Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 8 Nov 1895, p. 6

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" Y" pat p t 4W tber" bo suiS. tsimq M M«ti wM~Sic Tn vsfa.«0~ TOU wct. quite u'151t. rt ffl vent 1lëer tloà itde lal mai OU M eSal.perfect quiet uni peaeo t 1mini viu 1eil "Nalpe, i4I4 of --viii do what 7011 tel O'DO" youlro avaY, s' av pu aOn s aît roue&tlier un m mli 1 a n f i y île m w t - i moD t yb U M I b e i b il o u i " g e t o j o s p a . m @ W T e m th me about I lt I_1col' m o ne t t* e icao be thét m Ue1e «doi. - heur it. I viliigo eavay. I*0ii01eptmmr*BunsaMi, ~t qi - sna8 ',He kuI lo rhoe 0&odly mec hlm aguin t" t&» tho _ bi nd «a a lt W hat do ye'i mea ItGew sIon hh Netu gof snuglo t villi tralieBbc tertoir ulgIti aIet iglit Sf .now r' ýThon hoie anseS.readInthe ant amie. g~enle Tyn. m i dirPmhm a IDSOQ4 truth la Besiyo' ysviil Nt mile. wry, o ai."0"157 atched ltote bot villi & mixutoof êS mnember that. TncanotgotO11Stt -liu c yndlr.BtaS " bil Hnm ici lr te Toudobow1 le vouli follow and fini you, and IilSB sai, languidly. "t Putole Vsi RS oi l ou gre , tee n l î8*0. bon c. 1Te-rnmro. uhea I1 ot 'I fu ;ttu ott"me pu t o i l endieoeni? lin W taen him -out frrevs- 0 OUot"dotyuseamn" R u s h i l" " O h I l I m r tt v ' a s m a i e h a s t e g 0 g ey " flte lr sa ,1de . oig p t W g a - Ne ai isai afoosts. l 85. "iI gel 7«E 19. Islbtu M* vitlihievW ebu 8h. biai board lit Io. Wben it aOhlV ot~ m .e i. ua ~ 5v" ondl o fali10 ear l? itl a qel eett. les aI l lier fer lms h. al- Ivoles. '«I diseveisi ber icne-YOII silo strud ber- lips vil bhad.. es wfflubs. Coie up;te My om, Bon, tsecret-pim Une th u olu.WY If 1 utle cry thn s rint tie aneuhave a vaUx. Nuit up the lin- jare you Ungry vltb me r if o ilami np th uiratltebWua ur iraBurs, for ve ean ifamlial j Vine .stood loôklug f rom oua 10 lb th licele tnkie.lui"other. Perhaps, until thtmoment-B ,h.a totBl.le led the vaY, bumniuig atunle. Ne Nora stod lunlier proper gerlb lai CHAPTER XV. vas ta the bout ofeit m' »di rY mot t ulhy r"teailai thoe ;uiiiOaiie- Il ve Vns-Vnestnog ai s ai' 5 te Sme hie frlid. the danger of ber Position. vert tRi tan-drhiS hl enluOl s liehopaséIt Norab 40r, lis haQO' And-and you tbld ber tatYOn knev mountain suit of rouglil frisse.ab, &s a»I ~ n Bgu twe o creIi iig"lieaIl canins 5lUgi l, bIss OFS. Ris g» vas -pout ie long. nMI 261t" J ed Sovor bis bouldori bit ba ibi Wn»t SutBot aresioa»s corne.AItatnOM Senley Tyoru itncline'!hlm boa&-. bl;ho haiS bai a good. d&7.» " nt etNOtM vas neehinton te l o,' "Mime Trovaion#-tli* Mim Trovan- vas oomlng bak t.tlb. wit nlber face bwfd i t»u b.be&-lOtiU. on" maie varie satn"SIoveied the quit eemlg iti liera, hW .batt'An agony of sam 1 r l ie elstuth-iiscoverejYiyklaits-bY a bieScopalo, olr.11e moten amn.Xvery vord 557hn cewod f i eb.sali. liftingh Ns s topped ais mleUred t 8=167 svTT-TyershbaiOki mg meSliksl -bis cYes to NoWS oface te ses If asle ors, ami burstl as lrty, ia1 , OUetinpoliag llslf-4n lerËmgldtid. vouli contradict the ie. Somê Tssbt toawam» The oit iladsit fr<a ont ln-- Sh e iinot apeak, and ho ires au0 surpise, 1ami bis hanS vet Out lamcnce."d i ae u1 licissifthe am lm, sametu thin theVano stretcbei out ib d.had i ook t -Hailoo. Sont .cu'èei e osier ber holcerliO ie rcbrs, baugut hlmply bouide ber. iSovnbore? .by uI70 t S W leVnobe er. ir Weih," .lie ssii, vithia e ep sigli and i Prn h h ini «ltM Ajdhho irgd isshort laugli. "Il ioesrn'malter. .Nor kuov you wyen coming ? When dii Yeuilat mrut lie thiiOf -lier ? ]Ne. toc, one else but you kuova. I SIpoe o? corne t" mt regaridlber as vithoutshm.ThlISenley Tyers sbooklis I Seuiey Tyers liai et odi awsitBSt vastheasrefiction .vhicb canael her . "No,ho saw. gravely ;"flot 701." Vau'aenranovilibisb. ~*0tic gr«tt01 mimery MaI augulsb. Sho "Net yet? tWbet lbe. devii do 700 finre, sei a deep pallor On bIs face. '71r remluihot he exPresso- 1isfcels n ? Wby uhold liey k-o? W traiter lias orne, uncmorotale MOItome of is voie*, ltàtaI ubt or bt a I1'won't go lad 10 o nton. L»oo bore, ent a ithliecourse Of lit@VIi vlhY- WO rive, fw1 ln W.te Bllnrom &a t St. lh rk of- i &Bcnuo: aSl lnon' vbat a bai lime of il 3*0 JaMue's mintdue ba i&maieberSeit oSen"-hembti Wof hvsctussieO lii adw -mr t»smmt kl t bm "ar min bldeait them ; but lirougli lhehase of Ibat. steel scouudreh lagCO, muet bel 1Mt nblw ber tb% é, but nev, lu lie' lis feelings bis iole 10ho idMaiPro-j toit coliS chille of ter .- 1I tom ightt OU 8miey T'L'y vords ile Under- bt ote bons clealy enough-"h«ook1 v'heniever otelo's haelmot hi.or t<ll mod Ibeir sgilSO.bore, Ben, wbatcvei 1yenmal mOn orl on bis ihoulder lna a bondly grip Tes. ta lis MalUS ami plDttnlhe laithink, Inant you 10 believo 1h10.I SniiiLie "Tensbai a .very U55l7 iden h4M tinofeeligs;but a1l thilkuowuvili bellevo l vbeuîItell TOn spasm or tva as lie 01004 facing TS OtUist, bOi e M«rt oeth ma haI-lswordiscamne more slowhy, unid But ho moon reoOverod. himmff. Md thave fet11 oaolig but Coutsrnpt-a d j his volcegrn se no " arne vhat- vil it js ueluaignguiS samlle -bsl otm T-foi lier. ver-vwhatever, do yen heur ?atc5 hadit as colt aM tmpln VSW5 'Tes, Senley Tot'va lgit icIte Mise Trevaio.Il vaseil U y t ault1 lieallby govi u.matgo. SMe must leaVe hi= tarOer- -ail,> you understani t"1 "Il tan ioyn unzPOItelY" bluiIAt the thoutl ho sbook tram hoai IScnley Tyers boweS bis hei d'The tact ln, I have beoux iOatherOsI Ud. toot, man10v .m«ocmaped ber, -i qulte undératan,"ho saIS. ani I famcede a 11111e 0orlih»Mair iU .1enleTyëm h"bai bldbr tRial .JLsto," ai Van., iSrwlng a Tout would.set me Up," the bot thing she couli do veu db. 1 breath. . *I knev y"U vould. TOMt are *,Yeu ion't loI qule tthIing," mi I h.Xtl eruelf,rto quitt * vend aelo-a gentleman, Son, ani no gentleman. Vaime. seuley Tyeri' MMliv face Ilbeb * eer.-t seUil havesomod lm a vbWo Incu MimesTrevauion, v%#o lbai1 even more SaIov ian sIal" tbl th" Iba hve Varse 'mpest agi te go Once lookeiS upen lien face andS board moment.- "I amx avfally 410Ai ju bve on livingvithout hlm.lirse, ôd-wo1_# Corne. Youre ilt ; ibIs in v IS o Ife. as evemytg t.Io er-tamoer. berspel. ould-er no ene.i-" you.round, ani-Mt ma» e n 5*Of umother. brother 'Whcre vas aisoutelticessotiiougtrdien inocee vouh youi lniDoUlie. ,IV&a splendid t"aDo oese lme S e ,.o& 1Sh* eppe 1 eadlirnIibb eps iton look vieil ough." aditilt p %ap-4ieei,. u tW--m r oe e," soIr beenl i th ros-itt solay vTyers, looing et hlm wth »r- muet love Ni 1What bitis a ed o d, aIf aneslal. r lutant envy. No vonden Lady r- MMtTnill TUiIf a tayeI Vanse oul. jonEc of raidVerymS once lovot bispeec«t uPecm l l et 1 n i -«IfîI' j "ExactIY." so Van lii therny youlli andm m nieM At AI ht 1m01ot reMie ti iola NoS, V»e T IfI -t-lioug heroï-or ny ot1her ma- ihe haleS Vans Temvést wvili vma _.feta cve ber aMU the S a bovo .dure t thrW5 wud-i glance jieUPOn lbe. gii-"Il 4 teodShlm kerner ileS lan efrlss. __th. puaumu vnicie tboher âaryt 10 îdagom 10 cornet' "Oh, 11-m ait rWglt" said Vase. with be r Te IbOghit wblilhOi IimaghWberi nle>r Tyerm repeatei tbe deprema- bis .short laugli. trm ount a y- hainla Ogntqeuxud br, 'I trampingt Snouindof miles vith MY dSub-. *the ahts ml p*dbl oir t1ue l o caso o rs.tsm- rvo managéd. gl ore C~et M mulot teg àI a or »sf u» skomt xwbw "Th earSuno occas in 1tellreaou 1o ose. GooiS binaa en't thoy ? Iller ale. If ghecould only Mi.thene, liaI nySe 1an," ie si. "1 laU ou Ia vii up hoe, .but thl mules lb .& the mome iBvnt E<org1071ie pc SU t quite' ÎIdner»taii isTéalnl ve oon»oeyý r"be se h4 _an" eSwoe, troc frorn al i haie S m ll ý 115Ait botter tua. Ani se o7 voboo ugi5e aAS quq5blavoOi poo .4 ua T~tt aCt le.u, 7* vrl iv 641 b7len , îî go-'on 1 h avP 10 do lat10e!S.rsefaqu- toc bard. the Bm..et ofant Wt 10 thilkimg 1Il of lbot..Oh, It 5k. pould ne i looked round for bis caP an'! good for anyboy;" aniS ho lauu<ei. oui> die I senley Tyeru noiSed Mdi itUthiet l'be5 -Vaxe khaocked hotgite sop1 ___ "Stop i - el var m i aeputtlng bis tb he. ol e. aollbu-outilSdBot OM bar'VOI baud 10 bis foreicai. "Thoro i., a& 'Thaul youn stars that 7011 mc. 1101, but blé vUles e i bolt II e l.pro- nemi for #- n-ti Uke me, a3paintraiS glazer,' lie Mai. toutai uputy, tho e vering vM eal- ~lo "AniS no . ,* advice vas wonlb tallion- mmuof0<int*ense fferng. M 01 rUic -1, anils bnOuesdbes isgé lag e t Stag seslf b1*0th MA< hé o.j- 5I adpmsibn;bsga~ "Ts"assenîsi Varie laylngthe bir A» he nô e i.c&nght stIgbt Uer-_, testee it a ler dOow»R«,Cbe wt*0.. on tIhe table'aniS vi1pL i g m m iii self ia thé snshi pls.. A ahUdder ,r dooo illi he relete O f alier. me esl lcuest rs4 aprtrnt "Cli, malien I ,tue , o C"s ae,-d ' temleno da îverlest tbiuig vo o9pid h4ve, *Q& ff ît>' o Enneot la qulte another ma, .a" t ubi. M»Md l fl ob auns qulte Imona am4" aniilokOf *6 lia a »R1 ., w1 set hlm up *1111odI4IIIIIle sm a àSs ob. 13e apole quit. aotuly a" us-1% ý ne 4 b out usdu tl oNotut te bolleve la NotaS aula.' Mr Unis, uty "Ah, yea; Ibsppoe A" Niet. iou't yoî Jthihm muohlew~.w~ t D)oeen't look a lit faggsi 60Ni A do on ýh'-lie" rt *04M» 0010. len Mii h~ qulieSthe aokm Md4 maturai uieeCs castori&. - I oi loda la Mee hildiumdeiut- 0"ai -oomm bd 0 biro«PcR aaam ue pla hava u rli Mdmb u MWb t hm M'mg de aju W. b suS l .Umm amva Am emmlr - -~~~~ ou'oom -mm. O Tk08' a ou E0 Sm l or Ullmr wvuL erg*, m hpp." tAe mne. ln a <on ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ VI tr* bS u- *V w boît doi v ao Mie " et t - doo pt4 h 00 a 170 .bsd i otthe0mbautfM1l a it mur ~ môsq ?~om, ff.U"a5i1r»»doa&t1wft utryen. u di loffmi icuillfUl Ipobi trn' N Ss éê k' Pb71Mo »«w. 0- li t e 1M i l't&0 -Ce faco tb. aS*0 u .imi-0 e ii IBrt he lb. itdwn Ho walb. IU~ t~ ~o11ey o lK b.' ;hfae, as 5lqidoml tup evho e bui«Pouite la IO .mlad huvint. b u band boni~ ~~~~~& mi UlSU i.la .U» BotSfltl, , 0 519.p.U Ioiiei t=48r b3otenUto bval.Tes , tU. Hký eo ii sé e t nt -,&atdie ii4n MO"tI fowvi ber, fl uU bd, t fU Wbs tl bie at shb'Of "M e fMr hlm. qos utwl K O of Ilie àm W e 0 siglit ig. MO&-a* VemeTFM " S"kNtibnd n o 15515. t» o bo f othe ai a 01 àovari11w BISta» 0 * &101 i aU 151Sai0t». a mlm rý eit, gu 115 Nl", , & *o 0 yn Jmem S - M maou eresdn. " mmte etJw.. h. bul amé"W,'» owgo $ol oume tto bZZMorh 'lbv ~. vb1uerOU. I ad ineetsi o n i. a»Ipr. oed8=on Bbcaau dIft t taise bebuadlktbte a"Ny. m. boS dl hno maagtobiu "ed to, v. i i, Mi» Io lm"U. t» 216094ho utbo l aa uthee »tbu aRISe 070 lM t 0 gbeý s r lb« ait MUo sas sen t. af tlewangid nurC- vaetok 10W b" etamiaaimiam bu 0" uAhaiT. ciemr t vounI M .7*ImpiI t~ "ldODm 1 w a v Ce Mto tlkOf Wrn*«Od, . hal. N te O n e WthU Irl ilen" eS~on asD ' a sharp wýa%Non. ba Oe piliturin whbelr "toioa.bit,'g] S mdi t am a ihe balbot rnsurfU.o» b hi i but@t1 ho ami,,mot oneodi ho angetoit Xiej 0f r"o it as"f I ba, eeMiftIBOUO 7U50,St atr fte erla th*Ma t met 0f- [ncu b@trs ter. ell ep asaient Of Loui eoltir w.Mtnit am i PeMho I . stglave. o uil se. aho &W@t i s- ve dro e @ouulok"i gs.ef t t e b«,'ir- Ier. amn" laer bai r 1mb~U hogus.u mos omerone Ibo w vf, elo mbtheur t . Bbc Iver-1mligtly niS, of co»% Sam jholitli w uOAtIMd . i t bidvs-B~ ntce erwe& xTes " * bat momen o "o. am o Do ft& . liorepas t' omi mat a trmsSqy geetmuO h l he Ma"iiI. Touic M fruii that- reaused ho leviiithevol*get*veut? oM cars Nov SIm theWhe vo orn bac OsLo9 --het M w e" 5 o " hoI nbiai wa; IL Joied*Ih « OM. t- be beald asM$ and the t ~iu, wiO MIe ,~l:1WyDteN maesOtjag ie on. gr5's li sgit ou a no e vil Ieu w u On h t-he ai eo@mlmd tat jan ottflir. tact the moment e "li iimessbu -Out . <OVbeS 10a dliar-bo v» tIée»' On the-viWU ve t comnté butfl tJtU il e11-1ias al o u a until tbismoment >dii ho resUs.b*oyisEteo4 mirestbg lerarma on bMs lovable--and, boee. me. Ibat' s fir w.- hase. Mi ber face on theln. 1er~ ~ ~ ~~~~~Te tbrblglvl-h a b i4tTem aited thus almot I l eoeff hemn hM constant comiaion ti uccl.. for a thes. 1o Vase ltheulai t andS tbey liai noVer iaia &rou Wor& theb tUmtb-1lat ho lovedtimgirl as N-e"plai n il bis 11f.ba" ho liSon1 M, l0mkme* amevw er 'rau 1vaslcved bappy, s midi atpeaco v l ohlslf by Um aéascomlint borne mlowlybut appy, ' go u vaS o otntll le , t -4» mmy-OV"iy moment. Ne o h ai boom v»Ii "Nnu ot- O'teiud100mton' vllidl- mer." J pAU» a1 eugerem . ýteth ue vienle OWdtl.NoeS" ho mas ega nlaa O highI. W "sthor i n al h. vend ay Vrole, "v ~at do lm . r t it tu1 girl o' bomu t l '» lovable.- as Ibsgirl- Tho, u se dliwualni ucl a vomho baid, moovered-yo6 Then t h "r o e ih e *biiUPoO lor 1-la he wester AeynSorty t«r s al i hVO dso 1 1 *âà u thero a Y gi o pUrem Il-l vs ti eai corse rou-ye la omot ? WliY. the VO1ery ecapale, dot it »utheo> «Miei. but mOl gIt lbave rminoiS berliai boom d tlm e-eq p as ý b t t i Oremîtet be r in unoc e n d miS Ig noré- D ind e e « to u ïrh um a to oi M Me-Sho" MoreiOYO theeximatenç O t. cviL i. T s, bai d * e knUn au l. h I h UM m a e e happy. The rut . sh e, xulastot, ho vo wu hav é s60 As lon b« 11f. shouitho e vouto toloopi A V e ry 4 * ec n t y , n i thb . g a la s f Or « »l -ns a i o u t e e u t purego v~libave orne té usm it MoU oe uimürtll hUpOti hib e or - ~~.or-f tOlpg orne la conscieus of la sMo "T w aV-bhe auel out Mm_ »M *t SwrLoOmparée ber viti th. III., mbfiItoruCliDg ber siuaa-.U1"It oft heU ii. or -4bo vomon % ho bada'tüMtomh1i, mado a gi"d eoc <if eu! Nov se Oilaué- u gmoltbeMi It . the m peeple, , am s *. g r n d 4 fa t aer o flo i e & i t h v uoh m l, t e n- TOU M A, m'a7014Nomi-? Se leat fi5i klassIdberrevereali. a twy d t. 'MvU g éMI M my r,1"ho murM r-' co m .iA» M ti T bi Is., th e m braco, seeM el te WIII ~ *~ sbivOwy ruat*Mmehber, a fm e t. lbt» er raity e icv<iu. f n~~4"sbseiv with l t""eha w1%l 0I ~ ~, ~ t lM. ici lips par" as If "0' - o sokmb 1as s 0WI 1 -bft b miifou Extract of LOZWO0d4 Blue Vitrol, Madder, Tadigo Cýoppoeau. .v.rtbiug: you. want. to dye *ith at HIGINBOTHAMPS, ]Drug Store. k tue WÂBDFJB ofauv Ppr nthe FITURE r £clo. Ji" to carry a good Watch, W. have thete in Nickel, Oold Fillede Solid <old azti Silver. Prie froni $450 up. We guarante. * tbem froin one to four years. N Dou't pend your rnoney in some -City or ton,- there. is nothing made by sa doing. When we warrat a- Watch ail reasonable ropairs ne doue gratis. Corne Io uswth Tm rrepaiuiag in Watches, Cloche an& Jswellye 8.J.PETTY, heJeweler, m8 IKnt st" UnIjil, nextithe Da1Y HOUsG.. DYESTuFFýS. OYE STUFF. DIjA . îOND DIS S8c.. 3 for 20o. 3 for 20ci

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