VICTRIALAUJN DRI ACH 4nd y fefls shlms N a. 5aimewq*4 tgel .d toui E- àlo1», i thie f «" bmi am *sus i02. Uva, ilo a" mené» s WORK SFOILED. Did, Not'G(lt1h. Bà»gM1Kbnd. why Immbla k Wm v é lm M t. dysieS nm w sali ou mm m sIbiS*6ls MaIes. Pffl O sui cool 06Wua_ thei, ymuso i a l mi t5h.l deit vm OW h dmjoueo vool,lteIls0seic»h. le 1,1 vapeS sibe tufOIR 10loi Mud 1.1mW& fUs ol hlmW - mg gans b$@O O8 Ji jou bai bMah iit t»DinUd Dyés Mad.e ul SANS'.for Co0lS8maMd io 1Goodi Tour cui voeu ihave bus 0"a imaid d'm e. l'Au..spuw icou=o "m rsof the Dimma Dg.s meIbotAs1l"M duoehei of ils es ot .hsftsiiof tls votld. Mmd musffsepul'aicet e U s di. fouthabs colofet sia<ols lte lmmoél DisefutCoéin mue 1ai elioâht, &bd dIfpeu uam lIen pour «rpeW aîultmg.viii kma brigbt miSse samat po oa lv.For pi etllo.n etL MAi4Heodi tu fu t -Dansai Des fu ce"s; ton »atoisul is18h d".0 mi s,186.M oyeu mfl vu»" m.NkBIsof1lut méaoegMl #Md apwil Mo«eibp E. @mml, meule ILE of lsimatos pq lb. témos ,iomto ne. bisa ppoliia lasmm c.i "lemai. Shaot, laibsun&vemmubl kpIr 1 obiAsiet m tosma mitp *1 misa u at fMuA, E . YOei i PSisBLb.ê Xànd b u sasaaimidmidI. U - buami x I eJ. eU 4--616lu- A , is uumlulm Of* me t iià.S]I ay &Yof Dim mi laimi i Iofttab *0. auditi WIeh 110 odem "#suhsW du theb pu et -ifasimai daé *lb.- pisil of aitIs matti ipay ov aausmuse date i. uaImtle pmtl, ttIvMl, a"i Ime .sosa fo*uib SUI ibokibis aditsi, bae" iàmOU othispeqesOy bmklwa m~~~b te J oA. . Koga, luse. Appliosllome for Ib.o Is. f.1 mr ai a amiwr t et a"~ dolies Pei omrnum, sMd JacmCM& &Btm s à sioey o seustp vditmoiea..put asa2un. Conneil mjsad J. B. Wuaou, lati. Coneil Umet tils 9Sti-dal of Dee. 1IWO. quallr as mdillas. le Obç casehlvu h»Uii&-seu0Dsor 0cÎ10011. moved -by Kr. mrk, esedby ne. Ada., a"a*Ur. J. R. MON- IAle oMad te bo,.by appolintd aaltae toaudit the books oa *la Oi tiasuxr, M. . I. Canninge, lorIah. prouof iz ogrs, prer or 10 bu Urne ofl9% d 'nemeutun'm e g. mallens lb. lCib Daos.1896,sd report ce tht. ouncilissii chu latei emorèr abu Be tabe bNbp luoted t.altaa".h&Uibok@, veoum ad sai-poaioa "a.i»sali amuiteI.iumby tu.> ukootad ter bad A. . f£egg, Proseat ail bolsMmd papen abat casy seoméabol MoiE Hîl tby laMNo. 474,bos abplac Pi op#"% UrM. J. IL MHommile, 0ud4Sr,*@l.boisks «Age.vode 9M h.s-nehlp b. roooll ami uaà aaroé Kld hp Ey. A&an, mesudel by B. Mak . abt bp lac No. i74 bo »nda 0040-d ime la "-1400tW U»abs ueis M.imila l*a ihml.-0411e5. O,.. miliasse mmi sqs*ied by lac NIfo:474 bk nd-i ta Byiav1o- 44 u rendmia ad moi, M ,mm dssldo" »ma0000& 13ab anmme t osi@ .i the. I.stemh Stu t, Muolelpal wutormetu #4 80*- &. Omms i. lit éw uts. f.g uivers. au hesslu la vmbli we"u Athu hal.e4.14 b o lh e-eaof NstuMua fW!ii gîd apn oeYat *0 IiLMdmflaa %" , Sudi(m iM ber s Cyadd~ Vo -i (p » IR. MÂqXW ELL JOHýNSTON One of the Boat Knowfl Printers UnOsimada Telle the s«tory of hie terrible sufforngpsand gives m.aoon Of. hie rescue fuom the Jaws of Deathe. Piobsbly nu on e is botterkuocu té tue ýprlti4g trade of canada than Max- Weil Johnston, of! Maxceleli Johaion & O., ~i:Beystreut Toroato. Hie MU n er fexpei haeive ao- quitdhina witb a&lmoev.ry pt son n luthe - ntire tai.To ma ut. : b in nait bas bucuknownthat ho bhas. suffred cduring very severs ilineo 141t. ptyeari mand lu regard t. the. sieMr,. .ohnslion write. h. foll- TonoNT6. Dec. 3, 1lm. ý T. M-taurnu< &-CO.- ~a îw.-E.rover tua montias 1I onVFred fru,în dopsy, caused by kidaey tr.i.!a ~owi.:h ulioked sa tWkcof la SThe symptonts r&pidly became à rins ~m dical aid casucliii lui. An.ýici;g othors iao cure ousltei cire De. NWallace, D)r. Norman Allia, Dr. WZ3fr ana Dr. Glas4 a, oil 0ficty, sad ci ontruly state tabtthey md.ery vfrt -that miosi s oilil couli provido. Sevan operitious cuti piformad i"ti S i mnths. dnug h"aiftlmé Iviitii :tdifforenteriodmfor ithe purposu of tIAee perations -the folocia hm W84Is viz- Tii. To.ont. Geeral H0piz e t. Michpel'a Hositai sud (=reeHcpla. Atlo au lthatcouli k idoue for nie cas faîtilMd amislfUlUY Pmaumod, Iruc.ei euly isnpowMU7 rishol. *0 operutiom in omly autvAs< t. vil enormot aquntitIes fcd aSe h on o- .tutljacaaaçuulted.As-a matir ofhW 17 aUo ofwatrcm iremovs d uring the asW topoperais. All e lald op .mtion I cas gvn opto di mitcas gireon ui ateI. wele mte lvu. la addition. a theboa meMdci 1 claiciamoney coru procueI u i 1,inds orf- paiet e"d*imshicia to- ttim4edrelieif, but *ittott efeot. b wmeiTan M>iaa Seed Tom, Mula Leaf -Tee, Spa"as Onion Tes, Sceet Nitre suda Buchu, ito., cire fa4thfuuy * redbI ut gve noS tic lixitesi relief, no that I1ai Ei aul h" v, hou I1cwu per- ,iumffli to &Wy Dosusa rn ey Puis, to 'eother cithIâ la lver PMEl&.Tohmy supioIrecoived amnseS imoediabe ru- Upf. At this timl1 wuus»ble toile dows aud forireu»and ahall montha 1 breviouealy cus breedto alo*inalu shir. My calai me u as ls49 lucn e; lb is ac 3incites @hmai lthe couderfia mmre maie by thece plUs. r..i atrong and wcoU. Ny colgiai chou 1cas attaoked cau 198 pouuds. Alter w-Oig aoc 160. Byretullay catoblng the. action of Domus FPâle an& U»i Làiver Pille I amn positilvth" t t ten cloue is due the couderful cure ch"l han taken placeilamy cas. 1am aprinter by ttade anuibaveheld positaons Lmthe offices of %7m Globe, Mail, eothodist Book Rdom, etc., àas coU as in Ohio and Detroit, Mich., and bave been au cmploying printer stuce 1877.. Aithouga it may emm ineredibie, oveay cord 1I have satria bstrtib Iamn preparmi to backit by lhe evadeuce, t1 huikdrieaof citizens a"i Moinds Who 1e aVMe0 befote I1cas sick uamdthrwards chili 1 cs mm d*&a door, mid cho aoc, tg theia urr eo me reutored, t. 1 hebu4S= to, t2s e&rof Doima's Kid.m& sufferqtsfrom kidaqy or Hmo troubles ai auy time, sud relu to .the, folowing gem- tlien cho bave kuociedgi of the lacIs, sud cma verlfy evuy ordiaasu. - my of thasegentlemen khec memor. mur siokassdurmg My terrible mfrms Ma inë 1uewuca resCorei ao helth.y testmon à vea volmuiy aicl ont mi uato f amy kind, eltho direotiy or imdbnoily. I give, à aëly for th. bernoc ~f Mrflhc >binas. w mal be affiolmi u Drpsy or KUey timbles of amy kimi, vis. :- IL .. Fleming, E.q.,M r of Toront. E. F. Clarke, Es9q., M.P., ez-layor. 1eOV. R. C. DiXon, Of GMle@ie Au- aiej &MOI. . 1.W. ftJohn, Eaq., IHP!. Patrick Borie, Esq., of the Catholio J. B. Cook, u. obgaer W. G. MuM e q., britr. T. 0. Robineite, X94., hamrster. > John KoGregor, Eaq., barrister. Chasi. MoDoui, Esq., barrister. M- J. Quinn, Eaq., barrisier, etc. John Ken%, Eaq., of (locaus, Kemi h Go.Gw n,ýEn.;of Gcatku&SOU. R . G.or s, E.Mwa, q. OhJ. . hry, Eq. W.. Veuer. BIo, A boyRPOUI . Nicoil on Amolmismeims a uulelus»mboy, Amisbsa ah »m t . ge. lu ls oème n$s e lsSl' t Hi h.. ad is *Mte Im of me-ls t, » rbba mtopla * ut as ade Imm ude 1m l1ie 1u mel s@wMtua imgblsmsa. but lbu meta im be @m net to *Our ». iluý veu es.l'boy bu as lapa oispapes m S misaimmibarlm m tesa fondi of rumdgine s adloig. nis Ishut be.,am oeave. lu dy, *" ainyaya tsu.t aLaI. d umi ei~ laok la vals la lb..lout mèh mteram finiwh isgm ho .wu 11promeof lIe diver. wpMO w ciab lIe mutl sg. es .aemu essh ue. masoEgus.t .esp ullab. m.' h utiIsa:doubtsdly va Ammuiemm e is oi e One ploassai aummeu mi .7 ootsep ppers cibave b~tt9,OU ils choie, im cmad.s.d am*ou lu atse dut;u a esMe' tIsa h tel130100 ivlle 80ebm gou ulsspluur eiay m.vhlugw 0~ II~.Ialv va isila ieuii adssei, AlOeau, aba ies WepffleM.k Me ta .vs*h u osim *m sE aibom tupill moil &te 1ev '%b kv ehuti us ImmlsJWmobly miel;w Baa Oe f sg le lui i us Wy JolisSesoi q J. G. RuamsyEnq. Gso. Vutai, Eq. Ex-Aid. W. T. tscart. 0. T. Pendrth, Eeq. Iiri 'Wm. Ruvenden, Eaq. Wo. Threflkeld, Enq. W. S. Johuston, Emq. J. J. rau, Eeq. Jas. B. ilenderson, E.q., of S8tock weil &Heauderon. Predutuic Diier, Fosq., Central 1re4 __ Brown, Eaq., of Brown 71roô~. 0o. Toronto. Ikicolu asmurphy, Esq., Q.C. Thom. Parkinson, lsq.,uti r3 Powel à Parkinmon. John Brown, Eeq., corner Sirnooo anil Âdel" d.sroits. B.T. Bittlen, IEsq., of Britten L, Cha.. Field, Eaq., Quéeu street ea,.t. 'Wm. irsi, Bhq., orner Ohurob a ud Abd imuhdo f OtherM. Toums ruly, M cULJO1I.,oToY. Mr. Jolanton aeppssnd before Mr. C. Beuduisa, Oo moer in the E'iglh. court et jusilce Md gave the fuIlow Ili? doelardtmerezase.abuidute truth of thse atomenis MW*ein bi ltter Progince et Ootario, To Wtt :-Iu the matter of a 1etter thI Mfenu. T. * brn&Co., dmted *rud t>. emul, 506 JMaceilJohnrNuîtil, o.i the CiF of Toronto, la in th Cuuntty q'! York, do »4a.lemly iolare tliu,4ta*e mmlta is dd the above letr arc 1 1 sraiMd maie*tht. solemu decl mt i -n -ooj-imtloui lvimg it tii be trte, aMi kuociag llit A in e b.hesarne fTn sad eg"ci m e bunder oathawl .i " vlmue Of thý mme..ince acti1 1;~ declaftd 1.E* séah-M oa!onto, in Jhe OMIy< o*kiisrd day uf Dccvul- ber, 18, by Bos.Hedemnu, a cbn la ionr .J. ors MAX*EILJORMNO, or ubbceil uon A & Ou., 72 Bq: ouapse, Toroto, Ont. A Gfls.J AubbUD Selapilvu ps«bMd mbikiei a$se b u mls "ý»bo m* lmsOns h pihi* voM nam.i mealu mai a vlsk .uuuivu nIueIg* ueSilstecS.vulssdeamthrgt . ~ehtoei ~uê.. ~8, G. S. 115880E J m M.Ummw * 4 DuS. WOOD là,1088, DEL . . NLAURIE. O ua r Toy uatvnaul. hw .1at,1mM1 -Molu Hal10.en.fl-et1-ILm D& D. W. nain& m e Syauem f umyUi ethsw tonst lu. -is a, f. u" tokao Da. WHITE aifs a mbuio .Ualumiî clmu mmW !!t = Oà"oa « c rit4t b s d kv ce O um l. oe.- Buib-LMt cmi cf UMd a u"d * DB. SIMP8O te S.pU.. at4rIo8 picu. MaSWYN haZDEESO%, a~mv. G. K. HOIKINU. ~eS5.. kdSe le -~ idu. oBus-Es. i WL MoL*1JG~LIN h MoDUSU1~. ~~sUSIIUNIs, Os.. Idalegni Ubodmlhlls. ~ CSe.-Dokm'~ bisA, lUi u. V. ne butag .q camaI . mis mu~~5 la - bisa ni anI n uso mon... ~155 - ni sOit. V17 kmual ibm i W. 4. astirni n mous n Aibal udiy. N. 5. NW.&USBIdN. N. a. ULAWETIW. 1. A. E~DUEUID. 1~ W-A Y* MW laSomTEM» PliiesDlam tLAs «et Dlsbknt Vedhm a ou" eS -il . mAaui GANbMN PAOIFIO 'RAILWAY. -go Ese»Iès -or [bes fslal.. 2"t - ~- - ~- u,'O W..d O mai sica umesu, c5A~ a .pui.ftv.-140. JOHIN MAKINS -flou u- Fiolai Miii, Steam Dngiimn and sta mPumps --wum "M SOWDE nHouez, D& ao.Bous, ami b. booss. Ibsm 8" iedam.& sle m u. .Bnu.Tg iend" grn-et m»4tv b.m or.On et Dw uDE. OuH Do HART, ot DE T, .WLS&Y. goudewb é l.mmu oa«md aL Odke f D tWSt-em. 41 *. W i msmba lm-. p»Vi , 'la a- oSe lypwSe Ondual cf ?et 1 Ut vao*tmtty* as LoylCfl OtDMaIC Suveooes OSi dw>lb. Komi Ofai De. F. . WAtouh.B8, OI tb .n p.tit auc TRSUiveovmd Moira CaaU DseiMi...kià «teb.. humd l'È bosmu ldseitWy Pmci udppo ead ïi" mmifB O.1 ml.auyiWb Mr. Gmis la wqpud ta give yWU tàSl by aum& Remebe, GROO8te.tonl- Oye, 1a17'aa, Xia$s t. MONE lm o"WI. DUEY TO LOA en" me rbomMvr lb. DI. W. KENNI, DI. sBo AD, là" iUfOt euis en. s bas ~la"M b O.1 US 4iii vee, hi ni Mmi. - B. a. amosa GmJ.HOYLE ~ItmzumB;.alhJudis itvlný.*Ini Bibl md a.j nd te Wcl,-di l àselu r.~iey.1, TiasBUL mD .eRS etalbuMof 8is . and acsireG I1 a, toi l aeutlcm r t eiicfgAdyuo 091 &ad «so i. c, ýad ,1 uiai A'I bD& f OUIiDn " h' Do. cOl e-luitestck The rnitur Gto LimSc 00 PRUSTOl%,iONTARII- ftccm.ors to a 5iuoliandt à 0..' Eambeuri oOEe Shot Ouri ad0i The Imitt bud bn.i Melawc Duka of "l "PMIomb.~out neexas hi 5ingtb, Uut~ c D a. daptabty FOR Lnsect Stingo Sore Eyes- Eru ptions Sore ,,Feet Soren es Cha:fini Cata .Bru' (rrom 18963 (speol voulci inoîOgo W. foi but no tuncin late Yp oent t sites Wsee draint @Dow sny i imotet, sud sartli freeh ahoul M&V itd bcave &rie Complaint-, > eIfuit1o> ihtIarfim at io n BOTTLZ, I 1 That The mot ete Ove, ahi Oelery bio#pe Mmd ov Oîiery lIme. Conçine admit i of trath T&ie f MoQru y-0, th' oud dt, al ud sape: vas al I vois week;, la oul wilI, lb of the molteo 1 vas Pound. Af $or self a a boy Y à s Id !Mýý mwmýt 00-0mom w1-ý, è