Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 22 Jan 1897, p. 6

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t 'I t aie f3doreab*ut Berlp»u-e. sMd MagglO bas bei. .r, fo a lZus laae to pt. :.rlYd, ~ thre palhted am4l carv'ed lh..-uty vrivw- it ae dà»uy eoXf~ . .i.ct gays TIc hWaarlag-, tour'Star. Net w. rdaya âge lb.e mttre%%ail mui!d v.-î..,in oVer thec kz. : W.i brueli' ...~J L - .&gnputtiu.ç t blai«'ols «-det for a Musiae -.biU W'resbeb siNcu i a F. feu -arisasd ualtou. a"on. auad thre aUiarm sob.SvVd iat the Mau m air A Me-eral -eocr.bnr ýsa , b7 ' wltb oold me -et e« cioth Ve u . . t-a - J loi't you *lm# tbb. off tu *g iwah er U. 4uWe ere.ê. If thq M W a@wMaor4 à Monl alwiis Uab W Lt b W WM 1 jk»OWthat the woeI-t4b.4 Will Aevera a mret s« Toeý-w se hci~M*Y be a le "u But wlu abot 1kr tu 4waq Et fo~r me.1 maeiw 18111ai t M wWlcldug.-mb. ie lathe 9101% For nîy owu iibout vili b«4t, w. I % " a: 0il, F'or the unider doï, la the. *gh GRE-AT ENG NEERING FEAr- l1olaud t t iclimniX*My RquawKausi etftire zuyder Nec. hIIa as dèterminield upon a g!- gantule exgiPOti lng feat-the rêclaimiag Scf à mje et QW inI~soland uow IyIIW under th. zuydier Zee. Eitbt hundrs years ago 0ail of Holad ootaid but CO00 ;Bquace mile~s orlatnd. û. le i *thanf one-third of the State of Di&w&rle. Graduaily., by means of grýeat dYkt>s )andi bas beenreclallmed uitil the Pre- rient area la nearly 13.000 square iDe I'hua la more than tW@nlty tins' the original area. Thie nevw rkýinv.0lvýeS the construction of a dam S?7 miles ln lengilu. The ine wil mn fMM a in ott uear Helder. whitch ta'north or AM- sterdamn. tu the Isianti et Wi.rUgn. Thoin trom the, eas< -end ofr-bth .sad. whieb-là ten rules long. cncisiS a point Jus: Southie-o Workuii. ?The . tUke wvlil meaàure 35 fect ut the ha"e. Italperilig to 3 a.t the top' The Ilrst task I the drivirtg or two . reows of P les on e ther tilde ofthe pro posed dyke, formning a pa.saige 50> tbet wlde. AgaInat liiese there WIA b1 packe<1 baga of eand unti two Paa Jei embanknents are rkised above tha sea level. Thle wster will then be pumped out or t.his trens. and a dry <anal formed f rom sbore leo 8omO lifere on the bed 0 . lie ua%tieayk wilU be built et a@id *ony. Bebilil the waii wli be a bn of earth boundt witb willow tvilffl l n a seres of ba- ket-work.. For thie drainage oft Iis great basin ccl-beau wlndmils are t be construicted ,O0feet ln heigbt. with arma éifeet long. These wli ralue the water fAite the network of antii1 wlilch will cuver the- redSIimeid area. .Nor la tilts trea.d of tie tas1c. Trie -bottom c(f the arealA sasnd >of 11110fer, tiity. Top soli and fertilisera will lie .brought frotn every Dutch col0UY, and lu two or three generaîloilsthe depre-23 sions willi be brought tethletl Uof the canais. >Wbere once the BOa iowed unreèstrlcted thetée-4111 be green gar- dens and farina, dotted witi cottageS ,and towntand ecanais côvered with beavily-iadCfl barges. lfiland .Vill bave speut *50 00.00 tri copietinflatiq enterprise, butf sie 'wil have added *00.000000tu ber na .tional wea th. and wilii'have ternor- utrated afresithe moral greatneset a Peuple via. In tire face of Suci re'- .iendous fnatunai disadvantagOL bave tie pat'ence ta o mp~e .th ta y$eld ber treasures.-Lfterary Digest. A D"cln re. A ý'IL erY effective danci.,ng frock lar Shue girl of ii.xuted, meman lmade of pale Pink cr<ýpc. doueovcr elik of a bit detl>er toue. Thie fte<t th okk't-la c1rçuiar. virile the back ta gored. A btavy >Mat Sv&. ln pA»k. tom &Mrund tl irenp.aMd thie tulnelS "Ou" lbang (rom tbem. Th baille t crpe lu dvaeIomer a PInk p, moulne lmàitalr,kwLh 1.Dock.I eut stratghL s sud fm l Salbdniw4h a. Carrerbodkg A UnP boiro Jcet la fambloed et tire fuipuoe -,,ai e . 1,. 1 am maugly fitttcd and reaoh to the elbow, wibre a sr cetu fr1l1la lbed l lc hi' a natow.band of guipure Iuer-' . ion. asis aisa tlb' thlt Duit at the sirouider. A crePK: ea ii sIn,& loitie 1knet ait lire 1l1ack &ais.guai initocA, and eaxeicasy a.uar.ged lies orf vale I aJovr emu uhouilur. ...A fruck am de afltrbis taikion 18 remarkably btouïtitug tb a baw*t flid- et girl. and l a rmeenIugy ditotie TAie corerioi v@ea:tobe wom n t fAits dancing gowî amret <glacekid.th 1xac*. col r .ci thre e4reime ad aboua rea.tueh 1 ie elbow.. lIkier ssUR or kld stippera. monong a« lirci'bmntee with t'e tr. ck sr-- lu ptefect taste. A':pretty trick o!f aney la tubave éÀ bud or a, fuli-blowu ruse to mlle lni the bair bcwilc* uIy absie e lett< .car. Thre rroMta'vored tuai et lhe ea»= là the empire. A f#*»w leaves et green vormnuoc'i 48cattjr,-d wh.-ie.tie biaok "teSn.s- gregate wi rid a i<hus-eetoftiruf. 1 wo..dtu re-dboard la a tavotite re- 0ort forg tf. ýIt sliould be kept cbhertca.iy ci.af or e.sa a bouid et 1,1a-le-r pII.sbcd Umlftai«ahul . 4-- fil't e m. as W a*i ire 7,B a. ~vet7liaI pmlit, kol"r imil lte Tr ;! -ypiLoid 1.V.11 lua uni Trie vaue et lire 4iSovery Lila l BinS gOut b«Sbo tie paireit bas taken r t r b.d and tire mAladi' 'lu on hit w-tUa Ils (fl tomie -and wsulafloe, hue ttre -atur ot thre trou lae. l'os tire irai w-eehc Or heu de-"' lr t3roi foy-er Lire dAo.guotAC eympteins do net appeaX',andd thre aysrPtom UtiraI do SP- pear are, commun te a greal mnai' dis- eases and aot pOCilar tO anY Ofut liemu if tire di-sean ar Ae reconlsed dur- iug A1 ta r-flou'stages tire danger*%= zyriWtclls cari ho aborteal mi'remortifrg to ltre regular trealmeul. Tire patent Win Iliums ie:«perel sunci Sueerinsf sud Nlii b. eeta ho &bout la a ver, few daym& Tire tuethoal cnploiOd ln detecting tire diese"la as fejovs: A culture of typIrad' fever gomns La prprezd for tire - »USomeope. Tirer a f ew drops of bloa are dmewî r tm tire veine ot tire patient au-.peÇted <of lievlug rtYPirOla fevr. AÀdip or ht rsh oSrblool le mixed -w«tirthre ever perme.ns, d tire rer-ltt lawated. 1-fl teré e Anae tyribod Ili lb. blnedthée fever gemrma 'V'il ire seevi marîreirinir over tireintcr*- "copte field. slra-Jigthe cfflnl energ'. Tf tbcre ia typhrid lu tire blood tie «emm show le t atone lW their .P- .r'reunt a"fre 1.-oeemape train 4t. I'bey fi'-t lae. 1iretorq. or. as lihe arien- Vals .qdmerbe il, tlrY staM en îb4i' irosia.Tirro' hey rtush torr#ther and, trrm jta renu.ms e If for nuTmtua-i protection. ilire attle or sheep bottE- ai ut .lime, <if 'donger. -- - T l saur irlnntldtsttthire v'1haitv nef thr e rine V-i battne, -acr14 hel" .ne rgv lfi" 'Lrly eca-e a tog"t*hpr. anal th- iae île irettlé rAda. n-ative anrd dend. - Th's' cf on dpends on-tire aininntt delnleroal. %"d aisntthe drs- c a."'d cndîttlo of tire blod. If lire rol-'atn in àt fl;aek lire germme m&V iqi"mpli' be 'praze r stunefieal. anrd vu-riputln luiture aiain they revive. B"t,'wheqe tire biomd laea>larr'- Pd. Md thée poison lastang, tire baac*ii T>v.' Pfffp. barterto!cfqqtt a tire IRealtAi Dcqîatmerl <of tire chy o! Be-- lin. and firett srstanl lu Dr. Kocir. trile mfir-t dipm-.veri'cftireé ftali smfflnth le bloo'd 'of thie tvplrod <ev-or rettient ira.,for tire tylpiolalgera,. He frunal tirere vas -a subatrce h the blond tlitaI rd ail tir e ff 'tet ofa -nnrlclàe. but -wha.t tris substa.nce la la not, knovu. Ttl-a. kuovu nott o ie tu atitxine ln the n'alamw anlrrq or thre Word. Ptfer n»ade errielimeurla onl ami.andl fouinl ther biocalcon- t.alnlmrg trsbartealôcidai ustuance - sd oulkly kil.led tireflover germe. Dr. Wil iof Paris. took Ibil, valui- able Iheora' andl lurrwd t about. He seasonred tira-t to kli the <ov" remi iw-latq G dicver liqprmewueluthe MSool w1b cortairali'aui t meved hetri es al aIrher «estme. w-lItirte exces- l'nof e!tiraIof cancer o! tire atmmai. - Ife bexar tire expee'lnumeletiaI bave nov beau Ibrouwht l th ie attention ef tire ýbàoeriologLtts o! tva continents., and, have «tuaished a lircori tirat 1baimYeh-lto b. focuid lu ftl. SIl 1Ioane uow lices>' tira-Itthe virleJ eorpusclos are tire uudiers o!t the blco.d. Tllroy are tire an]>' atome tirat bhave tire p-ver cf moving about, bat- &Ig rgi maits o!fire velus and arterles sud rcring to travel as ta-st as tire 1,urrmacàaused by tire beart beatai wouuld alte licai.Ailtgerms of dis- cae« s oatreror latta corne lun contact ,witbamid -bave ta figit tirese w&AR"ice ootpuec<es, sudIlua ireWthtWal e ofa bkbcal am, orercome b htre-m. It ta eau' virrinlirheolflerssa.** wasted b>' 1 hsmae anrd tatue tira-t they are vanquWeed said evemOome. &rd 1h&1 thée posocers lmav'eirover themtr o - eaula tire dealir o! tirir vim. Tire nretod of tire w-late corpuecles tg4 to -t tlbfr Victime.st athliesain e tI'-ve dW.biarirlr4r a geruricidai'eih- s taepe. wiivir-. f fl Ine At.o tihe blond. kIlSthe InInidt>m andal ttumestire 1blond tm heaèt1. - ¶9ie Pffefr test la nof nt equrai Ibn- 1poirtfrtlCe < n* a%1 eau". ow'.ugta cetn- pMttltAmorial dev"m"-eelupatient&e POwý. pcr"ers tbave lypl-ota'." Loves w'th- "'~'V ~~v 1 161-a&s *s.e'vry *o'"- t-.oneblroe uatebomil b et- P" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~I m's"mr«eru SerI.l werl ftê ,VU ase, la imstIM Iétba la-"i PSrifa" quom.muit1* -- 'ne -- - -mi m T HAT eTHE AC4IMILE SIGNATURE lB ON THE WRAPPER I or EYE~Y B0r«ILE 0F ' tLs-ýeuat MMMies, mopos oible tr i r eWrà« piIb ~ ~ , i t . I teb m_11 t mtsour 7m a ctia Ifrl G r. la cn n i i aIthe, axar g ave aerN- Chmi t e l;ar luatse t to Er. e andt' 0on 5 aaiee b1Ila hli ww i'tmÎAtAby OrWIAIdbmw&OUp* tuat mcv AccOuas Mi anet t laIr'4t<'tGual lim4ertW lani Habela ls t 111è,g in.wbo" el lit nei le viinu e u ~ !4' Uev e.4 l008« Wîiearu e mks1 ire ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f,« tiori eu t ostafe ior~~ bm iesfl drgug 11 CNn"a Tho ir e..oia. air darb lu»e , di, i-il <.0.At»adlare <èO5 e ts1YL lr iIYi5t0 prion ade rMrkcaby avothe rle At fr4lunett e tbluaimin 0110< m il n sers l tanîutel SWho: conti»wons."ofqpp ledIn at .r.mereteuzuaf n.Un Um Itl lipeksla aIays bht esmthe ng âo!amyerthey nr tuc aiauuu i e l mouhirti yeaecoeit te~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~lc ne1e omcicaiEveti Iict't ta do 511 setoJ jOf-t 't '7 ' sa-fouri 0< ten f nte1)wm lem Mo! lb.S saiffèec mu Oumchdbt'n liri îtriw =be ê' 1eV Uhesi eO W ilyin te S ie bo it w -Mr Ie. int metbae senthe h d tfl jo -ints.d la y. et 7.8l8 m s T Sie e sc eas 4h s e m a en t* ~. $d prionsru ta r rrat b lit fecavcoal dY 01f51 ri rle - ht nI uiIvr.AtandTwoty-eCveesa contnT alieMrf.oi w D.pa"n t Aro l ler-m e lai lire Ina irt f 0" d.ave iven ire ela t ial bu. lot TolwaY for nsMmtai. Ilfa, ac ermo- fitscléum u s! eius animnt eat~eo oreon ir uucpi i 'e dolios for1800.bit w.êu w-asbiier oraîd soe iat loner.erui>a I_ - yoUlUgCieed udbcirh te megirul tir ne oadewtahe ntOu*. as gtirgshr-wn'gur to uf e euachise Tthe tirrce ira number ai tir yads otebut irenea d t 87110vonCÉ phylcare bsud nuPss A inea: thsn akaAecondition t Wba- lS.y 1e*ttr. le s& te an e Engl el Ti met AtcRPn pr and -vythe rivsotutonrille pae i i the felgc oiruudi aedso le lare osmlitiur sow Aafcftse< o 1 ý n ubty ..vre ieIa anld.anda. »Qur"sa si , th& »xl leunSa espoamn o! voen o-. FrauiSu S m pruoy fra ha ein Usslaarr me te prison rame rg rales, aid hi adition t1%e n0"airce trez.y ngwnfe ta tespro thIn. Tke he orwadin prson a ck whi I o tr t hoa h ieL ho nas the prveoru cf a lae e t-tion i iIt ,Tais a o t Ie h an ymp aaris mi. - Prr'ti re erp enua'thu t geat effori Cinmtem fC mmerc buildg u Ci- UBUU~ O S deatbon d ic0. b y w e 51 a ter eatd sooin . dlngr éb&&wth yngtl Color a or M onU an i Bar aierau la stent bi' aid. e 1tlml ue * tieoi' g duing e bt w.1rk wllhh vetemu 10.00 yor. A voman beA » u!Tc51 inls thrce ha fom ire esacnth ai an aere u e e pc r hvclay alth 8sudirn 0 oped a akoy s." Cire c City on tin o!~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~r te e.a>bu rsnl 9Oifi on n u i thl~ ~>e mm ngl=kodRive Alahe. oT Irer. ar tpr- in ovm i ne. Tp nir t lo eeim e. TI~ su tr sat w" feeing ofsaine1ie of i im igbtlrds kepers. b lwgAp * â uîl i Nvetm'tber. Il .yle lice1rav m emeAsanaidlioe Aei vriirhu De Win t aisIed banklutc ~ d d t e saion e stire wcid-bc s nuua, m lfLfl a . . ave s£en In Ma . nîw w1entheIlst am riid uslSan In ad itin 0 Ist » xp tree nce v wi i e n b ieh pro conv liraI ca e ! c r vs t eC1Prlisn 1bovel r llc let e. Wo e, evren s g of a largre t a -i lb iaks ycaa' ot liteae pio n, Augu prs m.oul ucci thepererdcl r i lu ne it w y effr iihr o mrce u iling tu i smuelLo F hlmk aîkeandabcone un wtr and an o-eand v eine hpa in. . - cb5 i oonaLets abut y o r ugi. Ar Mhr. bea nd ts tartelad.IsThe con- Te th or y o &-o! n opet lte eo (3 Ir iesb.10,M a li..A vote " a--Jui teýjèéSg tos rave the v eriad (o N oana v ergeYk-ork irirbsovel r icJ e* eklng iw und - Ibiug." me & ad " fluld al ge Ct vOn th" ire$0 endsaikha ilsinto li uniire kunthe ciug aboutlcionh ime«Rvr lsn plceoerc oe m teft to coss ering. sigt pon e iceOnbut hav e fa i a l gnohrn c ai n-bt emn vlirdthat tieprey wtNEnW doIM M l'je Wie fall ed tab i tire tspInt, Sim d a cthe A mati' fea roo lad.e I Obd t .piD -U Si Infter caseugoneveu re, ca forA IP * pendoen lc a e b!n. but .' even fo> Our AlirdLtw- nc e vAtirthebush BUmms hetlthe pisnlnAge tre Uultd notatoes erl<4j d andldnt - nm l te be wd One Un e t r ai'iyoe productiv ri ev nue cu l ute n rch lne lm lgrli.i iruiAe pralrd ~ w a rer teAi ce. l a I thuy e a t>ý 1 aI Oumwm.iJik. a !1rcuktcbmsvillage - caulo r u care in ed s itiypor polignc. iretnnnsg vtypeaid wo b .At Mr.mîaD le ndtstdtEa n tu a Prmett u ni yuu a e xptlnthfrear v mr, 9 shy sb thelug Ib is e w Tre evat, te WR tite. s eanau ir "tndr,"<E'~ jathesovesorpim eri.Piklng am na o- o! amylande be1iau h oiv er. l t. ir Parisi. iefoute ng ran. ni, ealinglar.hoorl aidnce ssay oin et cfgmt we'cogud make h tig c- Tieueache Mr -ka a dl y ,*»hieli-dova A o Sw thnt about suc w rk thendu ceo teol e Is . Tr aào«âe 10 -aom Rein s mig t n h- I b t avle t sa meIn rnc e nd l . bui e ft d t a c. e w1,1 atoILe d thirehorzoa f r e b oriethisra anir d ciS ing ndeeAenc.nleaan oop Ind If - hadwe-d. era iaarete r.trlnd. 'Youno ko n etir.fore moud; j by lay a fineabhi'. t t he bolh edknitrsnor ît"e wt'> gte r sud l.- "g to p -aeo th Unibtedi igSt"ate oldmnee. ake dunetm4 o! tired Int- o sche t aaTri'soa rgc ie vne,. revesn e ur tO1 fr, h urt' lays i Ilhvira tsuitmaseea tre sitriahlur- biga u .1 lia e use 0<tie.revsr e te T! a 'u a t e bt ouau l i ~ klnî Ia Th e tch la e u c u tne a nden a m stros aintelie t he a goe p pefor andm ie be. othe irlan e b 6uirbe m ie ra ite ± n dou t ai nIl Lendta e.-Wasie nie t en a be e iftot em esve v the Pte nt white astgmn t dîstree Î ,Ps a-p an ththe pi k r'w-svl a tOSa r <mdl . n a l o f «Ilt- at so a oncmie. il to sentw ionn.sa nd'a Y j -- am figfrardrwh oolngl en de v n cyrI~. The av t w befor Il am snanswthe *dr ' lir sodi tCoêeIm le et s. Wl. ndlO - oaau.-'. rlm ea.au cticai 11'la e the berPBogliaidere vi ir bvek> na ilteam honrabearcp d h' ndmredavo! he0 s mn v &kt x Thlg e utter ws ted vl e Dc ldo n ti n vrabu s e a ben us o ica ug I n JVe & ou n gsu uior.e gall.um sund h, a **ep oln ceths ie sWatie bîrdu for t iroityes tieu but There mae Lehavesa Sf1>' mcvt- -oed e lin sirot c. ves abçt oc ivu fMtirede st uirthoei ira »50« por bilsicd lu lir and. IMo- lieru ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ > u . erI e OminBnA lrevilecha lo f Ptuasi huentherp viblnéo!.. mD Wi adt aand Ide rla tireit0157 >!lbn. Cocirsthe ra irie -ofs .ad ade i f ale u earm w .0W, o r buaI -tA but as tie Ttaktetbilofrlsve iou Iun liu AulI u mosl lire isard - tmre total mue eta.vtè.pm adpu SharpLegu Preses.eet buon ud 'trnind larg no- paa godpie foewspap e Prugal Anl comntr gluba 0 Qe eri anddau bo r ItAi weac lt .Frahnisou s bs e vent oIf neta p r ti.v e ct. but the oista gndral Of pistpekea. eiro s uev orra ag t osnviet p»Il mll o le a efTree& heo* Ie t tasire c er sd birather e0d m a etir.Ch»le F ont. ie ia l ocAl-'L neiae. hvmtub ag £20le o e e utla ieh ma te.Aku o ra wito e trai ro und, bullet cfOT lu a ieknali alr F laitg aext amire a twirmDnWdert mntted m S a b eu5ofEven ireJem-urnal0- a n .aa ual an ire tmafn eet Onai ut vin .leteied as forthea om& ih Tithetbebt re' are n viritan Portuguesepae e edLeiofthe ch £20 note,"nde àavyutS. arwetare ieritfrul tericrtthe. rehpump tirabweekiylapt»eatre ai A - "aid oaoperclh'aisdmor epoi ablle Sit the wie cuehoedleMiofAPortua.te forite plaf bac lutie iole. polgieotir a oney a a d liTohcoeri o Wtcb"laag le ivîde viral or t .about the r. )eWidtmy tatil c aia mmati Aat iet inpan setaspmk ao iz mtuh e cu;lc epod tire u ien -lud« ont _te fl £20 note ~ ~ ~ maen la t-emerec iorfisa nee ieget acrlPes of .s .tiauealalm viorai a caind "teni rurllt osevedlie nstucion b t r ae yet ac or coaiigoua bte amu omoboted m smee" prithitire voi bitr&"o. e m i i ec 1gre lv er.af ouu n trebario agel.ihbor viando _________ oPortuga "ol bkaire la re ofci kets, wdae ono beôevel eàl -of m0w atur rp elwoutia L><je se Mi.aTueifig e wen t f the cu r k20 numote. Kno ln ±a lat ie aie t.cfetire n d as lu A 1115e gIrl, fo r Sru th-* '&Tgi-"ol lasait yàou fnod mt a-whm reivo i her viii e oleu tobsn c4 o anie tioicuati on, n tingdo the *'PM- ~alsoe, leta givox you b e second etue. ¶"ie ba aMr.ck smul'aà.lu tir er on e reeuILn, hIoi natir In tu %-intefntoa yte wO f dOn' ettrlcon heouit. At ire s o tu ci e P.a Pnaly i r8oe proaci tirmoe ck. hed.altE frenu t h eiraet e nglir o $le a n u- (areud ucdra ler s ata oe & mLIAY v îm hr tirI £0 ote ad, s ire. -ai~~t11 rar ! irestalaamimone isanc ougiî, l br aum wiltesti our eipt o! tre Son he Ontle t liebuOn.n.MAru.Wis "on pbe o ve ait 12)jIgs elrsî gliealn cn rmn ttea ire viii b. foron ed -thcar u swing othatrc15 irc0.i rti t"bon '.e u anire leda ymor àareticsiî. < Iper aytre aisteire£20neoed ompledthe liac- boI are.mo lul van ri a t nt'e.'re M ta ieE Ires hals - aea E3 Pvihv da i candfg, mucrl iea tlle llon. m<' li re 1 vrelo a e hn briauseli re t i plie in. belve sa lr heoba. vorte l an.Y' boa hatra bak e hehoe Aolgie e h t Olya maltratOcir t Ptireeanue Aintrer 111e <Art w-lb- nva.ve~a'eiei ol ciri ounr yaar.-CoirmIc M t wm a ire- neeedla nd w-eu led lpeaU- BsUnitdSatesfore cnegteirOf a weekç ___________ en aiddumnea. 'rAis contlvance , fOndert lagebIg ntêisireand l rqlor.you deecie mea in tii. Ge Imnara a-Amy. nul o ra cioi aa ve' irtlo nda dela.m efl at c. aent mangeneti ode o ie econiad Dh EelnI iv ery"andre exalun dc rplCet- and iar oousark e eloner tUe ieoneet-"th e gcatr e'forauro en1 »tEtaîiepihtaieC&"..thmiepun- rendercd aI lireefune lseo! oor er.avira ut a arn îr gti s-ated new&îmca eN raia-atai__ ruaet oievserencteorir l bru d e evei o a ntr neto e a Psrp ptr-amgr ae b veublc nteal ut bclug kepith e crwet. i oit, ainthe w-au olblng e l orwok andero -le eri.-i. rkgîPM --g o r Wik lliamteasherceled landtak e s tp'ay'level oiir anReroxd.4.? xe.oil lan« W amiens theepidbet hue e-iraog.daiinrA ttnc eat tou Th'. eam - .f. hmfry u £2 Do& n wit ano! lae i te i be t ucie obius re ('o'n O Ferel. H l A ,tob ad irlW up ernthe c u rientors, atm a m.man ie 0< tw i ree S t i e w Thirae aiu re a o u hent on !e Ontherecent ! an adbena av it e dcrotc.1eir.-he Clo le y o p a h e co n d Oe . h n hthe o i bel Irr areiiit ru, arse- , ! t l iev ooad irrettlop e Lic layî stve taid eoerthatene 1t orevl e 10ws datie egumsabvehe. i nulet A4 t ie mndof ber tube na11YiV l w-luI the cîrIow-ml ire wibler tedstlitie oeltSUlength of e, U stprn l e nItedteueshcr &&tu "so.jradt roaur rSo t ofUi the seonuI detste"' grçpI Adu pis aiyl Imagebmw. it en!. -bai pYeua sarklg te oaba.carin ti.ln- m*4 tng o», n itack ha ien 10 lf ntiwaths( soe ide ha> befr dt prre san tImupueth"s. d, l motay b aeAcn Lead- e tof m ur.,'% .fte atnt i te band ad re- a et i alO.* -t r sepr ve co pltey e- Tt le hei l e h sua> oha e.bes (te t lle A i dUIl atweew-batraaUbe. te * but C m l mmd t heal h V Cesfi, u etir els. IL .U ofella5 5a lrt . Lt w a ve hotu ed ltee Ir- s801 Mt"1fgrl etnins.Uerga st etb e- piaeee yai lu 'ote U5 CualOs c~rilaou n th (.dackle thrg e i su ai tier Ue irl atera anwwa eapt-ttei c«.y roosta. mu de ued. ThisuloIer'Vanie han tend ra "bavebigcaeaIl abe tcamoel. sil i' t. e Ie ail enorg fo iyig pttOSO. Pie vs-une, Sfan we&t d e. oura% a i..-, "undrtoAoes, ar," c nd ..natthe e Gern Utiltmveriioflourehan le- gmathue io-htel selOn vou d wotrqeuda mobody tve er. ir be- verulu a en lal db t he b fcugthartil lt e chur th ead yshret mt- the r____________ jie boforlAi e u<Btes are no lo nrt eeleforhuaBI h irie 11 <e s vet w lcad, ,hNcbtug ptnu njoptlie erfor neendBW . â là e a he -n o. s 1 ni " e l re ner bietth e a is is o ifer s Who a s ihr g-e aas no, 1 .OSVI paIe. s<-U - a~i'l a t'- -'"V2 .--'- . aesmafrila s e». ma @l oin - -. - .- __ f IA CamSmdla ut p ne-cisebutil.onIy. It la sot ni la biUr. Doa't .31ev azyme. t..un Fm .aFhg e"s mli.plu. or pomis bat Lt la "j t. 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