Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 13 Nov 1896, p. 8

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blot ee for Whî* yoii t, ito it juat SlOW we -N suai.oplukimM . .80 & :x.Md UM'i bdl bof 151tu =edao1 WÂIEIId vt .lbe mM s trust hl. You want .Sctt's Enît&I Sion. If yo s brdur îltfor. it andgeot it-you Cai trjist thaît iman. But i -ie offers yoti "somnething just as g-od," he will do the saine when your doctor writes a, prescription for which he wants to. get a special effect -- play the gaine. of. lie and death for the sake of a penny or twvo more -Profit. Yom can't trust t/tat mans. Get what you ask for, and pay for, whether it is Scott's-Emnul- sion or anything else.' S= I'owuu, Befevmfe, onit. 500. Iz AB8HARPU IRANBACTIO1N. One of the travellers of 'a 1mw wbol.aale jêwelry firm callsd at ihe ler.- of a prominent Jevel in tl lav.ý H- . tatsd thattihe firn vere wilhlng to8. g nt snoms rare bargaim n vatcias, elocka and ring., for ready eauh. 'l'h. lewtelerJooked over thegoodu, lad on hea ing the price, -he janped astlthe Chance. Nov that jeweler le. prepar4 ed sll Waîelae. <Ileds, Jewery. Sle' ware, S Setes Md Nvetms Away Down in Pie.i Yen should cail at- 12 xent mt, Lfaday. Ct 21. ue-i. ERXTI 0 MIAS A ~Ot A &SSURg OUR§ ton" mio lave od tle"n, aka mwwm Ula i M uai sai"u, W"ig die om uim haide r mubMr i 1 Lalav'amael laiivila ils «M.a" d» t ul ils' ~ asliadg dit m Ïls unSI S hea - moa pomUs" Idas'1749kasit 1 %m bw ieed mtb bombas dutk Bse U1 m à*sld amp hs'Ml 4" " a Shud pilla la lblu& Thé queosa ai, uaihi évà 011md a l'b"e. Io sheMMi1vua omaOim Cuae.bu - mb'Odim, ies viila Usel"eili lue ogoVk'%hma aulsil las. we Iv.i m ales behgheMla Oaa bOmS oo h .plb& hoI au hm <bou lboulb ia * nm ks b mt tob Ia uss'-aul kmmv la ulatu.,-W"u a beuwtlfui mpet ig'te lauffal" lIus hla p0a-sel1 A dosaiiuotl aismalabu blsaeui fmma lv PibhhIm daushemspua alma tw atam" .hmum solmia vhs tusai,. lIeu iluqI 55atimtimeualeasu .8.8a. Iakasu, »m ah i-Ilsdw tiasia 01o âO miur70i iladsetil U . Ivasouad b «W l ode a i Kusim& O1vue Joi aasa Bue, 78 Ja Bs, NEt. uentmi ohami ets.1 dy'. ada Ibao ets 8 1000hm lus a gva theaS ausiha la JaiL- Ai that cala stemsmele quIt. Phebu tlh'et d m ltlva e Cbeuagveui MOIS» for him m be basasliMMd ho viea Mt uai Momly mit e ild Pea là ost bsaU d. On Sauder aleiguhb. e ome daupsat dua m uit"sld"ilel cautih ma sl S. 1 Apo o ae bbe uahppel kma mue POUSa Of OuMMte t lid asowy la aqure b«i boxes. thh laagh 11 ai ils eSle butineor ta thlb-Ommauh-agrea. lii. the l'mot lhmbas a lsuCsam& - asai d Image pualmo. Pmu u blm onat ihaoegbToiesto amlvuaip l an Ir,. htale ms al$omis (s 110jn 90Se e BsAL. Tot aIe Impie mm - asa'ib"bMe t uSt aboli OMaM s"MM su.et tlb sScasetiMut - iq eeo-Ka0m h M" lb h u n i l% bws*mm Whsao .live mor snt lmef IMmusl' asidma l îl asil ugsushb mou.."et pets dais't la a"tm viii Boula iàhsY by theo J. % àag.lIe mlvuasilsOe Glrnu t esa ur n aluju M, blir ib.* olbieeu The tasresib »Mse.bhon lpatimlsaila iliai. Lien .y evua.Oée uap ne isss mw g mlaimsdt"*ulb as lb ble tibauy Ùamib uatuabi,"mwl.aby eslqlag aumolves.11%0 eaSy "Sulmms w*U bu t.*.M etli adma 0111 ha lac seuIlm" 0si 1àsldesa aoar g 1%0temap l ilthés is heeia sos ae emet %. lIaI ade a.uld bdl*# tu 5h. of mev asuabr is vtlas @& -b IUbetms viibat bu IsmigS auiqieugatles cita vil. l emaé mh @ei«*os Lbwsa sel k lutmf m des" a a bIlg Immviii ho Im ai saab mules.* àuems, tutatil ,veal ah Udieet" allat hu -* ~sk~1a6as lb t. -i., Ma. NuEkuos ai Psa~a >eIbs ~ Lv Mai, T.t ~v~p 1s4.wa i~aasbq~h.. - rn lm&0&" W11411114 . 1.eïo1 Uqpa h b m ag1siis gatg- nau$41da1l a b-f amuft ilMempul uhtien lala Iaai.selut h Obh--v lait levs u". Imm 6."b 1.Bs. 4"bi, .al e La leabla aisi mla t» thi oMIala ua alava Vadedaua, Mha mul B"ai, àl ied. l lis l -hi" te a mdsau ubamas mi Thp ii ip e qV"àtbua aalagbt. SMmtpmdl badMm>lqf meu lam", 181 8.àum t tae m " Bq aoh pend la e,.t ie m LS. un 11o» Gsism mubo t S oamgva att tely lwa ta I"1hebp bosla a hwobu is'lhe 41,t«ba«»m 1,10 R a aSets. l*" omlsa àa ]rd"am ssissse ihe asth"eihiinn"a uis e kU55 amuit& m damb W. sae lta em u .as a Tant IoLitu E.th pdmuat Res oc@amgans pot" sé a elm euadis ofkb e r. éu~TeINsémwMdpsd hmoi t 8ha1 Aoi ésli duaThél me bus'îlt e u »d u 0 esbeh lady. a.asmas Dte oahhaua atmMMdpilp sla, Ooàm a1Ia.u.l ls ai- searié e, s'Imgu m vam UMaos the ie augo ea m vil aisbr @ . 0 t. l psaet *§"M hâ nPof a oUI~~~~ iU, a.t , laeW. T. i,vaod bvol j»ua oisais1 lsB r ade"ao évusuu sha mdpw i a 0pss ai e bokean ilaa». .. io lid qlades; bu Visuem àedsial et etshe. . atéiaet TOMMas auchatesé sus sdimasi the lawi Lb lieuate il ale isaiedNs ea issilon W" thu" eb.ve sA i ausae buThs dsoiueshaasiauet 10mI. *b uois. tweh.im idmihaay e paie ObeW lb bi l M bt " i yme..wAuiale. mois, lUth w GesiuWahuo pesais em lota Peoled osudbp pthé oi mdbuta ha0uss, te vosebe vutiah o e al a Io "s muan. ae a.ralatwu a mlisethtel sb pousisaon sscittsamsai l mu mon h sp l'o. lla Islai lmsI Ie ualo Imabalet abs Omsilse ousa' altaimisla bt htasa imms a I»A - h bas osidlSith.aRlB.sasà 10 ThsPeee V" êIf eal th Weduui poésa Mruibut Iii hm 115asétélaiiht sape: Aaah W.lèaesf" .t m aid e hs Pulls amble arnSia.of @U la Log as"f s~ ais "0LMO b@OIMM kimda. bic m amd a Ilai Hem.a G.@Tepu? t uai i edoq alatbaléu Jasa se dmI mtadllalga.espnome b. t. sulab tais l*0e l ssa nimg k"aaCaan eiais«.. uàw staitu elmohti l as-à h Wasl valuais ulaaa!sa einatlliste bob"tm etossI.Ti rW ais mai Tasonaileméats othda s ieraie.bsouaus l"hm si 'y'la£Ltd"mae mIls Raef»iasw mdous atuOcavu etamusai le "M tse ue silbeavas. kedsh Wem"la, D.e& 2ZrE. Tios«l. mi ofSer...?nue"oslM d t"esmmmset a Lamay tesas»eofaisedimasss. et th $aOud aaey ne g"lsss maumi lse0. ea «»Chisasmeolaihums Tha Vuvet iosublie aSbesiahm ebom ax ose- hlaetbiate a** basa malsia 010»d evima ssuos ped #dari t dpbgieat aiaibe tisa. Thslea vimiibe issaiea, Octuasmaeeb ave das'beaebaséte, tàs by basas, miasIe s.Thiasvil b a pSai mornems'o. oaauaeete itiveesau hslaiot. hah a Baie rny people PM asiple c lhtetises a a Llgnu ta"i mubtsal Lait4 ta mtry Dr. Lavtoi*td taaa schas ae .aiamleI sirop Ot Turpmatma a m ueslesP villa. a O5p u"Vsl Msum 'uumètowàs. Ihmeziraasuay bilt htgmt e dam vtsTu.oas ladolua lm&0 1. M, ausibaumm es ia a solh ilae..% 111. A nev vashl7 pesamaiti fiall; mois. dalla, te, umumto b .11.bod ou Noa'~hlsaiasMetoalh b au t us evsc lb dodu Dmesaco b"m att.s. eus mla à *0 uw litm.onti~ *Nov ia, v Ii te subihicil lttmeset aamg aà"mivleuu u $mavtai mM lb bdp atm savoueà by H.m. vOuwbs ha nel&"g bid e aibodyetmg 14 belavesthés puperautheultls te"lochesap mu, asimait cmp a his mil mi_ ates à embe.ofhaa t isaeilcb" ae baisig m«.. a Paisbs camping, oualt Md sa d aiâd tu touas. The vsuilg et lIe busialsa sagà@»hves & m&. u1h9&lé ilh ei My »«, M".aease d os. 0 0 mosale e ~a mm wa1e s sOea$&'bThe &tu Vauta bDe Om uatu mga- iohmihs ins Bts Lais., PuasIDIU.ont, @m: . 1 ~ ~ opsaoaêa have ab.d Dr. Lailouos% Byap ed Tiu-.the lbGémi - Oatuuvii cJa tt» me a»Osé; »ue oc E Omo SI boffle me asapl.s.by. asid 1 e.'ue. b»14MWtive sve dsib. ak.MWe it s ae tebuti lm1 -ui.1. w.baas, liai elu!a bail imas, tlebmls sdami aspi. laata.tue. tlhm faleLusiolisad taveS The aabuiaspcn hMme ami biau émd the COadmc eIra mil mela soas ai lb I gaesai, fwdfu alysbit bavwoosshiaappw>. icali. aMdiflyD es OClasi vI&am ont tel eq'11ma aluaplaom, bousa apel. Vtis>51, s bpesa.Dube euhaha Thoeaubtestbe» en .sasaseral Caaih» al slsy he ppal. c a» à gas rteldmi la the Gai Slomas.. szptah.ebasm atvqml amia ditamulas beaduaimhouteto mels l.>uraii la b lais cehue Pft camalauLI --a_ » »Vgum Do -Ai a aisî leva élit iL* POaMet et lb Udl41"1#lâs' ta Il-epuau emba asd 0purshal blamu.e 9êadkeh wd veu mslbeast, y laom PropuuShlq te desleta mmuhet, **AAmn1ama bsm b et stu a u isu e big&U. wab ase. oad» the llaa.asdaom"tl b1 -1,smbmithe ais mm ma* tusha Vu"ulub Pap.e. Ns 0 tsi a l as't0i m La 5, s auadu d md le balss u b @0& tai mid ,ba.s te Iboa m.le " bu w bsmm.ad Sa wA~ jlo m s isu a foue ira 1 bs v.sb 'la oa. E'l a d m 6 a 1,i a I d e l E. ls eyIsse aeSl u h Osld a s obo W' w tb wosâe i vo,. fa 4W PUM&oeguum in thetat.-Tb@ but mils, ibe bowanrvu f t8 90:h@Mm . o uirihut& ',e I u>yisg édmm sp teah.dm, b ouey daY, ad vs'rsthiere ready to gt e s mI ~s*s f u.d ... mosisWcI ov Ssaa sitlva ra iDo riakifer prices muse mad bmpnt eg %ougb <» mtlsbey. Tb@ w*y ve bey bu ".wyihig te do vat ibe vay ve suiL M~a 89>mi elah.Opodi, s n. Orm'oo.sml iaaipvlts lover Pimes, miau shruwd Planning t tegha u grtp mos I .v.hoe t iad §-lIy b-via slsaoeImmin anl te iut.This holdu god inregard te our preent New fel Mad Wlaier Sbokau »orevdsd louoMr mmmoa-o u .-kom Mdeod> mafrom top to boitom-.-mbraclng every. Snie in l alwoot derîl nuWe hauod osse anmd SLglish Twetxds. goô4 &tlmaiDS1, oit' gamde, i& . 36 tw 44 Mh aesi, relgler prias *&CO X«u, pare AI Colàauué,TNOeId Pumaao'szt duit: a;aiped poer.n, Wel triabred d ema 3s2 'o 42 valsi rar.rgoar P. o. 01.75 5Pr. Ytouthp'Lau1 Puneais Salaundei, kbiu.n aIl-vernl tweeds, aéng.~ br.-ueês., viti good livisaga @ad good l.iotrlaigm aImes8' to 30 i os egelar M.s'aodd'Tveed Veste, dark and lighi MW% eaasoaied, plain sud ahcoked patteras, with good inrlmnne, &au-s 36 tu 44 iil chPai, ro-gulur prias 75c. s»d *1.00,saab oys' 2 plias Soira, l inl-vool -îv.ed,4 dork olora, rs WItpad pagtSonu «»t ady aiPlested, aaroig Italien llm!Bup ablnte d ihroulthoot, aimes 22 te 28 irak inet, rpgular pria *225,8250 ad #g.75 a susi Youtho' sd Boys' leters,&ail ool fautey Frise, dark oolora, ail wool ahecked tweed linge, atorm collmir, h blu amsa pockietoa ime&. 22 to 30 inoh ointl mure, regualar pria.- 8460 saab Beys' Navy Bine Serge R..f... or Pes Joketu, md.um wight, ivilisi, Italien listings, brseu boitons, aimes- 22 te 28 inca chest mesrnei, regalar prias 81.75 ca IIsma Overcets ln importsd Engliab aobs, ahinchill..akt.ruey and mou- tsgmle, olior veighte bine, blaci Mud broya mId, ilh o%e3ked tweed. liniogs, aimes36 to 42 i chet anasr, rigoler pria. 41250 6.95 4.95 39 1.69 3.95 1.29 8.95 HAT..DEPARTM ENT. Met Fle Fulora Rate, la blackad broyacooe nliaed, gond leather aveat baud, 2-isola .1k bond, and milk blnla<e, oith 21 inch brim and jg, lo ich.cM"va Mem'e Sot %ts, fesbovl shape, extra fias fer teslarge, umediaun ad amail biooa, lb.very l»et utylce i Enli-%à Aneriosa makee, colore bledk, brava, a",aleate and lawn, 2 Boya's? bT Rate, VerY fins fuir toit, iineui or atifnedt in blecir, broya. etc. Nice g noia ehpes, ere $2.00, teleciala BoWa' edorsu in black, broya and tueuse corça, fin"i or uniaed, fai! style@, i El AT 0 751 MEN'S FURNISHINGS.ý Meut'.Fenay Strpe snd plain Grey lUnde"irisansd Dravera, don hie. bresated, laey quality, ribbed cuffe, m lr pic 50. an d 65o. eachau Drayer., ribbed akiri, and culs, dooble-brested, men'a sime, regular prias 65a. acla mms'.Fine BOstol Wool Underahirta eud Dravf e,-. docble breantedI, aateen faoi extra veil trimumed and Iimhsed, regular prie7ko each Moen'. Extra FIa. Wo.ol Uuderphirts end Drà*aàains usftauci triaee and plain grevs, doubls breeetsd, ribbed R.kirc and -eufif, ason fcinga, regular prias$1.-00 sa Mon'a Pull Faahion.d Sc ~Wool Un&daerulte snd D.-a ers, ribbed valet sud akiri, double.bresttd, alm0 finsesuuew ighmrported natural wool,ail ms, 34 te 42 cheic masure, regutar prias 81.25 each .50 500 yi.idiý .65 vSOa$ 150 END! .75 southese *i~and 1.00 '1ALWAYS GOOD AT GOUGH'Sib"l LINDSAYO The Wondeiful Cheap Oloth i es,ý PORT HOPEU. ~.mpez5 wuuu-n ~ FifyVears MF2OR74 THEC PUBLIC AND Ij~9I. Gray.ps iSyjrup of ROd Tu, uas Esvuuel eu Sewer tand Culvert..Pipes 111 ONArnIwuPIPE. Ca PAOimy lauo. oRONTO nm ?wum-uit f t Jaé ~AI.2I Spruice Gumn FG COUGH-S, COTDS and ailLUNG A.EIMCINS 25 CtS.a bo tk'. $old everywhere'. KER*fi WATSON Co0.. PfRopRqicTORS STo. a Bsave a 1 awme an L rty ai , vtma au TH E st RIGGS' ori STO R E, UNREYOUCAN BUY 8WEU~ e~i Cigars, afnS FAUT SMION raAV A' Ril ou& % Yh.-f mmmmm

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