Bàby :kO titutiofl gTadu- chance auYlt surely is Martln;.s Cardinal Food- I a imlple, scieutific ttpd nîghy ntrtitivCe pratiofl for infants). delicate chilciren and. inva1ids. CUREDI1 cured Preot, yI uURED AND à PERMAXEKT CURE!: j 4 b» ' bl do b. xSi toi bit ibl av th W9 m te ai w A, ~sulcm. ~ r rp~: 'jf~ ,('i. B#at iis o aDis g9raoe tbeýý. dku Yes orne Buffer in Silenc~e and Will bNot Even Spaak, on thke Subi dcli.O T t.eiriPluYHOlauL à. Poolikkm.odestzY. aDim fEAqiD sRg.%ItH VAN 1caul»RRDO iccybcu Dr. Vaimea'Ptah Pale hue a i ai n.the pblevas s a uai IhiI1 ,eaie.e%0 »gin.gvoueuse bac et11 leste-l a$ wgênai a-s. UMYasacozl. 1 id loi UuImg ibsein oerb* eiuad 1pris. tied 1"37UWaiM QOu*s "%Ith »Il, »d t ommeai ga# mflis oea, omme. iy bexau.te d.epalueofasunv e wheu 1 was 0 ko.au amthe hupof lét. 1Isauof e utese V mI Dr. Wiîlâme %k mbP-11..oc Inswp» W tee ~a iehbtelsiawmim ecebl, despel.lu enwm%v, I u»boom aMd 0 «Mital d*Sfl it Ite Wb"ohm&*I- .covmed mmi.o s. f0làet h.sltb Md ist *10«àk buai »veluspos ti. oany eau e&,fort he vonn % ik Pillebaveb wibIsie aous - lime, le doue for-me," Whei Di VUiame' Piâ kPâeuwuil o. lt.L Lesde' LavantOnt., agip- fe vmoitm obpofbisglhseb0o un aveeshpleecots la adum lern lai en ups 'la *0 1D.vsei'Y i u.uiu a lie ph itgele fflt of Ut. tua,.>Obumi a èsIlOeéîtaIet SUn. Wtitcea Pt ra ".Yorn mgnoI istatm 8U9lih,UslvmiutRasttio vas ewecsy ljor aus 1 im 1.6k sues% »Dowbaiti. T1%0ebmaa et lait*b ad tsnego uOb* Kmgeim beeptiul wu bu bë fl a aï.mi UleiablO, wclub pifletiion. 1 vast i he Imcpfll Al m oemiemipaleimum "d amiaiima 0610ruraamuass ie aemeîyi t»inmus., et boisés. o, 11à tbbezel09Ios,1mbu aItoi" estl la a" auml e .1,1et bite baimmi 11» hapela la bar Ii homeé m.ai he: cR5 saR er u bveser vu o »%eo fer vod&le. lm n im et mao. Ia sumedaeOugo 5. lgo dem~t hi li&y lhi. Mdibhospital " M US uiaiilyfor me aM, l OMIvu a% Uness 1111"ibBhilO<k alti lady en the tamis h e my è go epe s.ie lm ila bd. Lb ekalEsI 0emaalu-badiWoua iewmo. MW » -"eh IàYsu.uMr -dmf- I1.1m m èess am Md *m ~ vu mPlS me' Plaikat ift ai 6" 1 I Mev. uiid0i1*0bii. Ifiai goyp ffl bey smi 01lhwei bu ad- èIse boU iaSdoSo* »U Wb uS nu~I taMa& aMaILShhout Mboxes Un »d %% *DliMry li -vu ià boail fineîag a i# â1,msppsi. Io1100àte g t he bi batoce U seibut île Pdle fouet emmhgift«aned MY "thîl *04e., md tIa. W~ ~ tMyivus1111190010000i, Ma Mi iebe. 1 bae tesivs" * e bl itaiMy.io t beus M baiucagami umj I m of aeeswselMlmiRn0a»ibaougb ab* s naOUe. et Dr. WIllUe' ênPillMtendaMiy- buebasiugiimc 5. k bom. B f0* Iblao . O . fluit"valisu:-PI taira %va boxs «»v-Mi-u"d-9d»pals on te Iibis ,mpoemgiet th - g ouSego dtPO dlmpa$meIl Yb» uaige.UAi b 041ie riaiut 1bem aise sealii#MMsDe. *Mdui use et**,DMille aonutieMerts W.IlleumswPk Ple lua ih a cdm il titîsa eMst. bê-bu sime s»j ' mia a 60 pssie oem s e bee ci lle. gui eml' sisisiI bhiee . 1h.. I agi0fe ou ouriss tem klla.y oeuMa iDe. WIDm Pbk .a hid-o tls». Md ibk. I supposa esu %l , -» a1 IbaBy'hu.éams iboluade ~memiai et Sb* ebmes*Theusi1 "es of essa vhe suifer ln ou»»IMMet ouss aieeelvtib $peu@s etdismleru and ; "obus bavlma thé mim erseieès mie@,$ s. hue-, moompssmsi w» hpomela the V' 1 Sm rW&ÏO1e1a, f« hSIbbois à"bt Iob eha valilastfir wtesui is la 4.e Sl oisflmy siey'ta Ob*. hope Cum.:.ad i om vhleh 1 venu mmi ge a mue ul dlui.1~eRMa e ie ltl..t rn.aae &hmasu ma u benasei'*up @ Sly belpsi, anidglm bave tait errni.sion asth b àftitej wbi b&i musasllt I tééit m D~'asbs ymlImiby »Y of Dj My v u às Sasume ioelM lb.. Tbé U-tioeatesisîb il s l #omip bwiu, Muai i cm Ir. . . cM m mh U y, vhs m4 a «iàats î' lts ýtptiliei healih, ami lake aisadaboqt , N.Y., mae, 1"I1arn 46 ge6f re pieemes a ,e.msmadls lat PU e of etagi tilt smasye«» c*i id me.? abornetsm#llsteia.iid M1 P sau, it, Gi.Wé. noseel beas Me- i Mae oai bave çveekel %is ,tacts $#mue. RI,,.Dasd8, Lrbe, Muli-y si * i u hubané la wvelgl a Omoe as a'p.ptu'r, laiskIouaa. voie..-"I foi hm bi liae, thétiti a Sine Smse, achilsi mtai 1 veuL b e »misesla My <lt? di 1 M My shulis ai MMymif eny on #ha antVrié t. les h.0 aisbè emdortnl b aim.bot.f.dtmà,Ide'Ieby a 'ea:d? bill. ~I bave becst ti fafernx .1 lftmAhin uséetote, PaàPille,.lbua ,,7 hsadaosvh!lih vau genumll O'*1._M it, be >eune laàdi retueas%--., mi mvem,î. 5eE .4 a- Vak55. su s ura .- - #à-- !adby the. O111Y Kdo iliat Could (hueé Oured by -the Mledic*lue t.hît Cm Sul* ly m~e Yoiur Case. Cùud?'rte e .fir ,ma pms otil. PaOum. Celi» "mI u enly ismetily>uIl l e, vof loi thooogh m.iendaasa-Ubbdla, aioums la lof&a udoe. Rap l aâsed ire Iibs vbo, suffigft(om ilc"ase maielham'i maks mms et Palmes Oilueuqo peubi to genou Utt itea. M gei.,jo oli smal e i.uaLP vhebo saea but Scea buoihit. guusebat eh$ VUas seulua lb. oui e lUi'a j oursey. saiWbVhu v4epifsai entai yof *liud OMpou48 ugM e .glibteh. fu**o. mfl AsIle Uguuf* btisi m olu inmoI aiv a Uslsvy Vmpoue6 s lbei q utle*aité td mlp dboloirta b »» Sh " i mi luiegi itsa othermeills au hite «éhu. "amn pleassi i. latsm ye5 7 bu boeu a ues oa teeoA4i Mguiâ ohlai mof e P'.O Mlluse"tl bnucIL P»OvUe dinO. -Oe5m#465.0 1lou;J. &. eoleJeu Sad Tieidutol Ta atlsent" of lutMmi qulvotéiaMW Tqitb* 11s0imuIIIoI9 a Musa memits fort ie e Sailof -wtt. QI*u bzonghJ assis; lèiuld à lémo, "-à-sai tgwbv;t3. M. maW.J, lios pulyuh fT he elltsemofuluttome v.m lgwueip; ,trobm W.83 .Olloshin acé à amaSaor,, Moisi byMr Sis'»y. edW bhILi Bleb, ibat Edwi.Uta Mcl oe ppoaa10d mmbscof ibm boita ci heilihlot &isai Moîci by Mr'.- loh. mdtdosItih Bt"oey. lIai W j MUloUIttmh aplt 04 stîtytýfeprtot !Ort tt ema 1897fl, lie amp ai lery *a%.t EmIle IDUO& Aso Moved h , M. Mark,secoda by m Slcb, tauiM. A L M -aCtbortm b, sPPelu b d aitefflo «'# 1 im "to oweIiP et M srPc fortahe, joar 1897.,%% ae salt'» sofl474-v 'M>ved sily id hla Ipseclomâed blj- igt..» , chât G B Remît. ho appeat gqdltot t.uthehUic bobd auomboi t l meuotoipslity for tiesvoer If189 Ut1 ])Ongles bl i a ppooiusi h be vt i tne of me "l.-OmaeSi Mgois by Kr. Sweus. ""Bd" l i1 Mahibt plu wO47 ltoal liv se - ON stal euet tounmbtpoltHrpes fi tBslm18 b. reeetesd mn i osia çàfiriet .~' "Dy16v su 473 W va vmia elmaa thalai ims oi fibàl7 uiseg"sis Staceltw the mremiu e hie isutd thm,e vatfr te ilt llioace opu ]Riait ýa *zonaites 1897. 179 80- Mmniel W . ii sea<01, 80 75;. ByuIll .03i, 18U07; divimion ooal«Pol et Woa 'vl", 46; il B W6la m.u, i.learào ih31, %, Iep'%ouc ae s 0oqPul total el 17, 0 W .0k. We. ivepsi glimpi toutes ibp,- pwte%~, $ Aloiz. D.ldl. fi,,t'. le esd . eccase14.IN W Gotpurd, #à . bullt%; téa, Gklearnie *f40 * iitee eig* "me «M *6 0> - 1&4 eorbep M»eelt tuinm7 v.Y. et' ait. V44:4 Ibmhefeil tula y, apoiU vioé lest ftee ibo« i essi. ,ul2ibdonts~ uitooaw«tbbeo Iamwl nilon»a veai ule , d a*#ats tiniuum .*e .1 hrltveu dbl ca veu mml usia" ihlb bs1iIbs. im orChiera tlâ.So Vuas 1 duostue esmu-_as~ Pm don neh. 1 uî-ias4glietdo0 t "d Io alstcg'cmil t»0 sntes llnocary omb .sld set i~e%î»umcbo ami ufoila a#sbin, r.a id 1.1et aebort iffltu e,*u.Th. salI» 114f 10% .ic usée bsîr M-owdm q bot q1tl ub*t le80me ve "t hem* d h bé it»?.gIbAsI *icse-Ws bave le ma-Ir >u, ait. * he bos 1 I m asmots b*e- ~PlIsp, bTuer havi sAt'4seu 4meb- l ou "VMt*&".e This osme tuiea ? d us susmess tesa" *bis m«A h4 mteb W boei a S * bal"», t wm w, a si s i» > ou r um 1 mi 8bo tp*euyî bu 1-0 i.1 ibiMOS-CeSI."ta "bw *tg t u ~~lobât illeme té* .2- M-X t, Te, CASTOR lA ySt Inantesudmai cim. daait Da. ot iedla'e thé,moa.mWmWSeWbu .ti itabsDwtfl oma Oe <b.!al abs ConsI-48..ai i 00,4 40 YEittUR E .O D à=. iDa. iues" Cme» mvan t sud U in r j - ' . 1 D. e. evvgsle on me. io$1. The - ag>p ~ 1lm sI Isi Oy Mrn. .1 Mmn. ki*,- s y Mr. Up*àJ e ».ma auqP Go eti et U . aa lmhei msalmg 'atS.* 1 O0. motion of Xli. Sl)M aW us.d p iP«» Dr. gp'O, >.jPil i.I ibm ionr. ofl &b by lawu sdm11' P d m ri' i.m .pp@Ifl*s @1 udiioce, beab iii- O. m, tiiumetof #rM.Domuld, somm rb BammlKenta1. for c"m'a 4lbS pf. lius i e os1. îyht es16. o memnemmt 09mai halt hI 8la lO0h ()!à s où j% 0 MrVanuioe. gesondei )y lit. ldFàdirem. iliseleek saitlouII9ust. Il #0 tsq.et Nil M NabIr, ptiuiesté or 0.50t No 8M.luaporetbdts tChia 10seal utI te cxnez% mi miKtubB..ld bei the tMa,. Ce swa #0 iaSom bisi et of-,a.' 0 f dety i tai eapeliv siaterî' maie agalim by Mviii os molles et Ur Met> slde mnii py Ur Meiudps .be ceMMut $100 vas ,1,tuti.ii i b .pe d ilst ip rovéiU M» ciosdeos 1Ob e... lt.he 4ýhul'. Ils »md 8 Ilci». lbac, 02 uedtahmiat 9. prvimea oeimw* Ma vontsm cd 1400 tW Wdi vomiS Oaa, mot#- i" 1l UrlisDoalI, 9e@600W liUrMoo.i»e, i*0 teouteg v.c itere ta»d ii. o be : 5u111. ouet ofbonl ee#or -ui4melune à180 L W bcw rs u,k. Vaio tiarh& i O. mouce d es i UtMaAu» eecd et t vus moieotfS IeuambUb.v.e"a13 F.lm .vums omuui" là «cipMd on nieéel eta kr"e.tusieff 4i miDeal&O..1mBJ, w * ai .. ... ...... op uememkffl. Wa M mm 0 » l ana......1"A" uwmam-- Wamowu..,» . am uAmtr f botten*6 non.b &@m% tbe *bd t...nneCd OM7 m@m - . IL & ar as.......n m, i'me f m*tip.ien.-- M am"m ambusi bu n" Wd,."y ms b ais!m alL <il IL pSu& i e 08 09«, ou* «O toutineSn. à W. tlam usS s bu. B-m "abS - bIna »d l" nmieetU& mm*a Tm o Mn gma mm, ud vuUsbff 1r eUesýoefltobs.M B»tBam. surese. Pam.uil tim n . L-N. dolmm"Mualms Ual. lu O *ma m fabi ut. a Ibu lies *0 ai.sWen mmou lithé de us@@ Vmi.eay'esab oUs a vogseaU mas otS"matem- ma m sam c i S Moaelum laImbo 5* lame Va,, etsme Iwo. IVmSu* W. S.. Kimnball'& Co. ROCHESTER, N.Y. Retail everywllere 5C. ou ACKAGE TO IAENB. For.$,0 Thes Dhiron for Making, Money are intended more for Parmors suad Stock Baisers Ibsu ay othhrdu, sud where lhey sr' close- ly followed paties oui makftom 17 p«u cent. ome p «nt.ou bqint tttemctihr ose o the market seud fa to MB, HIGINBOTHAM. sud got one dollrs, worth of OU) ENGLISKL CONDITION POWDER sua feed it *bout noon evoy dây, sud note, he rsult. If ySuat to purchas a firut-clas Piano, Organ or Sewing Macb' at the Iowost prices, and on easy terms, cail on ~W, WLOGAN,9 Geneol AentSt.iWdsay, w7 KenOSODes Koaas CD CD*eeu' kaEvse ok 5staflswkg - mlms etits 11h15 USBI Bans n heC Qui ou Eleocri. ha mont "piW Mmm. Vdgbt,, *uwme~ bei air, woe<LL ICe Osmul» bEL Suw Eut Vular Stian. Omet. 1h. Comme, tmg.. oua - ora~Imm1~a. bat * Uu~h, Quumq bot air, wood. l!b.. Ua~oe, bot wetoe, wood, air ami bea estar eamibailau. I W..h. 0 P*M llCoS.~5a5bot aor Md 1 . si i osse OrnaMainbot d cMd ewu.,eo. 'It *ai*% Cb4b1 gnQu"bm à&ot , et. - à % M &Qùiq. Wald wt sb oa. Inq w d iau, a * oik. I w U n L U M l w b b o , - n ffle.su Qum ba io 1114 «rmt M va P7 n!w! J. a. la" Dai Dam Que. IL v job laS atm à" dZU co %me oft. " or.dbmva DBou"GarnB aniabot ar O o air, hot. Ibo. Mrm=ai. . Bury bot airc008. Dr. ue&mpbm4uembotw4m.. om Vbd&bot trul Oea ic Iwto- bat war, 00@L. limu Fover, u y bt me,OML. MM"um oteia.; Kmll me o CA. Ua =-- Uayelmu s. beu. m barflh" *.Swateda .*'u thoK ami o amiar aw?1oIIU q». &*U, « nut* ibi WW.hfle mi"s.«W oOLErU. «@&e à"c of askisg your lifo a co0" -eQbw u" uWU U setsi ts rd. dr. tec bie G On b wh log UQ LE. 'i -a. .1 '~ r' t.l. ~'. * - 14 * ,~ - St 13 te uri u b eu noWu8UtWu '~ *i'.oe»bmreI woid t have =l da MWb.§"y. O~Otflt"<f uMY daUgbier to fun beo.h ttastromg girlho@d.11 0311 ler fana.M erigmi adkm% So, iabas mafle ber motboe, aiyuelt . dangbier a bapey famti1* I .igk., iis gwru smtineUtrnon t he l.fuf aplvo,.&tios <'f ny wtt and* danghter, volv» tar.il and wib0UiB u rgng or I»dUeomi wb'Utever. tlnhow ite rtituÂe tM7daugbtet vit i ad mrnýIf f..!for the wmderfuteu»lf w" -lit bit the loaa Ktdney Pilla. W. bave DotVi tuekt l oubî Cat ber trylns thb.Pilalu j~aI at theime a*e d affl.u sa ietqbAl. aosteowaa&Uilbut mo bla th t ~ue. Ianwutsx4w y-ma ta c ars- V-trhv traie, b v bn aiefd o f SI. fo14rWforiy yeairu.and Coimly constablO fur t hiey~ye-.?Uma dréxWel nowf,atfd 1mâte th an.em , tdna»tion beliévlng thése reto lb.i tru... and ktnhe lb.m to bave lb. t ùrn. erféortaau n cti. and according tW lbe Ac Mrbeqi.ong <'ta Jui cl Oatits 198. Fgd WIrlLIAK BitOWN. Toit %»A ddk-clrâd lefore me ut the Town .'f ut Mar, la a teconty of prtbhlbitba day of Kurob A. D., ISI ! wd. wu! X. FOR!> à CommIslcd= i« Ugi ei4ç Oc. IL.i..LI'a Pil teks.«&osuibi durlmg 80 date 0111 «M sComtlptUlM. sES v.iterb!mar beedacébes Mmd ineumiu mse". a the berl..Ls' Li~ cPilla bave e» gagdS oPill a IU M& TIGy un sios SdO8ti apa"' Ie isi, »» la*ffeu Md Imm Vli»»" WARDEE, Oulu&. NV88 1 1 17 31»t PzizO ý Medals.