Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 8 Nov 1895, p. 7

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AU~ @alNh.. éhange qurm&VV b the amouat à eRj looda, 100 1ai, Of a~ hlé army wee a 19 double quiek, arc ft' et tir captured tMi Ârnaliutes. 130 the Wt Besor their blankota, ha their baggsge and.theb M a&bc ledetalld to irsg There are alek a.idimvs.i moldiere, and aged soile, able Io go- on swift. mâ lions, but Who are- able work, and go tMer are detà the baggege. There jem who le not strong enougi Miles ln a day an& thei a ten bour' llght, wbo drawn uword liftd agaii er to pace.upand dowti to keep off aumnerny wl the torch 10 the. baggaa 200 of these ÇrIppled a vrounded soldiere detallmi baggage. 'Borne of -UNI ba<i- bandages ',acrous th orne Of!hein had thet ulng, and gome ',f Ibm orutches. They wer. ahlrklng duty. They h marny aierce baIlle fer mdheir Goâ. Ther î et' the time ln. hosptal the Urne on garrison du mont ery because they es the other troops 10 the theme gentineli watoh tàW Lord watchee the sentin Th 1ere le quit. a differel engeted ln the distance. kite. havlng rà'vagea a and. robbed . hole coual vmalinS *er ImOceMela roussi. Borne oftbtem a the laun with wondert heel and tom mmandmorne xarning tht spoli a fig«r-rings ad arrini laces, the urlatiets and t c«eoo ts and Mgam.lai mapibirol Md .emeraida vealth of plate and jewe mis, anditIbm1 ilvo and t mi up on the artih don.enmd ttombrlit robes, suad tlb.t tulaam, ut an imperimiwardrobO, b"i gmOnu et» l theI man amindweak sMd deomtandIclatheoinel à -lime it la e vWfor:1 mm te sawop ou tbeM 11mb bel lbthebattRe of boaumothe.m night lé* wbllm IB Usleh werm sb yrisme werm overt] MSarusal by Ibmeimrael borlamrer. and hie mxi thie in luheu roua mm hie mm. Bo la Our 'Oa aornes UNballe Vw en.e Êt tht ganerailW& la tb. UrnMe for Daid aunes'UPOU tleze car ktW&.-or etofthe Amale mi to plecos o hobp»0 areluiaeue ho -go mua S.uhlig Olt Ibm MIed. Crawl on Cames anmd a dtmc. ]vdand s toe tbe UN vrlN Md Puat themi uPon Ibi e s ad into, gont, u together thm vmrdrob bad been fetoleu mmd yard thm garriemu.To YoDder thm corne! T'I of the gar$i- ýCOrne tbem with viRd 1husu. David saiuted thor-4u the= boy they aul verc broken &ar the -Not if 'r lmmrd? "ave y galuted tbem ]But iow MeaV tIbm distributllof UNbe Drive Up thos en o gbail bave tIbm1sPoil ueImb .soul ,Iuggem t ures ogght mli10 o lo bad been oun aedi Ilild mIl them Igb4 'l Shah &t home l i. te 1 et the bon tho an sh fflb t - unm eofth 2wu l v iTORH !rt eW i Uim b7 wyu, mm WI lb' agsfe hex i hlàtlst. xts, A&c mà*i " f joba il os tusel *v4duuawiS dm. TW y my w 4ot . i Prond er tUb mn«ofaingcar. 9" i»d IOh,, IaI but Ari tea hhuue etn* "Dd o bueleth* a heube, gamu xy ID axho»«,rewari for Msnobu- bb prt»din.,y"" overlmtnt eervl ~~B US S UUMn114Moüon Clameback lu Ibm onuIt!thone le a to w ý«» ÏMî au ý »er re use cm, oy -o vante te g*_ 0 oflSe mami a. swiwý;à" lm1 do sever iet> the t cegt ai eduqatlou. '5ey malhlm &s * wIêmIpb 10 1mieitebockvoem. W1brever you glu i hlm-fn Uwe, iny -'4»« w",t*Wrbée mms.I'tmebarc.or i the bouse-bhe le reading, iOW«Presde o« &bou.I&L' a, boqk. "Wh&a plV ty I ," t:« sy, ,bé it Um**ee.wvo vii.say: "_U k bai thal .uMdcasnt get sueducallos. S hoffl*- as babanta m*mers .an thons PeOPIt Rie- ftlw. wetk m bard asm e h IRI #etlI Sbat. 1 abbld bt as brave amd Sa rand. os- omore lthu qupportIbm f aine Ugit Put but my buabel a letegel chbdren off by the produot cf th. tarin. One nIgil %M are ho 9011001and- to huat nIhinebga ven Ed bas netirei ho bis zoomrndmthIe" wed"dthérar atRu, end ta sée 08Àt damor le a !srnlly conterence about hm. Tie w*'h tbe? la Içody, and ho keep sosùoute m mens aaY: 'Tather, 1 wisbyou vouli *8npo"ý huweodezpoume a, ai o hbndme sN daMuiESte collema if Vonuviit, ve 'ow, sd cb fro &=biekr aft mbted b? viii work hé.nder Ita" ve ever di,, 'ml Iu& 'thewhosilg coogh, ex& to go throug*1a"d vo uUi rakm ourli dr-esses-do" Riffl Onuail thm ammoyanme and -vetabloam of The .mother aya: "Yen, I vill get covarde houseeeplng. Oh, uiy spberoIW go Rn- &long viIbolqt.wamy b ir p. aithougli ouh i littsial sud me luolgulficant I arn 1 armotIas estrong me I useei ho be. 1 rcountry oiéar ieoursçed.'> W*omau, <led tiâlk 1 Sau gelalong uliont and hir- IkwpatPlamce yeou girrison iuty, api your ed belp." The* fathon laya: d'WeIR. I 1 Pat « revand ivii hojust me great an liai Ihing by huskhng cor.niWghte Ioea gt '1~Y ~o! 3'lwonoe bhlga, vie, moine along vithout sny ansltaîme." Sugar t govwitb go otten aiglit by aigbt, ulti a uebl le beulobmi from Ibm table, butter la t WhilOi -lier baud lhrougb booplaols, vas banlphmd froin lie place. That famlRY juge.thU cmnled byIbm vondi lb.e'lady efthIme ulv down on igld-ys, auftera- lamp." tour revari vilho just as eboçomny that Ibm boymmay 0go le ol- mne beinSgrest as ltah etorf.m m rsogi. h e Re. Tirne pannes ou. Commeoncement e Anale- buIt sad mdoumi theological semIn- day bas orne. Thiuk not that I men- maSm i en airbullilaga.rour revand viii ho ton anilmaglnarycsme. Goi kuova lb, are mae mml an great as thal o! Bmnnah More, happeumi. -Com àe-, pent day bas &i ce- vh. lbe IL«- ilat bok@ von for lcornsd Ibm Professons valk ln On znt on ber admraieMýkýra 0 k an md mIM&uai Ibmestage ln thmir long govua.. The ln- tIGU 01 urkem and *ua Emynolda. ilmarcis terst o!fIthe occasion le pameles on, thom mn are mol te bé given aeoniing t10theami mter .awhle Il come te a élimez etorYtue mnmt cet motus yOmake ln Ibe vori. o! Intereet me lie valedletortan la le ho the neek-non e'vea aeordlug tote Munt 'O! Itroc Ni EdhmU stuied ioi ard >"r WIt g"mMU, endo, but aocordlng to. wiellier' sud worked nosel liaIlie bunbai >«rb »dyen vork le your tull capaezîy, accord. thm honor eonferred apen hlm. Thon, * ai UN~g ~wbm~r o ne youdo ourare round» et aiwlause. sornelines Id dcsn- uty la UNhe phre wbere Oedrakn htan Ieato . tleagra »Id bamk- pae ou day for Bd. But awal bock la Ibe gaI- ély Potu- upiomé _y7ou-s," - tlui> t Rre a biesisIons la limir Plan bats nibm ela e hilimu oranais Md 1h07 antm 10 go fanhed i thalin dmothr-dear me, off t10. mokepurebes an ~d 10oion 0u liýas net bai a nov bat for six se banquet gIve $1 Maiho U thel yen gtve $»_ mri a otbiaayea o aetrs reDo you revatheIbmboy ltaI you gave y en not h7 gat Up COd bor i ~ i $1010for prhalgmore vili iaIovor on Ibm plaîform n ad IbeY iaugh LoI Wht ammouaî of mono? Ibha lie ether boy and they «. Md IbO? ail dova, Mmd "bm e pSt'ob50i tlh Il? Of O O ot If lhey look pale snd lima Ibey are very the- n mi Giduvoeuealth or SOCISI POSîtion Or muel Ifluehed. Ni gels the gansaids, mockbumeloquenct e r10tlim e mfaCultim s ' sud thm old-tasilommigreUP l h l981%i 5 laIb.jiea l Im riia? ery bave lertE l1eciimti Mia, le ho gâtâte b ulve 10 1h. ta-vorsi î-p& rmy he mi.taIs rayer. 80 Mia à,» tm fd hoW«g 1bas more pcaulble, and ta thé day vben <lo 80Ce por enad moreft en ce? oh, ZýIn lu all more !uliy revard moRt sacrifices r er. oN vonWdag, ft you aid I were 10 do maie for olhers, be viii glve grand Abrahami Our vIe dnî sud yen bave M Ulies ani glorloils recognitiou. #As hie part moemort etnî Isu bve, yoU viii et le that goeelldowa 10 batlle, no ab"I vewr mo e ore divin. ne h " ba l.1 lhiepart ho lIaI tarrielh by lbe sIuff.pe mt ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~B a~W'ogii ervr e ese h There la higb Oncouragemeut la tiI maI. Nov 1 gave pue Mor? 'liat vouli net ho, subject, mise, fer thon vWho once hm men sir ta; l v ouli mnol ho riglit. Tbeme 200 vrougbl mightil? for Christ aid the mg Anae- mmn e l. 1aI iroftaited by 1he. ourab, but lhrougb slekUos or col- g mn bami i brook BMsr idi IOH&r Iole Suty; lbey lapse et fortune or advmmcei yearu ne of thmo lit chaii. he - b& gsthey tlocaet. mot nov go te th. front Thewe S0W g and hie- of the atut, mii Iby gaI as much ofmm Imen t Uhe tex vevterais, Loi leo e, t he Nsla et it«z he Ibmmnnvbo 1h51mou bare bie arr n md show hou Off '11ite U n t 10 tbgm t. - Ag hiepart -le lie muscles umerum. Uthill ni i0n gahe tiat guselldoua 10 tbe baIlle, no wmibam &ide lie turban ami mmm Ibm mark Of tbe »"'elàbis part lic *et tarieti bY Ibm stnff'~ a battle axe. Pull saie te coat and te or cmm- Thorm lehigi encouragemntin lu bsa m wbore tIbm sear thrust hlmk. WouM b«? vah o aIn Who have greal refponslblltI1 il have leen tfain fer Ibose mm Inp- the iPW* tadI 1111crefil fCor wbat liey do. TC)n pie&, vmk and oh, 17 Ibmbrook ioer, t book te- know. lie nainet li te great commet- 1 ho bave ne sarenth ule spoie et tri- liii' ~ ~ ~ Of gOild1bomsoheso citles. 1)o yen nrpb? I vas lu lie Solirg Ho*- .mplug mic al houbme* aetIm oflmhllI >15 i Parle. sund I sai lier. nmornit apum en knowh-Ie »MsOf e ave lentkey taIblmio Ithiret NaPoleon, snd1 Bibe bmS he af, tUNýMiei Wo knov thebm r- mned tlion vi ter liy ai ougbt un- jè 1bâedbinati lot ok? Adlstingurqed imer- der theïr greal commandler. One Mm IOW13 okehat lis-I gouefortha et s UMMierS -i.1 mwa t Austeritz.- Amolim o f.tMltiWd vs-living pssuib~iao andamiman »Ii, 'I usa at th.PiràMpdm.' 11m Imit ou y,"Wb le1h5?."j~le s AHother ama Ie&l I as la the avtu wda sohhor ooeone, "dont y> kmv? R&tlerleifoaMsor"Att a SIUter O H e getIpitta eImgroat ati I as at lie bridge ot L'X.=1 tbaukréatlbot* b reIMt a t & me oet thon ver.lame; Ithe-* bullr thingte fl *Utot9 i aae& Di the'Fveneb Gegument Iku i iolet!. î tuf ngof Ilom elod solierà toe ln of vctoy- Té on£&tW «k 4s hi w antw? No; tIbl ast day. vetMent mev f. M N otices bethsImiho coUMs11Mprinces.no you.t halai my Len we% aom*or gom on ubwê koVWs-hlm, »m i er te gonstotura oit ils, oRS soldtars be- thOfl tonmas IUsble vek la dou*, sud lie ite osues lIe? are vealt ad venu aid lu i Ibmes vIo *m aan e bf>,ÔO* lkt0" i' cause Ibm? faluted by the brook BEsso rites. "'Oe mwm i lion t mesa *Uhes vemegOanete gel no part e!t i tieus 60Dho eosUleU UN voior tbU e mbOm Ooe0 t he Nicitr? Jqet, look' a sonandw o"m,mai vo arepàwi, e ho W. »FyenIbi Ib tose orevIots i0 Ouknon telk *S atii MEU 1. *& tams -atmrinkletNe; tber an « âeso iHausn Bmie.-f5*O@&d P«â5?WUDIs1* battlmeursTbey !ought g-emma1 Malin tuhe r.ail Mts zogesa, iievTe & éokieiUmy fog gahue0»t ÎtteuR* Me" s-iasu Nw i Ubvet 90 <h. fougbt mrstsinat eherbm Ibmt kept. »mW beof i etgteaSOf Ua, ai, 1e tgbt forth MM W vamlu il 0% d of th~e poili£l4 - tougit for, lhe lrath. lbé. feil 09. wumeJ im aw *0 mm ut we bqflpet raft «* wtn th*, a'sav ta Iib4 .5 --"ag1Oni5ès. amd' 1 m n. w*n to N mtà» e - - W* M e ~ à â " - Q. 7ve,ý uw mz pdsamon. At the end'or t Ir m - o s e4 » -, b ç a t acu g 4 m o e 4 d A h u 4a~i 1~ t taMl o .ujf' bRt monedeoahlater maidasi-. --o~ ne'tU 3Whie es mi « 5 ab meawhn bo was put ,iowu tey lent anit eh e nmsh.e eromiptly billot. Wa UNI~ ~oi hait amercfitu iintl=tpopsIb male tb b v* gt u m »UiImg tbm te hill bit e ttchm eo e r esale ih le 'W?1% b ave ehme u axwe tu MoM bm<wmbut. wtb y n MW Uèhk v" e i I*w.takeou mreSe- ol0tlOsu,4 Iis is dom.. ai uÀ mi *,t « U e . t uIbe I g he vct m nd rwater fr l b.th 07 > h e I m a or dm b battle and the elaI. vare broken, s .de qrlbed, and i th.edue har be ehps bis bit. »ut thm msa lae ëîed ln a it,is arÈa tbe e u -«n g s o r eligo n tib s * 1 a m iand *m belng lied .logetber, a nd the à S jfh thela U N t ibtzsfry diiilb.thepilI l lied w1th water te the vie- hqiv g Mp oe rooru t i ibs > boete- ttm'a neci. Re le ted ln themamie man.. tiffI VWWMI&"MY tather, MY fethel', aeram lies nufortunate brother miSer ,me *atu forleanteland themborne- ground, and ,Wben' Ibm lime Seieh Mun "çm ssl bis part in 1ha1telàcâubbed 10 deaIb preparatory te gM tb d wu te ho b âttaIle.90 abstl WBhi e à4Un ng. poft le that tinlthby- Ibm alu.! The promaof cooking Io a raller Cher pmin ai wimaen et um5p. elaborate oe. Trenches are dug and, pteob»atm iS&ce T oIR.will gt your carefully lined wth large round pieces rou, Irf meht , b. mafter. Whci et rock. go m to make a. ior ad Une C , aies Wealey ems p 10 iudViCfltheIbmvrala A day liefore th. cooklng am b beemsof meule ubiih vee enormous ires of braches and tulge- usttei ln t0 glory t bog ie mnse are bulit la Ibm treuches, and are kept nhim ho enurnratt, hO will Imbe hWe olive umml thIbmatones are euperheated. tkromm. Then John Weley vill oMue The body o!flb4man 10 b. mten la ni> te j .dgmnenl, aid mter hie name Iben laid lu Ibis pI, Ibm ahes of Ihe hsa limn mmntionmi la onnecllon ulihibranches and Ivige bmhng te only pro- thm agiMuton of thm millione of goule tçtimon between the akin aud the brought ho ocithrough tIebm Mob- stoeua. Tbese- ahes from Ibm vood' lmn *bicb ho ouad& is, *111 ii lob is kem Ithe kin trom beiug burned. throuie. But hoîetwm Ihm Ivo Irones Barth- le thn ehovelimi hi looely, of Charles WesleyaMd loba WmSIOYm ai thelbody le le! t 10 cook for heure. Ihero "i ble a thras. highr than Mier tRial, and vben It le consldered etîber, on whieh uhii att Suauliah aullicienly done, 1h. earth le shovelimi Weeley, ubo. wlthmadernal coisecra- aandthIbmbody la gan brogbt o lion, lu Epvorth re'Y. lncODInhre, Ibmsurfae. Thi.e canibale it about etartmi thome Ivo sMt* on theïr trium- th lire, and eut of£ snch alces as. they pkmm Mmission etfm anmm. mgongus enirThese are devoured, togther Ibroeb miifonoutuS&. me. Oh, viat with*fjute. ada. general holidar lu & dy ha ull o itesuyWho r«*k-.jojy ed- 6kêplmntS adsles IMM W*z7 fnt, According tte mcsplasestImaIs, siveptoimi u0rn-out garients .tvety millions of people tu the Gonge sud 4daibksk, am out of a. sa'l UMin are. aters of humanI limi. Thie treunomaidee moblidren eomtorloble ettive population le. 500000. The l'vu Uer 1h. ululer. Wbst*, day Ibat wl»man- byhyle Beirlan e bm gelr. ho f«r thm o te v he Im ved gave mm t fthisdistict - pîmsh su.I the o eii5Ol#,mmd BiiOitheo- b5m wlth eath, snd a aumber lot mua. **dlesaId btfogd ti IhIe est etng chie have limon bauge& 2**MgUlIIOS&nsud vhs gary and vers,. Km. ddition tethi~s cstoni o!f Mtbs ~ ist.i by Ibm brook fleger.humm nbetes., anothor em<IUly horrtie Ohb, tbu I l'l hoa rnliity Oay vimu tIe.m igt&Wln a mulet of an? 'o! lIeu on e Dali ban i tmribute amnug C..M.tribéeadits ail bis vives ave tiimàeklb.ggrlmenm.tUN cr*evas,.the hurlai silve wib hlm. A boRle ndui la d %âýémm, Ibm chariot%, thm brOmme. UNg Soun<uabout me large sme mm Or4- Ami Ito il bs-lh enil ouI liat an 'maryrejoun and ln lie midi 'le Of t Ibm ,p.*iUo n ti mansi Qedil nouoplc- 1.4? e h «lae& ~m.OîiOetlb. eib~a ~ely$ut ean umb r.- » urps îown lutothe bm la TbWii tm~ Wu - comtie, smother vit aqute bér an the dIm lCdej>Ih. me t us i Iet ud others OUaira.a e oheleggtb, thebmlreaithe .piliared i an deed, rnsanlictu Of o!MY texl, Ou Ibm aides. Ir Ibere le any roff moMmie I-A is spart le that goeth down 10 th I!, cf hlsav« MaM brought la ami mak* 1btite' goshul hie part ho that 1er- Ibme Otertiageet lte mince. Neltber rieth the t Uif." Ibe ivos-or lb. slaves manifeet fl glght«et mencern andi scmpI thefat« ('!AMNTRATS o Ulrel? ma ,matter o!fors-If-. T. IMEY FATTEN THUIR VICT iMS AND 8LOWILY ROAST THIEM. Om oe e! bm t remakabie papers ever read before a acientlfie ao#ocia- lion v"asti prememi byCapI.8. L. U' Xi$4M th le -Meeing Of!tlierPitilltW. AmseUttlinrecently. CapI iL ido vos om « Baron Dahn' force onuw.coft- go, 4ud nh ils pAper he gave*a desenib-, 110H ý làtehésunibal hatives ina-thal hisi meustomin. . .yM»-Were yen upeet by Ihe fs-hur AfIÇI cap. Hinde idi-i conelitd, «tlbe bmmk? ]g. ivartby look np the dmcwloout e-Net eompltely. lut I osI M ou babes4th le camnibal, Rlughuos lItShlppmtite *»5 nt sitogetim'j _______ aqeoeae eMmd ttat k ahoul i»hotg & measuro ônsdermd i vili ose,1mai- A'f..a o. ençy'bemaue it bad bemu Ithe origia et01 OU iprvels-b yae t51 lime V UNe MOUe »mlaOf 5&UChni-Stan rtes. moai or,saves.Il. le, contsliy, fri UN scrmenmeH gumi- tRial Ib ým h1 m aotmai"e for Aeclaif lima umimnylt ceanlliallum W" tle i Ibm fobowhn t' ad1?aIace folilapbacvaibebflef«et maklinglot#& traifrinAiae Ri ue ,Uhlçk uppesé lia. lbe pôisoncon- îboue : "Ou miratura rein mba:n r mni s-ôtmr soutlIn la taI aY j'1 ledeS pcn bmbeautdO-niviDa s»e *ay Wet lbe Imbil1 q»Uabhesa ls- $!«,Oio?,ma houeatour et buS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ t B ashulb ll. a 0pois bbMisase tevery- Imm ~ ~ ~ ~~ f s i tekxa*0Vkn - -- y,- e-um16- -.- amw*4 F 1 m- Lbis t tâta duabUNebrd lw .t b dock Mho sea&*u '~ 4ahûb tk. lalis, sM&d tag Md oS 0 ~eUynd promptly ài M% e Wawder» office. ORGANS, -PIANOS3 AND SEWlNO MACHINES, Of bust "es, at lowest ,prices. ad, easy terms. jeJ..WET- HE R U Pl Cor. Sussex & Peel sts. NO SJCBTIII-XA OU)AGE To those, wio, use Southi Aiaierican. qervine A ~ f W asp.oruubuentIy Cm4 by Th. »~oeeU"OU Aewâ 5 Cdp S" ~Gai ..fl Imm »ituW<mfl. mmbetcn. ont et~i et' AsmiiSeom aqil Yiom, meronte ab~ i my~q a vms»m of m*Idagesud » ne 4,Snay mwusume uh do Rien goo&* made ebtku e athgt gives besuty te ao tià dm un h dii et deapalz 10*tirs is. 8,iLmi Iis wes sum-&--a ft0 siubar tibar t Md w=saoystu nmulma la in&l Iaek tIeb "7itlio **Nmmtieb, vii Ibmheresit Ithat ibm l'M $Palu. smpileoly COnr.of!t a w a' iiriup Sf Ihmsystiam liai tbr.aIe ar',h tàffl yeM OC&g fosi liIEns D)iavoodywveud olam tba tbousadaet, li poWOpbehnougb-i mISg Ibisiosi lani, tRat vili OUb egs dm. am * Umaallome d«eohiedeoop4 4tude sue diseMme2W)by shoilivwe » M 'bau t ieel gi i a a ia u le , a d t55 bm borri ie o lun Pm" l yeuu orl, lds %lie"MWVM elg4ami vbMiien 10amre ptin la m lb. ystin ese uml sMij te -,ïslhssk isaeaimgiy a* gh tiI."prospoutinavise vw *m, l eanM.1M sr*. uMde0js1 a guh a m a miy,frimais &anima. b.,mia kcawennatehmn b mrign MesMtudi.Iomml t p. s- t. I p I ~ fi £ K ; I t 1 ~ 1.

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