Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 18 Oct 1895, p. 5

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$2501D NOTES witom 1 CABHE O.atblLombuase ito pu~tidabt xggea sut aving tbh* ltut~ eapal to th# "~lousot ista. nTh9oou t 1 amoiugu1gis wysUi0"llacouMbha te !ou bans 1he oppo*tlialIP bbeS.W Fm 1 aut aI the rochisotrates., us'1 pmroanteî. but 55k. Tou aAisR- #ion pioOIptII. Beos i state Bonght. and 8old on Comumissionl. J. F. SOOTHER&NI B 1 ak6r ana Brokerl, SiKENT ST.I. LINO8AYOMT, LInÙBY.r Ott tous. jS.f.V FALL- GOODS. "N tW ib ve 1 iA p l . mk@14 Mdau pm MW bon t a" 1 *"-i-s~MM à W. nmn . mot, mngémau V. W. 0 touvv.mou 1 TheSiSérTU &SSON CS rhol lin kia lozin jas . ,alu Bii fihem in a - ans ~AL U0LENN Am£ GO. Buabber tna, Leather. Belting. OIIA~Mshif0t7& Cylindie' 'Steam puokingl Bnbbe md Piston Pooking, spiral Coil MsSolaplitone. Laoe t*ather, Tiiesh!S'Mitte. Tii. simd Wilkinsonl1wo.ft[trO'W Nos 4 sud»a.7 nous id*ards A Ço. HU)pR BEU-L.9.,. V nT"m B Weigt il Pat era V h'iIb x boul bruand. -jilff T (K ion ta t Sel, o. Tee 0 CnalBouma NOON' .'UV. salle, H1 seR.pa BlROMlsu aVRY PRID«Y P ainI.,Wod ~~'h~ 1gW-'TORONTO. Sud oi% eeua I SoLittleOkS. OWl8itee Pacifo Coat. 0 bo À Ll Vit t oux LOCALion OSegson",lo a"J 1 ianyila MO Boo»k sMr.tat Iw I0. M mage huimda sl aeiLi Rio A aSRiLO10N .0 ~sautv.q tise' saudu ut i mal - ut un7 ~se niu îu.,utMai! mol,' iv UUasDe ~ d oit udl~ us .hi;*NS lbg UiatZ le .lieua.gi vil ~* olpspesis lui ~ S~mp ni Tupaut U~ At A - - a-~- - ,muni tl Ui m i Ilà d' aib ai.-. o @vu&"aw - wuse main mahen wm i..,@11d Soi, st -a" d MIO? du" a me. about vâmm u e gkSM ud Um a *0 lasdm tâ. *Ob m andi. . mt exMJidM vior udil auIov.mom «p*r i ÏM wud "*olibu---à- la ho' wuMIawM oë M e belbe4 f ,mê lé te Ims vm tuItai& T @M wiI M4 r a i kIuIlu Nphbtenub. AL_ theas pli u. m deta i qvM. m e u t.MmpDuh mut wulb ls maspsy * 0% but h ::dl=aia = f liwaHuat byha. e u O«ut asudl by Ilam'4taoth$i âq N. 8 suddis mi'dotos iuttsm is'.erste papI bos ui.. te- toi, "" sucoiilhab - W l.tu hb." tag&do* u ual*Wd . ut eàk laud eis lie Vilas IisOUI,. btu vud ai oe sty te sineslu ai ai Te iling 1Wh ina Met sldsa. us g à,$, MWthet minute iymobj - era d Omsk a sblini Fulntes Flti u vnst.1 Il Nnes motsw seate vium oflie stlli aiet batPis. e t la *lb poo b "oao b.pl oaf' t »tu for .libulbMd 1 pit.). TMsea, lbe fesu illMr. II "ina bamy. .ewwthteptàt ALoua? teiiW dua« q'. ui at ootS nglileaThowk asiet.of nàsi, lu Md ao leposi tpelus gsu ast *uWPOWtl heaWIt sla aIlbbm. oc si d tlts n valmeut lam1h.buiiglookplatfota. mat la Epet la I a mw lokith Ta Vomyit on% ,uuadain My15. sol lms na gÀM r-Ksoiusa. HWi<hu umi lea tesy. st v u 00-t'10laa l sgegt is in tbs dffuen dopRtuet. H os. lisM fe iWdetof iwN MM sutsnl ma taimu 1h.a nolia vlalatstejgslb ILaupp L"wm.Oly iwas sllg u aal -drla sud Tâs»Maie tM. 0 ]Tabé0 OS .P bai «uwmog f he tava vlb lefflii. post i rfoiaca b - mat Ins u i teMttu«UPcamm lithe v iii rabn fsi~or tft b. td Baias lict om i. lntsawe of lis Polita Ls u jut mtuio *0iassu eiuiao ua, sud lm0 tisintent utnMalitba yatte telubave *0loklIeTs paum as e eoesu bm oti.utb@ ab. d I Imm, aslu aauor u. Iâl nvuGaisPé ofat l.decpost D.oPBIOUISth" m mUu&me" pumuo- Oau»d Gooft Of &U l u"u Cming .upp4is soeali end.um ld N THE LIQUOR UNE .SCOTCH WHIsSISE~B~ Br«s; Buflok, Lads 8 0dm.: Thom &Omfn ~Wiker's orby'B, Bipaulding & Sewarîs.L Wilon Gige ÂI anu oas~;Bu BIft Gisgok AI.; Appolin" aui er. [~baWs Carlig'uIL es',Domiflili BnVOT7, fo RtoMp Grant & Loltridge Aie, sud Portar. Basa'Aie ud Ginnes5 Stut, ud l frg or t< hat yen v&IiI 10drinks Bu eadGinOds d.lerd bmparto'a.$on Give ua eaiU and b. 00zv inoed a htVO are ýLUay' eigQror OAHAM. & 0 The. leding Grocers, Wine sud Liquor Merohmauy 29 Kent streets: TELEPONE Nh 2o ~~~1~ibel5 tb of ls lua ov MX'Du ý2L.4a' à 7m emla oa Iumm go W W . a . I4 telest ai Jnsair.-9S.tf ! MosemLiull Gos.. Ir.Mlle tsa ir lu&a Osas 15e. lie un"tW OtUs Mad Villiass.m .LiS Exhibiton W. W. Powaa buaiaas ait 09 'unW. Oieuuî MPsu, vu la tla n pool a s Immia »gsOol.Mr.01 " toba os iilb pt amu mm8. g b.e but Pio"l thaatUWl mm la 02Mio She, is pre osvs'mViUiIa uopeeaalko of lia bgibte hole nof t"lb.ouna liaI b W kdit t i l.uMdutlb. puyp nad aeut samisl lisIu busem ltioMto onghaa Ibs i list b anl.mi bis palm la pa . i Pav' W" Wnss ;Glâi q Z f u e" adopted as a bausehold rmiey uer le it trWa. Put up linealed, #." svials, therefore always fte& autrelfabie.Cone 11111. " Pdfet"Ilansalaxative two ame mlkly catiartic. As a "dianer pâil." 1 promote digeston, or to relleve distreas freux over- eating, tike one after dinner. TbCX are tin . s u g a r-c a te d g a nIe s a y teadlly takc tiiem. Aeceet no subtittethat inay be recoin- mtended tabe "just as good." Itumaybe beler ftr the deas/c:; because of paying him abetterprofit, but At i. ual the ane Who T- ma 8W10 Iy s Saov Gain mm usaku.i.ZooKimgy gmuatb mil. tiluil.bu fW aIe, uiaa Agu OMnaxaun M W U e Pts" RUai' lB. n Md t Mr X. 9Oic.. mdoa sut mm bat b.os. do W ys.-5.U. GesDr. Nosleda. detht stMd O Mr. W. lledimb f adomIat.,bu bas. au. volett@&pollcsmagluule W Halbsito S mu t y a s t a yof ea8 5 Fe t .m . M I W . . Hait).bu boas aý Slad oovu his sgasl lis oOa. usV" Mi. wldting. ia. OdS'1 ottuamlte Teqmato omliMer lai fieea a fltotehat fimýlin. tslo Na iOW alui of TaretN ,ab le 0 vlmlll amdina oua duensgtle Ii Mmmli. Dum mo . iL su G. Watt -The tlje MmeIOSS Odb smoeulg of laoaG. wrsy, an off lit Wm. Wrsy. of Tuait li p"o 41Sit pesta utvu a emt a*0l Ellan usuX. HO IsM a uIv u d Iv. ebhldr. m4Id ha inE ataug Oft MW 0 l AIM .Wwa,e41 Jinmsr.-PelnbotO Enl. crboleiL vu btt 1 os o nstoIl M à sIhu ýv amtulat"lia Cn"a tad blai hmlae floulis alto s t 81.Pen *cNXci leset lnsd t e atp-ED NaaaFai> S Mtduit ulat outhe rixeal aSmci TrO31. = sons diioihou s.. York. -lauinu "h11 tp os aue, VUl.Tuoda; msut Lnduy«o osaa 04L. 141h. Thoo eupsup hteo" t 7 The ouppoilni cmpost lau»ns e b.bul l*MI u e4s bus @M ila"IM M@e. lai. EsuagitDaBw*e fuat 1h11 letstissu appnsodtsOainhe ol a aublg ouoasimo * aIrttatis ilvclai il e ptuee lsds a neal eh9 làatonIatlPlsfut aIt tiona Mbu ens' ppsst nlaLtutsy. - 3 1. ' ba "vi oma wo'lsuo i ui, uell ilu futurs. V a ag n sugNo ma«it te hbe »ntull " Ti.DOnt'a dls'0liBU"E a "«M« a lthla ti y" " 10 je bed.ljeM*U & IIgOd ob of it it du uu àl letut la Eocomp'.Y 04 MWi Mmm Besabis i q&1 sat"id5pmu M. iibau w bloch muvimi botsmom Mommi laMO.sINn o lb.nm y ina i euoget tlb et~ wu mis"& , Foi -esbain uot m fW To., 8"ot W ouadjommosl 1rtiub t gas bp" no b . Lluw, ul -Wli alsm"wimisl P, Thlaistem a eta 8 OiiisP 1% &o auuà5le-b à b~ ai TUt5l nThes à$ lohm*tete emWgv a bll lu *0sm Md. ebus tead'U ib w i*J. Gad"lIa te 'eplPt5 S i *6 upulsal l b, la la bs.e1 iaais Llo o, m0 n ot, nsip AMi ?uivacolio %al »bmWolmaaby.o. ut ai la Suu lm et aI et ulo-Is 1q tg a ttetam.rw"eG.v i.ii "i tone vm ffl bisauls . a~ou li ula lam G p Md rcOD of ural làWst m l. SbT &&mu et uiaasa aSlls yrapsmà beta t i anit i nu 1 sênSinj t laiI peB t m i vi mO Issu*5 aweek there ii goingI to be a large and beautiful Millinory lg at Miss Mitcbell's ne* store.. She wili open a large Id beautiful stock of Dresa and Mantie goods, and )ress and Mantle TriMminga of every description. epared to do Dres s ad Mantle.Making in the latest styles. .Wedding and Mourning Dresses a specialty. eRg. FORS We eanphasize the fact thet our FU RS are thé cheapest because they W. have more desirable FURS te show you than any three concerns in towa. What's the use wasting your time and trying yeur patience looking for FU RS elswhere ? 111OIR DIRETTO LINDSPàYVu PRHIRÂDQUARTER$. are the bout. finish than. others fer Iess rnoney. . Ail goods represented. Manufa cturiing Furriers and Leadiug fHatters, No. 96 Kent St. Lindsay Iramemrime, ii-m -=MIR u cmmuin.b t Im. d oww. ha%& T&_ - - Min,-Tr b RIUTURDDEFORIE» an aA ILTJG PERSONS r~ ob mts t athe .iiaailc b »V~WE~ ictrlO Boit and reO, Teouite. PRIDAY, October m£5th, 1895P Md fla 5Omimi. Pettul. 1muîua. Oct. 2L hW MW $«, os mfo ne radicl . W. 'i=Mýr-te 9.»f eppnilo f .hctaE. xW-, aeet W sur Moibs Kt hie« ou mauiut ~- k buhO! mi I~ u.taIbtmi. -mua ma e meln Lii nuepondut M suatheveailu oenBtlSlO . John OuatI, Our powuai molshl la on ahc bi M etilthe vMrmY szaml"uslci la a p du tin héooualj lista wlIb big paptia. o a M @Mr 1h11 hlu a bas the mlmuudstalOdlOB lb osound#i but j«Uati14I bette *M tsanoua the Iajaffso .ï, couot frocsa à mlbp la cettin ove' a foasss hot flé a ïuia. & wmvsMd P&?il ook atysu. bpget théIbmUldia «ul acu Md utP9t4a&inui Ift. TÂTLoA O5lU.te at* mm of Camatos choses factor7, B1150401tlb ileelOh«» salfo thea ms«an Vtdasada lWa etbouledt Lg@@Moa lueroatIàambu t chosse in the sOUIOW-sutgot &u@% pisse la maWiMe, whhb @pus*$ Y"q7blhy 's. I fastory of1twe, you anding. WB d t'hueas t u the b sp~tU hbon about 52. lasuiuu' sdtis= e lia à tusveaIliiib.Damtmini à miof a poli.,. IbsI b. sd his. cloimamm e, "1 iit puer tolua ai Ollaus. The pmaPl Id Osmatease tes lo0a9te thoi.Quam. ith g i " the la b. sad hu liIWabs Whm jins e Ce the to5nm thâtOb@ W te J& 1» N 11w001"1 My of auSe. Hugha IL?., lae Ie'oth YVim% usi Posihi le Isu* *Ispu*la the lb.cabbie.voa Mumm 1thm ne bom sm, 0M ls fouet e boa suW d .111 do hls tutf Y cu l 1 CULIzalIAN of lIs il bflu ubis it 10 dm malif l machinse a a "vicla eb .ne boa ,f M e Mdsa tebi. alle a. 5mis ma te a-e u 0 téMWlli nvb"s »COURTRYGNTEA to eaa and loguiltnelaon aleS1s- Ur h, lem of appe-t luprofonf teirduperlo xc «c, l- -a" ben rIfl Ly mud, lai tey un u and better fit and wa.rranted as

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