Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 26 Feb 1897, p. 4

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Our stok, teI4 O haven it6» pay, cand Zas we A"m no.r m oa slre to paLi we a" e fl atlvrwar, Cbtu atrosaajf*A01 FOT(> T Pm, »--e_ D7,!srWoot Mmd mjss'd.t aseSteve, Nult adaE»MOrni; aie i bt Blaamuilh Ou lu1 i h. e arkcl . Preuh Lime, D)rain Tiiea. sdSewv Pipe Of ail aizes. A fali line cf Lumaber sud Bhiigh for Baildere. Everyth!ng np ho date, and.ppuces le suit t4iseues. Cive us sa cmI.TeispUo» 50. .A1.1ý R.BRYANSIa ou MONEY TO LOAN. uusmi.Bà&EEoU ià ms.UUIdik. S .umemfe by .Mb ien eor u"ammmb Imon Omaouttly of rniSle t*flSog orimtt uoe, ntM sea atbI.to borvwun,84 u« miof taira hmô o 1pwOIW 01-00«b" Buk iniWIm8.Lad m-O4 8TEÂKBRIIP AGENOT. Y«Mlob Stbo « utreOlb. 1Couniu mmlUmp Sau Mud meor mite me. Ageml Dominion BoUidIug m.<tom A.em.lmm 0o» jour ouuso n oser lesw tmesu hmo .e nut i Raveye« iwsufl al iaeut Oiu me% ia rnoom ,w aj-uyia -sua,. s0. LVILOmai, umu Oum. PRDY BRUARY 26, 07. A clma morn 4» m9n Aumlmce cmm m0lloid"t PByrs0718910A£ PA TRONS OF i15. Whou lie patrons of Iinuatiy begax open loulgea la Vicooia oouatt mlx ym Np thO eodtor of Ta* Waoua gave tl organizee. oîery proper masatm arns agan ami agala llies oolumusa suec ci the peopar ais cf lie,ordor. Boo, hovrever,4 I be anippam vwile lie memboeocstaillg bd join vili lete "butsinlalmn, thât villgu pulterala tlie-lateresl ud psy .10k. f orm pariy, teaduu, of the. patron mi mencmivce deavoelmg tl e usit uef uta... of tic ougaulsaios as aboni lu- tuais ami Infomtilonte tlImmi aul by cuumly dev*Imr" tu e ali lie Inteuaté ofthle zforu paty. Tie plot sunemiel. Wbeeos a<om vative bal a chance te vin a rUlg,1 Provincial geaud aiêstotica a patros pet up tla plit Mu voe md Ibm mm Olbhissvuesahwtbala Mu. - t ë4mdvul c.io uaie mia mollie m casfm.kg a. o or PU - ser MaIe aahlmbg 0steokMym peossalatlvebodg. Bommeebus wqm abe uoa, but not, onseofthMu pale eupe!lor te mig of tus ruq uinp fumers a ibm boume. Tise publie «&ave Mu lhli ka POU poPbartpy. tle PSMos u t~ elsotiaféea, MucoummousoF m P tesling te-label bomuslvue as pals. bab hu r ebSme mui lai lme se MM bomeb-Nomu ( TMoa uu" U1g01mi Tiehigua ès i oSismuls mi mmmi émie I bomuismumi Rapae*esiOm a te a"- Bat, Red bue mil os«etO yi. ehdam ~ d~ olve M ehmi mbua <«M&»la - à Naimm i% et *0 h 98*gld suwO80a14 oonà M14 uletbvba U mielsam"mu *«0&ml-*a0alsb meumuse m dsmay 50O5.ibsioy va ute miguli nima umsu(ma - mit$m apl mi os*0auWà« - - guayi » "mm bwam tebumm min bu » bm a e.uame sucg lisulu hm" laal bmubsi .:b Cma m DwMmrny&a iav- e à4-ày bunbo«MI sê br. bas ihoovaSbàgl% g e aomi o **f ses oe màci i ubi l-st pebi etor subi e,m Nou wu« o a *Md lalbmli atelis, mml l -àIc ma ue avuhl oi ulasus sesi b nomemb;bumms. puMMcOP guM ie eOailo o guaisuo gu [are Oi'e uak .,bludea mi o5omo of lie Haoly govmmenti bng epo"e bh &bdai.Oppoalhlabtel y .Mr. W-i»Y l'h.mmlmalof .1 ius.Ptmémasto mua la Wesi Totusto as a grt%'mml h suhuequemit reeappoltmon, iftDot mosr pela Mu * .puopis MOfVîbieula. l'bh 'ga." a fmMurhue. Dii Mr. Puestus usosive pa lm thm e' al h. vm-out of Bui, -ehConmmus cs a nci voue lia. III Pusa oammuSe m mbmh.for kir=& latu eLou i IlVms givea oui liai ho.W, ei mami laeo n o plmalu la tMu oommn. ne - amia.uis.. lias ehpom. vues oooly iloml u Mr.Comsbinieminl Mr.: BL ILBriten, Q.O., ILP., of Kingutos vu. expamel le bave bell su ofice vwuor& 30MW)a, gmse"«he vupl Omlaulo goveemmt. lor momliialter ihm dtud"osm u ubsi liehé ceMuDoIR. Thuse a" mueeoolier ue"usllbave be useaetodby Nmus.. Whitney. Maisett usaRgsaWlglî St Jobu, lscmpbsli, usaban, oy- laid, OCaoge aMiother am.evaivom la Mtheglsisive Saemble. Thiéoaoul"eisttvoppostlon ai.veforcel H120. Mr.- Rama te -geaut f oh beok dam la Mue public ohool. amd 10 aussI otbmu obuoxions maies! tavs. Tise.oanaiatlio cumu&a e u gi pelacipis of ceumly cannois. Tihe coumsevivosoppose the ceuleaila- "a la TouaseM ofoffices, offloseaMam moue'" propeili belongiug tO tMumumla. piaoies. T'h. comeevalves demami a peopel a"ui01 prilmom met. Timere Dov Ds pape adt. Thi. ooumouvallaim Obt la esoh Woe ustg sai soéhool seotlma» Saiuflbirs0 Mu, mmm vis kuov boy le buioulra asmveon eft he sMugoveusmut luipoolc" do, sMl, auteul o psy oh.le los of amoobhte a mue1 ()ut"uogovummt offie bouses The Ontarieovmemeitoal m..ae le .hm wbobe Won. If lilàtalobtel, wu tme i. Nom iVlolulaa md.»vm vi<i &iU ioubtin mge ua elleoie, afev Os- lidk o gonmal rosjobs, ss"im tMu ,Momék, obosyge..,Cusisa, lbo, Sboubeme, U Minsmi Estes ruais Thmbu rouse un a Il agui.se g. ucmilhm ad -**lispublIe vm » mmues Oio emu mmovuamesi o as. mmcmi ooulose «hhuteMupoe. o t huo W" lob"u l-ma'm m - îïi o-mly dumube or w nmum-Winmc*8eul rS e i as-ovue p m.bms bm » oto b-flmm«U u it liai l 4~h. w ~ ~ ~ ""~-"vi.u u~j V41'v flflrflfllôêft ,1 BdiEBOlu.At"l p bsasm l udlemeo umui1 e litO5 Of *6~ OoMMMUY sinho o Ssidate ohheuspitil of'tmali investors, and mmp4thé mlip - 2&i. bImyi&ls joe4, leaisgamd olpeaimg Minerai Ciel..Of aIl descrip- W* dom à*, -or agUs-&oks, Bond%, Debentures and sa-to do a goucel Brokerage business &Ii ~WU~uaê~ug.shlugk«oe DomInlS of Ca" naaud eIsevhere, ~1SI li.pauT mm5 ort abty sud aig, second tanone 0.111mm" ua JWhsdmumber of siares.- The - lu. b~i .« thl. emIsé viii b. sold at 10c. 1*~~LP~hs idélg 1to eure part of the ~vosmentCo.0 M w v JW im vve wMa7 %w - Mani Auothe S Nf qpu T"- of uuulqality juat Peceived, to b. sold hn.Wé would lik e evoy hukepr to inspeat 1h8,aswelk it uuexoefld orqlt the prioe. A wu mm Imm mobb«CROC KERY and. GLASS WAR E. omuu. LL~ *hule. UeflWe offe« uoM»pouuo bi, n nthe above Unes. New MW i. imbu et - v..m ffl m la* ~,goodu ont.ty rilgoowd cis foir spacehence we offer 6 d 00à.. g....Dine Sts5n ChOmbe SBots, U Coot. Tiese wfll be pickei *0 boulpuhevl b .e ié. lequel, @"l gte k. b. 1" up quiakly. _____ one o12133M" m "t 0e"r= s t Caai I' f -er.pmwhi uli sIal by bu u4*18, mavuvi 09.g mm S~ .,~w. sui - humod1 ga ibs u'-pson veut *W tlu b Itho vu wvil - Mouamiea"y Jug ""bami»let"sii to"_.__ .M- 1.C*.tMPIEL£# ViE lE 080"09 " g.ndis 0& he-aWblaMa" saut FA Pi02siIdael haIIo.. 8100FHRRbL. COIINTRYu th Qeeala M0dimlà M t nk M*-SU Bm m dmethe& 0- s v& àefl u& u ubeadwu of s ib mm op o-Muibfy hn ate Geeskoulg.. m l li Isiforl nei i mbeos buls opàa h lu e h po. aThe mbusmm W"ilaalu e ,Teaias Gmaksla M&dm" T àVý m sibiefvo u&gi *mexpae ar. ouselu-DOIUO5 Pu o tem nu l;t amdi n retoa mt ta ar e a The O1""e09 baveMdlaishoe u "0 plate .élaew wM be i.. ý ad* 1ql u ba iev",a .m he y oahsse ai poulatel h G "ms Wol-ior h W a* « " àel m W rb ý # at il wh y not buy the very best ini the market? on ~esMl.ham.M.O.pois pubcthieWb*0i. TMhe.e0zwe oir 4 ouart"puhsebecamée the prioe i.s the same-the best is none too Th 0MMt " Th folgiowuE lff lmis malisin" esspc.ablm S.When the local h - pw44loI& fM~ » l. a» emoroui o*sem1mhtumag.tec unthé IM FrO ltu m ' vZ"h fiofm ao "t: ».,8" lu«do t ouib t tegood for yourstook-and we feel Sfdn ISISmi~~b Of -U -U my1SIiUa ule sl 2 ta, wlI Ahat for every dollar you invest in OLD The Cie.. h.aueuk vue -~-~ dvoika.th"t "h.peopile sMa psy ivi teaok aMr lova ovSe vhiâ *0eh su-lIl", -&- fSi ou mnIs. ov, vby i t oa l bitNGLBH CONPDITIION POWu' ateaiselt vu Pm ' h r < coma &hW tbu b.lad.m- &0, Thqloplel u sug aI hiukel aa :mVMi ut.*t . i. , - awb bhmt bs- mch mmw mteIDIER nov you will reap ten dollars in the Camus wheme*mivu bat a « Te.Th t la ~la ses I éM"ulana &me udwIprng. 'Prove it for youraelf. lb. 11h. mlum h mml- Usseb li .mmfiq, ~ . 0. Us eaeveg vIE e fomur ai.lu- A.HGNOH M TMe Ies. e ave in wigal nu .tme ula as.m, e eý,omss, ustuesite a bamsuouaHIGINOTHsM Bhellet]Re p» *0 dg"elma, Io sh àmuaiwm 1* g. m ___=bave bomm aie la the col M govSu ] -r gb . m bth e . erm l mbu f tot ou un - mat" Âfev 'ampes Vin explaim Um solm e Open aua , â» m 6Mu p0 oli ipumu al: 5 h TH:E- odm beus eh" yibi. ai*li bumegmte» im.by mm ac ~'~m.tbe poalpativttela te. *0utes.*0mapetplel siesti iM FE Alla dowaanmssektlomeMdpe, lifme st Mleus b VEl bvsmum.800 la..IUSkM aoelie ha ms esoHMailal m amitae um tiimpouuift eck l ue bu theM "INVEtTME T 00 Mac lusia &Mml &MIO6" ais e u e f.,quia". t ae lvfo. * eaarvnefre.poe Cniel. vii hteglverm b ton"5v ir15oia eh e iopouc me:- lleari t 'l hlMi i. e ]au" hmBigl.......2,31 sm 3,066 io v6,oikr o i . a uabDE " PM N . Bo o sobe es h.' i Baa " E 2eb« eaua h9,646 7,273poil roocen taé sM&smmabo tte anla The H 800s....... 3in8t6*17? 2,700 e"fowl,. ushet. . -LP'ab Wo n, oam faon M eupoeus, buthe m vmousMM r u t lm cas . The ef. 8,84 6,27 2,878 p onac e luAloaiMt u ie a r cêce-- ai eubsk s baiuyvI miai l. am ahoug èm logi lh.mIINouilWgmaMvut-hSTgod pcoluC K""O">m0"sue a ukase fos fq soMuWh" a botesa g. mi iouave o ato looktablibthe revoitD& ups. ul VEsoIc, elcetTuos a)YUck atfai" u idllati sl. Tu Aiot l Me ofMutes f l. ole le mince li ba le a l oom enpy neosDvddio100,0ShrsfS.Oea. I)e.huma i lbismi t exiai ous s meuaau M u insttuntla.W e e faeu ail ov te »Sby e a ohaw.0am tpi l 1ai 7immm.iM laneassieOom oelby u p th peolguosIa" lieeosh.sogii .sooipBrut~~fIe ....fo8i tU46,008E a eoui4o]PRINCIPAL9 la gai Bi u sOFFe ICE S: sSuunlulimi iaxua60M4V.exussihur lu eh aggtthof muitl limfe bl oviëi.ceaui èhlm. -Ban» Bw« ......M.. Rus bur3ovlaeMM73RNE W K HUGElsMONP.,-an- TORODNT O pe Muk lir se J lu a "l isabei ~ ~ M m m a» f-uo rnus....371-,4 .W h h f liha" bal, aiBMobsl. PMU um e amu i& euheh g........ 54197 8,299- g. 2 M7 ILNJ. r'Q. - - SEforTARY G r = y a t a i n g b o l s t a d l a th e 1 w u .s . ..u . .s3 , 68s i * a % 7(U n u.t .. u s ie s h eon w u2 u b o k fun of heao' £ bt m of hmanlirmou....... 88ul 677 . 878 ni gums uoU.siusm s a mélu i.oâ 4l»oesviib t rmPRSNLLÂI me .ylaehgovimmi vusohilu imle 1Th«I B. . 501V h». ieate mlus o f uatel, expasalis ami t pag y fatlie »pull a oISmuBie fa »us. LuMI *o Imà pocar-4 h -t sel 0.0 Wb Zrou_ le , 1 - 1 ý,j

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