Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 22 Jan 1897, p. 2

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t ..4t~ ~ %.~~l4 4~W E > Badt , Ut.WJ 1WWtKJp o.aat e à" ty odsok. Most 1tMWl.si mm w* bo ime ,ogatte aIîf mop bM le OU. wly inculon subao b»ewn 4 aduc. bonueU 0** soplt 'dIgai 'n" Ihubm là$ dame"" o1Snt au ~ jmdlotaie iils bi De &fV.Piao% tb4a. M e% sui phti'i la*0. W luSa s&,dvM5 totl84 ha, Z 't' DuraDa. ?MW&SaS'1,im tli **msa mV.,? boo ma 1«uSnobl"IIO àd I.,1 ois lauom a uai MOMpe M& ,O.lsuDr. Pb*»% s108 *paie aiaOif Mmadiii Ainet Iinid.b lUdNsz o0*r7. ESLOW. TosoMm mtinaW ofSt SI.£81110 ou.t.1410 V Mbel tut Tumdi, £«- . D D MeDjb5dll tk.hafr. The maulai et ,Mti «uti« fui "ma ipeolL -T ilit reue. "op»shows ibm ooitWMhBto b imb gii vmk.Theo*em Osa d M 10 folowu-UaaaU5.A. aen. 1)» Ub1Iqyn Ag.iJO81Sisi. J.a0b of OtuJ. i. Mcau;taum. J.. MsUl udbemaD N. Saith oaui*a Gant; .ev.tik.t. lJobt UOAuShm! W, . . U euii ndr uag in U*3 la mSof lOg b. hOb& be #tue, day. The eblolshow he .,8. 49isplace Me UST. Kwr. PS fPOU laet r o u mubo1m*6 s»asiaUUVau«MMsit-luit ébit oaa 1a«0 audlso, both MsitlMi*4VObU. e. Posma' lea eps*Wat femI s 0MI& 4., oeuin bRfolos1iai h ilvuoM a 1ipOw lsstt. taeBS. dudiova lbuis onb«Mû.vsa. tt edimos. Tb Mais IoluN ,slII OKOdAlO magu et, bolto Wb Md harmus net W« ihiuil 1» WVUh? em"t uhmbiaqsu. MM W&-- mwotf ta g80" style, VwbblmVu OMM"aniam n .betuîv usoa%0 , Tbehem & Wluat WIII .108 b? Win XoI sk laNaor fisUreYotuyf of hues.? le eae do muWuv Ille vuil Fm ou'~ . e Tm aioes w mluh M»inemao oui ' éh, Mnb at us ffl. ole "biaiymst olar empl.p * loupe I.tll sb suffl le*i. homo mi lmodut te amlStut« t le YMme guis, wmal4 OoMdmon thelBmou 1 vond Dg.. Bs ad? mtb " non bo W dus ami m ou me aup us MRla mai.ws i M Ve à m 1«p*0 n a BUBu ilai, 4 l IUT, 9. GouNCILPUOGUabeDINI- 214Msant.w VMOlmoe aimot puiM o a sIm - . 1m Ib ussus Mr* ig uuk et il? . case"veu",tae Ob M et iiat eu eb ag .,moe hë. . ga* irewu -~'1 ~T7) IYI. MX ELL J OINSTON O00e of the Bet Known Printere a * da Telle. -thoe tory -of hie terrible sulffringei and glvee an accourit of hi* rescue from the Jawe of Death. *Probw lyfO 00in beotrknowus te lii.' preigtaeof canada thanma- vell Johaton, of -Maxveloll Johrasbon ACo, -72 Ba > . sbTorontlo. nia ny yesrs 1or nxonce have &0- quaintsi hlm with aimait Overy per-1 son à the ontiré Inade. -To ra" o f -bie frienda it limsbeeu kuovo lthâtho bas .sufr'ered durieg very sevore illiies tise peat y.r, and in regard te tis0 smniaMu. i~nstu "es the follow- ing lettor Tor.o-NTo, Dec. 3, 1396. îIR.T. MititnY .tCo.: Dm. ta Sîns-For- over ton montha sufforod front dropsy, cauaed by kidney trouble which fol¶wsi an4attack of la gr Thie ymptosns zapidly became aeruussudmeica ai vs calinli. Aniongotbhers uho vé oconsulted were Dr.. Norman Allen, Dr. Wer.and Dr. Glass, ail of 1tI ity11, sud 1 cisn traly sate Iha# 1h07 maie every cITrt Ihet medical. akili culd irode. Saven operati un vers performdithin ait months. <uringwbloh time I vimt.i at dif ilpan ei for thse purpos. of them. operations. the folloDwing hospilaa v l: The Toronto Genend H .tal, St Michse's I1c ha sMd Gram. iital. Athougl altc oudbedo» for me v as faxthtully snd akilfàlly puformxi, Ié "d roeiioly tsmponuy îreli efl. oporatlons esly ooeviag 10romovo the onormous qumtitisi f voer vhich ou- staatly eoumulated. Ausa malter of fait, 17 gullon f voter vers r.move d uring the lait Io opemrelon.Aller the lait opoation I wu .Ivn up t dt d u o Toaddition te thehe otmodical mliii wliicis mojoy coudm 1Uotrs,1Iuse AUl kindsof patt el iciues wbhioh o. missecirelief,, but villaouffec. AI[Ih famiy romoes îggtei, sunosa as (1. yogi Tee, Su~ke ed Tee, Muilein Lotît Tee, Spamsb Onion Te, Suel Nitme sud Bucisu, ý ete., vers failhfully tried but gave 'oc thlb ulgbtests relief, so that 1 b.d loi4 &U hoq»i, vhen 1 vas per- saiidtt ly Dosa , dneY Pilla, 10 gether iihlâmaLivor Pilla. Tohiiy iaurpim 1 I relOiiot immedimae r.- lif. 0 kt bis ime 1wau nabletlie dowi. sud for lhueo andi-a hall monthi P 'And y asféoed Iteji l in har ia nov w33- it"essincethebo vderful q Miaiebl theas pilla - d enmv<# g,£w a*ltl8lnlios6 s nlwd &0dton"amet0<*3thme lais. un e Sem&deum ema Eelle, MM.111,107 hmr U4 s. . P. &"aW OGU &Vusul y conider mysoi perfecllty cured and l elrong *sud vell. MI ***gist whou 1 vas attacked Wvas-198 ponda. Aller 1h. qperations I vas ireuced té130. 1 veigi Do1w 160. By oarfully watqbing the action of Doan'î Pilleansd IA»a Liver Msila= rnpositive tisaI t ssaI &Ion* as due thse wonderful cure visicis hms taken place ini my cSu.. I amn a prioter by trade sud havo heud positions in the offices of lVie Globe, MoiS, Methodist Book Boon, etc., as vel m in«'Ohio sud Detroit, Mich., snd have been au employing printer inco 1877. Altbough it may Beem inedible, every word 1 have tated à tise lrutb, snd 1 amn prepared to, back it by thse evidence of huadreda cof citioens and fMende vho kney m e b elore 1 vas aick and aflerwarda, vhie Ivasuner dethis door, sud vso nov, 10 their surprise, sme mo uestored 10, complote health 1y h. use cf Doar'a Kid. useyMs Pla mule by Lez. Lver Pil, I aïhall bcglad toanswer inqumnes fromn sufebrers front kidney or liver troubles st euy time, sni reter. t101h. folovin«gen-ii tlemen vho have knowledge of th. b.d.s, and cun verify overy word1a»7. -Mauy of tIece gentlemen knew me befous nml siokusas, during. my terrible au eip ani ince Ivwu resoaued 10 heelt. ny lestimony M.a. on.voluntsuly sa vilh. out any oonuideateion of auy kini, aebr directly or indirectly. I givs lb aolely for tse benofit of nsyfellow boiW vho may b. affictei vith J)ropsyor Kidssy trouablea of any kind, vi.- K .7. Fleming, Foq1, Mayor ofToronto.. E. F Clrbe Em .MP eg-Mayos. Bey. H. O. D*z14 cfaillap. s 7.W.S. John, E.q., M.PP. Patrick Boyle, Esq., of the Oelbolio ~hillips. J. B. Coo, E ,pboIcompber. W. (0. Murdo. ,Esq., aiter. T. 0. Robusete, Esq., berrialor. John McGèregor, Iraq., baurialer. Chas.McDonald, Emq., benrialer. M. J. Quinn, Esq., beuristor, etc. John Kent, Esq., of Govena, Kent Comipany. Gea. Ovalicin. Esq.. of Gvstkin Son. J. Gorr onvewt, EÈq. J1. J. ïcafry, Esq. B. G. MOLee, Sq Chas. B. DeIirty Cq Wm. ,Veiner, Esgq, Usuel by Me. Pns5mnai buc xWeah'. aam *0 la bmisij oulve Mi euto i. o m PUk.W Ur N. Pe l ibb I g4Koede Wbe wm a 1" sIok . egr mtlA W. WAi S a"diea a ats. lao bi s. Ameu am. "Mua. y -I Eo.b. Woml*0'. l Uàsp smke ia,is ibK pel.*1M.BshKlessh etmoe St"abouiml asue. ILjfw K.eipoqsP nta50m odbVl Duo.. Tkal., m ua. l-~ John lait ..l Eq. J. 0. 4&smaq hq. G. T. Pondnlth, hq. John Inmrls, Esq. o! lrio Graham. Wni. Hovenden, WEq. Wm. Thrélkeld, Esq. W. S. Johnalon, Eaq. J. J.;Ryan, Bq. Jas- . E. Hnieon, Ehq., of Stodc1cwell AHendermon. Freievick Diver,. Eaq., OentrlI Press A ncy, Toronto. 1 lryBrowns, lq., cf lBrown liros. & 0o., Toronsto. Nicholie, Murphy, Eaq., Q. C. Thon. Parkiimo, -Eaq., of Messrs. Povell & Parkinson. John Brown, hq., corner Siucoe sandc Adelaidegareetu. 8. Tý Brillen, Esq., of Britten &b Chat. Pfl$d, q., Queen streot aast. Wm. ralé, Emq., corner Church anud And hundredaof otelbos. Youua lily, Mr. Jobnaton e~aribfre Mr. C. Heudet..8 o nuuahloer in tise}iîgh Cou t fJutice, Md gaw#o the followilig dolares aanpdi lise absolute truth or ü». %W*nt a h is letter: !. Wrr .tIâue slo<fsa latter ta Mmm... T. Utibon a.., datea 3ud Det- ouaIs 18061, umaivliJoiraton, cf 1h CId0 'ro in to.ouaty of 4 < .aoonsydoclsuoth" the etato amtismbiusilatise aboreo bIter are lume, ani I mai"Ibimmudeétaration bell 111.tto *b. truo, ai ànoiaIt i lb. m'ane force deularsi »b1Toronto, iu 4he T IbisdAnSud day of Decem uwluSlotur in 0. j. OoMMt. of Mezull a atqm&A(3o., 72 Bq~ie84T, »Toseeo O ~' w ~ - -, wus ac.u.. ê.rê~ . il asG. SA.6. nie *euwOPu M ~ a. Inbs&W w4..4 =Wio s'.P4LMUBet&. uh, air te. o.n.t etorontm m 4.mo .eomti.v"ul" DR . Wc>LUD * et Tibie i. vm &. £kIM o i 8 -OBor .adua . LAsyURI«u e lwe ,auS 1 Tau.h P.toie e tmtr Waj. ilt *mo reme ed. t Tn.ý7 al Jmbity fT««", etioe stme. oîureomut uImilo.and amPl améale o* f S Tueg ofmv.m.MeIa.IlmmVu Dusy.BNALD À801 »Ssam iUns. a.i -t ) ua m is.I iii f oi t » ee a ,--lmaihteyaqlm, I&OUl . h mvOKMOUff W& ume Mem mi4M u tummbf.MWeu Wm wu D.mOà 8Elm iE.AmonO4 . IM ISwa" *W A.? »IL IL r .aft OEIS 29b Allisi amas~ » i pu.wps»Vtalr-i ambusk mm m u sumo,,. vl a p.Su . . 13M-7 sld av^ m. afl m. ou utPou&, 44pm aw M on".. *, w,%i~m. - îw I E 'A,' a~u k111Oba fowams&sa.lnbà *0 wï-ss Ibo biliapp«iui utSaUU tebibrm& boq. bO e 1 m dri. sgeme .amb..gIh.bs. e51.mI au Umm m -105.1 ~lm - IJ oomuL GlORIA LAtIND liseS àbd. m oalmer yWs.4 a SegLat»Mr John Martin ?nab u-.taonm ddvoeg.Ma f hiwmdlgieà a*t -aorull maS wouw»ua- enad semm pume he mbove descrlitco nc1worbp, boro G. J O L L a.lbm T-. Dramuo R. e'* HAmy.8RT, e i a# D.eta DUN?100te 000leaD. Ktaýt O'duw ?tni~IJàve*, oAUnEIS Isd- qonor va"*" of JoUnt50umvwob.LMW Ca 0Oleu*ou mgtolo nIvs1i *0mla-tu *bd lm-. ofD IIfO ri r Orena s P.. %Wht a1 rue gu W. or r.ahusl ton e Ne u.inl6lp gin aoofa.r lo~r ma MetovbsA»psoll ù i'PPI- Dr sOmet th".qmahogBIhm, érm the KeIt tdUig U aifath eg. boutt, " lWB gaonng atais aiahls*o y Iumfuee£ âK& p*mobpa sare Hv o* sSudId le1 09 1ga . .utroeo4 1Mtbut r olso vill. DrNohiudeippat lai ba leu the ç Îm, USl wr pezsoasdiabUtanmci esisudu aie olb. the st local obende,'for usifmutifol .oh nste ai odietopries.Pie.. sndpota er D& . GRM"S IeaDomii auoom, b.ab*" badi. ien.' i..tz&d FoTrA teavea. dOt.. Q. e.- Planing -Mill TO BUILDERS3 Havng nueto lb. expent. Of pattung np 1 HOT DRY BLASI ORYINO KILN aaens cohf 81.0010. uwe mprtpared ta iff ont customes th e berzefit of good dry uàtari&1. Oeil and examine carT «codeamnd gmt utimatut AJJkinde of Mouldinua. Saab, Doors. Nevais Bl atom, draila. etc6.la stock. GEO. INGLE. The Canadian Office & Sohool, Fuiniture CJo., Limited. PRE8TON. ON1TARIU smasm ormSaW.Stlmlohmdt à Co., latmdam o0 as eboChuicia, Md riM *0 Jan" a 'Mauts aSl b O4UW oàaub 409 FOR I. ~ nre~tSti fflgS oeb.. S Çeyes Ertiptions PoreèFM e16, w.--.'-1 ~h5 n h. ÏI ' tac *iu Fel jul Cul Cured Caro entlyc doos L' cnly t ihoronl b8 lefa Whoa,et unake c sealazs lUe's jý enred 0c Igladly premail "Big alter 0 411 ai cure ho My do Iealtis Ihlak i Coui the il$ WO .brongt fiwD.ý John E se a nSd ai Tbe gecoivea trou .j Li-e arfoi towuç*;l itg f- - from l posiloi £rom1 Mou Oe Slaicey ed sém edicb,' - ~ for i.i8 Dougi Moi lewl M %-,l tele total Gagne 0 àh MISvo t- s .4 ail di 3mas 1 % M-tr

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