CH EERING TRýUTý' Proe .st"h ment., A. Claed a a,., 141 rls! jut mu brigbi m"a BOY." Rhimolicino par EveiY, Mam u BdWOMmn thé abs ablelpoviS ft of M t0111111 olSbe mO elet otnlti eui l uap d ik ofglours inturegoards!* a uuvarhed eat âÏsilS a olFs'il sisal CompooI publthod fo iete o. Tàsoua. the:toumdo.ed no et haideuéod keptilea av@ 'foralta m mf i% a by gmus fonaeiou the rock ftauth anid bonssiy. TVie fo>Iov'ag. lattr tm MaUAt outhotigh poUraCoses mal h dsaPMna 4d eatb "fiai aluS, »d lbougb boues sMd othot mediotomu provo eldavtl .t Oua aelieet b Pale" 'oOs1ea OCem néàvii! do Moto for voa has ye a lSosaime mgo680MT eafittl or etbeall was aImantai sud 1 ouiel vmwy nmoé. 1.uws laid op thbtse dire eut- et eVéry el; sumd 1 ofiem sald Io ny Mfned aba R 1o I cud b. botter, if là cm. ths Loué' vill, abat I *bot& beattsa .114var. Thuol of %bu besi dootoas aiteadl me, bulemu KIL& mol Vlisvo mo insurmp vy.h citi u t JE vusadvluoé leuse Pâtlas'. 0elo m e êoumd, chioai baouga amt atess 'te telousieg Iisleoust vmmedy 1 fu" mr ýs 0 si a eno. Md test lalit as bi se siboy of mgbtomaloër& Il cSaibe guestest r mot*lu b oild, amd vou atvomgly aoom.mud fi % u Wh vo RO«. [Prom a Fomera'à lusttais addaoe14& 1in laBitsboum OsSeruleby je"u (spseonay wpoulad for abo FaumV Alvoseo.). 1Iam onvimood abat lh* loi. of asm» vwol pay ah. istoasa of mmy et eh asoalguesa on ferme la Omete. Ouau * Poeleo.bas laug s aet bils films boul bone. ummures Us b bs4 o eta e id, but fuboss u. Ws foamely pal ont mamua es lud but cv end ma a fabol losess mugbin télard. us by .ah. Iqui, pe anmot avay ala fis ils. -0àplua é Rat lais boab lien .to saké Sthemaw out to ibe fild aMisa bdfi ovouty a ltàis mao mé. Teemuéoaa.cee *tes tabiou to sève eh. liquhi mesa,1s h moto valumbleoin esuas.%o&4.This 11 musen s ouaîst iopis. W. aisefi* ébS atMtr -fom saboxtCstél e1b o Wo @prend Oeutmusmure svalyith*o mo la oigbt or len tu"obo ui-mmaoun »" Iaasi laten, but ou b1klhv la usi Who eov lh ove? a foot heop vo coul uo. moud mot lakitshou. Thoe h oies4 ay loue by -opompve D i.vIls me, th mois te tm tbu mant erssas le s sud %hoab ladmesoosa ilaersu md i £eurMling *substancess ase ý»mamsa ai Soit. Otton man aisaiuWbch fueohmsd vbeà diete&ae fud staIs il same luaf.vtiiIlo etoest. mno chould suje Sm sllocod te &te fmmg. May h. proeoted bi spusadlmga litt larid pîaesa ovor ha oootatmeosly. 1% h mitahot et mepuamreaila pilosuMd eiu It h b hat, umaber a le 1h. ifitl oeh m rIa.'meThoeslea mia> s, a 1lo14. -cea esavo manu u ph osa bais pulséut &1iMsmoes-tahe t ontâi téi s - lte loued by ostetaul exp.almsmlth masure. ose omoisderablm &trame 1 bei alloced te o méla lu heaue or pi oy lu baîupoids. .laoSotse aq muw es Cwo bluls of the foatltslug mubsMm ibava onleut. 1% la batIotimlytu Cldy piles lu tlyad Ifrooubuol mcm i on the flèlo. POZXTS-U IOPOirr Ul u Mou5UEà Work memuoas tal bwe uafao U1 son vltb a spade bmaeov t ispeimg ou P1o% laélandiabs".mai touw ep" Cm auela sa mmous toehue in ont. ime bs Z Ma i» fûtob" mal cork lôi 5 ou 1%w dva- asmonS jeP o. dnD eUs. ir hA ormvi rUs oui «0b ,maSi les 1 c.g a ebmai su lse 101, le igeubibmé et efus~4 a vs tw cla au se *6 Mimassets t roettb Du lb.q«znmil d bei .m"g -euvtéso bq. lthue M v e s a l muuai cil a m bu oolaEbu *amdsu#a b msesPurl.voua laW lbommvu 10010 sauma d-byuot 1evUe psy fue sMI" ie Mms " g Meuli m a Wmtod auoi os nd.h ose pouine - lMaauhbai OumblmuolmoUéma5Oal- Wb pm udim t" m iis ae as ala<. mes. ombt.esmueêl o gi pb a Motitfola Ou lemerlMtua b rM. h"bsho dl a veou bo O"U1 lTsuîWg.Sla. Ssle*latmé h bs 10 it~ ~~te Shil ou o au sbOMMsu0 tlois ouI t ibis P wlus m5 tu ,i 84 thé lM h «14et1102 MIU 6on atm *a-faameaoigSouer io.... U a zt»otf 1te 2osuts a »eM. l utsI kluk. iltbsp VMn iSSP*0lbs qagIé a amae m e Usimelva " ida galebe 0 5t m i dab 1. Tà e oce, WR amo de le1 î»Wbs»M t bout wm 1 a b" t W15 th: [ abul me le peoluoa powuufletoui a i mabbe *» h d&ua hkm aa bsbla. .0 ?é ba"s Uneswu S lme mIagml lai Dm L sinh n5e soml5VOa tcs bout s tetia a t, ~be 1. hMud M tlS.w NvMi. nMa*buset molu vos mse moml Us mM~# e, i veau aOMp hi, mn~besslu dà 84 vot LUs ï nZ= "'s jltde teuUukW so UsI s wostve,mgUL etuU"0 awthMd fflDauuMn awxus. Woslvhfle, Jm. vit.7u *Mylbtb mm int b cuv a, tbaug buoun true o bISt ls u a Ho M be issUs. l*0ab 1m-tai a *M il 0 km 0m , l I abileavb"eDr. ias jwbUicil ule.iNseame m ths =e boud.t * iM ualiaiofh lb.dtt d didgese a »d, e smoiheoikasait Md metdtle; ug 8es m a *0sothbSsd Md ce supids lth OMUs iiil ouI 55e »Mo. It boild. e tuebe hbty "nbMd puts lb chois body àl. atémsaarOhISmg sâes il 050455 abas. 0OmOutO Iet sal ely. m»d gsi île puAibok* Tbo réoh aý OMM àma, Msdtmel épho. bsoleiuy M&eeAdàeMi. wasal'aDhpmr l»edu Amodotum, Ne 18on aa@busi lafmlsW. y. 4MUs0 S -TomeogM on o Zbh eaos"la PlItdlaiha MUal mimâsu tIb9»IlmilelStatuech.Omu0ci ai the cgmaet oet àbis leouefflos aus Wb,fsgos ils mbuolt th.e d et plu vomi la lb mok"Uet efflss emopemer. labo weagtué hostu".u !a u vu olu 1Iob1ho Mm WMvsrnhsee ie lhsihm ummaUNs liaI lames I Lit <T o Ume S.b wiis oein belab«.. re m rnbhyot, im ie il a P-0q.. sud 1118maeise auseno'.Who hW*moss4' nute8le bIae M"@ bf ua abse dmo@tuon vla. la I. fui. eo mte talerp gmatornmdake a lb os-mm »ab*saborn»W e b@ bWS ib luneS. aes e bmw mois bmwt m mai lpisarnouamol as for, 0 W vabq ý s e ai astiosi but b151 ude aa Wkis of ibis bled, mit. begmate, feel h. 9 e upou lier*nauvoueý oernmttuigU. be l ta raobai bild, amid pp taeuWl aouf physique sud miood tâbm staos ib&ut luleuapIti boeti outi ml hm ad potieIoibat vbils b se dmslied Io Ph bave pué ef oie, mIe tuplated ba Pcek, gîmdubted Vlak abs btgbsi bush, id biepaad te suDe. up>uhe-ubai e& mma. The vemte ove' cindy, sma *beura, mon gbate ate abS' ad #llbon<b hli idmot Iiqte vlt bero hMbtsg Itbm laideof lâam i u otns'., be véoS enboom* sogissât of M»o a ée omi s ibSaimi Usobmr b. ma sufeops da tlatOafire uh bei agageBsUte. but prows miséboa fieux meil.paIha ta plicasnts of aMy hWa. eho auol Uiu tommd $0 scob, deet., mi tbW *9 .beboute vio0m lbei.moul bai "ksY bu i <tive Poue -m o md ie msluit bwtumi s ebWa =~,aftom Meaom ôbi. -.Iwea top, às mul? »Malles sud usolll h ad su mdvea1 romm% là oms neveu et a danmllmaom sbe- 0», pith the al of Va. Wilhts.s' plo la hb* bailed 90 Mo muxplits"M'dg" âat Obs mimosU dqdos em 1t ubs tMr ..a. Uomslkbs sommc-aUseIs5uwu bu te tbern elePaP.aahss. mde& o miel Us puanhOt me box etlbtml WM Us 14l1asm .mm.ime~ ~ O ut weuihà é0ai* .. làma m fo~itome; L0~ sea e ofsefoua uIosl hà âïiiioïâk à bebot a cel. 1%4e suC l vus sggen"eibv eu lmpeat ui àbox of lt.eFluak Pille l aso avies.m POMWadM. 11>1mIesys ouq ython Wttt Moi" ohmemeau, 1"sud4colé Dot be a dsq eibhout Chome; sl.bonUg 1 do mot tata tb.. asgulavIy. 1I Sad Chou a vea, le hUéaI s8"mulusfoi r e la Our profss 1f ah. ýasmr9ulof efb.bectit .51b* bs. Pillé bave voabeé upos me viido du publie my geol, 1&mu pafeeIIyvile, bai mwy noms sbould b ..tomed, &W tbs foiee aould be alvec t10 th . isEavlcten'o pemaui ladîton lau ofer oaméage, Mr. To~m N out"s.Bom 5. 8t.uaéThealasBou lugi, New York 015V. W. .C.TIV 0 M d é N om "ti a ma Mim Wid Mmd. o sUa aislleor W.U.T.U. 1 P o a f l a u , i M ., , J a u . 0 .- à , s a é o é s b a l boo ooMMaeinm s uàb àt abs mmm lié bu a a D A té Rom mmdams1b U. aie «** - usi ud enMANSusn làimai-te hv osebs laPUIS le lvode.1a54 e iéle oaeed am M vU a"intose mm b 1 Lasls I U in oedaat elt*0Sas- OMM~V E. THEBEST Impataio »èmd sale et Ilsa"m lldons a bte om e l ï r1* rasl r M x ibe~ ~~ t oloi elgI avoet .1 bm e nl closf* la Ibm aas*5,tet0»h. paovie"km boa~9 mas .ukaliol mi1 beuluO30 d M i Nflghdt.4Of $bepapaM e op l Uli eaatde 0 ediot , Ui. ettm et >,lutod Iseu"mon ev. Luxa k mmLIV iva lu"hav»m t. lié M uso l %bat auo papradlib uuPluuI's t.e.8 eutumm an usSaSd udpuli oimesi bu" i c 1 âg.oé U# nM&.16q nM apmcod te abe ampoalmOret e q -osj u si8"sMd dsgsmtv ostoie& la èEfiM Md P u ma dte.loéUsiSs W'sCi b a s v l 'eMt Us us.1 9 v pmesble aty bepellol os asié e i - ffwy fer $ho M uvbt ei ufi Wdlé& Lý finu ei*Wslibeyor Mac lnbsva a ~iM slgl.ariaoim a Sebstoul bosa avotee tern* Uu.P 6.The a mtosi* 11191me i lalms- Fqm ..2' W se W@* -6 1.Ibe uel . .beI 1UmUslis e 1lilouesi Mmd Indu mm atal" mmf s â e m e , 100% o S W s or"* v sy le~m mebuq~ l..........M b v e I. I. s 's d 's b s. I I. 'e ~1 o. me? n. N. 'me M. t..' i pli~ w t lit Pleti mu se va h. fr5 t t *1 I -1-W CASTOR lA Tombes»dssam. Us brni mdmwe mvubPtU& mil.on osmId.Uow et".., *aveaie ud tms.Mil tb. b.m* Ima %m hwee e bu sd m»» Hi, 2 -m- Mi vow- ~ esismenu mil bus, bal - m~miséI r,- UMA 110 tsbu. Si bWho m migo£" 1 ml mn'WIUImlum vo n ~ ~ 61 iogi* gifMd =1118luu IFevu e n. AD ai Uii oaniSmou afia "K« u u% a.muse bm q eO m vu7d. .Lvuusa5. bis& Mr IasSa ecSoII ILsbV. Bat.ab Ebu. oet5m mmiNaiaimmmk117 hé. UvW %L:IL vus B sel "e>, - imamtîu. 7a éue%"S S me am u Do am. DamS. ble u m xIlesli We. ai. 0 ..iui iuInUamibnase. maI5nui eon MW veDshfam hak. E Un A.el IR Imm ne. i- mbu mi mis§ou" Ou t. ureter. t ni t 1 a~ isoeo q ua, &iuu uebl Uo ll bus Meubwr. btWeiilkld *Mm . s 2 EuUe& seo.E .1 cigarettes W0 $t Iimbal &Cou ]ROCHE'STER# .Y - Preseuts That ar diefu, oha lait riU !it Peifm boxes. g nbothaml.B Drng Smore. if you want to purchas a flrst-clas Piano, Organ 0r Smoig Machine at the lowetprices, and on easy torms, cal! en, ~wu LOCGANe Ge 70 K AentSt. est. X7 cén WO St.Ws Loadu lb. jweoliou la Fuaruses Work. ios.wuug mugis. i bis sMille. si lui US n bot Sut Bm Decois ita veut "ii~*O osui JaS Ouwey Rs Vu. ~ sai mmauWdo5i, *a me7 Sot ab. Wood.; ~àwEmSu. ~o - masal eSbu îJi. Nsimado Ous=bot l it, cooa ni i g.urom ab m bel *ni A- ois awm ot vle, WCO&d 1 4 - I 4m t e. O& l 1oo rom .à" 0* esm otielýz . wM ouL o4 uit, ar a L - , out e!* nil bu*~ ni. cePs un Imm A" etb miné m«* W. **$M à.u, Saebt cul, M, IV &owm auset à"Umm~. owu. 1 34ba amu btv&. cOUL 4. z;Obotlu. mi gteu 1 q buotsd agvosM5 wilëm eewmu 'bot veme amty 9 4. w bt. -imwadi wM i hsO 'L b naaot ". Orn bgre Fi aaLu o iWP te aom%>r V-b a-w w t m* -e'm s.alde WMÀs 50.puPACKAGE 17,F~~rz eas Ohis3tma. Imm & 0 9 IV*« ý,tfm l'ýGin, Retail everywhere,