Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 22 Jan 1897, p. 5

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ntb:' w-dr 250 0 m0 On TES tue ~ CASH. CASH Nov- ushe a bsppy dy luàt*baba hs.te go te barYMyIuBoO whSe ih. romia ae il , llabI. I lm -y ail ny Bas mfromutactut»M who aaonOt affrd te l hoome tuat wmut nus? veD WavuS f uel et.ail. Mudu.PLa BotSmx sd l Rue; llgm t. suit .eU. ùu happy. m HISISSONs, FALL: GOODSe fflSYSpipe& ji Wh-m PANS, etmac.IItb mt-' gag M ha 1 h. oIwit7 e e reo prmli.OaiidggýE" ca sTE aila ~u., lls uRB, yIV 6"* oi pesI Estat3e oug' u 814 Va m, Camps * GE 1 ER&L INSUIRM4CE fAGENT. BSign O! t5he XMIl B& ma ~ ~~~~I~~" HmmOHR t,50.USsI. id Bank6l aMd Brokoe OEN A G. In 91 KENT 8T.' LINDSAYSOKT8 IFIZSPI IMOGGCOODS. ~ porUan4 commat * (&twu .wOr Pi)"- pk«oier Pa&ru, YouUayWant! bo1iUo Scranfton G(oal, 'Yeu Knowl1l i ,s mv# t' Axes, Hamts a niterna, Senaaned Hic. Ei5.hU. U S kory Axe R-qndleB, $tee- O0w CasI*? a.lt 0.7OV coniers' -Waahiflg .Machines. Daisy Churne, UuyaI lCanadien Wringers, C N D Gurpey'sSWSnls, Joue'ai steel snow AC1F£ shovels, poLt'a Sad trons, I X L Out- ler, Rodger's. Bras 1847" plated yII Knives, Aurora Spaous and Forks, CI IlB dold Modal C4%rpet-SeepOiUmb J AN.3 à You cmn buy ut the lowest pruces. .T2A aviý" l*ad_ a lpt&Tickets»0T . e»a% oft thoe nil Sj1000 I Ivur TRUIM'I "d lUI SIo meItmm D)reaxlng of Lov,W aItzamOU ... Pd" 100 ~ o c Good-byo SwetDs-oig. 100 VAllOn by=hewajsde-Sou.. 10AOIGL Who.e UauGirl sYou-Sffl ~100 I uu~ u nuvudm s Up To s- UeOh........ "100, Bluok ÂsasiOBTWO'stoP... 0. yarwuV lsttus oté ousidle Faithf niHsatWt.... 00 s Oekuod m U 1the ot i t u Valmtlu mUth RutuoUP'51.......... "100 h -e su hmb Mi:ta"v me hmputthusd Nqe. Yok HeteId-'NO5r ' 10. b lft as m imm 5Uiiilvufà Rol li reL&Tv401Ft' 750esommebàm 110 M".4 T - .àtuihi150s 1ma . $ot 10 aM'y aa. uypos reof die (3E0. A. LITTLE'8 lo* =0 dStationerT Store, ait"a. 3h UW~SU Bu» asmo - ê K. .sa Pm.uw -etbatheo tad Te M- À Gm: ouiblms" mhmtebtbi esik hmu lar.amouaw M XH1bIew1 biv. 011410 b w lu* tt ma t bo l leta via tIusmi ta1 bdwt A l. la esmUi uOS t te vwk ien i moBn 8~s a uit bull la %4U Oumi tbdlat% Mr ta tm ulu ongsetnlirahaU 8 iou by Us asid-au UtIos bon -uah u tos l hm a m i msU wad Uhohe M" lm -lo-g k 6mmâ nltk U failt e i i menlt mtihfe' juin - kq obib V&W &M IV mau ~~ta im -u-tmno tan s urne q et ut ak dw09 -m WAmt mD -ta tamibl bd to ld imaU h tahu Ofla Oosumos uth a. * ulai@. Tum W Te sis 1&%I« Im Uw Teheay tiO M91eW ,,s la tt T.5 sh * Eues Lvi. nOb numm iett i9 *WPOI Thuif 1lits a. ttmpu st teusu thet04 lu iluda Co lkue abat.Imbasuu iut Juta -go Xiysuy rB. -à YMW tla 9hlume lk ists Os. oIvlcm. vi aehlKBMU5 jai .-8aeobdm îèpu ma our as. mus jetiag i the Us bgu tacol mGivue tsa un elpAu mlsai sstelTa v w lot e tealmavoulina adte 1897oa W curtijvpae qlttoa t n et ih.WIluS l î; as testpot te cot ur rai 1 rmislBie *su a pool osi s maillew cmluogt.Fdo 10luattuMdal.taylor ms te - vii y A»MI t. Iy. tru.-m mi L ad Tmtlié*iMdu'rt Dmm Woslsa tuaibs btte le he mal aunte aii mmi o AI>vaL i5Id<i-05 buinesm 4e 1mi ta the lmelibutend u saev 0 idmai es opt" ubltelet lisvo m pato au b tbe.fi"uaubveilet t d sdbt u -I ute itl elam on OUR l @Iam ei 'tiTe is .sublhlSi àrod.Ma"Esllees. iga li Noba uilui WhaIhetb% al lOfal oa beeffeubéadontu sori a ses gsul.rmadidl Us !en»l a taiamule emprias nt mditeite ab le im uOib"ik [0 coq auton. w he busia e ob * sbrui et lie - ma. i ai amlute" Md CTomtal u 'r" hML i metacus vians fie thu foreathush Itouî o ob.stpou Tis6lPtuhlTm a" po geil. mi pv blus oulmas. ' pu%@te spueFur i&.nouiorville. Fma»iMSis onomllhsIU burais l eY aseteoMd, sthait.ol glas. Vo0 puiof UstIsi sevy.Azuw It taS. Yak âOSlUin oarlet ih Fmim-KM. W21, 18rly-LU18 T»ellAts s &UolABiOitîh %nm ud oogiot aIIva o.Wia voqk ," t eUs gula ata* mso éiffum mtiemiSou$au tek. mi ebtaibu lom *k1o swb PmrUl i.lbh ep i1amaut thus.ý Ve ai - - ~ UM IL U* enI.? _M 0-1do1sUS adonTe wm dmth* .- ... Tos.l muaiu nbOdibt UIhly ilu hte r mut .1 he bmqa~V. *0basi tf un, bm h5 au. amo MT fflcé M'. u. We v u UMMke te- u i.v mai t eh. O.INai mi O oi *~ ~ ~~~~a tbnpo lpuhsae M Weohlsul e a m OU ise 1MW ii fr~Sb.d sur pdlos. suis sa the timms. Ot UiS 317-79 Tum NAM L tosugtgtiou thugeg M. àt o slg A URmaI deoml e I nrpodml.but %lu * amum iVS bhaw e 415.51W ylu dosons vith wtu# l. u. liAMzueaLcmuSU.ur Usthé il ofthé Dsr Mt.et, i lussW T..Bil.uthi e nomlme% S sAibsat sout aujMy urnegt Us oos ia . W. EuB"1noleva"tmm dulag butai. m - anL-Il tE. ka ie PUIJo.Auuey qulat veUl. ma hek pus. ut %ho ruli4mos t le Sdi. s dits? ad " p. Lming, LinomaB? shai, ont wer su Wsdusdumba. t , nhoa EhvinGarde im pilipo vu sitl luinths i4of ghey net tu lok te Me BobtRUent . Bil J.W. Tottea ril mpm"gU* actheem ula lei.pleut« W' maUMe1%0 ehup". couple Il sunthe bu veomficg gà ,for Patnbos. Port Bops Md biOthe:r *Mmapointe. Txs WAI»1z1)b4 b se lth Mr. «ô u.n vl ur =asy ta nO nlhbtg thon a long aid bou" musulsibt ib orb1 bu ftaleni that -elml aêi la i - y easeM E t «Oym ass -" ffl hmvste «nUOW if amle gev up.- rbat Doos Taai.lt. £3t AE*u.? nhls boa ususi ltsIa lltd mlaerait umeug , ist olplus o .iWt.uMsar. Jeu 9Ob**Us rs.lsaet gà sud EKmBrad4ai, Brook vassI uti buts» v u d l.u rul p k rtaflt Sraum h aSs Ia Ote ab lle. uto*iol a et Ls.sM ema qoohm. DasbWsIl et Tmet ismsm Fm o' a j Shmef.pswwsof Galato the casthem h hel, L"*ui.j lta&A* U the ut5t shP I %W Ob osmu tl. ad MNu Ubuko tom tais - ivacuum si 41 N i &am UI knsflbu fii - lasTm a béod n th bus t. etéaeài le ouolisais bu .OMM Tm am toura Icat iL Aimimi Ontot-Tet a w la"teTm utrhadt vu fatson, m su20 bd Their.a amtamam sei. ause la Kv ima. l urs. u mmls "ka. obalmaM. .amai Lens islg curetai 4sdThe aumladacs anthe saisIsboard rbyý- mmgwme vueU soesio le ocaoest c na iti lm ,oburshnets MMI ad 6sioel.1 ta la u opite tait -Na-w -- u b e Um Sais ua ove 8110. eîo.,ditiS bing sa mima th tbulsoe aby 8190. wbilsabtsrniPtih lud5' to bs aile te amui et Mau soutdate lVU n'81 a-3bk Ra.. ,L iclâtool adDoualdai" aoda s nets ualouteo sla ai. osad -of memO 0 s~in t» omer lbobo r.lemd, Mr.Anu 0150'. Utatulà*h.plamseot Kr. D J bte suo k* d basaI nias deollsI eol.a . Ma Tour Love teudeselbigtsignstamsos ce a meulai ' - Ou ish bse eilaosvolt ari sau li.lm a dic Ltaduaf. X. iasinvu elotdIot. 611 vsmaumoy cau*ed hi ibm r.tla.amt o balai Love. us the board oet amamesSm A i tu~ V«aua .attrvl" s li"ab* Ob 4 cmisse gsud omtaker.t. bm miseilgVUs by ibm edittt'u beist iuaomoud b .WMTO pestai lieu. J.W. PeUt Is" mpoa xis le i fWiIpfg in has tel apboai cnust, Ms. T. 'ile. *DOW. .EvinAmiy WaIktet u la 1tsc Ums t@a T R ?'umaeu', ed mSw ab Esw H13ises erto eten due lis m. Us a .a ilu ___ & .1- MEliaa b as m iae laUsu~ it*e . ,j ts bad dnu Ite a mm te s Uea sl mag. uti taIm IM dima .momtêlm a .tltA. rt ULM. '8VLbm usLe~ km h5L .,w... s mss ~ na. ês~Bo bpu lm ?'* vould 'memr e ws.U u- ndesum tia P*when they uegIectd ek bealth because they «é tes buey 0or atkdN or tbefr min& mae taken up vith other concerne, thât they are 05 afao gek -~ Any weuksiess or dis- case Of womul'S spcial organhsm is go trlllug mattef. A woaat nia througb -jndifféentce ,aegleets theme troubles i a lying the fout-I dlation for 11ke-longwretchediiess. A modeat nomm naturally recoils froui the mortifylas ordeal of examinatieflSs ad local trettut wbich docters' islst uPpoU. But_ there je ne neceisity for any sncb re-, =uan alternatve. Dr. Pierce's Favorite, Precrptio cures these delicate complaitb 'oltva sd completel . It is a mfeine &rhspartiuar pliP05e by one Of the meut eminent Of living specialistlM womnanls disases. IDr. pier.e'ba been for nearly 30 YeuS cbief consultiiit physiia of the Invalid8p, Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buifflo N. y. Durnmg this trne lie bas *re=eve hafy ninety tboùufd letters froti noucU wbo bave been cure1 b7 thse" Favorite- Pre- scription." Some of these letters are prixted by permission in one chapter of Dr. Piecesgret thousand-page bock 'Tbe People,$ Cemon Sense Medical Advisel."I It centaine ulvice and suggestions for self-, treatment wbmich every woman ougbt tof read. More tban balf a million copies bave i beenslI ut $i.50 eacb. An absolutelY free edition iu paper covers will be sent for a, limite1 tisse toanyone sending 31 one-clt stapa o py thse cost of customs and mail-1 is, <m>'. AddeasWorld's Dispensaryj MediclAscain Buffalo, N. y. For a1 haadomecotbbUfd copys&end 50stao e TOC[ CLEAHIN&. Quik alin piel prval s eveycounter to coua the ore Of mi sUrPbIlll bdore sto*okm-kig tà. last of this ]DIREBS GOODS. varpmoaïDopn teft Ha.lf Prioe Sale of ail Remn&lt8~ About 20 enda of blaok sud oolored goods. Also ut same Plain Cheols, time 100 pisoos of WooI Dreas Suitings in have DoTer b.- àfixtuýres Sud Fà*Oy. ,Moiey svig 86 -yoU fore known iM. Dreé IR(3oods. (Iloak OlearaIcO. tUA à .t1 m In A I fck a s ot Ihese values: anmildrS ugi $1000- O.i I t for $7 OoU j&. Thmrm fpelsrat, brothaof etPte. 0 i..6 bore'. teneombock"sPplayfe. peut a tee laye870ô 00 la tonsa uil, the s nu0t et ile nrisIE.70 5 0 cd Ipît.. .600 " 400 ltesaat us olpu o e et y«?jet iiiesOr 500 " 3 50, Msthe Au* day of lebrumi. lbut1%lVUlib@ 400 " 3 00 vIeile lutaa. W&Amtiet a ault ons te us "à 1juife pitiaiblo ore@. rm usI fr$.0 Mi Bmeapsu Ms.L.Jikau t et25 BMss' otis rangini iM prieSifm8 1,fr3.0 ,uI* vmw nE 3014 m£Somne verY Unu uiprice ouUîing in Oas mlIen Umsamot som% àAilpst ns muat omal of uppis mals Alanm 1LY ES~ I ht SImt us"ais o u abg n lIt it OS mSSt.he biki omLADIES' FU R CAPIES- et HWbmm îela'mth1lel ougi dra s-70-W ~ ELNDSA AE Mis. G.lbr al oe Ià.saewm 86 IllS u ,m» >,a * o sauuttu ama* olie of mis FasIaf0- W« 2090, pow 14, 0 TM mumil lWa'.BOas!to 1 luad"25 100, * 19 00 su w Me *? 01 h v ae M.U O*ii' 35 O, '18 25 00 hatua spgt mbutulsai oe 1 estlmemub u pt grulu!." if Ipalu-ULCUO U a t sa misi it*dai PrhiualdILM lu [LAMs DolIhaVususbW«e $45 noC>w $32 00 @"Md MbuinsluIsi. bhiugo9»Usboua A det U uostsa m. faim bleds n up-wue 850(00, uV $39 001 *btasil1PU5boBIamthe fi"" 38 oui " 25 00 a nuabu. I 0111 LAME P*ýtV boomtm aflby lUr. es)!. Il iMtemmesu mll tobave bais mals iby"20 00, 150 B A oitmnoud wbl e spull"tielu su of sm suMde" -@Ivba oisply." llpvei hem Tan lvar hoc Ge L m ollars to be sold le ...g. ui IulI i Rs? 3.O, 76, '±.IZ-e .5-009 $7,00. As voultir E. D. 0. TamelWadIsa *~~asuai esashaowlaihie pstOndlp u U i" M t. CàIarU, muifsE, at clearing pxice s. o 4l #wK. anesas off a sombe' et , p ir. deSei nieai , godo& e.Men'a Fur COUSMte t coxuonic9al ceii-Coon, eu Moulaho lled à lot ot ordSc audng Âstoachau, Wombat and faby. o ned niaa softfAns bird tm omw g ffl g os s d Pt 9 R fo bes $ 5.00 to 70ow ere $6.50 and 9.00. e 4j P«e sutlouas mal S ouatti. Muai. 5 .sm eto aéulosmailou apia. ia Uls .I "au 00, 124 Vietda taoeToroumo-11.tL I The PetebmuotimdIur001[8 y mg mon'Ssaits nets810.00, $8.0 and T.00, nov $10. e eLtndaap joutera lna Raserm Satutdo'y oeft~'tw 57.50. 8.0 50,novW-$3.75. b.otbm Vieoona nul. Botb tume lad bosscern t$.0 atmeagtbeuc$alselut game. site' alï About 20 odd aizus lun Meùs. Overouta luis t5. Wu toubaitm0ues omatch vas declèrariu ran Boys' Ouercos,, 3M$- 30 odd tooclearat $2.5. btai eles scoai t.. oa l..IsmakaitUs Mon'.Caps25c, 35e,5Oc, 650., Tbs MsibolS nîn« Ibm. rha b lk kat moe l avMassd aIathle m U". R lomunsusalo las4miet boat feaidmI las -o t , Oiloloths a d attle. su lTh"mi am Bava Set btimeue altos. iflVfl uns llaptfor dae. Thsés»Il UtS11hu ta tI*aalotet mm VhO wMIll U,*bls iIn order t meroom for IIOw Sprng stook we offer Ai mhiag saE 'Ivui11W. vile nsMTapestI rwe.aI 25c, 35e. 40c, ' e mua theUs pogn09eImm o se io uhmneka"&onat 284,30c, 38c. *ab Us &ialt ot.k»1 mém b4Wook a t 5U, 60c, 7Oc. ISIN ol tuil su iL neOulambvmie.Thep le wa.simst lwys badq d LOVESIV *8 cm HANI W y avm d wStna bnus dm h tat bmullloI admp1? te suk e s .,je ugasly 106 3 for 100. J1%0Colôrod Cashmere, 2 for 25e- 1Mvom&adet mi ba tdmt tg ut" vu tods'y sfau S.Bled Cashmere, 2 for 25c. mi~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~u mbt.l s uh oi i anU 1o ,ullslI3%2 for 3Q&. Kid Giovos 45, 65, $503 51.00.. Us gd tet snai mi:su.il IÂt 4p regulauy .2 2fer 25. i Ae ~nid«nIaitroeus na ________ - - - OL a.& 2 for 25c. Kiusot Ties were 25c, 2 for 25c. BARGAI.NS! W. Ci go.X<ysd ii9.do vinduto gsRI1. 40c, 50e, 60e. F ~~n'16t~and PirannOlS, Cheaper than ever WhiteLW'K 8, 10. 12e,16e. aigt Linings , 1,15 White 8onat 1o, 7e. e . .S1o0o01, 3 for 100, 21 difforent mak, Tablie 4MI ,s ,T. U. sstblg bergain sou,')for 25e Town-19. 10e," 4NUN 7 . White Shuetiur 18c. 252c, 2 piiIw 0.1D10% 01 lii,15&e. limesi.2 7& for 5.-DancY, 30, 5,TSlc 2 Rssta5heTweddu20eOc yd, ver.25r4 30e, 40c., 1055u1 O usa.tuétit pts. eat of Flanneltiut half price. I1~,V b±D*muatgo for 30 days. 1'G ' oAFFEYI 'At mal. * lu. my lu'. -e muesai Velu ~gem'. 101h lois maet e, 0 assit ai 50. Mi. meut Jobs -I yUs utIle mil. Aleo at same plain Cheoites bave pever boie Departmente

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