~AtEsuu.mU mass 5~WIok, La~e & Diiosatul hi um~g il moue.. GAN S.e.gram's, CASH Auv&NouE e~ huila' CABIE fiA.Ire 101 N@1POAO& via mi duimu.og uimaglng sgo molmuubl ,gmpkm Umi fou have thie pporialête boo.v au l'n au vsthe b. udumeo rate&. Dfl' procautitlht but =émaIe youwoÀufr in pomp*ly. ResalEisate Bonght ana sold on CommissIon. GENERAL IN8URANOE AGENT& Bankbr and Brokeu, 81 KENIT ST., LItID8AYe RT4. FALL GOOD$. HORS p afOeU.-XL. Se.!hu. bet brandi. Iron sud SSa", 0"Ble T.Odbm6,'B« mous., nome lip, Bot,6419«b Wlos ood IWO*lfasSsBm Ole.Wheo ambmi Bou&i Md One1, COummh. ils White. Mink Buimm% 'Heltrope &Terra Cotte The flauest#a" m istock, 0G vEwPOgs . Lm Goodise L eTd, m.u a k The. Cmèbrated Scranton,*Comli d.lre.d at Iow.st prioes. M@maI 0 e& M0." Rtibboe um i %lerBItinlg. Si0.mPaokntt, Rbboe and Piston Pamkmg, 8pwraCon ne Mr.éuImMn mai Nom. 4 iud. 7. PIOI 12820 -NO IVIByI PRIDÂY RMK TORONTO- va"% a zut Mut~i1i11 lv Tm Yaék JM am Os. À m-m'o p*àlui tom nuI. *0 »M e mewm s -à, e oa t i N a c" .ý@hlbwu:- "Ab #hi m h etiiimo utuIt 4 P 0 St à ." dm i m tW mwm u aphaciou Sa t4tWmOU a.1 t M"-ti dmiwmsi» umh etUdm àtiimimihe pelai - sato e d t". nhie SU iveubmnstbmg, mi s u' uiaei m -m UneduM4Umt mu if7w tiue mi@@4tcfpoaimfut Aileni mie «» temaumsuimum tdptbe 1bybgb'Utel" Wbifl d»piii-to ru uimi olac Butéb . la. Oh m uim Wmi o.diM Ba Vhils1b"d ldm% M Mtmmu Tb* Îdliii.mmiiiltheufls, pu it ma.. dlvimsbà à" «iqmm hei lv. a'. bu"l Bosae Ir~w.11m Mauu cim*&m mmi. se& -batu - m t.. c 3mmsi~~,aLJm a«mv IIis IU M= p. 0 l. m avvis, OUM& leh pububle teo l I&l Aont mi.1 . 1 té »Smti êw ib t Rob&* puu balb4-Md L bu~~~~~ow le eaptii-ibgB m~eUurkpelué. d M&ti me*ts of th totiaaci,:Liver sd welm. tu ae ustuenl . B* oesis >ionABOU041' i. sa.. HIS>rOII is i i <atas igooL" I/JIERE S 101)45? Addf r Pu u ltu, pip a W mi r . QW1atl4 o.i9*0 ma mi WW bu m d -U4f .t go . bwis ol &m-i.t.. t"~ij Ei> Tbiomm d01 ilMXL(1100. bi sud vii h ma à d fie um. tui uitul hit mulk* T " libaS. ci ommi UamIngoZM. w hibA. mtismairnu mi 41M btmi Bepau kBùmm blu my "'ORI-M "301 bidem . ewm puMi hiumu ihUmule t. - B l* os" ylosa i 00qms Nâur Nl~lv lai WilnVs GIs.r Ais sud 8sIa~ak~ Lmbs#'a, Oarhk<s, 8Ioemus~ ».~ Aies mmd PoriL Ji ym wmt a codluini .I e Haayomm. au G. P. Vallot mboat à"a fus arn bilaisàiru" te um Put ai~1llM -11ALf div Ma *la iOsmimll u" totmihoimi aImé. isi mmiovmhlp umma 841 9.80 &.mw mmia ilIl s.m mi11 Th >. - 1ue iltie s t"Ii l u g ad-h ..h d fth wi UNTIL THSE le* 'NOVEMBSER. unies, our supply- is sold mout $Doner. w. off or gentlemen Watthamq golds 14k# fied (25 year,) caed wratches for' *zi$5 o mcl, Worth *85. There is no roomn heu. exlior dsuborncm best good ai thà a geflui If yen are. iuemr.stdcore in AT- ONCE for thé s»»W W I31II8di 5uni l waaa .,m -' b wa. WTON O, M Appolnaris Waor. Siope, Grant & Lottiidge B' AI m (uas'B<u, u afact .veyuhg that You waeu tb drink. 0" àd liw«ed t. amy psu oftheiii . Gi. um a osa wd b. ooavluo.dtht ve a» O<Lirnds Leading GroeSm." OAýHAN Cou) The. hmding Groom, Wine aad Liguor imohaniu, 29Kent. stireet, Opposir.e Benson House, VICTORIAPLANING.IILL Opposite Kennedy, Davis & Son's, Lamber Yard. Frme, .Saa, DoS, Blinds, Molings, Turnings, etc.. . etc. Cail and inspect. woit, and pt puices.before yoii buy elsewhere. Satisfaction garanteed. * Jo P. YLECY. Telephone i. z -g010-tf. FOU. FORSI W. emphasizei. fmct tiat our FURS are the. cheapest because they are thée but. W. have1y, mr eiai FURS tW ohm you than any three concerna in town. ~àt' the mn wasting your tinte and tfing. your patience looking fer FURS elsewhere? We baie uo fds of btt« quiktr, bU style and better.fit and fin"shtia othu S M u smoney. AU 'gods warranted as ~~~t5nuNo. 96 Lent St Lindsay AIe" -I - rers J pm*mamu~. Ahosu I mamu I u.uil.skgw. kk'. LP~wI8oe hUkgqii 4 A t I. f i lu $ AFI'IOIEO NOTES TE LE PIONE NOii 24e l 2b ý sv ras os. imiblO