Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 27 Nov 1896, p. 3

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Give The .only Ïfood the that iU-llbuild Baby iup a wcak cons- a titution gradi.. -Chance eily but surely is IMartin s Ia simple, scientific and..highly. nutritive preparation for infants, delicate children- and, iivalids.t j% 1 0%* y WATSON 6&CO.,NltA ,Wnta 4~g~i 'ii~DLY, NOVE 1(81127. IAN. r~, LalIIO 1>0.4 Bohoisw ýx Haion itS the -lais Titi bitte demi ishoombof i ea es sas eml, bul imat M'a siteli Tlmld et lim es, sud ftaOffohfus. (baby fican hlm. fine etiîpsi jashel Cmuli pou tell, the ripoumuohi. tpau. Mi sohool he vas both lAIs and aaip, Ami lieu, he <114 Dot souse l a a, For whsa ths boys gn.v veiy Doiey. Wbp, hi o eu idjQail U9 m 55ap. ~ Il tse-leuos omib.asaquie- nfaui, And trou bis lày faim aoer 0f love, st alib, cfquraihluis Des Ose daly 0saîla aueemu, ]le am i nbblimg a piue oh brsadi, Whou a eeraleu -footlâositousîci hme ~e I1Igud Ibsis, oui poor shfpmomk la demi ER& 0-ath. varan seuIthbank o. tlb sébSi bouse. The girlsý made hlm a led of fiowes, andi laid him le sloop inteaumate YINR U This itt11.du emisooolmaae o uxs. ThbiSibte omes ahhspsuqd ogelsi As tIsp puS bp leiis uer bowb, 13e bascgens 10 play atli Our i salo In the iar-avapbaud .ofils soul. a. Great B0ook imel Wham Du. R, V. Pisici, of Boffali. , . uba he i rsI aditon et hi. puât vis Sh Poopl' ConBaua. MotiAdubw. hbo auoci B ha mter 08.000 sePW hWl beau sali at the eglar prlae. 81,.50 Pus'i» the profit om ahlck souli nspmp bIta for th greau amouat cf labor nmo o e spoed la producanii lihb. ould i hlibuta thenibâli million free, A thia number of copias ha alredy boom eold, le le moa ga',tmg awq absolutely féee. 500.00 ogeof ibis mte ooampîte.lnieromatng Md v"*ublé, ozutael nsne modical vorb evér publlibad-lIbe r cipiemi oaly beimg rquai bté»U'lim.iaa the abovo idirous, 31 oUeaMte muIN. covet ooal t o ng oly. om L Iboc i b at ul pidd.at la ah.verihtiiW lhbvmy omplte fa 0" ON vebume.Ouid 1008 pae, piofusély IfUelsaisi.Tb@ fa adithionle precfieolp1h.esans as thelâti a S1.50Ôsxot oly that lb booksminla oe mauillm a picovrs te" afi aI.1.&W Dov befoee hoy al avgtmaip. Foo de trom o aaufor areat Britain. The EnglisI ana gond ouoma»raeo hooi pioduole. They ecm matt« cr bualseei; sand as eveuybdy bnoUi an diligent lu business. Thop r ite o tamees oh alilnations aho jioduco a Mrm Plus oh ettabis things. 'If ose loosv lias mép ef lis voli ani simulais lb nelurma cf tles Brithbboard ohflai., b ilîl Rud eal iy npevlilte onsali sompetilor for amzosslàthé, Bith*ul bel.. Dssmaib, (bnmy, Fase., e UntediSai, amidml as st oh lia. ar e.ngmged i tam oneMmd monsm Ibougb peostul,. oinpaoti er 0i le of favrouîed sater ho f imbaI lberta"is The fooidacouai t fGreat Bittais tu wlasîveof ilat a sillale b e lm poitlah511wu aa epeadous s5.u tls lolloait t able sboas: Aulmal, living (foi food).... 48.W.5.1 Diessed musis.......... 0-oi..... 114,10» Battu...... ............n 94~4 .....l........... 9......n...iu, Fruit, uav .. ....... ~ 28S 6" Laid...** ........... *.**14,317.44 Milk onâu'eZsmi or piefleisi4.2733 Poulry amai 'me.............*1901 oftIhuse bois Camai muar à* mm *upply the lug«ot àas.Nloy.is P gesnt. oh ths popouhloeta* Oint".a at M Wonset m0se ans main ate b produits l-asnu Isisad e1s le Greamt Bitain, I a PPlp t th=uM* le oolp ussisc. >Thiti que" la oeeof luoreset te aui tboaise sasse fiu tle poscaeatt inigdtltdp amima etth hic e.-Tbe Fige. Thé. Toronto poptelais boa. bavin mulapl ua th uiisIa 0'a*Na'p1 Piul .Abomi cMx Va e thé Bsen eoueall ual M1the lIcMasase bmw ne puble~Isu be pai aiMbiW b as"' isali by fehr umlsan laeb&daa Te w traes Me.motei lis mvflvalaila.0 E.&. luheoay t 1l11imie aé b *co fer ma ldium te w uad S. me, ami muspie Wh* cd. 11 to, h atufr bm mt «saai om %MW T"aies lea.10la gmou wu a* 'I~ h b.em ubkvI»io lv lith eee-, lu e mon ftuiu 0 a a la 19 - - U de mut 4-,. Ml WI~IJIABLE momiTL MH A NI». 'na 0 or 'itA!« f - ne loi Use fl gipumdlma tfalb m lieMr ugtmA - abIh patt.ID sounsa tlu e.la-n bum m to e M ,My Mobug .ftmas, 100» hb"l*hm met n - loins.ulo cmJintus efMd uaor toui uts Iisy~.uitsIméthe m hot orcod osal. iimi.al"m m y aoff or ~imb elle l l eyP ut Of the Ibeicltilelitiey.v ~R,àuibI8" inHI hp b*t la eloau bandais tbhéaide, leion" o b . Iuste th* ehtai. a * nas baol& meuaihmiu om. bul Ma" bout , hIOleetm ie ba - m 41114 oml la a&Piao% la pèclo & li." f applis tu m tté ei*aM. lte pë, b. bom te um m uI4 «-*pads pre ugan 918 apo. 18% âl * . 1hole b Md *ai tà Peu"ai ami al o asa. bas seihe bui. 1 -esdoamai. oi as. bahbua tmh as v tl u, 0psa SAD COM PLAITS, Ladies Must Priotect T hemulves. BOV" lelats.bave nsellp alle. *0e mafutlamua iDimomi Dp.. ou. ofs csaha de »i"arVOUFoe -a'm"en mus basa t»> tamsa t lh momd Diu. liai a-ia*,od foi. : Tb mmmtum uof.Diamomi Dyait, ahle the'y impies. "s uatrsé &Bd dis. hissa Pt«aetbseai ab'alhmim. emmot of sups lhusagh lis solQmm ot the £1buffl, oS ipas who achfS th* fliamosiDr« abould lok for the marne on lb. outaseoe. »P. -fle.heDams 4 Dlauom iD"te ol"s. ah vca uedpou ane beimg offue Ilomlswbuelmtlalto. DIemosi ,vas aeie ésalp puitsai dye. in lb. voli f toute dltg. The but d,.ggtMls d .em s e sm. F*IOI A"Xy IreJOT. -Acute Suffrlagu Prix u Aoute Ehoumalia Ailment Boetus by South Amerlosu Eheumailo OCas When Hope Had Weil. Nqigi Gene-Mia.W. Voirie, Wif.of e Well-KmwManufaclurs of Gleoo, Oheerfuily Toila thé. 8lory of Rer Curs. ci lmfr ear aExat suifever trom absunsatle aI=otza laMy samIbe, au& e tl.s wu o bail aateould notaalk. 1 trli e ery kboumrsmedy and Iréesi all buat hysicimua for joan. but ne oumu rlloL Althomgh-My comMience la reoa amu &bou exhmw, I amu induo.d to tn South Amexican Ubeonmatio Cam 1 Ipur. ëuee a bot!.. The vecwp irai dots gave me tnUelf, "afmter iakiuq:îao bolilea &U pain hai vmmlaho ad tiere bau boom no return of l. I do ohesrfufli rommend alegreal temedy." SBb bP. Mcrgm-n1. Lod Bd.bry ýOn ven.usla ImdiSamiyr%,u'ammmutm UteLord K*a sbmqum t lIa Vumm"iapte bettasa lia ooand-miGrul luisitvu éottlla i d not som . a a oapt-eab le b id ofthe walai. -la mis the publicaioofef oeospomdsacsislam ënMe. Oluey ani Lord B"ml a7onstlb aubjec. oct icmii avbtration. the trlmilp somoblua oe the uaplasmlies. oudoa n éeVenemuela bu, baseaussusi bp Aemloaapeople. vho eue alwayu Optimist. oq.pselalb n10 "r a fontaatm. s.ma.f lbheWoeblple osmoea e sbave b "vuinagiasi lta",ami aemli hffl.out Of lb. afeor a, î t . 01mev'. bhui ilpbommy seeli b ssPlp iuami ore- Imefoolu r mlb la i lits témm» a Wha the . s t«7 ut fmBeaismut il dmami. ami Ia amy yoem.aa Mdi Ssl Mialet mil. are 1 be regreteit Ilmmt b.sasmitisi *etl Mn Olnsp bu g01.a54 Ue ihdiiplbd eItlte moi %0 b. igali el *GrogtBd$" t il! mut lou» ampllhg byVW*skle. a ldts hick h ia omul p hmuusod. It aaali have psatlv 1imposai bur psumaom lb".aid.e ofa aoter it mm W enhUt me nt m ae m doa lii et ismlai lau" bahem uth OB sas aaehmm~~I mais afs l.aslahia ilssica.. eta mnlboI laeopi tom.:_SE- i Toronto gemermi hospital abea Ilawu feumi lia% ho wam ffilelmi tlb allbis (vuy ,dock). Darios lie IIihz Mx onlle ela lie hospital hs u amets é liestea- menh oSlue aimE olealilon, but lis pas. aua ai eleekltellp mehlyfatled. samialler a coomutatio etofpllaus eil Wac im- md advhable ho peroraes a. operbéifon. air veeuIotla se nd opeflimowvu perorsi.. Ths opoimapvovs mu. esatul enlp la o seri ai lisaffodod tporary isitef. Heoremoalutheb hospîélifrsm Noveubsi, 1890. 111 <3am- Uaiy. 1892, amidvl i h Shemodem reme- *dies sud appliainces bas a he. taffaif liai ssIi equippadinstcitution no pasua- mouS relisfi sol hoobWnaisS.es wu- %ie. adîii ho go bousÎ, paitlp lu Ile hope %bat thsehage ulgbl prove bsne- fiota, but intesed bo somiluul rsvU asi nmdtala ib 189, amiuaau fote a léeboh iis e, aMdi lissea kusa ei bis enadlteio iimot bele.h. ladilong Gola. At" Ibisesvsny jointt lahi l.boip vas iolica amis ilalsi Jd maibmsuffirai the monil erafatg 1agoap. If a perucalkeibi asoae ita bedroioomt i luentii lbt.ePât Alm t ' bout ho w aminlg ploiidani tenuovl PkÉives, and Il oucbh 5 'ouRd aaram lons i ahiagoni. lmattissèe t b op@ mIs suffsig h.oiemalmsi beifasi loi *4thsu montbs, au th Ilsa se u amu mancme r e mdlnocs ullai relie( Slgilt le bopei for.'Thsanbhamivulu camt er lis mislnsicfOfe1bmal Toro lo ioau, but at usoIsbor requit. Afler tlais a expeimen aut Sld, ho istsimimsi te li Dr. Wiliam.'Pink palis, allihe nmre tims iuicuu i othor tnaimea. At h l.e iOu tli" 1 mentb heesvumea -vTry mo""salm-lu i provemus ta le ilon c4 ii se moeo Fsa liat bismothsr tbeulght. he semAi ho lii led outaife.ewuaMMa80- vel. hovever, tiai levu amiely mble ho0r»Main bok ole ld ho tli àmmii. tmg1s .satogom golmg mp tisïa bis éloua ami ibhrougi îebies . u-ami op"a.The n imormlge b.uaho Wko theb palm lad a l li te lady and loige, m * &VIbaim.am li*es far ome veekate sPa"s 11Usdrou ppies la plasis hle anm, aisie s ileappoars, mmd b. bu mot bai a Pu- doais 01 palm dais. .Ailtii. le lahami labtagDr., WllMma PinkPiam M owly ast huah' hsortiruisi, amibb ta.V a bee hM saboot. ne samn*M mis of h lek mbPMi.emabty adai le 1 ie siuflih, aMd limate mih&*avu ils eard ofr oeulsl Md, ami t mtleuli for a nms. à,SmlItli<s aolas8)$ Ut Mfa bi . aumovessi.hh ve*-as a tsomlà" lu' o Isàsbonm «A lb@Wh avm çoa ma-su i deb.pps Teue iOl Im . iaIbut U, pi i M la r* biplem4@kD PMIla ssé1. lis avsvCOUss iIails al'0 s « Ib o i u t tis MM et îe te' Im an 4om i m4ubu" laMd uoeuuuht o 'eMd i'ultbi om - lb MOUS.iia. buâmu. «Ohu, in£ i. la ... b sm ab aiewau& fame51 the dooms ualb goutuh " a- assiMyMd - h. ho -bon a tuleled, la bard l om « Smé. lbfo MliMii; Ea Tim~.sa» oolasdi by omld et lbiu Md hadlouaa it île lau pnde aul lausSi. Cia*0me" «o o nterM moiy am -, b du a mdty mm& baia 41 »*musglami - si V" olissýe teteabidu -m udmai ehe ail a u >A lWO.MThoCm iaun 'm a i", ml ab mi el, abUM, Tupa e.a thé aM etoaallnlbm mibor osmai auaameý. 0 -vu . liail Pdala*Mullbhe Imuld laa tsthe aimIns I tia tmw gdhah more Md b. b ilaisda*m "ha mpli.." v One of the ItuRernaîbabe Cauamm Eveor-Tes YoametfIlamus e. tmg Pr m ete BhsMmahu-Tis WbolsBOY omwuac là& amiut o Shape la Evawp LmI-Agafa Be. sMtadI.Astve ru.. prou tbé Nesamset ivuieew. We suppose lateneta disM of lgeamaiket abs domo»%basa cible pu.ohffsoua Mi abobu mom baas ohi bu a reuirou a fltofh eà-'-aca aMd paltbM Iho *0 lsmeiMu ot De. WellaaPawIp PM&la Imesiva doubt Ifli tle M"mcd ai asiheh Bnlaa mmis marbab b olosat lisula bm aaeOM~lebinu me. l a sams mai le eum it i ldot, te mamihi e; Tam Ysomgo Mr.. Mo"lI u viN tuli Nbevmmibul bat fasiss. Thno ils toau of oh lis daiiusmm pouddbi so.»ocebsmau la »Sudiifl bis hecil, h. ami ahiaehei alh aa vara oi wbiel evmîuelly ioUlainIsbis limbe. Fée mo@rne auIsvua.amoomasa. iamé maer o tsrbsama* spaleMd m speml mueb pouesyla higatmomIfor lise troubls, but stth as rémibopo»dma ocoashouitempoarvrebes hm ou i. FIaally l maks mations soie heoawu allaoksd atlh mabla Mi ibsunalls lsver, n. vas thm om rstghogotOths hi blimé. Hun a6e wm. mb mu 0.mai ai is la vain Usé. 'y. 'siUoun Fiai ai muis rate,. Mr. Francis Somerville, one ofthe best knoas amm in the.steamboot tramelcon th. rivera and lakes of Ontario, 118,14 becs engaged lins"business for fMfY years, and who resides at No. i95 Upper Coiborne Street, Klngston, speaks as boilows of bis recovery froin the sickncss wblch bas affected hlm for somne tihe. Sad Mr. Somerville: "«The grip Ieft* me "ith kidney troubles and grave 1 bad severe pain over the kidacys and in the umali. of fny back, ais between the uhoulders and iu the bladder. ,,The urine was very dark-colored with a great deal of muddy sedimesté l1acat 101Mr. McLeod' drug store and bought tac boxes.ofDoan'sldney Pill. I bave taken them with wbat people tell me in the usual good resuit. "They have cleared thc urine, removed thc sedim ent, relieved me of distressing. pain in the back and between Uitheoubo- ers, n have built -me up in a surprising manner. In fact, ? am entirely firee from thc troubles which affiected mie befr taking these reikble pillo, and I- recommend them as a certain cure for aU troubles arising kroïn kidney diso6rders. - WAg, Kingston. JPor eby E. Gao=x Ons Ey.ry Night. One Laxe-Liver PLUttakeo uhornaigil dmriuË 80 de a atUcure Ooustlpmto 11 :ltuima helm haMmd broguw cameon. of the bovelà. Là«#t Liver 'Pilla liran o rT"E VICTORIA WiAEDES arIs. Oak% @WAEIP1ttjif .va«% ma* oflb.ometksi Job lkeqdoshm t style ai 4mome RAMU or AMER!IUING. Mi *"mu4 by ls th*~ ... O bd . "do "mon* .... là u l évos.*..... 0 .i i uoouma.,byh&» yoit...n un u t6mde be If-* a.. . rW qUMLn....N S .B *S moth 16 1 Mas' iene 1 u............. u B" «mk lme ou m .........-- àt Urnem d suieMn lasm a ot....... f B" suluq um Im IO............ ne 1 01 t1» 1mmm -e.. s ý*d by am ceami 1o iii. tu .OGAL ABD»gram"L w@vO. Un ni e i sr M tmurultom, ys -bu umZ Idmicahmot .- B0.PMm b"»&,ae il u "% ste moi ugt Iinull . bc am ftl anaagmuml.eai va ikw tbUl w md. ImutroUora Ou.. LfS dlssommugaivntlm muIm c *«lvT«"8 e lu vua ih mn n m o 0 SU. idogu m 1e u LO amimc .usi auMbép&Wbrlaam. Hugeor= Megfa tu og ihootl .. to GOtO Cigarctte *0 v ROCHESTER, >N.Y. Retail every where e s * 5c'. pr PAC KAGE 17. Ffrst Prize Médals. You'1I enJoy the W nter-,o 111-10, 701hv orltigiltr cthrough ail its varying nioods if with Fibre Chimois. IlFb is Won- j -' derful fab.ic is so ight that you never toâtice its ýpresencc in a garment tili you get out iinto the 4S wind -and cold, then you realize - that you are cosily waxmn evcn tho'lightlyclad. FibreChamis is a comiplete non-ccnductor of heat. and cold, flot the strongest* * * wintry blast can penet ate it, nor cnthe natural warnth of the ___________bodyescae trough, it-This eiplanation and the fact that it :souls for. 25e a yard',gives the whole story, and easily proves that for *health and comfort's sake you can't do wthout it. mat laLlisay-cblbhooud- Te Imla mdimuifer tbf. as tu th e alots, tlb Ulta of lbe pmpit mud lbeimues pumofi id a hala. linouag minobo. buaiule mlosma, end aummaouti bt a ned i t mea. HoMos te. pe.camoo o!ý omlmalcua disuseu la Indiama. Dipihila le auailg thus.sami typbatd foesbhceu ay la aetaa asslea sedomio %t ie:alte. WiaoplmaSgcagIle alooeboandof. The elae teamespomoil ae smli te be upoailbletot l.Ita. la Oloo the ilote hmbu, boblbsifora ihfore isson; Papau a tib w plàos Papa in oléa: Pencillm avec&p. statu -auxpelve ami mwkard cinaheadinu. Thia te aip ibiy love boom tabos lta. Oblomgo. Thm sa obnlbsi wcaheet ofoflalliocdapa goas by, bu eommsaocdte go. Mia. Mu ewifs cf Ompi. Oharbu mener$ C t 8 de, O.B.aGteliellf tu 80 Minutes -M,,om rsi ise of Four Yom.' Stiaing, mand DocleroS8h. -Oves Horj Léife to Dr. Agnoea Ourm For tbheRosit. "hI aifordi s, mpeal pieecure la cemlmeni Dr. Agne's Oure for lie Heuti. 1 ami eorly &Moites viii boart trouble, accouapamied. aut izauaeu, palitationadasmotlaeran a eneaticu.. For ove four =mt I wu treae by bel physiolsan., ami &Ur.iaiemedjea- bawntoanm. 1 deterualusi to'ry Dr. Agne'. (Curefor h. Roama.The finaldose gae eàst reliai simde of tblriy' minutes. I= w us o balle, ami test lciay 1 bave boom cooMeIy cunei.Sli by P. Moran The Potwato Orop ot 1890. A amalaiSeons »d aiàa i.isa.erate of vili aO.renarcîultu l a dededly vamlsi ami more maclageable stop -aof potatceu. ampa lbe Am@.ilum Agihauivl inat inlu mirépoii publseai bs ssek. Il sava lIai thes mucual aalbfor market is by -meum ardobvsoin. sai amisils orueblmg sop of 1895. The stop os Mona hawvetedin lao it ed StBiais le pimisi bp liteanoutiy ai M940,000 buble, a desiof e more lIm 600,000- 000 buebels, or 17J par soui. cmparel althapà m go. The toto!aiea«bai- vesi m pproxlmaitem *,865.000 moisi, vhioh lu taua la 10J per osai. short 09 lait pear. This report Moasu the Omua. im top 55,800.000 buabef s, asidorsemas of mearly 13,000.000 buàahls omparai ahi 1895. lu visewfthe m hortige on Shit e of the cesan aidIls amalici stop ~ ~ on laGru mi nimai, lbe Amilolluili lim eti b. ontboch for prises ho fatmuva la allbeotlimao a peu ltgo. For Catg.,ornum osur Woumda, Violonas Osubollo ÊS alvethé lisb ulbeg sud oothimg Dr. Puais,.Etuet et Wlii BtvobaiY mmru Dcliaua, 4Dislusy. Cenps.olle, Cholsua Mnbma, Coea lum muMaui sut h. Prse 8h -68 t, almaiue Vioenta ai Euima pelist@la@ b. Emplie. la a la teramI Adab8s lao uil e . e, Il Vami 0 W d- "etg oup 8a tlb 0 ll ail etaaes veudb so«s rpbassi lv uc~5iisanhip, aongI&Mu- slmg a4 wast0uset l rIsis i lePaw tueulls. No ie lplbtIt tle ItaiSi 10 ofarilli evaiPs~ " lspintt mhg line fth o Oua"a.Paille abs. te tb. wal iiuiesudamitle objeslitottug=li uclloidseI »W& i xm~aialOMrbel os s ofvia bau. g tim a -nlp e Omlalebu oami Mml.. l éMmes ît 8bdton,00 - ahilb8la 8"vhs Viselb l b a à W.Wm LOCAN, General Agent, Lindsay, W. 7 OODntS.Ws Loada the IfomOSl@ta.TUIIaoeWork. à1àM710 nom . Nsieudse hm bolet,, ovuod. pbd- =bu vatu àmbouo& raâ i t AmnCht.iouvW bai ehM Mml 8uraura"lhaie,&vomi.L ilo5rtb d kc au bei ut. suai. WauUli1~bot ut. eut vD. Li.osi me. Na5im W. W".voi Min Eseus, bot ut,4vW" lm. Orb4suwmesuIjEl. MLa s. Irvmai aithm sami D.Çd u" i Usai JeIL ::r êi aie, Wis à*. 1 ieul oas am-"Mas. Merbe is,# voiwu dlt 5 0W asvos cran 6 t, usai KM mes. Sain, lobot f» Wood.£ bot»tooWod Wm. samn, Ourn.y bot vaIn, vood. àux l, 3OunSJ u »t«vlu s. .9. Mib%6 = atasr HWod a arvo olD. *là%.BuOmmr 000UlmLoi.as Ut. Houanvm, Guri blKht. o ir od Kr B. G «.una ova, oi. Dr Eolpmsur.oombln*tSoà, Osai lim. Neloboil. Or. ar»qbol air, osai. ~Drs= euruey bot vater. out Qee r4 tonbot valu, Mtml oveb wcvkman, Oum" m ~blvalet, ci s. Imai, Semn« hol valor, @ML 'Wm. am» IraGryombln«M4 0" oL ,D.6~ Bae., iu'ny bot i, go&L G~s.Ss. nnybol ti. 005 SSisF»»mecmbbmlcu ongol. L?.Rusi Orneào lroOML juna.<avohmraebot mt, osai t. Noisa bo!,bot u tsi W. .IIIvel am bIWo ht m«,oo a.W I e0mmq bot vin, osai IL t, oel lis Ilutsi m vult le ~ii E. tois" iIi m i i-mu k ve MÉI. "Nul u unlu MU.W..M& eoD. , ___ G e W. G.:WOODS lmnis c 0.oeaki«Odool Eci eieUyaMu ou t- i mint . i.vIi NwSh.in bas' o! Ii pae2in thé aL,»DISTBIOT. Wardere uIoa%,M- tQLK j -I s.. s p. 'Nmimr 01 bi LU.aslu ie .mj m 1 el rU. *loba MO r: slI ! meus fleas ba-HnM.5 m m MemutmmmiUà --- «« smnE. Us, moMW& maILFsuIL ai .'ua'mmn* ev t S lom mise N . imaSsLm@, Hute%,190. - mism1 Mdi "t r"Nom et mimm*i aIa s às " ia.Mmd tItiTUS5Uw atité masal M lm ueU 151 sMýe m oM dami o- 'L Uman. sestair. mau!I*nA&. OMMsBous go. 1. NX~Im ciel Vlastvoym yiianiP»6 u. m Butdaomm mmmi a umm.flé àp9Lu."*]gos. lUmoleb m . m L 0. ImN. 35me vny Uo.id V uie là NuadflokhE.LJ. Join..anW% Ge0 .. . b e Valun. No.@ie »14c O analeom rBbàkufla*ou% m.0. ~is~* abe hms as-. a. mai va -u de bkow eu ini ai té% 0wUm% &le, ooe.,-me.bot S~eS.Kimai &Cc If you want to purchame a first-class Piano, Organ or Sewing Machine

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