if ju cxqpt prv osfes. Be bus net be ecvilt ~i pe; attiag -on lettera et tatreuotii>. " entlcmanl¶ 6UndobteilY. "Omje you, s#amk te? "Oh), pes, I talk te hlini but !t'sttl bo baya .te me." lr t h-egi I coulci set help amiIIftatti ni macc vii vhîch Dick accemmPanle Ibis remark. "*Wbich Mmne 0«te proe."lie veon t htle tic ruai thlng." La&ughiiig thîs time outrlght, 1 let. hlm, and ln a feu mniit55 auftre frein the rOUS. -As Imî ngîci again viii tic cl'ovM on Broadwa. 1 Itoui myselt venderii# tînimenseiyover 5hIS îlll't expeletite. TkaS thsua ukao*n gentleMan from Làondon, wbo vent everywiiere excePt laie private houS», coui b. Sm amp -way conmected wltb the mtai Iba se at heart, seemuci mot ly ipobble but. aburd, and ton thc fiIt Uie tit tempcte odeubt the aagucitP <If Mr. Gryce ln recomimenicflhilm te in'y mentIon. The mcxi ,day I repesiei5the. ciperl, nient, but viii ne greater sucesa tban: before. Mr. Ciavering came Into tihé rôox, but aecîng me, did mot reniais. 1 began te realinet vas noesYMeâtý ter te malte his aoquail'ianoe. TO atone for my dlnappolutmenit 1.csfcd on -Mary Leaveanitla luthe .iceIRi& Shc recelvci me -Witlinouthmost 15W lîke tamilarlty. "Ah."s cri, atfter lhtreduinme i ta an edely lady ai ber sIli.-serne coranectilon ofetthe tamliy, I1bOlCvOi Who bai come te remau iin ith berfor awhll-yeu are ber. te tell me 1 Ran- r8li la foumi; la It mot se?" ý I shaok my head, eorj to diiappoint ber. "No,'sai I. "mot jet." "But Mr. Gryrcc vas bers, te-da7, ani lic Sold Mcthat he o bped ale vuid le beard trou' vithin swety-feur heurs.à "tyes; came te ,report %0te lie matters vers ýpnmiemSSluE" M bai tey selieicte bave aivamul vY far," si enmttàud. mwarnfuW. "Tou couhi bmnily, bave epce that pet," returime L -Tou maft met 14 10 essiiy diaourmarei." "«But 1 canat. beip t; every V y cvery heur that passes lu ibis ilfl5W taintyi la lke a moultain veiglit bere'0 .and sire laid onc trembllflt bandi Poix bier bosom.-"I veudhave the viole vend ai uork if 15 vere, p@silt. 1 vouli leave no atone unterinei; 1-** "What vouli jeu do?" I murmure& "Oh, 1 ie't.kio."oiel e e -w bols .mammer 1 mieiily ahangi "ýnothlflg, perbapi." TiSu libtote 1I ui repiy te thle-m"bve peyu msoCle. r to-dav?" 1i anuered ln tie negattve. Ulie i sot seom satiaici but watt. ed titi ber fieni lefS the rooua bel aYlng' more. Tien uili mn esiflU l= lnqulned If 1I mev vletiel "I1 fear ah. ls reS,". 1 retUi15i. It L5a agreat trial to e,,," eemr murci, *"clea»e.belsg av". et reaumedi aie, motng, perbagi. My In enedulous -look, "htuaS I ultbave yjE tini 1 viei te itaclallMy a e Il bnglmg about'tue prelent ubaPi, Mte cf thissa. I am vltl$ag te mck nepteige that Iwvashelie t te pi' PoMea separatien. But t lanmoue ih casier te bear oei thaSoocuat."* "15 la ilet 5 harii oeu as for ber sald L "'Net as bard? WbYI beSuse ab lleftcmat e7pôor, whils 1Iau ric-Isla t vi wat jeu wuni -amy Ah.", sh venit on wutttwalt i mny ansuer', *"veumtb&t 1 Muld pu * sumie Elemnore te sUhai'. y rue vlth me. WaiIIe gwovuii 1 lesta upon ber tic hait I bave reUtSive, 1 1 tear abe couli meven le laufl1 "Unier . theclroomntanuIidli15 v be vIser tuat the about», 'Juat ubat I tboughi.- IMaryr tune y;«pt l vnu cme me gran veglit à.- volà . thsAu is, Four own lu' i0tputut IM tit a uiurVentuetlâO @t àt tbç wb A 1ft IC lied. .Im t »1tbw einet provoece lu - pf tU* p If st~~KartiedM arlier» abictUte4ifrgt ova t*,Wt el'S~ W IiSWTmd~opiionU. I'toehitboucbt Eilno W 01M ~ ~ ~ 1 bier___ ndbsra gultty boomreviii eQithat 0y oe btet"-"M l of doubt her - lu eeOs b1têthon "ho 09 "Andi Dowv,- sal h. vittia tétai bave blh tÀci be tatel to s:»M u chane ~< . "wiab te aima« il ot ôoo8ier that thie cwftive' che or aaubeetvhib My tr l y mau", &mount boqu.otbei ber 1.*ouiO 'm pou as 1il-itm, btt which.- nevert conatitutO aau iquéité MOtIve o tees, it laem*snitiBt for mie t-ention~. great Ç6crIme." Il the, purpoce Ibvea eart.la aer .-Toeu have - bu"r mm tak bat to be Mcullbd y uncle' s ra s t onberi se wtaIh ptismaiol ,~ kow, vwu ezngéigd at uthe ot 0 thoas e u cnes î!?. ~ bis 4satli.la Ifflti a bok Ii '-that thie mottve o e ttféeW l <~ijn.e n~mm ~pr.Julài t be found ln the p&rtiaiity ubow ta eShl vas a. ork vu!' be aaaandieus t singueraa yl. thoug hoh«. they do) Mepubutahed, mai matursuY I deslTO mot profeantoteknew." ta to arr et bl ishéilsa; hut la ier Ur. GrYlce suddeVF home I* ttrent- di to ar do , li it uC4 m m ton»i!*inluone Oft Uic émai mi .ers tefors v I te gr*ie mdin lu ti.mutter nov- hlm. Kw. Hatrei"5sevIesbng requlred "Ami ant tuhie f ot Set yOu thhik- and It betur MY vimbto illnéth&t I1mw?»Isal1h.. gentleman as s I, 8pousle-hut te ",Tbiklng," ,un< L " o' li onome meecMpeDtefit to supDerise15know wbat peu Mon. Iamm mure Ip i~copltlfi Nv b ave bOard, have doue uothi»g but thlnk for the i _j have been toldi that you wver.f Uic Imat tor ses" aps. 1h& one eot mau thera te de tus. and thougit o cus-e or,"sid i." it -le-difficuite If Bot , oreper for me dldn't micas to amY anYthinif dumsSTet te~ amk5 :gret& favor Of one Who able. And se yeu have accUrK. CdaY- but a weet mgo vas a perfect stranl2,ge . erimg?" im n mre te me, It vwouId aford Me the keelicet "J uitacc YU hlm, ne oreotMr. Br pleure If yýOu veuli conseunt teclok w"Amilare you glng Mte .asalat 1r. lb over thasm Mnuscilpt and tell. nme vbat ho iifnihmgM.Levnyt' le- necesmur to be 4050.",bo? l'How did you lear» that?" "Very WSi. . I* I v1iilPrO* He only amilci. mise te cosierthe. su blect. I cmx' at "Ycî." sai 1; "iss Lc1javeiiworthà auy rite look over the manh8iS'Pt andha eusdmet-o.rta Itl give you MY opinion ti regard to ~li as reqete cted ertacltl condition." "She la a queemlY creature!.. exciah-'I "0. tiiak pou," l'i ehe, vththe tbc c in a burst ef emtbuslasi. Miïen È prottiest Vesture of satisfto. eL"Bfoywltb an Instant return- te bis b.usiness-1r kind peu are, mmad wbmt cun 1I ever do like toe- -You are gotue ta bave op-E te repsy you I? But veuld rYu lk t portunities, Mr. Raymonld. Nov, there Mce Mr. B1arveli bliiet r and as are two things I vant peu ta imd eut* meved tovwards the. deor, but Oud<la'fr iret, wbat la the. connectlon betyes ly pausi. ,whflpi'iflgyith &a b t tese ladies amd Ur. dlaverlng-" ahuider of remembi'arL0, "Be la In the "There la a connection, then ?" libwawy; do s'eu min Ire. j"Undoubtedly. And secendly. what I Crabiif ovuthe kikquai» hatla the cause of the unfrieudly feeling arose at Uic mentof tthat $Pot. I which evidently existe betwecm theI ,replicdInluthe negative. cousins.'," "The papers are ail there. a.nd ho 1 drew baok and penderei the pool- .o.ea work better lu hie old pi&to, ho tien offered me. A apy luas. fair va-1 amys, thas amyviiere eia.; but If YOU man'aslieuse! How* ceuli 1 recoucile1 wilh, I eau cat i hlm owfl. it with my maturalIinstincts as a gem-1 But i voruti mot ttsteuteSit, and rp- tleman?1 1self led the vay te Uic foot et alairS. "Cannot pou imd some oesmore soit- "I41bave sometimmeitbOught 1 veut4 able te les=u these secr-ets for' pour i teck Up that roomi, #o. vnt on. liur- asked, at tength. "The part cf -a apy, rieity. 4b k«ltretralDBMNa mythItgbut agreemble te my lst 1 *aM no d Mthu 1» 10veins.1assure 70." t. ths bouse; a power -beyod rayait Ur. tir10W' EISloI ,i. F forcsi Me te onfrot&l t is Ia brces.41 wiii assiat Ur. Barweitlu i r Ani yet," sbe vent On. .1 mSffer * 009k'torts te arrange Ur. eA&venverth'i à tlmuafly frein terre?. Soflitliei la thé. manueurPt fer the. promu," I sali. "I 0 dwkuneuao e i tgt-Bat," ahe sMd- viii Vive Ur. Claveiig an opportufit! demi! cried, 1«1 vil mot dltrens 70U. ta ternimy .acqu&almtmmcand 1 viii 1. b1ave mremdY sai t mtoo iaCliCOMl" listen If Miss léeavemvoi'th chooses te . smd vît!' asuddist f tthe heai she Malte me ber. confidant in amy vmy. >0 ziutel Uic staimsBut amy bearkenlmg at doors, surprises, M KwU. larwell vas seated viien ve unworthy feints or usgemuiemaniy sub- .0 entered that fatal x'eeM ln the oee tr 1gs herewith discîamnias out- 1 chair ýot ani othera that 1 cxpected te aide ef my province; my tank belmg te sec -umkocupîiedmad as I bébeld. hie Smd et vhat I cas lnu anopen waY L. meager figure beudîir viiere such Aanmd yeurs ta searcb Into thc nooksada w lit1ew ile libre bts eps had ce- corners ort tus mnt vret<3bed buâS- r- oouterei the. outatretceici f of iet bi mes.. A murdersi, employer. I_ couti mot but ..]u other venu. pyou are te play the ~~~~~~~~~~c ave rUiunm ixêt'ell fhouai, and 1 the. mole; mast se, I know the mmn , inluthe face of aucli vhat betongs te a gentleman.", mémoris,could m ot enly appropriait@ "A5d nov," sai 1. "hat me"s et ~ tat eryspt for hie ovuse but Bannai'?" 'e, pursue bis avocatSons thae lti soiHeBeshooit botii banda highla Smthe et imuch Calmnimesa aivdent prSoialmteLair. *"Noue,", crici lie. e But là. mutier Moment i dlscoveed 1 Icannot aay I vas greatly surpnlssi tiat the iapewltlom of theic t itheUicthat *veiitng, 'whcii upon iaece*Oln icemi Made that oe Msot thie uty de. rom, an hoesr'a talr vlth Ur. Rarw*li x-siraute euene r bispurioàse,&MIgLu" 1 encountereciUmIssLesvcwortth stand- s» tantl! my >vendu' <banui te ad- ltgat the foot et the staira.Tiiere ft- miratilenat thtu quiet urrender 09 had bes ometiinln hehr beariag th *e l personal feeling t. Uic requtreimeuta night betore vhich preparei me fer an- ln otneoe«tr. _ter IntervieW this venta, tiugh er > HIe ioekei rOP ueialaias vs manmer et commenolflaIt vas a aMr- k_ u»ln. but iii mnot rime, bis e pten- prime. "Ur. Rmymoni," mmii aie, look- mm-ane vearim the. aiSorbel. expression int40'wn vt!'an appearaucel or cru- ho vie!'be»spea theicPOMMeeaeI MI&i. luienlt, "I vant te m*&p7ua r, "BRe la uttf 1W obU5»" M19yFuhis-question. 1 believe that peu are a geci pèWed;"that sa vmj e« hl I doubt "Ma" mn vil 55W St oDUMaatatou- bel!'*Imoa ve o 'iiet S Iltha bIr- 1 a abrother veulE," ab* puaurci, b. i l. ADena w o ibai.l v ac ltt h ylsfra moMent t. MY] vision as if te nfl attentÉi o b er-btriii~i'tbtIbv ease [orSem adSMi, "I bave brought Ur. 'but 7011, 4 I MWtaM& nomsera orne. lu. or Eai omiuuialr th e es n Un. iw le peu osthik a permonaCeoux Nanst. N a s bec. so kbaias te do aouaetbing ibat w» VUT WTOS >qr 1 e-t ISO urgadt i amidpet gna ote lethorougbiv gol &eOmPieto MYetic n« aurtpu tev ~ ' li TNAT THE SIGNATURE Piral 0*fl tp o ns t h S s P o lu u - -- .'1-1 *Ive " r veet, a l bt)e feil ari'¶àuge e ote tar ut> ie iýery 1WS &" ami the vatt aM r tboy co ni â ti f i iey uou ,&& bhat' 4g wyqmel*>< kmou.. But ib & 1î er maiil 1 - tuf a a calm df icc. h. isb I liai passi ten houa. aid gbthe lIMiPS6 of fJace at a& 1iiibw th« wvaswet Ld am itouglite cMne for more imuD one voeu Pt tment. I lterminci te expfl tgfroua r risits te Mary LeWunt'sbouse, nid entOrecilit upea eve luaques- on vltb asncq »chii s I bai et erpertenosi an the firaS dar I >asse gmdêr. lis portaix. But visaOPI ue utrngti e "01t900 Moni -1n M theIo«r'wt! Lh air eofueoe o retIOS1017avait- 'a om etifl o _ oriTfl , I teck a sdden regoei u.i, avriî e warda ber, sali: " m e1 yeu alose, Sie pauseainSmbi lurrlei mettes, lusbei and bouci, ut, cotrai7 te ker nouai custom. dlài:t bld me eniter.. "WiUlt 15 e tee UMas Intrusion un gmy part If I Venturi te corne hI?" I asted.. Ber Stance faiêureauily te the eleck, and the seiaot te ex.flie berselt, but sie yîetded. amd irwing Up acar betere the tire, inotionei me toua IL. Though ah.l endea"er'ed te apperai' mii.Il vagueY 'feu that I bai can lupon ber lu ome of bier moiS agttatced cois, and that liad ny tbOCh e subjetl in mlini te beholi t t ha&ughty as- pect dîsappéan betore e tîke muctîng anou. 1 aise fett tbat liai but a few moments tn wbich te IL1 .Iaccord- Ingly pîunge I mme lely Into tlme Oubject "MisLeavceoth," O-d 1. ,"in oh- truding uapon yen te.uaiçht 1 bave a purpose oSier th"n ilat cf .giving n'y' self a pleanre 1 bave come te malte an -appeaL" Sinsantty 15mw that in nmine y hai starte vr&g.-An appeal te ma" ie te ie?" ae aked. bretthing colduesi r aever? teature etfbh& reckieusfles. "UmibS In every ethel endeavor tet 0ega m Uictruth, 1 have .come te o u, bum 1 lleve te be noble ait tbecore, oto iaiiep.whlcb acculà IllketytetoMas a Sm cry other .direc- tion; for thi end v wIai. If l5it dos mot absoluteiy save jour cousin. viii mx least put usunlpoa the Snack et ubal wllL' "'I do mot uniersiaid uhat 7011 micas," retursei aee. @ghtly ahrinkinlg «MIss Leaveuoti",p'ursued 1; '11 la meediesa for me ttell yoU u in*al position peur cousin stands. Tou Whi( reinember lot!' thc form suddift ci the questions put 1te ber ait the lnqiiel comprellemdiIt ilithout 5.57 exPl&a tien from me.' ]%ut. vat 7yen MaYMy OI kmow l a tbt stunissetae la *Pend iiy reiieved trois thc suspicion uhIlh Justly or sot, bas mtttmched. tIftac iei mntme, the comasquences vblch Fucl suspIeIon entailla, muet faitlapon ber "Goo (d ui- sue criei, "pou. do 1Do mean thMat aievit e--" "Soubiee te arrest? Tres"- it vaLs a bleu. -Sime, bronau, angulai, *ve.la everl lime et be ulilte faire. -"miail because et tbm keryý !" ae rnniutâled. ."KeyT HO* ii eu kucu arajtliu about a keyrr "wbj." mdld ie, lu8hig puinftui "I cametsir. , Iir't, eu ton, Mer - dnt."reiemti L. 11M. d0ev - - n08 -imat . d b.ugt qet pse kusu.ne h" bd"v lut, a a s eat, it-«. ut. Emo »ý"ftwaaM" " atiC "- "WIwt 40no, Z Ido netfMY tint. wbatnade Feu Wtb t "tfY suc!' ex- aores. Osbactcnmsudicommuet as ISSu saSfttaetD me tirconst'ution.l.utle s1se la mai, or' aie le sietlin$ muthi a-t the efflmsé or bereci."1 Kara fp uhich ilaitreuubtei, slOv- Ir .5*41.4 lszelf, "Ami vio Mibe yeu, setttei upon, as the persocu for vuns enoe thus sacrifices i."- "Àh" saliuI. there la vber. Iuami assiatance f nom peu.LWltIi your. lm**- iie etobuh«iiltory-"P But learLeavemwortit OifflÉn iia.ulily bmck Itt ber chair, atopped me vith -a quiet genture. "I beg pouer Perdes." ms ie, t'but jeu nmake a mittake. YI mou htte on notihO ffe EIcmmore's personal feelings. The myo- tery muet be souci by nomie ou. be- 1 ciiasgei My tactlca. "4Wben Eleanore coneseite jeus that tire missîng key bai becs secs tu> her possessIoü. iddah. llkevîse lsfor'm yen viiere she obtaInedi t, anidifor wbat remnon ah. vas hiIng 1?"' "KMewcly told Yeu the tCt vîtheut any explanatienr' "Wss net that a strange plece of gratultous Information for ber to give one uhe, but a feu heure befewé b ai a.ccuaed ber te the face et commntting a ieadiy oe'.me?" "«What do you messn," smaked, ber veice suddenly slnkinc. **Tou vl net ieny, that you vers once" mot only reedy to. belleve lier giflty, but that Yeu mctualIy obarged ber wlth hmving perptratei thia crime. "Expiais pourseif." sire cried. "Miss Lcvenvertb, do yeu not re- member uhat vas mmi in that r0om uputainsu yen juwere atone vit!' your cousin on the. morulnt et thc lu-ý qusat, mast before Mw. Gryce anidniy- uit aiterei joOr presence ?" Ber epasdli mot faIt, but tbey MWis w» isudien, terrer. '"Tou beard r»iM 'Icornu met belp st1 I vms ut eut- aidé the dean ami-" "-Wbmt di you bcarY «Andi Kr. Gryce?" "Be vas at my aide." t it seemici as if ber eyes wveu de- tvour my face. "TYet uotlins wvassali vien Yeu came lu?" * "To et bowever, bave acier torgottefi t?" "Oowcould ve, UmaLeveuvonth 1 Mer heai feu forWrinl ber imda, faie semed lest for one viii maoment t i a guilf et daikues. "àAmi t la1 uhy jeu cerne here tco-miit," ahe sud" ieniy exclaimici, deaperatoiY rouslng *berseif mfaullMg full t cfImdgnàm lapon me. "Wltii thatsentene urft- ten lupon jour heut,7«ou Ivade ml premence troture me w» iqueitton-» "lPardon me,"I lict uao oe mj Squemto»îsach as Feu, vwtliremmoublu reardifer' the. bouioeofrQe 70u0are acoasiomei te assoclate wvith,aboedi home taete amwser? Do 1 istogfate r r y rayumnoed la akiar pou lieu m pe yu came te maie an accusatio et ne grave a nature, at a ie uic. g u théSi cbremitaflOiet tthé cMeMveu frcahlybelon. peu, OC& te lmat Sft cerne viie pou"ouai is ce va sono- camé,uetoln Feur imputation timu M nei at -smm te ber ai&e00 M4 M>Cuel fate r' ah. u- m ur*i."Mo »W esilte r' "ilss Levemvc'tb, saiId rusInE U aitklgMU y stand litote ber. " d- gbSese ea tn=potati. stziae- v»U tws.a yemam" pOUr euins Ve M ineS Wi te MMraber OMeu. *8% thme; lot mie ai it »M Ue et hlkm 10vhM. ahw thn »=O,m mu 0 ~ - MaIv*-- ~ UUIAO ~ ~ m M WRAPPEIR ISWSD OFF d Ioe~ %gnaêmee cf OF ~~E 0FX Cadleimptup luon-luebtlesoul. Il b sot souli ubaiL Don't alles o "e io MU y Mmyn "niaa u on th. piet or promus that Ià la "JtS ese lgo"md "Vui ameuvery U7pu. pou>ra" tBe bs jluoSOPSt -LI lis'gaz' *?fl7. ADVBTISE Înth W AB-DE] 10 frclatinj the best homes. Is. resd by tihe. mostL intelligent r(-ead-3ru. Its Readers a"e 1UYERSU ADVEBTS nTU WARDB] Turnu Bad Biood. 'jt Rich Red Blood. ilm prhU Um -Me" U.dby usin 8.! SNo other rem.dy posssessu ch perfetcannghe anid punifying propeti. as Burdock Blooct Bitters. It only .cleanses interunly, but it heaLs, uhen applied extern au ml ores, ulcers, abesses, scroflous mores, blotches, cru pt Ït., Ieaving the skin dean sand pure as a babes. Taken ir natly k reuoves a i trid effete or vaste matter -froîr - systi. amr tboougy regulat"s ailthre organs of the h î* restoring the, stormci, liver, bowels and blood to health y c *~~t ,ubi a tb. sick lc=re welt, thre weak strong, and t *who bave that, tired, vorn out feeling receive new vigor, ~ boymt b«healhad sprts, 80 tiraSt tey fuel like work. 'If arete s oo.= M "eegygne, your ambition lost, B. w~f retor yo totir ful .joymnt cf happy V:Iorou'l W91 .ýMApl« ~1 *~ ,Itsi osa" . iling ally, in ter- n the eur J~. ~ ININIY -mi ils" ~ t~ ~I~7 & PLANINg ÏILL ~ ~* 5rVW~U &$onu Lumber Yard. Dosi. m1.4 .Uo&UM ngsTuruinp ec., etc. wepihMd bohre you buy elsewheft S -ozo-tf. URE [ TLao00 I '1-. - i Née "end tt; iU ut ohn AGr Ilved and 14fi «>fM a nd enou Z ' years. Cause ed 1 gn ight ticate peaTS, su oce ord yaur dres Mho thef I>to th~ V beyorl are I exper Vtpra, luno ri Mo4tt youi4 skeve-r you1 4me v c~ et a mar Q.nd that eae #-- oth -tbat E-ny'- eofrm ith:an bf S c~h j cris* th: n San' 4In aff-e Ii ei thie #à ze( &op 1 of: ink makei millions think-'l