Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 27 Sep 1895, p. 8

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I evef W~ ~Wng its nota UDT istofn oecihal Hw ut^MYPL 9-duo* tanna"h~e MAEBZ*Gm LaIOENSU8 T. EALL LMDAY, - RAT'REDUCTION 1IN Them ba.of m7hlok to b. aol t th fll0io«»mua4uoeS ..:- m'S0 t............ osu 110 00 fr...... 9000for ........... 85 M .lâMmfo..... 1500 SQ QGL>r.............. -y.loi u tsâ.lh.mm. uh bms i»uiDS tuhim - -: sE-.-. 8W to a"tbab ie. m Th"~ mu deu s1 t.r P«WL ouUIk inf l.c~ arn « aseImm lm7u Mblige go te mmb. là' t a. 4ugtwa'Mr$ B"U uS 'Wb5~ a. 1 t' rm -b 70t e fl é -I WII.« ou .,.b - etr iiig tebsve heiltb sMd à bu~ t ~ ae y$%, gint t o 1 vbe* 'îgy irIrf-' »d-Blow i e - SVO70W 7 U~OiOuNe U5KB mciet. Tbul a tir 51 -w o vos. t.io udJoi i. msst 1 sa ra the WOWbave apôhéa Our oe 1 bayboom& IWO yeet ~ ~ bl5 amongw1IwI' ou .le Th e 0 te Dotâte *0 lu a0*0bUca tbde!IJ laSiPM mine svi vil be l. the laorai "dfflet ad&ivslit ts e iiag e mautille c Mo. g n must bave N e W' Buwne 49 *6 .? L %w m u a ao b"t M e ti e . B o y m falloir 4tilile Vu.%tlu on eite 6Orasteotuipotme e ,ury i "as&Toru i tbmt la It u aber vers tour là MW grn.s êtacf 30.50a-mo et b llr 'postu , o IM b" èh u j ~ em a e ur m in go f aîthest i. iow t mota& tben 1orftle1SWbo la potato sono e e. v -à lan 09 ait. qyuWbIll lu>&»eyor 4dodamtrow malle your vbr w»hm ba be t aM essiet te je »woel vbM e tWuukfa *iowtwswhGodQ JdeL & m bil weou a vheelby Its fath. It sj@renied amter "tml-wihGo uWeL MmTh oppoletm of tUe bibi meat Min%, If yoFM u bav% logis o« tWer alée. but theY "ea.yu~ baWt»Yfatsm Mme- Sm l, "NO. air. I am BotRO» G SQ UTlaFOR M N - ther b&vsa.t Up enov. ilae Iamn nOt B pOto ,thuSt. _______a W ctm ea o OUNG MIEN, SUTs.<. fIth ea WOdtbgUift0WOîîLITMR E PaC SUITS FOR The ouine b bCpt10 a do to C TW P lue W 8FO borm ý 4 therateet. bout1».00 u«y and Insivet»ttFadopted trOl W ,Pu.1 UT O ,1 no"l ayjar. Tbe annual consuus - booomlaeg a natioala MfltY.- h o-, cett tltftSia &total Of 571.00. ode& ,openng tId.vLSlue111, "I Ime 'bo <BO Sn00 DAmT -*.. @bwtbuI*4etsotdiuthe veutel a uttioe aaagflet of a, W W *ow it motis heoIoi&Rmmaalesthor amd tmue P&Pr. I Cali t the fe aumn«ermVl7 muiMoment Of o esiepv1er. it 1%la, au - the Wb@h popula tien. nuUbrRg OnIY vtymueli mot. Ornametal han. W us eI . ho ba» husbiinds, Young Men Wul 5.811, oevery tIle morethan the' fo- t la ît U It Avelvm "Mg rol.lits. vho:anr rekoed et nvate et a Immhi 1001piedot e', 1&M,0 The Rucm nelement consiste, neved once a st K iiilsau a r. T or oures, aimet aptlrely of thé bu- a &total expone f-" I- VBaucUBOI' ai petty odiUaa. Tb* War- - '. 4 vt w M.' UBW~atimuinumbos m37M83 OPS t --t a total eMpe1iWIas&bout tO varue arm.There, are 3W.M? (>th- alS Wud 116,M300 lan sd It la amonif411 don't care vbat ti» eXP5flflI& population la ment marsi. ."-Toa îon't, heyr t te ourlonls tefindinlututu connus "Ne. i vouldWt bavea Sr05W 105et'f The Won)lw fI C..pm ouie. goturn that among the Pol»an sd Ru- tucua t. MMs Ppulation *et, Warmavthero are *.rou ~woudii 'r« udone't earé e the heroilary nobllty sud S1.1the pto e CMsa" lb. prie ru»s UP "pesonal noble.." The latter ane thomo to 110 & bugbic leatbe t' sort et a pr»là lie duRferont crownvn ain ouamlait? To're vling LoGU~ buithotbm Aithin smre degres of Dn o go ei sud lume lie out ftw t» ~ MbrielMawBd .U billtyduring, their liteUisa. The ti- npudtrenty-Iv effme fr a. nl. Ul.i a lecV & tie ut 4prince" 1lafnot udn lu S ISInvention youd mecla b. vholo coutrl ew1memi4yfrohcU g e~ .~mss or at leasate mnet oMcbioIa aknowl- Stavouli 70e«? A 'h1MIS. ver, p LoU thyusy udui.SO MWtî&i* tiiêof "cta»V1la ub- vi» Stand ught up la hc ee t» Of t .We- atitutci f or il.Au a matter of tact the Md *tuu sa ka:t ca't lm Pou"h princes ane au numerous e. the reabhel by fgre- a l8. gW, tt~ .~ u Eunlan, am a maturai reuit t thée ould bave oenuiffte ucieetdo-N. ~ iiij WR~~s. 01 electIve mommand su i nuamerablO ie h&dc ~tc chance.Thiatsail. mr *~OI5 noble creatioas. Among the RUIMml" epu h oprlbefl polo viirI :L ~ Mna.. U17 prncely ±îimieU perbape that of Go- bsk lu bus vaihe abt llth ii ~ lit" u klabthemont »lMoenau. There a boud eana" uwv»is ai b rI t. fer--M 1 M à.s are now living. t ls aid, nerIy 1,00MM satroisaayObaiTrbneM ~1.1i- Princes and Princesses GoUan.-Lon- fa 0.. . S.1 en __________PATIENTS rlzralL TO DmuTif 45--* At Oxford la quite renSt times.- thonerle]- C stte wa otemanter 'Of aslee & OISM ......1 Wbose admiration for arlstocracy soino- U% ti-led. bla te triiokle te the great P«Ogmdcmt 1111tw aLsrwr uans 0 lb.esrtb. M14 The don bai three bandSome daugh- Chulamen areraveltitoumWuinely S tes, ani ý h o fhslite, whe enOt 0sW4oamie iboy le rv . ij?<cr eieW ~eb.-..-...... m,014 and h Ibemet fhis beart Ibat t te, . old viSitea in Ight. ou »CS ieIct gsr.s.n em....mof.i shoùlem eake aris.ocratic marriges. mente n 0 sOS ie&" IAS -oi m ir.~~. 0 a Thc dauhters, vers n full sympahy mm 10 aica .sro USR 11 . rt horasp g e ieshtS8*. ot mtfI" W.s1ê with their father on this point. nd i te 6esu1% Maned t i. fb. meue,7 d.icMate s y o w .»It etwffl- -- : : z :: W . we Ain n~> daner of loving a>'body det Odeit t len'thie ftaid bus Ce , s ~31 who as nt lu eVory snne ellgible. frienle ar.e r lsUttly tôo 0k ce 1 _ ~ oea.....s .-.-I011 ÂAmong the uudergraduateswvas su him vitb uaploienas havAntome maiel ci5C1 am___ - M,. e s10 ndiair prince, a very important per- thc SOMs iy ifls r5.VO7. 9ie O: 00. ~ iC s-.- . o.sm ocage Aan its ovu country, sud nt ot dnli"~tàoSi "» the Ne* Tom un @S I .S-....".*leî018u 1>7 any ecans an' obscure otune ltIiff. vouli b.bavaa5AUd5 ph&*a UN7 ny D0.. bU lie was rici, and evrybody 1mev viat but MaS amattar *t rU bihil Ye ANWi1U5Gam$LATIS. *veryb@dy l a: S C588 1k. tuis neyer sme ChtS olise, vi eS mudom-~ A...-s-nbem falsle. okno. The Oxford on thougbt htte to ie h liea«Mefor goodl o? nriatC Muw tcD7.,3 1 t vasbis duty le Inviteé ptely AQW IR b.youd mabaa sala. the t.Nye ou. s ...s....-...--i01 U M undeovuduate teo muer, and hie toit lb. patieIt Whst blé mesd3S Alrih: day o wo ehttohts1-n .--...-.05.£3 Iaugbtrs, 'ta» wlUug tht thee areMevill usa an d albut 1ethatonmsolesz-cvery oe awho le suifeig~110 ~aahterin o, l duswly, vitht h Chaman Ouliee o rfi5O.from any indisposition thattkmsft' MM .. U rahraoldd i utare If thnomi a la floudoco a net trate him.. -à nthe case Of a pet u= e-Z."~111 Thepusce as aviedsudaocpte blnIf hepaient. gels eii o iotor, ridden for moiashs.ith diseuse.of tle iC.-.s...s.sn*-* lis. bospifflty oiLered hilà. Eer o kes groat oueSt.Boit iOuli ny b1 tcodition you n aveO a thia w« doue toe m.ke hlm veboomo. 'peeUllr sUP SIit i vares thi co dio n u rewh back-1 us The YOung Ridîs on ove - occaa'n'1 melves, tli e u ptk i ba lu tu an uà- "Ye, ;ith'o& ot e d bt fu ith §§PLTSM bebaved as youw ladies should behave, planant PoattIOSfor b.s. a111 et-'8thCWih o5c sia r te che tddY~u..s a iUoprince mae no secret of bis lyI b Wtlt% WfA -.; 9p» mtctsde nui iko htncsiyý ...s .- s u 11 admiration ot lhem lua aPrinoely sort stel omsn uemg , v t a ckorrubbligue1uth l <an a plinment el17L... ,,.. S 1 DL way. by a pbymoa emib. els he acOflbl for rtelnta?. 1Unmss làe W1.S~ t'bai",, l# MèrMysel a a one mouing th. prince, Véry Caro- ohile Maid il tâc.ta t t as oelto s o begt-fre PU...O1. Stally tressai, auked for anu iteriW- ew u êasa' gvai tTuetaatvsmsle afrhe focke uui .....ss .1k ieio.AL0rUe ou v' f uuSi ausreatvelmsb t0'"te nremycondition. 10ba *a ..s.. *~' s V-the don.b.ba1t h eou lm* rt» mIaabatra IishlTs e-had becorne a pain in tle bock andideti ~::'r .5s 5tlet O 5eOdluepwmsn a vgi mu ltc~ vilev in treub a-wak mm ied feeling. hgh-clored fa la,... sse1 hdd o a WMilMs vi.urin w ti tuctions and sop... ttls uceddi xrs daugbtrÀ& s be . hTic Mibtlc oc fi5 pin uth«.bladder, palpittion oIfWas.-eu SO l ~ to m w u a oMu" àa t tu a ina b on s . o n, g . : n 49 M&M tslhe d cal hro a br1 tepine O icke - 0 o j j f fe t < Cite, idige i Md he princU e the lotueigeC eth% , w th ntir I& k 0 Tb* do thna ture let toSime fa«-lt>r..t « ew. the dIèsgna.s...m sa * 0 ~ rc- *" 8, fns1ithtee mute1 ""-La-.M VÀMMM te nr 15 lie day hotrtpr,<Ja Il 15b09 i r mm w»s*Kt It sv e d auedear *e Ms ua, bt ete rite. ,d1 t utà**0 UtO CWSKi 1 Ob SeI& c et auime oslcs MD* alle au "ti0gd » tu1b .'» An 4'; a mOt* P r n c t4 o e - u e - e b .f ~I .Wedova isz.lougiv.u t. =0 su OURA BOD!ES WEAR OUT TOQ QUIOKLYP A&IU~ CN ~UNraIID £ i T FR owog*, the.omi au est o tobg h- a Mr b<>w ma SIoklug -sud faded yuroutfit mg sbout the bueh, et b ave, Xew Bohool Suits. pnrohmmoebom U a#at*ve stook, whicà at. BiyIest Rock Bottom Pries., P O VI8 ..s............3. 25 $35 io waaL wirnov hers mWho have boys, Lindmmnd Peterboro. RANNWEY -4 INNES, lr m oMntIaraoAU 0"e. L" m ei l MD SA Ym t 4P o,. mrnu.. m-I. v.v~ Q Iýý -p - Q. *90V~ unos Luniber Yard. Namn'actuWUm d wbolmeIand, retail deas.rIà Joista £&EBill uff Drosped a Undroa;edtL-umber., Shinglil lst a rd & Soft Wood. mglm* Kept Goms tantlY la sO&k Haigpuiohsaed the B.tbcayàecfl ROUO MlI, vo ame prepared to uruieh bW lsmlly Flour md Feed in la g. or ami quanti tie, dlivrtd sny,, bere in toli. HoasSDg Lot for S9lI& c1l tovWa. 1# Exes feet tact' en <ne w.l, mId te b. lb. beet watt r in Lindb.a-~ vell drdaed lai Vib. @,!d <,-sp frc>h ttee 1'muim SIA T apito the I,y M presoleu MR9 1) 0 . IV& Llmday. Jun»13M. 181095 A &Massd ]Lot l1 Este nomu'If Ouen' tosle Ibitt brick boUU-e 113 Ke c uls west. boloJr Otes bai M bath. aifurmfrbee wtth % ruo rveo Ibe 'et conttalune qua. -T. r..* kar appw y la Ie ur en 1hej P O-iATKISS0N T1HE. RATH-BUN 00o i 1,- ý"CR OWN JEWVVLOI In o a reihocfthadet" riSt&r" rr Y Portla.nd Ceni6fli AND 'WATER.L IM ci o aiilflllOft of two nd hole neo Esibm nCo. aeprePBN< tOqo ucek boihau priacufou abOVO 04 - hfrn rmle R p . jut a supply of pastry Flou' 1 itxtrzuth W -

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