Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 20 Mar 1896, p. 7

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Bt~ f.TAUJ b*e.., aice auu~ -mol ~der Ai~ on ho and fe mepla< ÏL WiVhneon, Mazes 5.4h~ coqurse preseuts a sublime bM " ofetnationallximportane.an O, g tuni tise capital eft the UatM .1MO j1ave a silrril'%g eicOltbrzogbpit tb dand. Dr. Tai mg Chios tforuatxl seveVdinszut . . ,Ami I1 IS»Ma*- éthser bernai conii ug p tt ftie elartb, snd h. bad, tvo iorm Ulm a j&mb, and ho sp*qým;q 1Learnel and oÉeue iave stgdlel the Inspbrci tàS Dianlel and. Rerelallon more m » sad underulaul tisem bte MgrS lne sayligtiaitishe leop«M at tione1 -la tse. Bible meant Grecia,an thse beau' Ineaut MedoPertI "d t 'e Lnmeant BabZlom, suad the Suipo of tise texi combug up lo te bew1th11 grt Ils we horm* n ea isab fls» iroiCeet0f àddos >*em isJr ebuft becauso .amiont otker Veto#,si , gegi el la offle 111 ethe uaw' lhe goiuMbus diecovOied t, sand lt hgr 3>00» foi' tls.mont-51Part: st pose4,lIe & Isus, unie»e assauted by totwu tfo,i aIronS and Osisand to w#cd a du ~5loud ïnoùgis a t.*U41 - £1008 heur therre-o t StE 4ate *reul flSý. ôout ti1 Phono ?.No, ..04 Iebesli aotbci lie as a dro Ibr manuuactorl& FrasCe ftw ? ma vere, Egypt' for ntqulti It fe victusresut lAI Âuira tor lalarI vils tie ïbilsg, that tise ment pepular. bock on emtit *-o.yletis l lt, i ,th mmtttlpeeaae ton,. earth te-day pw ti audience iuh e iusesmonan4 vrouldj if seed letmeis eàut ad ie for'imu. Am 1 oo cnfidnt t sa&yisg. "Aml- mme, I viii show.-tise strengthi&Mex. Uest oft lie.long lise et fortrisses te be tases muid gîve ym, ii! ressa for sa'ylag t o» ble id M lbe dUwi LM(e unsdecIl. 15àfâ*l fr f visclier ire»Ai a 4 iysh yray of bmagllP#about huis country. and tisemontt Url i pluc- ed bird thsa.t ev er 1ev Ibrough. the t ieavens le tise Amnenas» agle, se Mucis me tisaI Mi'. ldstoS*S"iIto me facetiously ai-H& a*itii "I boa? tisaI thi els ta ,7081? Amigica.laits,. are g0 large thast visonue. of themn la talcen Ont tis etre-luiseles per- ceptibly 1l.owerel,* snd. eta Glaner Xlven ln Paris an Armrnle$n.0otterd fuS a sentiluaoui. "Hero la te tise United iBtates-bouiiled on tse* nortis W thse 51 urora borealis ,'on tiés metis -tise, PrSieluli of tise equtnox es, on the eaut by primevai ,cissos ani on thse wes, «by tise day cf Judgmnt!'Thse * pffeet cf sucS grandilOqUece te 45di-I credit lise rosi farte., ib sare notre anendouS tisoY cccl no garnlahwg.Ie worst thlng t0 do In any campfllgil inilitaSZy Or'religilID, la ta underei'Ot "ate an enemy, s»d 1 viii have nu ipart lnesuais attelait ai boittImuiOut. TisAs land te lie taises for God, se- mrilng to Rasse,, tue atatlsticlax], han. 14,219,Q67T square. miles, a wiltis andl a lez.gth ëSut1 none but tise Omnieli tienft can apprOcste. Foui' EuropeS put together, and. caimble of holding und feeling, as il mvibel d nted, taccording to Atkinsoui tise .tatiticiUl5, * if the woril continuez la existenlce and does- net ru» atcof i ense gtier woird or gel consmeniSG l th ies.,0 a.Ireaûy burnini ln tise cellars cf tise Planet-capable. , ay 1 'idn a' greeling moe than 1.0&4MM A luibaM' th tante. Fer you muet remi'Xi*ft Mt m be hell for God as Weilias Isas t or' Clod ,and lis, lant 5ý00 .ý an&. muet net lie ailedtq, < tise religion cg tise fiet M5AU0 Wot De %uucliuse btu taibtirthse foil*ean if me im&ne thalil. Il muet lie beld. uiNtil tIearchsiige'a tTWipet bide living "u la r tie tran lIs foundrisi ToM n"uitrembber U1la. aniy'bout I!Cbk* l be.,moteing et our nas- élos slite. Greot clu BS t. Us$ und ras-raflunons v are, ealoê thse W.Bad LaS, id,"f tise Dsk0t» and t he 1creti -Columblitsain"e .31 .2atiseir teiiPl. .54&Bd'11 *uank la, atuei dais W<Iok * m pure, mda no fresolBs hm -tber*c" 'Vw.?ê 81 4; un &Ce bu rmmplemioi, ulsie or m., envb"bu I i y. Al I I I .lea i " a in AW j U R U M ua5Ue ar O , - - O d ,M & M R M M a »in for o »e ami the Il . athbs'- d 10*1W hb is*»<0001 tbYet the -j t e - iavIinsbut ê otup .rÙM la tu Wheklos b* e USa 1e t. WMiut Umie .le e- 0.1; oeoorà& tm- udmI *o flbem oo ui*ug- ât# aMusu w h po tbefOhs bu t.3 uighte 6t prapoety. gut"lsCà Osur AOM *ore. - - M sta =-e l - prteM _ Io t -he Palriston u it ai;;; ho j benJ st soiarôerated. these *o. the 0o @apuor Mo WIW e m tbmg5&ad8m $art &&ndasib IF «Men oce dod4, tier. 1 55au bM» JM aMè@*uM te l ~o ~ ~ .*t enQés,*,pM »u e WW ,MIYdWt;èt ourivm e.trbbe Lac s 414 's t remiefgo u 00es tiS outry ttse of the iJooutov 300d, t %Dr. t tefe buy ar10, si a lStufi t.- ofso 1«ek i t do wort madeut i»bala s" les te opileOe 1twpd -tbml hi- ~- - ' - m =mublu ola* r .Wood te m là par.y=, ter e takW« "Sim for o" 1 N16 Af For 3ra itUle while I1iseard these aw tbgAaeoefr04 fw TS% eIP~.~JB * wt*WlUtà*dé 11ro@p-4 tie, Ob wy CM. ~Germasne emi' t~ ô -Wo d , but th. v oikian had dlsap T ie W mU.&E frIiaUko is ooe a mu- W eu' t Peared, talntfor oopeny both S k 15181TlbIse W LO&dm 500 500w1 t p9Mer M bt is MWUa puo wbCSis t., the. __ a e a*I~al tocgb I.o ebeA g." mi,9UMAm-iped m u gs e m m vkat I 1m1leoatise mgtt"ee ùoisdS bte. overcome are thon orgaited* elemens t t thse va«t md overtapiit trUmm Slt 8 ht1 bswR ss.e et dmesk soialamioiticalruin. t» ibis coiutr y1 ad tiserMy kt mfulysIfngtise tu o n rder te, er t. wetr"ooàwiww wbat l ItLu. be of in. et » coitt&ta weaitis, ad luxurfous- politl COTDO and multiform. la im7 ob0eVa6EI *t ît la.eol »18 t ki841tsae 1kI hy4Am eudedmillion armed aisoinin- »aielve but itmtei MW57ot8WMee; bJitw * te subsir Md 1P *i ovr ~ ise smkttisemuatdeisand., -Mes sd tisat net, tff X ow he ao"70me are <0k E la krtwbe better ibie. isbe t ~p1s w. oo on Yeu. ape estmOêikl tth ismSS gums samiso book& heurboy M& l tr.aG to Ns motisr and'I &a our chit eif f lt Itellil- LeM& 104 * alaterg Sà thé ae"suthome. it bas enc. ad SU .ieuet 4104 i se o buýjgsiza soted by, Its lapontis;m, wkat wod lamo thé e bt, wlm.1 refrain f omS eg* t bew«âseassmes called an 11bore-tisu n 0 W là ior voca- llwti* 0 trU W*h., quit . g l- womax bW th&sotiber états. an bulary can'deïrg" te worM.- et that m««* and - Cbrstian. W'a" dweils oaustantlr on tis wny aide cf seohanugel o et sis. oftAt itra 00*7at LSsniitP . cmràeatm nous .1dinE- "rol<I tUre? Wht*mua, attemptisg -any- tisep CM »d al.daiM. ttsn for God and irumanltV, ha. es- IÉM tWiU i t tflO in'»Ua - ________ 'mped a stroke of ItO itItis ng? Paigui thàbt Proposes taklng Âniet00 A Ne ppe'. Close' Adv*rtIIW.t What goal' calme bam euoaved t hin- for God ? 'lie widoW's mite. ioSOe<W<1t derment ? What other obstace lulnait ofthe Lord.lit to have ils putin as Te bu 08"55 imshasbi po tise lanid -so aPWaing?ý. iBut I cannei continental capture; bt a rutlsevea e ee orve tIbacluW Ibseit nain»e more tisa cee-liai thte baille- ImoI than tisat Mdl more nuit 81'7. 6ld fris bundlY ficeL t a OOfelStC ments, thse bastions, tise intreachmlentg, Many -of the e n tbtiieOct -to gel t frbsbsns meacutrbli thse I<douita t~thefotiflcitiofls, 10o se ebleotng Wfor begt@w4fl WtbFe wid0w'8 of a greM vyisty etf Woods, brougisi storasel ad overcme If thl. country mite vill sot get thse blomsInS. lu t tbe frs' a i.t Maur omS& - or in- la ever taken for Gel. Tise statistîcl firet place, tIiey are am.t ideS', ad stance, tise coeuter cOMWtale apie..Of are ao, avOiltsati lt ve bad notbngin e Te ne t pb% tiey have no wood. fr08mAdmirai WaimV» 1 fas- but tise multilicationa table anuS tise «mtgit." si>fato* ri SeCmfdrt arithnrette, thse atteMlPt to evin5u1ia" Th ise lrne oming-isasten lt, Lorid- prbvateei' 8heumd"-. Imm the stean-i- Amerlos. wuuld be an absurffity higirer and 1 think 'you and 1 will se lt. wis8f, dwp- Senatar 'Aud otiser faîsoli Veg. tisa tise tower et Babel betore It as Joseph. thse vealthy Arlimatisaean, v els; a plece t WSofinm Utter's5 droppe on tise plain of Siinar. Wisere gave for tth dbad christ a. tostUy m»' fort- yods froni the City of MexicO ,are tise difl l 00psto marcis against soleum thse _aMuent men and ironi» fron tire Englshsfut oeut Itlrase fortlficatkmu as long as tise con- c: ths eountrY viii rIse la tiseir rqm tise battlefteld cgf Droop Mou»-j tfinent.? Where are tise batteries tisat 'ttrength and bufld for our King. ane tain, ftram tise bedteal on wiih ian be unlmbeeI againut tise w allu? jesug. thse thrcne etcf tua Amerlos» Abrahamn Lincoln lied. 'trom tise first WIiele are thse eues of large enolâgh, 'continent. blockhouse buât [a thee tTnlted States. caliber to torm tis.gales ? WeilI,let. An i ng quoted for oncoui'.S' ra heDoglslo n eSterling un 100k araunl aud see, th irs ritament. la foreWgu mmlmirtion-BOy tia ntie; pleces af tise historicePl-n or all, w 1iso tg aur leader and vil be our fro Castie -Garden w. turn back bY Bouton omuson; olive yod tram tise leader until -thse wir la done. -th~e firet poa iistise torelgn vaga. Garden of Getissemane; aed fromx Caibaldi. vils 1000 t&alescoutil bondtsm-we are getting peaple the vaut "Bethionien. of Jades»; ma*from, do more thsa ttother commander w1tlî raajority c to cw emi. » me tts aoSclCalitrnis 10,MW Italians. General Shierman, on honegt livIng, .rng Utison some of tis msoe Tise workmauship la very one %ide, and StoneweII Jackson on thse bravest and thse best.' If you a.hoild uniqu&e and isenduome. and tise his- etlser each wlth 10,000 troopa, coutld turn bais tram tus 1lad tp Europe tise itrccutra ie'iefIce la one ,de more than nome ether genersaeil» forelgi'mieluterg 1ofttise gospel. sud %te t origisutscof thse ty uo a ne 2000 ti¶>0p5.Tise*rougis boat lan his foýrelgu attorlOYR. snd tise foret" mer'- 10 ,w'ahiu58tO crossil tise icy Delawaze chantg and. tise foreMM PhisithiniIts, wtha tew hiftfrôten, troopo W85 viata rabbely ef OU? puipits, OUV EuSer This Tour en ApriW8 mighiter tisathc. ,uiip of var tit.,ýrroà Orereussad*r mtraua hA u flun thrugh tse -ÂN&rrl. a. goà; t e. amecoutrc5WaU toeioleuIO anday ývetisAs yl'tfaseo 3,orisce. ud anS a Hu GleOurting back of every monetaiY, mei@letlatetlthecarniv&lamwses n OFra" sm jeaeriie -on gratleaders,. sThs commingliuig hore -of all fiitMOW5I- , Ube.estbisment Cf tise Chritias bor taanobereplace, ndh w ies under tisebleslng o fesil utivale ter, -typte oc tele @6huobe om. bot ilemiles tM ram ucela 75or 100years tise sOst s «ection of lise Ld, as a matter iwOîî.,«hOwere t pta"cent style 5ofb*m sud joiiiW tM*ctoer5l h hrhtr doots tila .t tltsald. tisatthere vaS nid vrsv.'e IlS havetie curVEYl th ~uc g stellar Ca M#tOUfl and musie, tiat ; woioe raow- tie cicue, e 1o ai cutmirbut vas maaiiv stablisk* O5~iê 01 <1 Lb OlRUSi 55thOth ise oti nerace. i ca u t iser, tise W tb- is.' ê eorglan calculai' adapted hW front dorofet sven liai becs set texc.te.àdeno ztett M pauCrc l17,ndBtr open.sud bat ii. ad eard bis snerousti et another, UMW aostisetic tise Romn CtheOJ a 7, selasterh opn n httj ae' aste ef anotiser. a"i 1 b tiat M"sl l5ts iSi8iGYattts Snst atnantile cuy. Tise» se came t p ottisrbris e ailu m" nieh salpene upon or isext thse tairest boyisro tisaimother vas 51Mder ,saeh Si, visicis date la tii. bn- ver Prosd of..end troum i ta80 Yn M serveahimuscle gas i«theertvbulf1lttir et age W»* ofla Iida, if tradItonsts ut tals5pIU oilg a1 <te estdatle, "Mr tiser. are aceurate, aend tise».rettsrned but> tise>-nov cltit pliê*bgrapisiO api eqw iesebe aeuc te ie atie l&a4ý andS for thre. years psre.tuN 8 Oe<~ 0 e s"F .tiueuisthé ewhII se a t1 .~a* b"blits -patblww& rreounded bW bidtaiitdy, '*dle ~. se ofkettbffl R tise a the00ft as* f11 U* eyw tisat hé>lilUnibue. aà& ePtIMM, .18 lien thmaIbo Mie*Z#S,. "M t tise fe tests- patent»tu o viom u, gave ruisl ou W&ltet 2.in@.E oaUa f4. ~U5Wsi ie~BS is)is as tugueStisi ie ooel iemif mi oeo londI. 8a41<W IWI* OWmai fr01 lenetaah ----.. ua.ndgratiom? j&iS he5 filS os PAri lx.b«t tisa me lâtc une and' tbw om, a in a Iaaor th ~hiO5,.aUS ..@ ied tisaI h - wsuh gvelai t brcve mte<0If 8 Of lust Newcmor 10 t ~ la~~tfeln Apd e Mlb. caRybfssutieirses evm-ostcvyorkeu .or « ut sais OsIas Win de 1110& #jota, a 1 3 0 pleï li ba o sdifl Salever-yUin N0o u ew rSlgOqIu lk mie thrb, and b^e puiytolO 111I1are sot eqUij -t.eI 'igoàSbU, thVise vý bâî a tpp Ielitoialise c W - stiie yostb ikh ping ev=asiolt veryvissrd -h e . q m b1 010 4 9 t o0l 'A i r OLMi f» sn ei ebOdwSt Mtiee ,,b,,sté'f ~istei ami ima0k __ est *w ~ê I~* hwS8 t.? ~ cf ferlaS upea asa lb. - -T~ ~ i. tsroe seeBu~p--. TVUS1<5 imprlv~ hiemeetus et tue if g Unpol pa ifyr ire W" Br 11t il b a- eý*t ooeof s Ifvu. o I mmwl&tto . Ti aIcW h W.w, tl utell vos bçv te I.e tise, IeeSbe"t NMm.w" tis visSais vuff8 T4w,,ý,dEvupMM go the ho% maa hotob.&ore. nIemlte. mA t1agday ola ty, b th e lit. tiasfMdrr . g . IO B tet da mIpes g ise eat taMM AsO èmrir as Mragap ,'~p bpoe l. A. CupbU's GrocoeyKet Sbtrot la 111epugp g~sseulti lutj0le tui, eisl ~-ORGANS, PIANOS ris. ~ ~ or layatet.pite. 100 mie taomilst*e grl e te t Alu#,%*u l TmzaW ryauete-sti nter?0l bo rooosu Eetee asf4c fbu ga oes rcsades ens rez.bsg mber b the ma vImmtse j i troe ilMar isautradoutu M 5 ST ERUW P. A-H1N 8 abrt& li bes veisbeh misetia. Sb =i Sli pe 15meu&iS w»a e m rgP& n as ek tatserMn g br ýudbng no tuis, msi ceber IwoeMd Opp .T eS tisai suiba bem ubaeere t»lt plfeSesje. I RUP tane. d e of ber deKC0bu w»Nte CS.s" Pelta 'baeh1tp go.lieh e W» slp 0& -iA Obe R, thbute Bosevit Reglter voudi fertou lovnd i cly o.viais eliou ev el Illoe ad Once uoa mIPnemtue* ma tlnt pAS-ltw eiiw latie lr oger dsasies, noteadn nm6e ee inta nt.r evut the r ofbt ad ( in no - - plae~ t"sutcfftbes p aclatu. simdd ae» filtu.i .me m m«s tu is aum l gtiah utcmir 0 csu e a rwe st aern tm antekuar to Utioasnsea-aDick'but findiPurieier sols, e tsittunoceu5 a cla ends timuais a l y a pe mu s a llid srua u I uttxha epw ieW7o aemiyowlg »u l it, be M v t a of. sca l 5584e w a mo 1 masm 1kid ill,. y oe . &ae ttsuoefl atteutos and as olo 1 « wm up "n is fM DbsWIOl vtef cm e Ma& ,e awwetSli afhm om ai e conml obu d tor coMM &. tgbdu< or batMbIze e eS 'O ~ 3 .aR 0 w 5ku «tisaI ss aldb. u qu u lb. Lice, vEillef«r a drinkfr~0 1 Îrt mtér St ine 0aus. Tskab maisetti vIls a iomely 8WMb* & eiuh gt& perois 5osr iq* tastteff ta tise. val po o Mad wmmw- 0 wia -a t I a*.sta. -tm. the 100 mx i oqbolbp MW4%1

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